1-7' 1 THE NIM.Y CITIZEN THE WEATHER , BAIN. i ; t ; ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUNDAY (MOIiNTNU, MARCH 2G, 1911 VOL. XXVIL, NO. 156 PRICK FIVE CENTS OA NCES iriTE TODAY (ft 9 ONEHUMREDAMFIFTYPERISHM VISlTEDMWYORICCmiWlEARS Fire, Smoke and Merciless Pavements Combine to Make of Girls and Men an Almost Indescribable Heap of Human Remains. Nine Tenths of the Victims Were Girls Employed in Factory BLAMES STARTING ON THE 8TH FLOOR Sixty-Three are Crushed to Death, While Thirty More Opgge the Elevator Shaft. tfeart RendingScenes Attend Work of Rescue. NEW YORK, March 25. One nun dred and flftjr oul nine-tenth of them girl front", the East Bider-were crushed to death on the pavements, mothered by amoke or shriveled to crisp In the worst fire New York has known since the steamship. General Blocum was burned to the water's edge oft North Brother's. illnd In 104. Nearly all: If not nil, of the Victims were employed bythe Triangle Shrit Waist company on the eighth, ninth and tenth floor' of a ten-story loft building at ft' Washington place, on the weatern fringe of the downtown wholesale clothing, furniture and mil linery district. The partners of the firm,- Isaac Harris and Max Blanck, escaped unsettled tom the office on the tenth floor, carrying with them over air adjoining roof Blanck' two young daughters and a governess. There was not an outside Are escape on the buildlngV '; Origin Is a Mystery. How the fire started will perhaps never be known. A corner on the eighth floor was its omt of origin and the three upper floors only were swept On the; ninth floor fifty bod ies, were' fouad, lxty-thre or more persona were crushed : t . deeth, fer . jumping and more thai thirty cfogged ' t'W:hftsrTlMi''losvp . erty.wllj not exceed flOO.000, : Pedestrian going , tutme through "Washington place ' -lo Washington square at ,th -minutes' to five wer scattered by the. whls of smoke rush ing through the lr before- them, there was a horrible "plop" on the pavement and a body flattened on the flags. Wayfarers on the opposite side of the street shaded their eyes against the setting sun and saw the windows of the three upper floors of the building black with girls crowding to the sills. There were no fire escapes. Rain of Flesh and Blood. "Don't lump don't Jump " yelled the crowd. But the girls had no al ternative. The pressure of the mad dened hundreds behind them and the OF OTHERS IS Has Served Prison Term for One Offense and Now Surrenders for Another VICTIM OF MONEY WASHINGTON, March 28 A man giving the name of Frank H. Flts gerald, aged 45 years, surrendered himself to the police here today. He said he was an absconder from Rich month. He Is held pending the ar rival of the Richmond officers. STOLE $300. RICHMOND. Va,, March 25. Frank H. Fltigerald, who surrendered himself in Waahlngton. today Is wanted by the Richmond police on a warrant charging him with having absconded with 1300, the property of Kingan V Co., for whom he was a bookkeeper. He disappeared from Richmond three weeks ago. In 1902. while clerk of the Manchester school board, he disappeared slmutaneously with $8,000 of the board's funds, but surrendered later. At the same time be was convicted of having robbed the Southern railway of $5,000 in money and stamps. Fitzgerald was pardoned from the penitentiary and was given employment In the local plant of Kingan Co. STKAMRR GETS ORDER MOBILE. Ala.. March 25. The quartermaster steamer B. B. Holablrd. heretofore plying between thla city and Fort Morgan, has been ordered to report to the general quartermas ter at Forth Crockett. Galveeton. The vessel Is taking on coal and stores and win leave as soon as weather permits. TLLKG I A af I ES KNOXVIIXE. Tenn.. Mar. "5. F. M. GUI, aged 5. Identified for a term of years with Maryville college died today. H waa a natlv of Ohio. SWEEP UPWARD urging of their own fears were too strong. They began to fall to the sidewalk in a terrible rain of flesh and blood. ' Four