Till-; ASHKA JLLK CITIZKX, TU-PAY, MAY Ifi 1911 i i Soaetv 3 1 XJTr-.r:.: Th Associated charities are mi I much In need or a go-curt lor u lit tin ; Orippled thIUl that 18 tumble to nlk. tf ny one havliiK a curt or .win. kind ! of pertnbulnUr would s nd or multy fVhm headquarters, on I'mk wpjarc, ! their kindness would hi- ery gicuiij ; appreciated. The phono niuiiUii Im ', ! o. ,. ; i W... - jt ji ! 5 A quirt wedding orcurred In th. jtounty court house Wcdnemlny. .May fit. Miss Georgia Alexander, of i'hihI- , . ler. N. C, being married to Mr. I'l-tet ! IMaitlny the ceremony being perform- ! ied by 'Squire w. A. James, nr. Mr. land Mrs. Martin will live In ('union, I where the former la rohnwtwi with ,the Champion Fibre PompHiiy. i J$ M J The merries of Miss Jo .SV win nil, ;th daughter of Idri.it. (lov, and Mr 'iff. C, Newlend, take plnee at l.enolr 'tomorrow end will b of Interest t :Hhe trtende tit Miss Newltind In Ahe , vllle, where she he frequently visited. IMIw Newland will marry Mr. Myron Kthrldne, of Norfolk, Va. The t.d )lnf take place at noon end will be mi the church. Mtss Mary Westall sleave today for I.notr and 'will be lone of the bridesmaids. Mrs. J. II. , Day,. Of Norfolk, will bo matron of honor, and Miss Linda Ivey the mnld "Of honor, Minn Louise Jackson, of Norfolk, and Mine Barah Smith, nf Parkeraburc. W. Va.. will be bride, imalda, ; Th fhurch and-resldeneo will beautifully decorated with pink 'nd white flowers. Mr, and Mrs. J5th rldge witl spend their honeymoon Jn Canada, and on their return will re side In Norfolk, Va., where the for mer (a a prominent business man. 2 The finals In the first series of the ladles' tennis tournament for the cup j presented hy Mrs. VnnderbtU, Mm McKee, Mr. .Minor and Mm T, C. iTTaddell, Jr. will he played Saturday afternoon. May 1 8, at o'clock. The contestants are Mrs. ft. P. Johnston and Mrs, Reuben Robertson. The winner Tuune will be engraved on the cap. nd the cup will become the property of the. person wlnnln It In three separate events. Mrs. Harold Uses will pour tea. An error was ! made In the acoree of the mixed four mime Rolf tournament, reported In Sunday's paper. resardlne; those .play. "in off lt Itaturday. Mr. and Mrs. ! Alfred 8, Barnard and Mr. Ijiwrente .tone and Miss Xewrence will P"? Saturday. y:'" . . .". At a drawlna; room held last weeok at St. names' palace in Ixndon, I.ady Henry was presented by the touches -of Devonshire. I-ady Henry waa be- fore tier warrlaite a Mies I.ewlsohn. nnd her UeTldi brother of Mr. 1 fhlllp B. Henry, of Ashevllln, Wi JknlRhted by KlnwOeornw early In the ivear In rconlUon of Ms phllnn j thropy. Ufldy Henrv's jrown was very Jheautlf"! and ''described at length It 5ih dlepntches. There were elaht or 'iin presentations, nmonflf others Iady Jnecles, formerly Mlm Marjorve uouia. Th Pen end Plate cluh W'111 hold Its resolar peetln at the Manor I Thursday evenlnut, Col. Hlnham will -'read an essay on "International Arbl fratli."f v,. r... , m a ter The eaecutlve eommlttea of the T. E M. C. A, will meet this morning- at I ie.19 o'clock at the aodatlon. From fit until 11 o'nlock a joint roeetlna of the executive and nnonce commutee II1 be hold, it Is reutieeted that all I