: THE ASHBLE ZEN. THE WEATHER: BAIN. Complete Associated Press Eeporti1" ASHEVILLE, N. O, WEDNESDAY QBtflNG, MA HCII 23, 1911 VOL. XXVII- NO. 153 PRICE FIVE CENTS j HEVOLUTIilSTS GREENE GAINS HIS unit EFFORT OF YEABS "As Through A Glass Darkly WILL FIGHT I1KTIL SENATOR OWEN Oil REFORjyiSARE HAD Will Not Lay Down Arms On Personal Guarantee of v Any Individual Man Illinois Legislature Consider ing Initiative and Refer endum Plan Indefinite Cleanliness Was Not Guaranteed by Previous Court Decision For First Time In Twelve YWrs yalks Forth From Prison U- A rreo Alan . - eiTi LEGISLATORS HEAR IMMUFilTYBATHTO MEATPACKERSNOT A PERMANENT ONE REFORM MEASURE lSra .-against ,T ' REPRESENTATION IN GOVERNMENT ASKED Imprisonment and Mysterious Deaths Would Follow Sur render of Arms WASHINGTON, March i2. An nouncing th( thy will not ley down their arms until formal negotiations for peace are under way, the, revolu tionary party of Mexico, through Dr. Vasque Gomez, their, representative In Washington, trailed ft . statement today ' outlining the attitude of the revolutionist toward peace overture and reform in the republic. The statement ay: Mast Have Guarantee. . ; "The revolutionary party, which I constituted of the beet men of the country, cannot accept a a guaran tee only the promise of a government that hag for for . more than thirty years been promising, and ha never fulfilled a single one of its promises. .-t'Th revolutionist think, and with 'reason, that immediately after lay ing down of "their arms, many of the leader would die mysteriously, no re form would be granted end the op pression would be greater, than ever. "For this reason the revolutionist will not accept as a guarantee Mr. 1.1 mantour or any other Individual; be-, causa on man cannot and must not serve a a guarantee for a political party' fighting- for the . liberty of a people, and -much less when such a man ha been, and is, the right hand of the oppressing government. The revolutionists do not desire the com plete elimination of the opposing party, because one knows that It Is necessary to have opposing parties in a naUon in order to maintain party equilibrium and righteous administra tion. Want Representation. . "The revolutionary party must be represented ,in the government at the . tate tittne cojig and In the eab. Inet. lm well known that up to the present pot a single member of the cabinet or a representative of the people has ever made;the leat protest In regard to the greaT political abuse, the unjust Imprisonment, and the numberless political assassinations. "For all these reasons the reovlu tlonlsts will hot lay down their arms until , the me When these rerorms that guarantee the lives of the peo ple, the administration of Justice and political liberty shall be In effect." PRIGTICFiTi 01D SHIP Battleship Texas . Out of Commission was Riddled by Long Distance Shots MORE EXPERIMENTS WASHINGTON. March 22. These re some of the things that Secretary Meyer saw when he boarded the San Marco between volleys yesterday: The dummies representing sailors In fighting tops of the ship unscathed in spite of the great number of vol leys fired st the ship. This was a tribute to the excellence of the gun pointers' work, as they were ordered to Confine their fire to the hull and turrets. A raging fire Inside the ship caused by the explosive uhell which penetrated her sides and made It Im possible for the observers to go below the main deck to ascertain the dam age. A shell, somewhat broken In side the conning tower whose nine Inch steel wall It had pierced on one slo. This was not an explosive shell. A number of holes clear through the hull from one side to the other, the greatest damage being done on the farthest side of the ship.. None of these holes, however, were through the eleven-Inch armor belt. Some animals, however, were unharmed. A Hie interior explosions. Some of the animals, howeevr. were unharmed. A eat walked quietly out of one of the turret, the base of which had been smashed by a twelve-inch shell. The further experiments to be made with the ship will be confined to attacks on the armor