THE SUNDAY ClTlZfcN. 2, Wll 1 4 I f- s. .c I; ' V" Vj'; AND PERSONAL. JL "Vjj 1! ..... Iln. J. ' C. Nation onterlalnrrt tha" Paitofa sGhoilljoys j,,rday teraoon trw thr ,10 six o'rlojk ut t Iter r44nexTi'fftywoiHJ street. ? . Thl Jtern?p at All Houls' rhur. h. J. AUtof,'"ulf' Holy ny will " ;'; wn qrha Phdjr and four soloists. J Mrteimer WsHll, Mr. V. V. flufk- k' auKetnr. tb progr-afn is on m F th iftiat Interesting arruntrca fc? Mr. Harkar during the winter. The num ber which will I'e mum are Iowa: Instrumental introduction, " 'otiu-ni -' platlon" . . , Mr. Ilurlor. 'My Soul U Athlrst for u-nr Kilo) ...... Mr HtlkelMUher "Ftot Thc, O Pwr, Dear I'ountry" t Chorus l (Chorus) Thln la th Kingdom, a New Haw V' n nd Naw Earth (la solo mm ,y chorus! l'r. Kiiwr "Instrumental "Adoration" t Mr. Harker. 5-, Thay Shall Hunger No More" idueii Mra. Weatall and Mra. 'Murker. ! "List, the Chftirulili' Host." ihurua woman's vote. nbllwam - , Mra. Weatall and Mr. filnttrr. Tha aervlc ha afternoon ut All jftoula' beglna at half after rur . r o'clock. . , , . . J J J . Tha lavltatlons for the masquerade and fancy drain ball which will alvaa at tha Manor aflar Kaater will j aa Issued tha Ural of tha week. The I ball ,tk t1C t tha Manor April n SO, under tha ,uaplM of the Ooun Itrjt club, amd will t by putMcrlptlon. t Acceptance muit he aetit to Mr. K. 1. Jrroet before April II. There will he ' apaclal ear returning from the Man i' or at II o'clock, and the laat one i leaving at t oVIock. Hupper will be erva ut eleven o'clock. The hall will he one of the moat beautiful aver klvn In Aahevllle. and the costumes 'wilt 'ey elehprate. as praat .tnier-; 'eat tae beon'tia'kan Irf Oib' affair. V - - - v i Tharo will be no veapcr kervlve at Jtho T..W. C. A. thle efternoon on ac. .'count of the meeting for men and wo. men et the M. ,C. A. ;W-;"Ul1 ' ' ; ' ;, Mra.vOray( Aynon hb toxa been vlaltlng thp parenu of. Mr., Poynton In Georgia haa ratumed to Blltmore. ,. ' J ' Mia Porl tavenport of Bt, t-oula !Ji netting her grandparents. Mr. and Mra. McFerrea In Panola street. . , 1 J ' Mlaa Barah O. Ogden haa return ' ;ed to Aahevllle after spending thn fwtnter In Atlanta, with relatives and l.frtends. ' . J, Jl .... 4 There were mafny "April fools" In Vhe city yesterday add the practical r -Joker reaped a verp mulng har-i-veet. long before noon h aupply of '.red pepper and soap candy ran out. ,S. fortunate mishap, The children and "growa xt, too. lived up to the cua- j. tern of the day. At the convent the r etttdent revelled In the spirit of the 4. and serviettes were sewn to the , table, fandlee with unpleasant inter-lor-od varloua "stunta" were ' prac- . ' ticed on th unauspectlng. There were , telephone ce.ll .with embarreaalnM; j romefluances, parties given at which ; the guest arrived but not the hna ',, end etiAJen 'fooling" that tor- . v'mented credulous Innocents. J M v,Th Country club was festive ves-'erday- aftomoon. the entire member hip -turning -out.