2 t THE ASHEVILLE CITIZRN, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1911 e? I 3 4 J 4 "A h pi FT 1 . r AND PERSONAL. "hj Children of the Confederacy, end any other children who are inter eted, are asked to meet this sfler noori it four o'clock in the Cnnfed erete hall. Tg day will he Wed nesday, March St. and the children re ssksrt to help the carnival benefit for the Confederate veterans belli that week, the Rmlth Oreater shows, whos tente will be pitched nn I hi Orr lot, between ilbert. and 1 1 r I t - (treeta, The rhlldren who astet In the tagging will he remunerated, nnd their help and that of ell of the children of the Confederacy i asked. At '.he meeting thla afternoon tne nr rangamenta and plan will he dis cussed, and all rhlldren Interested are Invited. J Jt Till afternoon at All flnul' rhurrh there will he an organ recital by Mr. IF". F, Haraer at half after four o clock. The following la the pro gram: Organ solos; t. Prelude in Fugue In n minor rt( h I. Pastorale In F Bach t. (a) Fantasia In O minor.. Hach (h) Adagio from Toccata In c ... Bach 4. Toccata and Fugue In l minor Bach ,i Th Woman' guild of Trinity fhuech will meat with the Mlaaea Stevene Thursday at 1.80 o'clock at II (leardrn avenue. - tfr. A. W. Green, prealdent of the National Biscuit company, arrive to elny in hi private ear "Republic," ceompanled by hi two daughters tnd.Mr. U laeelhardt, traveling msn r of the National Blecult com pany. Mr. Oreen and. hie party will drive) over the -eity today and alio rb Ver the office of the company in till elty. The car will remain In the pnge yard throughout the day, Jemvlnt tonight for the iouth, Mr, Ore I one of the mint prominent f the vlaltara of the (pri, and It Ii rrUe tht hi etay In Asheville mill not b lantr. 1 t ' The (trand opera; eeaeon thla spring la 'Atlant offer Irresistible attrac tion and will doubtless he attended by number M Arhevill people, wha will tak advantage of the rate it I rumored will be mA by the vartou rallw; Ther Will be four ira e-len. bealnnln- Arrtl IT with "Thv iff nr '" th Ooldn Wet." founded upon th plajr written by David Btco ft present In Aah. vlll), with mule hy Pucclnt; Hum. lrdlnek' fcnllndri''Thi Chil rn tf Mh King.1 With fJewlfl. In Farrar, LttlM Hnmer nd Carl .torn, Will b th Mennd opera! "II Jrnvntor'' - d Olotjondn" will omMt th nreffrem. The ntlre Metrnlltan Ornd opera rompewy, xetu4in.:i .0woV7. rottl, -s 'Herbert Witherepooa, Emmy Deetlnn, Frem edti,Frrars Bappold and enty. Hv or mor leaeer llhu, Includln h. lour, eondaetera. Herta Fodeatl, Toecnnlnl n4 Pae'ernack, nd the' enlendtd vhofua. ballerlnl, t. Th t'o flrtt opera hav been the eenaa 'on of th winter, and much Intarert f cnter4 In them. - , - . " Jl v'- - 'Umjntatn Meedbw Inn, which ha fvi popular In pat aeeeona. rill b wpened verv eoon. probably In the-erlr pert of April, no many1 f'iiitiwt hy been mad by pr f deelrtn' to fnjoy the hoenltellty f tt tiell f'Anwtt rwertrt that th date for th lf he en moved for ward rmielderaMv. and th announce ment that th Irtn wlU be opened- an eoon will t received with pleemire v. many people. The Inn thl year will he 4e ehre of Mte Temn Har fw who for th winter haa been at Clerwte. Fie. th la expected to return . to- Ahvllle within the next (ew day. d preparation will at fne b ntarttd for the opontn of fh inn. Many Improvement In the hu'ldln and. In. the irrounde will be mad to add to the comfort nd the attracttyne f th plc. The road I between- Ahevltle and Mnuntain will b this ywer In better condition "n ever, , and thl reeort .will, no Wbt. he even more popular then In th patt. I - i - . ... Mian- lAiey Pennlmen. who ha heil . hhnor f hetna elected nrenldem Cf Mi aopbomore claim at Va!ar. e'erdav announced m. mmn .,f te member of the clnea he hud e-: lcted for th famoue div .