alarms were rung within fif teen minutes; Before the engines could respond, before the nets could be stretched or the, ladders raised. five girls had fallen from the eighth and ninth, floors so heavily that thsy broke through the glass and Iron roofs of the sub-cellars and crashed through the very streets into the vaults below. In an hour the fire was out: In half an hour It had done Its worst, probably the dearth list was full in twenty minutes. , , i Exits Proved Useless. The building stands on a corner, with exposure on two aides, but the only firs escape was in the interior, opening on a light and air shaft. In all there were seven exits, the single fire escape, two freight elevators at hthe rear, twopassnger elevators In front and two stairways. All or tnem proved almost useless and practically all who escaped either climbed to the roof and scrambled thence to tha roof of the building occupied by the AHr. lean Book company adjoining, or fled in the first rush for safety before the crush and smoke-grow too thick. The building stands tonight wttb. shell in.. tact and barely searrd-ather . only tnWtfl1W pnittot of rWNhKBe lural tiling between floor and flooj; are sound, and It Is Impossible for one who did not see it. to Imagine how the flames In so short a apace could have wrought such hjavoc. Seven, hundred hands: 500 of -them women, were employed by the shirtwaist com pany. The" sat In rows at their whir ring machines, the tables before them piled with flimsy cloth, the floors lit tered with lint, the air itself full of flying. Inflamvnable dust. The first rush of flame was almost an explo sion. .Operators died In their chairs, their lungs seared by inhaling flames. Others were crowded into the elevator shafts after the cars had made their last trip. ' Still others were pushed off the Inadequate interior fire escape. CASE OF 111 EMERGENCY Must be There Monday to Counteract Any Action of Republicans REASON UNKNOWN ALBANY, N. Y March 25 When Senator Roosevelt learned today that all the republican members of the legislature had been asked to be In Albany Monday by Minority Lead ers Brackett and Merritt, he sent telegrams to his fellow Insurgents re questing that they also be on hand ready for an emergency. "I ascertained certain informa tion," said the insurgent leader, "from which 1 deemed it advisable to telegraph the various Insurgents to be in Albany on Monday morning." Tlfal was all that he .would divulge Just what the "imperative" need is for the assembling of the repub lican legislators before Monday's Joint ballot for United tates senator was a subject of keen speculation among the few leglslatera in Albany today. All that Senator Brackett would say was that the members were notified so as "to guard against any possible contingency that might arise." When most of the legislators left last Thursday for their homes with pairs arranged, it was expected that Mondny's-ballot would be peffunc lory with no quorum present. GALLAKHRlt AGAI.V WIXS PHILADELPHIA, March 25 John J. Gallagher, the champion scholastic (distance runner of the city, thla afternoon won the third annual "Press" road race from Villa Nova to the city hall here from a field of 325 runners. He covered the 14 mile In one hour. It minutes. 10 2-6 seconds, breaking the record for th course., He won theV event last year jn one hour seventeen mln- utes and four-fifths second. A great crowd saw the raca.' Fire Net Overflowed. In such a horrible stream did the bodies overflow from the windows that the Are nets, stretched by the first companies to arrive, were soon gorged beyond capacity. Twelve bod ies weighted one net to the bursting point, but the bodies kept on tumbling to the pavement, through meshes that could no longer support them. When the first breath of flame curled over the edge of a pile of ahlrt Ing on the eighth floor, live minutes before quitting . time, hundreds were in' line before the cashier's window. In the offtc buildings across Wash ington place scores of men, detained beyond office hours, worked at their Mesks. One of them saw a girl rush to a window and throw up the sat. Behind her danced a seething curtain of yellow flames. 