members will attend, aa the meetlim la of Importance. : The weddln of Mlea Fdns T.ona fund Mr. Oustavo I.lchlcnfeiB tekee place tomorrow evcnlns at the Tom -! pie at t.S9 o'clock, and will be one of the largest weddings of the eeam.n, ifollowlns; the ceremony a reception WlU be held at the Manor, to which lithe members of the families and the ' t IJ.t t.A In,t4n 'r.e vnmu ii ....... two hundred Invitation have been le tued for the ceremony Jit the church. i ! One of the pleasant prospects of the forthcoming season la the "rhoden- jdron ball" et the Battery Park hotel which takes place July 12. the nnn:- versarv of the epenlna of the hotel. iThe flntt rhodendron ball xlven two ( eeaaona airo has been rememhered nnd fttlH be repeated this year by the man Iteajieilt, The ball will be. one f the moet dellrhtful of the aummer and will take plnce as usual In the dlnl.ia iroom Of the hotel. The oprnlnc hall .).. V. . .nnal .. I.I..1. iputl simi ,,ci ai.iiiini .ii ii in ii iiii. ' i foTlowe In Aniruat will he lend by pop ular members of the younger set. The i program for the summer in heinc nr- ' ranged by the management of ttio ho tel and will be quite Interesting nnd fwltt go far toward mnklnsr the sum- j Bier a pleasant one both for the r.- Dainty Silk Waists in Many New Styles For our women customers we have quite- a stylish new line of waists. They are fashioned according to the latest dietales of Dame Fash ion just from New York. Til ere are pretty patterns in rich .lap Silk, white With pray and blue with lavender in stripes, made in th plain shirt styles. The "slip-on" is the newest thine: in waists no hooks nor buttons, just a silk cord to draw ii around the. neck. Style and quality po hand in hand here. Our Teady-to-wear is distinctive in every detail and therefore very desirable by women who like individuality in dress. These new waists will please you. rrices $6.00 to $ 10.00. . M. V. MOORE & CO. WOME.VS WEAR ersona ', III. Ml!, n . r 1 1,. .l'i ;,r.n. I lluptm! I i I'Kl i '. ' i 1 ' i i 1 1 K in. il. u:. ' I , , I 'nil- In- .,1 W. i ' mo. . Mf. Hill) Ml. l.' iiliKti ii muti ,itt,: l:r. !. A. -'(i.jfvid. .. ii .in hi .'111 . Tin mi i. , .i tin- In. ill . I, WiiiriHn'n I..-: 'Miiy 'it. 'Ill hfrinftiT In i luii'i h on . niid itiHi.'ii.l i . n .1' i.fTi.'i r .if; n- Ann-rlr-jin i.l.r i,l I i 1 1 1 - w 1 1 ) I ii It i- i!h.-- on i- no I iiiis v.-lll Im In Id tin- l 'hrlstliill li ii lllls.! i I Ii I i i'ii. Ii lii oiul in e I i.i tin- i. W. i'. A. Tlo Ii . iiik. Ill I il l Anl i our.- In tin ?l-.i-li I.; In llr vihiIiIh on Ttj.-Hduy at 1 p. in in Ifi.i Y Worni ti K i hi ifiii.in nfii-n. tut u.n llH'llllli- llln flljll.A illK lilll.jl rtfc. room, VMirinliiK nun yniiiUallnii, tllgloUM illXfam-H, dlBlnlcrlloll. ! etc, i llnii'ul tlo-riMomctcr, jiultii pirutloti. . Hor-ioit arrivalH at thi. Truolia aii- Mrs. H. It. Mi Kinz.-y, Mrs. Jl. M - Hwei-n and Mm. H. I--. I!t tor, nl Tim- inotiBvillf, K ('. : Mm. O. II. Moriii, Mr. .1. It. Kniril iind two i lilhliuti li-li Hiitnrday for Utile liiKk, visit l heir I Alexander, Ark., where tiny will nttier. Mr. Arthur I. Mr. W. '. Alexander In visiting Ills hrnllier. .Mr. A. I.. Alexander, ut Lit tle Hock, Ark. Mr. T. R. fiwm ker, who for the past eevet'til weeks, has been a ttiemlier of the firm of the rrymal Hairy lum h room on Pation avenue, but who re cently resigned that position, will leave this mornliitt for Wnshlnwton, ere he will spend the sutnruer, re turning to AsheWHe during the early fall. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. I.yman hn'c returned to their residanee at the corner of Merrlnmn 'etnn- ami Chestnut street after living on Merrl mon aventiji for eome time. Mr, I,, K. Jnrrett. nf this rlty, Ih now In Wnynesvtllo In thp office of Chief Engineer J. W. Penver. Jr.- of the Houthern Aasemhly Krounds, where ho. Is engned In drafts, , and detail work connected with lite office, Mrs. Webb Ilorlnn, who has spent the winter with Mrs. C. W. It. Kadr Jiffr; h'H slsfer-tn-Iivw, In Ylctnrtit, -return to Mlddlotown, N. V., tomor row accompnnied by Miss Carrie ftad eker, Who will be out of town the greater part of the summer. pr. and .Mrs. TI. II. nrlam will move In .'ittnti heautlful country home the 'flrafof lunu. the former retaining his Ofitees in ni ' Town nwiii-m'i'. i "i property surrounding the BHsx" home extends to the boundary of Dr. Bet tie's bunitnlow on Ttesmnont moun tain. Miss Purcell, of Rli-hmond. Vn Ib vIsitlBK Mlsa Anne Meade at the horn Of Mrs. Frank Hewitt. Mrs. Foster. Miss Kldilles and M.ir ter 'Frederick Todd have gone to Pennsylvania, where they will- remain during the summer. fol. I). M. Hodges has gone to New York on btielness, end will lie out of town for two weeks. Mrs P. M. Wetdfeldt arrived fmrn Scotland yesterrin and Is visiting her nleee, Mrs. i. H. Tennant. Mrs. Wclttfeldt will lie the guest' of Mlrr Wesifelilt nt Uitgby tl range for ev cral months. Mr Harry Heheiisrler and Mr Stanley Ciiiinini'liiiiii have reltirn-d from Morganloti. where they spent Pundny. Mrs. vlslttni. turned I". M. Miiehlnirn, who bus been friends In the city, hnH rc to her home in old Volt. lir. KlUaheth Winter bus returned from n lrlt to Phtbidelphla. Mr. Conway Snymotir. of Judson N ' . Is n Kuesl ill 'he liiutery t urn hotel for so eral diive. Mrs S. J Lawrence hns tcone t. rhmleeton, S. C. for a fnrtnlKhfs nnd Mrs. It. X Pnvls, of Twin Tjtkes. Mich . "re visitors In the city, 11 PATTOX AVE. guet at the lsatur Park Mir Maud f'rauffird l:"s returned to ilil I oi t ;ifurr a .lull K, f rlciitlH in! the i ity. ! .. MI.sh Klta ' f.m., of ';r'i.nlorci, j rlv.d vi'ii-rilr in ;,it-nl I ti r- l.on. I.l' iit' t 'Is v.i-ddiriK. utnrh tki tl;i.f- S i-illo hdtiy. M r. IV... I . a n.l , hull I. mid I'rs, Wi i i, III . urn 111 till' re ftii"MM nt thi .11 I'lirltT. nf II y for a Mm y, l!utii-ry l'.irk i I Mr Wnliiirri ' mi. s ritnrni'd to H -n-t t)t rnn'. ill.. rft-rda urti-i Mjicndrrit: I ."nndnj Hi tin- rlty. , , M r. I r- mx J.. Void today. iik ,rrl'. cfi Mr anil Mrs. Iv J. Marshall, nf In Ann. li.fi nh.i li.-r.i- In-, ii in U,i- r.ii! ; t.-rv Perk hot. I r.r f. ...-ml dn:, l Konc to New Vnik. Mr. iin.l Mi't. .M.trahdll linvc In i n xlallliiK tln lr p h. ! who Is ii Hhidi.nl at llu- A-iiU'Wll- 1 r I. - nnd are hotel. urm i Mr end Mrs. l;.'nl-n I'o jjlinvp rMnrni-fl from ti M-'-nil rteon k.V I trip Hi-'onii, I'on- Mine I. oln .Jenkins rciiiiriH from IHiK. j rmrhiim tb lull r part nf the w.