THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1911 .5 ; . ? I ft i " : ivt ' 4 Society . " The students of thei Normal and Collegiate Institute have their an nual May day drill tomorrow alter . noon In Victoria, to whu h the public la Invited. Th pnnwra la iulte .en Interesting one, unit oi some There will be the drill of the flower .girls, th Greek girls and a number ,of other drills equally picture -aqu. eTh Normal student arrange several .interesting entertainments at 1 1. r- end f the year, to whk h the public look forward with a great deal uC ;;lenmire. The annual play will be given shortly before commencomtmt which takes place Jtln 8, and In In rehcartyil si present. The play ehoaen for this year 1 "Much Ado About Nothing." and will be In costume a usual. The pro gram tor tomorrow' drill will be published In the next Iron. J Tit ""board of the Chestnut street Methodlrt church have issued the fol lowing printed announcement through fit eeretarv: "Th second Sunday In May 1b h- coming almost universally celebrated : h Mother' day. We want to make. ' It henceforth a feature In our Hun day school arfd church. The emblem in a white flower worn on the boaoiu or lapel. "Mak your arrangements to In. with lit at Sunday school and chun h. ' but tipeclally at thn church sarv- J J The O. I. A. , 8. - will meet with Mr. J. JL. Bishop Friday at 2 p. m. A tull attendance la requested. J .! i The women' onion prayer meeting , will b held thla afternoon af the Henrietta on Booth Main street at 4 t o'clock, AU women are rordlally In " vlted to attend. ; Th young Women's auxiliary of ' th First Baptist church will meef , with Mr. W. II. Vina Friday even- (tig at I. It o'clock, Tha member ar especially requested o attend, dressed ' mountain school girl. , Invitation to the commencement exercises of WeaverviH college havi been Issued. The latter begin May !1 an lat for two day. The following ' la tha program: ,, II a. m. Sermon by Rev, Plato T. 1 Durhsm, '1.19 p. m, Sermon on education. 1 Monday, May li lt a. m Declamation contest, e t , m. Champion debate between Ciloaophl and Delphian societies. S.lO p. m. Toung ladle' reading contest. L Tweed ay, May JS J a. m.flenlor oerc1". Annua) address by Rev. W. 12, Aber- nsthv. I n. rrt.Oratnrtrnl contest, nt. Oread concert. PI roll Mir Mettle RergJ Abet "nathy, Mite Jennie feat Thomberg, Mr, Edgar Rogue. Clabp, Mr, Oscsr " Uvingaton Slmtwvn, Mr. Robert Ja. MeCutchMm, Mr. Merlon Francis Yoct. t . , o . :- The rotnmenrr-nent rxeTlnea of v the I'nlveralty of Kori'i Cerowlni be. gin aaturday, Mav t7. nni will be continued vntH the following Tues day, When th annual addreae will be delivered by fiov. Wodrow Wllaon, of , New Jraey. Quit a number of Aahe-.- villa peopla, many of whom are graduate!, will go to Chapel Hill for , tha commencement, One of the moot : Interesting feature will be the eon i ferrlng of tha degree of A, n. upon all etudntg of the unlveralty who. during the period from 18S1 to 1865, withdraw to enter the military or na val eervlce in the civil war. A large number of the former itudenta will be praaiat to receive their degree In peraon and a general reunion of all the atudenta of that period will be held In addition to the regular elas reunion. Every offort haa been made to aecure the name of tlione eligible for tlto decree, and a length) list haa bn printed, but It t re created that If any names have been ' omitted the faculty will no notlllcd. i Tli following of tha class of 'S-6 who reside near Ashevtlle will receive , 1he!r degree: Mr. Archibald Hen deraon, Yancevllle: Mr. Joseph W. Chalmera. Arden; Mr. William M. la ' vie, Aahevllle-, Mr. Frederick T. 'Walter, StateavlUe; Mr. Stephen F. . , Iord. t5allbury, and Mr. Thomm P. Mearea, Wilmington, N. C. The fol ' lowing U the order of the commence ment exercises. Saturday, May 27, 10. SO Penlor claa day excrcl.irs. 7.10 Joint banquet of the literary - aorletlea. '.v? Sunday, May 18, 11 n. m.