It i U XJNBAY CITIZEN r T THE WEATHER RAIN. ASI1EVILLE, X. C SUNDAY MOHNINO. MAKCll 1, 11)11 PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXVH.. XO. 149 BUSINESS MEN WILL Its Keeping Us Guessing. F CLOSE STORES ON WEI MAY BEGALLED TQ ELECTION MORNING LONE STAR STATE FACE INI 411 GES UNCLESAM SARfi Y BOSS COX 0 010 mmt ISITI0I1 Most of Them Will Vote for Com Leader Under indictment for Perjury Has Rough Road in Front of Him SAID TO HAVE BEEN IN ON GRAFTING DEAL Adjournment of Court. How ever. May Give Boss Time to Get House In Order CINCINNATI. O.. Mar. 1. That Geo. B. Cox. political leader under indictment for perjury, may be the next person to face a Jury in the criminal court here a a result of the investigation of the public affair wa t.vk Th men responsl- ,bh for the moral crusade are how- cr. Inclined to doubt that me case will-he reached during thle term ot court, which nda April 1. Thla probability ahown In Judge Qor Buui'e court today on plea In abate ment of Indictment against August J. and Corad J.' Henkel. contractor . ....... -UK tmin rltV offtclala wno iogei - - "'. accused of permitting Inferior I" material to ne ueea on i." - I VJ Their attorney pointed out that a civil ault la pending to declare Invalid the contract until the worn in mo tion ha been done. "My client ataltd to loae 17M0 If thla civil ult wrceed. If the contract Is held valid they run no risk oi I olng to the penitentiary as the result ot trial In thl court."- ' ' . ' jadge Gorman suggested tnat a . , .u. ri.uw nf the criminal trial might properly be Med, pending an adjustment 01 m .-- , w- itenenda largely upon tbV ruling which presldinr Judga Charles j m " " of cemmon plea la to give Monday regarding the afnd.vit -atPm filed agfalnat Judge by Cox. Experts ara kxaminlnt tha book of II brwrla doing business Ifr: tha county and there waa Intimation to day that civil suits may be (lied in an effort to regain for the county back taae. e.tlmated at 1100,000, which at said to have been lost through Hlersl refunds such as wore exposed by the trial of Jacob Ba: rhn this week , PRESIDEMT TUFT STARTS TO TIE CAPITOL T Takes His Last Stroll Over the Links of the Au gusta Golf Club HE HAD A GOOD TIME AUOUBTA, Ga., March . Presi dent Tft' spring vacation ended to dav. Tomorrow afternoon he start back for Washington, and l due to reach the white house shortly after nine o'clock Monday morning. The president left the Country club golf links with something of a sigh today sfter he had completed his usual rounda of golf during his elghteen hole course. He has had suven morn r rif dui-lns- his eight days' tay, and has enjoyed every mlmite of ithe tlm. m Taft' nullnr In Auausta ha J him rnt flASl of ROod. for ho in thoroughly tired out when he left Washington. He hns rested as free from official care as possible, and has been highly pleased with the In formality of his visit. It was stated here tonight that Pres. ldent Taft will ask Dr. A. U Lowell, president of Harvard university, to become th third member of the com mission to Inquire Into the subject of second class postal rates with special reference to magsslnes. . Justice Chas. K. Hughes Is to be chairman of the commission, and iwrenc Maxwell, of Cincinnati, is the other member slready appointed. Mr. Maxwell was solicitor general un der President Clevelend from 184 to 1U5. ROCKEFELLER HELPS RALEIGH RAtfilOH. N. C. Mar. U.-It was announced today that Jno. D. Rockp--futler haa riven 120.000 towards the erection of a T. M. C. A. building at th Agricultural and Mechanical col lege here, provided the students would raise 110,000. The sum of 17,00(1 has already been raised, leaving a balance ef 113,000. ARRESTED FOR MCRDER . BRISTOL. Tenn., Mar.. H.