.... ,.. ... .... M CITIZEN. Complete Associated Press Reports , , ... ,1. ASHEVJIXJ N; C, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 1911 PRICE FIVE CENTS -VOL. XXVtf., NO. 200 '. Long Threatened Blast iotefflltd With Dead and Wounfy dRepUd That Navarro REBELS NOW CONTROL BRIDGES WHICH LEAD TO Insurrectos Ignored the Orders 0 Madero Who Wished to Stand by His Promise Not to f - Attack the City of Juarez. EL PASO', May 8. At 5:15 this evening the Mexi-f can revolutionists opened fire on the city of Jaurez. The insurrectos have takenall the custom houses but oneaji bridges and the bull ring.' The streets in Juarez-are said to be covered with dead and wounded. The United States customs- house has been hit by bul-; lets severartimes. The casualties on the American; side of the line thus far reported to be four killed and nirie woUnded.- At 7 O'clock General Madero" returned to his ' headquarters and denied that attack was, gen eral He, said he was making every effort to stop the battle and that those fighting had disobeyed orders. The yet of i the insurrecto army; however, is holding itself' in readiness to aid their comrades. ; a.' r" , It. tASO. Tex.'. May .Insubordi nation in the rank of Gen. Madero's atttiy and.' tuet for the fight of which . federal "concessions apparently had deprived them caused a fierce attack on Juarei which culminated tonight In? a, careful rtrat of the lneurreb t ittei r da)r 'of continuous flfhtlng. The 119 .rebels who early' today opened fire en the federal not only. OaptUreO aORie OI UI important JbokUi but carried the ' flf htlnc into "Xlaare. FalUnjt reinforcement they ' The eaeualUea of the . lnaurrectoe and, federal r.e notflinow tonight oFtto 'h wr Hle4 n at Hut twelve -wounded. ThM(aad of pe ple ia,l Paao. dotted theroef tope or lWaa 4he river bank In direct line, of fire. Col. BteeTer, of the Fourth United- State . cavalry, . proteeted .to both annlee acainat the flra Intd American . territory and It lessened considerably thereafter. Nearly 1,00 American troops wsre massed on the border keeping the crowds baok and ready td respond to any orders from Wsshlhgton. ' Tonight couriers galloped back and forth .in an effort to" arrange an arm istice to that peace negotiations might be' resumed. Oen. Francisco I. Ma dsro, Jr., Is a sad and downhearted man. Hi efforts to prevent a gener al attack was successful but only after he had 'been bombarded with, conflict ing stories as to the sctual .cause of OF ABOLISHED AND IN PUCE IS MADE CABIRET OF TEN Satisfactory Arrangements . Regarding Importation of Opium From India CHINA AWAKENING PEKING, May I. The long await ed edict absllshlng th grand council and lubatltutlng a constitutional cab inet' of ten member wa Issued today. The anglo-Chlneee agreement for the immediate reduction and final ex tinction of the export of Indian opium to China also was signed. The opium agreement between th Chinese and dirrttsb government becomes operative mmediaiW. it provides that China hail annually aiminisn lis proaucuon of opium proportionately with the Indian export until it extinction in ltlT. Or eat Britain agree that the importation of Indian oDlum into China shall cease earlier, If the native production In that country cease. The' cabinet as announced Is made up f th present grand chancellors with th addition of Liang Tun Ten. the ' former president of the foreign hoard, who 1 now traveling In the United "States. ' Prlne Chin becomes premier and minister of foreign affair and Na Tang and Hung Shu Shan are made vie prim ministers. Liang Tun Tet la named Second foreign minister. Othewise the president of the vari ous board , become . the minister, re spectively of their departments. Th change is in Una with" the demands of th national assembly for a constitu tional oaotnet, , responsible " to that body Instead of to the throne, but in what respect the ; new ministry I mad responsible to th assembly has not been promulgated, CITY Sweeps Mexican : G$ is Wounded mihe First UNITED STATES the conflict Qen J Madero , tonight thought . that remarks, attributed to Col. Tambouret, of the' federal garri son In Juaret, taunting, the. Insurrao tos, incensed them. In a statement Qen. Madero genuinely regretted the occurrence. :t ,?t . The fight lasted until dark and. fur nlshed many a thrilling spectacle as well . as . continuous terror for many, Americans living along - the -river bank.