THE SUNDAY CITIZEN THE WEATHER FAIE VOL. XXVIL, KO. 205 ASHEVILLE, N. ., SUNDAY MORNlNi, MAY 4, 1!11 PKICE FIVE CENTS TAFT EMPHATIC 111 ATTACK UPON CITY SOUTH CAROLINIAN Another Marathon E 3 E JUDICIARY RECALL AT MOST ANY TIMEI SELF AT MARS HILL resident Speaks Publicity In Garrison Troops Kept on Alert During the Whole of Yes .vdav in City Archey Llnley Comes From S. C. Pursued by Demon of Self Destruction Commissioner Cabell Says ; That state Oiflcers Are Not Doing Their. Duty Most Pronounced Fashion Against Idea on p6ES SU TODAY MOONSHINERS AR REGARDING OF MEXICO roue DESPONDENT KILLS CAUSING TROUBL IN NORTH CA OLI WOULD MAKE JUDGE ALMOST NONENITY j Systorr-f: England and Anier- lea totr.p.ired to Disparogo rnsnt of Latter j-BVV -VOiUv May IS. Pri-sidtM .uLv.K'o C'JIV, May J J. With a Ta.tx came out publicly loniihi in : l(;'o pari nt the Mexican capital i.nost pronounced fashion again: th i nniorw citt'ioiiin the outskirts of ..!! i'.' tlii judiciary. Ir. hi speech j the city vo wur! 00. possible attack by l th l'jil Alitor before th con- J rcbais, a:.d .r-ti remainder of Hie ference :n r-iform of the criminal i '.-. to assist polico in quell bvw proce de-re, the president made linn a riot in :.he downtown district. hi attitude plain. Most of his speech had been devoted to u comparison, highly unfavorable to this country, of the Judl'htl xyatprna of Great Brltlan and the I 'Wed State. He lamented the tesi: n.y manifested even In England, more particu larly In thia countt. 1.1 put limita tion! on the power ot the Judge. Make Judge it Noi-.i-nlty. "And now," he said, "not content with reducing- the position of the Judge to one something like that of the moderator In a religious assemb ly or the presiding officer of a po litical convention, the Judge Is to be made still Iras Important find to be put still more on trial and to assume till more the character of n de fendantb y a provision of law under which , if his rulings and conduct In court do not suit a :mall percentage of the electors1 V his dlrj rlct he may be compelled to submit the question of his continuance on the bench during the term for which he was elecaed to an election for re call. In which the reason for his re call Is to be Included in two hun dred words, and his defense thereto to bo equally brief. "The statistics which show the crlm, that go unpunished In this country M compared with those In tJSngland," said Mr. Taft," are start ITjinir and humiliating to. uny tn of Vsmerlca, who has. prid& In. hia. follow .punjrymen a law abiding and law utorclng people; "tChereln Is the great difference, then, between the effectiveness of the two systems ? I believe it to cx !m In th character, experience and learning of the Judges, in the power which they maintain and exercise in the course of trial for the saving of (Continued on Pngo Four) RALEfGH BANQUETS THE i PAHTY Of PATHFINDERS L H!: Plans on Foot to Put Whole Ronte Into Good Shape : With a Week's Work i HER- (N JUNE R U.5IOH. N. C May 13. The I farri!! welcome of tho Central High- j ey scout party of pathfinders wiio b' just made the Initial r:n over the propoaed route from th, saxshoro to Halolgh vs tendered here thia af-te.-noon In a maaa meeting. There ' were addresses of weicor. c b" M:ior ; James I. Johnson, Chairman 1). T Johnson of the board of county com- in.ssloners; A. A. Thomysr.r, l'.e. George tV. I.ay. and others, and the principal response by J. D. VVellon. o? l Smlthfleld. There wu also a message . from Governor Kltchln regrttiing I that he couid not be present i:i person ; to welcome the pathfinders and s- j SUTing then, of his heartiest interest . In the success of the undertaking. 1 President H. II. Varner. o.' the hoard 1 ct trustees for the Central Highway. I presided and incidentally declared that the movement was going forward ! In a wonderfully successful way. He nnounced that it is his purpose to nve special meetings and cemr.ii ighway addresses in all the town, along the route. Pr Joseph Hy I. on July 4 and set in motion a sstem of work to begl.i on July 5. Indeed he believes that the whole line of tho road can be ,-otten in good condition for travel with one week's work u ! along the route. HrR Jos.