-Mor-gan Mullins. a J us tic of the peace In Dickinson ' county.' Virginia, ha been arrested charged with ths mur der ot Arch W. Howell, who head In body was found In the wood of Dtekiaaoaj county near Mulling horn cnUr mission Government. Looks Like Sweeping Victory Tuesday for Commission, The election to be held" In Ashevllle next Tuesday to decide whether or not the city will adopt tha commis sion form of government, which Is sweeping like a tidal wave across the country, promises to be tha most In teresting one ever held in Ashevllle, In that business men will close their places of business until twelve o'clock and go to the polls with profeslsonal men and 'politicians, of all parties, laying aside all affiliation and vote for that which Is deehied best for the future growth and prosperity of Ashe vllle. Never before has so much Interest been manifested In a question whloh has no political aspect. The leading politicians of the democratic and re publican parties have declared that It was hot born In politic, and have united for Its adoption by the city. The election Is the leading topic of conversation on the streets for the laat few days. As In' all questions, there are some who oppose a new form of govern ment on the ground that the present government Is a "heritage from an tlqulty." and that the city ha pro gressed under Ita administration and principles for thess many years. The commission advocates sound ths note of progress and contend it Is time to lay aside old form and adopt that which Is progressive, . To Closn Storm. Many business houses of the city have signed a petition to close their places of business on Tueday until noon in order that business men and employee may go to the polls and work for the Interest of that which vitally affects th city. Representa tive of all classes of voters look upon It as a non-partisan move, and one in which politic has to take Its stand In the background. Prominent lead ers of both political parUes have met together and discussed the principle of the proposed form of government with the same point of view. The advocate of the new form of government feel eonDdynt of an over, whelming victory on next Tuesday, mm predicting .victory by more than a two to ona majority, 'v r Judge 3. C: Prltchird. a strong ad vocate of "the commission form of government, while talking with a Cltl sen representative yesterday expressed the sentiment of host of people In Ashevllle. "It will be one of the hap piest day in my life." he said, "when I can go to the polls and vote on a GOVERNMENT SEEKS TO CLINCH ITS USE AGAINST TIE COCACOU PEOPLE Experts on the Stand Still Declare That Drink Con tains Harmful Drug "DOPE" IS IN DANGER CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., March l. But on witness was put on the stand today In the hearing In the esse of the United States against the coca cola people in the federal court In this city, Dr, Maurice Tyrotid, of Harvard. DA Tyroud testified to th effect that coca-cola contained caf feine and that caffeine Is a dangerous drug. All the witnesses during the week testified that coffee and tea contained a certain amount caffeine, but all have Insisted that the effect is not ss harm ful In coffee as In coca-cola on ac count of th-natural oils In coffee which offset the effect of the drug. However, the attorneys for the coca cola people have insisted on all the experts saying Just what effect caf feine In coffee has on the human sys tem, what amount of the so-called drug Is contained In a atlpulated amount of coffee and the possible danger. This Is taken to Indicate that the case will not stop with the coca rola matter If thla drink should be eliminated ss a result of the present hearing. It is probsble that Dr. Wiley, chief of the bureau of foods and drugs, of the egrlcultural department. Wash ington, will be among the first wlt neenes to be heard during the early portion of the week. IiKXIEfl INFIDELITY ' BALTIMORE, Mar. Mrs Emi- lie Askew Emerson ,ln answer to the petition for absolute divorce by her husband, Captain Isaac T. Emerson, the millionaire drug manufacturer brands a deliberate falsehood the charge that she had been an unfaith ful wife. The answer was filed In th circuit court today and reveals, the grounds on which Captain Emerson Instituted proceedings on January 11 lat Attorney for Mr. Emerson will not discus th probability ot a cro bill but ther I a report that a com promise may he reached if Captain Emerson should sgre to financial ettlsment. ' .. question in whk:h 1 will not be ham pered and called tt itor to the paty." He declared that It Is not a question of politics, and, said that in the event th new form of govern ment I adopted, It would afford him