- .; 1. ( f-.t - Adranoe Ouafd. , . About a desen' lnsurrectps .. ,wsr sees, to eaaergs from , the .barrsa, h(llt around Juares early (a th day. They skulked along thrc-ngh the shruh. bery -oward. he federal ttjraetaX4trf Ing repeatedly t a Muad -f fedeMlt, cooped up In kn adobe, hut. The version of' the affair lvin. j. the Madero headquarters tenlght wa that the federals began -the engeg ment. At any rate -the federajs soon left their adobe, stronghold and fled, pursued by the lnsjlrrectos. At the head of the insurrecte band was a Canadian; W. H. McKensle,- whose pink shirt was. plainly visible- as he pressed close to Juares. .. -At the first few shots two federals toppled over. Soon the federals aban doned their. trenches and the .rebel fired Intermittently for a few hours without advanoing. ' About' 6 o'olock the federals, brought their artillery in to action and heavy cannonading be gan. The federals gauged their Are . well aind nor only shot shrapnel Into IS RLIEO WITH SWEET AGCOflO WHILE THE HUE PRESENT American Federation Wants Protection Against the Cheaper Foreigners THEY MAY COME. HERE ATLANTA, On., May '. (.The union of all musicians 'into a . world wide organization Is one of- th prin cipal subjects before the .lfth an nual convention of the American Federation of Musicians which open ed Its sessions here today.' More than tee locals of the United State and Canada are repreeented at the convention. Jos. H.v William, of Manchester, England ',1s th delegate from England 'and also represents the International Musician ' association whose membership embraces every civilised country. t Probably the most Important gen eral question In which the 'union musicians of this country are inter ested Is the protection 'of American musicians against competition with lew salaried foreigner and ' gear srntations toward, thle .end bare frequently -been adopted by the fed eiatlon in the past Owan ' Miller, secretary of the federation .today stated that while the federation was still fighting for thl ptotectlon. res olutions heretofore adopted -have been so lneffectlr that probably nqne regarding protection will be adopted by th present convention.. day, after which th visitors . War Only on short session was held to rnteriained .by the member of th local vnlon. Tuesday also will7 be devoted ta entertainment .while, th business' sessions of the .convention will, b held Wednesday and .Tnurs- OF JU ARM and it facets Are : Sud Assam. the Insurrecto advance ' but far -into the oatlymg forces of the insurrecto camp near "Peace Orove.1' where the peaee commleelonen war to have met today. . i i 'fttib. Ot Ctwtom Hooee. r The Insurrectos,' however, toolt ad vantage of the river, bank and used it iort protection, a the xeoarau bad been i ordered dot" to - shoot Into SI Paso. The rebels cam as far a the Atchison, Topeka ft -Santa, T rail way bridge, which Joins ' Juares and El Paso, driving the federal beck In town and taking possession of the custom house. Carrying th fight In to Juafes thw rehal entered the town and, for. four, hour kept .up .continu al) -fir. ' Insurrecto' reinforcement reached the "-bridge later In the after noon but did not.flre. They withdrew at night under order from their chiefs. " : -,; , . i- -Kot; a few, American were' among thoe wh etrtersd-Juarea Th first person killed on the American pld was Antonl Oarcla, who wa stand ing by tbs aids of : The' Aesoolated Press eorrespondent about tot, yard from the advancing toswrreeto aero th river. ; , A . woman . aitting on a porch- several -Nooks within, the city, was kit la th. wrist and abdomen by two bullet. ' :' : , r , J Americans KUIed. . t ; ' .About I o'clock tonight fodr Amer icans were killed near th Santa Fd bridge. The nam of on,-1 sup posed, to be Camp, and hi home' 1 sal to bt in Webrasks, -wwi the oth- r Had on his person a' memorandum reading'. ""R. H. Fergusdrt ' Troop ir. LThird oavairy. San Franrteo'. . The" names ei toe ouiers, auiea nav not been tetrned..