-halhJ one of the rime-honored runlnmi of New Spring Styles in Dainty Lingerie Dresses You should soe these pretty new Lingerie Dresses. The styles ar so dainty and spring like. The models are graceful and ehariiiing. Th?rP are beautiful qualities of Lingerie and Marquisette. They are exquisitely tailored; some are prettily self ami colored' embroider ed; others are trimmed with Dutchess lace, Pa$h or black silk cord. etc. Dresses are chietiv empire style with high or Dutch neck anil kimona sleeves. All sizes. Priced .fl ."( $45.00. Ijast season's stvlcs are half price. For Out-of-Town Customers We have compiled a beautiful catalogue showing the Iw'untj.ful ready-to-wear offered to found in our Indies' Department. Styles and prices, and other descriptions are given. Your mail orders will be promptly tilled. Catalog sent on request. M. V. MOORE & CO. PHONE Ja : V'HrpHr ornmcni ijipiii. mid alro "" ', of He m.nt beiiritltul f'-alurc. Th ilal c haln I ruin "-d of the prct tliel mcinlnTM of tin- clar.1. 'I'll'' ' "I lege IicIiik ii Northern melltuilon, and Tiir Irmii the Kniithland, jnol-'iblv ac ' i iiuiila lor the fin t llial tin- tatter find Init one repreaentetlvi- m Um- . tiH 'n. ii Jackitanvllle girl Mlee P'-n-: iilmnri In heraflf iinuniially ' 1 1 . ! mid with her no Icm Hllrat-flve l- ' ! icr. Iiuih thit dauKlitere of Talln.l rrfinlmati, laet aummi-r were painted I by M lee Ileal, of Ardcn. thi portrait J lictnir -ontd' red vrry tine, ftl leu HuMifi , ri-nnirnan i h( W'clleaiey tn the; liheli-al culturr- department. j M Mrs. llnntlnK'on Wilaon, the ivlfe of the aealetant i-irelary of elate, iiii-ompanled ty ti friend, Ml fhric tlan. of IIK-hmond. Vh., are In Anhe 'ille for a four vvecke' Htnv, and the form-r haa leaaed Pine lo. M if I'rummond loinalow on Mmtnnll ; mreet Mra. Wlleon ha lirowvlit a Japarifne maid with her, and la here for a rent. ..- ; Todny la the laet day for entering the women' l rig-leu' handicap, 'one j club" match, twelve hole, model play, which take place at the Court- f try cluh nhortly. All dealrlng to en- j ter the onteet miint give their namee! to Mle Ethel Iteevee hot Inter thnnj four o'clock thl afternoon. The en- ' trance fee l twenty-five cent. Judg ing from the numher of etitrle l- j ready In. thl match will he a most j popular one, and Hliould afford thoae playing '. great deal of fun liealrte being excellent practice. It I eln- j ci rely hoped that all member who ' have at any time played golf will en- lei. The committee will arrange the time of plnv for Ihoee who ar aleo ! entered In the lennla tournament now being played at the Country club In Order that they will not conflict, S J Mr, Frederick Bell Pope, of Au-1 guetH, Oa.. baa hern a eonaph uoua figure at the varlou reception and garden partle given for President and Mr. Taft anrt Mia Helen Taft. recently In Auguata. The president waa rntertalned at the home of Mr, and Mre. Pope during hla former vl It. At Mr. I-andon Thoma' garden party Mra. Pope aaeleted In receiving th guet and wore a. beautiful im ported gown, with wrp of ermine. Her flower wr orchid. Th fol lowlnf account, taken from an Au gut paper.i wltr be of lnteret to th friend of Mr. Pope In Aahevtlle: "The prealdentlal partv were th guet of Mr. n Mr. R, C. Neely Friday afternoon on a delightful trip to Wtyneiboro. "On- thlr arrival they motored to th home of Mr. end Mr. Wtlllem A, Wilkin, who entertained for them with an Inform! but vary hetitlful tea. Th party waa greeted on their rrivat by Mr. and Mr. Wilkin, who were nttd In receiving by Mr. Fredrlnlc