THE AKIIEVILLE .CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1911 !J1 Society i . Mta YeEtta McCoy last e4ening l-W-8 ftvan a birthday parly hy hi-r pfcrtwU.Mr,. and Mm. J. li. M-C. . f at their home on the iornr of I)i r.t (s)d BftftteJt treel. About sixty j-'gtje ' pr prnent. ome of whom !Wfe frrh out of town. Th- home i waa beautifully deeorted with luili-s if and ferns. After several gnrm-N u.n Tlyd rfrehment were nerved In th dining room. ' Mln Annie Erwln enti-rtuln Hie i Edward Buncombe Chapter. I). A I: ! at her home on West Chestnut Ktnt. FfHay afternoon, at o Clock. Mrs. f ChaHea A. Moore will read a piiprr rn ! "Colonial Newfoern and the Logen-! 1' ef "Fetsy Dowdy." . . 'Th commencement ImlijiihHi Vltava been Issued by the faculty tnl aradllStinif I'laUK Of UlH fiil'llllhlll I'ul- !' for Women. The exercises lie-in !tMay Jlth ano end June l:. Mta Ar "ney Robinson, of Ashevllle, will he a member Of the graduating clats. .mil f Will take an A. II. degree. T.iere .evrl Ashevllle tlrla at the .-..m.-m. . TH commencement program Is a ful J Iowa: Moy I. 11. IS a, m.. bac-calaurentm sermon, Rev. W. ft. Fraser. Anderson, ? ft. C. ,v May t. P. m. CUm plav, f Kftmtu and Jnllat Annual Art Exhibi ts tlon. l May . S p. m., A Htm us Toa. 8 ."'J h p. general flonoert. v . 1ar It. I0: a. M... Trophy Day. Wills p. m., class play, rtomeo and Ju- fo Jtlfi , tt p. m., gruiluntlng ex ill rta. Address by lr!n; fliiehellor, i f Nw Tark. J ' ' J ' 'Th senior -li of Trinity college . fellv lju4 handsomely er.gravod In- vltatlon u the cwmi: eneemcnt exer . clsea which !: place June 4-7 at h Durham, X C. The commencement program i ' interesting. The com m on rem eat address will h delivered by Mr. Jaeab Kits, ot Xaw Tork. the distinguished refermer and rloae friend of cl. Roosevelt when the litt ler waa ollre rotnmlsaloner of New Torn. The' program Is at follows: ' Sunday, June 4. 1.8 p. m. Ttsrra- laureata address, president William rreston Ym, rrJ Tueadar. 'una . 11 a. m.-Barea-laureate eermon, Rev. iTiarlea Kd nard fefferaea. D. D.. New York City, Tueadar,' June. f. 1 p. m. Alumni dlnaer, Adddeee, Hon. Wilfred Dent Turner, uteeville. K. C. tueadar, June i, l.te p. m. Grad uating orations. ' . Wedneadey. June T, l.l , m. Commencement addreaa Jacob August SI Is. ICsq.. New Tork City. Confer !' rln( of degree. - . ;. ;.- f e Aft Informal reception In honor of the anniversary of Mr. W. II. West ell's birthday was given Tuesday . evening at hla homa in Central avenue ,.hf Mra. Westell. There were num ber of gueets present, composed principally of th relatives of Mr. and iin, WealsJl. An Impromptu muatcat prdgraiw.iwaa , pleaaant feature of I the avaplng, j to .which Mrs. ; Blmer I Westell Miss MlnnU Weslall, Mrs. L Jennie Lodor. Mr. Tomiinson and Mr. i ' ICdgertfim contributed. A supper waa I fserred late t the evening. The graduating exercises of the ' tilfh gchool will take place before S very long and will be of special ln- tereat this year. The graduates are I . Mlsa Katharine Omannay, Mlsa Qladys I Undey, Mies Florenoa freedlnnder. Mlsa Bula May Owens, Mies Viola f Oweaby. Mia Erma Parham, Mia i Clemmle McCandleaa, Miss Elisabeth J Horton, Messrs. Carl Messier, Waverly 3 Xllpatrlch. Hugh Tarpley, Herman Wilson, Baacom Barnard end Jsck J Brewer. . u Th high school play, "Pltkens end j th Pie." has been written by Mrs. S i Mary C. Robinson, whose fsclle pen - has supplied the Ashevllle school with several erlntlllatlng fanes and bur- lequuea Th play la In rehearsal and : well east. Mis May Klmbcrly will, a usal, have eharge of the High aohoot and the Mendelssohn club con fsrt. Ther will be eantataa and a number of olo sung, and the orches tra of th ehodl will play. The dates and completed program have not been 'announced but will b shortly. i" iKRIDB..VI,;Wl.WT WF.TIIVO. S. f.teNOIIt. MV lT.