-ph HyJr Pratt made the principal address, re viewing the work that is attend in tic construction of the highway. A lunch eon waa served to the "Pathfinders" at the Glersch Cafe, a number '"f loeal celebrities sharing the Ii.n'-h with them June 2th "The Pathfinders" start from Marshall ilu Asho!iie for the rjn to Statesville. and tin ivw-'j '..tter there will be the final run Statesville to Durham and italeigh. which will complete the the length of the state over the proposed high rrrii.iFit costs ST.. IXUIS. Mo., May .3.-The . cal American league haaball club to night purchitard "i:il!" IIouic lor K - ! STUDENTS WITHIN ARE ALSO GIVING TROUBLE Throughout the City the Idea A Scif Defense is Growjng Among Americans resident uf this cosmopolitan toxo had their thrills of the revolution to day. I'eared an AtunU. Acting upon information received at the department of war and at po lice headquarters that the revolution ists were planning an attack upon the suburbs, presumably Tlalpam or San Angel, and that the Img talked i of students' demonstration was to take place this afternoon, every precau tionary measure was taken but the at tack by the rebels did not take place and the students' demonstration was again postponed. I'nder present cir cumstances the rebel attack could not have succeeded but the great danger was from within. It was feared that a demonstration of the students might precipitate a general disturb ance. The ruffian element would bo sure to Join in. and this, .jomlns at the moment of an attack by rebels, even though few in number, would present serious difficulties. Throughout the city the Idea c? aelf defense is growing. Preliminary (rteps looking to an organization have been taken by the committee repre senting the American colony, although the action has not found unanimous approval. From Aeapulco the government to day received news of l;ho capture of that port on May 8. An army oif mora than two thousand rebels en gaged the little' garrison of JnO sol diers, and although the garrison as supported by the guns of the miner Demorrata Wie taking of the place was easily accomplished. The government reports the burn ing of a textile factory by federals. Aeapulco Is In the state of Guerrero, one of the states controlled by the Flguero hrothers. JOHN HAYS HilM 111 HUFF LEAVES COURT AND STARTS FOR COED 'ATHn: Liu is Passed While He is i Being Examined by Attor- : ney Before Examiner SULLY IS SUING HIM j i A"AM-"i::gT)N, .May 13 After the I -t had t.u-eii passed touay to John Hays Iiunin. .nd, special ambassador from the looted Siutes to the corona tion oi Kir. George of England, In the proceedings over the Doremus cotton gin patent cm. Mr. Hammond angrily loft the examtntjr'a room, de claring th&t, unless ordered by the onrt, he would not answer any moro Muoatlons of John ', Giuinfis. attorney fur L'nniol Sully, who brought the suit. Mr Hammond itcciered, In rc fponsc to Mr it.tmgs' remark, that l:e was not urs'.verinii questions di rectly, thRt H seemed to him an ef fort was iietn? mad to prolong the hearing so as to kctp him ;-.way from tile coronation. Mr. Gltttnus then told him that he did nut (are where he went. Mr. Hammond will leave for Cn.ada to morrow, it was stated by bis attorney tonight, in preparation for hs dopar- Hire for Knplan.l This he will do in j spite of the fact that a subpoena was -cd on him late today to appear nest Wednesday h.-for- Examiner I' l per, who Is taking testimony for t!;o court In the ca?e. His attorney explained, however that In their cpinlon this cannot be construed at eontempt -" f v urt. us the subpornt .-. is n-it Iss-ted .lir?rtly hy the ccurt. flt.HTIXG 1 MHPoCin. KL NITRA. Morocco. May (De layed ;n transmtssioni MaJ. Vidal esterday 'otoi.icied a t-i nnalsance to the s.Mith and was a:;.icked bv 200 .Moors. Quieii fir.-ra were turned on the trib(-.rtit:n un were dispersed nith a lotj of tv.en'y k"kd or m.jnd- The French had ound.-d. .e Spifct The ..i cire'i-ed 1 posts A n-i to swarm of mi' tonight was twice the shots from the out oir.oy fr. m Mehedia on its h-.