great pleasure to vote for the beat men for office regardless of political affiliations. Expncta Great Vlotofy. On of the 'leading democrat of the city declared last njght that he would not be surprised to see Ashe vllle adopt th commission form of government by ven a four to on majority. "This 1 ho political ques tion," he said, "and I bellev in th goodi sense and Judgment of our busi ness men whos names ar signed to this list of houses closing on Tuesday. With about three exceptions, every on of these firm will vota for com mission government Ther are oth er business house, too, whos name at not on this list which will clos on election day nd work for a mod ern system of government. Wa could not see Hie buslnes men today, hence th omiialon of om of them. It K th greatest opportunity for advance ment that Aahavlll ver had. and when you te th business men and laboring interest standing hand . In hand, you know something has to drop." Th petition which has been signed by the banks and business houses, clearly expressing th sentiment of th buslnesa element of the city .follows with th name of those signing It: "We, th undersigned bank and business house, believing . that th election, to be held on next Tuedy Is of vital Intereet to every clttaen of Ashevllle, agree to close our placrs of buslnes on that day until 1 o'clock m. In order that every voter connect ed with thas Mtabllahment may th opportunity to devot their tlm to this Important quetlom i Battery Park . ' trnriuvri twin TmM Co. , . America WaUrmal Bank, - , ' CHftnaV "Batik. . -r-s-,-e, A fltiHnn Holt, If, H erf wood Co. . c, Jtawye. vx Brown-Mlllcr Mine Co. Sumner, Dons A fo. H. Taylor Hogcr. Brown, Ttorllutip Co, W, H. Slioffner. MjrunjixAjnxrurtinri'ijiirir - - - (Cont.Hinrtl on Pag Fnr.) EXPRESS ORIVERS NOW ON II STRIKE ISTflGHT OOTBATTLEWiriOOTlID Head .of the Teamsters De clares That the Strike Shall Not be General PLAIN LANGUAGE NRW YORK. Mar. !. The five thousand striking drivers of the Ad ams, Wells Fargo and United States Express company will have to fight their battle alone without the halt ing of "everything on wheels" accord ing to announcements made here this afternoon by labor leaders. The change of front since last night fol lowed the receipt of a telegram today from Daniel J. Tobln, of Indianapolis, president of the International Broth erhood of Teamsters. Mr. Tobln said that there would be no general strike, and Instructed Wm. H. Ashton, the general organizer to declare against such a move. Ashton. who was quoted lsnt night ss threatening to call a general strike throughout the Metropolitan district, declared today "that porslstent ru mors of a general strike of Jea rosters are both preposterous and absurd. He added that neither Hamuel Oompers nor Mr. Tobln has any Idea of comlnf to take charge of the situation. CLKVELA.VI MIOHIAL PRINCETON. N. J.. Mar. 1 . It waa announced otday by the commit tee In Charge that the remainder of flee In charge that the remalnedr of tha 1100.000 for the urover Cleveland memorial tower had been raised. To day marked the seventy-fourth anni versary of th birth of Mr. Cleveland shd It had been set a th time limit for subscribing to the fund. Th tow er, which is to be erected at the southeast corner of the sraduale school of Princeton university will rise Itft feet above the plain on which the battle of Princeton was fought. "BKVKXOO" noHTKItH Aft KKWrF.I BRISTOL. Tenn.. Mar. Mattio and Nannie Tarkitt, gd Jf and tt. the girl who joined their mother In a battle with revenue officer at Long Pork, eastern Kentucky last Wednes day In which on man wa killed and on wounded have been arrested and Will b given a hearing at Plkvill next Monday v Weather- Is i. romlltlon of the atmosphere which I ex tremely ttbnoxtou to innst people most f th time It Is dot known who invented weather, but Its use probably date back to ancient time. Weather Is supposed to be regulated by th Weather bureau, but of late the Uureau has fallen down miserably so hp 'the; weather,:,'.'