- -. Olen Chenaanr: ' of, Shreveport, La.: Mrs. Joseph. Moorei head, Cdmund Heatch' and , LvlVll- lalobas, of Bt Paso, .were among, thb4 woendad bnt not ff tally. , . ; j v 'There ww' occasional -firing tonight Into Jurea,-but Oen. Navarro aeemed to be tn complete command. ) f In.th main Insurrecte csmp today cenfualQn reigned. Order vega jttv en for a general aUack tot thywr4. eounterwandeTl'Jt-wu- argued . by a email aetaenment nan niaot such prrs It was the duty ef -the' rest of the aripy to aid -the Vttaekers. . , , nored Flags of Truik ,,' - den. 'Made-co wavered in 'his deci sion but Anally, decided to, stand, by, his promise of last night not, to at tack the city. Flags of true suffered grpssly during. ths" day. An lbeurreoto who bore, on was shot from his horse. Those who were trying to par- suede Oen.' Madero to make a fehetkl' atuck, It Is said, reportsd itbat the federal had fired on the truce-bearer but this was not confirmed. Oen. Navarro .was willing daring th day at any hour to grant en armlstlde but the insurrecto Ignored all ef forts. In that direction. "f ,, piBDMOtOii ' WILL- FIGHT IN COITS ; FOR URPAJO Proposed Settlement - Fails to Meet With Approval; From Holders of Bonds SAY THERE IS MONEY NEW YORK. Mav . The plan which the 'directors, of ths Central' of Beorgla railway announced liisC. Sat urday for'setUement of suit' brought by dlseatiaffed bond holders tor In tereet wUI be opposed by a UfsJUght, according to the protective cOMmltta representing the three Issues .of In come boads. . In a long statssmnt glvenouf to night it 1 alleged that "the .director proposal te ty t7,4TI of rb 70, 000 da for4nteret for the-'. fleoai year of 1101 nd fllS.OOO for'the In terests of IMI and 11 out of a total of ll.eoo.040 due "Is only a "We 'of fair dealing and eoaapllane with th eourt decision won by th bondhold- The committees state ' that-?. the have ths utmost faith m ths conrt and that they hare Instructed .their counr? t prepare for uch additional legal action as may be suggetd ' to enforce as sxpedltioualy as possibls their claim- for full payment. .. " It I alleged that th net -earning of the railway . oompany tor tc pf the last three year hays' bean'mor than twloa the amount necessary for the payment of such Interest TnTttTJ "which .thus diverted from the, pay ment of Interest only enhance ; ? thai vain of the Central of Georgia stock In th hand of tb IlUnol. Central Railway company. " . .; t ;? i . ' , saw; mux BctwaaHj IAK1S. Oev. Ifav .thi eMmtil f th Flowers Lumber company-her,' wa destroyed by fire this 'afternoon with a om ot t.m.;'v. .j (f DEMOCRATIC THEHOUSE Twnty-Fou? Rept&1icans That UemocroxM nav omootruy w or King jrgaiuzavon.- v anou simena ' r . rnmt$ From Republicans Are all- ChttrfuVy Turned Qoum. "'"'' .'V.'.'i; I , i i, WASHINOTOri; May ' t.-0Mrn hoar of cbntinnou pounding at th hand of th rewrblea minority of the house of rspTosentattve falld to mn' a singU ohang Ih th ' first democratic tariff bfll, th "placing on the frse 'list agriealtural rmplernents. saaabiiaJk many othsr' anlcles. Th Mil paesed 'th hM tonight by a vote f'SSI ' to ' lot; that dmats .voting solidly and mustering 14 ropubliean wltn tnm THtscwna attrth m- crata'had voted dawn r ruled out of nrdef'nftora rhsto lOO amendment and had 'dmenstrsstfuaeln rthal th dewiotsatw enajority ,;wa m' complete ahd 'Soth1y .working . maehtna for the enactment sf isglslaaon. Mloorlty Laadet Harm thraes. anHMmnt awr amendment into: te aHrbete, ranging all b wa,ieoisfffr rlcea, (ra land v "Pg 1onr ttt tfcea that mled t.afrrde, iwwai, -cheerfully; voted down byn almoaknptld dem-. ocratlc at,-, . ' ' Trtiadl :Trton Tawtlca. An" sttmp t by Mr. Mnn to recom biend ' the vblll to the committee- -on