-' 'a.s a't.ieked l.y a horr-emen. The Ppih!s ! cliariced. sabt rii'itf many of them The i name aanci operating v :tn tne , jVrtnrh. htid two of his men killed, j ' Tin enemy's dead numbered laelvt. ' WITH SHOTGUN BLOWS TOP OF HIS HEAD OFF i Ministerial Student Leaves a Nolo for Brother Saying He Could Not Help it i After boiroing a shotgun from a merchant at Mars Hl'.l, Archie Llnley, of Anderson. S. C. aged St. retired to his room and blew out hia brains at 2:30 yesterday after noon. Lin'.ey, after arriving In Mars Hill j yesterday about 2:30 o'clock and eating luncu eav trinfc.u ioi meals f.r the summer, walked up to one of the stores or tno vumte aim borrowed t shotgun shortly before sundown. lli retired to his room In the homo of Mrs. Kato Wood row, who was a close friend of the dead man, and when ha w'r. visit ing. Alone In ihleroo m I '"ti put an end to his life. Llnley was apparently !n his right mind during the few hours he spent In the village, therefore no cause can be assigned (or his deed. Shortly after arriving at Mars Hill he took lunch with Mr. T. C. Hollowell and appeared In a cheerful mood. Just before dark he took dinner with Mrs. Lottie Blackstock, with whom he mads arrangements to take his meals during the summer. Before going to his room In the home of Mrs ; cx,)C1.(encod by the provlg onal gov Woodrow, a friend of th dead man. ' vl .imtJIlt ut Mexico today find Provls- 9-ho had provided for his occupying1 the house, Llnley took a walk of a few hundred yards to the store of Mr. J. M. Jervls. Stating that he was a stranger and had come to the village to spend the summer, he borrowed a shotgun with some am munition, saying that ho wanted to amuse himself by making a few shots. It ts said that shortly be fore borrowing tha shotgun he en deavored to borrow a pistol from a Mr. BprlnkU. Within a, tew mlnutos after he left the store, tha report of the gun was heard In -the room which he was occupying. Mr. Columbus Hudglns and Mr. Horace Carter, both of whom live within a few yards of the house 1n which the young man took his life. were on th scene a few seconds') after the shot was fired. They found the man In a dying condition dressed (Continued on page Ave.) !IN SHADE OF TREES ALONG jJANKSOF RIVER MAN AND WIFE TAKE POISON TO DIE He Was Formerly Noted Newspaper Man Who Had Lost Fortune FRIENDS TOO LATE BINGHAMTON, N. T.. May 13 After notifying friends where their bodies would be found. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Harrington divided a vial of poison on the bank of the Chenago river here today and died together In e clump of trees. Ha waa a widely known newspaper man, broken In health and finances, and she had been his devoted companion throughout a long married life. Friends who re ceived the letters rushed to the scene only to find them dead. The double tragedy had been care fully planned. Inspection of the Har rington apartment showed that the couple had packed treasured belong ings with care and addressed them to old friends as mementoes. On a ta ble was a note to a physician who has been attending Harrington stat- Ing that "the hill was a dead horse and that he was going to a land where money was supposed to be useless." Harrington was at one time employed on the Albany Argus Later he drifted to New To-k where he en gaged In the publishing business, ac cumulating a , comfortable fortune. Owing to Illness during the panic of 190? he was unable to attend closelv o his affairs and his money was lost Tie at one time trorked on the Wash ington r. C Times, and had be..n connected with several papers in New York state. womax fi:ll fhom window. LONDON, May 13 Mrs. P;, ble Pumab;.' a sister of Baron Delamere. was Injured probably fatally In a fall from a third story window of her res idence In Wl'tr n Place today. Wit nesses reported to the polf" that ser vants appeared to be making an ef fort to keep the woman from the window before they rw her drop to the cround. Mrs Purnaby married Lieutenant Aliernon E Burnaby of tho Royal Horse Guard In lis.g and divorced him In 1901 following hi j eloooment with a married woman. GUNS OF HIS THE BREAST Sckism. Strife and Dissension