THE ASHEiLLE CITIZEN, Complete Associated Press Reports " ' THE WEATHER: FAIR. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUES DAY MORNING, MARCH 28, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS ri OL. XXV1T., KO. 158. Sh , Don't Get Excited! ALL COMMITTEES HAVE BEEN FIXED TWO MILLiOHSJS YORK FAIL TO FllE E GHAIRMANSHIPSOF 1BEZZLEMENTQF SCIENTISTS 1 DEMOCRATS III NEW ' . ; 7h AFRAID iT ONME MEQFSHELDQN BEGOMEGQNFUSED A GAUGUS NOMINE O .Qi Fugitive From Canada Is Ar rested in financial District In Pittsburg Pa. SENSATIONAL ATTEMPT TO MAKE HIS ESCAPE Operated A Get Rich Quick Scheme and DIssapeared When Investigated PITTSBURG, Pa., March 27. Charles D. Sheldon, alias Chan. D. Washburn, of-Montreal. Canada, who 1 wanted in that city on charges ot embesxlement, said to Involve nearly $2,009,000, was arrested tn the local financial district here today by a pri vate detective from the East. Shel don, who was also known here as C, W'.Robs, admitted that he was a fugi tive from Canada. , ( . Thi Information received by the lo cal authorities charge him with em beixlement and receiving money by -"false pretenses In the sum of $500,008. When the . detective approached Bheldon he made a sensational at tempt to escape, and was captured inly after an exciting chase. When brought to the central police station Bheldon aBked permission to use the telephone. He called up a local stock broker and gave him orders to cloce out his deals on the local stock ex change. Oet-Rlcb-Qulck Oiierationa. Sheldon, according to the police to night, ijleapepared from Montreal last October, His get-rich-quicic opera tion there 'are said to have excited the suspicions of the authorities. Shel don maintained that he was doing a legitimate business, and offered to submit his books te the crown attor ney for complete investigation. On Oct. "it he suddenly;', disappeared be fore the officials had an opportunity to investigate further. Sheldon came direct . U hi 4ilty; i Apparntl-e- apent all his time about the local took market, but maintained no office or has It been learned where he made his home while here. The pris oner Is of distinguished appearance. He is BS years old. five feet nine Inches tall and weighs 20 pounds. TRAFFIC srPFRINTKXnKNT RKSK.XS ATLANTA, Oa.. Mar. 27. An nouncement was mode here tonight of the realisation of I. M. Thorroll, division traffic superintendent nf the ; l. Western Union Telegraph company. seaHls successor has not been named. DEMOCRATIC RffEIVtBERS OF COMMITTEE ON RULES TQ r E SESSION EVERY BAY Will Formulate Its Report in Time for Considera tion at Caucus MAY HAVE NEW RULES! WASHINGTON. Mar. 27. Demo cratic members of the new committee on rules of the house of representa tives headed by Representative Hen ry of Texas, the chairman, met today and win he in session dally until con- I gress convenes April 4. The com- mittee will endeavor to formulate Its report for consideration at democrat- ; ic caucus next Saturday and in order ; to accomplish this night sessions may I be necessary It Is probable that the committee will rc:iimend an entire- j lw new set of rules, though It will he guided largely by the rules of the ' last democratic house in the 63rd i congress. Charles R. Crisp, the new house parliamentarian, whose father I was the Speaker of the last demo- I cratlc house, is pitting with the com- j mittee In Its deliberations. The matter of minority represents- ; tlon, It was declared today, would be ' for the democratic caucus to deter- mine. The opinion prevails. how- i ever, among democatlc leades, that control of minority selections on com- j mittees should beheld by the mino-! lty party, the majority determining I only the numerical allotment on the j various committees. I COLLEGE STUDENT DIED RAVING THREE ; WASHINGTON. March 27. The j body of Duncan McRae- Jr.. who was, drowned In the Potomac river yes terday while canoeing with felloM students of George Washington unl-j verslty, was recovered today. Mc- j Rae lost his life after having he-1 roicalty saved the lives of three of! his fellow ettidents, Harold