-Todsy at high 'noon the prettleet wedding seen In l.eno(r this season took plaea at the jfFiret Presbyterian churoh, when MIks KJo JKewland, daBRitter of Ut. Unv. imni Mr W. C. Newland became the t brld of Mr. Pavld Myhon Eskrlilse. lof Norfolk, V. Twe ceremony was inarteMi hv th bride's met nr. the f Jpev Charle T. lo.'ilres. aeslfrted by I, . - - Many Beautiful New Styles in Women9 sCool Summery Dresses Tt certainly is refreshing to look ;it thrsp cliarniuig Summer Dresses, they ar" in;d' in uch dainty, suminerv styles. We have exquisite reaily-to-we.-ir di-esst s in Voile, Lingerie and Manpiisctte. They ome in white, braid .trimmed in ink, laven der and tan; hand-emhroideved in lilack. blue and pink. Some styles an- winsomely tiim tned in Clunv laee and have satin girdles and rosettes on waists. Our large assortment offers many more de lightful stdes. which are spti ially desirable for summer wear. You will always Hud our, qriality riffht. its a foundation on whieh we are establishing satisfaetion each and cverr d&y. Dresses $4.00 to $40.00. M. V. MOORE & CO. WOMKN S Al'PARKU II PATTOX AVU 1 Persona the . I P. M - li . ol l,i-v. !- blir W ;i t'.'t t';i.i h;i)i i '.t l'.t Hi.- liur It " us i..-.i',t;f'.ll:. ! ' .r i'' l In Ki'fM itml fill- potu-il pl.iniH (i nil. ' in 1 1 ' i 'A r m. Tin- l.inliil ji,irn cull nil thr; (iiun b to thi- i-wt .n..iMHfc utriitt'H i.f l.o liclifi in. .-Ivlli; .. II' i'i Mil l.j I'i'iiI lliiidic Tm mi. lit .l . irt;i n tori, in th" folliuMtiK r, su voiiiik Kirls rr rvlriK ft -hulii ..I fi-ri's and ivev. Mihii'n M.n, l-;tnm.i Klixa bi lh 1(1' Im i iI.'miii KhMi- l-'rnnKji Wi'ln-bb-, Hiil Mt, l I., '. 44 ,11, Hullle Ley ami ' ' I i 4 c Ken I. a inl i-m In-lnl the bridal I'litU iiiti-r ill.'- ( ... j u tni-lr pimin .-ibiiul the iiltuv. Nl 41 ' Htlll' (hi. null in. Mi-.imk l.'ol" rt AlKlltHI'fl llll'l Mn I si:i II I iiiirlti'-.', i 'i '1 1 1 in 1 1 1 j m Ali-lltl'-AH fltlil .1. '. Si'llllli'. l(illllWI,. liv tbf p.toi'nittii-n iiiul hriib'HiriH lilti K. i' li-4 nu t AIIfh Jin -icnii, J. II. ui4 anil Mix S'liM't. T .'if. .Vi'4-ani1 it ml Mis V' h l . 1 1 : .' i's I-. i t.-r -'.nrt M.s l"44tiuti! ..i ih'iii. tit rrntriii ol liotior, Mm J. H. Ia down o"i; iilsi iinil th.- n-ibl 'if Ifhor, Mini In:: I-iv. .J., n oilier, lollo.vnl I'v the brble mi the n't" of bir ri 1 1 1 -1 . I.I' hi. (!.. W illiam r'i'llii.iiri :.'i -(Vbiii'l, v In, I!.'I4., hi t- i'.4li; . were I::. I Bt the aUr.1 by t'le .ti'.'irl nn tin- Htm nl IiIk IiohI irttn, .Mr. Hauler ' t'ro,. i. i.r i,t -folk. Yn. lotrinK (lie i er. taoi . Trnu mori" 4' an refilv tilU4'd Alter I h eetemori' tiM- btiiial pMit'.' nllreil to the Htralim of M ' M 1 1 -1 e b. ' -h ll Tlu(i biiuo lnoM liei'-iinlnKly ci'Wtieu In v lille (liieiM'Sf. natin trim med Iti inlnfeiH laee. .4itti peat I and ' orn.itiu iits v4 ith rnuft train, anil tulla eH eiuiylit 4vit!i urfir:ft;':' blouin unci earelrd larce houtiuet of brldiVfl