THE ASHEVILLK CITIZEN, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1911' i 2 J ' V -v'-.'' 11,11 11 1 " - - " 1 x iSSOCILTY.lf! l rr- ir I , Th children of th mod; school i at dinner the uhers snd iroommen yvt.tlf Norm! wl Callesriate lnll-: of the Long-Mthtenfel wUiing, ef ' I tut tv their commencem-ml oxer- which he was the best man. Mae yenterrtr.y morning, which In- i ...eluded fairy play, 'The Kaliy Trib unal,',' 'yd by- nfty of ihe chil dren. 'Th plv wm spproprlnuly coMusnsd and there were Brownie. flri and Jaulene, Hobnobbing In perfect pear and harmony, the lat ter lat only being achieved, how ' Aft fl .'rv mueine court room cen and trlnl. Th Indiana aanit a ' rown. or we,, -ne- tunefil eHorue, end tU whole play ! vllle. ho. left ihe city t. Join h!a w. much appreciated by the InrK '""r In Kentucky. udUnr whlrh hail assembled. Dr. : EdwarJ P. Cr'lds made an address I Wr p- William h. nlunvil to an 4 oreaonteri th eertlflcato to the I " c"y '' " nbaonoe of a few Mr. ft. ' J. Worley, aft' vlilt to hie parent In vV Irft for Judaon yeslerilqi, r a brief vmieviue. Mr. J. C. Martin he rturnei irom P.nlolgh- where he liui been ettend Ine; Supreme court. rhlldran. The Y, W. C. A. convention Mininen June t th N'ormal and CoMegiste lustftttt. and there v.DI be ; sbvit four hundred 'lelegntee :n nl. tendaoc who trill terrain until .f.tne II. Th .program la quite an 1ntr wing or.a. and will be publirfced t a Uur data. . . , J . . Mr. W, H. Fnlnd gave recep- . tlon yeaterday afternoon at her home n College street In "honor of her dautbttr, Mr. Radge, of Denver, Whleh wa very targety attended. The rldenee wee attractively decorated with pink and white poonle , Mr. ti. U Jenkint received the guest a they entored the hall, where alao thetr rd war received by llftte Ml Kllaabeth Weaver and Elisabeth Rl !r.s. ., ' ..-V ..... Mr. Panland and Mr. Hodge re reived In th drawing room. Mr. Thorns Rollins, a1td by Mlaa Ul ;in Weaver, aerved punch and Mr. J, W. raucetta and Mr, r. 1, Hunt ; elted by Ml Julia, and riorence iBarnard. Ml Susanna Allport, Mlaa Battle Bite. Mlaa tulaj Moora, Ml ' Lola Jenklna and Mia Lta Oate preelded In th dinlnt room and aerved afrhmnt , Theras' war f About hundred and evnfy-flve t tuaat who called btwn th hour of 4 n4 T o'clock. . ;:, .' f P ''" 4- "-'. s J - InvtUtlon wer laauad yeatarday by 4 th faculty and pupil - Qana? vle' college and the HIHddo eon- vent to th commencement iTelee f which Uk place Wadnasday aftar. ttow, Juno 14. at . look,, .t it, Oeoevlev" convent ; Vlctort ; road. Tht will ho th flret commencement . held In St. 0nvlv'a an wlU h V ona of th moat Interesting ot th year f in Aahovtllc -' t - A usual during th heated term th Allanatand Cottage Induatrlea will ha. I gin on Monday jnt to cloao at l $ t o'clock ach day. t Th Saturday Aftarnoon Music t Club will meet on th first Saturday In I Juno with Mr. 4". J. Clngr tn td of th last Saturday lit My. f today, a wm announced at th last meeting. j- . t " Th tnnl court at' th Tount 4 JVomen Chrlatlan aaaoolatlon ha t been put ! good ahapa, and I ready I for th a ol member of th ast- t latlen. Aa th ourt t w o with rnmbw of th Toung Man Christian aaoclation pcial tmt will be arranged! for aeh. " rangement may b mad through Ml Oaborn. J ' J Th glrle ciaaa In physical training will be held a umtal on Saturday aft arnoon at 0 tn T w c A : Letter hava been ent by the