-i-li, rm- wlii't-e sin- has I n n miidrnl m I hi oll'r.l nf MiiM'-. anil i!l etn-i I tlu- , nuinmi-r ulih lu-r pun-nln, Mr. nml Mm. Ij. I,. .Irnklti". j Mr. Kdwsrd Ward, of Preit'l Mr , William Krone end Mr. H .1. b- ! ri-ni-r. nf the llntt'-ry Park hotr-l huM- j ko;ic to thi Hiipiihiro rotintry on a wnek's fltihlnK trip. Miss Itila Wllllnms lm rcttirneil to her home In Bnllsbitry afer n visit to friends and relatives In tlw elty. Mr. srid Mrs. Philip Haney end children, who have been niendlim several weel-'S In OenrurlB with rela- lives, have returned to the city. Miss Lntil'e Thornton and her sis ter, Mrs. W. T PalHton. of Grand llnplrts. Mich., will spend the summer In Ashevllle, and huvc taken a cot fage. Miss flam snd Miss Mamie Whlt tlngton, who went to Anderson, S C, to sttepd the wedding of a friend, have returned to the city. Miss Fllmheth White, who has been visiting her enusln. Miss Minnie Jav-ls. line returned to her home In t'liar lotte. Mrs. TV. V. Hackney Is visit me friends in' WMntiton-Sslem. end will later go to Lexlnrton to visit Mr. snd Mrs. flcorge L. Hackney. Mlsn ftubv Mitchell has returned to her home In Atlsntfl after a several weeks' stay In the elty. BUNCOMBE MAY GET ADDITIONAL CONVICTS Hwent(l Thut It Would Pay This County to Kmploy Convicts Frwn Sttrrowndliig Owntlce. With nsstirnnees that the scout party loeatltiR the Rreut Central high way from Morelicml City to the Ton- i (tenure line will he here rim-In the first of next month, the prepurntlons j lieliiK made for the survey of the ; "Crest or the lllue Ki.lKe hiKliva" 'tit n early date, and with brlRht prospe. ts Hlijcad for the hulldinu of 'the proposed Ashevllle-t'harlenton hlBhwiiv. the (rood roads etithusiasni In Puneonihe i ounty is fining to a i hlRh pitch. I AllhoHjrh the county ts well sup- piled uilli convicts, all elToit Will he ' tnnde to replenish the ranks muiiy fold, (ioo.l load culhusiHSISiWilf K be- I :fnri. the nevt meeting of the hour. I I .of . ounty eoniinisMoniTs. tisUin them j 'to euileinol- to Mt-ellle 1 lie eomlels ! of sev eral of the counties In the west- i !ein part of North I'nrollna thnt do j not mnlntnln chnlntranRs. It 1s snld that II' tlie eiirumlsHloiiern of Itiin jeoiiilie w ill KU.-ii'antee the costs oi the j court In the eases where defendants nre eonvleted. pay transportation ex ( penses. ete., n large batch of con- lets can he secured by this county, i It Is thought that there would he very ! little truutde experteneed In settlnn the JuilKi s of the different districts , to eons, lit to sendlUR the ronv lets to this eounty. At present the commis sioners of this county only pay tinns portatlon chaises on convicts, ami It In believed those in faor of secur ing a large force of tticm. that It would he a sood paying proposition for the eounty to offer to pay the titles and full expenses In order to secure them. It is runtended that within a lew years time et a compar atively entail expense Huncnmhe could linvc good roads rtretchlnp from bor der to border In all directions, and I hat after tho Krent work had heen nceompllBiied. the county's own con victs emihl easily maintain (food roads 1)1 all over the comity. Attractive sprlne '"xforls nnd rumps at reduced prices. Overstock i-jle. iioston Shoo Store. n Matters at Record The Inllc.wltii! deeds were tiled In the orTI.