Tilt AbliLVlLLE C1TIZKX, BATL'RDAY, A1JK1L 8, 1U11 4 mc n I Society flnJ Personal lavltettoejs have been Issued by the Kermal and Collegiate Institute to the ml-ennuJ concert given by the cfcera class of the Institute, assisted t'f Ui Glee club of the Ashevllle farm actio!, which take place Mon day "April 1. at half after IM 'clock In the evening In th Eliza beth Boyd memorial chapel. The con cert swill be of Interest to many people rid 'wllr bo largely attended. The program will be published at a later date. Jt J . The dan at th BBttery Park hotel lift evening waa one of the largest f Ih aprlng. The young people danced until midnight, demanding eeveral encorea at the last, to which the ereheetra grCIOusy responded. The lm room was at the height of tha evening almost too full for com fort. There were many pretty gowns In evidence, and several very attrac tive visitors frem th North who are litre for the spring. j jt Th meeting of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ? X3 .Thurivwe Interesting, and there -.f wag a good attendance. Miss 8pnn. 4 5 who teach In th public schools or 3 ?' fhat the forty-three children or her i. 't ci,,0 wtshad to bcom member and I 'a. form ft Juvenile aulllary. Th chii- dren each par five cent membership 3 dua, and each will b presented with f ? In i. tt C A. button. Mr. Rynolo 5 1".' rfcently tame from tha East to or 5 , VanlM ft Juvenile humane society, i ' " and the children became interested la the work. There were many com M . plalnta, . . among other overloaded transfer and; furniture vans, which J Will Be Investigated, ft U advised a nsi rneaAa.to overcome tne evil t fefiiie,'to patrenls tha offender lit favor of tho Jlnt Inclined to mat- i (i treat aftff bu their animals, : There ware vartouf eornplainta. which .were, assigned to- Ut.fi., C, Rertor, the at- torn forth laelgty, to prosecute. , ntMtf We b m gather In It member this afternoon for th uaual wee-ewd- tournament, danc and tea. Th weafhee.ha bean warm and brought ,iMit :th ;,ufroundlnf hru hbery and rrteg, -ft forecast of th sum mar. Tb4 plaftt pftrty shortly come off and then Indeed the ground ana. ci aft 'h mise-wlll tak on a festive aapeet-STher Will he th usual tennis match played a ro, v S'.i ').!?' ,vJ't( . Ba o' Kofy ilrae th el In flrat .ald t th... nturd wyi not regl intll tTaesday, April Is, at four p, tn. Tnii Mi Jtctur will b gtven ty t, Paul Kmtr, and wilt Includ tta pHnc?pr' mt' flrai aid. ta object of tha eowrs. gtrncture f the bpfly, akelevnt,' Tnast-le. , Thl opening lartav)JV.Itt, paiv' t. ' f irla .pd women, who ar cordially invited to ttn4 MAsat pon o thia 9I--. ai.l.i .Lab.L'l'J - Tha gnlrtw'afit'r'lssa undei' tne'dl . rct)e af Mrat ft. Wi. wn, win moet n Monde at 1. 10, ahd thne wha; ,ar xptlnk to attend will ' f)la eom at tlvkt ilrne ts the rlaa ' MM: , nly -three aeselons more. T'hlrtwalst and tmbroldery clusre at a.ttaad thaoerman class at 7. no i Idaaday ar ll free to member , of th association. ' V VTft Talris" physlcsl training class y will meat a uaual en Saturday at 3 JO f'- tha vgp serrlce on Hunday t afternnow at .I8 Ml Mary T. Jn t . kina will speak of the educational 4 i 'war of th Nw York City asaofla- ,' tkHi. and Mrs. Richard TJader. who la L ft arotat at thl Manor, will tell iome f thing pf Mvs work of the Pocket Tea i tament league. jf-wj . . j ro.