THE ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1911 n Society i ; .!' : ' Ona of tha most important social event of the spring won the larKe ; ' and beautiful reception given yester- Sday afternoon by tin, Arthur M. Oai- ' bway at her home, "White Oaks," In "onor of her sister, Mr. A. M. Mi ijCnllum. of Chicago. The spacious ' i residence was handsomely decorated , for the affair, Mums of iionwood f wera sed. In the reception and draw tiia grooms, also many rut flowers of White. : Inthe dining roum delicate pink Klllarney rosea were used cv ' cluatvely, to which soft ferns made. n - efteotlve background. The llishts wi re i' shaded With pink all over the. house. Palms and. tropical plant were lu ll eluded alao In the floral ilwiiralnnin f f tha Various room. Mra. Calloway, I ! wearing " handsome gown of lrlh ' laoe and gold cloth, whs assisted In I; receiving the guests by Mrs. Mi"ul ! Jum, who wore a gown of white crepe i; meteor veiled with black marquisette. :i with a trimming of Jewels In tones of red. Mra, F. W. Kent, Mra. Thomas ,1! Rollins, Mra. Martin U Steven, Mrs. ,, Willis Collins and Mrs. J. W. Crimes ('assisted Mrs. Calloway In receiving the guests In the dining room. There ; were hundred guests present during ') the receiving hours. The Baraca claas of the Haywood , street Methodist church wilt tomor- row morning observe "Mother's day" with specially arranged program, f White carnations will be provided for j. each of tha members. Mrs. N. Buck k ner, the teacher of the claas, who Iihs been 111 for ten weeks, has recovered, i. and will again be with the claas to- morrow morning. f ef Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell Robert. son have Issued invitations to the 1 marriage of their daughter, Marjorle, to Mr. John Donald Dial, which takes , olace Thursday evening, June 1. at i o'clock In Trinity church, Columbia, 8. C. Mis) Robertson haa a number of friend In Ashevllle, made during s, frequent visits the city, at which time she was entertained by the girls ! of the younger set. I ' J s Mrs. Carrie ' Carr Mitchell enter I tained with a luncheon, which le glv- en annually Jn honor of the Bt. Mary's 3 alumnae, yesterday at her residence r on Church street. The decorations of ', the table were pink gladiolus combined 1 with a whlta flower. Those present wer Mra. Thomas Petton. Mrs. : Thomas A. Jones, Mrs. DeVault. Mrs. ! Theodore F; Davidson, Mrs. Bateman, f Miss Fannie Patton, Miss Orace ; Jones, Miss Maria Brown, Miss Mary Pulltam, Mist Virginia Griffith Miller and Mls Sarah Jonea. j , . , , , J J 1 The marrlec of Mist Jessie Croa ; well, of Fayetteville, and Mr. Arthur ! McCaul, of Florence. B. C, occurred i recently and wlU ba of Intereat to the i friends of Miss jCroswell, who last ' summer visited Mine Sarah Jones and Miss Virginia Orlfflth Miller In Ashe vtlie. Owin to a bereavement In the family of Mr. McCaul. arrangements for a rather large wedding were- can : eeled. and the marriage was very ' ouletly solmnlsed. Mr, and Mre. Mc Caul are residing In Florence, 8. C, ... j0 Jt The Baraca class of the First Bap ' list church will observe "Mother's day" tomorrow morning, and a spe cial program of interest has been ar ' ranged. Dr. Thomas I.wrence will address the claas. Every memner of the elaaa expected to attend, and all mother are cordially invited to at tend. ,::7.. J J i Mies Mabel Wolfs and Miss Pearl i Bwope who have been spending sev - era! weeks in South Carolina, are ex pected - to return to Ashevllle next week. They are at present visiting friends In Anderson. 