8he climbed to the sill, stood In black outline against the light, hesitating, then, with a last touch of futile thrift, slipped her chatelaine hag over her wrist and Jumped. Her body went whirling downward through the woven wire glass of a canopy to the flagging be low. Hsr .sisters who followed flamed through the air like rockets. Their path could be followed but hardly heard. It was 5 feet from the eighth floor to the ground ;..bout 5 from the ninth, and the upward rush of the draught and the crackle of the flames drowned their cries. Six girls fought their way to a window on the ninth "floor over, the bdi-of fallen fellow workers and crawled out In single file to an eight-Inch atone ledge running the length of the build. Ing. More than hundred fet above the. Sidewalk they crept along tielr perilous pathway to a swinging electric feed wirei spanning Washington 'place. The leaders paused for , their. 'Com panions toVatcb up at the end of the ledge , and the six grabbed the wire simultaneously. It snapped like, rot ten" whipcord, and they crashed down to death. . ... ',. ' w, ' ' ' Hanar by 4j1csw Tip 0 if evrf wi KvesTnild Mrt' fcuas-ftn' three minutes by her finger, tips tj the sill of ' tenth rioor window, A tongue of flame licked at her lingers and she dropped Into lire net held by firemen. Two women . fell Into the net at almost the same moment The strand parted, and the two , were ndded to the death 1st. A girl threw her pocketbook. then her hat, then her furs from a tenth floor window. A moment later her body ca,me whir ling after them to death. At the ninth floor window a man and a woman appeared. The man embraced the woman 'and kissed her. then he hurled her to the street and Jumped. Both were killed. Five girls (Continmed on page flvev) E TfilltlinHIS TESTIFIES IN Drink Beverage and Grow Fat is Substance of Ex pert's Testimony- HEARING CONTINUES CHATTANOOGA. Tenn., March 25. The second week of the trial of the coco-cola case closed today. Numer ous experts have testified for both the United States and the Coca-Cola com pany. The defense has met expert testimony with expert testimony. The United States compelled the Coca Cola company to divulge apparently the trade secret thought to he wrap ped up In "emrchandlse o. 5." The defense has concluded perhaps one fourth of Its testimony. Dr. J. R. Wesener, of the Columbus laboratory, Chicago, resumed his testimony on the experiments on rabbits at the opening of the case today. Based on ' the results of experiments he gave It j as his opinion that humans having 1 acquired a toleraoce of caffeine are i less likely to he affected Injuriously ! than would be the likelihood arising from doses of caffeine to rabbits. Tie testified that rabbits over 100 days more than a grain of caffeine a day fattened and were found to he In nor mal condition when killed. Witness gave his opinion as an expert that the normal human might use as many as 20 or 25 grains a da' without seri ously Injurious effects. Dr. Wesener described his experiments on a healthy young man with caffeine. He said that the subject was given a to tal of li grains of caffeine during six day wifh no Ill-effects. During the cross-examination Mr. Miller presented a letter Dr. Wesener had written to the Coca-Cola com pany defining his first analysis of coca-cola to 1107 in 1907 In which he said he found no trace of alcohol or cocaine, although In later experiments alcohol from ,41 to .it ol 1 per cent wa found. . " Even I ANDY. I'M JUST KPM N. . S&S&X ' DIXIE FtYER CARRYING EIGHT TO SUDDEN DEATH Mor ThanPozcnSeriously Sweetheart Watches for Rescue of Fiance's .TIFTON. GsJ, Mar. 2,In on of the worst railroad .'disasters vr known In th South "Atlantic state eight person wer killed and more than a dosen injured when train No. IS, known