--Th' Friday Em broidery cluh was 'ft entertained yesterday afternoon by Mra. ItaaaM B. Wllann at her home '." , a Oak street. Wa t v - .jt jt Tha Weat Aahevlll ftebekah degree alf..afftd degrees on thirteen snambeea for th thrannanoa Rebekah lodge rrtday flight. Great Interest wa take m tho degree work, eape rlaUp a aa tha lodge of Weat Ashe UI la making an earnest effort to strejagthea It number. f''Vas..nd Mra. Reuben Robertson Mv gon to New Tork via Norfolk fr a aaveral weeks' atay. It Is possi ble Uat they will go abroad for a ghert trip. . I AJeiender leaves today for WalhaUa, a C, on account of the Ill- Rtirtes; Catalogue Son on Request. Lois of Pretty Wash Dresses ? hi Daiaty Spring Styles for Children and Misses , We have quite a large stock of these fine TqH Dresses iii a g rent variety of attractive Spring patterns. The designs arc pleasing the 'children and the qualities and prices are surprising the parents. Busy mothers can save all the bother and time of making these' necessary little gar ments and purchase ready-made ones at very economical prices. The styles are winsome and Uw. ' You want to see these stylish little dresses in Galatea, Dotted Swiss, Gingham and Per cale. There are dainty patterns in plaids, blue with white figures and a variety of new patterns On light or dark grounds; sizes are i to 14 years. Prices $1.25 to $8.50. ill. V. MOORE & CO., ouLPfuars wear ne of hi mother mI her home mere. Mrs. Mci'oy. who alm-e her return from abroad, hss been In Florida with Mls Mi Km, arrives, accompanied by the Utter, today nn'l will spend some . ki t the HHttpry Perk hotel. Both Mrs. McCoy end Mis Mi;K' hnf been guesls ' the hold 'previ ously and hiive Crlen'lH in the city. Mine Carrie Hill, who has been, Ma lting the Misses Thompson, bus re turned lo her home In Jreenboro. Mr. Cuuhman. who Is at prkel the guest or Mis. Eugene 11. Ultnh, leaves Tuesday for Boston, wher she wllj Join Miss Rebecca Cushman, who has been visiting friends In the tast foi a number of weeks. Mrs. Kafford and her daughter, Mltu Nstlca BalTord, who were guests of Mrs. Charlc M. Piatt during their brief stay In the city, returned yes terday afternoon to Hot Sprlnws. Miss Annie Arden Jerveyo.; ea- oerted from California, where alie haa spent the year, with friends, late In the spring, and will spend the summer with her mother and grandmother In Ashevllle. Mr. Oeorge Bmlth from a business trip. haa returned Mr. Robert 8. Carroll left yester day for New York, Philadelphia and Washington, and will be away three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Davis, of Balti more, have returned to their home after a visit to their aon', Mr, H. H. "pavle, and Mrs. Pavi on- Wsrrlinon avenu. . , , ' t Mr. and Mr. Oeorge ronnlnghem, of Washington, D. C who,irre re. cently married In that city 'n -Ashe-vlll for a wek' tay. ., Mls Msry Johnson, who hsron Visiting relatives In the clt,v,.hu re turned to hr hom In Chattanodga. i : '-.'' Mis l'l Threadwell and Her sla ter,, Mr. Herbert Angu. df Bestt, Mass., who hav ben''pand1ae i-om week In Florid, re in Aaftofllle for a! few day atay. f t-' ' Mr, . W. Enloa- of PWabnr. i in i'hdlry on nnameaa, and 4 a guM gt the otel Barkeley. ! c M'Is Flora Wllllama ha - returned to her ham in Greenavlll Tenn , after a visit of several weeks to friend In the ey. - - ' - ( '. . rji'uX ' ! ' Mr. "and iftr.'. r!rnip; -MttUn i nd ehlldaHn; who hv, ; vling ' Little James Edgar Kberhardt is quits 111 at hla hom n Chunn street. II A R Si ABDfi VI I ;I-R PKRHpCAt-S. RARNARD8VIIXK, N. C,A April 7. Mis Eva Gregg la vlsltlhd friends at Dillingham. Mis Annie Mae Dillingham wit re turn within a short time 10 be with her parents here. Her many friends are pleased that her health has 1m llme at Democrat. Carter Dillingham Is the guest of Mrs. D. J. Rrlgman. Mr. Reynolds Dillingham and Roy Dillingham are the guests of Mrs. Jim Hensley. Mr. John Onreon will leave within a few day for Charlotte to visit her parents "n ccount or s great deal of work which requires her presence at Dll Ilnaham, Miss Tlertha Ahernethy will within a ahort time go to that place. The