Toung Women' Chrlrttan aaaoeUtlon to th graduate and udnt nuraea ot th city Inviting thm to attend a meeting on Tuesday vnlng. May SO. at th aaaoelatlon. Th purpaa tf thla meeting will be th consideration ot organising club for nuraas, by i nurtns and ot nuraea affiliated with th Yung Woman' Chrlatlan assool atlon. It through inaccuracy of lists ueed anv nuraea hav not received . it la honed that th.iy will rev- rtheleaa ttend the meeting or aand '. I aaggaadoM in cao they cannoi oe ft preeent. Th uggetion of auoh a club ha o rar met wnn " anonae and It la hoped that aomothlng ' ' vtry much worth wnli may b ac- -V.' . . k M Mr. Ouft Merrick entertained lr. ''f,Mrmny with a entail dlnnar las ovonlng at her honte en Mont'ord , 1 .V . ' I T tarn. ...a.. jng at th bungalow of Mr. T. W. Thomaa In West Aahevlll entertained dy. Mr. 8. Mont ""i h i re- returnod from n btilnet trip to Bo ton. Mr. J 8. Pleasants, vice president of the Uiiirel Cotton mills, tf Laurel, I MIm.. I In the cttv, and I tho guet of Mr. r:iiftie Bawyer. Mr. Plcsnle .it nno time tetlded In Aihevlllo. Mr. and Mr. 'Walter Hrm, of Tharlotte, r In the city, and are gtioete at the Battery Prk hotel. Mr. fl. A. Grlmlry. of Orecnshoro, I In Ahvlll on hulneua. Ml Roe and Ml t.Hlv KaUei'ham hav returned from Urrihoro. where they graduated from th Stat Normal, taking th degree of bachelor of pedagogy. . Mrs, Cist Dunn, Miss Monit and Mis Alice Devenlah hav gone to Nw Tork for a two week' tay. . Mr. Bugen B. Olearj and Km are expected to return today from a visit to her .mother, Mr. W. W. Lumpkin, at the home of the latter near Co lumbians. & , i ' ': ",'. -"' ! ' ; Dr. and Mrs, J. W. Faucett leave shortly for,riorence, Cols to visit rel atlves for several week. Mr J,.H. Wood left last evening for Jckonvlll. Fla., on business. . Mr, . W. Norman, of Salisbury, la In th city for a few day on busi ness. .'-. .'t.- ' ' ' Mlsa txtulss lngrol ha returned from Philadelphia, where sn ha spent th winter, ' ' Mr. Belle Ifendereon and' small ton, of Selma. Ala., are visiting ,he parent bf th former In this city. Mr. and Mr. Ernest Kenworthv, ot New Tork, are in th city ror a short tay1, and will return later for th sea n,v -t4-.- ; ..'v ' L) Capt. Crvslnd Norton, ot Blftg bamr left yesterday for Denvlll. Va., and after pendln th eummer'ln Iulnllle,' Ky., Kansa City and Chi cago will return the latter part or August to Asheville. Mls Dorothy Doe ha returned and la at Bonnie Crest at Skyland, which Mrs. Do opens shortly for the sum mer. Miss Msrlon Wllmoth, who has. spent the spring In Asheville, has re turned to her home In Dayton, o. Mr. C. M. McLoud and her daugh ter, Mr. Wortham. have rented a cot tage belonging to Mre. Belle Jone on Blah atreet for the lummer. Mr. Rtiell Deal ha gone to Green ville, S. C to vtalt hi mother for several day. Mine Annie Iwla, who hti beena visiting friend In the eaatern part of the tate, haa returned to the city. Mra. Henry Bryr. who has spent the winter In Asheville, hss returned to her home In Now York accompa nied by Mr. Bryco. Miss Ida May Hunter, who has bean visiting her cousin, th Ml Lewi, has re:u.