belt and and turrets. No efTort will be made to raise the Ban Marco. It would cost several hun dred thousand dollars to float the hlp and jeatore her to her original 'condition, and she is not worth tt. - . PLEADED NOT CniTY NEW ORLEANS. March 21. Gus 3. Teager. Thomas J. Cook. Joseph H. Glorious and Walter W. Ryan, indicted for alleged ballot box stuff ing, pleaded not gultly today when arraigned In the criminal district court. They were released under their original bond. BILL IS AIMED AT SENATOR LORIMER Many Declared he Should Not Speak But Room Was Pack ed to Hear Him SPRINGFIELD, 111., Mar. J 2. De spite assertion of legislators, that ha .should not be allowed to apeak in the lllinoi8statehouse. United State Sen ator Robert I- Owen, of Oklahoma, today delivered a talk on the Initiative nd referendum at a, public meeting of the house Judiciary committee. . Boons, Wh Packed.' Senator Owen was not Interrupted during hi address to an audience which packed the old supreme court room In the statehouse. He suffered no open discourtesy, although a num. ber of tnembers of the Judiciary com mittee, mostly friends of Senator Lor imer, refrained from attending the meeting. . The meeting was held by the com mlttee to hear arguments for and against a bill to enact the initiative and referendum In Illinois. After Mayor E. F.r Dunne, of Chicago, had spoken In ftvor of, the act. Senator Owen was introduced by Chairman Holllday. Senator Owen delivered a brief eulogy of Abraham Lincoln and then explained that the initiative and referendum was a fight between or ganized greed and the people who produced the wealth. The time had come In this country to put an end to bribery and corruption and to ma chine politics. "We understand the machine poli tician," said Senator Owen, "He's playing the game as he sees it and we're playing the game as we see it. I understand the game of machine politics and that is' why I am here to advocate these principles. "I call Tammany Hall a bed of mer cenaries, carrying the democratic flag. . Senator Owen said that the., great wealth .IhMvindlwiduaia wsrA aequlri lng was leading thousands of families to ruin and decay. He contended, that the lhitiatlvs and referendum would cure "this false" and unwholesome condition." WHITE SOX WO.V SAX ANTONIO, Texas, March 2 The Chicago Americans defeated the San Antonio, Texas .league again today 2 to 1. Met and Brewer of San Antonio and Collins of Chicago, made home runs. DOUBLE MURDER BESULTS FROM VIRGINIA FIUO FOR Ma j Who Did Shooting Starts for Court House to Enter Plea of Guilty KILLED IN ROADWAY ROANOKE, Va., March 22. Luther I -owe and Robert Lester are dead and Henry Lester Is mortally wound ed as the result of a fight in the west ern portion of Tazewell county last night, and Ben Lester, a son of Hen ry 1-ester, Is said to have started for the court house to surrender and plead guilty to the double murder. The community Is In a state of ex citement over the shooting. For year bad feeling has existed between th Lowe and Lesters over a land deal consummated several years ago, andi a a result a number of fight have taken place between them. Ben Lester returned from Bristol yester day afternoon and was met at the train by his father. Henry Lester. When on their" way they metLuther Lowe and Robert Lester In the road and a quarrel followed. Luther Lowe drew his gun snd flrefl at Lester, th ball, striking him In the right side. Ben I .eater whipped out his gun and killed both men before they could Are again. Officer went to the scene of the killing, and an autopsy will be held on their arrival. The I .esters ere cousins of the man who killed Sheriff Bogle, of Tase well county, about thirty years ago. They haev been engaged In lawless ness and feud with the Lowes and others of their neighborhood for msny years, and have given the coun ty authorities much trouble- - CHAMPIONS KX ROCTE NORTH SAVANNAH, Ga.. March 22 The world's baseball champions left late tonight on their return from spring training but . will stop at Columbia and Charleston. S. C, on the tjr to Philadelphia. Three gainre will be played