8. C. and during their stay have been given many par ties. ' Tha Anderson Mail of recent date haa the following: ' "Mr and Mrs. B. O. Evens enter tained Informally for Mlssea Wolf and Shops, of Ashevllle, on Wednes day evening at their home of Mo Puffle street. Music was the main feature of the evening. There were fifteen couples and the evenlnn wss one of pleasure to those fortunate enough to have been present. A dell clous salad course was served by the hostess. "Misses Wolfe and Shops are vis iting Mrs. Clarence Osborne and Mrs. Fred Gambrell." . J " Mrs. Frederick A. Hull entertained With a very pretty luncheon yesterday afternoon at her residence on South Main street in honor of Mm. Jure Cocke and Miss Katherlno Miller, of New Tork. Mlaa Miller Is at present visiting Mrs. Hull. The annual May dny drill yestcr Delightful Summer Waists Dainty New Styles Priced $1.00 to $150 We are offering our women customers some extra good waist values nt small prices. Here are cool materials made up in stylish new models. The Linen Waists come plain tailored or embroidered. The Muslin Waists are embroidered or lace trimmed. Waists have kimona sleeves, Dutch neck and open front or back. You are sure to be pleased with the quali ties, styles and prices. A look will convince you of their unusual worth at our prices $1.00 to $1.50. M. V. MOORE & CO. WOMEN'S WEAR. 11 PATTOX AVE. Personal lay afternoon by the physb ul culture lassi of lite Normal and Collegiate Institute ruitc came to the expecta tions of those Invited, and surpassed that of lust year. Tbo 'drills were Kltm in the lllllc strip of woodland which aUill'i to the pii tui 'lle ef fect. 1'erliiipH the most graceful of nay of Die ilrllld was that of the Greek Hlrla. Their classic garments were niont becoming, and a unique feature was the lilllOK of tlieir water Jars ut a small spring. The ucn, also In llouinx while draperies, with her nit. nilaiits, lead the procession and nut tbo central figures of the aft ernoon. The rose drill was very pret ty also, real roses being used. The (ireek Kills playing ball, Kiive the stu dents mi opportunity for graceful pos turing; and their movements were lithe and beautiful. The annual drill was it most successful and Interesting af fair, and the two hundred or more people who were present to witness it. liberally applauded the students dur inn the afternoon. Jl J The mixed foursome golf tourna ment will be commenced this after noon at the Country club, and will be one of tlie most Interesting of the spring tournaments. Mrs. lOrwIn Hluder will bo the hostess of the aft ernoon. The beautiful weather which has prevailed the latter pint of the week will be responsilbe for a very larne gathering of the members this afternoon. It will not be long before before the dinner dances will begin to pleasantly punctuate the season. The dinner dances were the social salvation of last summer, and were a most Important factor of the social scheme. The ladles of the Centrel Methodist church will hold a cake, candy and bread sulo this morning at fiawyer a grocery stole beginning at 10 o'clock. Jl J Miss Mary Wiley gave a charming farewell party at her home on I'atton csvenue lust evening In honor of Miss Elisabeth Hyde, who leaves today for Cleveland, O., to make her home. The house waa simply decorated with flowers from the Karden surrounding the house, and of varied hue. The young people played guessing and puaale games the greater part of the evening, which ended with an Im promptu musical program. Ices were served. Miss Wiley's guests were Misses Hyde, Alma Hawthorne, Sarah (liven, Pauline Moore, Miriam Rey nolds, Elsie Alexander, Kathleen Olive, Louise Jackson, Louise Arbo gast, Gwendolyn Buokner, Annie Lowe, Mary Webster. Helen Neeley, Marguerite McDowell, Tluth Cass, Sarah Bostlck. Ruth Albright. Bessie Brewer, Messrs. J. P. Sawyer. Waltor Watts, Walter Hunt, David Holmes, Clifford Arbogaat, Claude James, Ed ward Allen. Allen Williams, John Brookshlre, Holmes Swnyer, Msrch Chedester and Robert Wiley. 1 Among yesterday's arrival at the Manor were Mrs. F. Cudahy, Mllwsu kee. Wis,; Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Da vis. Atlanta, On.; Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. A. Marshall. Baltimore, Md.; Rev. Wm. F. Whltnker Ellsbeth. N. .T : Mr and Mra. Samuel A. Steele, Phila delphia, Pa. The following were the departures: Rev. W. B. T. Smith and wife. Cbnrlestown. N. H.: Mr. and Mrs. Mesaenrer. of Milwaukee, Wis.. returned to Cleveland. O.; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Crnsbv and daughters. Ike Forest. 