St. THE AHSEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1911. 4, .. P ociety and Personal poard of directors or th Flow- V &Mtoi'' And Associated Charitie -aWtl'' AeV thl elternoon Ht four ieiOfg in the central offiue on South fck o,uar. : ' , J V.(Hl following clipping from the lal .Frtnclsco Chronicle Poncernln; tk rent appearance of Mle Flora ' fjftUibfl. th linger. In that city will H-f (nUfaat to those who had the BlaaaJrt of hearing and meeting Ml WilWn laV jUhevlUe during: the win "tii.. A column of eulogy and a pit--lor) of th handsome singer la ellm- -v"S6f lit Is San Francleco corroho rite iM teaUmony or the soclety- . aiaet.lfl Par la, London, New York and Washington- when It enthtialaatlcally applauded Mlaa Flora Wllaon lust fcafttag wWeh aire appeared In a ,ong reettaJ for the benefit of the Armitag rphaAii. alls WIIon la a aafllal Avorltt at well aa an artiat, and her' friend tr) rallied to' treat her on ,hr ' jflrel professional appearance In It)' city.- I rt Ur t'otonlal ball room at Jh it.'. Franel,. where the concert 'ail 1y, wa aeaembled a repreeen, tatW mudlMice. tfendaomely gdwnd ; no' prlv of It appreciation of - e went of the ingr, Mm 'WiieWg town waa a hand ein on of pale blue, brocaded In gel,' trimmed with fur. and fh refe4 rn tht lont wplng line ao becorrtin her type. ntrta dinner preceded the WBegrVftoUblO' among them being t Me. and Mr. William Tvta, wherthy gav for Ml Hin Tr erig.aii Tempieton Crocker, and that T Mr; Mr: "William Bourn for , Jfr.MlnH-trl.mMtetaw Rid.; oth parf .mMnaV' i ceeuert ath n-ltisll if H dinners. " ;' Uttf.-tkmtitt Martin' dinner file ' IM formed a bo party and ,- nttlietd fr, a ad Mr. Ir,e.y Har- AM Mr. and Mr. Walter Mar- - &t.'i$lAirU ' Blanohard Ch TlaperdV tax party which Includ 4. Mia' August. Foute, Mia Maria LH EtClklna, Ml tiobel. Cna, rkon 'laktAt and Cordova de Oar-(nadla.- ' -Mr. Henry T. Soott pafty octu ptej'twd "fcoaee. add with her were Elklna, Mr. and Mr. ' Org Cadwalader and MUa Lillian to. ,t' , ftHittm luinta Clara.. who1, if1; friend of ' Ml Wtlien, kl-ourht a party from ant Clara ' t' ih rortcMrt, which Included Mr. Rtflbard .- lCeyea. Mr. H. .Barbler an Ul'lfcf?upp4..v! -.nV.'v' .!. Aatuatu Taylor, ro Waa fcanfliomeir ond la black with a uMeatlo hi artnk, enterulaed Mr. viMri Vpa," wteb" pr coat of rt rrlvt, rocadd (fl ' reeaa and ttVnmod :wtW-ebiaohUlei-w eht of the "ha4temt wtp eea at the tMr. ' Wenrr T. rniwn wr an MuJiUBn of old-beaded net ilvarwWt:Mtlit. (r"Mr,ltobrt Chetter Foute wa . wel la !ak, trimmed with black IMi'.Vttitatle ,it wor pale Wu. MU TM' r- wat ownd iWhtteTand '- trl Lrtule El KW'4la ad '"on wrep war of wi !' prnk. (''ra Coarle Belehaw waa own- 4 1 rMt taoe. i ' Mr,! Nim ihafter Howard wore i llv'e ty rvet and Mln Mattaret pKMWevth6. waa her -, wa r tohA P re-oiored velvet riAmotiK he patroneaee of the con . eerf aaoat of whom were preaent, wejfJ'Wr tre A. Pone, Mr, lur r lrlhj Beott. Mr. Oeor 8. Oar f Mli,ph T. Grant. Mr. Jo-pVih.- Mr. Henry Foater jpvttonv "Mr. thipKaai Beyiand. Mr.tA. rV Cotton, Jr.. Mr. Win lam TJif',1rt.'lA.; . U. flton. Mr, c. rrerlci Kohl. Mr Menry T. Scott. MrftVttukleil Wllop Mr. Frederick .WUtfcJrV.M Mlea Jennie Crock - )v,'-'"',y?'