Ball Pop and Mr. Kdwrd Burwell. Tb entire lower floor we thrown open. In each of th big open Ar place blcitng log added to the chr of the cn nd furnlahed a welcome warmth, for the day wa cool In plt of th brilliant unhlne. Beiutlful roe, hyacinth, violet and daffodil wef In howl and vae (n every available pot. nd th )tirt tlty of jeaaamln nd other wild flow er brought the beauty and fra grance of the wood wlthn the love fy rnoma. In the dilnlng room' the tea table wta an exoulelte picture with It per fect appointment of silver and cut glaea. Cluny lac covered the rich ' mahogany and marntve diver cenrte- lahr were filled with pink ahaded , cendlee. Klllnrney roeee were used In j the center and th candle nrt cake wefe In the pink ro delgn. Mr. Robert Caldwell Nel,v poured tee. Dellcloii refreehment were nerved, end the afternoon wa thoroughly en joyed hy nil (ireent. The guest mo-' tnred beck to the city about dark. j "Mr, Wilkin we n Ideal hnetcn. ' making everyone delightfully at home. ' She extremely handsome In n black net gown and wore handeome : pearls and a corsage bouiiuet nf par- i ma violet. j "The Kiiet of Mr and Mr. Wll- ' kins nt tea were: Prealdent nnd Mrs I ThM, Mr. Charles Norton and Major. Butt. Mr. and Mr. Hubert C. Neely. Mr. and Mr t.nndon Thomas. Mrs. Frederick Ball Pope. Miss Mabel' FioardniBO. Mlas Anne Thomas, Mr. ltd Mrs. John Herbert Mrs llcnrv Alvah fttrnna. Mrs. Helm. Mr. and Mrs, Kdiward Burwell. Miss l.ucv Al to il I'ATTON AVE. len. Mi Mai-guerile Wright, Mi Mozelle Ncl. Mr. Bowdre Phimay, Menars Itobert Neely jr . A K in Neely. An hil.ald Bla. kehear. Henry iarreii and Mr. W. II. liiyl. of Wn nestioro." . e The following special dlepatch to The I'lHzen from flnston laal night tells of the honor received by two of Asheiille's gtrls. "Mies Agnes Itnckwell K'. of in Chur. h at reel, Anhevllle, and Mli Mary K. ftoger. II', 43t Grow street, are among the happv student at Wellesly college who cre today honored with i-chol-arshlji awards. Kaclt received a Wcllesly scholarship, the second high est distinction which the faculty be t'i 'the eoniiciltl'n was keen among tin. thousand eenlor and juniors fur the honors." The KradiiMllliK exercise nf the nurses of the Mission hospital will be held tonight at the auditorium of the V. M. C A., the exercises be ing at eljjht o'clock There are thla ear four member of the graduating clan to receive their diploma, and the nr. anion of the Vresentatlon of these will he very Interesting. The following will be the program: ppei Ing prayer. Ir. It. F. Campbell: solo, Mr. Joseph Meares; annual addres, lr c. W. Bird; piano, solo;. Miss Mae Klmberlv; address nn behalf of the elty, Mr. J H Martin, music, trio. Mrs. Joseph Mearea, Mrs. Bur dlck, and Miss Hchartle: presentation of diploma. Dr. W. L Dunn, dean of the training school, presentation of hospital pin, yirs. Vance Brown, vice president of the board of man ager; benediction, Dr. W. M Vines. Herent arrlavla at the Manor are Mr. William VV, Morrlaon, of Tolodo. O ; Mr. C. W. Ileynold. Albany. N. V.; Mr. August K. Ilrnmhacher. Hrooklyn. N. y.; Mr. K. U. War field, Euslon. I'a. Mrs. J, 8. Adams and Miss MlUan Adams, of Ulltmore, leave today for New York for a several week' visit. Mr. Mortimer Hancock ha sillied from Indian to Chin and Japan, and after traveling for a while In the Orient will come to America via San Francisco. Mra. Hancock will spend the greater part .of the lummer In Ahevfle with her father. Dr. 8. Weatray Hattle. Mr. Hancock small on win accompany her and It Is expected that Maj. Hancock will obtain a vr month' furlough, and will be in Ashvllle with Mr. Hancock, Mra. F. O. Norcroa and the Misses Norcro, of