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Terkins, Cleveland, O. Mlii TCilznbeth Nichols has resigned her position s teacher In the graded school and will go to Muskogee. Okla Mr. H. F. Seymour bns returned from a several weeks' trip to New York. Mr and Mrs ,T. Frarler Olenn and fnmltv have returned from a vtrlt to friends In the eastern part of the state Mrs. Olenn during her absence vMted her parents In Wlim'netnn, Sir and Mrs Fsrmer. and at Wilson was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hn.itT.nrd. Mr, and Mrs. Page and Mr Atwoofl Page, who have spent the winter at the Manor, have returned to their home In Connecticut Mr. and Mrs Baker Edwards, of Puck Phoals. have gone to Norfolk, the horn.- of Mr. Edwards, nod from there will Mo to Chicago, Til., for a visit. Mr. nnrl Mrs. spent the wlnfer returned nn1 op Vnmnn. who hnve in the South, have ineii their resilience "Hilltop'' In Cumberland avenue. Miss Helen ''ummlngs, who has been lisitlng friends in the city, has returned to her home In Hnltlmore, .Md. I Or S. Westray flattie and Col. Mur- phy left yesterday for a several days' fishing trip. , Mr and Mrs Beekmsn !rlllard and Mr. Itol.i rt Harris returned last evening from the fJreenvlIlc horse sliow. Miss Mary f'ost, who has been Mull ing friends In Ashevllle and Char lotte, has returned to her home In Macon, (Ja. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Prlggs have re turned from the Greenville horse show. Mr Irving Long Is expected shortly from New York to attend the wedding of his sister, which takes placo next Wednesday. Mr Fagg Malloy has returned from school nt Bell Buckle, nenn., and wnn his mother. Mrs. T. , F. Malloy, will spend the summer Bt their new home on Mcrrlmon avenue. Mrs. Chapman and her son, Mr. Harry Earle, and Mr. Allen Lee, who have been at the Manor during the winter, returned to East Norwalk, Conn., yesterday. Mrs. Caroline B. McQueen leaves today for Atlanta, On., to visit rela tives for several weeks, and will re turn to Ashevllle for the summer. Mr. Junius H. Radeker, who has been visiting his mother. Mrs. C. W. B. Radeker. In Victoria, returned to Parkersburg, W. Vs., yesterday. Dr. Paul H. Ringer has returned i trip to Colorado Springs, Col. from Mr. Brewster Chapman and Mr. Lawrence Jones have returned from Greenville, where they went to at tend the horse show. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Schoepf have leased one of the Linn flats on Chest nut street, and are occupying It. Mr. Edward I. Frost has returned from Charleston, H. C, and Augusta. Oa., after a week's absence. Mrs. J. T. Wortham and her moth er, Mrs. McLiOua, or trincinnau. are visiting Miss Amelia Pulllam, and will later occupy a eottage on Blake street, which they have taken for the sum mer. Mr. W. 8. Ray has returned from Greenville, where he went to attend the horse show. Mrs. Schlatt and her niece. Miss Miss Elisabeth Hyda. leave today for Cleveland, where they Will permanent ly reside. Mrs. C. TT. Way will Join them shortly and will make her home also In Cleveland. Mrs. Elmer Westall and her little daughter, Porothy, who have spent the winter at. Mrs. Piatt's residence, are guests of Mrs. Allport on Oak street. Miss Haiel Muller has returned to Qreensboro sfter a visit to friends In the city. Mr. Orme Edwards returns to Hen dersonville today after a several days' stay in Ashevllle. Judge Jeter C. Prltchard, who is at tending the sosslons of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals In Richmond, has been Indisposed and has been unable to sit In all but two two of the esses which have so far been argued. His many friends In Aahevllle will learn with pleasure, however, that he Is now much Im proved. Pr. and Mrs. R. F. Campbell have returned from a visit of two weeks to Virginia. Dr. Campbell will occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian ehiireh tomorrow nt both the morning and evening services. Miss Marian Mitchell has returned from Helena. Mont., where she has been with her aunt. Mrs. Will Aiken, for the past year. Miss I.ella Mitchell has returned after a visit with friends In Charlotte for two weeks. JurtKe Thomss A. .Tones. Judce .T. P. Murphy, Hon. Locke Craig;. Mr. T. P Rollins. Mr. I.outs M. Bourne. Mr. i J. C. Martin and Mr. Jumes K. Tter- tor bnve returned from Marshall, whore they hBve been attending the civil term of court Trof. Treston Strlnufleld win In the city last nlaht rrom Mars Hill en route his borne nt Maiden. Trof. Strlns; tlrl.l h:is been a member of the fc uliv of Mnrs "1 Till for two yenrs. He will tnlie 11 rest this summer, sfler which be will probably enter the Thc oloKlcsl seminary at T,oulnvllle to ex tend his studies In ministerial work. Hons of Jores. Jones painted his house last year. It looks dull, dead, no life to It. Smith painted his house 10 yeara ago. It looks clean, nice and don't need repalntliiK, because he used U. A M. Taint, and added three quarts of Oil to each aallon. The Oil (rave life and preserved It. Ttesldea addlnR the Oil reduced Its cost 40 cents a gallon less than other paint. Thirty-five yeara use in N. A. & S. A. I.onsrman Marlines, manufactur ers, the L. & M. Pure Paints. Varn ishes and Paints for every purpose. For sale by Ottla Green Hardware Company. Matters of Record The following deeds have been filed in the office of the register of deeds: R. Z. Sorrels and wife to Kthel M. llennlger. lot on Center street; ion: slderation (5. D. 8. Roberts, executor, to Irene Q. Paesmnre, lot on Hillside street; consideration I5H0. Richard Pearson and wife to Chaa. O. Lee, lot on Market street; consld eratloa $1,176. a TRY Bouse Cleaning Made Easy The ('tiinpi-csscd Air-Vacuum House Cleaning .Machine i the only one invent ed that thoroughly cleans Carpets, liutfs. Mattings, Metis, Beddings, Upholstered Furniture, etc., without any injury to same. I own and operate the only machine of that kind in this city, under the manasc mrnt of Mr. V. P. Doane and respectfully solicit voiir orders. For phone estimates, see Air. Doane, or ,U1. ,t 184 or 1072. W. J. FITZGERALD. Satisfaction F""" ""'nrrw wmmMH COW ViCAH I'lt NALK Lowest prices on any o.uiintlty. delivered at any point Whlppoor wlll, Unknown, Iron, lilack and Mixed. Bee, write, phone or wire us. ROWLAND & CO., Dealers in l'ca. THE HONEY HABIT don't work like a hobble skirt, one hobble skirt Is all one ixtmhi will want If tlicy have to "run" from nn angry be-. liowewr. we are aure that you will want more Honey, and to bo auro of get ting; thn beat cull for Harmon's ut till times. The moat deillrtoaa Ilonry mid Maplo .Sugar Cnranicla jot. II N. Pack hqulirc. "The Old Bee Crank.' e a i GO-CARTS I Your child's comfort this summer is largely de pendent upon the kind of go-cart you purchase. "We have an excellent line of new models ranging in price from $2 to $15 HARRIS FURNITURE COMPANY "Home Furnishers," 19 S. JiaiiU. Phoue 1515 eeeeaaaaa,,aaaa HONEST COAL FOR YOUR MONEY THAT'S M. & W. In dian (Viil every time. Every penny paid for this coal gets the gen uine good, eleair coal. Best for all purposes. Phone 130 Carolina Coal & ke Company MISS OLGA HUFF KXl'F.HT COU8ETIKKE Cdssard ROO ,s "0Rf&7St 27 and 28 rXvZii- I i1 Front American National I piTIZEN "I ARE LI WANT ADS LITTLE WINNERS' Bank Qulldlns; AIR Guaranteed fTivaie or claas instruction in Sten ography and Typewriting. Emanuel School of Shorthand MISS BADIK Phone 1733. EMAMJEL. Prln. 132 W. Chestnut liOKltOW A KODAK Free use of Kodaks where we do the finishing. We are film experts and gat better results from your films. Every detail has careful at tention. RAY'S STUDIO, 26 Pa' ton Ave. "NOTHING , SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS." A very old and very true adage, and ac ounts for the great popularity of laundry work done the NICHOLS WAY. Phone 95. G 3 Asheville Laundry .T. A. Nichols, Mgr J. E. CARPENTER JEWELER Watch Repairing; a Specialty. 