- judging from the ( congested apnearance of ttie clnh house. Mm Reuben Robertson won the'seml-flnuls In the tennis tourna ment. Olid Will plHv the finals dtir- trig th wY with Mrs. Rohert John ' atone. The name of the winner e-oes ''.i in the""nandome silver cup. which must be played for thre ttmen. the ' asiMfsftn contestant winning twice. .Th winner. of the match played this 'kV'WlM be the first to have hr '" name InacrJhed on the cup. The is- ti"o1.m(j(ed foursome wolf tournmenl sa'Won" Veeterday afternoon hv Mlaa --J3lrano .Morrleon and rn Ulnser. 'w!t?i Core Of M. Th prliea were a rat glnea anit g- aliver cXM ae. - Ttl 5e pdf5flbg""and penrogi-hlng "i'ijji tt; for lrrirP'Mr. Fraxer and X)lv Hg'ocrlson win first place, each i red Jt4 with' four point. Mra. t!rennr1 mii VM' Reeves third plrV ;lth i " point. Ip' the ifnen' anfii oaV iilnlt and ' putting Contest. Mr, H. f Rcm.iir Wort.fwlth a credit of fi t'oliila, Mr. Tfrber Brown w aecoild. credited t esitth C. points. Mr. A. K, Ftarngrd iVomen'sStylishNew Wearables - Linen Crash Suits Here is just the most distinctive styles in Linen Crash Suits to be found in the city . We have beautiful oyster whites, grays, blues and natural colors in a preat vanetv of stvlislih tailored models. Prices $20 t'n Wool Tailored Suite This Sprius our Suits show what 1 wonderful garments "skilful tailors can de sign. No matter how exclusive your taste may be we can please you "with one of our -beautiful new Home spuns, Serges or novelty' fabrics. The tatterhs are' delight fully new and Spring like. Prices $12.50 to $55.00; ' - k M V. MOORE & CO. WOMEN APPAKEL tx I lird, i rc(l(i'il iv n ft 1 ir it I li dii ni th.' iiiiirniK him iir' .(tlllcH Mill .f I ij r.j it . Ill' i hlr.l i liinf IikI'm k'olf loiirri.irri. i M I, ..l.-K .ir.l.r, ni ill'Ii. ip Iftu.ili j I' -.1 H. H(.. An iinxpr-' r.'d llliif llliige. S. i dduilt M ir. h I., II.. II IhlH ' . i.i rid .ii 2'. In. h tricndM nl r(. Mll-K lll I.. r int. Tfci lo the ntiiin jM'.ilt- III Mill I.- Murtli.i l.odii, .i .-'tciihini(' Wood. jr.. I.i is tutt ri I' d i ij i i 1 1 i ni ri u-v rri.'iniH. I'.iiiii III I Irm ii rd tu t r t h d Mr. TlHitiuia i Ii i.r lirei hi d. i tin- pr.'Hi in iiriiiiiiiii iii will l. Hi.ii- .1 I l l n lit li'f ll l 1 liiwl.ilii.ii.i win- ii-i-'nd jiMiMdni j t.i tho iiitdlriK i.l Mihn Mur I'.rl. K- i-tt Mnyi to Mr Mjriiu.i rr.kii.n Iteesp whli-li l;ikc i.u i W .-! u . April 111, nl Mi. I'i'li.'iH i liurcli, VV.idi InKtiiii. N c. Tin- In villi t Uma vti-ru l siivd try Mr. Hinl Mil John K. llot. the natciilH nl llir Iirldi-. Th" iikiiK' i lllfllt W4IM H:i-i-lilly M II III . ll Hi i'i. ; Tin- fulliiv ma wi-tf iiinoiiK I'" j iIv.iIh ut tlio M.inni .vicli'i d .lr. II 11. I'l'tcraoii, of CliliMgi.; Mr mid Mra Hubert II. ''liny. f Knglewooil, N. J.; Mr. and Mra. '. II l.'olib of Lynn. Mu, The rtctiarttircH trt, MIbh ( humln rlliic, of Vew Turk; Mr und Mrs. K. VV. I'jennls. ot i lilmao. Mr. anil Mra. H I'. Uiiiand, of iTih-agu Mrs. H. P. Anderson and daughter. Mlsa Dorothy Anderson, of Huinmlt. N. J., are expei'teil ahurlly and will be Ihi. gucsta of Mrs. . H U'rluhl. Mr. Anderson, who aotne mih ho. vtt secretary of the Y. M. '' A . In this city, leaves shortly for i'on atantliioiile on hualnes In connection with the hhmw liitlnn. Mra. Brlster and children of Mliw Isalppl are expected shortly und will occupy the Weaver cottage In fhar lotfn street. , .Mra. Oeorge T. Winston l in t'hnp