at Charleston and "the cham pions will reach Columbia next Mon day. . v . PROMINENT PACkERS MUST STAND TRIAL Charged With Conspiracy to Violate the Sherman Anti-Trust Law CHICAGO, Mar. 22. The now fa mous "Immunity bath" given ten Chi cago meat packers by Judie Otis Humphrey in, ltOO, Judge Geo. A. Carpenter In the United State dta trlct court today declared did ' not guarantee indefinite cleanliness. In refusing to quash Indictments against the packers Judge Carpenter limited the freedom from liability respecting the rule under -which the "bath" waa given. He also decided that the "Im munity" did not prohibit the fact and evidence on which It waa granted from being used a evidence to es tablish proof of a conspiracy existing at a data after the Immunity waa glv. en. The ruling, which Is in the form of an, Interlocutory decree, rrom wnicn there I no appeal, means that the packers will have to go to trial on Indictments charging them with con spiracy to violate the Sherman anti trust law. There are three Indict ments In th first of which are five counts. The defendants can be nned 16,000 or Imprisoned for on year on each of seven counts. Counsel for the packers sought to quash the Indictment on the ground that immunity granted by Judga Humphrey prevented the government from using as evidence anything that took place before 10. ; . Judge Carpenter held that Judge Humphrey could not grant the pack ers Immunity Indefinitely In art unlaw ful undertaking, and that the immu nity did not .prevent the use of evi dence of- acta committed before' HOI to prove the existence of Illegal com. bl nation subsequent to 180. On Mon day the government will ask for at immediate, trial. . . .,,.. . 4 Francis A. Fowler and Charles H, Swift of Swift and company; Edward Tilden, president of the National Packing Company; J. Ogden Armour, Arthur Meeker, Thomas J. Connors, of Armour snd company; Edward Morris and touts Ifeyman of Morris and company. The chief object of the govern ment's attack Is the National Packing company, of which ths Indicted men (Continued on Page Four.) DEMOCRATS CALL CAUCUS WHICH IS TAKEN TO MEAN ELIMINATION OF 5HEEHAN V Long Deadlock in New York May be Broken by Se lection of Another DIX IS HOPEFUL ALBANY, N. T., March 22. With out opposition or debate the demo cratic members of the legislature at a conference this afternoon voted to hold another caucus to select another candidate for United States senator. The Insurgents Joined the regulars In the conference, which lasted but a few minutes. This fact tended to strengthen the belief expressed by many that Wm. F. Bheehan, the pres ent caucus candidate, has been prac tically eliminated despite vigorous de nials by some of his friends. Senator Roosevelt, after the ad Journment of the caucus, would not say whether he or his fellow Insur gent would enter the new caucus. Gov. Dlx seemed more hopeful of an early solution of the matter after the conference than he has ever been. "I want the party to settle the ques tion," he satd, "so that the democrats may be represented in congress when It meets In special session." Various opinions were expressed, as to the probable outcome of Monday night's meeting. One report waa enough Sheehan men will remain loyal to him. even though he should withdraw, to prevent the election of any man named by Insurgent co-operation. -- IJMt'RFD PLATERJ RKCOVERIJTG HOT SPRINGS. Ark, Msr 22.-T, Clark, the Cincinnati National league catcher who was rendered uncon scious la a practice game yesterday through a collision at the plate with Severiod was able to be out today. A light rain fell about noon and the exhibition games between the Pittsburg and Cincinnati first teams and their respective .second teams was deferred. Cy Toung ha gone to Llttl Rock to Join the Cleveland team In practice work. f , MAKERS DECLARE THAT COCA COLA : ,;' v- " . ' - . v..