Norma. Tenn.. who hav been gueat at the Manor for om week, hav returned to their home. Mr. Anna B. Calloway, of Cin cinnati, I the gueat of her son, Dr. A. W. Cliowy, on Merrlmon ve nue. Dr. P. R. Bennett ha returned from Florida and I occupying hi homo In Panola atreet. Dr. and Mra. Bennett during the aummer will take motor trip through Connecticut. Mr. N. W. Fain I ser1otily III t her home, 78 Montford avenue. Mr. Weaton and Mia Kate Weston, who have been visiting Mr. Rosa In Canada, are expected to re turn today, and after a short tay at Rlbrmar. will open their home at Arden. . Mr, William DeVault leaves thl morning for Richmond. Va., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Bar rett. Mrs. O. W. Cooper and little daughter, Bllxabeth, have ' returned from a visit to Savannah, Oa. Recent arrivals at Rlbemar, In Vic. torla, are: Mr. Vern Ithodea, Mis souri: Miss Helen Foster. QuHgur, I.. I.; Miss Downs, New Haven; Mr. Brown, St. I.ouls, Mr. O. F,. Murk has accepted a po sition with l.FlHrlie. Moale ft Chile. He I employed In the Insurance de partment nf the firm and I specially sttcntive to fire and automobile In surance. Mr. C. T ltlgbee. of Durham, I n guest of Hotel Herkeley. Mr. C. A. Pegram, of Raleigh, 1 stHjlnK at the Bwunnanoa hotel. Mr. Hoy Oudger. of Masbiill, waa In the city yesterday. Or. and Mr. C. E. Cotton, of alack Mountain, were In the city yesterday. Mr. J. J, Hooker, of Dlllsborn, I a1 gueat of the Herkeley. ! Mr C. J. Jeffries, of Canton, spent teeterday In the city. Mr J. C. Miller, of Wavnesvllle. was In the city yesterday. Mr .t. W. Plesa. Or. mid Mrs O. S Kirhv. Mr. W. E. I.andl. Miss Hruce i l.sndls. Miss Penrl Hoger and Miss Nellie Wanton, all of Marlon, were In the city vestcnlay to attend the per formance at the Auditorium last night .Tudge -T C. Prllchard. who left the city xeatrrday for Raleigh to xgeak In the Interest of the V. M, C, A. cnnipiilgn recently started in that city, wll! deliver sn address In Kin ston on Friday night on "Ijiw and Order." the Invitation having been re. celved from Hev C. rpchurch Al- i itioti, i hatrman of the committee, I .linkce and Mr. Prltchard are expect ed li return on Saturday. Mr W. Fret well has returned from a visit to Savannah. Oa. Cql.PS CrsK HKADAniE LAXATIV'K BHOMD Quinine, the world wide Cold and Orlppe remedy removes cause. Call for full name l.ook for algnature E. W. Grove. 2ic. FAVORS INCOME TAX, I i1iNCii N. H.. March 12. For 'j a second time the house today passed a resolution favoring the proposed In- I come tax amendment to the redcral constitution. Some time ego thej ; house hy a viva voce vote passed euch ! a resolution, but It waa killed In the senate. It waa reintroduced In the 1 houei anA pasaed today by a ole of 24 to I. It now return to the sen- ; How to Mak 1 Bttter Coagh Syrup than You Can Bay Paaily ""PPlr. ! n nor ussnsifTH. A full pint of eotigh eyrup aa much: as vou could buy for $2 60 can easily be mad t hom. Tou will find nothlna; that tnl'es hold of an obstinate cniitli more quickly, uaually ending It Inst.i of J4 hours. Kicellent, too. for whoop-, Ing cough, aore lung, asthma, hoar-, l i and other throat trouble. Mix 1 pint of ji-aBtilated sugar with, y, pint of warm Water and stir for J mlniite. Tut 3V ounte!. of Plnex (60 rents' worth) In a Blot bottle; then add: th 8ugv Syrup.-M keeps perfectly, j Take a l'.