-Buccn-; laureate aermon by the KlKht Rev. COUIn Deany. lho( of the Metho dlat Episcopal church. South. Unheard of Prices in Women's Wool Suits but Not New Styles Lot 1 Suits $15 to $25, now . . . . . . . . $3.95 Lot 2 Suits $25 to $45. now $5.95 Lot 3 Suits $35 to $55, now $12.95 These excellent garments are not new styles, but the qualities are splendid. We offer here whole suilts for less than what the skirts alone are worth. The raw materials cost more than we ask for tailored garments. Women who would economize eannot afford to miss these unusual values. We have sold quite a large number of suits already; how ever, our display is yet a good on a large variety of colors. Come in and make a Se lection today. M. V. MOORE & CO. WOMEX'S WEAR. Personal Monday. .May :i, 10.30 Alumni re union. The lolloulng claaaee will hoi. I their rnunlong at thla time: 19116, 1901, lkbii, ,ktoi 1 h 86. 1 86 1 . and the "war i mnch ' ( 1 NfiiJ-1 SfiK, fn wiidne luettilieiM who left the utilvcrrtlly with out itra1u;itii.g to enter the war de-Kie'-s will he conferred. 12 mi Ruaim-aa moetlnl of the alumni. J .'In Alumni luncheon. 8 - Meeting of the hoard of truateea. H no Annual commencement de hate. lit Faculty reception. Tuctela-. . May ;io, 10.10 Graduat ing ocrclaea. I 2 ' 'oMitoetn-i'mf nt addreas l,y Wondi-otv Wilson, governor of Ne.v Jersey. The tU. fV-i-llhi concert thl evening ai the Manor will tie the moat Inter esting eierit of the day" and will doubllcfl attract a good l!!id audi ence. Mr. K. K. Marker, the director of the xoolcty. haa given much Urn to the rehearnltiK of the member and hiiH chonen u number of beautiful part souks which will be aung thl evenlntc Mra. Klmer Weatall, whom It la al wnya a deilchl to hear, will b. the Kololsl, and her aoniua have been well aelected, Mr orme ICdwarda, n thnrnugh inviHlclari and a plantat of np endld technique and lyle, will pl.i several number. The program be lling ut o'clock. The pitpll of St. Qenevleve'a col-, leite held their first general picnic of the seuaon yettarday, over fifty of them going out In automobile to the ' 8wnnanoa wood, aevaral mile be-' yond Dlltmore. The young ladle ware In charge of Madame Monk and a most dolHthlful day wag apent. With the planting of 168 whit pin tree, 200 rhododendron and 100 roe buahet the ground of St. Gene vieve' now preaent a very attractive appearance. A male of path la now being laid down through the ground! for the benefit of the itudenta, who I will also enjoy the privilege of two tennla court and a basketball court The ground proper are being laid out by a- skillful landscape gardener, and one of tlie feature of his work will be a mohaur flower bed whereon the blooms will represent the United Btatea flag. Extensive Improvement have re cently been made in the college, not the the least of which la the fittlnR up of the mualo'and arte room on the eeoad floor. In the basement a large gym murium for the use of the atudents adds materially to the physi cal exercise of the pttplla. The eommeneement exercise of ft. Clenevleve's whl be held the middle of next month. . . KQrmKs-iiAKKis wmmsv LENOIR. May 10. Today n; noon at "Wentnrn View," th . i .- i of Prof, and Mr, j'. M. r i - Lignum, C'jlpeppur rountv, -the cene of a l-enutlfiil t-e' - - when Mim Nona MrVle- 5'u - came the brtrte of the Pre. . T. Sttllrca, poator of the !!' tearln church at this pt-. '' ' W. H. T. Suir", of Kef: v - brother of IV bridegroom, ml f' Oiorg W. Hun. rf Oil"' ore- coun ty, the bride's fir.ntor offb lated, Immediately aftf r the ceremony the bridal party end the guefta were ushered Into the dining room, where an element luncheon wna served hy Mlaae Florence Willis, Isabel Willis, Carrie Lee N'orrls, l.nuru Hurt and Columbiana Nalle. The bride was at tired In a tailored suit of gray cloth and carried a ehower bouquet of brlde'e rosea and lllio of th valley. The matron of honor wore pink crepe de cben and carried pink roe. while (be I rtdeamalds wore dainty dresses of while batiste, carrying bouquets of sweet, Mr. Nathan iel Harrison, of Petersburg. Va.. was best man. The attendants were Mrs, Frederick Pllcher, of Petersburg, Va., matron of honor: Misses Cates by, Woodford. Willis and Bessie M. Willis, bridesmaid. The wedding music una beautifully rendered by Miss Watson Kasey, of Houston, Va. Among the guests from a distance who attended the wedding were Dr. and Mrs. K. Y. Willi, of Montgom ery, W. Va ; Mr. and Mr. N, H. Har ris, of Oreenvllle. S. C. : Mr. and Mrs. Kent. 1'. Willis and Mr Jere M. Wil lis and Mlsa Cgteaby Willis, of Fred erlckaburg, Vs.; Mia Minnie Nlma. of Oreenvllle, S. C: Mr and Mrs. H IT. Harris, Mies Isabel Harris and Mrs. Oeorcc Harris, of Lynchburg. Vft.: Mr. and Mrs. 1 B. lllrklnann. of Frcdi-rlchsburg, Va. : Miss L. Squires. St. Louis, Mo.; Rev, W. H. T. Squires, of Norfolk. Vn., and Mr. Nathaniel 12 PATTON AVE. 