-e of the reseller et deeds j t-sterday : J frank Welle to J. s. Wells et si., land in Sandy Mush township; con sideration J.eoi P. I". Meadows to M. Teiiie, land In Leicester township: consideration $1 TS.S5. Jacob Delvccchio to Henry Swln ney. land in 8hiioh; consideration 3f,ft. I C. Tucker snd wife to R. R Kd wsrds et af.. lot on Hill street: con sideration Jl.ItiO. Marriage licenses. Bud Lyda nnd Mary McColltster. Will Forney and Cora Schelll, col ored. J. H. Hamilton and U. j. Watson, colored. KAJSEDaFROM A BED OF AGONY Mrs. Carson, of Argyle. Mich.. Tells Strange Story of Suffering and How Cardui Cured Her. Arm-le. ML h. lu ll ni female trouble, .i ml ii h pain In ni !. "i v. i nte on for u ii.il'.v, (-..I us i arefully a I .a inn . Inn. I d oi , w. hi. h I CM I'll-. HI)' I f ur.l.ii, I I' nli'-r UKiriR Mvem lioitl.-:. ,, , , i ,t ,i K..t,t reflef ' I '.in iinied to 1 1 si Ii .1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 ! ;.- nap i on (I iind Hklsed ..! alf'-ny. I nrdlll ea- i i. in try l.iil ! ii .. lift- v hoi in.- and I ru.lh'liK I Ise -.vollhl ln !i. m. i.ni't In- tlmnkrul enuu'li f it ill. I for me. I lei niniiiend It nil in;, nnd iieiKhhora. Tv n lia e li.it frli-n-ls ilri-ail.v tried Ii and found ! I:i.f. i ' I ihniik the lnl lor planting the ; herl'H aril fur shoving i-m how to . pri-fn.re 1'iiriliil for 'nir l-ii.(I." j 'in. i m.-iv lie sure I'' i'.-.i.NI .'.!!! ' n-lli- e ai.. i urn sij. h h i:.,ii. i :ih.-;i a" Mis. ('arson's und ii il"inu It . every dav that it i:i. mm Ii more ' 'I'llil-; !' nnd ('ertalp!. 1 1 i ; . lhni.e nii- ineii who lujv'e no e -1 ; ' n h i; Hiptut'i:, hot are Ji.Ht week ami nill'ig Ah ii general tohlr for women, to 'Improve ih.. appetite mil build up 'the cousin utlon, Cardui U in a elans l;y Itself. j 'hcther seriously Mh'k. nr ftluiplv ailing, try Cardui. It will help jmi. j Vour drimgist will n f omiiiend it. Ask ; him I TOOK PRACTICE SPIN AND KEPT BICYCLE Hoi roued Wheel to Hide for I nougl) "to Turn Arouml" and Failed .to omdclc Clrclo. A rather unusual esse of larceny was trP'd before Justice of the ! Peace W. A, James, Jr.. yesterdsy nf- ' ternoon when Grover t'hiiptnan was' arraigned fur tho theft of a bicycle i from Joe Lawrence, who alleged that he allnwnl the triaTr tu ride the wheel i fur. tutuugh tu "tarn ir.iiiHil'' and tlmt-1 the man failed to Korpplete the circle j which he ntarted. Cb'ilman claimed I that he rode the ttli-yt-Ie only a' short ilistiin. e nnd thut when he returned and found that the owner of It had departed., be- lcfrttflff iht -poro of u frtend whu wH wrene' t the tlnm the trouble, fmittffi. Chapman was lnjfind to Rupcrlor court In the sum of 1100. Any Complexion Can Be Made Beautiful Kmni St !( of Today. Mm -v Mrruii. ui I'nri", perhaps the WoHcVm f;-ro'lft ;iuthor1ty on tK-MUty and lrpf;K, taN 1 1 ut t now no woman tiocil (lfffpalr o! (npp.