way .and ; mean wa .tabled ty the Ijouee., , . Tha, rspuljllcan flght. to amend the bill, tiigab with an attempt 'to -make the free admiMSlon df ' merchandise Pt1y xinty to-,lmport. from. countries that lh turn Admitted American , prod -uets ffeb- Thl-, Was- followed ' by -f-fdrts. to. Jiave .incorporated In the bill prtyl!qns against . American mets. live cttl and flpur; and to' Include proVlslonp aimed, at ' countrtf that ItDPOss 'restrictions on 'the export of potash and. pulp wood. . ., . , All . .of theee amendments .were, rpwn, 6u,t ,fy Chairmen,' Alexander end Chairman Hay, the. two ' presiding officers' of the 'ay, as not; permissible uttdsn tpe rules of the honss.,' . GEORGIA OFFICIALS FACE OF r Sheriff and Deputy Are In dicie4. for Holding . Negro vMJai-and Wife 1 , MACON.' On.'... May ,8.-Tbe, federal grand Jury sitting here under Judge Emery. Speer -' today returned ' Indict ment;" against Bherlff J,' R. E Rogers, Deputy1 Sheriff Joe Home, Luke Du pree and wi 'e! Chauncey.Vll of Pu lasltl countyr on "charges 'of p6nsge and ,conpuicy.' The indictment' were tsturnidjn hne'with a fengthy charge lst; wesk ln ; which Judge Speer de cisred vthat peonage eUtd ip Qeor- gte-'-A -. ' t' ' .Today's IndlctmsnU have to-do with CJyds aid ' Meade Wlmberty, negro us -and , wife, who It ! charged to tnV Indletmentav were '.arrtod ; by Sheriff . Roger and Deputy Porme and taraed over to - Dasree . and a' debt' to- Rogers of 1 1 10. Th Indlct- naanV charge that th negroee were kept 'lava tt of unlawful servlture until th debt was wiped out.. ' WAf INOTOn. .May ' f-J-orecaet for North Carolina; - Fair, warmer Tveaday'; Wednesday t fair, , light . to ; mossrars aoutnwMt-wmoa. , n; ,t,, t, "On the Anxious Seat' FREE LIST IS PASSED IN BY OVERWHELMING VOTE Voted ty ' ' "BepUbllcansJOot Hai. " The' republican deader', Ineludlnf Bpalfr Cannon. Mr.. Mann,, and. Rt k-eeeptatlve Payne,' formr( republican leadsr,, roundly denounced' Ibe 4emo crsits for denying ffesdom; of, debate and amendment, AJr.. Cannon declared that, never in- h history-of congress had , hs right ot representayon on' th floor of the , house been so,. Umltsd; and lar.'Payn' asserted that th dem. brls. would; be, discredited beae the cpuntrif or their arbitrary .exercV o( that jniwir.' Thf .democrats v smiled; through .tf, all and on th: motion of Mr Pndetwood, bey contlhued to turn down the, 'repub;iiean ( apenmsnt. They ruled out) amend mente . aoverr WI-, f rloa, .' tre -nugar, , fr. 4rn bra,.. free ' palnU, . druis,. slant, and a 'boat .ntir 4hlng..Tlnifter -qm Mevlann apaeate, frwnrthw deniiljong rt .th,olr,uvric4Ji i1. 'amend-" manta; but In ,cli case. tbsUsmoorst-. te.,majorliy' cheerfully. uttlnd th cn- ', ,;.:;' ;-,v. .-: :;'.: u Started Filibuster. Atte four or Mve'hours'bf 'attempts st - amendment 'the refiuBllcan' -fight took en the comprei lorv of a fUlbuates; 'Once, when denied' a- vote , by th chslrrtaiir Mr: Matin 'Inflmated' that thd bill would -not pass In a ihurry.' Following that the republicans redsa -edly demanded rising vbtss; but In tb'e Mr.Mann mado no" attempt to de lay the final Vote on 'the'blll. fn all.' the republican leader offered ' IJ atneritfrnents" After ever 'parsgrap'h, he renewed the a'tetnpt to . have a countervailing clauss-'tfut'ln' so' that 'the free rates' woud" not' wppry to-countries' charging" duties ' against similar Am'sricah goods.''" '' ' :'C' ' 1 The-' democrat steadfastly ) refused to cut off debatar'or- lay themselves open' to the charge Tiv'alh-g 'pse(l METHODISTS ARE LIKELY TOBararfilEM Three,, Branches of - r Great Church .May , Succeed in Attempt to Unite . -- CHATTANOOOA, , Tenn.. . May , . The sub-commlttes of the. joint com mittee of three branches of Method lem,. appointed to consider a plan of federation, met this afternoon and to night Ths result of ths deliberations will bp . laid .before the commission for action later In the week. ; Until the report is presented to. ths full committee no .lntlmstlon .of the. uni fication plan will be, given out. for publication. . Following are th mem bers of the sub-committee on. plan whleh met today, : . aa A Methodtet Kplecopal Blsbop Cran ston, Washington. D.. pi;, Bishop J, M. Waldsn, -Cincinnati,' and ' ti. '. R. ' T. Miller. Glnclnhatl, ' : ; ' 1 , ProtesUnt Methodhrt Ti H.'Lewl, West Cambridge, Md.: -Rev. 