Geats,' Reamer. W. Argo and . Robert L. Jones. MCRae was 21 years old, a son of Colonel Uum an McRae of Macon, Oa., and a nephew of : Major Jas. H. McRae. ' IT. B. A.; of the war college en Washington. - College Professors Admit That Statements InThelr Books Are Far Wrong IS CAFFEINE POISON IS MOOTED QUESTION Some Say Yes and Others No In Telling of Coca Cola and Effects CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., March i7, The testimony of well mown med ical and scientific writers contrary to statements contained in their own works was a feature of today's pro ceedings tn the trial of the United Staates against the Cola Cola com pany. Dr. R. C. Witthaus, professor of chemistry and toxicology. New York, who was on the stand in con tinuation of his testimony begun on Saturday ,had stated that caffeine, one of ..the alleged ingredients of eo cola, was not a poison. He was eon fronted by his own book in which he had cited 13 cases of fatal poisoning by the drug. He explained this by say ing that he had read the statement in some other work and had cop ied it in his own, but had forgotten It. Dr. Horatio C. Wood, pharmacolo gist and professor of medicine In the Philadelphia Theaaputical college, had also written a book in which he stated that caffeine was a powerful muscle poison. He stated on the stand today that he had experimented with caffeine on the muscles of frogs, and that In one case poison was pres ent in the muscle of one leg of a frog and in the other there was no poison. He stated that caffeine was not a muscle poison, and when the passage from his own work was read he explained, as Dr. Witthaus, that he had copied the matter from some other work. He then admitted that not everything In his book. was true. It is also stated in his book thut caffeine stimulates the kidneys to great activity and the work also cites case of caffeine poisoning, - Dr. John Marshall, professor of chemistry and toxicology of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania .declared that the text boeks did not treat icaffeine as a poison. Government attorneys presented several of these and cited several canes of caffeine poisoning. Dr. Marshall Anally admitted that he was wrong In his1 statement. Dr. Chas. 8. Chandler .professor of chemistry, Columbia university, N'ew York, stated ' positively that caffeine was not a poison. He had analyzed coca cola and found It to contain one and one fourth grains of caffeine to each ounce of syrup. Ho declared It was not harmful and would not in jure health. POSTOFFICE INSPECTORS 10 BROKERAGE OFFICE ARRESTINGTHREE OWNERS Alleged That They Were Selling Stock in Non Existent Oil Company. DOING BIG BUSINESS NEW YORK. March 27. In a raid today on the stock brokerage, offices in Fifth avenue, occupied by Wlsner and company and the Standard Se curities company, postofflce Inspectors- charged that Irregularities, amounting to more than $2,000,000 had been brought to light. Transac tions In excess of 10,000,000 through out the country are credited to the two concerns In the last few years. Archie and Emmett S. Wlsner. con stituting the owners of both concens and Grover S. Trumbull, chW clerk, were arrested. A United States com missioner 'held Archie Wlsner In $7. 000 ball for the federal grand Jury. Emmett S Wlsner in 15.000 and Trumbull In $1,600. They were com mitted to the Tombs. The charge is using the mails to defraud by selling worthless stocks. The specific charge is that the Wls ners through mall oorreaopndence represented to stock purchasers that the California Diamond Oil company was actively at work when as a mat ter of fact, according to 'the charge, the company was dormant and had lost title to the property It was claim ed to be operating. KKI) OHOSH FIRXISHKS FUNDS WASHINGTON", Mar.. 27. In re sponse to appeals from Brigadier GeneVal Bliss at San Diego. Cal., for relief for the destitute refugees of the Mexican revolution in lower Cal ifornia, tho American National Red Cross today telegraphed $2000. The refugees of whom45 are women, and ,121 children ere In the wild part of mountains about "5 miles from