-' J t ,'Towri via 4' Country of recent dete . earrUlrrt ' a, half column account of th tADlMiak vlvanta given at the Mfr 'f lh benefit of the Asaocl wted ChtriUea. The whole vaudeville porm4nte..wae written up In de- ,'aaf "Aptopo of the picture It win . bf ' Intereet to the public to learn thitfc'y; ll) b repeated efter taei- tr''tt-iHt keneflt of Trinity church. iin'rmlvtT e1mt definitely decided et jnflnr hole) rreirteTdny. Thoeo Who -SfctM Baring Catalogue Stmt -on rVejurM. Unusual Values in Women's Suits Not This Season's Styles 's..i K.-i't - t ' ' ' '-i J I - . fv.VC have quite a number of women's coat .Wlts,- whieh atp not now styles vet excellent J 7r HaUtjes. We intend to sell these suits, as v, 6pa as possible, regardless of former prices; .yyttvyou will note (rem the radical reductions 5 rtiMt! . Vft':.J!l$e guits cam in splendid qualities of Sefge, Men 's-Wear-Worsted. Pongee and Silk. V-V33ife js quite a. large variety of good colors w'.Jtnd patterns. If service is what you need ''TX l&Qti to suit, here is your opportunity for a -vt 'nuin3 bareain. The skirts alone are" worth i priee we. ask for the ,:: Mnuio a ot'iier vaiuei torn? in toaay ana, '',It;tll show you what exceptional values we; s it r offering. I- Suits $15 to . -. ci Lot 2. Suits $25 to ,v lj6t 3. . Suits $35 to ; m v. muuHb & ca, t moMEirt wcah. poncd hefore have been aeked to do ao BKHln, end nearly all have contented The old maefer will he choen and Ihr men end women who will poae are ell well known In eorlety. Juet where the picture tll he given hne not been decided, but thle matter and the date will be announced later. jt J The n ret flight of the men' ln(1e. IS hole. Kolf tournament will be pled Saturday, April 1i, and the eerond flight will be played Thra day, Uth, aa annoixed. The. wm en etna-leg aolf tournament, 12-hrile. medul play, quallfyln; round, will take place Saturday afternoon A" who propone ' entering the tourna ment are rrqueated to notify Ml Ethel Reeve. The frit clcht lowect ore will qualify. Th approaching and putting conteet for men and women will be continued Saturday. . J M Th marriage of Mia Bonnie Rob efi and Mr. Paul Cochrane occurred recently, and they have gone to Spar tanburg, which will he their future home. Mia Roberta we a member of the Blltmore Baptlet church, where for eleven year and In view of hair faithful attendance and lntert,)n the Sunday echool the pupil have adopted reiolotion of regret t hr departure, etc., akid th latter have been forwarded to her. J J Mr, led win Brown and Mr. W. B. McKwen entertained Haturday after noon at the home of the former on Cheitnut etreet. The deoetena ware etiggeetlve of Easier, and little rab bit and Eaater mm, neat filled with ea-gi, etc., ware the touventre. Mr. Brown and Mr. McEwen will give aeveral Informal card parti In th near future. The gueet were Mr. Brown'e and Mr a. McEwen'a gueat. Mra. John Acee, Mra. Cbarlea .Tay lor Rtwla. Mr. W. E, Macham. Mr. J. W. orlme. Mr. 3. t. Mrkroh, Mr. Morman, Mra. Zebulon F. fur tie. Mra. Jim rlchola, Mr Adleka. mi opal and Mln Ruth Brown, Ml Nell WrlghUon, Ml Kate Nlohole, Ml Julia and Ml Florence Bar nard, Mlaa Ruby Robertaon. ' Ml Margaret Atkln. Mi Luella, Qtlllam, Ml May Klmberly. Mlea Ltlrlan Fletrher, Ml Maud dudger and Mle EUiabeth Nlchol. i Th "fancy dre ball and mweque- rade which la to be given under th kdaplce of the Country club it the Manor on th 10th la the principal vent of Intereet oclally during th month and coatume hv been or dered from Now York' and Philadel phia already for the event: Twenty. fV or thirty people hav' altady Hetit off for them and mnf krvVtHflB f made In the city, u I requete that ll acceptance h tent in not Titer than today.' a"hertofbt kd, in order