THK ASJiKVILLK OITIZICX, TIIUKSDA V, APRIL 6, 1911. E3 oaj Society and Personal Th most interesting aiinuum cnifiii J o( yesterday was that t tie Ashev die club would give a nuptioti in honoi Of the State Federation n( Women a I dubs the first week in May durints th mcatlnc which i held nor.. t truii time. H ha been some u n sup v 3 ladles' day at the luh omitted from the annual program, ami the an nouncement of the lm I that the por tal of the AsheWlle clul would he thrown open one atternoon lor the reception of the fait ex 'auaed i u 1 1- riffle yesterdaj. The hours of the reception will be from lour until i o'clock, and the afternoon mil l.c de cided upon later. M There will he a meelihK ol llm Woman' guild of Trinuy church this afternoon at the residence of Mix Frank Hewitt, 111 Moniford avenue, at half after three o'clock. , J - 3" he lake and apron sale hi. h will beWfiven by the Kiilld of Trinity church Saturday will Interest women. Many dainty, useful and attractive, apron 1 have been donated for th" ccaalon and will ha ld at Wim i drug store. The cake and I rend ale take place at Yale & MoOulre's grocery atore. J J Atf Interesting rumor which la al present coin the rounds is that of the prospective marriage of an Ashe vtlla widow to a well known physician of tha elty who has been a widower for number of yeara. It la said the wedding take place June, and If It doe will be of Interest to a large number of Aahevllle people. J J ' Yesterday waa the anniversary of 4 th battle of Shiluh, and today there s .J will be commemorative program ; i given at the residence of Mra. James . j mm srjwr . tf iiii 'uiii:i 'i tin? 4 Confederacy. Tha meeting will he at four o'clock this afternoon, and will be of special Interest. , i J j : Thla Afternoon:, at half after four o'clock at All Soula' church, Blltmora, Mr,, F. T. Harker will give an organ racriaL the -program of which waa ,1 published Jnr yesterday' Issue. , Mr. i Harker' -Lenten ' recitals have been S largely attended,' and have been greatly enjoyed by the community. 3 Mra. Elmer Westall will ba the solo-... '.Tha S! ;',ir3. A. Will meet today at four o'clock at the Y, M. C. A. audi torium. All member are urged to at tend. . j. . ',. Tha Invitation to the suhscrlptlon fancy . dres and mnaquorade hall which wilt be given under the sue ': A pices' of the . Country club April SO ' at tha Manor were received yesterday vTh acceptance must he sent In to a Mr. B, I. Frost not later than April "ti II, vt otherwise th project will have aba.nd.oned..,. The ball will be B on of th largest and most beautiful ever given In Atheville. and the ar i ' ranp-ements entail considerable time .. ft an denergy, therefore It la necessary that there he assurance of the up .... , port .of tit club, It I alio requested ths( ny member of the Country club ' who ha not received an Invitation communicate with Mr. Frost as early . , a possible. Th Invltatlona Included , th following list of partonesses: Mr. Richmond Pearson. Mrs. Tench Coxe. $9 Mvav A. B. Barnard. Mrs. D. (, Wad r" dell. Jr.; Mra, -hillp 8. Henry, Mr. ; John A. Campbell. Mrs Carl V Rey Unolda. Mr. W. Vance Brown. Mrs. .Chart I. Jordan, Mra. Reuben Rob !ieon, Wr. C E. Waddell, Mrs. . if Charles L. .Minor, Mrs. Thomas Bet t tie, - Mr. Thorns P, Cheesborough. f. Mra. Harold Rees, Mrs. Thompson f.) Fraair, Mr. Huff Merrick. Mrs. Krvvln w Bluder, Mrs. Harold F. Seymour, Mrs. !iilP.'H''Brarieh., Mrs. J. E. Cocke, Mrs. ''Theodora t)avldson. ; ; . ' Mr1, and Wc Donald, who have W been the guests of Mra. Dunn McKee T In Victoria, leave todav for Vetv ?"Tork. ; Mra. F. L. Conger and child and Mra. F, A. Iow have returned to! ; Galeshurg, 111., after a stay at the 1 ,r Manor. .. 