as th ?'pixHi Flyer, on th Atlantic Coast JJn nd running between Chicago and Jacksonville. Ha., went through trestle over the Alapaha river eighteen SpUee east of hera early this morning. Tonight but one body, that t John TV Watson of Lander, Wyo, ., remained fin the cars In the river, If ad It no been for the wreck Watson j would have been a bridegroom todo Hnr WwssOisart, Miss Hheppe,. wfPasa4eh, tllftrola h wa'piiHMt. traftn rltl him and to whom ha wa. to ihav been asarrled In JckonvIII tomor-j row, remained. at the wrack through out tba day and night watching th efforts of the rescuers to recover Watson's'body. Injured Bushed to HuHpltaF, , The Injured Were transfered to the Atlantic Coast Line hospital at Wny Cross, Ga.. and the dead were takaa to Tlfton and Way Ctom. According to an official atatemrnt, the wreck was caused by the breaking t)f an axle on the engine when mid way of the trestle, the weight of the train causing the trestle to collspse. Cain Without Warning. The disaster came without a m mcnt's warning to the train crew and passengrai and as soon as those In the rear Pullmans realised what had happened they rushed to the edge of the river and rendered assistance to the vlotlms before - the hospital trains arrived at th'' scene. As rapld- T AFTEfl CAROLINA LANDS Descendants of Carolina Tribe Claim Lands in Bertie County ' RALEIGH, N C. Mar. 25 Chief Grant Mount Pleont of the Tusca rora Indian of Nlnxara county. New York, la In Raleigh examining the state records preparatory to making a demand for the return to his tribe of 41, 113 acrea of rertiilc lands in Bertie county tlil etote. The land In that section Is worth about twenty dollars an acre, mnking the property j aggregate probablv three quarter, of ; a million dollars. The claims of the ' Tuscarora, who ri- descendants of the Tuacarora of Hertl. ar that In leases made In ''i and 1803 to many Individuals !r, Bertie county the stipulation wns that these expire! in ltlf and that Mm laws of this state clearly set out that despite non- occupancy of the lands the Tuscororas Texas reported all 'iulet on the bar shall be, considered the owners. I der. The troops of the third cavalry - I dispatched to t'hlshos from which SEW YORK HET BOSTON j place alarmists reports have been re- reived, has arrived and reports Bo ev- AUGUSTA, Ga . Mr. 25. The, New (deuce, of depredations by Mexicans. Tork Americans this afternoon de- Tito troop, however, will remain there feated the Boston National by the I for some time, core of I to 1. i GMOWERfe WASHINGTON. Meteh 15. Fore- cast for North Carolina: Rain and warmer Sunday; Monday rain, brisk t and southeast wind. Millions Have Their Uses. GOES THROUGH BRIDGE Injured. One of Worst Wrecks In South Atlantic States. in Indescribable Mas in Narrow ly s possible, th Injured were taken from the cars on the bank and In the river while the bodies of the dead were brought out and ranged along, side th bank, They were finally placed aboard the relief trains and harried to Way Cross and Ttfton,' It la aot expected to, have the traoks cleared and the trestle repaired for traffic bofore Sunday night, ' All Bodies IxiraUMl. V iIAte tonight it wag said that th wreck had been thoroughly examined and that the death total will not b increased 'a all paste nxrs have been acouuhted for. All the wounded h,v been removed tn - th Atlanil Toat of tbe dead war removed in Tlntnn from which point thejr will be chipped o their former homes, Th revised list of the, dead and injured la given as. follows: tAm of tint Dead. Dead: O. F. Bonmwart, Henderson. Ky. W. .1. Culpeppjer, Tlfton, (la. Mrs. W, D. Fletcher, Rowfhnd. III. John T. Watson, Lander, Wyo. J. P. Woodward, express messen ger. Way Cross, Ga. C. J. Parnell, conductor, Savannah. Lucius, Ellis, . fireman and Albert Hlmoiut, porter, both colored, of Way Cross. ,' ; The Injured: J E. Powell, baggage master, Jacksonville. J. P. Klein, wife and child. 