THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, APRIL 23, 1911 hi is fir hi if; j m 1 a 1 n. 'f us i !f & Am vr .t m lk' t l H !! i ft t : ,i antf Personal The btttullful mawiuerudc and fan cy dres bail given ul tho JKumir tlui lug the week under the auspice of the Country club In atill Hit ulijuu Of conversation, and ill be remem bered a one of the iiiobI brilliant no dal functions ever given In Ashevllle. There la but one opinion, and thul l, the ball was an unu.ualiu-d success, All of which is duo to thu l-ltlriclll management of Mr, Ed win d J. I 'rout, at whoao inspiration thu bull wan given. Kveryone entered Into the plrlt of tho revel, and the costumes ware aurprltlngly handsome. Hpuce Will not allow to describe each In ilc tal), although It Is a difficult mutter to tingle out ony one of the costume for special mention. At th height of the evening the crush wan mo grunt that -one wu impressed principally by the gorgeous colorings a the dancers whirled past. Mrs. Augustus V. Khepard. Jr., wore her luperh Wedding gown of white satin, which ;nde a stunning background for a hantflly shawl, an heirloom of great beauty and value. Mr, Mheuard In her "powder and patehea" had the I air and grace of a French marquise ". of former day. Mm. Thomaa P. Cheeaborough aa "A Ida," a replica of a costume worn oy Mine, jfjmma Karnes In that character, was very beautiful: her sx-lntlllating eostumo Waa f white and silver, a veil of del , leate beauty hut partially concealed i the garland of pink roses which fell from her ahouldera. Mm. Harold ' Rees, who w not In "coatuma," waa . handsome In a atunnlng gown of ) green chiffon with egret of the aame , shade. Mr. Reea wore lo several , plecea of old Jewelry which further enhanced- the effect of her gown. , Mr Hod nay Rush Bwope and Mr. Phllia 0. Henry were handaomely gowned. Mra. Daniel Bafford, of Hot Spring, wae attired in a white hro . caded aatln gown and point lace, which d been Worn originally at "a drawing room" of the Engllah court, Mlaa Natlca 8 fiord mad a fasclnat , Ing Algerian maid, In a costume of t yellow and (old. Mr. Richmond , Pearson wore a black gown with , white lae and handsome jewel. Mr, puff Merrick wu lovely In a gown of gold and white. Mr, Silvio von Ruck eg the Queen of Bhehe wa a regal personage, and her costume with It barharlo crown of pearl and pendant brilliant, from which swept a tulle veil caught by crlmaon roie. wa one of the moat effective In the ball room, Ml Sarah Went made i charming Caitlillun, her falrnem be ing further emphasised by her black lac mantilla and brilliant color of her costume. Mrs. Robert I. Rey nold appeared in a gorgeou gown of white .brocade with jeweled lane, which he had Worn a one of the Mardl Gra queen during her debu- tante year. Her hair wa powdered and in It he wore pink egret, Mr. - Henry Wood a Carmen waa grace fully draped with a white ahawl em broldered in brilliant color, and un- " denkMrr of d and white, most be coming and unusual costume. Mia ,J Marjorl Pearson end Mis Paulina Paqula were airy rieretteej, in co ff , tamea of white tarleton with black spot of varlou le; their tall cap m were becomingly ruffed with black and large ruff finished the costume at the neck. Ml Mary Louise Swop wore a HpanMn costume wnicn wa molt effective and becoming. Ml Anne Mead wa atately a "Night," In a btaek gown wangled with gold atara and a crescent and star worn a ". a head drew. Ml Lillian Weaver (' ( as wa exceedingly pretty a a Pierette. i Costume being of the prescribed niacK ana wmte. Mies jvauicrine Irvine, of Bhnroh, Pa., wa pretty and dainty a a little shepherdess. Mrs. Thompson Eraser "wore an Oriental costume of apple green, which was one of the prettiest of the evening. Mr