'M. L. Jennings, V. p., .Pittsburgh, and 0: R Harji. Henderson, H." Q. . Methodist Eplscofial, South- Blsho) E. E. Hoss, Nsshvllle, Tennl Rev. F. M. Thomas. D. D., Louisville, and W. d. M. Thomas, Chattanooga - , Regular, sessions of the federation commission . will . begin Wsdnesdsy morning and continue' until the busi ness to. come befor It Is completed. ''', .." will coirm t'K IX spsipjr; fASHVILLE. Tenn.. May.!. At a caucus 'of ths regular' of th major ity in the general1 assembly tonight It wa resqlved to prolong the seeslon Indefinitely. Six or; seven' member wilt show up n each hous esph-day n'lth one of tbs regular presiding In each house. The balance of th mem bers, It Is said, -will return " to' thslr homes. In the meantime ths -comptroller and treasurer; will decline -.to pay out any money t state Institu tions ior' employes not expreesly: pro vided for by tatatd,' k r - lb bill under a gag rule. . Republican declared th democrat were giving, away American market ano getting notning ,. in., r turn, Uti Milk of 'Connecticut, Insist 4 the the Bill ought to b to amsnd. d that it would "put a lvr under plher nation that are , pot , dealing fairly with th Unlt.d Bute." To non of these 'changes, however, would th democrat acced. , t " " V Mote) nevisios Coming-. . MtnorHy Lsadsr ; Mann declared that th democrats had not put slthsr ric r rtce flour en th fr,iist, itm- ply because they war product of pouthsrn. state. ,,CnJrmn ; Under wo f tha way and mean comml tad. h' demooratle ;lader,--v Mpljf l tb : reaeon ; rtoe ad not Men. maae free w bnuM .tha. democrat did niet knots how much ravenu It would. cost th govrnmnk . ;. ' ; ."Thl do not complete our tariff legislation, aald Mr. Underwood, 'V Intend this bill to , give th - farmer cheaper, agricultural implement an the city dwsllsr eheapsr meat and bread. ' We ' could not' go beyond ' that wltho endangering th revenue. We, Intend to Uk up," in proper order, ail torlff rate and . to adjust all of tham." ' . BAXKQt . dies SUDDEXLT. . ! SAVANNAH, Q a.. May I John M. Hogan, oaahler.of th Oermania bank here and connected with banking In stitutions . in Savannah for many year, dlsd suddeny from an apoplsp tlc stroks at his horn tonight. He wa vie president of th local Hsr. bsrnian Boolety. H wa born in 1141 st Philadelphia, ' ELECTION OF SENATORS PREFERENCE IN SENATE Question is Made' the Un - finished Business but Will Not be Pushed Now WASUXNOTON, May I. After dis posing of the technical parliamentary obstacles Senator Borah, of Idaho, to day, succeeded In having th senats consider ths house Joint resolution to amen the constitution so a to pro vide for the election of If. S. Senators by popular voto. Ths effect I to mak the resolution ths unfinished busi ness and thus glvs it preference. ; The order was mad on a roll call but oat of 71 votes only Senators Brsndsgee, Burnham, Oalllnger, Heyburn and Penrose voted In the negative. ' Senator Borah announced that he had no- Intention of so preening the resolutions to Inconvenience sena tors who may desire to epeak on it TWEJTTT INJURED IX WKBCK ' ELMIRA, N. T., May A pas senger train on the Elmlre dc Cort land division of th Lehigh railroad was wrecked about eight mile north of this, city todsy and 10 passeng er were Injured, three of them per haps fatally. . The train left Van Etten about 4f minutes late and wa making up Urn. When near Flower' Crossing,- between Horse Heads and Breeze port, the-' tender, baggage ear , and two coaches were derailed. The tender and baggage car ran over 'the- tie - and passed over a culvert. Th two -coach ware thrown, down th embankment and turned over. TEXALPO IS CAPTVBCO. - VERA CnvZ.. Mc, May O.