that It will be poaiibl to know llQw.mny guet y pfeont. Th upper murt W arranirt flfViiW there are vrlou ow.hatirn Immediate aocepuace of 1 the tlnvlu tlon nceary. Th ; aecepunce mut b mailed today to Mr. aji J. Froat. J J A lecture on the life of Chrtet, Illus trated by treoptleon picture, will be given et the pariah houee at Bllt more thlt evening at eight o'clock, J J Attractive invltationa hav been li med foi the epecia,! demonttratlon of th Flnher Fiona' Player which will be held thle week at Punhem't mu sic houee. The houre are from nine until alx thirty, and the public gen erally la cordially Invited to attend, and examine the merlta of the player. An expert- Mr. J. Raymond OITerman. will be In charge of tb demonatra- tlon, Aeld from th demonstration of the working of the plona attachment, the music will he well worth wllU. and doubtless there will be good at tendance each day. Ml Rebecca Bayleea arrlvea thl morning from Covington, Ky., and will be the gueet of Mln Kgtherlne t'artmell. Mr. Franci Clark, who ha bn a guest at Margo Terrac for everl week, return today te hi hem In Nw Tork. Ml Mabel Wolfe and Ml Pearl Shop leave next w-eek for Augusta rrd Andrew to vtarlt friend. Mlea Lillian VTeavee returned Sun day from a several month' vllt to relntlea and friend In South Caro lina and Virginia. - Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Raearuon entire suit. Can vou $25 now $3.95 $45 now $5.95 $55 now. . . .'. . .$12.95 11 PATTON AVE. wi-. -vrw PUDSD Absolutely Pure ' The official Government tests show Royal Baking Powder to be an absolutely pure and healthful grape cream of tartar baking powder, and care should hfe taken to prevent the substitution of any other brand in its place With no other agent can bis cuit, cake and hot-breads be made so pure, healthful and delicious. Rorel Baldrtg Powder cott only a fair prie oof pound, and i rJieaper and better at it price than any other baking powder in the world. It make pure, cieaa, healthful food. Rayl Ck Book-800 lUctipU-FrM. W Stmt mi Aihm. ovai natciwa powggg ao., mwybok. are at th Hotel Weleott In New Tork during their ty in that city. Mr. and Mr. . P. Rvnel. who have been away in the East for some week. hv returned to Blltmor. Mr. C. K. Cott en, of Black Moun tain, wat In th city ytrdy. Mr. and Mra. J. P. Sharp, of New Tork, axe visitor to Ashvill for a brief tay. , Mr, Charles E. Waddell la quite HI at hi horn In Blltmore. Mr, and Mra. B. J. O'Srlen an eon, of Knoxvllle, Tnn are In the city and guest at the Berkeley hotel. ! , Mia Grace Poreythe, who ha been vlitlng friend In th tlty. ha re turned to her home In Toledo. O. ' Mr. and Mr. H. B. King, of Au gutta, will return to Aahevllle and open their home1 In Mertimon avenue !or the lummer, Mr, Pandletdn King. h)r aon. who la t Oxford unfver Hy in England, will Join them here. .1 Mr. E. C, Hood, At Charlotte. I In tfce , olty (or a , hort taf on bul na. :',.? ii. . : .. ' " ' Mf. S.' n. Andrew, of eftategrllle, I h th city for a few day oft bul neee. Mr. T. P. Reynold leave thl e-ening for Columbia, a. C, on busi ness. Mr. Lhr and Ml Lohr, of Char lotte atraot. eve tomorrow for War aaw, Ind. Mra. Cherlee A. Allen and Mle Oreo Allen are la Summerville. N. C, for a few week. Mr. C. U Hutehlae. of Durham, I In Ahevllie on buetneie. Mr. and Mr. Michael Thureton. of Chicago, and children are In the olty for a week' etey. Mre. Frank CotK, Of Green River. I th gut of Mr. Tench Coxe. Mre. O. T. Welch and daughter, who