-,. -. ' -,t.V' .i..!."11. -'..v,''" . .' , V ' ' 1 '"v ."' i, " ! Originator Admits That Caffeine is Used But Say$ That Twenty Years Without Injurious Effects.Statements of Uncleanly " ' Conditions in Plant Are All Denied. CHATTANOOGA , Tnn.. Mar. 21. With member u of the coca cola company on th stand the' defense In the case of the United Statea against several barrel and kegs of coca cola began taking evidence In the federal court her . today. , ' Judge John FV Candler of Atlanta,' waa the first w)t ness calledand he told Of the organ isation of ths J-ewa'c; cola company which waa Incorporated In 7S92. He said . he waa not familiar .with ths manufacture of ih ayrup nut told where the principal Ingredient were manufactured.5, sw?. "'.'".. . Matte by ejm lorouU. . '", ."Uarohandlae No-'iIa " .the seoret formula, ha Mld,asj made "Int .'the Shafer Alkaloid vwork of Maywood, N. J. ; judge Candler and other wit n esses declined to state what consti tuted thl '"'merchandise. No. S," say In; that It was a "trade secret." He said that lie had been dri king coca cola for the past 20 years and that his health waa good. He admitted that caffeine was used in the manufacture of coca ocla and told where it was purchased. He said ' that so far as he waa ! Individually concerned, ha knew that caffeine as used In coca cola was. not Injurious to health. Howard Candler, general manager Lower 1 Classes Combined and Held Other Prisoners Through Long Night NEW ORLEANS. Mar. 22. Early riser near Tulune university campus today discovered a number of seniors and Juniors held prisoners on top of the csmpus tank tower, with as msny more belligerent sophomores and freshmen on guard below. The up per classmen "ere released through the efforts of President Edward Craig head, who acted as peace envoy. It Is alleged by the under classmen that the upper classmen disregarded the agreement to eliminate the annual tank fight on Founder's day. The seniors mounted the tank last night to obliterate the freshmen's numerals and while thus engaged, were dis covered by the freshmen. The alarm waa sounded with the result that the upper classmen were forfed to re main on the tank all night. The freshmen's numerals were ob literated with "in memorlsm 1)11 yellow streak." f'reildent Craighead ' prevailed upon the upper claasmcn to '. restore the obliterated numerals, i whereupon the victorious freshmen j relented and released the prisoners. JEWFJ.KV STOLEN. . WASHINGTON, March 22 The ' police were notified tonight of the theft of $20,000 worth or ;eweiry j from the home of Ml, Mary It.' A items, a daughter of the late Geo. ' W. Adams, one of the founders of The , Washington Star. WASHINGTON, March tl. Fore cast: :'.!."-, North Carolina Shower Thursday, colder; Friday generally: fair, moder ate to brisk northwest winds. . IS SANITARILY MANUFACTURED of the coca cola company went Into details as to the manufacture of the drink, and denied In every particular the statements In Inspector Lynch, of the food and drugs .- department. Washington, who had testified as tp alleged unsanitary condition In the plant where the coc cola syrup is manufactured. He stated that, water was first placed In a kettle then sugar and after the melting of th suiar caffeine was added. . Kvni tlw Cook Is Clean. ' The product wa piped to th main kettle where the other Ingredient were added. lie denied that the ne gro tfoek was anviesnly or; that be ehw4 totiacco..,ttJijst wnrk . Mr. Candler produced a sample. of glasse furnished to retailor by ths coca cola company. It waa marked, showing the exact amont of ayrup to be used on mixing glass of the drink. r?e said that bottling work peSple throughout the United State were instructed to strain the ayrup before bottling. He was asked by the government attorney why this In struction waa necessary If th prod uct was perfectly clean when it left their factory. He did not make It plain why the Instruction was nec essity eacept a a precaution. Limantour's Statements About America cause of Intense Disappointment WASHINGTON, March 22 Presi dent Taft and his cabjnet met today for the first time In over two week. The Mexican situation was discussed briefly. - The president snd his cabi net advisers are very well Informed with Ihe situation and matters Willi remain at a standstill so far as th!'