r Hill vlslUifg- Mr. nl Mra. p. U. Winston. Miss Kttle Kane of Portages llle. N. Y.. In vlaltlng her sister. Mra K. Mont gomery fimlth. Ocn, and Mrs. T. F. Davidson haw returned . from Florida where t hoy j have apnt the winter. Mr. fl. K. the city on ICnlnn of plllslioro Js In buslneas. Miss Msry Hall who has been Ma. ItlnK frlenda In the city has relurned to her home In Charlotte. Mlaa Constume Worthtngtnn and her aunt. Mrs. Henry Wnrthlnaton nf New Vork. are spending several weeks In the city! Mr, ft, H. Bennett and Miss ICllte Morgan of Marlon are In the city and. are guest at the Berkeley hotel. Mr. J. W. Winter of Mpartunhurg wns In Aahevllle yesterday. Mr Tence Prancla t 'mo ia v Irdtlnit Mr". .1. K. fnnally in Charleston dur ing the Knater holidays Mr, W. yesterday Ptedman of Sylva. spent the" cll. Mr, and Mra. W J. Help Mr Hon old and Mr. W. K. Help, of i'IiIiiibo. nnd Mra. P. Meliulne of New Vorli are gucala nl llle llntlery Park ho tel. Mra K M. t'hesley and Mls I'luir lotte Cheseley of Haverhill.' Milan., are In the city for a few weeks' slay and ure RiiiHls at the Mattery Turk hotel. Mlaa Sarah Hoggins who baa apont the winter with her slater. Mra (liv en. In Montford avenue, lina return ed to her home In Kentucky Mla Kuthleen Clarke hna returned to Rarnsrd after a visit to relatives In the city, Mlaa Muzle Johnson hna none to Memphis. Tenet,, to spend Severn! Vceks llh friends. . Mrs. W S. the eltv for MiirsMti nf MHt-ion Is In I lTlef. KtllV. M'f Annie Hal. who has been IsiHiik her mother for two or three iveekfi. left yesterday fur New Vork Sin- M. t are i-cNldlni: Stockton nnti daunhier th Mr. and Mrn. .1 It Pretty Silk Dress es Yen certainly will be pleased with the many charming models we offer. Our variety of styles and beautiful patterns are unusually handsome. We li-ive sonic stun ning modes kinds that women of care7 ful dress idwis like. Prices $16.50 to $.")0. II PATTOX AC r rrirriii. :n .uili l.ibertv iirt'l Mrs Thoimis A Jnniii hits fun' to S 1 1 ii i r i iv l t. to v Iflt lueride Mrs. Malthr rtinl oi'ii of hh-lhi iiil. Ki , Iihv r-iiiriiil to then In, in' afirr niiii'lin 'he wiiit' r v ,1 h Mrs .1 Iniker.-on. Mr John W Km-ll ehrk. N. .1 in iii AhIii-'-ill.- for ii i:H (rl. rids Mrs. ' loirlott.- .1. U'srd of vVa.-li-lliglon I" '. ii:rli-a ti.di.v und 'll l.- (!, su'i-tH of Mra I "iff m Monifonl ni-n'je Mr W. It. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i iv i . ii lioac fiiniit is M.'-ndina iliij iring a' the l-i.'tters I'uru hotel, rirfti-rl vrsterdnv to hm lif ni'- in Kl rlii, ' '. Mr and Mra II I. KhHton I. ft - . -ti-r-hi: l or Wiinhlncton. I . ' .1 I. ;iiIIk1i and M:a KliK lll, I. -II i-alirdii for W.iv li'nflori ' und New Vi.rU. Mr T I. 'Ir.'.-n of W.i neaMll- i" ,,, th,. , t lor ii hrl.f ut" V on luifl- ii'-.'n 1 Mr iHi.l Mra. Miller of St Miriia ! Mne l-'hi i, re eriieats of Mra. Mitchell j in "nir. h xtn et M-. I'olierl I' Hl.rrlu of Dillaliorn iM in t he .