'MUST HAVE HURT DREADFULLY From the Letter Recently Received From Mrs. E. Fournier. of Lake Charles, La., Her Suffering Must Have Been Dreadful. I ,n k e Charles, La. "I had no cour age or patience left," writes Mra. K. Fournier of thi- place, "a a result of my great suffering. "I had backache, headache, heart fialpllutlon. chills, f ilming spells, sick atomach, ni rvoiiBnea. dragging sen sations and thought every month 1 ahould die "No doctor could relieve me anil the month before 1 began to take Cardui. I could hardly walk. I could not wear my corset, and had a pain In my right aid. "Since taking Cardul, I have no more pain. I can walk a far aa 1 want and am feeling like a dif ferent woman." If you uffer from any of the ymp tom deecrlbed by Mrs. Fournier you are urged to take Cardul. for It ahould ' surely b aa much for you, as It bus done for her. If you are weak and ailing, suffer from lack of appetite, lnk of blood lack of nervou vitality, Cardul Is probably Juat what you need to help you build up your physics! and nev oua constitution. It build, strengthen, restore and act In every way aa a apeclflr. tonic remedy, for womanly weakness. See your druggist about it. N. B,t Write to Ijutlkn' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga 'Medklne Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn, for Special In. tttruc Uona. ami 04-pg. book, "Home '. Treatment for Women," ecut In plain tvraptier on roqnoat. j t 1 - Harrison, of Petersburg, Va. Hv. and Mr. Squire left on the outhbound train for Charleston, S. C and other Southern point on their wedding trip. Aftar th tth of May they will be at horn in th mania ai Lenoir. Mr. Henry Ctbrook, of Fitch burg, Mae., who haa been visiting rrltd in Aihevllle and the vicinity Tor several week, left yesterday for Washington, where the will visit her brother, Mr. D. Hoffman and daughter leave today for a a vera! week' trip to Buffalo and New York. Mr. John McMln. of Brevard, was In the city yesterday on business. Mr. Bernard Menge. of New Or leans, la expected here next month n :i visit to Mrs, Robert it, Reynold. Mr. Henry Wood goes to rew York -'ctuy i-r a business trip and will be . ' ' i own H!eral day. i'i. ''.is ". aardner, of Shelby, ii-t friends in the city II. ,T. Cathay ha returned to -'!!ie miter ft row day' stay In the " . ehrrc he Is engaged in contract 'itslneer. rx'itity Spencer Rice, of Madlr.on county, waa In th city yesterday. Mia Cells Crawford, of Marlon. N. C, Is in Ashovlll visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. Allen McDonald have moved from Hillside street to a cot tage on Chestnut street which they have leaaed for the summer. Mr and Mr, William Mathews, who have been at the Manor, have gonw to Fortress Monroe. Va. Mr, Charles A. Marshall and pnriy after a stay In the city have gone to Baltimore. Md. Mr. J. C. Eaton, of the Northern Pacific Railway, of Cincinnati, la in tha city on business. Miss Adelaide I-oughran Is visiting friends in Brooklyn vsnd New York for several week. Mr, oirsld Whit and daughter. Mis Winona, of Cincinnati, O., nr spending several weeks In the city. Mr. James H. Wood has returned from a several days' business trip to St. Louis, Mo. Miss Mabel McDonald, who has been visiting friends In Charlotte, has returned to the city, Mrs. C O. Aston, who htis been in St. Petersburg. Fla.. during the Win ter, is expected to return the latter part of the week. Mlas Vera Parsons, of Jacksonville, who has been visiting Mrs. H. J. Sherrill, la at present the guest of Mrs. M. H. Harrla at the Knicker bocker, Mr. Ed Balrd, of Portland. Ore., 1 here for a visit to hts mother. Mrs. -Eliaha Balrd, on Central avenue. Recent arrlvsla st the Manor are Mrs. M. R. HiHSell. Grand Rapid, Mich,: Mr. Dwight Smith, Grand Rapids; Mia I. E. Dewey and Miss '. E Bowles. Boston. Mass. Mia i Dewey snd Mlas Bowles rrave been In New Orleans, and arc on their way