San Diego, General Bliss reports. A de tachment of United Sattes troops in rendering assistance i from- 12 to IS are being housed In, one feTU. , But All Hope Is Passed That Sheehan Will Continue as Candidate PROLONGED DEADLOCK ABOUT TO GIVE WAY Calling of New Caucus Re lieves Situation and Man Will be Named Soon Tt- ALBANY, N. Y., Mar. 27 The sec ond democratic legislative caucus failed tonight to select a candidate for S.; senator and was called , to re convene tomorrow night. Twenty flve candidates were voted ,for, Wm. P. Sheehan leading with a vote of g less than a third of thos taking part., Those receiving the next high est votes were Augustus Van Wyck 7; Isador. Strauss; John J. Kits gerald I and Daniel F. Cohalon four. Governor Ilx received one ballot. Ninety , of , he lit democratic mem bers of the legislature answered the roll call. Seven member who have figured as strong advocates , of Mr. Sheehan' candidacy acknowledged lit declaring their votes that his elec tion had (eased to be' a possibility and that the reconvening of the .caucus released them from whatever pledges might have been Incurred by attendance upon the first caucus. This was the general impress km among the Sheehan advocates who expressed the opinion that! the recon vening of the caucus tomorrow night would mark the beginning of the end of the most protracted senatorial contest which this state ha ever known. Several of the members tonight scored the insurgents for their fail ure to attend the caucus. The gen eral opinion in both the democratio camps was that a democratls senator owulde elected In time to take hi seat When the extraordinary session of congress convenes a week from to morrow, x . .,..! f.:: 'KFARIXU' FOR CONVENTION. ATLANTA, Oa., March,!. Presi dent Hampel Gompers and the officers of the American Federatlo nof La bor arrived In Atlanta today to make preliminary preparations for the na tional convention which meets here next November. "The country," said Mr. Gompers In an Interview, 'expects some great things In the way of constructive leg islation from the democratic congress, as much has been promised and much is needed. We have eighteen union labor men In congress, and they will stand for anything that looks toward gopd, sound and Just constructive legislation." MAKES DECISION WHICH Georgia Lumber Road Not Entitled to Reparation From Railway. INTERESTING POINTS WASHINGTON, MHrch 27. A principle; that is likely to govern in many esses was laid down today by the interstate commerce commission In a decision of the complaint of the Kaul Lumber company of Alabama against the Central of Georgia rail way and other carriers. The lumber company built a railway line with Its timber land. It entered into an ar rangement with the railroad by which It received two cents a hundred pounds on all lumber hauled to the Junction. Later the road advanced its rates on lumber from Alabama points to Ohio river transfers two rents a hundred pounds. The lumber company asked reparation on ship ments of its lumber, to tho extent of two cents a hundred pounds. In de nying the request the commission said: "That conceding for the purposes of this case that the advance of two cents per liundred pounds on yellow pine lumber was unreasonable and unjust, the complainant lumber com pany Is not entitled to any repara tion thereon for tho reason that it has never paid the advance. "That If the ralroad of the lum ber company should he held to be a common carrier, as the complainant contends it should, in such case It rannot be heard to complain of the advance In rates because It had con curred tacity and explicitly In such advance." HARD FOUGHT GAME ATLANTA. Ga.. Mar. -27-The New York Americans won In a hard fought game with the Atlanta South ern leaguers here today '10 to . ' rOlA-MBU DEFEATKD , COLUMBIA; 8. C, Mar. 27. The world's champions' today defeated Columbia by a score of 7 J. tiOrd Md Baker made home run. : CRIMINAL CARELESSNESS WAS CAUSE. OF NEW YORKS HORRIBLE HOLOCAUST One Fire Escape Blocked by Iron Shutters. Doors Swung Inward, -Water Tank Was Empty. Never Had Fire