! government I concerned. A strong hope I expressed In administration circles that conditions In Mexico will Improve speedily. The Washington government is anxious that the two factions In Mexico shall get together. Intense disappointment Is expressed here, however, over the met that Fi nance Minister l.lmantoiir has seen fit to seek a peace agreement by holding the United 8 tales up as a sort of bugnboo and making statements to the effect that this government Is but waiting an opportunity to get Into Mexico. Such statements are unwar ranted and are regarded here as not calculated to Jjrlng about good feel ing. The new secretary of tbe Inte rior. Mr. Fisher, attended his first cabinet meeting today; FAMOUS CARTOONIST WANTS A DIVORCE 8ALEM, Ore., March 22. Honier Davenport, the cartoonist, filed suit todsy for divorce from Mrs. Daisy B. Davenport. Davenport charges that Mrs. Davenport treate'd him In a cruel and Inhuman manner and makes other allegations In hla com plaint. Ths couple were msrrled In filt verton. Oregon, and four children were the Issue of the marriage. Borne time ago a decree of separa tion wa granted in the New Jersey courts. F.AKLK HOIT AS MAXAUKR. .ELIZABETH CITY, N. C, March 22. Karle Holt, of Oak Ridge, wa unanimously chosen by the directors of the local elub of the Tidewater league as manaxer for the coming season at a meeting. Ilort wa man ager of the Wilson team of tbe East ern Carolina league la ItO! and !. He Han Drank "Dope" for a. t Mitchell, manager of th man ufacturing department of the coo eo la plant In i Atlanta, testlOed that h kept the plant lit a sanitary condition. Pressed fori 4 specific statement ha declared that ha had the floor clean ed t0 or three Hme week. Csen Immense Quantity. .. The depoaltlon of Dr. L Hhafar, of Maywood, N. J., waa read by law yers for th defense. , Dr, Shafer stated that be manufactured the prtn. clpal product of coca col known as "merchandise No. I" but he refused to state what It contained. He stated that he made .ceJTelne ifrom tea dust, or particle of tea leaves, which 1 eeWnowceT -cola people through hi selling agent. ' He stated that lie hipped 1.M gallon of "marchan- dtae No, I" (o the coca cola people In HOt. James Oaaton. the negro cook for th , eoc , cola company testified that he did not wear shoes through which hi bare toes protruded as testified to by Inspector Lynch and that he did not chew tobacco. Ha said he smok ed once in a while but never while "on the Job." - '''; ACAINST JUDGE HAN Political Dictator of Cincin nati Making Fight for Change of Judges - CINCINNATI. O., March 22. Con tests between th county prosecutor and attorney for George B. Cox, who 1 making an effort to prevent Judge Frank M. Gorman, of. th Common Plea court, from trying him on the charge of perjury, continued today unabated. The result of th day's proceedings waa, that Gorman forced the de fendant' attorneys to apepar before him on the motion to quash the In dictment. Argument were heard all during the afternoon session, at ths conclusion of which Judge Gormsn snnounced that he would receive briefs tomorrow and' render Judgment on the motion to quash as soon aa he had time to go over the briefs. Th Circuit court, which Is hearing the pettlon for a mandatory Injunc tion against Judne Oorman to pre vent him from trying the case of Cox, will probably reach a decision tomor. row. FOREIGNER ALLEGED TO HAVE CONFESSED HAMBURG. Mrqh J!2, The Fremdenblatt savs that the foreigner, who was arrested recently with four other men on the charge of espion age, has made a confession. The prisoner had been under surveillance for some weeks, ss suspicions were aroused that th foreigner was seek ing Information on the warships now under construction. . Excellent plan relations to th work at Kiel were found In th foreigner's possession. The authorities have not as yet dis closed hi identity, but they declare that he Is a London shlpbroker and that hla chief accomplice I a high official of the naval hlp yard. . ? WILL ME OX APRIL tt iV ; BATON ROUGE, La., March 22. Goyernor Saunders today fixed Fri day, April 21, a the date for the execution of Eugene B. Sancon and Francois Rodin, convicted of murder ing Fran - Reidel, ' an . aged watch maker of New Orleans several month aa..