InsurrectosMadero, Calm and Unflinching, Dares the Men to Shoot Him Finally Triumphs JUAREZ. MeX.. May U.The su urrme test, the clash between the military and political authorities was PrMld.nt Francisco I- Mttdero, Jr., tonight Is complete master ot tne situation. After a day or thrilling In cidents, during which tha Uvea of Madero and his chiefs were In dan ger, General Orosco In a moment of passion, ordering the arrest of the little rebel leader and demanding the resignation of the provisional cabi net, the capital of the provisional government it quiet. General Navwro, tha defeated fed eral commandeft , whose-Ht was threatened early. djf Jngry noba of lnaurrectos, was spirited away by Francisco I. Madero. Jr., In person, to the American side of the Itlo Grande and tonight Is safely ensconced in the home of friends in F:i Paso. Derply Laid Plot. A plot quiet, deeply laid, Is sus pected by the relel leaders as the cause of the near riot In front of the Madero headquarters today, and some of the Maderos assert that it was a sinister scheme on the part of those who are trying to hreak up the or ganization of the nvoltillon to fouler the opinion throughout Mexico that the movement Ik one of anarchy. Provisional President Madero. In a statement Issued tonight, charged that General Orozco's vu t ions were Incited "by persona Interested in bringing about disunion among us." Karly today General Oror-co railed NOW INSPECTING SITES 'NViw Administration Build ing for the State Will be a Beautiful One RAI,EIGH. N. C. May 13. Colonel Ashley Home. J A -"ng and J. K. wood Cox. three of the sub-corn mis Ion officers named by th state building commission to investigate imions had reported several resolu tive question of the site for the I2r,0,- i tUnm w i,ii h had teen submitted to It 000 fire proof admlr titration biilldli:? and report back the full cornniis- slon, were In couf. but made no ann their conclusions. The fourth trie in t of Wilmington. wa today. The tour in posed available site ner of Salisbury " rence here today .'nrement as to r, W, K. Springer ie,able to lie here pected four these being Cor el Morgan street, where the state owrs the corner an ! would have to bui 'o adjacent lot, another Is the oi l corner of f'A-v treet. now occ jpl tural department, a property fronting : mington strei t. There Is t" be In about ten da; commission will I receive their rep- - The sub-comno-H port on a pr"rer the commission in,' lnary msttem hotel property, n and Halifax by the agrh ul- ' her the Grino s lenton and Ull- v ther conference nd then the f,:il ided together ' r. Is also to re. ... :ion of clerk h ..n other prrttin .- WASHINGTON. May JJ Generally fair, funrtay. siigntly warmer, wean portion Monday, fair Ubt lo mud-1 rat variable winds, 1 " M I J 1 OWN MEN ARE OF FRANCIS Raise Their Ugh Heads in on Provisional President Madero nd tho two talked alone for some time. Suddenly their voices were raised and the other rebel political chiefs rushed Into the room only to find 'themselves held back by some of Orosc6's fnen. A throng of soldlera had gathered outside the building and Senor Mv dero determined to appeal to thorn. Six shooters had been drawn nd rifles were levelled, but Senpr Ma dera stood before the crowd nd gap ping his breast shouted; "Shoot me; shoot me, If you dart," Vh Madero." General Oroxco was at hit tide. HH men ostensibly bd bean summoned to take part, in the coup n'etat Iwt i Madar tpp4 forth aniijaikedjnL tft do Mo tf his measuring way, tha affection which has been ripening among his men since the revolution ben crys tallied In a mighty shout "Viva Ma dero." There are all sort i of stories In re gard to thn clash today, but at bottom It was apparent that dissension among the military was the cause of the disturbance. Colonel Vlllay woji said to have Instated on General Nav arro's life, while General Oroxco also was said to have been displeased With thn naming of a civilian as minister j of wur. Tonight nil Is hiirmony. Hennr Madero has Impressed upon uencrai 'drown that the choosing of a cabinet and the management of a government Is quite outside, the function of the mllltarv. Apprehension