many rrlends of Mr. end Mra. Harris are sorry to learn that they have moved from Dillingham to North Fork. Mr. and Mra. T. B. Carson were the guests of Mr. and Mra. Ellis Cnrson this week.. Mr. and Mrs. Williams were the guest of Mrs. Jane and Mrs. Rertha Rrlgman Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Charley DllllnghaMa been verv strk Tor the past Ifew davs. Ralph Freeman will vlstf him this month. Mies Zertha Green, or Rarnards vllle. will keep house efter thts week. Mips Ohera Maney returned from Mars Hill Monday. Mlaa Ethel Dillingham Is visiting 11 PATTOH AVC SPECIAL SALE SMAIL BRASS GOLD PLATfD PICTURE FRAMES AT MARKED DOWN PRICES TO CLOSE OUT ALL TOE STOCK NOW ON HAND ALL ARE NICE CLEAN FRESH GOODS, AND DESIRABLE IN EVERY WAY AND MUST SELL FAST AT PRICES FROM 15 CENTS UP J. H. LAW, 35 PATTON AVE, Mr. Shurord will have pretty friends In Charlotte, house when It la finished. Bsrnflrdaville Is growing some The Barnardsvllle school Is Im proving faat. The hom or Mr and Mrs. M. Vfhltaker ha been blessed with a son and a daughter. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. The Methodist Protestant services tomorrow will be of unusual Interest, they being In celebration of the alsth annlveraary of tha flrat church and Sunday choo1 which that denomina tion haa held in this city. Rev. C. H Beck. D. D., of Ohio, will preach boir. morning and evening. All mem bers of the different departments of the church and Sunday achool, to gether with their friends, are cor dially invited to gttend. Strangera will be cordially welcomf!. A Real Remedy rot colds, cm r, irausiunss AXO ACHING. racks' Carntdln will do tha work a' nothing. lwlU. It quickly banUhes th i aching and fcrarUbn and rwtorei normal condition. CapudlM aha cure Htadachw of all kinds-Including ' nervous head ache,' and headache reused by heat, cold, frtpP W tomack dlsordar. , Capudlna I liquid easy and pleasant to take act Immediately. 10c., 33c. and fOc at drug stores. HORNET'S CAPTAIN NEW ORLEANS. April T. The federal grand Jury today returned an indictment against Captain Che. Johnson, who waa master of the filibustering steamer Hornet on its recent trio from New Orlean to Honduraa, charging him with vlolat (ng th neutrality laws. Previous in dlctmenls containing similar chgrgeal have been returned agalnat J. W. Behr, owner of the Hornet; Manuel Brtnlln, the revolutionary leader; General Lee t'hrismlas. the Ameri can aoldler of fortune, and Captain P. Davie. Captain Johnson and J. W. Beer were immediately arraigned hefore Judge Poster. They pleaded not guilty. General Bonlla, General Christmas and Captain Uavle are in Honduraa and have never been serv ed In the case. David P. Rowland and F. J Phillips, respectively chief engineer and mate. Drew Llnard- and several other witnesses testified for the gov ernment. When the Hornet left Ship Island where Oeneral Bonlla and the other revolutionary leaders got aboard. It was found thst there were many rtflea aboard. Two aloops with K00 men and 1.600 rounds of am munition were taken in tow by the Houuet at Three Points Island, off the coast of Guatemala. Beer, according to witnesses who testified today, owned the Hornet and paid for the provisions placed aboard her. The defense Introduced a bill f sale purporting tn show hat the ornet was solo by Heer to captain Davie, at Kuatan. where the Ameri can flag itu replaced with the Hon duras colors. The government ex pects to complete Its case tomor row morning TILK HORRORS OF THIRST In the Osels of Mogsrn. say. L. j roie Covington, in the April th Anrll VVlrie i World Magaslne. " had a first ex perience of the desert traveler's great enemy thirst. V were sealed In front of a Bedouin chiefs tent, our two hahy