-Itv for a brief at-'1 SOCIAL AND OTHER NEWS FROM LENOIR Announcement Made of Approaching larrlaR(. of Popular Coiiph- Mu-aii- x bool to (H'il. I.K.M )l n, April 1. The mllllnerv npenlngs In our town this sprlnif have und ure cnatltig no Binall aniount of comment, and the display or odd and xarloused shaped hats to suit all com plexluiia and pocket booka. la the larm-Kl ever seen In Lenoir. These openings ure truly festive occasions with tha women and girls. II' seems odd. but of iHte many of the "young bachelors," of the town -....nil1-ItiK country, are getting the habit of vlaltlng the millinery openings and acme of them take a great delight lit pricing lb new huts and asking all sorts of ituestions about the shapes on display. Mr. and Mra. W. C. Newland of this place, havo aniionncod the ap prniichlnii marriage of their daughter. M! Josephine, to Mr. Myron Kther .dge, of N'orfolk, Va. The ceremony will take plnee nn Wednesday, May 17. Miss Newland Is nn attractive nnd popular young lady and riaa many frlenda. Mr Ktheridge la a yourm lawver of Norfolk and Is winning. In this case, one of l.enolr's moat pop. ular young women. Two more new automobiles for l.e tiolr this week. Mr. II. M Teagiie. and the l.enolr Mvery company have each an K. M. F. touring ear Mr. A. W. Dills, the representative for this mnchtne had a carload ship ped to thla place, arriving a day or two ago. which contained three. The other one was for a Mr. Duckworth, of Morganton. The machines are dean tlea nnd much admired by all who have aeen them. Mr W. R. Southrrland. wlin has t lieen anenl here for the Carolina and ; Northwestern rallwav. for several mouths has resigned bis position, and ' a Mr. lladcr. of Iowa, has been nam j ed to succeed him. and Is expected here In s few days to lake up his new work. Mies Maude Kngland the popular ! nnd elTlcii ut teacher of music In the l.enolr public achoola. has decided lo establish a music school esoeclallv j for children nnd healnnera. She will i probably organise her first class about the I uth of tieU month. I The weather In thla wi tlnn ha j been unusually cool for the past few 'days for this season of the year. The j mountains of the Blue rtldge are i wrapped in a mantel of snow. Matters ot Record j The folio ivlnur deeds were tiled In the offlve of the realstrr of deeds yesterday: J. i' Curtis and wfe to n. C. Tree lev . I ind in I't'iper lomlny township: i-onsiflerallofi II7S 2fi. Harris. Harnett Or.v tloods enm to fiarab ' D: eAUerson. lad-' in I ntVy lew'tovrnSMTi; fnsrle1ra"yori and other i -onsiderallona. , s.itnh 1"). Hatteraon-to A. I rtreMks et ill. land In West AsheviUe; con nideratton 111 and ether ronsldera tlnns. I'harh's R Moore and wife lo M. A l.itmtnar. land In WeHiervllle, ron s ideratbin 5;it . .r l.vda Crook and wife to J. 1. crook. Und on west side of Trench UioHd t lver: eonslderat'on , ISOO Harris-Harnett lh-v .Oofids ' eom I h n to A. II. Rrooks et al. l:ud in West Ashevllle: consideration 41.0. and other considerations. Julia Jenkins nnd wife to John T. Ijinkford. Innd In Kalrvlesv township. . onsideratien MS 1. S'llu IntitutiHl John Iv Wagoner s lljns rioes Siuis et al. c W M isenheiuii-'i- Roinliefn Rutl w H i otu pnn John H l.anile .liiniej. A Cole ll ndCjJiit nl Su(ll ,nnil;iliv Adomhus S. P.itteri.on i. James A, Cole and Capitol SuppK ,omp,in. MkllU SIF TTK,CTIV(. TKNTION. XT- Tlio spr.ia I H tn last iust irn -!a r t'rinr (iiulu tcii f tho lrfn-ripi-k omnpan? t