for the safety of Genera I Navarro stirred the sym pathy of General Madero after the In- OF NOT BECOIVER! BITTER Regarding Arrest of Two McNamaras Simply Ask for Fair Trial for Men ATLANTA, Ga., May 13. -The con vention of the Amerleao Federation ! of MuM'-ians came to a. close today .r. the special commute on reso- early In the week, chief of these was ..r e i on'-ernir.g the arrests of the j M Xsinara brothers and Ortls K. Mc M.'inlval, In connection witli the I.oe ! Angeles Times disaster and other ul- li-gi d dvriamlting outrages. j The resolutions, which was adopted l,v the con . eritlon. CApllclfly stales i.hat th- musician do not contend the innoc, of tho men under ar reKt. hoi anks that a fair trial be turn Horn and that everybody with hold hi opinion until afti-r the trial. I'lo'r re-tdutiorit' referred to the ,(..0 fair and the relation of the mi-ikp Iit-h It ii local labor federaet'ing. KIOI h IH)I,I S IS MOMTOIt. v , y 1 1 ! v ;t '-', May 13 --A nava! iliod while In dry f' jrltari s ink some I, ( .ti!o. i" fojrid t'r;e I; ;!1 alj'i it .w..ier l!r,e As i rie w an lo -a t , -1 line It I SU;,Jewrd r. e;!ie I h; I be ot s'i' t.-l dt i V 1) 1 t a ,yo V ; . s- I i II -1 r,r t.Mg fl'e water a .,' 'tile iu'ip were ,i. oantitig for her ji ix.i. m:uin n itK'Mitr. ! cHAr.:,'. : l'riH d .-'ta'ee i p.ravv ;. y a , lo President ' .X, r . May !.! -io-iri t .Judge Win f..a.ard his refc.erjt,t,,rr Taft r,.xt week It wax Isy. II. had set today. nnounre i t the seventieth, ant.h ersary birth, to retire, but buslm court prevented, of hin of his i : LEVELED AT L MADERO, JR. the Rauks of the Victoriou cldent at the municipal building, and he determined at th risk of his own life, to sava th brave federal com mander. Ha was whisked away In an automobile to where General Navarro haa been staying sines h waa rap tured and after a brief explanation conveyed General Navarro to th river front whera tha latter waded th river and soon waa aaf on th Ameri can territory. Bated Navarro, American troop war ready to protect him, If necessary but th In war Ignorant of Manor Ma dero' mov till It was accomplished General Navarro av hi word of honor that he would return to Mexl Madero. If the feeting against N varro among th Insurroctos, because ot alleged acts of cruelty Jn previous battles, become stronger. It may b that a court martial will be ordered, Some of tho rebels want a eourt martial, but the disposition of Henor Madero and his supporters la to save General Navarro from any harm. Mudorn (ilvm Kiplnnatlon. Senor Madero tonight gave out th following explanation of th day' events: "ornsoo. excited by th victory, probably from the adulation and bad advice of persons Interested In caus ing disunion among us, committed a fault which fortunately had no con seq ueneea, "He complained that th troops did (Continued on Page F'onr) FOR BAPTIST CONVENTION Speculation as to Who Will Preside Over Convention of Southern Church JACKSONVIMK, Fla., May IS. The Houthern llaptlst convention will open It annual meeting here next Wednesday and already there Is some talk concerning the offlreri to be elected, Joshua Levering, of Baltimore, I the president anil Is serving his third time In that rapacity. If he wishes to again stand for president, II Is sup posed I hat he will have no opposition, i In ease he refuse to run there are .several well known men who have ! been siiKH"Sted for the place. Dr. E. ! K Miilllns. president of the Houthern ' HaptiKt Theolorir al seminary, belnt? prominently mentioned. Mr. fturrows, of Georgia, who has been the conven ! lions secretary for nine years. Ir. VVrn. K. Hat' her. of Virginia, and fr y. Calmer I'.rook. of liaylor l.'nlver ' siiy, IVarr), Tex , are also mentioned. Jacksonville l busy preparing for the reception of the delegate Kjv hundred already have been assigned homes In the ALMOST A city. K KIOT. HWAINKHOrtD. Gwrf Hay 13. One negro was umttt, death, IVputv i'.herlff Ii. If Wint.i fsuliy- wounded, di.-d later, and John Mcleod. a ne siro. woujf'led three timet here to ti ght. It Is feared .further trouble ma.- result McLeod was a prisoner ;i, charge of City Marshal ('rut. On in.