rosta showered with III; of the valley. The matron of honor eae attired In n white satin with over draperies of matitieKp::e witn trlmmltigs of pearl, wiarinit h bluek picture but (mil curried plnl'i nweet peas. Two of the brulesmulils wore white chiffon over wbit . sutln unit two worn pink chiffon n4er pink .a t -In, weiulliK 4vhlte I'lrtme IiiIh ami carried iilnk tarnntluns. The six younger girls wore white tlhgerlo dresses trimmed with pink ribbons. The bride and groom left on the afternoon trnln for Canada by the way of Cleveland nnd XlttKara Kslls. They expect to be abaem for about four weeks on their honeymoon, lifter which they will be at home to their friends in Norfolk, Va The out-of-town guests here for the wedding were Mrs. Dennis Kskerldge, Mr. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Day, Misses latella Jaikion. Kate Womble, Emma K. Klchardson adn Mers. riaxler Crows and . Edmund fylvester. of KorMlk. Va.; Ml' '8ra Smith, PJrJetf'g. W. .Va.i Miss Mary Westell. Ashevllle, N. C; Cupl. and Mrs. A. H. Newland, of Oneida. Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clay well and Mlase Kara and Catherine Clay well, of Moraanton, N. C. ; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoger and Mr. and Mr. Milton McCorkle, of Newton. N. C. On Tuesday night at Ihe home of the bride a delightful reception was given In honor of the bride and groom snd the out-of-town guest. j M The ladles of the First Baptist, church will hold a prayer meeting this afternoon at 4 o'Wock at the fol lowing homes: Mr. A. Mathews, HO Oak treet; Mrs. Chas. O. Lee. TH Ashland avenue; Mrs. Gentry, South French Broad venue; Mrs. F. '. Ia vls, 58 Park avenue, and at the South Ashevllle mission, . . Edward Huncome chapter. I. A Tt.. will be entertained tomorrow after noon at the home of Miss Anne Tul bert Krwln on West Chestnut street at o'clock. Mrs. Charles A Moore will read a paper on "Colonial .New Kern and the Legend of H-lsy Dow dy." Think of buying no4V I '.Ml model spring and summer shoes at the enormous raductlcns given lit the Overstock Sale Huston Shoe Hlore. I't Mrs. Charles tlnynor Turner, of At lanta. Is expei ted the flrat of the. week and will be the guest of Mra. .1. I). Karle. Mrs. Turner was before her marriage Mlsa .l.lda Wilson, of this cltv. and has many friends here. ! Mrs Turner will Meinl several week j In Ashevllle. Mrs. T. C. Smith. Jr. and children I and Miss iluasle Smllh. 44 ho ha4-e been falling tim mother of the fernict 111 Louisville. Ky.. for several wecKa. re turned to the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Trnftoti have within n few dnye 'or 'ullfnrnl.i. where thoy will rc'lile pertnanentK Mr. Trafton baa been ver successful ALL SHOT TO PIECES ! Nerves Were at the Bottom of Mrs. Martha Hown I Had to Endure for ; Years, Till She i Found Out How to Help Them Ni 4 icr. Hie, T'-nn. "I IH-v ef did be Ilee 10 paletil ineij cn ea. ' ' wrllew Mr. .VI ,ii lli liown. f thin pl.e e. 'unlil 1 began to take Cardi'i, itttd It cured me. "t'ardul saved my life, after the doeinr hud failed In help me. Hinee taking ft, 1 ani pi'iutcr and uei'Kh inure tl:un j i'Uy did and look and i'ci I like a new " For six niontha before I began taking Cardul, 1 could not do en.i -ihlng. nor hrdl4 alt up Now I can do all rny houieti orU. n v here J please and II don't tire me. I ii.-eij t., (j, t fi ightemd al arij -tliin-! anil .'