8t. Louis, rather and mother bruised and child scalded. f- Peter Cerlofs, Holland, Mich, bruls. ed. ALL IS PET IMF RIO GRANDE SAYS REPORT Maneuvers in Texas Are In terrupted by Heavy Rains Disturbing Soldiers SAN ANTON to. Hex., Mar. 25. The war cloud turned out to be full of rain today and everybody In Tex as was happy except the soldiers and winter tourists General Hrnllh In command of the brigade at Leon Springs, 27 miles' from ramp, telephoned that he would remain there ?ntll the end of the month to follow tin; completion of the program of maneuvers delayed by the weather, lie hail Intended to return to the division -amp b-- next Wednes day. .Lieut. Colonel McCarthy, the dlvlnlon paymaster. If he is able to curry out hl pinna, will l equipped wlth a division ammunition train., a matter vvhlrh previously has gone no further than plans, tieneral Dun can commandfr of th department of H l.tKI-rAT 111111 Alll M IJIMflB WASHINGTON. March 25. Cap tain Ri-nj. T. Hlmmons, United States army, has been detailed to make the annual inspection over military In stitutions located In Virginia, North Carolina. Kouth Carolina and Flori da. col. com;kovk ciuncAi, RAtTIMORE!. March 25. Colonel James sgrove. of Charleston, 8. C. president of the south Carolina good roads commission and a leading figure In hia state. Is at the point of death at Johns Hopkins hospital I her. , Colonel Cosgrove with kidney troubla. is suffering1 J3ody,Cars Piled : -i Stream. . Nick Vandermelon, Grand Rapid. Mich., brulsad head and knee. .. Mr. O F, Bonmwart, Henderson. K. - , W. T. Prkln. Cattletsbnrg, . Ky.. prunes " , 3. B. Greene, engineer. Way Cross, bruised. 1 1 ' RaclM Axis Knapped. ' Th oar plunged Into th river without a moment warning to th (leaping pasisnger uhan an axl on th angina ud.intynpBd when midway of the trtl. ' Th locomo tiv Bvr left th track but'th tn. tat derailed and th tank 4um bled ta the Iwnk of tha streaw, Th taMtiwtla? &iiik';faHhmmtilhk but th rvr waa low and at th point of aocldtnt u not mora than rt yard aoroM. Th xpra sd baggaga, ' twa 'day coaehe and on Pullman war piled in an lndfcrrb able mass in th center of th stream but fortunately fw of th paan gera were carried beneath th watar, J. P. Woodward, the xprw mea se ng.i'. waa killed and baggage mas tar i. B. Powell, waa probably faul ty Injured by bridge timbers being driven through their oar. Conductor C. J, Parnall of Savannah and a ne gro porter named Simmon wr In itantly killed In th aecond elas ooaoh whan It was telescoped by th baggage ear. The first class coach a now steal oar, w driven through th sloapar. In thl oar 0. F. Bonm wart. of Henderson. Ky was instsnt ly killed while hi wife "beside (ITtn scaped with alight Injuries. Bonn. wart Bouy was recovered ' late thl afternoon. ' E ORE PUIiTITJLEMD Recently Constructed at a Cost of Million and is Badly Damaged ct.KVKLAND, O., March 25. Un known vandal tonight dynamitd th new iron ore handling plant of th Erie railroad at North Randall, a ubtirb of Cleveland. Th dynamite was used on the or bridge of th plant, which was destroyed with an estimated loss of 1200,000 (official;. The plant was only recently com pleted at a cost. It I aatd, of about 11,000.000, and had been In op -ration a few days. There is no clus to the miscreants and General Superintendent II. O. Ihinkle, of this division of ths Erie, ays that bloodhound will be used In trying to run them down- The one theory held by the police la that a disgruntled employ may have done the act. SHERMAN LAW IS JjRITICISED BY JUDGE NEW TORK, March 25. Judge Peter S. Orosscup of Chlcagro criti cised the Sherman anti-trust law at th republican club today during a discussion of the question of th "encroachment upon three cordlnate branches of the government, on up on the other." . Judge Orosscup thought th Sher man law was typical of the.law that encroach upon powers ofHh Judi ciary. H thought that laws should conform to existing conditions. j "Through th merer of th di partment of luetic you may never be