home. Ms. M. E Blackwood has gone to Greensboro to visit her daughter, I Mrs. Q. c. Lowrle. j Mr. Melvln Carter and Mr James j Mitchell have gone to Newport. I Tenn.. where they have secured posl- Hon with the Southern railway engi neering corps. .Capt. and Mrs. James P. Sawyer are I moving Into their new home on Mont ford avenue, and are dismantling their , Haywood street residence. . Mia Sarah Johnson, who has been In Florida during the winter, will stop on her way home to visit friends In Spartanburg and Jacksonville. rr. W. M. Hoffman, of Castonla, after a brief visit to his daughter. Mrs W. E. Kindles, ha Kvti North. Mlsa Polly Morrow ha Rone to Cin cinnati to visit friends. Dr. C. P. Ambler. W. H, Harrison, J. ('. McPheron A S On.rard and W. F. Woodberry leave this morning for New Bern, where they will attend the regular sprlnst mtctlng of the Hhrlner. It ta probable that thl or der will hold a meeting in Anhvlll this year. Mr. Hubert And, ron waa In the city yesterday en route to Maryland after a brief stay with his parents at Mars Hill. Miss Hessi L. Ponder passed throueh the city yesterday en route to her home at Mars Hill after hav I ri K closed an eight montha' ' hool at Onatonltt, Where she had been teach ing. Prof. J, B. Clayton waa In town yesterday from Mors Hill. Miss oille Sue Blai-kstnck and little nb-ce have returned lo Mars Hill after a short visit to rebithea In Ashevllle. -Miss Mattle Dury Hasting, of I)ills, Is spending several days in Ashevllle. the guest or MlPs'VVatklns on Ashland avenue. MS, TAYLOR OBTAINS JUDGMENT FOR S200 Cla lined that Brother .Mtotuwd Certain Funds for Whn-li He Was TriiMiee Soma Vcara Ago. Attorney J. Scroop Styles hag re turned from' Marshull, where, as counsel for Mrs. Bessie Taylor, of this city, a Judgment was obtained against her brother, J. J. Drake, of Marshall, for 200, the case having come up for trial before Justice of th Peace Barnett Fortner yesterday. It Is alleged that about four years ago the defendant obtained a loan of money from his sister on false and fraudulent misrepresentations, and of the amount borrowed $200 re mains to be paid. After the trial Brake gave notice of an appeal. SL1, TUSTTIAKRY nKSTKOYKI). Special Employes 3. C. Prltchard. Jr. and J. Lee Sams have returned from Caton, Tnn where on Tuesday they succeeded in capturing a email Illicit distillery near the Haywood county line. No arrests were made, but prosecutions may follow. At Auction Now is th time to furnish your boarding house, hotel or home; all Furniture In Hotel Berkeley at auc tion; next Bftl 10 a. m. Saturday, May llth. Consumption Successfully Treated Our records show 82 per cent complete relief. Write for illustrated booklet. PTNE RtOGK SANITARIUM ATLANTA. OA. MISS OLGA HUFF KXI'KKT CORSETIERK UcoJrsm 2 f" Wwr American National Bank Building Phone 964 to have your clothe pressed. Latest Improved steam Pressing J Machine. j QCICK SERVICE PRESSING CIAJB , J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watch Repairing Specialty. It W. Pack Square, THE HONEY HABIT Is a very wweet me, one that will make you enjoy life more, because you will live ion!. You n quit llio "luibli," but yim we arc aure will not want to. The novelty of cat log tbi' pure juice of flow era surely does apiK-al to you. Surely our Honey chocolate tloc. too, the way they disappear. 14 V. Pack : quare. MIHM.MI MIS I llll i WEBBS 9 f'" 1 km I kJUrW inn iiiiii fatwwtf- (g sVsiftyWt eV.J I I Annx I Phone JYew flowered & fig ured awn Just Jfn This store is constantly getting in new goods. We never 'let up. Re cently we received! a shipment of over 3,500 yards of beautiful colored lawns. By purchasing in quantities we received a rock bottotn price. The lawns come in ever v conceivable shade, 27 inches wide, for 15c yard. SJ.2Q Joy els Are Priced at 95c Dozen This is an exceptional towel value. We have sold a great many since they went on sale Monday. They -are plain hemstitched towels give satisfactory service. WEAR A FLOWER Fon MOTHER'S SAKE Sunday, May 14 Any kind you want. J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO. GREENSBORO, 1. C. When you select a. piano from our stock you may rest assured that it is an in strument of pleasing quali ties and the