H. H. Brlgga In a gown of blue, elaborately embroidered In silver and bead, looked unusually pretty. Mis Helen Chapman a a Sicilian peasant girt, wore a very correct and pictur esque costume, and Miss There Chapman's gorgeous Chinese costume wa conceded one of the most beauti ful worn. , Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Sey mour made a most attractive pair of Children with bobbed hair and the abbreviated garments of childhood, Mis Willie Carter wore n white cos tame suggestive of "further North," and covered with snowballs.'' Miss Ida Hamilton was arrayed as a Span ish dancer In a costume of coral, black lace and golden gauxe. Mrs. Cbarle B, Jordan represented a tulip of delicate shades, an Inverted flower forming a most fetching hat. Miss Not only Superior Qualities bat Distinctive Waist Styles are Yoars at Moore s Our waists. fne not distinctive just ber'aus the styles or qualities or patterns nre different, but distinctive in all three. There is graee and elegance in our models, which is very pleasing. Wo dainty modes in rich oualitv natural Pongee and Jap Silk . Some models are cool others have ruffle fronts, neck and open front or hack. The Moore styles will certainly attract you,, the Moore prices will honestly please you, hut the Moore quality will satisfy and hold yon a permanent customer here. Waist prices $4.00 to $10.00. M. V. M00RE & CO. tl OMEN S WEAR. II PATCOX AVE, , KiigcnlH Jolumton m:iclc a hundsoine ! (IvjiHy uii (lid mIii Mien Murjorlu bun lap. Mia Kthel lteeves wu a Hello liirl," and covered with In junctions usually laid down by the telephone autocrats which proved "interesting ruadlng." Thu costume wiiH unbiiiu ttiid Intiirestlng. MUih Kl cn Marker wore un attractive cos tume, utiil u tinkling, hell which u gesied the bucolic MIhs Annie Wil liams wore u becoming costume of a I'rctnh (lower Kiel, with a basket of posies. Miss ElBiuior Morrison's Uuteh costume was most effective. Miss Janlo Jones wore one of the prettiest costumes of the evening, representing a shepherdess. Mr. and Mrs. II. I'". Todd, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Krsklne, Mr. Allen McDonald, Miss Helen Henderson, Or. W. V. Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Erwln Kinder, Mr. II. It. Keynohls, Mr. ami Mrs. Ayitr, Mr. lister Champan. Mrs. Beamnn, the Misses Hramiin, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. U. C. Wadell, Jr., Mr. ('. W. Hnr wood, Mr. Atwood I'ag. Min Alnslcc, Mr. Kdwln L. Hay, Col. Murphy, V. 8. A.; Dr. S. Westray Hattlo, Mr. Thom aa Haul, Mr. Heck man Lorlllard, Dr. C. 8, Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. James II. I'arker, of Chicago; Mr. C I.. Jones, Mr. Herbert Hrown, Mr. F. W Kut led'ge, Mr. Allen Morrison, Mr. Frank Salley, Mr. Charles J. Harri, Mr. Al bert Mustln, Mr. Dunsmore. Mr. Tim Cocke, Mr. Ellsworth Lyman, Mr. Jo seph Hluder were among those pres ent, and many In costume. Mr. Harry Earle wore one of the most beautiful of the men" costumes, rep resenting a Bpanlard. Mr. K. W. Cone a a monk was one of the most artistic characters seen, his costume of the days of I'nola and Frances! being correct in every detail, uapt. Norton, Capt. Meriwether, ('apt. Hye and Capt, Glasgow, of Illng ham, created much amusement by a pearlng in cleverly designed cos tumes, representing diamonds, hearts, spades and clubs. Mr, Ned West and Mr. F. 8, Bosworth wore the uniform of West Point qadets of an earlier period. Mr. Allen Lee was a French courtier In a black velvet costume. Mr. Robert Harris and Mr. Hud He Ponald as ltoman gladiators were clad in skins, leather and brass orna mented tunic and sandal tied with leather thongs, and wore the tlKbt ty fitting headgear of the period. These costumes were among the most interesting een. Dr. Paul IT. Blnger wai a Hollander and Dr. Fraaer a Highlander in effective costume. There were many other alo that added to the brilliance of the gay throng. At 11 o'clock supper wa served and It wa quite Into the we ma' hour before the variously and oddly clad guest betook themselves off. The ball waa entirely successful and will long linger as one of the most pleasant memories of the sea son. , J Jt Mr. and Mr. L. R. Wheeler n- nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, minie BlUabeth, to Mr. Ralph A. carrier. The wedding occurred lat night at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride and was a very quiet one. The ceremony was performed by Dr. n, S Campbell, jH j A dance will be given Wednesdny evening at the Cherokee Inn to the guests of the hotel and their friends. Music will be furnished by Dunn's orchestra. The friends of the guests and of the management of the house are cordially invited to be present. Dr. C. A. Schenck and a large party of Blltmore studihts are now In Washington on their way to Ashevllle. Returning from (Jennany the party has been In the Adirondack for sev eral weeks. Last night they gave a banquet at the Continental hotel. The party will arrive In Ashevllle for the summer term of the school the fltsr part of the week. At the Sunday afternoon service at the Y. W. C. this afternoon at half after four o'clock Miss Grace Hamll tln will make an address, the sub ject of which will he "Mary Lion." All women and girls of Ashevllle are Invited to bo present. .4 ,rf . "The Chocolate Soldier" will prob ably achieve the triumph accorded "The Merry Widow" some weeks ago. when It Is presented at the Audito rium. The subscription list Is open at Wliltlnck B, and the seats may ho selected and reserved when pur chased, The box office nlan bring open is convenient, s the subscrib ers arc assured of good scats. The waist have color in patterns and netrlisree shirt colors, stvles; peasant sleeves. Inch Pimples Cannot Live When th. Bloixl is I'.nrlllcil Stuart's Calcium Wafers Willi Trial Package Kent Free I'impk's, blotches, eruptions, etc., simply disappear like magic when you shut oft the supply of Impurities which cause them Htuurt's Calcium Wafers go Into the blood through the same channel as food. They stimulate and nourish U. They destroy foreign and unnatu ral bodies' found there anil remove all Impurities very quickly. In many cases pimples and erup tion disappear from the skin In five days. These little wafers are so strong that Imeniillately after they go into the blood their beneficial effects make themselves known. The blood Is cleansed rapidly and thoroughly, the impure is separated from the pure blood and the waste matter and poi sons are carried from the system. The person who suffers the humi liation of pimple, blotches and eruptions should know and feel that the blood Is In bad condition -id de lay Is Ulte jlangerous and Is liable to affect many organ; quite seriously. Purify your blood and you give nature the means to successfully fight all manner of disease. Calcium Sulphide In one of the ingredients from which Htuarts Calcium Wsferg are made, and It Is the strongest and most powerful blood Invlgorator known to science. This Wonderful purifier Is endorsed by the entire me dical profession and Is generally used In all doctor's prescriptions for the blood and skin. Htuart s Calcium Wafers peculiarly preserve the strength of Calcium Sulphide better than other methods thus giving the most rapid cures nw ln(r to the purity of the Ingredients and their freedom from decay, evap oration and chemical weakness caused by many latter day modes of prepara tion. Stuart's Calcium Wafers are sold by every druggist. Price HO cents or send us your name and address and' we will send you a trial package by mall free. Address F. A. Htuart, 175 fituart Hldg., Marshall, Mich, mualc of thl popular eomlo opera has been played over the country un til everyone I familiar with It, and the waltz has become as famous as "The Merry Widow," which has sur vived several years. J J . Rev, snd Mrs. W. M. Vines at tended the State B. Y. P. U. at Btatee viile, returning yesterday. On Fri day evening Dr. Vinos delivered the closing address before the conven tion. The Statesvllle Landmark any, among other things: "The address ws a literary gem presented In pleasing oratory. The close atten tion of the large audience which taxed the capacity of the church was held from beginning to end." J Mls Lottie Sherrlli entertain in formally Tuesday evening at her resU dence on Montford avenue. J M ' Mr. Augirttu D. Bhepard, Jr., en-' tertained with a dinner last evening at Kenilworth lodge. ,4 J Ml Helen Murphy gave a dinner last evening at. her residence In WesfciMmi Ashevllle. Ci rt The organ recital tomorrow after noon at All Soul' church at 4.80 o'clock by Mr. F. F. Harker will be of interest. The program Is Wag nerian and especially fine. Mrs. Mark er will be the soloist. J J The editor of the Ashevllle School Review were entertained at dinner last evening at the Manor by Mr, Richard Hodge, of Toledo, O. Blue and white, the Colors of the school, were used In decorating the tabla The guests were Messrs. Day. Coxe, Folt. Green, Midden, Hart, Pollock, Evans, Rogers and Mr. Kerr of the faculty. .4 J The Woman's club will meet tomor row afternoon 3.30 at the residence of Mrs. Arthur Calloway on Merrimon avenue. Business In connection with the meeting of the Htatc Federation In May will be discussed, also the Federation aong rehearsed. Mrs. Charity R. Craig will continue the rending of the play "Henry V," of which she Is the leader. Miss Pearl Shope will be the soloist at tho morning service at the Flrat Haptist church, and at the evening service will sing the "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." 4 1 At All Souls' church this morning Callcotf anthem, "Hymn of Peace," will be sung, Mr. Allmond Jones as soloist. Mr. Oustave Schultxe will sing the solo In Horatio Parker's an them. "Light's Glittering Morn.' (Iranler's "Uosanna" will be sung bv Mrs. James O. Stlkelenther. At the organ rcrttnl which follows the after noon ervlc a selected program will be given by Mr. Harker. v4 M At the Country club yesterday aft ernoon Mr. Herbert Hrown won from Mr. F. 1 Frost In the men's singles handicap goir tournament with 3 up snd 2 to play. The trophy, which was presented by the club, was a sil ver leather covered stein. In the women's singles Rolf tournament Mrs A. S. Hnrnard won from Mies Eleanor Morrison, Mrs. Thompson Frnser won from Miss Iwrence. Miss Ellen Barker won from Mrs. Mrs. Charles S. Jordan, Miss Anne Mead won from Mrs. Hancock. The first two winners will play off Wed nesdny afternoon, also the last two. In the semi-finals. In the putting and approaching contest- for women Mrs. Fraier was first Mrs. Chamhltss second and Miss Morrison third. Tea was served to many members of the club for the afternoon by Mrs. H. F. Seymour. There were a number of tennis matches played but no tourna ment. J Invitations have been received to the commencement exorcises of Mars Hill college which takes place In the college auditorium May 8-5 at Mars Hill. X. c. The following is the pro gram fpr Wednesday and Thursday: Wednesday, May 32 p. m., decla mation contest. 3 p. m. Art exhibit. I 8 p. m. Recitation contest. Thursday, May 4 10 a. m., ora torical contest. 11 a. m. Dehate. I 2 p. m. Senior orations and pa- J per. I 4 p. m. Military and gymnastic drill. ' we, uric and ex predion "departmenst. iy )' "' Mrs. JqMii McClure Wiley and on, of Huffaio?SJe Y., are at Ml Nettie Harris'. ,3 Aaton place. Mrs, J. .ijLtfPhinney and Mr. Jack Phlnney,' erf- Boston, who have spent the winter season at the Battery Park hotel for a number of year, return East today, and will go to At lantic City for several weeks. , Mr. Conway Beymour, who has been in the city for a fortnight, has re turned to Judson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Ober and their small daughter, Victoria, who have occupied Rose Tree cottage, Battery Park, for some weeks, re turned yesterday to their home in Baltimore, Md. Miss Vera Parsons arrived yester day from Jacksonville, Fla., to at tend the Sherrlll'Hateman wedding, which takes place Wednesday, and will be the guest of Mr. and Mr. R. J. Sherrlli for a number of weeks, Mr. Robert Harris has returned to Dlllsboro after a several days' stay at the Battery Park hotel. Miss fiadf Rolllnn Is visiting friends for a month in Wlnston-Salom and Oak Ridge. Miss Per Lee returned yesterday from Old Fort, where she has been visiting friends, Mr. Cart Oossett, of West Ashe vllle, went to Greensboro yesterday to attend te state convention of the Phlluthea-Oaraca classes. Mis Lucy Downey has returned to Birmingham; after visit to her sis ter, Mrs. Asur$ Barnette, Mrs, X M. Parker has been called to Ooldsborg by the Illness of her sis- :'-; Mr. BonErlght Olven, who recently graduated from the Biltmore forestry school, spending the winter In Ger many with the class, returns to Ashe vllle todny , Miss Lucy Vance leaves for At lanta, da., (Wedneeday to attend the grand opera. Mr. C. . W. R, Radeker and Mrs. Junius Radeker are expected from Parkembtirjr. W. Va.. today and will visit Mr.lRadeker In Victoria for several day. Mr. and Mr. B. C. Mason have re turned from Augusta, Ga. Mr. Harold Rees, who has been in town for a, fortnight, return to New York Tuesflay Mr. W. F. Decker, who ha been In Philadelphia on business, return within a few day. Mrs. William Sydney Porter, who has spent, the winter In New York, has returned, and is at present the guet of her brother, Mr. Jamea Cole man, and Mr. Coleman at their C Villa, . MM Porter, win open llPjna.. ,., 'jvrar," for the summer Mrs. EMkblifi Bolton return the first of the week from Washington, where aha went ftW a delegate to the national convention of the Daughter of the American Revolution. Miss Lillian Fletcher will attend the Spartanburg music festival this week. Mr. Gray Boynton, who ha spent the week at Plsgah Forest on busi ness connected with the Biltmore es tate, returned to th city last even ing. Mr. Julius C. Martin leaves today for Cincinnati . on business. Miss Gher and Miss Delaney re turn to their home In Columbua, O., Tuesday after a several weeks' stay in the city. Miss Buck, who has been In the city for Some week, leave TTueSday for her home in Pasadena, Ctl. Mr. Chnrles 8. Bryan goes to Cin cinnati this evening on a business trip. Mr. j. c. Johnson, who has been the advertising agent for the Tryon hotels, leaves for his home in Oil ago today. Dr. W. B, McBrayer leaves today for Baltimore, Md.. on professional business. Mr Ralph starrier has returned to Wilmington, N. C after a short stay In the city.' Mr. W. It Lyman and a party of friends leave today for Atlantic City. Mrs. E T. Roberts, who hss spent the winter in Orlando, Fla., has re turned to Ashevllle, nd Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Crcnsman. Miss Florence Hill, who has been visiting friends In the otry, has re turned to her home lh Charlotte. N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lamson return to Chicago today after spending two weeks at Elhemar In Victoria. Mr J. O Harrison- of Franklin, Is spending some time In the city at the Berkeley Mr. c. .7. Jeffries, of Canton, Is In the city for s few days. Mrs I, M, ColHna, who has been spending the winter In Jacksonville. Fla.. has returned to Ashevllle and has opened the Richelieu hotel Miss Maliel Wolfe leaves Tuesday for Spartanburg, Greenville and An derson for a several weeks' visit. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Stiatiklna- doe not cure children ot bed-wi'ttlne. There I a eonstitu SI cause for this trouble. Mr. M. unimers. Box W. Notre Dame. Ind. will send free to nv mother her suc cessful home treatment, with full in structions. Send net mone ut wilte her todnv If vour children frouble vou In thl wmv. Zm't hanv the child, the chances are it can t helo It This frentment alee enre arietta and aseil Denote trouble with urine diffi culties bv day or diil 8 p. mI-.Entertalnment Try This Pile Cure It I Absolutely i'ree Pile ufferer may know to a cer tainty they can get Instant relief and a quick permanent cure by trying this tree method. Simply send your name and address to the Pyramid Drug Co., 280 Pyra mid Bldg., Marshall, Mich., and they will mull you a free trial package of Pyramid Pile Cure in plain wrap per and sealed. This will tell the story. There'll be no more doubt, no more misery, no more pile. If a bad case go tqjiny drug store and for 50 cents get the regular 60 cent package of Pyramid Pile Cure and be sure you get what you ask for. This will do the work, vanish all vestige of piles and lja.vjtou free, active contented and happy. It Is a remarkable remedy. Thous ands who were destined for hospitals have saved themselves by the timely notice that Pyramid Pile Cure doe the work. It 1 astonishing how pain disappears, how swollen protrusions vanish, how Internal swellings are reduced; how bleeding and itching stop Instantly. One of the most lm portant things In life is to know Just what to do In an emergency. And in plies the thing to know Is that Pyra mid Pile Cure brings quick relief, permanent cure and you can prove it free. Write today for free package. Mr. Frank Wolfe has gone to Mem phis, where he will go into business. Mr. Clarence Steadman, of Greens boro, a student at the A. and M. col lege in Raleigh, spent a few hour In the city yesterday. Mr. J. Allen Lee, of Monroe, an Ashevllle visitor yesterday. was Mr. Spears Reynold, who ha been pending several days In KnoxvIIle, hss returned to the city. Mr. James Howard, of New Bern, was an Ashevllle visitor yesterday. Mr. Paul A. Rockwell, who has been on the road for the Jita-Cola company, and who for the past few day ha been In Ashevllle, leaves thl (Continued on page eight) CACHES i Lti 5 PILLS ona, mud rh Bin Klbtoa. wn kma BM, . thni Raliabkl MIS BV DfitlGPISTS MRWHEt Consumption Successfully Treated Our records show 82 per c,ent complete Telielv Write for illustrated booklet. Ptmt RttWJE SAJflTABrtrM ATLANTA, G.. n fee? . , CHILDREN "HUNG" ARPCJVD THEIR MOTHERS' SIDE BEGGING TO RE SERVED WITH HARMON'S DELICIOUS HON EY, HONEY CHOCOliATES. ETC. OI'R BtCK ET HONEY WILL REMIND YOf OF OLD TIME BEE-ROBBING, WHEN FATHER WOllO SMOKE BEES WITH COTTON "RAGS." ABSOLUTELY PCRE HONEY AND A PLEASED CUSTOMER, GUARAN TEED AT ALL TIMES. C.UL FOR HARMON'S. 14 NORTH PACK SQ. DON'T BEE A DRONE aaaaaaaaaiaaaaai ; ; BECAUSE ALL I I COAL IS : BLACK Is no sign all coal Is good. a Dealers must know how and where to buy to get the coal that will give satisfaction, a that has the greatest percent- age of fuel value. M. & W. Indian coal is the best that comes from the Jelllco Re- glon. PHONE ISO. Carolina Coal & Ice Company iiiillialf istaaaaaai Phone 964 to have year clothes pressed. Latest Improved steam