camels enjoying their first drink of wster since they had left Cairo, when, from across a sand drune a Bedouin came staggering and tottering toward us. His eves were bloodshot, his lips twice their natur al site, while his tontue. blue ani dry, hung out of his mouth. Evident ly he had lost himself, had wandered around for day In search of water, and had stumbled upon the oaels In the very nick of' time To allow him to drink would have been his death. In spite of his frantic strug gles, he was held by four men, whilst a fifth allowed a fw drops of water to trickle down his throet. It waa ts though he were red-hot holler which would hsve to be allowj to Wol off before being filled If an ac cident was to be avoided. Makei Your Room New Mantels, chairs, wood-work,' and matl rooms, can be quickly painted by any one with a small csn of our Honf:" .Finish Pomestlc Taint, in all! color IS to 5 cents. i Make all Interior wood-work j bright and new Oet It fom Ottls Green Hardware ' Ce. , "Jus1 Say" H OR LICK'S It Miani Original and fienuln HALTED MILK Thi Food-drink for All kgn. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agree with the weakest digesHon. DeEciotis, invigorating and nutritious. ftich milk, waited pw, powder form. quick lanes prepared in a minnte fake se substitute. AtkforHORLICK'S. w rn,.. . , MR, R.H. JAHVIS DIES AT BREAKFAST TABLE Death Came Suddenly to Former Po liceman of Ashevllle a Ho hat at the Table. , .iJlIJ? Mr. R. H. Jarvls. aged 41, a former policeman ot the city of Ashevllle, died suddenly of heart failure yester day morning at hla residence. No. 431 North Main street;', where he resided with his dauVhtah 1 Mr. Jarvte enterad the dining room for . breakfast ajfcparsiujy ' in , good health, but -uBOnvftikln. his first mouthful of foed.he suddenly pitched forward acroas the table. He waa removed to hi room and a physician aummoned, but when the doctor ar rived death had come. Mr Jarvls was a native of this county. Surviving are one daughter, one sister. Mrs. Brown of Burnsvllle, Cleanses the System effectually; Dispels colds and Headaches. due to constipation. Best for mem women and children : young and old. Toqet its Beneficial affects, always note the name of the Company California Fig Syrup (a plainly printed on the front of every package of the Genuine MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 25 Haywood St. Manicuring. Shampooing.. Hair- . ' " , " " , ' " . " u.iim iw ivauiro ana Gcntlemcu. u . L ... . !HSfllllM!fSV vjlifito nrrilfpl itaSt- ... hill, and four brothers. Creed. John, Jsmea and Carl, all of. Ashevllle. Tba remains will . be laUrred in Ivy township today. i INJUNCTION DENIED ; BY JUDGE PRltCHARD Judg J. C. ""rltchard yesterday la the United States Circuit court do med an Injunction lo tha case of Ro bert D. Marshall, trustee, and Wil liam R. Swagteuy against the W. M. Ritter Lumber company. , An order was laaued by Judg Prit chard on March IS, ordering the de fendant to apear before him and show reason If any why th Injunc tion prayed for in the petition should not be granted. The suit Involved the right and ti tle to several thousand treea on tracts of land In Swain county, the value of which la estimated at more than 2,000. PLACE Your order early for EAS a a a a TER FLOWERS. Get out price on Roaea, Carnations. Lllies-of-Valley. Cala. and our a a a a and a Easter Lilies, Sweat Peas. Hyacinth, Potted Plants .etc. Phone 666. MacKay's Pharmacy J a X Prescription Specialists ,opp. p.o. J BORROW A KODAK Kodaks loaned free If wre Ao the nnlshing. Camera and Film for ale. C. F. RAT. 19 ration Are. Phone IT 04. Phone 964 to have your clothe pressed. Latest improved steam Pressing Machine. QUICK SERVICE PRESKIJfG CLCB Hughes Transfer and Liv ery Co. Trunks 25c. Grips 15c Wood and kindling. R. P. Hughes, Mgr. Ave. phone 1405. 