Drill. Death List is Now 142. Thirty- -, 'Three Ctushed and Charred Bodies Yet Unidentified. NEW TORK. March lL-Flxlng the blame for the low ot 111" lives In the Washington square fire , of Saturday drew to a focus today the energies of the district attorney's staff, the fire marshal, the coroner, lite stats labor department and Borough President McAneny of Manhattan,) Grand Jury men turned personal probers and an additional grand Jury. In formal res olution presented to the court of gen eral session offered their aid to the district , attorpey, and declared that om one should be prosecuted for the dlsMter. " t ' i ' i ' tf What Tlir Funnel, What the- pre bee. 4ouaa--vlfen that doors at exit swsng .... Inward! the crumpled fire escape "In the air shaft; the one Sre escape blocked by Iron shutters when opened: an empty water tank on the roof, and the prac tice prevalent among cutters of light ing cigarette a few minutes before quitting time alt this, and what Is yet to he ferreted out, will he placed FAMOUS FERRER C0SE IS BEING DEBATED IN SPAIN For Execution Two Years Ago Likely That Spanish Ministry Will Fall. MADRID. March 27. The debate on the trial of Prof. Kerrer, the fopnder of the modern school at Hxr celona who was executed In Octobor, 108. opened In the chamber of depu ties today and attracted unusual at tention. The proposal to discuss this trial was made by the republicans and accepted by the government many months ago. The republican press declares that the revival of the Ferrer case means the end politically of Benor Maura, who was premier at the time, and his colleagues. Deputy Soriano opened the debate and asserted that none of the facts charged against Ferrer constituted the crime of rebellion according to the military law. The government was advised to thet effect no said, by the local military authorotles. MANY REFORMS KNACTKD BicniVUIiTO. Cal.. Mar. 27. The California legislature adjourned j tonight after enacting Into laws near- i ... -ii .i.. ,frm. ori which Governor I Johnson made his campaign as a pro- j gresslve. t The following constitutional amendment will be submitted at a j epecial session in October. Kor the Initiative ana rei-renum.,. for the recall of elective officers in- i tho tnrfiHarv: for woman suf frage; eliminating technical errors as a ground for reversal in criminal cases. GIANTS WON AUSTIN. Tex.. Mar. 27-The New York National second team defeated Austin, Texas leaxue team here today to 4. WW- FAIR WASHINGTON,' Mar. 27. Fo cast: North Carolina, generally fair and much colder Tuesday; Wednes day fair; moderate to. brisk . south west to west wind. . A speedily before .the grand Jury for action, District Attorney Whitman announced, fire Marshal Beer sum moned the proprietors of the Triangle Wulst company' and .several employee to testify at a public, hearing. , . . Never Had Fire Drill. "So far as I can discover," ha said, "there ha never, been . .Ire drill In this factory.. .In my opinion It would take 700 girls three hours to reach the street by. the one. Are escapt iq that building., Nine-tenths of the em ployes cannpt Vek fSngllsh, yet I could not find, a, sign jn Yiddish or ItMMt) pputting ouv tn fire eit,":.; , - e?he flM'.maMbateaiid .he", wg-tm.1 vlnced that a cigarette, tit by a cut ter, and thrown In a heap of clip pings, had started ths fire. i rtellcf Fund Raised. A relief fund for the sufferer I headed by a 15.000 donation from An dre wl'arnegle. The United Hebrew Charities, the Austran Hebrew Free Burial association snd other organ VIRGINIA ANTI-8ETTIN9 Spring Meeting of James town Jockey Club Re ceives Official Warning. RICHMOND. Vs.. March 27. Oov. Mann toduy declared that the Vir ginia antl-bettlng law must not be violated at the Jamestown Jockey club spring meeting, which Is sched uled to open April l. WILL OI1KY ALL LAWS. NOHFOLK, Va., March 27. Re garding the statement of Gov. Mann that he would not permit any viola tion of the atate antl-bettlng law during the spring meeting of the Jamestown Jockey club, which open April 15, Manager Boh Levy, of the Jockey club, tonight ald: "The spring