- way to Jail they met the depufy. The negro drew a revlover and shot Woods In the breast. The iiiirfhal and negro exchanged shots and other pistol were fired, Dav IH'iunt, a negro, was found dead on the sidewalk with a pistol , beside him. Cm! capturrd McLeod after a chase and took him to s Jail. : No further trouble had occurred at tnldnt(bt. ' ' ; s MOST OFFICERS IN ASHEVILLE DISTRICT National Democratic Commit teeman From N. C, Says , Wilson Is Man By. It, IS. C. Ilnant. Cltlicii Bureau, v Coiigreaa Hall. ' WASHINGTON, May 1J. R. B. Ca ' ' hill commissioner ot internal revenus, haa said a remarkable thing about North Carolina moonshiner. H wrote a Tar Heel congressman, who waa appealed to for aid from a eon , stltuent, as follows! "Jt la a matter ' of common knowledge that th Illicit -manufacture and nl of distilled, splrlta la distressingly prevalent throughout th greater portion of ' th state of North Carolina. Th In ternal Revenu fore 1 not vary large in number, W hav th larg est fore of officer assigned In th Ashavlll district that la appointed to any district In th United States, and " th record will thow that gurprla tngljr large number of illicit plant are captured every year. Th record ; of court would show that thr ar also many men captured and triad, with not a few convictions. Were our revenue force ten time a large as It Is, however, It would b lmpostlM to entirely break up th practice com plained -oft'' , l "I am Informed that th tat taw of North Carolina gr very drsstlc ' relative to the manufaotur and' sal ot distilled spirits, but It appear that tat officer do very llttl to prevent or punish for th violations of thia law, though I suspect ther ar on hundrsd tt officer to every Inter nal revenue pfflcar,' - - t. , , This la most acriau charg against th stats. .. , - . Bpresenativ Webb has rturh4 , from Gastoula. wter he po on tho , ' WlMirt of t)m did you havsj In Oaatonla," Mr, Webb waa asked, "Delightful. I never saw a moro . successful memorial day In my II f. Th good ladle of Oaatonla had ar ranged an elaborate program and had ' Invited all of the old soldier In th county to attend and they did so in isrg numberssomething Ilk two hundred being present, Th gong of tna choir, and th quartette, th pre sentation of confederal flag to th graded achoot, and unveiling of th flags, th speech of ceptane, tho olo, th prayers all were In elegant taste, neautiruliy and Impressively rendered. "Th exercise took nlar In n. ton's splendid new court house. Th merchant and bankers dosed their doors and all Joined Ift to make th exercise pleasant and ' memorable. The grsvea of th dead heroes war decorated with beautiful flower by loving hands, and tha old soldlera were treated to on of th finest din. ners I ever saw, consisting of thre kinds of meat, all sort of salads, pickles, three or four kinds of cake. Ice cream, coffee and other good things too numerous to specify, Th ' "rVsii'riXJi'uraissy asTs;isjassl ' (Continued on Page Pour.) Tl One Man Clung to Barge in Mississippi and Was Saved From Waters NATCHKZ. Mis.. May it. Th women and a man were drowned In the Mississippi river here tonight and a fourth person narrowly escaped the same fate, when their disabled motor boat struck a barge and sank. The dead are: ' ' Charles K. West. 23 years ld. bookkeeper. Mis Kate Echwartg, 20 ysaia old," llancee of West. Miss Amy Dsiden, 24 yean old. . school teacher. Palmer Lanncau, assistant cashier 1 of a local bank, clung to th barga and waa saved. AI L IbRMKR ftFCOItDf BROKE. TAMPA, Pla May U.--Makin itt figure of merit the 111th company of coast artillery oroke all former rec ords in closing Its spring target prao tice at Kort Hade today, Th former record was held by Fort Rodman at New Bedford, and w 15f figure of merit. To make thia high score th company commanded by Capt, Adn G. Clark made six hit In on minor and twenty seconds at moving fr--get yard away, Thl Is 2. IT bit per mtnnte per "gun, two c rifle being used wlrh rec ;, charge. . ' , y The scot has been , ; , war department, Ti . . eldered tittle she' o-dlnsnc office

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