11 W. Pack Square. ssr sassaslllTlMTiraTslirT'sW'is-rTI-sTri-ril ItT I iTiiT- nf-'TT SPIRELLA CORSETS Made to measure and fitted in the i privacy of your home by appoint- ; mcnt. Pplrella Corsets have rlcxihv. nnn-rustuhle. indcstructiiblc stas thru will not break nt the waist line. There Is noue better than Spirolln MRS. HARVEY, OKSI T1 1 21 S. Main St. Phone Slifl. ElMMf ssaesaiiswssiwis n " J! msst ' i WEAR A FLOWER FOlt MOTHER'S SAKE Sunday, May 14 Any kind you want. I. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO. GREKNSHORO. X. C. ............ - . f 1 1 .fc I, ,f, J nftl)finnsr fr'J'ftnlont1 M. WEBB CO. Club Building. Haywood St. t w .: SPROAT'S SnLli SETJY PARLORS t)ntcs nidg., Pack Su!tre Invite your Inspection of their i.ew line or Spiir.R Millinery. Dew Drop Candy Pralor 32 Pultun Ave. Fresh Candy every Jny. Cocoa nut flavored syrup and peanut butrer, E. M, ADAIR & (. P. BIKER l'roprk-tora. I I I 1 iofilfriKMIS 1 J nt. .1 m.-M 9 V AsfJ l'-V, JfJB I f t ,. -a". One Xot of J4alf These will be put down on the front tables so you can view them without any trouble. Most of them are the La Rene Make. We are discounting this particular Make. You will find all sizes, from 19 to 30. 50c corsets are priced at 25c pair. $1 corsets are priced at 50c pair. $2 corsets are priced at $1 pair. $3 corsets are priced at $1.50 pair. Jbte Snds Saturday fight May J3th nsu- - - $1.Z5 and $IMQ Shirt Waists for 90c Jo da ij Only The ANNEX is selling garments very reasonably those warm days. The Kiosh just across the square recorded 00 in the shade the other after noon. Warm enough to be wearing Summer tog gery. Are you? We'll sell a bunch of neat waists in lingerie, plain and embroidered -today at an extremely low price. Suppose you come over and see what's go ing on in this hustling little shop. Now apparel arrives every day. You see some thing different every time you visit here. KmvMa:xaaAiBnnVimrW' DO YOU DRINK COFFEE? If So Whv not think the best W111TE HOUSE 1-pound air-tiirhv tin. . . 15-pound air-tight tin i. S TRAD LEY & LUTHER. Fells White House Coffee and East Tack Sq 'CiEMsmaaaESESgayK: st. ( H s. con i;r. ST. ll.MU.I.f t i cr-.F. l.lrnd :-t. .1 i ;l. ki ll coffee! coffee i t t : i i r. ; ccnicr il'lc- :i ml is :'oa ill the woritl. I' ON!'M't)l'M V CIvA;i' . . TIir.EK-l'OtM I'.U'KAI.i: So!(i by M. HYAMS Fnm y (;iwiTics .Meats ST. ( II AS. CtiM Ki:. iecooooeoeoae3eoceonocococc3eeoeecoeoceofcee THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Ashevllle, N. C. 51 Ilay.ood St. Phoae C34 Pevotod to tho thorough and si u ntitle tratn:etit for select cares of Kervousiiorti, l'a::il,, Ai,hn:a. 1 lab it, Stomach. Hheumallam. Diseases of women and oihe. chronic lisoi.-c. Bath n; i H AT--! vci fro tie::-Hi: '.':'. .!; inc-Uijn Needle i'-nilis SweeJ.l M.l cf onir::i. I)i Gal . ai'.e ,IC n;i,l i ari-aill c M .'.'.menu, ato. FOR SA3 .VPOOM liOl'SF,. V' av,'i of : round. Has '( rint'- r'ruit i! desirable in rvrv rcsiiect. 1'rii rn-tj Tr Q-RANT lALTY CO.. SPECIAL EALil ' of n new lino T'cffs and 1 MISS CRUISE'S 2!j I!:im'o it 1 SHOP g PSYCHO. Kniov yo: r f:;t. . Thee l l.o cconipl!; 'i for ;.-o;t. I iVave "f.j-'t I.ow fi:f. 9ti irmirs 8 to 9. .i: -1 -1 j;ie fo f' wmmm Corsets at Price .J - iK irsTTf Tl"lsTf ITU III II ilslg lIMIilllp 38c ....$1.10 Tea, world's best. Thones 6 4 and 651. ST. CHAS. COFFEE. nf tile bc.-t, me?t rlrlicloiy New iir'oi.s ilc np-t noted in air tight packages. fHK' $1.00 li i id 'i-s't'taliles. ST. II S. COFFEE. il-I art:nen cf the Snnitari'im is ooen to tho public. Turkish, Russian. t. 1 'i r.nt. inc.;, ;. honor and Tic.-.trn, n;, Klrctri.? ViLrallr.jr and Thure JUrunclt M;u-age for Diseases )ue :vA a half acres s. Hiiuse new. Very 'l."0!). (Jood term's. 48 Patten Ave. F U R NIT U R E aiM 'cond-Hand. OI AIi At North M-in. tiOMfiHTLI' Phone. 351. A PSYCHIC 't ' n-:ly. mi, or . -ish prroit, that I can't w'ie'" ot'i r i "I'lirvi ants fail. fiu. i:r..!)iNi $ 5 CLAYTON ST.