.ould Jt;at fall dot', a m a lalnt, and i4a so tiervoua, bm now I am hulter Ihun 1 have U on In i,4e.e ni'.nlha. and tliu doctor, who a. my o-4ti biotlier. anyn lie evei lliiii.ahl to set me li.i'kn.g ,,,, well." The benefit to In. ol. lamed l,y iak Ing Curdul, Is not conllned to any one pail of ilin boil). The nlml.- female fi'icm In benoDU'd -tho aln'ie .m Btllatl iil built up. A port, 4ii;ct.'lhl" extract, especially adapted lor v.m nmn's uilmeats, Cardul la tin; ,,ne rotnud.-,' that nil w. mien should l-.nx 111 the. house, and use when needed. Vour drusit knowe. os a miniature painter In New VorT betore eomlnif in Asheyjlle, having taken i:ummlsHloii from thu Tiilan, company and the Hurr Mcintosh studio. Mr. und Mrs. Trafton have n number of friends In tb city who will regret their departure. Pndle Merrill has returned from a visit to relatives In Charlotte. Mr. and Mra. A. J. Lyman have taken possession of their home on Merrlmon avenue, recently leaned to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sllversteln. Mr. W. 8. Hyams left yesterdsy for Washington, where he will Join Mrs. Hyams, who has been Malting in the Ksst. Mr. and Mrs. Hyama will spend week at Atlantle City before return ing to Ashevllle. Mr. J..Qulncy Ollkey, of Marlon, Is visiting Mra. C. N. Malone on Hillside treet, Mlsa Katharine Miller. who has been visiting Mrs. F. A. Hull, returned to her home In New Tork yesterdsy. Mr. Rdwln L. Ray, Mr. S. C. Rtlke leather and Mr. Lawrence Jones left yosterday for Mr. Brewster Chap man's bungalow In the Rspphlre country, where they will fish for a wecek. Mr. Chapman and Mr. f'owell will go up today to Sapphire. Mis Mabel Fuller, who has' been visiting friends In the city, hits re turned to her home in Montgomery. Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mollowsy and children, of Versailles, Ky .'bave -e-turned to their home after a short stay In the city. Mlse Duckworth has returned to her home near Candler after a week's I Mult to Mis" Ethel Marlowe In Ashe- 1 ! vllle. ! j Mrs Roger Grant left yesterday for Tlaltlmore. where she will visit frlend.i j for several weeks. i Cnpt. Western Meriwether and his j ; slater. Mlsa Juliet' Meriwether, left j yesterday for their home in Ka na ' City. ; Mr. Tim Cocke nnd Mr. Olllllin 1 j Sllkelenther tvont to Charlotte yester- ! j day to attend the annual firemen's tournament j Mls rjladp Te.iK'ie. ivho has he. n a student at 8t. C!ene4leve's unvent. went In Auct'.sla, Ha . TneMdn4' to pend the stimmer with he- 'noahcr, Mf. Ji.-k '"rnnstnn. Mls Julia Melton. left Tueoil.iy f..r iM'OsSde to vl friends und nlilin-s Mrs i'. M Shuttle, who hn been III at t.'orail.e Sprlnsa, has returned to the city. IMIss Marv Lovett and Miss Oene 4l.".e llolnies. vt ho hH4e been 4 ill Ini; friends in Ashei llle mid CI ar l"tte. ha4-e re1urnd to their home In 0'reti.boro. Mr Alinn M Lane and his sister. Miss Mcljine. 