thr M Kahtnn ittanH fin I'Mtdui nvfiiue huts bon Ht-i iriH'tins an ihiuwuhIIv Ihtko emwi. At thr nponiliflr f hr slr th-To was su.'h t t-row ii !lmt it tu'erflnwofi ro the siriow -n Ik nut muI. Thin company has pupr'hasfd the rnt're rfniMliiiler of thr stork of the lrf l'unhion stor. and I huft roinMnrd nitti thia tho utork of I th J . "Poolrv ''onipanv of JeflVr- , pon. (Jh. AttiNirtlve prvuvntw . ar to J bp srt vrn a t a v reh day t o Tort u n - , Ht ouep nttndinR th wii The sale Housewives, Attcnlion! F.e.iune I r Wiley, the I'nited States Pure Food Chemlat, says. "Food eouk4d In the I'aaaerole can lie eel away for un Indefinite period without danger of Ptomaine Poisoning. tto haic contracted direct with the I'oiu ry for iliis Genuine $5.00 Casserole niiil ror a hinitit lime will put ihom on hulo ut Ilic SI'IX 1 11. Ii;l I : of $2.50 I Teli piione I irdera nol m i cpled. Special Sale Begins MONDAY, APRIL 3rd At CHAS. E. HENDERSON'S 52 Patton Avenue. Aahevllle. N. C. Grape Fruit Cup Try II A most delicious and wholesome beverage niiido from. the pure juice of the fruit, with a little juice of the orange or lemon added, sutfar to Should be served cold. Use only Moore's grape fruit. It is the best. Every wrapper bears 'the label, "Moore Bros., Dune din, Florida." Have no other. M00RE BROS. (.ROW KltS. I Tmlf mm mUt MM tMB4f BajO,ltfr t, AIOVM Rdlths SOLO BY DSliGuiSTS 3ERVWHEJS ri HOOD'S MILLING Y 5 Haywood St. i t r M IVfilliticry Importers !j J. UU. Club Building. :: Haywood St. J! H I! tl I H ! j : a i PLACE a Ynur ordiTs farly for EAS TK'H KI.OWERS. Gel our pi li cs nn Ruses. Carnations, !l l.lllea-ol'-Valley. Cala. and U. later l.llies, Swec t Peas, a Hvai-intlis. Pottinl Plants ,'ti- MacKay's Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Opp. P. 0. f iitiiiantititiM I 1 Tlif- iraiii?li American war velernnai alll tmt th s inorninK at Un oilork al 'nnfedrr.ite hall 1n the county i-oiirt hoimo. The time of meeting was recently ohanKrd. to the first, Snnday in earh month, and the meerJnB today nill he the aeiond under the new arr rainement. A full attendanee of the nwrnhers is urued at the meeting tins mnMilim H CHICHESTER S PILLS Ik si Every modern housewife is anxious to possess this Beautiful Mounted . CASSEROLE BAKING DISH Tliei ordinary set taWe I traiih- j fornieil Into one of quiet elegance by tho C'-usMerole. , , All foMl la Improved 100 per- tent ulit-n cooked In title CaiMCrolr. Tfic food, be It Hall, flewli. fowl, veirctablo or pudding, la sersed d' rex't from the dlali on table tlie food I remaining hot u the last pnrtltfii. I All food cooked In till Cswecrole : leittvcK Unit ilclu loua lingering taate I In tin- inoulli. DDNEDIX, FLORIDA. VIOLETS Double blue, long stems, fresh, fragrant all that could be desired in Violets. For a short time only, $1 per 100: Other flowers, of course. J. VAN LiNDLEY NURSERY CO,. Greensboro, N. C. Smith's Drug Store, Ashevllle Agt. FERTILIZER For Sale by W. F. ROGERS & SON, Asheville, N. C. Phom lS4r, 841-S. LUCAS Paints and Varnishes Asheville Paint and Glass Co. Farmerly The Mlllcr-Rlce Paint Co. Private or class instruction in Stea orrapliy and Typewriting. Emanuel School of Shorthand MIS8 SADIE