prosecuted," be said. "The whole power ta transferred to Washington. It 1 no longer what will they aay at the court in Buffalo in New Tork or rlsewhere. but what will they in Washington r IN FURIOUS STORM LITTLE VESSEL IS Turned Turtle and Went Down With Twenty.two Passen gers and Four of Crew INDIAN WAS ONLY WITNESS OF SCENE Off Vancouver Island Little Sechelt Is Victim of Winds and Waves . VICTORIA, B, C. March . Th Orlttah Columbia Shipping company' llttl wooda steamer Sechelt, built for pasaengsr service on an Inland, lake, turned turtl In a furious gal off Beechy Head. Vancouver Island, 1st ytorday ufternoon and went down with " all on board, II pa aenger and th crsw of four ma. Thirteen passenger had 1 tandtd at William Head just befor th tam r went out to destruction. " Moat of th passenger were railroad labor er bound for a Canadian Northwrt eonatruction 'camp, - , . ' . India Only wltncaa. ? ' An Indian waa th only y wlt nesa to th disaster. ; Henry Charlea, an Indian of Rocky Point, waa gat h ring wood on Becht at' l.tt o'clock In th afternoon ytrday and w th Mtitiw go down. A heavy gal waa blowing. When th 8chk wag. thr mile off Beohr Head th gala truck har and aha land over and wung around aa though ah Intend d to run acros th tratt at Port Craacaht, on th American ld. Th tiny craft had hardly, turned broad aid to th wind whan th righted, then went over and lay an hr sldet The Indian watched th steamer ten minute's and at th end of that tlm4 th ! wa wJlowd up by th sva leaving not a trac on th ttirT faca. Th Indian ran ax fast aa h could ' to Rocky, Point and notified a atajra driver, who telephoned th new to WlUlam Head ouarantln tatlon, whano launch w qu Mtchsd to Vietori. ... BtK'hir.HHd la wst of B sec her Bay in the strait of rue, 21 mile trom .Victoria. ' OT.UI5T:;; ii- , s ' i ' , , . Thought That New Cabinet - Will Immediately hi- ' augurate Eeforms , ' " -' SEMIOFFICIAL ) MEXICO CITT, March J). Al- though no official announcement ha bn mad, it la aald that flv of th new member of Prldnt Plea's cab inet hv betn sloud, and it 1 al mot caruln that Jo Tv Llman tour will . rmaln as mlnltr of flnanc. Other (election beside that of Donor t La iiarra a minister of foralgn relations ri Dtmtr1o Bodl. Judg 01 th u- prm court, minister of Juatlc. uo-! ; ceedtng Justlno Farnanda. . ' Norbeto Oomlngueg, postmaster general, department of communica tion, succeeding Lsandsr Fsrnsndes, Manual Maroquln. wall known civ. II engineer, department of fominto, succetdlng Olegaiia Molina. . (leorg Vara Estonol, an attorney, minister' of education, guocMdlng Jus to Sierra, i Tonight It wa statid that th d ministration would mk BO an nouncement, however, - before nest week. It I posslbl that at that tlma changes may be mad' t nth nt of thoe now electd. With th change In th oabnfet reform will b enactd, tt I eurrnt ly reported, which will Includ change In th electoral system which Include th election of'tate govern or and a reformation of th power of the Jeff politico. JACK JOHNSON IS SENTENCED TO JAIL SAN FRANCISCO. Mare ' .- jack Johnson, champion heavyweight , pugilist, was today sentenced by Act- Ing Folic Judge Tread well to serv 25 day In th county Jail on a charge : of exceeding th automobll pd limit Shortly after hi arrival her , several weeks ago Johnson wa con- , vlcted on a charg of exceeding th peed limit and a fin of tl0 wa Imposed. H appealed against tha -fin and was arrested on similar . charg whlls tha appeal waa pend " Ing. Caught racing through th park on Wednesday b pleaded guilty with today's sentence as th result Th . suspended warrant wa also served . on him. ,. 4 ..... -A r - 1 HEAVY FROST IX VTRGIXIA . ' ' NOBFOLK, Va, March MvHeavr,' frost throughout eastern . Virginia -last alght did much damage to peach, pear and plum tree, th early bloom of which had not. already bean out off by - previou 1 ever weather. Truck crop are reported a but lie-' tie hurt." Tonight I another vary awU on.,.. ' t SWALLOWED BYSEA A-