... Weather I nice when mn can wear a brand 'new tilt without freeslng In th sijrlng or "burning up In Octo ber, , It is unsaf venture out these dny ulthout your over coat, umbrella, straw hat, muffler and ear tah. .a th weather la llahl to change without a moment's notice. , ,f. tn4w1a,h," doesn't settle down prtty soon and quit nL !. ! .wl?Kr Vn1t1n fln f"" hiean hearted per on Is going to kick th pent off the weather mart. SAYS LIMANTOUR IS THE BEARER OF PEACE PROPOSALS FROM Manue) E$teva, Mexican Comui. Lets Out Some Important Newt Although He Did KEW YORK, March 18. Th Me lean vie consul, her. Manuel A, Etv mad a long statement to th pre today In which he unexpectedly confirm th understanding that tie nor Llmantour. tha Mexican minister of finance, s the bearer of Important proposal from th insurrecto to the administration, "J?rmlt m to y,? he urge, "that It seems to me a great mistake for th newspaper to print from dav to day rumor from th Texa border- a 14 whether Mr, HmsnMtr wilt be PtrttilUed te Mik. the Journey safely cross Mexico. He ( returning to Mexico with important plan with r spnet to reform and the genera) Im provemetit of th vountry." Thl fact th vlra consul argue, "should be regarded a of the great est importance"; but th publication of rumor that lftstirrctn may hum bridge ahead of Hcnor Llmantour train, he believes, "might Incite Indi vidual who had not thought of such a thing to Interfere with his prompt return." A a matter of fact. It Is known that members of the Madern family hav advised Francisco 1. Ma dero, provisional Insurrectn presi dent, not to block Renor Umanlour' Journey. "Not ncliels." Heretofore all the government pro hunelfimento have referred to the Insurrectos "dleturuers or the peac.'' om time as "narhlsts." or more slightingly a merely "disor derly persons." . The Mexican vice consul today takes a different lone. He argue against the publication nf sensational articles, both In the new, paper and the mussslne. and then In analysing their effect, he explain: "In th first place, the Mexicans engaged n the Insurrection are most ly above the peon class men who can read and write with no difficulty whataoever. Thev have not only been able to read themselves, but have giv SEARCHED THE PARK POND FOR DOROTHY: NO RESULT No Clue Tet Obtained to Solve Mystery of Young Heiress' Disappearance NEW YORK. Mar. IS. -The waters of Central park's lakes failed to give up th body of liormhy Arnold, the missing heiress, wh'n searchers pull ed their grappling hooks from the last of the three bus ponds tonight. The result of tin- search disappointed thousands who llr-'i the shore. Tlm busies snd crannies of the park had been previously inspected and no, fur ther search will be mode. The failure to find -Mis Arnold's body apparently dlnproves the theory of her father, Krsiids R. Arnold, that xhs had met foul liny while on her way home throuy'! tbe perk and her body thrown Into a lake, bin liwyi-n declare. There Is no further clue, theyiy. GHOWER& WASHINGTON', March !. For east: North Carolina L'naettled. with probably rain Sunday; Monday unset tled; light toioderat variable wind, mostly sou lb j Not Intend To Do So. He Criticiiei Some of American ' Newspapers for Printing the News. en the substance of their Content to tha Ignorant." WHI.RF, IS IJMAKTbCRf LAHKDO, Tex.t Mr. II. Th near est approact) to assurance that Urn anion t w aboard came front th train's new agent, H Jd that th minister had requested him Id procure Mpanbm paper for him when h reached th border. Th train to which waa Attached th private, In which It la believed war Henoy Urn antnur, Deport Llmantour and party stopped her twenty minute, pre ceedint cow th IMo .Grand, whr it took n hour for custom inspection by Mexican authorities. , When th train arrived hr many person be sieged th Hidalgo seeking an aildi enc with Senor Umantour, Three member of tha Madero family cam from Monterey especially td attempt to e th minister. They were dis appointed a well th other. What is regarded her a signifi cant proof for the belief that (tenor Umaittour was aboard th .train Is the faot that private car No. ,804 ot the National de Mealco wa attached to the (rain In Ran Antonio and thl car was occupied by C. R, Hudson, vice-president of that railroad. It I slated that Mr, Hudson's preaenc may be accepted by the statement that he Is to escort Senor Umantour to Mexico, risdng special stress on ths