EMANUEL,, Prtn. Phone itSS. ' 132 W. CheatnaM HAIK GOODS BARUAINS SWITCHES $.00 kind now 2.7ft 7.00 kind now $I.S0 CHIGNON PIFFS 1 1.09 PufTs now $5.0(1 $10 and $12 kind now ..98.00 MISS CRUISE 25 Haywood St. I Hughes Transfer and Liv ery Co. Trunks 25c Grips 15c Wood and kindling. Phone 1 40S. a n P. Hushes. Mirr. 401 Kouthalde ' ' i!iuiiiiiniiiiiiii!iiat SPROAT'S M11XIXKRV TARIvOns i I fi -rteM Rldir.. Park Sauare Invite your Inspection of their new Una of Sprlnf Millinery. tttriTTiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniini I -a Tha Hurniv HfillSIUvivPS '""11. " are thtise who buv Old Fashion Bread tresn Dai- Asheville Steam Bakery, Phone tst or S81. CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING RESULTS A DIVERSK AbhORTMKMT O' SPRlXi IKEKSEoi . . . Prke, $14.60 to $21.00 Several beautiful styles, varlouslji' In China Silk. Foulards apd Mar oulaett. suited for street, wear, ceptlon or evening oi-caHions. ' AT THE LINGERIE SHO,,, COFFEE WITH A FLAVOR - 7"hat liltter, unpleasant tusto often tmiicriemed lit many graami of exiffre la ellmliuttl when mi romnierv usiuiK n' -WHlTE HOl'BE." tlio toff-' of i'x ellencei und line flaor. None batter at any price. I. pound air-tight tin 3H cent 3-pound alr-llght tin $1.1.0 STRADLEY 3 East Pack Kq THE GRTJNER SANITARIUM Aahevllle. K. C. 31 Haywood St. Ct Davoted to the thorough and scientific treatment for select casea of Nervousness, Paralysis, Asthma. Habit, Stomaich, Rheuittatlsm. Dlseasea iff women and othei' chronic diseases. The Bath and Massage ITTJ VTl Cabinet, Betz-Hot-AIr, Electric-Ught, Tub, Sitz, Foot, Shower an,d Needle Baths. Galvanic and Karradlc Treatment, Electric Vlbrat)n an4 Sweedlsh Massage ar.U Movements. Thure Brandt Massage for Diseases of Women, Douches LuAage. GROCERIES 77 aaae aaaaaeaa : it Every tiring to Eat Poultry, Fruit, Vegetables, etc. Prompt Delivery. Moderate Prices. M. HYAMS Cor N. Main and Merrimon Ave FURNITURE f New and Second-hand; Stoves, Ranges, Iron Beds, ; Springs, Mattresses, Bugs, Art Squares, Mattings, etc. We give you a "Square Deal" and "Golightly" j on the Prices.- A cordial invitation to you. DEAL & GOLIGHTLY, 27 North Main St. FOR 8-room cottage on pavea streei, tiesirame iieiguDOj hood. Size of lot 100x1232. Has furnace, hardwofid floors, good garden, poultry yard, fruit trees, ec. Price $4,500. Will make good terms. 3 THE H F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. The Angelus The Most Perfect Instrument Only $650 FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE Phone 206 21 South Main St. PSYCHIC m Let it be what it may YOUR DESIRE CAN BE GAINED, If in TROUBLE, DISAPPOINTED, or if Things CO WRONG SEE THE PSYCHIC S HOURS 3 ' to 9. - ; : 59 CLAYTON ST. - .MHEfllEl.m CAROLINA SPECIAL - . . Shortens the Time Asheville to Charleston Two Hours Asheville to Cincinnati I Three Hours Dininfr, Observation, Sleeping and Day Cars;Ves tibuled and Eleetrieally lighted. , ; For Pullman lvsorvations, or further informa tion apply to . J. H. WOOD, . Dist. Pass. Agt. PhoneSO ForWantAd i- - ' ' - & LUTHER. Phones 64' and 651. FRESH MEAT? - Phones 49-243 Phone 354 SALE Self Player is PSYCHIC R. H. GRAHAM, ,;' t: City Ticket AgU- i BT