'ZZ - Mr. and Mrs. Beekman Lorlllard wh Ve apent several months trav. eltng In Couth America, were expect- j ed to land In New Vork yesterday. ! Mr. Ernest V Roberts, of Athens. Spring Catnlocnie tasteful dressers. broidered or in a tfi-ont mm,- m to Priced $1.00 to $.1.50. " Gloves Our long silk gloves come in skv. emerald, pink ,green .white and mam prettv shades that will beautifullv match vour new spring clothes. These gloves have reinforced finger tips and are splendidlv made at everv point. Long glovcs are $1.00 and $1.50; short 50c to $1.00. Ghamoisette gloves come natural and white colors 50c. M. V .M00RE & CO., PHOXE . Tenn . who I)hm I n in he . My on hlir huaine).h for severul dnj. re turns lodny lo ills home M th i:eul.en HjiwIn. who was re ntl oieriii.-d on i the Meriweiher oHI'llHl. Im ronwileH. ln. Mra. Kcliaeffer and chlldr. n. who have nperit the winter with die MlH'T J .if ihe former, Mra Tiieodore Oi.vld- ) roil hila for OerniHiiv April j Mlta Hlruliel. or f'h ilii del .h la, who 1.1k. a ine place of M iaa Mary t.akton who recenlly reHland as auperlntend ent of the .Mlnai.jti hoaplta!. hax Hit aiiined lier dutiea. Mian T.axton If vlHilln Miss i'liitntplon at preaent. .Mr. und Mrs. I'ugh. of N'evi 'r- leans, and their IriJanl are . . union lo Aahevllle for Ihe aurnmer. and will have 'i camp near Klclchcr. Mra. I'ligh will he remembered a ihe chtirmliiK Mlxa I.ea i'alloway, vv In., with her mother, spent a summer In Aahevllle several yeara aao. Mlrs I . aura Men res haa returned from a visit to Mra. ('harlea Hummers at Haton Koukc. I,a. Mlsa Hlanche Achedon. who has been vlaltlnK vlilllng friends In New Orleans, la at , i present thn gueal of Mrs. Hummers j Mr W. V. Hryan returned last evening to Chicago. Mrs. Hryan will remain for several days In Aahevllle. Mrs. Rhodes and her sons, who j have been at. Forest Hill for some weeks, have returned to (heir home I Wi Fust Orange, N. J. yir. ('. H Henry, the representa tive of the Merkle-Wlley Broom com pany, haa returned from Florida, where he has spent the past winter In the Interest of hlg firm. Mr. and Mrs. W. tl. Rector left yesterday for Bristol, Tenn., to visit Mr. 8. !.. Hennlnger, MaJ. K. B. Glenn has arrived at his destination near Ban Antonio. Teg., and is attached to the maneuv er division of the Thirteenth Infan try. . . Mies Mary Carter, who has been In Florida with Mra. Jamea Coleman, I on her way from the South, and will stop n Charleston. 8. '., to visit friends. Mr. Henry L, Parker, civil engineer, ha accepted a position with the Phoenix Construction company at Raleigh. Mrs. Jamea Coleman and children, who have spent the winter at Or lando, Fla., return to the city Satur day, -and will open their home near Weavervllle. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Davidson snd son, who have been at the Manor for several daya. have returned to their home In Indianapolis. The following were among the ar rivals at the Manor yesterday: Mlsa Miriam Rohson, of Halom, Mass.; Mr. and Mra. W. H. layman and son, of Kewahee, III.; Mr. and Mra. K B. Cole, of Wenhsm. Mass.: Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Crosby and Miss Crosby, of Chicago, III. Mr. V. V. Rwearingen. of Lynch burg. Va.. Is In the city for a few days on business. Mr. J. V. White, of Spartanburg, la In Aahevllle on business. Mrs. Oeorge F. Harding, of Chi cago, who has apent the winter In New Smyrna and 8t Augustine, Fla.. and has been In Ashevllle for several weeks, has returned to her home. Mrs. Alexander Sabel of Jackson ville, and Mrs. Minna Huhler. of New York, are guests at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. J P. Ferguson, of Spartanburg. Is