401 6outhaide The Happy Housawives nffi those "who1 buy '"'Old Fashion Bread Fresh Dai Asheville Steam Bakery, Phono 23 or Ml. a ; EVER TKJLoJJ COKE IN THE KITCHEN RANGE? It's the superb fuel for the kitchen. Very light, smokeless and dustlees. Dampen slightly and it makes a fierce heat. Try a ton. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company VIOLETS Double bine, lone stems, fresh, fragrant all that could be desired in Violets. For a short time only, $1 per 100. Other flowers, of course. J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO.. Greensboro, N. 0. Smith's Drug Store, Asheville Apt. FERTUJZER For Sale by W. F. ROGERS & SON. Asheville, K C. Phonee-l45, 41-1. SPROAT'S M1IJJXERY PARLORS Oatee BUc- Pack Square Invtt your lnapectlon of their new line of Spring Millinery. Xmmu 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri i iiti i urmiri i mt Furniture DEAL A GO LIGHTLY, , . at K. Uain W., Sejtcceenrg te Deal dt Rector. VM - CXt:''-. s. . V.-'i li: 1 ".' J 1 ' ' . iwaas $100 Jllk jfose in Black. White ahd Colors, for 79c Pair We sold quite a number of these silk hose last week when we ran them at the above price. They are reinforced at the heel, toe and knee with lisle thread, mak ing a beautiful but at the same time durable hose. This special is In dresses for Misses we are unsurpassed and girls who wish to look "Differ ent" will be sure to find something to their liking AT THE LINGERIE SHOP Compare our prices be fore buying. BestN. Y. State Cream Cheese 20c per PpiindV STRADLEY & LUTHER. Balls White House Coffee and .Tea, the world' best ' " EMt Pack S"' Phone. 4 and tIL- - ' THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Ashevllle, N. C. II Haywood St. Phone C 14 Devotd to the thorough . d clen tlflo treatment for select caae of KorvoAisnee., paraiyl. Asthma, HablVmmacfcV..RMpaW 'Worrien and other Chronic diseases. -vr ""r" "l The Bath and MaftSage : v'"". oi-nra-Air, jLieciric-iign t. Needle Baths. Galyanio and Farradlo Bweedlsh Maesage ar.d Movements. of Women, Douche Lavage. j GROCERIES Everytl-ilng to Eat Poultry, Fruit, Vegetables, etc. Prompt Delivery. I Moderate Prices. M. HVAIVIS Cor N. Main and Merrimon Ave. FOR SALE 8-room cottage on paved street, desirable neighbor hood, Size of lot 100x232. ' Has furnace, hardwood floors, good garden, poultry yard, fruit trees - etc Price $4,500. Will make good terms. - ' THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Avs, PSYCHIC Let it be what it may YOUR DESIRE CAN BE CAiNED. It in TROUBLE, DISAPPOINTED, or if Things GO WRONG SEE THE PSYCHIC. HOURS 59 CLAYTON ST. HOOD'S MILLINERY 5 Haywood St. Private or clan instruction in Sten ography and Typewriting. Emanuel School of Shorthand MISS SADIE EMANUEL. Prta. Pkooe 17SS. isa W. ctieauJt Wanted, Several Experienc ed Canvassers to take orders and demonstrate a new patented household neceselty. Good money can be made by hustler. Beaumont Furniture Co. ST South Main St. Use Citizen sJa;i good for today only. A department of the Sanitarium if opea tO the DUbllc. Tnrkl.h D tud, biu. Foot, Shower and Treatment, Electric. Vibrating and Thur Brandt Massage for Disease, " eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeae . . .FRESH MEAT I lones 49-243 2 eeeaaaeeeeea CLAIRVOYANT I DCVTUMf PSYCHOMETRlSTl r D YLtllL 3 to 9. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Z MlliifiMiiiMe) 1 Millinery Importers M. WEBB CO. Club Building, Havwoorl at Ml 1 1 1 t f 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M MAY and HALL "That Novelty Whistling and Singing Act." JOHN WARD "Black Face." Motion Pictures. Palace Theatre Want J 4 ! i" i: