THE SUNDAY OITTZEX, APRIL 30, 1911 r i- I: f -rV- '4- , t it Society and Personal fi 5 Him Eleanor Lamhcrtnon. of I $ Greensville, Tenn., hh the until of J honor t a very pretty lrllKP prfrly I -liven yesterday afternoon at the Hal - tery Park hotel by Mrs; J. fi. Law- t ' rence. Mlaa Lambertann will remain 'I tn Aahevlllc a week longer, and will i -' $ be the guest of Mrs. I aw retire at the Battery Park for several dayg The party was given In the green drawing ' room wmcn was oeaunruuy neiormeo ; ' j, with Eaater llliea, llllea of the valley , V' and a number of palms and feme, i V i ni score carua were 1:1 wie pump- m t t llllea of the valley, and dc-rorated In water color. The rotors, green and , "White, were noted In the reme rt menthe punch, pistachio Ices and anl- 1 j$ d. The cakes were Iced with white i and dat-orated with llllea of the val ley. Mlaa Lamhertson was preaented n m.UK aniit'nli In the form of a . white satin opera rethwle, embroider. d 'Jn vloleta. The flrat prlae,, b alml ' 'i lar'retlcule of lavender satin ami cut .' leather, waa won hy Mlaa Adelaide I - .... rUlMA Tha ArtffianlntlOfl M 1 -j 'silver bodkin set, wa won, by Mrd. ; , 2 William Bearden. Mra. Lawrence a I ' guests were Mra. Michael Eraklne, I , Mra. . Perry Cobb,, Mrs. ltufus wood Mes.j"erry coon,, airs, jiuius nuuu- cock, Mlaa Lillian Weaver. Mlaa Fran- . . .. . - ' f ClM.n. tnmun I cee xiuiDur, ie .ibhwi Mle Myrtle lloiiina, mibb iveny, 01 New Torki Mlaa Adelaide Muyo, of Chicago; Mlae Uielle Dlekorman, of ' ' New Torl; Mre.r W. Huall Valentine, Wlaa Hebocca Bayllaa. or lovmgton jaiae neuueca riie.i w v w ni-i.-.n, v-i ui Volt rihee Mlaa Marguerite "Wadiwortb, M1aa Katherlne Cortmi ll. j Mlaa Edna Mltt-beJl. Mlaa Frant'ea tfartaall and MIm Rohertson. the ' Itueat of honor; Jra. Allen McDonald. ' Mlaa BalleV. Mra. Jumea L. Alexan der, Mra. T, K, Linn. - Jl J In bonor of Mlaa Vera I'areona, of Jacksonville, Tl Mlaa Ellaabeth Vowell ' wt enteruin Informally Tueaday evening at the home of her sunt Un. Victor etern, t Hi Mont ford venue, '' Jl J ' The announcement of the wedding of Mlaa : Mary Louiae Kennedy to Lieut Alexander Hamilton Jonei, whloh oocurred reb. I t Camp Mc Urath, Maunaaa, Philippine lelanda. will be of lntereat to the frlenda of the latter In Aahevllle. The an. hoiineetrwnt i"rd wer taaued by the parenta of the bride. Pr. and Mr. -Tome SteweH i Kennedy. Lieut. JobM l on Ct)l- Thaddoua W. Jonea. V, . A., at preeent atatloned at rort Kthan Allen. Conn., and at one time With hit mother and atater resided at Acton N..C- Ut. Jonea la a nephew of Oen. Bhafter and eoualn of Mra,- Lawrence Young, of thle city. He waa a atudent at the A and M. college and a graduate oL the Unlveraity of JJorth, Cai'ol.m'aiid Widely known throughout Uie gtftte.1 At the Country elub yeaterday aft ernoon the nnala In tbe women'a aln Klea gold tournament were played hy Mra, Alfred . Barnard n Mlaa Ann Mead, reatiltlng In tie. W be played again later In week In six holef. Mlae Punsmore, of Chlrago. who U t the. Manor for eeveral week, aerved tea yeaterday afternoon. There le much lntereat manlfeated In the approaching aecond annua! tour, noment of the Carolina Golf assor.l. atlon for the championship of the Carolines, iwbleh takee plaeea at the Cbarleatob 'Country . club Thursday, May 4, ano eontlnuee during the week. I The Aahevllle Country club will be represented by Edward I. Frost, rhlllp 8. Henry. Herbert Brown, A. H. Barnard. J. B. Tum v..,.i. leave todayi for Charlea- ton. and will remain there during the Mlas Weaal Olenn and Mr. W, O. Poole were married Friday evening by Bev, W. M. VlnesTrt.hls realdence on, XCheetnut street. A few frlenda of the 1 younateople were present. Mr. and Mra. Pool will reside at I 8 Grady '. , avenue. i During the recent visit of Mr, Jna. V X. Hackett to Aahevllle the noted V- player had eeveral Interesting things to gay concerning "moving pictures." Mr. Hackett'a view la original and " worthy of note. To the general pub- lie the moving plcturee have aerved "' ' as tablojd playi, diminishing the time usually required by dialogue, seining the stage, etc.. and last of all the ' ' price la popular. The models ueed In the pictures shown usually In mailer towns over the country are '! V rather crude In their pantomime, un- flnlshed and uninspired, but neverthc ' leas vast crowds flock to wltneas the silent romances and tragedlea they I portray. Mr. Hackett feels that only Better Tailored Tub Suits The Kinds That Please The Better Dressed Women These beautifully ho ' cjasiv ready-to-wear we carry. The suits are pro ving very popular: We , have syart Linen Crash Garments in gray, Javendeij oyster wmte, lemon snacte ana na tural color. The eoats are the new short lengths and the skirts are the uew plain styles. ; Tub Suits are delightful warm weather clothes; they look and feel wonderfully cool. The styles we arc showing will satisfy your every desire for a summery garment. Prices $16.50 to $27.50. M. V. MOORE & CO., WOMKVS APPAREL. ' II PATTOX AVE. ! by the aid of the moving plrture films jinny I hi art or ttn ureal players of I ho day tie preserved and given to j future jen'ermlona. In France the liimous players are perpetuating their ; rt Ijy rei-nnllnn their moat note- ' worthy role on the films, and It I ; possible and will he u century henee, ; for the publle to wltneaa the famoua aetora of today In their hunt roles. Air. lineneit menus 10 nave pevnM sets of pictures miide, the principal ,,ne being In the role of the "Prlaoner f Zemin," with which his fortnnea have heen linked for ao manj yearn. for the reoaon. an he aald, "that It will he nice for the 'kiddle,' In twent yeara' time to are her father In the character that made him famoua." Mr. Ilarketfa email daughter la all years old, and travele constantly with her celebrated mother, Mlaa Mary Mnnncrlng (Mra, Hnckett). The plr turea ahow the wonders of hunting In out of the way corner of the world, the Jungle life, hear hunta In the American Hockley coronatlona of kings of varloua countries, the record. Ing of Interesting and plituresotie! without limitation, although joining banns witn tne pbbi n o.,u.,... yeara hence, would eeem a little un . i 1 ... .1, a. joining bands with the paat a hundred raniiy, noever inm i mi . H J Mlaa Laura Hchroll' entertained Frl. day evening In honor of her puplla with- a mualcale at the residence of jura. vv. rv. m mi.. flrVrnli has heen tutoring tin w. X. Lonon In Bwannanna, f,,r YtRr. Mlaa Pertha and Mlaa M,lln inon, of ft, Genevieve college, ,; m Kiwnl L. t'lemena, prlni lpi f tnf, Form ehnot. and other mem i,... nr the foroltv and the graduat ing class were among Ihoso on the rrogram. thereby adding to the suc cess and pleasure of the nl'Mr. The realdence waa artistically deeinted With crab apple blossoms end fernn. A collation w aerved at the conclu sion of the musical program. . . At All Bonis' church thla morning "Consider and Hear Me." by Plfeuger, will be sung hy the choir, with Mr. F. F. Marker as soloist. In the aft-ernooa-Oounod's "Holy, Holy. Holy" will be aung with Mr. J. O. Stlke leather as solollst. "The Lord is My MghC by Horatio Parker, will els he aung. Mr. Harker will play -lected program at the organ rocltal following the afternoon service. . J In the women'e alnglea handicap, U-hoie, golf tournament yeaterday Miss Mead and Mrs. parnard tied In the finale. The game will be played off next week. In the approaching and putting eonteat for women Mra. Frasnr won. and Miss Morrison mgde second and Mlaa Kthel Reevea third. .... , The The Wofnart'a foreign Mis aionary aoclety of Central Methodist church will hold Ita regular monthly business meeting tomorrow at 4 o'clock. Owing to the recent change from the flrat Friday, to the first Monday In each month the members will please take notice of the date. Pr. L. B. McBrayer. who has been In Northern atatea examining Instl tutea for the feehle-mlnded, stopped at Washington yesterday on hla way to this city. . Mrs. C, Clarence Myere baa taken apartments at 147 Montford avenue. Mrs. Bingham, after a visit of sev eral weeks to friends in Bouth Caro lina, has returned to her home on Bingham Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olover nni Mr. Bherley Olover, of Louisville, Ky,, are tn the city for a visit and are guesta at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. Herman Heller, of Raleigh. N. C. Is in the city for several days on business. Miss Lillian Fletcher will remain In Spartanburg for several daya to visit friends before returning to Ashevllle. Mr. C. A. Johnson, of Raleigh. Is In Ashevllle on a' business trip. Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Bllversteln, who have occupied the A. J. Lyman residence during the winter, vlll spend the aummer In thesEast, leav ing Ashevllle within eeveral weeks. Miss May White, who hn been vis iting friends In the city, has returned to her home In Charlotte, N. Mr. K. Theodore Freldel. of Char leston. S. C, Is In the city for a abort stay. tailored tub garments Pimples Cannot Live When tlu Blmxl la IturlHcd With Htuart'ft al'liirn NX at em - Trial rarkue Kf-nt Free Pliriijl.-B, blolciiM, eruptions. etc.( simply disappear like magic when you shut off Hie supply of Impurities which raune tliern. Mluarl I'iilriuni Wafers K" '"to the blood through the aro channel as food. They stimulate and nourish It. They destroy foreign and unnatu ral oodles found there und remove all Impurltlex very quickly. In many caNen ptmplcs and erup tions disappear from the akin in five days. Theae little wafer are so strong that inierndlulely nrter they go Into the blood their beneficial effects make themselves known. The blood le c I cm ni.. (I rapidly and thoroughly, the Impure Is separated from the pure blood and the waste matter and poi sons are carried from the system. The parson who suffers the humi liation of pimples, blotches and eruptions should know and feel that the blood is In had condition nd de lay Is quite dangerous, und Is liable to affect many organs quite seriously. Parity your blood nd you give nature the means to successfully fight all manner of dlaeaae. Calcium Hulphlde la one of the Ingredients from which Btuart'e Calcium Wafers sre made, and It Ib the strongest and most'- powerful blood Invtgorator known to science This wonderful purifier Is endorsed by the entire rat dlcul profession and Is generally used In all doctor's prescriptions for the blood und skin. Hluart's Calcium Wafers peculiarly preserve the strength of Calcium Sulphide better than other methods thus giving the most rapid cimw ow ing to the purify of the ingredients and their freedom from decay, evap oration and chemical weakness caused by many latter day modes of prepara tion. Htuart's Calcium Wafers are sold by every druggist. - Price ftO cents or send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mall free. Address F. A. Ktuart, 176 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Marcua Foster and Mr. CTI. Derby, of Worcester, Mass., are in the city, and are guests at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Allen, of Hot flprlngs, Va., who have been at the M.anor, have returned to their home. Mr. Robert McDonald left lust evening for New Orleans aficr spend ing the winter In Ashevllle. Mr Mc Donald will spend the aummer In Texas on the "Good Night" ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hlnei. of Milwaukee, Wis., have returned to their home after a atay at the Manor. Mr. G. H. Flannery, or Partucah, Ky la In the City for a short stay on bualnees. Mrs. Bobert B. Carroll has returnod from New York and the East ufter nn absence of several weeks. Mrs. S F.llxabeth Bolton returned from Washington yesterday, accom panied by Mra. Henry Pnyxon, who will spend some. week In Ashevtllo, Mrs. C. A. Raysor and children have returned from a visit to Chester B. C. Pr. B. Westray flattie has gone to New York to meet hla grandson. Maa ter S. Westray Hancock, who arrives from- England with his governess the first of the week. Mrs. Hancock Is coming via China and Japan to this country, and will hind In fian Fran rlaco some weeks later. Pr. Tiattle will return to Ashevllle the latter oart of the week, while his grandson ntul Koverneas are expected within a day or ao. Mr. Clyde Gordon Benedict, of New York, Is In the city for a short stsy, and Is a guest at the Battery Turk hotel. Mrs. Augustus P. Shepard, 1r.and her children return to New York the latter part of thla week after ! pend ing the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bees at Kenllworth lodge. Mr. Eurl Norman, who has been connected with the business staff of the Battery Park hotel for a year or two. has leased White Sulphur Springs hotel at Waynesvllle for the summer, and will manage It. Mr. Nor man leaves shortly for Waynecvllle. Mr. J. B. Craven, ef Lenoir, la n the city for a few days on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Colwell. after having spent the winter In Florida. have returned to their home at 23! Haywood street. Constable F. M Jones la very sick at the home of his stater. Mrs. M. N. Koherts. In West Ashevllle. Mr. J. Scroop Styles has returned from Brevard, where he delivered n address before a meeting of the Odl Fellows. Mr Puff Merrick Is In Philadelphia on business. Miss Lilly Wolfe, who hss heen at tending the Baraca-Phllathea con vention In Greensboro, ' has returned. Miss Wolfe visited her sister, Mrs. P. M. Pettit, In Greensboro during her stay. ! Rev. Henry H. Sweets, of Lnuls i vllle. Ky., who preaches at the First ' Presbyterlsn church this morning. Is the gueet of of Mrs. E. W. Gillis. 134 Montford avenue. Mr. J. W. Cortland, of Unltlmort. i Is In the city, for a short stay, and 's ! a guest at Margo Terrace. i Miss Constance Mills, of PlMsbnrj. '. 1'a . Is spending eeveral weeks In :he city. Becem arrivals at the Manor are: Mr. and Mrs. rhss. T. Fletcher and : Miss Florence .T. Bailor. Sherman. :Tex.: Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Newomh. I Cleveland, O.: Mr. and Mrs. Fre-1 J. Witterson. Chicago, lll.j Miss K. A. j Walte. St. Paul, Minn.; Miss A. K. ! I-ewie. St. Paul, Minn. The crews of tho British subma rine are rreularly drilled In the ue of the safetv helmet, hv tvhlch thov may save themselves and others In LENOIR GETS A MORE CONVENIENT SCHEDULE Approaching Marriage t ' Interest. Variety of IVraoiiul Mention From Caldwell County. I.ENOIRR, April 21. A new schedule goes Into effect on the Car olina fk Northwestern railway next Hunday, tho 30th. The must Import ant change effecting I.enolr Is the night train from Hickory, arriving here at 1 a, m. Inatead of 10 p. m. as heretofore By this change passen gers from the north and east are en abled to reach I.enolr without having to spend the nixht In Hickory, aa formerly, aa this train will make con nection With the Bouthern train No. 35, bring both mall and passengers. It Is thought probable that the rail road company will put on their reg ular summer trains, Nos. 7 and I, a little later. After spending several weeks In this county visiting friends and rela tlvea. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Coffey left yesterday for their home In, St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Coffey Is a Caldwell coun ty man and a son of our townsman. Mr. P. P. Coffey, who went West many years ago. In the Western city he Is the owner of some valuable real estate, and also owns several large wheat farms, and has about 8,000 acres In wheat this season. This Is the first visit he has made to his na tive county In many yeara. . Carda are out announcing the ap proaching marriage of Rev. Charles T. Squires, paator of the First Pres blterlan church at this place, to Miss Nona Markley Harris, of Lignum. Va. The ceremony will be performed on Wednesday. May 10, and the hap py young couple will be at home In Lenoir after the of May. Mr. Squire came to Lenoir only a few m.onths ago from St. Louis, accepting a call to the pastorate of th First Presbyterian church at thla place. Mr. W. S. Phlfer, who recently came to Lenoir from Stateavllle, la seriously sick at hia home on North Main street. For the past few days hla condition has heen such aa to cause much apprehension to relatives as to the outcome, as he Is getting up In age. He la Buffering from a com plication of diseases. Pr. W. J. Martin, of Pavldson col lege, and Mr. J. A. Brady, of States vllle, passed through Lenoir yester day, returning from Watauga county, where they attended the closing exer claea of the Nast seminary. ANOTER VETERAN HAS PASSED AWAY Mr. J. 3. Sriimnan, One of the Leading Cltiiens of Transylvania County, Pled Friday. BREVARP, N. C. April Mr. J. J. Shlpma'n. Confederate' veteran, died at bis home here yesterday at the age of 76. For several yeara Mr. Bhipman has been Identified with the public life In thla county, having served as clerk of the court, county commissioner, mem ber of the county board of education and Justlce.of the peace, and was re cently appointed aeaistant tax asses sor. ' T,. ri.rAiaul was a man of noble Christian character, and admired by a large host or mends, ne ui vived bv a widow, four daughters and a son. Mr. T. H. Shlpmair "! GFOROE ADE When In Aahevllle several years ago, acquired what he termed the "Wheat-Heart habit." He got in the habit of eating Wheat-Hearts and after that no other cereal sat isfied him. Thousands of oth- ers have formed this habit. They use other cereals occa sionally, but Wheat-Hearts alone satisfies. All Grocers DELICIOUS One Lady Said: "MR. HARMON, YOOi HONEY ANI) HONF.Y CANDY IS SO DE I.lOOrs THAT I TELL ALL MY KINK'S PS." YOU ARE DOING VOl R KK1KXDS A FAVOR WHEN TF.LLINti THEM OK tllll DE LICIOVS PRO- Dl'lT OF THE KLOWKKS AND SI'S SI! INK. ASK FOR HARMON'S. SEE Oi l. BEES TODAY. I I PACK SQl'ARB V- Another Luxurious Train. Southern Will Install New Train Be tween Aahevllse and St. Lam Beginning Today. Another fine train la announced by the Bouthern Railway, . Beginning today, the "8t. Louis Special" will be Inaugurated between Ashevllle and St. Louis. The new train will leave Aahevllle at :05 p. m.. arriving at St. Louis the follow; tng day at i40 p. m. Between Louisville and St. Louis will be carried dining, observation and parlor cars. Tblg train will glre tourists from Louisville, Bt. Louis and the West a splendid service to and from the "Land of the Sky." PROGRESS RANGES? Beet and Cheapeat Your money back If not satisfied. We will allow you a good price for. your old store on one of these Nice Ranges. Give ua a call. DEAL GOLIGHTLY t7 North Main. Phone SS4. Hughes Transfer and Liv ery Co. , Trunks 25c Grips 15c Wood and kindling. Phone 140. K. P. Bugbea, Mgr. Ml Soutnalde) Are. CORSETS ESPECIALLY FITTED TO MEASURE The basla of every well fit ting garment Is a property fitted corset We exercise ev ery care In giving eaotr lndltr ual the corset form which adds to their personal attrac tiveness Irrespective of the cost of their outer apparel In fact the sight of the orig inal eoat of a corset la logt when the general effect re ceives the general admiration of your friends. Special Demonstration and fittings by appointment. MRS. HARVEY . Phone 2M tl Son til Main St. BROIL and TOAST OVER COKE The ideal fuel for kitch- en range. Dustless and smokeless. Phone 130 j Carolina Coal & Ice Company Consumption Successfully Treated " Our records show 82 per cent complete relief. Write for illustrated booklet. FINE RIDGE SANITARIUM ATLANTA, OA. Tub Suits and Shirtwaists Laundered Promptly, Properly and Prettily. Phone 70 A Trial is aU Wo Ask. Swannanoa Laundry "We treat your laundry white." Phone 964 to have your clothes pressed. Latest Improved steam Preaalng Machine. QUICK SERVICE PRESSING CXCB LUCAS Paints and Varnishes Asheville Paint and Glass Co. Formerly The Miller-Rice Paint Co. J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watch Repairing a Specialty. 11 W. Pack Square. Pretty Yellow DAISIES 25c per Bunch $1.00 per 100 J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO. GREENSBORO, N. C Our Spring Goods Arc Arriving Daily We have an exceptionally nice linflVof porch goods, lawn swings and porch shades;', line of rugs and mattings are complete an6t?th$ larg est stock of refrigerators and ice box6si"w have ever had. - v f--. i . .- " We will -save you money for spot cashv'JDi: an payment. , : J'i.i Kind treatment and lowest pricesoui mbtfo, ; BEAUfllONTFiJRMTLIRECO. Phone 1002. f ? : L 27 S. Mala St CHICHESTER S PILLS "eVga- THg BLeMONBMAND. .vrBat feKAND riiX. t sel mmt. mm Uwm Rtatbie mnmimisaamK IF IT'S FLOUR YOU WANT, WE HAVE IT, - . "Snow Bank" v ' only 90c W OnTD A TVT W Belli WhlU House Coffee and East Pack Sq. THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Aahelle, N. C. H Hajrwood'St Phone tM Devoted to the thorough and aclentlflo treatment for select easee ot Kerrouaneee, Paralysis, Aathma, Habit. Stomach. Rheumatism. Dleae ot women and other ehronlo diseases. ' ' " ' The Bath and Manage w- ' ' t.u.ii w.itri-.t.iirh t. Tub. Sits. Foot. Shower -and Naedle Baths. OalTgnlo and Farradt Sweedlab Msasage and Movementa. of Women. Douches lavage. .. . PSYCHlCSrPSYCHlC Know your fate and guide There is no hope so fond, o' wish so great.- that i can accomplish for you. I have success where other Clairvoyants fall. JXW FEE, 50c; FULL READING 1.0O. Ji t 0. n.AYTOV ST. e ST. CHAS. COFFEE. CHARLES COFFEE is a blend of the best, most delicious coffeeB obtainable and Is roasted . In New Orleans the moat noted coffee center In the world.. Packed In air tight packages. OWE-POTJND PACKAGE .. , .i .. ... 85c THREE-POUND PACKAGE.. $1.00 btiilj 801,1 bJ. 1VI. HVA1VIS Fancy Groceries Meats and Vegetables. ST. CHAS. COFFEE. , ST. CHAS. COFFICEt SPECIAL SALE of a new line of Switches. Puffa and Curls at a great reduction. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP IS Haywood 8 Dew Drop Candy Parlor $2 Patton Are. tn...s rnrtv averv dav. Cocoa- nut flavored syrup and peanut butter. E. M. ADAIR & C. P. BAKER Proprietors. FOR 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, close to car line, $1,650; small cash payment, balance . $16.00 per month. Size of lot 51x140. In good wmmm e-se sn aTm A ITItl TTI A T SPROAT'S MILLINERY PARLORS Oatee Bldg., Pack Square Invite your Inspection of their new line of Spring Millinery. uiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiin ICY-HOT ASD THER.MOS BOTTLES. Keeps contents Icy cold or steaming hot from 24 to " hours. Saves getting up at night to heat baby's milk. Invaluable for automoblllsts, plcknickers, hunters. Invalids, tPrlc at from 1.2 to $1.00. MacKAVS PHARMACY, Prescription Specialists, i Opp. P. O. w As o 1 BORROW 'A KODAK1" f Free use pt Kodaks where Wb'do the finishing. - We aire aim exparU and get better . results 'from aesur fllma. Every ' detail baa carefw MX tentlon. RAT'S ' 8TTDIO, Pattern Ave. ft. T.TTTTTTSW. frW Tea, the world'g beat. ' Phonea 64 and WU. o Treatment Electric, yibrajjng and Thure Brandt Massage tofpUtw . ' ,.".-: ' o.'4v -''''- yourself accoraingiy. . . .. ,T. CHAS. COFFEE e If it's Bread you want, we have all kinds, fresh daily, Salt Rising an4 Old Fashion' is, our ' popular, brand. Asheville Steam Bakery, "hone 2a or Xhl. 7 Let us gtv yon an estimate of that Eloctrlo Wiring. Our work gives satisfaction. W. A. WARD, AXYTHIXG XXECTKICAti r IS Church St. Vbone;4e T SAL& neignbornoocl. 2 tWTT O T J.A. A :: Millinery Importers ::. . M. WEBB CO. :i :: Club Building. Hajrvvood St. : : PHONE 38 1 WEAVERVILLE For a good horse aixl buggy. , I Roberts & Reagan Wcavei fUe, K. 1 i Ik SMI J jl imu , m . mimrmmwMnLrili4 ' turn in asasaasssssaasassssaasssajaMBsssss It event of (llesntcr. eg I