meeting of the James town Jockey club will run It sched ule from April S to 2. Inclusive, as announced, without violating any law of Virginia." HA.VHAH CITY LOOT KANHAS CITY. Mo.. Mar. 27. Joe Birmingham's suuad of the Cleveland American league baseball team de feated the Kansas City American as sociation team today 12 to 5. DUMA I'RFHIDKNT IIKMIUSH .ST. PKTEHSBURO. Mar. 27. A. J. Ouchkoff has resigned as presi dent of the duma. KF.ni0L LKAIiKIt WAH HHOT MKX If 'AL.I. Mex.. Mar. 27. Oen eral Klmon Berthold. the American socialist leader of the rebel in Lower California, was shot In the leg and one rebel was killed in a skirmish with Mexican federals at Alamo Pas 78 mile south of Mexlcall, according to a courier from Berthold to General Ieyva here. Berthold claimed he killed four federals. FIGHTER HURT: FIGHT OFF 1U:MPHI8. Tenn. , Mar. 27. An eight round bout between Jack White of Chicago and Joe Mandot of New Orleans, scheduled to occur tonight, was called off because of an injury sustained by the Chicago man. In walking about Ms room at a local hotel White stepped on a piece of broken glass, cutting a deep gash In hi right foot. The wound 1 not considered serious. isations cam to the fore with aid. Many Yet Unidentified,- Thirty-three bodies, most of ' them shorn Of .all semblance to human form, He unidentified tonight at the Charities pier morgue. Twelve pr sons, most of thsm girl In thtlr teens, are fighting for llfn In hospi tal. Half liundred funeral train trailed through th Eaat Bid and the Italian district near the factory today anq a many more are acnetenea ror tomorrow, The unldsntlflsd dead will b burled tn a single grave, but will be held a long a possible to ifv tft !' and friends an opportunity to 'iWInwb: t lint' tb death Kit at 142, the only death dur trig the twenty-four hour . among those Injured oceurrng tonight. Of the 1ft bodies ' were taken from the scene of disaster and eight died in hospitals. The Hat will b welled, surgeon say, by othsra who (till live who have no chance to re cover, AIDRICH CURRENCIf PLAN Currency Committee of the American Bankers Asso elation Takes Action. WASHINGTON, March , 7.Th currency committee of the American Bankers' association, an organisation representing 12,000 of ths 22,000 hanks of this country, unanimously approved the Aldrlch plan of mone tary reform today. Former Senator Aldrlch had Invited the currency committee to confer with the nation al monetary commission tomorrow. but the honkers held a preliminary meeting today to determine their course. They will offer some slight modification In the technical detail of the Aldrlch plan tomorrow, but they approve of the principle fea ture and will suggest the adoption of the Aldrlch scheme by the nation al monetary commission. Borne of the bankers admitted that sn Important question yet to be set tied wr the method by which state banks could chare the advantages of' fered national bank under the Ald rlch plan. Representative Vreelend, of New York, vice chairman of the national monettary commission, is In favor of Including state banks In the plans for monetary reform and representative from districts where state bank are conspicuous ire expected to urge the passage of a bill broad enough to In clude the state banks. tor. li BARRA BnKAKS JOL'RXKY 8T. LCUTIH, Mo., Mar.. 27. Fran cli'co de la Barra. newly chosen min ister of foreign affairs of Mexico, on hi arrival here at (.25 p. m. today decided to pause In hi Journey to Mexico City until 1.30 o'clock to morrow night. ' of the plan for af fecting .peace In Mexico which he has Intimated be will have ready for ub mission to President Dlat and the new cabinet, Senor De 1 Barm would say nothing. . AT THE PAMCT8. Professor Foster, whose travel lec tures made a decided hit last season opened the week' bill at the Palace theatre last night to large, audi ence. - J Clyde Elliot Is good In a black face turn. The Claypool sisters, who had been billed for a double sketch were relieved front further duty after- tbe matinee .yesterday -ber-ause they were not up to the Palace standard.