(tiiK a clr.ir COITlphlXidM Hlltt ji Mttln nkm. "Kvn h plujn woman," jhs the fiMTiotifl Mi-ion, "nttains h Tinipl(icn whirh in the env (f hot IriPtnls whn phe diwolvef! it pin. ill orlMlnnl purknff it maylitoiu- in . tltt ouru'pfl if w lt h hi!!, fmhI m."i'Hfn:f9i her ftwv. prnis nnd MfM'U with thlH solution dnlf. Von KudTi noitcc ft Im, v oleftmcus which la nwp'ily iTH'iian irtu. Mh ntitnc lmi's no traocf srKe of kint-SH. 1: purillrs. ht h u t iti-s . nnl prrserves th' in; in, iti.I t f :upf rflihiiiH h. " Von m-' ir i ! k- wlU'Tl Otl-'i' i' f ll0 HtillltinU vim i'MI fiisth' wni'i I hr rn rosih f. tlrupulst fci' ;i niTomnioilatliit'. Mnplrxfon n iifih rrvrnt tin- i,r"'.'th powder or eoTiieitc ny msratnne. MaUe ..elf. Vour vlriiMi'it the Ingredients, or nl to nn- wholesale if he desires to he Father Has the Honey Habit So hits tool her, aiij oil, ain't we kids just tickled nil ocr, that nctv honey itiaUcs ns want more, and1 we'll liner want to art the "iIhiiii-.'' 4et In linl, for tlu honey rnali. psa ki will eon ttli-l ou. C. W. Harmon & Co. 1 I X . Pnrli So.nn.re W KATHER RKHORT I'nlted Btateit department of airrl- eulture, weather Moor'. chief. bureau. Willis L. Tempcrntyrc Ji p.m. Max. 78 U 78 84 60 72 70 Atlanta Augusta. . Moston I Pirnilruliam ' llllffaln : 'linrl'-stori ( 'harlntto 'hlcagn ; f In h eaton i Jacksonville I MnnU'imi rv ! Mobllo cw etrl.ans ; New York I .Norfolk . . . ! Italeigh St. Iwiuls i SaMinnah ; WsnhliiKton : Wilmington ti4 7 0 74 70 71 72 78 78 78 r8 SO 76 80 r,8 70 68 66 76 82 86 82 78 84 88 82 60 74 89 80 74 78 76 Local temperature data for May 15. I inn. ' At x a. m. iii, 10 a. m. 68, 12 n. 7:'. 2 p. rn. 7, 4 p. m. 75. 6 p. m. 74, j K p in. 70. I Normal Kl Hl'hi-Pt 7i. one yt-ar ngo fi7. Low cut 5H, one ear airo .14. Ahsoliile maxltnuin S3 In IfOg. At h Pile rnlnlmnm .'14 In 1910. Local preelpltatlon for this mnth. Norrnnl 8.71. tiroatest nmount 7.7B In 1908. l.ia.-t amount 1.14 in 1DSS. Tor last -i hours ending at S p. 0, State of weather at R p. m. clear. MISS OLQA HUFF KXPEUT CORKFTrjEKF, Cdmrd Rom,s COi-fJl TS 27 and 28 American Xstinna Rank Rulkiii WHATEVER INCREASES COMFORT Js a blessing to man kind. Linens lauiKkr cd properly arc the greatest coinfort mak ers and -piTdueer8 on earth The NICHOLS WAY is h8 perfect WAY Phone 95. G 1 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nieliols, Mgr American Beauty ROSES Long, Stiff Stems. Good Blooms. Fine for Commencement. , $8-$3 per doa. J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO. gkei:xsi;ouo, x. c. CORSET SATISFACTION Jfyj If you have not worn a Splrclla Cor set, you have not known real corset sat isfaction. Its patented boning- makes it the most flexible, durable, comfortable. lightest, coolest, most sanitary corset ever made; and It permanently re tains its shape. Ap pointments to suit your convenience in your own home. Send ' card or phono j MRS. HARVEY. 31 Main St. Phone 206 sihiiwA''-siia 1 i H 11 1 tH'IMK Il Millinery Importers I It M. WEBB CO. Club Building, TTmrornnrl Sir. HUMMHIHK SPROAT'S MILMKKKY PARtORS Oates Bltlfc-. Padk Square Invite your Inspection of their new line of Spring Millinery. Dew Drop Candy Parlor , ti Ialton Am j Fresh Candy every day. Cocoa nut flavored syrup and peanut butter. E. M.