neve spent am week In Ah ville, have returned to their home In Omaha, TJb. Mr. Conway Sareneur. of the Whlt Ing Lumber company, ta a guest at the Patter?' Park hotel, and will be In the olty a fortnight. Mr. Henry O. Hubbard and Ml Alice Hubherd. who have been vleit Ing Mr. Hubbard's tun, a atudent at the Anhevlll ohffil. hv returned to their home In rutrolt, Mlrh. Mr. W F. Randolph and on. Don Id TUndnlphhev returned from a trip to California, where the former went on business. Mr. F. .. Kennen I expected to re turn from Southern buelnree trip today. Miss Tempe Harrl I expected from Clearwater. Fla.. In a week' time, n1 will shortly open Mount Mead ow Tnn. "Mr nd Mr. Turner Butrlck have leaeed a rotte on Vance street which they will shortly occupy. Mia Lucy Purefor, who hs pent the winter In New Tork and on her return hat been Melting friend In Chapel Hill end Raleigh, has re turned to Aehevtll. Mr. J. Wohlfarth and Ml Amelia Wolfarth have returned from a three months' trip to New Tork and the (Cast. Mr. and Mr. H W. Todd and lit tle daunhter. of Phlllpeburg, are via Itlng Mra. J. W. Faucette. Mr. McKlnley Prltchard spent the latter part of th week with Judge and Mre. J. C. Prltchard. Mrs. Andrew Allport ha purchased the "Elton." and will take poaaee- lon of her new home at once. . Mr. Harold Oakley and Mr. James Mitchell, of Halifax. Novla Rcotla, are gtieete at the Battery Park ho. tel. Mra. Oak lev la the wife of the governor general ef Nova Scotia. '- Mr. H- P Anderson and Ma Dor othy Anderson, of Summit, N. J., are visiting Mr. C- B. Wright. Mr. William. Canaday left yeter day for Richmond. Ind on account of th lllne ef a relative. it ' 1" Mr. Morrta p. Malone. formerly of thla city, now cashier of the D. Ap liteton company, publisher, of At lanta, waa in th city Sunday vMtlng reletlve and friends. " i Mr. and Mr. Beekman Lorlllard, who have apetit several month In the Argentine Republic and traveling In South Amaiic,. have returned to Aahevllle, wh'ere they will remain v eral week. Mr. W. C. teHtghbridge of Marlon 1 (pending few day In the city. Mr. W. . iptutt of Wirtton-S!em (( a gueat'at' the Swanttanoa. Rev. J. S. !ftodiy 1 an Ashevtlle vl altor. - , ' !T i true delight to open t icalecLtir-tight Niinnally ox, auxKaec the cajrdie ranged in their individual cup. The daintiness of appearance i in keeping with the goodnet and putty of the iweeti themietve. RATVOR'S tKTJG STORK, SI Pauo At. Hughes Transfer and Liv ery Co. Trunks 25c Grips 15c Wood and kindling. Phon 1401. R P. Hughe, Mgr. 401 Sonthstde At The Happy Housewives are those who buy Old Fashion Bread Fresh Dai Asheville Steam Bakery, Phono tt or SSI. 1 7 FLOWERS a Jfitt I lily or thi JJ? - f 1 CARNATION'S 1 L CORPAtUB BOOt'ETS :: J l Complete Information 1 I 1 f 1 b nn request. - I jjBaajeaBBaSB(saBaBSBaaaB(jj i VAN LINDLKT I Il iV Nl'RSBRT CO.. A Special Easter Display MILLINERY THURSDAY M Webb Co. ASHEVIUE CLUB BUILDING EASTER EOO DYES all Color J . A.lo Calico and Picture pa- - pera and numerous other de- aign. 5 MacKay's Pharmacy I Prescription Specialist I upp. u. . PHOKE U FEATURE BILLS P AT THE ALACE TAKE A. AITO RTDE Larg Ipurlng eel's 1.00 an hour. Night or day. Phone 1704. Night phone 2if. O. F. RAY, Sr Fatton Ave. Phono 1704. HAVE YOU TRIED COKE IN THE RANGE? Phone 130 for a ton. Much more in quantity, very light, dustless and smokeless. Ideal for keeping an even heat. Good for broiling. Phone 130. Carolina Coal &Ice Company HOOD'S MILLINERY 5 Haywood St. Prlvat or claa tnatrneaot w ttsj ogtmpby aad TjrpererrlUng. Enanncl School of Shorthand MISS BAXtt BHANinOU Pri. lhoM ITS. in w to hav your clothe preMod. Latest improved iteun Preulng Machine. . QC1CK SERVICE PRB6&I5TG CXCB SPROAT'S MUXISEKY PARLORS Oatea BWg., Pack Square) Invito your Inapettlon of thb? new lln of Spring MUUnert. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP S5 Haywood St. Manicuring, . Shampooing, . Halr dressing, Facta and ScsUp Maage, Chiropody Work done, for Ladle and Gentlemen. Phone 9M I ye g- ' i n ' W 11 I II ttxi n 31 3i y s ! Sastsr Shoppers stnnex for Juitsand presses They are finding selections here that are as broad as they are beautiful. The prime attraction yesterday were out tailor ed suits for women and misses. Bon Marche suits are greatly in demand. Especially in the class of women who prefer simple tailored elegance. Bon Marche suits sell for $17.50, $20, $22.50, $25 to $35. The foulard dresses, though not as popluar as the suits, aa vet. are cainine in nublic favor . The 20 reduction nomine' brought them into the limelight. . $25 foulard silk dresses are priced at $20. $20 foulard silk dresses are priced at $16. Others in like proportion, from $10 to $35. ZO Per Cent Reduction on all foulard Silk Presses Exceptional good values in foulards at $15.00. Hand embroidered yoke and fin ished daintily in flowered designs. $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 AT THE LINGERIE SHOP WHITE HOUSE COFFEE Th peer of excellence In "White Houee" Coffee, acknowledged by connolieur to be the moot delicious coffee in th world. "Nuf Sed." 1 pound air-Ught tin S-pound mirtliit tin , STRADLEY 811 White House Coffee and Bart Pack Sd." THE OEITNEE SANITARIUM AahMrlllai If. C 11 Maerwood St. Pbau all Demoted to the thorough and eclen tlflo treatment (or (elect easee of Kerreuanea. Paralrsta Aathma. Habit Stomach. Rhattmattem. Dlaeaaaa o Lwmn and. othorchronlo dlaeuoa. The Bath ind ua&sase pint t BnittrrnT pt ' ii L i , ' " f too , pubUo. Tbrkiah. . Kusalaa, Cbblaat. fiU-Uot-Air. Electrlo-IJgh t. Tub, 81U, root Shower aad Needle Batfca OaJvanlo and Farradlo Treatment, Eleotrlo Vibrating and Bweedlah Uaaeage and Movement. Thure Brandt MaMag for DUoaaag of Woman. Douchoa Lewag. GROCERIES ...-.. .FRESH MEAT I Every tlnlno to Eat Poultry, Fruit, Vegetables, etc. Prompt Delivery. 5 Moderate Prices. ; M. HYAIVUS Cor N. Main and Merriwon Ave. iones 49-243 i FOR SALE 8-room cottage on paved street, desirable neighbor hood. Size of. lot 100x232. Has furnace, hardwood floors, good garden, poultry yard, fruit trees, etc Priee $4,500,- Will make good terms. v THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. PSYCHIC PSYCH0METRIS PSYCHIC Let It be what it may TOTJR DESIRE CAN BS GAINED Tf in TROUBLE. DISAPPOINTED, or If things GO WRONO BEE THE P8TCHIC. HOURS i to 9. 6 CLAYTON ST. ASHEVULE. X. C. -r Spring Is Here And you win need some odd pieces of Furniture In your houee, or Mattings or Rugs on your floor. Our line la com plete, and we will be ploaaed to serve you. No charge to lag mattings. Beaumont Furniture Co. Phone 1001 27 South Main Street Use Citizen J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watch Repairing a Specialty. It W. Pack Square. are Coming to the iust before Easter has . .SC .tl.10 & Tea, LUTHER. the world' bet Phon 4 and Want Crystal Cafe . System M. M. SVLUVAN, Prop, S V. naek s,. . M p.,, A

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