-r-A ul gram was rocetved todsy telling of thO capture of Temalpo by rebels. No detail war given. PLAIN TALK FROM , PflESIDENT ABOUT RECIPROCITY BILL, uaMssn . ; , He Tells members of National ; Grange That He Will Not c : Argue the Matter J BELIEVES TREATY WILL BR1N0 MANY BENEFITS And Says He Cannot Help It If . Republican Fanners Desert Party WASHINGTON, May President Toft indulged ift soms plain talk to day In explaining to twnty-flv mem- ' ber of th Mauonal grang that h doe not Intend to ply pollUo with tha Canadian rcclprooity agrsemsnt van f thd enactment of that meas ur by congress eosu htm th farm. 1 r tot. Th preeldent told hi vlaU - tor bluntly that he wa sorry to hear that republlosn farmers war desert- ' Ing the party If the agreement goes through,! hut fear of such desertion would not change hie conviction as to th wisdom of such legislation. H . aid that he believed reciprocity to b th boat thing for th whole county and that he didn't intend to argue it, N. P. Huir, spokesman for th farm r, Intimated strongly that th farm or doesn't Ilk reciprocity, and that republican vote ar likely to b lost If It Is passed. i, ' WUI Koi Argun Matter. "I hve no dlsposltalon to Interfere with th prosperity of thos who mak up th boa and lnw of our population the farmers and I am convinced that X am In no way inter, faring with iU" declared President Taft, in reply to Mr. Mull. , . "If I amIf w carry through th treaty, and it turns out that It does produc the Injury that you antii-i-pat It can be repealed by a inKi eongr. It doe not last longer timn Ithsr ld! declare It to last. I am eonvlnced that after It ha been giv en ene year' trial neither aid will , think of reversing It, That la my'i-nn-victton. I cannot go Into sn argu. mens. i , "Tou ay that tha republlosn frm r ar going to desert if we put it through.-. I am very norry if that is toj be th ease, because I have a per ronal liking; for th repbii n f , i. r,7Jut a 'llttl mils tronnr tiuin for ths democratic farmers., alihniinh they ar all cltlsens of tha .-United State - whose . Welfare I -must hold equally In my care. v, . - Convlotiosi la Deep, - t " 1 "But my coaviction with reaped t ' th advantage Of thl treaty 1 very : deep, ' So far a th ffct of on my personal political fortuns, it ought not to Influsne me and doe not Indu One m"tn th Slightest s I bsllev thl treaty to b th best thing for th whole country,' Including farmers, merchants, laboring man nd alt, b. caus I believe it I eontrary to aa- tur, It I flying into th faco of r providence, to put an artificial watt Ilk that between thl country and Canada and not get the' benefit that : . will Inure to, people of th sams tra dltlons, th same language and praet Icallly with th same charactsr of la. bor. I am willing to abide tha Judg. ment of history the Judgment that wll eome after th vnt' When you gentleman com to see ths result1 1 believe that you. a falr-mlndsd msn, will admit that you have been wrong In yoar fear and that X hay been , right" ' . , RESIDENCE OF .HO ' BUHHED jlUCillOEEH- Only Response to Calls for Them to Oome Out Wu , Girl's Feebje Cry-t: ALL LITTLE ONES CHA.RLOTTESVILXJB, Va, May I, Flvs of th sis children of Sanford, Davis, a farmer residing near Freo Union. Alberarl ' oouaty. . ' wer burned to death in a Are that de stroyed th Davis horn today. Da. ilk and his wife and an infant es caped. The dead children ranged in age from I to If yearev They slept in a room, on the second floor . reached by narrow stair. When dis covered ths Or already had eaten II way to the stairway. Tbs frantia father ft t tempted ,to reach the ream from th outside, but, when at th toji of the ladder, he was - nearly, overcome by eraoke and heat. Davl called vainly ,or -the chUdran to . ebm to him The only . rospons cam feebly from Estelle, aged 11, . who erled: '. j; .v'V - :,! - "Papa, X can't' get out; X am near, ly atraAgied. to. death." ' . CHEE3XED WOODROW WILSOX. 'i DENVIR. CoW Msy I. A dmon- stratlon (contInutng r r f s followed the met-- -. t.t as a probable t the next el-- . iohnxin, , com"-

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