-Adair & C. P. Baker Proyrjptors. , COW PRAS FOR SAbK Lowest priees on any quantity, delivered "t any -point. Whlppoor will, Unknown, Iron, Black anal Mhted. Sew, write, phone or wire us. ROVLUD CO- I Special Values at the Qon Marche Jhis &5eek In keeping with our policy to force out goods during the next month and a half we have made the follows I ing reductions for 1)c white striped poplin, for 10c yd. 15c and 20e galatea in stripes, for 12 l-2c yd. Up to 45: colored rep and mereerized Rajah, for 15c yd. A 42-inrh, sheer white lawn, for 7 l-2c yd. 25e embroidered handkerchief, linen, for 15c each. J3 tf umber of Other &xtra (food Jpecials for Chis iOeek DO YOU DRINK COFFEE? If Bo Why not drink the best WHITE HOUSE 3 -pound air-tight tin 3-pound air-tight tin , STRADLEY Bells White Hou.'je Coffee and t BaM Psxk Sq. ST. OHAS. COFFEE. ST. CHARLES COFFEE Is a blend of the best, most delicious coffees rbtalnable and is roasted In New Orleans the most noted coffee center in the World. Packed In air tight packages. ONE-POirXI PACK ACE .. THItEE-POt'NO PACKAGE Sold by : 1VI. HYAJVaS : Fancy Croceries Meats and Vegetables. s ST. CHAS. OOKFKK. 6-T. CHAS. COFFEE. THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Ashevllle, N. C. SI Haywood St Phono CSI Devoted to the thorough and sc.len,ti!lc treatment for select cases ot Nervousness, Paralysis, Asthma, Hatfit, Stomach, Kheumatism. Diseases of women and othei' chronic diseases. The Bath and MaSSag3 'department of the Sanitarium Is open . to the public. Turkish, Russian, Cabinet, Betz-Hot-Alr, Electric-Light. Tub, Bits, Foot, Bhower and Needle Eaths. Galvanic and Farradic Treatment, Electrlo Vibrating and 8weedish Massape am" Movements. Tliuro Brandt Massage for Diseases of Women, Douches Lavage. FOR SALE HOUSE, Woavo rvillo. One nnd a half acres of ground. Has bearing fruit trees. House new. Very desirable in every respect. Price $1,000. Good terras. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 8 Patton Ave. PSYCHIC plSSrl PSYCHIC Know your f:to nnd Rulde yourself acnordlngly. There is no hope so fund, or wish so treat, that I can't accomplish for you. ' I have success where other Clairvoyants fall, IjOW FEE. M : Fl l-ti HEADING $1.00. Hours to . -r CI.ATOX ST. Let us gtvi ytra an estimate of that Electric Wiring. Our work gl'es satisfaction. W. A. WARD, ANTTTIESG ELECTKTCAti 11 Church S. Phone 44 BcaumoEil Furnifore Co. 27 SOUTH MAIN ST. : HONEST COAL . : FOR YOUR r. i MONEY I THAT'S M. & W. In- dian CohI every time. J e Every ppnny pnid for ; this coal ets the jren- J nine pood, clean coal. J ; Best for all purpoM-s. I Phone ISO . Carolina Coal & ke : Compaoy : this week. ....38c .$1.10 & LUTHER. Tea, tho world's best Phones fit and 651. ST. CHAS. COFFEE. . ... S5c .;, ..n.ou W. W. Young's Barber Shop Now at 34 X. Pack Square formerly at Hotel Berkeley Hair Cuts 25o k Up SPECIAL SALE I of a rirw linp utf,. ! Curls at a great reduction. MISS CRUISE'S 15H0P 25 HaywCKHi SI. fren:e .r lass- tortrucliou in btett cs?aphy and Typewrltins;. ! School oi Siiorlhsitd illsd HDL EMAN'UEU Prttt. ; Phone 1JS3. - IS2 W. Chestnal nonnow a f.odk Fn-e use of Kodaks where we it ! the fnishlne. We ore film experts j and set hvtter results from your fUnis. Eery detail has careful ut i tcntion. j KAY'S STVniO, - I Po'ton Are. Dealers la Peos

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