44 ho hin'e occupied tile Lowland cottage on Sunset ilrhe di.r Inc the winter, return tivlay to their home In Canada Mtss T"ora Smith, w ho has been 4 ls Itlnf friends In the city, left yester c!4 for HendecfionvUle for a short vlalt nfter which she will return to her home In Ralelsh Mra Herliert Cirtwrlaht and her daughter. Miss Cart 44 rlttht. of Deca tur. Ala.. ha4 lensed the Mo4vland ottarr on Sunset drive for the sum mer Mrs Cart4vrlght Is quite prom inent soelnllv In Oecatur. nnd will be quite an addition t" the summer col ony of Southerners. Mlaa flertrude Hudson who has been In Ashevllle durlnsr the winter, has returned to her home In South Tiend, Ind. Miss Hudson will return to Ashevllle In the autumn. I ' Mrs. P L. Prown and children, aft er a visit to the parents of the for mer, ha4e returned to their home In Macon. Oa. Mrs. W. L. Luther nnd small daueh ter have returned from an extended visit to ITlbertaoti and Toecoba. f!. Mlsa Lillian Smathere. who has heen Visiting MlJa OlaiKa AdMms In Bllt mjro, has rclurned ,to Waynrsvllle, a. ri.mpanlrd by ell Adams, who will 4 1 it the former for neu ral Uayn. Miss ftuth Brown will go to Char lotte tomorrow to ii'il Miss Helen I!u. k. Mlsa Shirley CurliH Is finite (11. w huh fa.t will be i.artu d 44ith re gret l.y her friends. M ss Virginia T ' ' I"-' of Port W.'ilh, Tex., and Mr- l--rd Hill, of ll'iuiMon, will spend the eiifntiier In Aslti . ill-. MIsji Maud ria'kc Ian n turned from a lull of e,e!,,: i'."ii to rt 1 a t ! 4 ' a in ' ihlo. Mrs. .1. Quince 'lllk.-v and duugb-ii-r, Mies Jeannette, of Marcn. is ia Itinx Mr. and Mrs. ( barbs N. Malone ..n I hll.-ldt) street. Mips Ternpe Harris ha opened the Ml. Meadows Inn fol On Heason. There w no formal oponlng aa Klven at some of the previous ikous Mrs. Hoy I. Bro4'.n If 4 isitliiK her parents al Ttiaculuni. Tenn .Mr W. (1. Wolfe. lm has been vls llJnr his mother In York Spring. I'a. for the pt three 4-.eeks. and In oihei- idlles. hfttj relurnn! In the city. Mrs. 'ittls Oreen been called to Meridian. .Visa., on 10 count of the rloii Illness of her mother. Mrs. W. O Proach. Piiv handsome new ni mtr Oxfonla and pumps at . ,ie i-'.rst-a k Kale I'oft'.n hoe B'ove I I"? r dm tlor..i in prl'-es. NEW MEMBERSHIPS TO LIBRARY COMING IN liiilui tlon ln Annual Membership Fct Is Mtractlng unibtT of New Member. The Faek Mamorlal llbrnry la grat ified at the responses to Its appeals for a more widespread support of the library and cooperation by the citi zens In extending Ha usefulness. A number of people have taken out an nual memberships and doubtless oth era will do the, game In the next few day. The library deserve and is keenly anxious to have the warm In terest of all the,,, people, and to this end Is desirous of enlisting those who have never been.membera. During tb-period from May IS to June U the cost of an annual mem bership will be only tl 'i or less than half a cent peK day for the privilege of taking out two books nt a time. The Druggist Knew From Experience 1 have beenlllng Dr. Kilmers Hwamp-Koot for the past three years and those of my customers who buy it speak favorably regarding It. I have used It In my" own family with good results, and I believe the pre paration has Krent curative value. You may use this as you like. Very respectfully. C. B. RUPB & SON. By C. P. Rupo. Mgr.. Seymour, Texas. Personally appeared before me this 20th day of July, HtOO- C. B. Hupe. Pruiiglet, who subscribed the above ' statement and made- oath that the j same la true In subeUnc and In faet. ! R. C. JANF.S J. P. and Ex. Officio. j 1 a tler to Ur. Kllmtr Co., BlugliaiiU'ttin, Y. Prove What Hwamp-Root Will Bo For You ' I Send to Pr. Kilmer A Co.. Blng hampton, N. Y.. for a sample bottle.! It 44-111 convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable In- , formation telling all about the kid- ; ney and