-The Moving picture nt illus trated ong were good. -V North Carolina Will Show Up Bad In Oeneral Assign-. . ments Scheduled . OTHER STATES WILL .1 MAkE BETTER SHOWING Did Bryan lose Out in Attempt to Dictate Some of Chairmanships?, By H. V. C, Bryant, , ' WASHINGTON. March ' ITUn less something unexpected come t change the pinna of the way and means committee of th bouse which i also the committee on ommltteea, -the following named will be appoint" ed committee chairman: agriculture. Lamb ot ' Virginia,; appropriation, ritagerald of New fork; lianklng and ourrenoy, Pu)o ?of . Loulsianw; District of Columbia. Johnson mf Kentucky: education.- Lever of gout it -Carolina; election of president and vine president and repreeentaativ in congress,-. Httcker of Missouri; Fore ign affair, Flood ot Virginia; immi gration and naturalisation .Burnett of . Alabama; Indian affair, Stephen of Texas; Industrial art and expositions, Iiertln of Alabama! . Insular - affairs, Jonea nf Virginia; Interstate and for- sign commerce, Adamson of Osorgla; Invalid pension, Dherwood of Ohio; Irrigation of Arid lands, Smith of Texas j Judiciary. Clayton of Alabama) labor, Wilson ot Pennsylvania; man ufactories, Johnaort, of South Caroli na; military affair, Hsy of Virginia; naval affair, Padgett of Tennessee; patent. Suiter of New ork; pension, Rlchardaon off Alabama; post offices and post roads, Moon of Tennessee! printing, Finlejr trf South Caroline! public building lund ground, fthep pard of Texas; revision of law, Wel kin of Louisiana; river and harbor, Sparkman of Florldat rule, Henry ot Texas; war claims. Sim of Tnn tej claims. Ooldfog! of New York; public land, Robinson" of Arkansas; territories, Lloyd of Missouri; library. Hiayden of T'-vna: tallwy and c nals, Korbly of iuuiuna; rsforin in the civil service, Godwin of North Carolina. :"-, '), There I some doubt as to who wilt b chairman of the census commit tee, as Hay the ranking member wll have military affair and , Robinson, next In rank, public land and .Wil son, Is bor, and Godwin, reform In the civil service, leaving; Hamlin of Missouri, the only democrat on the, committee,-. .., : v.-W- .;?" t -X . The tk of th committee 4 not yet completed but thl I .the pro gram to date. Some of these may be changed. Captain Lamb I btln op posed for the committee on agricul ture by Southern farmer' organisa tions because of his defiant tss,nd against the anti-gambling bill Intro duced at th last eslon of congress. At one time It looked as If Lever of South Carolina ,or Bell or Burle son of Texas would defeat' him,' but within the last few day, h ha gain ed the upper hand. Lever w op posed bv grange tn - the north- and west because hefawed th Removal of the direct tax of ten cent per pound on colored oleomargarine and ' Captain Lamb favored by them fof the reason that he think the ta t should remain. Beall waa looked up- (Continued on Page Four.) IT Feature of. Today Will Be World'! Record Trials . for One Mile. . ! WEATHER CLEARING. JACKSON VILLE. Fla.t . Mar. 2 T. Everything" l In readlnee for the - ' opening of th automobile speed car ! nival on the Atlantic beach which was scheduled to start this morning but postponed until tomorrow on ao count of unfavorable weather. " Rata fell In torrent last night and thl morning, but th sky cleared this af ternoon and report from the beach tonight were that the course I now in excellent condition for racing. , i Among the driver who will com pete bere during the four day rac ing are Bunnan (Mercedes. Bene, Buick); Mers and Wilcox (National); . Dtsbrow ( Pope-Hartford ) v:: 5 Strang (Case); Edmund and Tucker (Cole); Evan snd Tower (Warren-Detroit); Hughe (Mercer); Ferguson (Lan cia.) ' ' There are twenty-eight scheduled event lth four extra events for the four day, tor a total eash prise of 13,000 and 17,000 . In , trophies and medal. I Th feature event of tomorrow program will be th world's re-nnl trials for one mile, open to all it, with a. flying start for a cash t t of 11.008 for the 'fastest mli., ?l speed King erown provi.ncr t: ent world' record of '.'" . i held by Barner ourn ', i, , -.