--.'.yPv,..;-;i.'; COMMISSIONER ALLOWS HIM PAUPER'S OATH Swears He Cannot Pay Any of Half Million Fine Due the Government : , , f i m ( -t ' ( k ATLANTA, Oa, March Benja min D. Greene, who, with Johh F. Oayaor, has Just completed a fouf. year term in the federal prison her fer alleged complicity la th Bavaa nah harbor Improvement fraud ev. eral years ago, walked put of th federal building hsr lata today a free man for th : first tlm in a dosea year, bringing to a close, far a he ig concerned, a legal battle that haa commanded, tb attention ' of -thla country, for -the past ijecad. , o Oreen' application to lav t tak th pauper oath, in order t escape further liability for the fTl, 0 fin Impoaed an th twa man whan they , wer , tonvlrtsdv had Jut been granted by United State Com mtaitoner Walter Colquitt after a hear lng which lasted two. day Greene will spend tonight st hotel and will leave tomorrow for New York, whsre h soon wilt sail for Europe' He said tonight that h s would It. Mr. Green In Paris and they probably v would make that city their horn l th fUtUra. , -' 1;';;rj 3,,. it, .j J vsH.vfv..f, End tTnezported. ai . Th decision cam aomawhat ua pectediy at. the end of long after noon session which had been occu pied with the arguments or counsel. Attorney Folder, of th firm ef Roun tree. Felder - H Rountre. - attorney for Greene, had Jut completed hla argument whn Commissioner Col quitt stated aa hi finding that he be lieved "th evidence In thl hearing has been Web f that tha applicant should be allowed to take the oath.1 Ther wa . deathlike stl lines ever th court room for an Instant after the eommltonr had apokrn while all eyes were turned t th applicant, who grey1 had wa bowd rever ently In I hank. Then th commis sioner epos again,; asking Greene to com forward and. take th oath.' Thla formality wa oon over an ihe pris oner left th court room, wltb Daniel Bountr, on of hi lawyer. '' - Th government hag been resisting th application for the pauper' oath en -the ground that the prisoner hsd asset concealed which would enable him to pay off a conslderabl part of th 1671.000 fin. Th prisoner ad mitted having been possessed of prop erty worth I TOO. 000 several year but claimed that h bad lost all he had in fighting for hi freedom and In speculation, and th federal attor neye failed to prodtio th evldenc neesssary to overthrow thl claim. John F.'- Gaynor, Jointly !-: nnvlct4 with Green, has computed hi sen tone lnr the federal prison ' and ' hs filed application also t tak th pauper' oath. ' HI application I still pending. '"'' ft " '' OF UEOBESS,; ClffilllElCEIilO New England Women Doc tors WU1 Not Work With"' Negress From Carolina REAL RACE TROUBLE . BOBTOK. Maa,-, March 22. Flv doctor. Interne at th New England hospital for women and children tn K ox bury, t have protested bitterly, even so far aa to send in their reslg-', nations, because Dr. Melissa Thomp-, son, a young negres from North1 Carolina, ha been Installed In th ma--ternlty ward of that Institution. Three Of the protesting Interne bar left the hospital. Dr. Myrtle Jack has. gone to her home In Pittsburg. Dr. Edna Guest, Grace Boswell. Mary Bo- gan and Kdna Data also voiced their protest. : The negres is a graduate ' of the Women's Medical college In. Philadelphia. . 8h cm her In Jan-' uary and the uperlntndent an--, nounced that h would be Installed.' The women doctor protested and filed, their resignations. The matter . wa hushed up but ths Installation of the negres thl week has created one of th moat bitter hospital ccntrover- , sies ever waged here, , ',;.'.; . ;- . MAY WBESTLB OOTCH. WPIUTOT.. Tuns.. '" March : St. .- Gr Hackenschmldt deteat'fl M.l- ter Evana In straight falls in a wrest-' ling bout here tonight. tt Jack Curleyv manager for Hacken-. Schmidt, say that he wouit ocept tbe term of Frnk (inu h tr mo'i-h for the world' championship, an I hs would put up $2,0110 In c! 'i s a auarantee as soon as hi rent h C hi cago, which would be t.'t'i " '