price will be a fair one. FALKS MUSIC HOUSE, 21 South Main St. BY REASON OF ITS QUALITY M. & W. Indian Coal has won a high place in the esteem gf the wo- men of Asheville. It ; always gives perfect satisfaction. ; Phone 130 : Carolina Coal &lce : Company i lit I ii Millinery Importers M. WEBB CO. Club Building. Haywood St. SPROAT'S MILLtNERY PARLORS Oates Bldg., Pack Square Invite your inspection of their new line ef Spring Millinery. I ttmhBamntKm?tnntttiitam:mamtu Dew Drop Candy Pralor if Patton Ave. Fresh Candy every day. Cocoa- nut flavored syrup and peanut butter. E. II. ADAIR & I. P. BAhlS Proprietors. Trunks and Leather j Goods Is our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds .watches,' jewelry and anything of value . loan Office. !3 S. Main St. i Phone 807. Ashevllle. X. C. H. L. Finkelstein CITIZEN WANT ADS . ARE LITTLE WINNERS I that will maae oi wnite earnoric, witn blue col lars and cults. DO YOU DRINK COFFEE? If So Why not drink the best WHITE HOUSE -pound air-tight tin ..; ... w .... .,38c 3-pound air-tight tin ,. . . ... ..$1.10 STRADLEY & LUTHER. Sells White Hcuae Coffee ana Tea, tho world' boat ' "fl , 1 East Pack Sq, Phone $4 and 1L THE GRUNER SANITARIUM s Ashevllle, N. C. SI Haywood St. Phon C11 Devoted to the thorough and scientific treatment for select Nervousness, Paralysis, Asthma, Habit, Stomach, Rheumatism. Dl women and othei' chronic diseases. The Bath and Massage - -to th pubUo, Tvrlctoh,.. Rawatan. Cabinet, Bets-Hot-Air, Electric-Ligh t. Tub, Sits. Foot, Shower and Needle Baths. Galvanic and Farradlc Treatment, Electric Vibrating nd Sweedlsh Massage am" Movements. Thur Brandt Massage for Diseases of Women, Douches Lavage. FOR SALE 5-ROOM HOUSE, Weave rville. - One and a half acres of ground. Has bearing fruit trees. House new. Very desirable in every respect. Price $1,500. Good terms. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. SPECIAL SALE of a new line of Switches, Puffs and Curls at a Kroat reduction. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 25 Haywood St. PSYCHIQ PSYCH0METRIS PSYCHIC Know your fate and guide yourself accordingly. There is no hope so fond, or wish so great, that I can't accomplish for you. I have suet esa where other Clairvoyants fail. LOW FEE, 50e; FILL READING $1.00. Honrs 8 to 9. 5l CLAYTON ST. SPRING ; Has arrived, so have the in- J sectF. W'e have the merlirlue e for them In the hape 'i1- In- sort Powder, Moth Balls and J Flakes with Cedar Chilis and o Lavebdcr Flowers, Bug-i-side is kuc. ranteed to 9 destroy Bed Bugs, -." cents a e bottle. MarK." PHARMACY, J I'rcw r.ption sipeclMliiits, Opp. P. ). Sure We Wash Ties And wash them so per fectly that you'll want to tie all your washable linens to us. The Nichols Way Acknowledges no supe riors in the washing business. Phone 40. 3 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. Phones S3i and 338 atc few pongee Coats at jfrinex The Ready-to-Wear department of the Bon Marche is showing the very newest eonciets in Women's Wear. Every Express, it seems, brings new apparel here. Business has picked up considerably of late. Women are learning that what we say in our ads is the truth. That when we quote comparative prices, there is a real reduction But back to Pongee Coats. We have them in black and tan, for $12.50 to $30. A Middy Blouse for 48c We formerly sold them for 59c. They aj-e bargains at either price. Today and Fri day are the only times ' ? you can buy them at 48c, though . They are department of the Sanitarium to open FURNITURE New and Second-Hand. DEAL & GOLIGHTLY 27 North Mnln. Ihone 854. oo,t Pr'.ate or class Instruction in Sten ography and Typewriting. Emanuel School oi Shorthand MISS SADIE EMANUEL, Prln. Phono 1733. 132 W. Cbeatnn BORROW A KODAK Free use of Kodaks where we do the finishing. W'e are film experts and pot better results from your films. Every detail has careful at tention. RAY'S STCDIO, 29 Pa'ton Ave. (sO-CARTSj Vour child s comfort this summer is largely de- pendent upon the kind J of go-t art you purchase. I u e nave an excellent 2 line of new models I ranging in-price from 5 $2 to $1S HARRIS FURNITURE I COMPANY i "Home Furnishers," J 19 S. Main. Phone 1515 40

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