-ttpoonfiil' Vry on, two or , three hour. , . . , Thl la just laxative enough to help I cure a rough. AIo timulate the appe- , tlte, which la usually upset by a cough. The taste I pleasant. ! Th effect pin and augar ayrup on the Inflamed membrane t well known, i Plnex I the niot valuable concentrated i compound of itorway white pine ex-; tract, rich m gulatcol and all the net-' ural healing Biae elements. Other prep arations will not work In thla formula., Th plneg and Sugar Hyrup recipe I now used by -thmiaands of housewlvea throughout lh United States and Can ada. The plan haa been Imitated, but the old successful formula haa never been equaled. .... i A guarantee f absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded goe with i this reefne. Tour drtiaalnt ha P1nx. or will get It for you. if not send t Th Ptnax Cc Ft Wayne, Ind. EVIDENCE AGAINST THEM Effort to Destroy Police of Naples 1s Unique De- fense Set Up : TRIAL PROCEEDING VITEIIBO, Italy, March 22 The prohahl defena at the Camorrlt on trial here wag made apparent today. When Oulsaeppl Balvl. one of the lx alleged Hssassln of Cuoccolo and the latter' wife wa confronted with a ring which belonged to Cuoccolo and which the authqrttle had found hid den In the mattre of a bed t the home of a woman known s . friend of the arcUMd, h declared that It had been placed In the bed in. a de liberate effort to make evidence against the Camorrlst by th legion of Carbineer of .Naples, who while accomplishing th apprehension of the defendant aought to discredit the po lice of Naple and make th latter appear to b htnd In glove with tho criminal organisation. During th day prof. Ottollngl of the faculty of medi cine at the university of P.ome arrived here to examlffe thw'lnformer Oenar ro Abbatmeglo. He ha been retained by the defensel wpfch will attempt to prove that AbWMmeglo la mentally irresponlble. Whfi the prisoner wa told that he wag' to be examined h remarked calmly: 'Professor, you are loelng your time." Millinery openlh ; todsy, AshoVlll Dry Goods company. SGHLOS THCATRS CIRCUIT Thursday, March 23. 1911 Hackerischmidt, j "TheRussianLion" "Champion of the World" VS. Dr.B. F. Roller Champion Heavyweight of America" Door Open 7.30. Pieliminary begin promptly 8.30. ADMISSION HOC, JSc, tl.OO; Stage Seals $1.50. Salt Rising Bread We mnko the genuine Salt Rising Hrrarl. crisp cruel i It has thai nutty flavor. I'ri-sh Onlly. Asheville Steam Bakery, Vlmne 23 or 381. Baby Photographs Have the baby's picture tnken now. Hrlti It up In the middle of a bright rtnv. We make a specialty of tul''k exposures. Catch them Imighlng, plnying, eti Phono 1J01. C. K. RAY, a Iltrton Ave. mm FOR SALE Small country, place of six acres within five minutes walk of Wcavervillc car line. lias good four-room house with cellar, good ha rn. wood house and poultrv house. $2,000. Terms. THE H. P. GRANT REALTYC0., 48 Patton Ave. WHITE HOUSE COFFEE should be exclusively used' in every home where "quality counts." "White House" is the very re finement' of coffee exi-ellence. and is always cer tain to please the most fastidious taste. 1 pound air-tight tin 38c 3 pound air-tight tin $1.10 i ' STRADLEY Si LUTHER. S East Pack So. IKE8 STTJfTS IK AIR. DOL'AI, France. March 22. M. Breget, In a monoplane, today car ried! av weight of 1.22 pound at Deed of alxtv-two mile an hour and at a height of about alxty-flve feet. ! rOPTIjATIOSf OK A ("STRI A. VIENNA. March 22 Provisional cenau returns estimate the popula tion of Aostrl at 2J,67,I, an In crease of 2i4lt.lo in ten years, J COAL Cold weather don't 2 bite in the home that Ji uses M. & VV. INOIAN COAL Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company (a iVillinery Importers M. WEBB CO. : Club Building, Haywood St. You always get ex- ; ; actly what your doctor ; ; orders when you send ; ; your prescriptions to i MacKay's Pharmacy t Prescription Specialists Opp. P. 0. ITS A PLEASURE To drive one of our horae and buggies over the road In v -it -North