In the city for a few dnys' stay. Mr. YV tl Poahlnir f llenderaon vesterday on vlll wa In Ihe cltv business, Mr. and Mrs. Nye. of t'htcagn, ac companied by Mrs. I.ane, who spent Sent on Hourst. Silk Stockings Spring Stock Onyx Make Onyx silk stockings have a daintiness of style, quality and beau ty superior to most hose. Their wonderful fitting features and fast lustrous colors highly recommend themselves fHocKings come em vnrietv nf i.l.iin eoloiv 11 FATTO.V AVE. as advertised by the maker in order in troduce aluminum ware. i We offer for ten davs A 55 Cent Sauce Pan at 'I'll is is under tile COSt priee. But we believe that many who buy a .sample will be'm to use aluminum rooking wear in good earliest. We are compelled to limit the sale of these to two to a customer and to net cash on I v. When buying the above kindly glance line of our immense J. H. LAW 3S Ratton Ave. some weeks at the Mattery Park ho- tel recently, are expeciea lu arnvo today, and will be at the hotel for several weeks. Mr. W. A. James, Jr., spent yes terday In Brevard, having been called there on business. Mr. J. B. Blatkwell. of Richmond, Va., is a guest of the Battery Park hotel. Mr. W. F. Brock, of Wlnalon-Ha-1cm, was In th city yesterday. Mr. John C. Deaver. or Plsgah Forest. Is at the Bwgnnanoa hotel. Mr. Thomas H. Hhlpman was Ashevllle yesterday from Brevard. In Mr. Frank Field, of Hot Hprlngs, waa n the city yesterday. Mr. W. B. Pettlt, of Chicago, la at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. U C. Hagwell, of Raleigh, a guest of th Hotel Berkeley night. waB last Mr. W. R. Mclntyre, of Detroit. Mich., is t Ihe Battery Park hotel for a few days. Mr. E. f.. Bmlth and sister, Miss Belle Smith, of Mullins, 8. C spent last night at the Bwannanoa. Mr. A. H. Hamrlck, of Shelby, 1b at Hotel Berkeley. Mr. H. Ttram Hunter, principal of the high school at Falrvlew During the past year, was In the city yester day after having made a visit to his old home near Mars Hill Mr. Jess Morgan, of the Forks of Big Ivy, and who has been In the employ of Yates A McOuIre for sev eral months, left yesterday for Idaho, where he will Join his friend. Mr. Tom Wilson, who recently left the Rig Ivy section. GENERALNEWS NOTES OF HENOERSONVILLE Special PrUrs of inn In Roys Corn Contest. Variety of News Notes HKMKRStNt-,LK Al'ill Thi' county ci,ninill'ners hhvp ap propriated thv sum of one hundred dollars us a prize for h "os corn test this summer. This sum Is to be used In lonneitlnn wltn tn mon- Hiioronrliited by the stato asri- sultuial department for this purpose. (' S. Corpenln; he been appidnt- I od by the state tux commission as ; ,-ounty assessor. representing the j state. The county eonimlssloners , have appointed the followtna men; as assistant township assessors as . provided by the new machinery act j of the reeeti' aenernl assembly: i .lames A Utuuhtcr. Henderson- I t let township. It. J Justus. Blue llldae township; T, It Rhodes, Kd neyvllle township; Z. A. Shlpman. Crab Tree township; Charles Lance, Monpers Creek township, M IS An derson. Mills Itiver township: l.exl Jones. Oreen Itiv'er township. J. L. Whlttaker. Clear Creek township. J. IV i'hsp reeentl appointed jtame warden of Hemleison county, has resinned the position. The place will lie filled 1 the county commis sioners at their next reaular meet ing. Or c, Few. one of the most prom inent phvslelans in Henderson coun ty, has a hen which lays two cgas in one day The doctor Is extremely proud of his hen and expects to breed a new strain of chickens which will help the democratic party in tts efforts to reduce the present high cost of living. In s siiecial school (ax election held here recently, resulting