bladder. When wilting In sure and mention The Ahevllle Citl- ; ien. llegular fifty-cent and one-dollar size hcttb s for sale nt all drug j stores. I 1865-LETTERS-i685" j Besides Business Papers, Manifold Work Contracts and General .Dictation. Olves you an Idea of ti e larse! amount of a'':inl work done during April I14 the advanced students of Ihe. ASHKMl.l.l , BUSINESS COMF.;F. 1 in si nri .i men, .i in . . pi"iitn, truvel'tiK i'i- -. ministers nnd otre.rj have a l.irne c nount of dlctntion and Sciien.l efl'i. - work done hero each month.' That'K one reaaon J'ou are a ste nogrrtpher v 'iea you complete our course in M.-iography and tyr-ewrlt-Inr ur lop! una studenU ar placed In positions c4 err month that pay Hi- 00 i-i tr -ti a month. KW CI-ASH ln shorthand and typewrltlm tiegins Mat ;jrd F.-i only UH.ftO you secure a splendid s mmer Course. it SWIiitglM .. . ! t4iiiUlka I Mi HI - ' If M ft g"A'JMI 1 MKKg ltif iftJOS U MRS. LKOBKTTER'B FUNERAL. The remains of Mrs. Calvin Led- 1 better, who died at her home on I Woodfin street Tuesday, were ent 1 yesterday to Tenroae. ' Tlenderson ' county, for burial. The deceased u j 21 era uld. and death came' after : long siifTerlng. Khe Is survived by her ! huaband. Mr. Calvin Ijedbetter, who la 1 employed by the furniture firm of ' lion Id & I'onald. Having a doTlar Is easier done than making one by trade or work. Stive! the dollar at Overstock Fhoe Sale boston tthoe Htnrtt todav -t ATTENTION! BOARDING HOUSES "We offer a good full size Iron .Bed for $1.30 ! This offer holds good for a limited time. I Burton & Holt Pack Square. "Oh Girls, we are to have a jar of Harmon's delicious honey for breakfast." Then the girls began to dance around their mother, saying: "Oh, mama has the honey habit." "Remember the Old Bee Crank." FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE has a number of slightly used pianos of high grade on hand It will be to your advantage to call and see them. Cash or time. 0. FALK, 21 S. Main St. Bl'CKHORN WATER. Just received a shipment of thl Famou Litula Water. Remember thi Water, contains More Lithla .than any other Water, that ft Is analyzed each month by the stale Chemist and lastly, every bottl 1 Sterilized before filling. MaeKAVS PttARMACY, Prescription Specialltv Opp. r. O. MISS OLGA HUFF EXPERT COR8ETTERB ROOMS COJCSE'TS' VI and 2S American National, Rank Building WHATEVER INCREASES COMFORT Is a blessing to man kind. Linens launder ed properly arc the greatest comfort mak ers and producers on earth The NICHOLS WAY is .he PERFECT WAY Phone 95. G Ashevllle Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr American Beauty ROSES Long, Stiff Stems. Good Blooms. Fine for Commencement. . . $6-$8 per doz. J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO. GHEENSBORO, N. C. tt HHMHI 1 1 Millinery Importers M. WEBB CO. Club Building. W TT 3 m 4l Mill t M M SPROAT'S MILIj.VETlY PARIjORS Ostrs BMC-. Feck 6jmm tnvit your inspection of their new tin f Spring Millinery. CITIZEN WANT-ADS .BRItfG RESULTS arge Shipment of Smbroid ered Robes Jfas Jlrrived These goods have been exceedingly popular this season. The ones received recently are selling rapidly. There is enough flouncing and banding to make a dress in each. The yardage runs full and thp large women cun buy them and lest assured that they are getting a plenty for a dress. There are three qualities of the Marquisette