Buncombe. Phone IS, Weavervllle. Roberts St Williams WeavarvUle, N. a HOOD'S MILLINERY 5 Haywood St. SPROAT'S MILLINERY TABIXJRS .Oaten Bldg., Pack Square Invite your Inspection of their new line of Spring Millinery. wttac MISS CRUISE SHOP 2ft Haywood St. Whejre you will find the latest styles In hair goods, hair ornaments,! The moat up to date method of Shampooing. HaJr dressing, Manl- curing and chiropody, for ladles and Clentlemen. ! "Quality'' Cut Flowers J. VAN LLVDLEY NURSERY CO.. Greensboro, N. C. Smith's Drug Store, Asheville Agt. Phones 14 and (SI. ffevt Kmg Jailond Idaists af jnnexl mm -V...-o'. Jhe favorite . Women shop at the Hon Marche because its a pleasure to buy here. The goods we show "are .brand new. We turn over our steek several timci a yt ar. This gives yc-: fresh, .-lean inerchandi8 to select from. Then, cverytiiiiig is marked i4 plain tigures. Our salespeople are courteous anct experienced. Every one is pleased to show yoi whether 3011 buv or not. . i F These things combined with others make the. Bon Marcbe the people's Shopping Center. - - ffew (foods Are Arriving Daily I i Inspect our line of Lingeries, comparing them with others will show where we are strong. AT THE LINGERIE SHOP THE GRTJNER SANITARIUM Aebevllle, N. C. 31 Haywood St. Phon Devoted to the thorough and (cientlfic" treatment for Iect 'oaae of Nervouene, Paralyala, Asthma. Habit, Stomach, Rheumatism. Dlgeas ol women and other chronic disease. The Bath and Ma&sage dpr""ent " samtanum i op to the public Turkish, Russian, Cabinet, Btx-Hot-Alr, Eloctrle-Llght. Tub, Sitx, Foot. Shower and Naedl Bath. Galvanic and Farradlc Treatment, Electric Vibrating and Bweedlsh Massag sr.d Movements. Thur Brandt Massage for Diseases of Woman, Douche Lavage. GROCERIES Everything to Eat Poultry, Fruit, Vegetables, etc. Moderate Prices. M. HYAMS Cor N. Main and Merrimon Ave. Phones 49-243 FUBWITHIR New and Beeond-hand; Springs, Mattresses, Rugs, Art Squares, Mattings) etc. i We give you a "Square Deal" and "Oolightly! on the Prices. A cordial invitation to you. Deal & Golightly, 27 North Main St. The Old Time Kurnlturo Shop 67 North Main SI. Buy and sella all kind of antique furniture, and makes a specialty of repairing and retlnlehlng old piece. Phone 107 HAVNER KISpR. Props. H. Redwood & Co. OF HATS let. us say we can furnish the best of shapes in stiff and soft fur both for men and bovs at figures below those you generally pay. IN STRAW HATS v the report has come to us for more than ten years that our values arc BY FAR the best going. ,Tust now the fine assortment of CHILDWKX'S STRAWS and LA OIKS' READY ,TO -WEARS is appealing to ,; many and many a purchaser. LAOlES' FINE PUMPS and RIBBON TIES. Ac, the pro- dnctlnns of several makers In fine footwear for the gen- ., tier sex. The styles are just AlxAl. the profit to us is modest. "' FINE SILK GLOVES, long and short, ' made bv Kavser and other good 'uns. FIXE SILK HOSE $1.50, $1.25. 1.00. at -7.V and 50c. Our SILK HOSE are GOOD, ' IMind vou. (300D. M E i V E I? I Z EI) GAUZK LISLE HOSE in many grades. : nK DI1Y OOODS ,,r nil kinds galore. One l of SHEER WHITE l WNS. SO Inch. 3 Inch. 42 Inch, anrt til Inch, all fine, hut nearly a fimrth Ih-Ioh ilu-tr worth, is Z' sc-lllnc well. Another bargain Is an axwrtnuitl of SPRING ; Sl'ITIMi, all wool an( balf imI .36 to 38 inch, onljr . Sftc. " Novelties in Butterick Patterns just plae- . ed on sale. Chopping placi . FRESH MEAT Prompt Delivery. Stoves, Ranges, Iron Jit n m Phone 354. Private or claas Instruction 8tB ogrmpby and TypewrlUng. Emanuel , School of Shorthand MISS SADIE EMANUEL, 'Prla. Phono 173S. IS3 W. Chensi

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