In es tablishing school district No. 7. not one vote was against the proposition. Another election for the same pur pore. tth expected similar results. V .M , . ., n j, tn a raid upon a cafe snd near beer Joint here, the police found 100 bottles of mean liquor in one place nd K'i In the other. The pro if tock hold out :(BCem!s over aluminum ware. prletora of the Joints (iJ)(,n (n(.lr AnoTK t(ir tn(, refusing to officers, en trance was forced but. the lliiior win I not removed. IJcenoea of both plac es have been revoked and tight will probably reault. legal Mrs. Lucy Oale Swift and little daughter, Katherlne. of Boston, are the guests of Mrs. T. K. Harrows. Dr. T. A. Allen and Mrs. Allen j have returned from their winter's j visit to Florida. , R. otia Self, chief clerk of the .senate of the HI I general assembly, bus been spending a short time here. I Mrs. Charles R. Whlttaker, state president of the Rebekahs, has re turned from a vlelt Of Inspection to the Jacob! Memorial Home at Oolda boro. MOW III UWtlC iiuww.tmlian! It I As Internal Disease And He ejulrea Aa laternal Remedy. The cause of rheumatism and kindred diseases Is an excess nf uric acid In the blood. To cure this terrible disease thla , I acid must be expelled and the system so j regulated that no more acid will be , formed In excessive quantities. Rheuma tism Is an Internal disease and requires an internal remedy. RUBBING with Oils and Unimenta WILL NOT CURE, affords only temporary relief at best, causes you to delay the proper treat- nient, and allows the malady to get a i nrmer hold on you. Liniments may ease I the pain, but they will no more cure Rheumatism than point will change th fiber of rotten wood. Science has at last dlacovcrsd a per fect and complete cure, which Is called Rhfumaclde. Tested In hundredsof cases. It lias effected the most marvelous cures; we believe II will cure you. Rheumaelde gets at the Joints from the Inslde.sweeps the poisons out of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates the liver and kidneys and makes you well all over. Rheumaelde strikes the root of the dis ease, and removes Ita cause. This splen did remedy Is sold by druggists and dealers generally at 60c. and Jl a bottle. In Tablet form at 25c. and 60c. a package. Write to Dnbbllt Chemical Co., Balti more, Md. Booklet free. Tablets sent iy mall. For sale by W. C. ("armlchael, druggist, Ashevllle, N. C. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 35 Haywood St. Manicuring., shampooing,. Halr tlreKaing, Facial and rW-alp Maw-age, blrnMi.v Work done for Ladles and (icJillcnicn. wmMmM id PLACE Yoi TKIi prices l.ilic;- rdi-rs early for EAS .oVKR3. Get our Hoses. Carnations. II r illey. Cala. and ios. Sweet Peas, dotted Tlants .etc. Kaster Hyacinth I'hone :. MacKay's Pharmacy 1 Prescription Specialists Opp. P. 0. i 7 ii - SCHUbS THEATRE CIRCUIT Thursday, April 6 A GA&A NIGHT'S Ml'SICAl, FESTIVAL The English Grand Opera Company AND llohton Ladle' Orchestra Present ing Offenbach's Amusing Operetta THE ROSE OF Al'VEIUiNE nnd Pletro Miiscagnl's lni mortal G'AVAM'KRIA RI STTCANA Subsidize lrl'es 25c, 50e, 75c gl.OO. Reserved Heats now on SAle at Whltlock's and Swep sons. EVER TRIED : COKE IN THE : KITCHEN RANGE? ; j It's the superb fuek I ! for the kitchen. Very jj light, smokeless and i dustless. j 1 anipen slightly and ! it makes a tierce heat. ;j Try a ton. ; ! Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company VIOLETS Double blU6, lOUg SteHlS. fresh, fragrant all that could be desired in Violets. For a short time only, $1 per 100. Other flowers, of course. J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO . Greensboro, N. C. Smith's Drug Store, Asheville Agt. FERTILIZER For Sale by F. ROGERS & SON, W. Asheville, N. C. Phone 1S45. 