word "If" Mr. Hudson said:' If Mr. Llman tour I on board the car Hidalgo, I havg nut sen him." lmriK iik ik LAREDO, Texas, Mar. l.jBe Yves Llmantour, financier,' diplomat enroute to Mexico City, where he may be a prominent factor in bringing Umantour. his wife, sori and a prl vate secretary, composed tha aprtv which left Han Antonio thl morning In the private car Hidalgo. Immedl lelyprereedlny the Hidalgo m the FIVE THOUSAND MINERS mnEBLEDJOOMr WORK Strike Order Issued by President Lewis Meets With Usual Response RHIIKJKI'ORT. Ohio., March Is. Nearly 6, 000 -",tt miners In Eastern nhlo were ordered to lay down their tools at four o'clock this sfternoon In conformity with tlm trlke ordered by Precl.lent T. L. Iwls, of th Colled Mine Workers of Amerlc. Th mines affected ere owned by the Tloiighlo itheriy A Ohio Coal company,' the Jiuljerts Kommers f'nsl company and the Mullen Interests. The strlk Is railed In sympathy with one fhst hss been on in th Tuscarroras district In Ohio since April of 110. ft Is said the Tuacarrors agreed with i men to pay them according to the C'lncln nntl agreement and Inter repudiated their agreement. Il.tnUOX fcLKCTKO NEW YORK, Mar. li. Judson Harmon, symejior of Ohio, who was rnitea Htsf attorney general in the administration of Orover Cleveland, was elected chairman of th Cleveland administration association at a meet ing held In New Tork today. None of Cleveland' old cabinet members were present hut many of them enl greet-' Ing snd eulogies of the former pre ldent. ' i David Robinson, who was In charge of th custom at Savannah, O., un der Cleveland, was elected secretary of the aoclatlon and ha invited nil person who er office holder under Cleveland, or were In any way Iden tified with him In private or public Ufa to Join th orfnlMtlva 1NSURRECTOS train wa th prlvai rar of Vic. President C. tt. Hudson, of th. Na tional line ot Mexico and th m order was observed on th Mexican side of th Rio Orands. During th Journey from Ran Antonio, Senor Umantour refused to- e anybody. ' Leonardo Agultar, 3. Madsro Abul ias and 3. annul Trevelo, member ef th Madero family ot Monterey, cam in i thl morning to Interview Renor Umantour. . They wers unsuc cessful, hut got promise of an a Ounce as soon kl th train reached Mexican soil. . ; ' Trr only visitor received by 8nor 'Llmnnttntr nrl Ilia United Mure aid wr Mealcan consul Miguel JS, Pie- bold and eotlsotftr ot custom Ja. X Haynea, whil th audience granted en th MslM Jd of th rtvf wa eonflnsd to fw of th nrmy, fed eral and municipal Officials, To Associated Pre represenl tlv Mlnlitr i umantour ton said that hi father - waa determined to alv out no statement until h reach ed Mexican territory and perhaps hi Hence would not be broken before h reached Milco City. Shortly oftsr p. m, th train departed for Neuvo LgrsdO for th South. -TO ntVB HIM WKIiCOME, MEXICO CITT, March 1I.A pec tacular weluome i to b accorded Mexico' finance minister, Jo Tves Llmantour. upon hi arrival lomor row. It will not b confined to of flclaldnm. but will be shared In by nearly every class of toclety In th calptal. Beside th official reception, which will be in keeping with th high of fice of Mr, Llmantour. ther will b present t th railway station delega tlon of bankers, lawysrs, students, employe of th railway and com merdal houses, of workltigmsn's or ganlsstlon nd of the press. BRIBE OF THREE WEEKS ATTEMPTS HER OWN LIFE Love for Her Recreant Hus band Leads Her to Seek Surcease of Sorrow GREENSBORO, Marci ll.MN, Palrly H. Royster, a bride of three weeks, attempted to kill herself by sending a bullet Into her breast this afternoon at the Guilford hotel. She Is now In hs hospital where It thought she hss a slight etisnce for recovery. To 'those who rushed her aid she declared that ahe shot herself for lov of her husband wh left her two weeks ago. The single revolver shot resound ed through ths lobby which was w filled st the noon hour and conster nation prevailed 'for severs! minute th now spread to th streets and rapidly over tha city. Tranel (ng men who were nearby wer th first to arrive and extinguished th flames that were burning th wo man' clothes, dus to th proximity sf ths deadly weapen, An ambulance was called and