Hobes. The prices range from .7") to 15 each. They are white, embroidered in black and Helen pink. The Batiste Hobes come in solid colors: pink, blue, lavendar and white. They are priced at $7.50 each. Thev are worth v of vonr earlv attention. s yew Itlarquisetia Dresses at the jmnex DO YOU DRINK COFFEE ? If So ' "'"""v; Whv not drink the best . V? WHITE HOUSE - 1 -pound air-tight tin 3B 3-pound air-tight tin $1.,10 STRADLEY & LUTHER. fells Whit Houo Coffee and Tea. tho world's best, t East Pack Sq Phones (4 and 651. ST. CHARI.E8 COFFEE ST. CHARLES TKAS St. Charles Coffee & Teas are giving my trade better satisfaction than any brand of coffee and teas I have ever handled and I have tried them all. . The Ice tea season I on. Try a can of St. Charles. SOc per pound. Bt Charle Coffee 35c the pound, S-pound can U.u0. 1VI. HYAMS Faney Grocerle ST. CHARJ-ES TE.AS leal.s THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Ahevllle. N. C. 1 Haywood St. Devoted to th thorough and scientific trtment for select ease, ot Krvouanee, Paralysis, Asthma, Habit, Stomach.. Kheumatlsm, Diseases ot women and oih. chronic diseases. The Bath and MafeSage aepg'-tment of the Sanitarium is open '' .1 ii 1 1 i fr t0 9 public. Turkish, Russian, Cabinet, Bet-Hot-Alr, Electric-Light. Tub, Bit. Foot. Shower and Needle Baths. Galvanic and Farradic Treatment. Electric Vibrating and Sweedlsh Massage ar.t' Movements. Thure Crandt Massag tor Disease of Womsa. Douches Lo.vgs. FOR SALE 5-ROOM HOUSE, Weave rville. One and a half acres of gronnd. Has bearing fruit trees. House new. Very desirable in every respect. Price $1,500. Hood terms. THE H. F. GRANT. REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. PSYCHIC pgSSSSJSJ PSYCHIC Vnnoi vmir ftl n ntl ffullle ?OU!Srlf ace oril i n Kl V. There 1 no hope so fond, or wish so gnat, that J can t accomplish for you. I have success where other Clairvoyants fail. t,OW FEE. 6c: Kl'IJi KKADlXd ?1.I)0. Hour 3 to . Let us W you an estimate .' that Electric Wiring Our worL; gives satisfaction. W. A. WARD, ANYTHING ELECnaCAIi S2 Chunrh St. Ftionc 44 1.25 Beaumont Furniture Co 27 SOUTH MAIN ST. HONEST COAL FOR YOUR i MONEY THAT'S M. & W. In dian Coal every time. Every penny paid for this eoal gets the gen uine good, clean eoal. Best for all purposes. Phone 130 Carolina Coal & Ice Company l MiinmkHMitltHS Dew Drop Candy Parlor St Patton Are. Freh Candy every day. Cocoa- nut flavored syrup nd peanut butter, j E. M. Adair & C. P. Baker! Proprietors. 1 syissais ) J vee tnem and Veptabk. ST. CJIAHLKS COFFEE Phone CSt 3! (WTOX ST. W. W. Young's Barber Shop Now at 14 N. Pack Square formerly at Hotel Berkeley Hair Cuts 25c & Up SPECIAL SALE of a new line of Switches. Puffs and Ctirls at a grent red notion. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 25 Haywood St. Private or.class Instruction in Steu ogrjpty and Typewriting. Emanuel School ol Shorthand MlrfS tiADlU EMAMIBU Prla. Phoae ITU. 1S2 W. CbcMO! BORROW A KODAK Free use of Kodaks where w do the finishing. Wn are film expert and get better rrsulu from jour films. Eery detail has careuj at tention. n.AT-s f-Tniio, 2 Pa 'ton Are. t Dealer in Peas, COW PEAS FOR SALE Lowest prices on any quantity, delivered at any point. Whippoor- will. Cnknown. Iron, Black and I Mixed. 6e. write, phone or wire. u. ROWLAND A CO., -, ,

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