811-S. Ulllllillilllllll SPROAT'S MILUXEHY TARLORS Dates BUI?.. Tack Square Invite your Inspection of their new line of Spring Millinery. The Hajipy Housewives are those who buy Old Fashion Bread Fresh Dai-j Asheville Steam Bakery, Phone 022 or SSI. Furniture IHL ft GOLIGHTl.V, 27 N. Main St. Sut'coNeora lo IKal A Kct lor. ... if m Mew Hash presses for Jfouse and nJfrdet We are showing many new effects in these nobby lit tle dresses. It's hard to imagine making one at any- ' where near the price asked. There is just a litle more style in them , then you generally seee in "Jiome niades." The materials used are: lawn, dotted Swiss, gingham, linen, cotton voile, cotton foulard and marquisette. Ev ery desirable weave that is popular lor Spring. Prices range from a lawn dress at $2.50 to a mratpii sete or lingerie dress at $30. Our tailored Suits are More in jpemand than &Ver We thought last fall that the popularity of Boii Miii'r, che suits had reached its zenith .but theyare more in demand this Spring than they ever were befre. ; This has been demonstrated "to us this week more em phatically than any other time. And, if von want a Bon Marche suit we advise now. Our suits are priced at $17.50, $20 to $35. You can have your E.iater dress here and whatever price you may wish to pay, and any dresa you may select at the Lingerie Shop will be a better value than you can receive elxevvhere. We can convince you. CLUSTER RAISINS First-elass fancy cluster raisins, packed in onfe pound packages, worth 25c, now 15c STRADLEY & LUTHER. Sella White House Coffee and Tea, the world's best. r ' ' 3 East Pack Sq. Phones 64 and 8S1. ' THE GRUNER SANITARIUM C. 31 Haywood St. Afihcvilie, N. Devoted to the thorough and scientific treatment for elect case 'of Nervousness, Paralysis, Asthma, Habit, Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of women and other chronic disease. '. if- The Bath and MabSage department of the Sanitarium tt ofceta to the publlp. . Turkish. Russian, Cabinet. Betz-Hot-AIr. Electric-Light. Tub, Sitz. Foot, Shower and Needle Baths. Galvanic and Farradlc Treatment, fclectrlo Vibrating anl Sweedlsh Massage atu". Movements. Thure Brandt Massage for Diseases of Women, Douches Lavage. , eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeei GROCERIES FRESH MEAT Evcpylhing to Eat Poultry, Fruit, Vegetables, etc. Prompt Delivery; Moderate Prices. M. HYAMS Cor N. Main and Merrimon Are. Phones 49-24B a ' 1 e ! FOR 8-room cottage on paved hood. Size of lot 100x232. Hoors, eood trarden, iioultrv Priee $4."00. Will make good terms. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. nciruir clairvoyant F iJ I wlllw PSYCH0METRlST Let it be what it may YOUR DESIRE CAN BE GAINED. If in TROUBLE, DISAPPOINTED, or if Things GO WRONG SEE THE PSYCHIC. HOURS 59 CLAYTON ST. HOOD'S MILLINERY 5 Haywood St. Private or class instruction in Sten ography and Typewriting. Emanuel School of Shorthand MISS SADIE Phone 1733. EMANCEL. Prin. 132 VV Clieetnat Hughes Transfer and Liv-: ery Co. j Trunks 25c. Grips 15c Wood and kindling. R. V. Hughes, Mgr. Ave. Thone 140S. 10t Soutlu.lde Use Citizen On tha Square tfaxt to tha X.ibrary you to see about it right AT THE LINGERIE SHOP C84. SALE street, Has yard, desirable neighbor uniace, hardwood fruit trees, etc. PSYCHIC 3 to 9. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Millinery Importers f M. WEBB CO. Club Building, Haywood St. J wnuiHii 1 1 1 1 itny j MAY and HALL - "That Novelty Whistling and Singing Act." JOHN WARD "Black Face." Motion Pictures. Palace Theatre Want Ads.

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