Mrs. Royster - was taken to the hospital, where physicians are probing tpt the bullet. Mrs. Royster' home wa In Burl Ington and sh was about 1 years of age. She was married In Dur ham three week gi to fairly H Royster of thl city. - r.t vnnAT ARRIVFJI . Rlt IV! rRI'7, Mex ' Mar. 11 Tha American gunboat Princeton ar rivA at this sort from Corlnta today. Captain Haye was in eommand. The stop her wa for th purpo of de livering and receiving mail. The gun boat Will sail tomorrow for Sao IHeco to Join th Facifle riaim. Arrival of 3.000 Soldiers At Galveston Completes Move ment of U.S. Troops BOYS GIVEN LONG HIKE AFTER GETTING ASHORE toy Will Now Settle Down to to tho Daily Routine of Regular C$mp Life GALVE8TQJC, Tm March With th .rrivl today t rrt crock it of approximately l,e o)dlr from eossl artillery posts along th Atlantic seaboard, th army's mov. ment of troop to Texai aparently hat been completed, , , Th men who reached, her tod- . on th transports Sumner, McClellan nd Kllpatrick, . fjr . ,. ilght day voyag from Hampton Road. wr " keenly disappointed when ' they learned that n nlr of mystery nv.' opd th o-olld maneuver,, They cam tpscllnit thlr slay her to b ot short duration, -, A thre and hlf mil hlk to . lh camp from th whrf wher iher landed gave th men th first ar. els they had had sine they look hip. They wer erownVd in - th transport Ilk sardine, 1,101) on th Kilpatrlck. 1,100 nn th Sumner snd 800 m th McClellan. To add to thelf discomfort there wa only deck toom for oniy j oo at a time, Th transports brought thirty day' ration for lo,o men, and hav a million round of ammunition, Eaoh man aboard ship wa provided lth two pair ot strong rut shoe sfler they lert Hampton Rosd. tndlcattn -thst'aoms hard flld tervlc It tx. pected ef them. Mill In Comnirtnit. Tha hrlgad. to be cnnmiSttdel t- Prig, a en, A. L, Mills, is now mm, phM. th troop who srrued to.iir fnrwins1 th two 'oilier t 1 ri rt,,uieii((. - fine 8lnie'.f li it msnd nf Lieut, - Col, C. V. 'i snd th other In clmreo nf t oh John B. White, Work f drilling th men In company, battalion and rem mental formation will begin at one. In th meahtlm th hrlgad Will b hsldi In readiness to mv out at A moment's notlr. Prl. Oen. CHrllng. ton. Inspector general of tha army, arrived her today from Ran Antonio, and will spend several day tn tha ramp Inspecting th regiments, H waa accompanied by Ma J.- Herwarth von Rlttsnfeld, mllltsry attach nf th German embassy in Washington, who hss been Invltsd to observ th m neuvers. Oalveston I overrun with toldler and aallor tonight fifteen men front each eompkny at tha cam Wer given' liberty today nd large liberty ' partle war put ashore - from th rout cruiser Salem and th gunboat Tscoma. A provost guar la assist Ing th police In preserving order. ' H.C. PRESS COMMITTEE TO MEET AT SAUSEU3Y )kallliin ft- t ' Will Name Date and Select Place for the Next An nual Meeting of Editors CHAHLOTf B, K C, Mareh II. Tha executive committee of h North ' Carolina Pre sssoclstion hs been called to meet at Salisbury, N. CH best Friday to fl th data and elect th place for th annual meeting of th North Carolina editors, and incident ally arrange th program for th meeting. A usual a number of cit ies and resorts sr making bid for the annual meeting, which I alway a feature of atauwld Interest. Th assoclstlon mat last year at Wrights vllle Reach, and this year Morehead City la making a strong pull for It ; JOHN H. HAMMOND MADE DEFENDANT WASHINGTON, March ll.Johs Hay Hammond, special ambassador of the Vnlted State to th corona tion of King Oeorg of England, and a wealthy mln expert, wa mad co defendant with his son and five other In a suit for 11.10,000 damage filed by Daniel J. Sully, of New Tork. I th Suprem court of tha IMstrict of ; Columbia, today. .'amd defend ant r: f. J. Hsrrl Hammond, Frank 8. Bright, Dolph fl, Atherton, John F, MMler. Wm. W. Raid win and O. Scott Tm. gletsh, 1 ' - A IKES, S. C, Mar. 1 .-Probabiy for the first time mos the invention of the flylhf machine. H waa P"t In use by a farmer today to vl- t ' plantation. Thl morning si r enger of Aviator coffyn. Hitchcock flew to Cedar t t ionic II miles maklnsr tv:e i minute, After attem " matter he again e"' -and flew back to