Pressing Machine. QCICK SERVICE PRESSING CLUB For Dresses With Style The COFFEE WITH A FLAVOE If you want a cofTee that ha flavor and aroma ,Jut call for WHITE HOUSE the coffee of eicellence, purity pound air-tight tin pound alr-tlght tin STRADLEY Bella White House Coffee and I East Pack Bq. THE GRUNER Aaheville, N. C. 1 Haywood St. Phone CM Devoted to the thorough and clentlflo treatment for select cases of Nervousness, Paralysis. Asthma, Habit, Stomach, Rheumatism, Disease of women and othe? chronlo disease. , The Bath and MaSSage apartment of the Sanitarium 1 opm to the public. Turkish. Russian. Cabinet, Betz-Hot-Alr, Electric-Light. Tub, Bitx. Foot, Shower and Needle Bath. Galvanic and Far radio Treatment, Electric Vibrating and SweediBh Massage ar.C Movement. Thure Brandt Massage for Disease) of Women. Douches Lavage. ,g GROCERIES Everything to EZat : Poultry, Fruit, Vegetables, etc. Prompt Delivery,: Moderate Prices. IVI. HYAMS I Cor N. Main and Merrimon Ave. PSYCH1C PSYCH0METRIS PSYCHIC Let It be what it may YOUR DESIRE CAN BE GAINED. If In TROUBLE, DISAPPOINTED, THE PSYCHIC. HOURS S to 9. 50 CLAYTON ST. FOR SALE J ; 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, close to car line, $1,650; small cash payment, balance $16.00 per month. Size of lot 51x140. In good neighborhood.' 'i THE H. F. GRANT REAL TY CO., 48 Patton Ave, PROGRESS! RANGES! . Best and Cheapest Your money back if not satisfied. ' We' will allow you a good price for your old stove on one of these Nice Ranges. Give us a call. DEAL & 97 North Main. Carnations Long stiff stems, good blooms, White, Pink, Red, Superior quality is what you get here. J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO. GREENSBORO, N. C. Private or class Instruction in Sten ography and Typewriting. Emanuel School of Shorthand MISS SADIE EMAMUEL. Prln. Phone 1783. 193 W. Clmtnal SPECIAL SALE of a new line of Switches, Puffs and Curls at a great reduction. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 95 Haywood St. ICYHOT AND THERMOS BOTTLES. Keeps contents Icy cold or steaming hot from 2 4 to 7 2 hours. Saves getting up at night to heat baby's milk. Invaluable for automohlllsts, plcknickers, hunters. Invalids. Prlroe at from $1.25 to $7.00. MaeKAVS PHARMACY, Prescription Specialists, opp. p. o. ; BORROW A KODAK j Free use of Kodaks where we do the finishing. We are film experts and get better results from yourj films. Every detail has careful at- j tention. j HAY'S STCDIO. 29 Patton Ave. ! J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watch Repairing a Specialty. It W. Pack Square. Lingerie Shop 78 Patton Ave. . . and satisfaction. . 88o .$1.10 & LUTHER. Tea, the world' best. Phone 04 and 651. SANITARIUM : .FRESH MEAT- ' Phones 49-243" : or If things GO WRONG SEEK ASHEVIILE, Jf. O.' OOLIQHTLY Phone Ht. IF YOU WANT TO GO ANT. WHERE IN NORTH BUNCOMBE And want to go In comfort phone 138 and let us have a spanking good team at the car for you on arrival. Rea sonable prices. Roberts & Reagan Weaver vllle, N. O, ff&h Class VAUDEVILLE and MOTION PICTURES at the Palace Theatre This week We Have Two Hartaell Pianos Known for sweetness of tojl, and durability of constructibh, which we will sell for $250.00 on easy terms. They are slightly used. Regular price 3S0. They are Bargains. ' Falk's Music House 21 South Main St. 8KUAT'S MILLINERY PARLORS Oatcs Bldg., Pack Square) Invite your Inspection of their new line of Spring Milliner. H Millinery Importers i M. WEBB CO. Club Building, Havwood fit t 11111111 wvw i a i i a j Dew Drop Candy parlor 1 32 Patton Ave. ! Fresh Candy every day. Cocoa- j nut flavored syrup and peanut butter. E. M. ADAIR & C. P. BAKER Proprietor.

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