-ritil to her home in Grens-boro. Miss Rhlnhardt and Ml Hardin, of Blaok Mountain, wer visitor In the city yeaterday, guost at the Chero kee Inn. Mrs. Alfred C. Whltton and Ml NO SLAVERY jTO WORK Fijads It Easy To Do Her Housework, After Tak Cardui, The Woman's Tonic, For Her Weakness. li'kin. V, "I hud serlou fe male trouble, laatlng 40 day at a time," write Mrs. Mary A. Vandyke. '"I took medicine from 2 dof.tor. but It seemed to do no good. I was : week I could hardly walk, so I wrote you for advice, and got a bttle of Cardut. Jn a few day, I was bet ter. Now I feel like a new women. I it m t!olr,g my work snd praise your med'i ii.r everyday. I advise all my friend to try f'ardul. the best mell clnf for women on earth." If ou sufer from any form of womanly weakness or Irregularity, try Cer.lnl th woman' tonic. It help nature to perform a cure In a na tural easy way. lit Ingredient are mild herb hav Inr a gent, tonic, effect, on the fe mnl ctitstlttitlon. It make for Increased atrenth, Improves the appetite, tone up the nervous system ,snd help to make pale, anllow cheek, freeh and roy. Many ladle have written to ray that Cnrdul I worth It weight In gold. If you are woman try It. Your druglt aell It, with full In rtrtctlon for uo. N. B. Writ to: , Ladle' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattunoog. Tenn., for Special In Htruction. and 44-paga book, "Horn Treatment for Women," aent In plain wrapper on reqtieat. V..srii n.falfi,m,tjym,j,ttfl li ..rl , i.yJiaissyW ffM May Clearance Sale Continues through Wednesday. May 3st t. Stylish New Parasols to Deflect Old Sol's Blazing Summer Rays You will find a great deal of comfort and pleasure under one of these pretty Silk Para sols. You don't want to sun burn these Par . asols will prevent such. We have a stylish assortment of varied new , designs: solid colors in brown, blue, red, green and gray j patterns in plaids, gray designs and - fancy borders. . There is distinctiveness in Moore's things you will appreciate this just as much in our 1 Silk Parasols as in handsome suits or dresses. Come in today and see them. Prices $3.00 to : $8.50.; - l::M.V.M00RE&C0. ..WOMW5 TVX'A TVTM EAT. H PATTON AVE. Margret Stafford. lter of Rev. rather Stafford, and Dr. John Staf ford, of Wahlngton, D, C, sr visit !ng Dr. and Mra. H. i.. Alien at Waynesvllle. N. C. i.. Miss Lllllsn Daugherty has returned from the State Normal collage at Greensboro, and will spend the sum mer at her home at Black Mountain. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Wilson leave shortly for a visit to Charlotte of eever! week, after which they will return to Ashsvllle. Mis Minnie Johnson, who haa been vleltlng relatives In Wilmington, hat returned to th city, Mr. H. F. Carey, general passenger agont of the Southern railway of Washington, D. C is In the city for a brief stay on business. Air, and Mrs. Reuben R. Rawia and family v today for Charlottaavllla, Va.r snd after a stay there will go to Philadelphia. Mra. C. B. McQueen and in. Jie. hav gone to Busbee hall ror the summer. Mr. John Hay Wllllama and Mis Annl, Wllllama leave today fog Loa Angefca, Cel., for an Indefinite stay. Mr. Frank N. Waddell and Miss Maud Waddell leave this morning for Wilmington for a several weeks' stay. Capt. Henry Fagg arrived yeaterday from Jacksonville, Fla., and will be In town for a short stay. Capt. Fsgg hss spent the winter at the plantation In Alabama. Dr. and Mrs. Charles fl. Jordan leave today for Hyannls, Mass., where they will spend the summer. Ml Lola Jen kin ha returned from the coneervstory of muslo in Durham, where ah graduated wltb honors, and will spend the eummer with her parent, Mr. and Mr. L. L. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Harjo and fam ily, of Oklahoma, are In the olty for a stay and are guest at the Battery Park hotel. Mr. Hurjo I one of the richest full-blooded Indians of the West, and Is traveling with quit a retinue of servants. Mrs. A. 8. Reld. of Ct.srlotte. Is In the city for a stay, and la a guest at the Battery Park hotol. Mr. J. C. Hunter, of Atlnnta, who ha ipent many aeaaon at the Bat tery Park hotel, ia expected shortly, and will be her for the eummer. Mr. .. J. Lawrence haa returned from two weeka' vlit to relative in Chrleton. S. C. ' Mr. K. O. Thlnney, of Jacksonville. I i In the city, and will later be joined by Mr. Phlnney, who ha occupied ' the Bttle bunaglow for several e. ons. Mr. Phlnney will epend the ummer In Asheville. snd has sent her horse up tor th seeon. Mr. I. L. Council, of Wsynesvllle. was in the city yesterday on bulne. Mr. Charles Knight, of New Haven, t In the city for a ahorfstay on bu lnea. Mr. Collier Cobb, of Chapel Hill. Is in Ahevlllo for a few day. . Mr. W. 8. Martin ha returned to Canton after a visit to Mr. Edward Reld Russell. j Mies Franree Jone ha returned from Black Mountain, where she has been visiting Mis Bele Grnt. Mr. Richard Frsgsw and children and her sister. Mrs. Blrckhead, and the daughter of the latter arrived yea terday from Lexington. N. C, and will spend the ummer at Mra. Bragaw's residence on Liberty etreet. CUarance n.l , m .t.Lij "C-fc4(i' JodatjH ai ftatun Hosiery Oar center tables are filled our sales record on this particular line. The other goods that have been on sale Wednesday. Jfose of Unquestionable Worth at May Clearance Sale prices with hosiery today, We expect to breal Everything points to our doiij it continue at same prices until next' One Jot of Boys' 25c Hose, special for 15c pair. One lot of Ladies' Black Hose with ' white feet, 2.3efyalut'S, for 15c pair. One lot of Colored Hoge for Women, 13c values, for. 9c pair. $1 Silk Hose, white and colors, for 69c pair. I One lot of Pure SHk Hose, reinforced lisle toej heel and knee , for 49c pair. " 5 Then we show exceedingly large assortments hr jjuotri ut au j. 11 (us at, xcguiar prices. jfj Successful Jale at Jtnnzx The ANNEX, is enjoying the best sale in it's history. Several days have gone by since this sale was inaugurated and still it shows no signs of abatr ing. Those who have attended have gone home and shown the values purchased they have done most of our advertising. 20 per cent off on new Wool Suits, Linen Suits, Marquisette Dresses, Silk Dresses and Wash Dress es. One lot of Taffeta Underskirts, $4.50. to $7.50 values, for $2.75. These alone should bring you to investigate. Silk Voiles. 50c Value, for ZOc yard i, Only a limited amount of these gopd' etria'In? : a ney went on sale as a n.unadvertised Bpeial; xm$ ' received as mucn attention is 'any of ,tb'theii Principally, f because th e reduction ras' so dMat on this class of summe r goods. , ... They are plain, striped and checked, 27 inches ' wide, for 29c yard, while they last. " "" There are many othc r unadvertised specials that are worth coming m to see. . . . p. 28c Jtco Jltk. 27 Jnches Olds, for 19c ifard ($3.80 and 23.18 Brown P Pamagtd for tl.80 feSSIMH 3Q S WEJLMLM 21.28 tard aide foulard M. Alt Colors, for 98c fard HAVE you TRIED COKE? Ladiesl wno have not yet tried coke for the kitchen range should have us send a ton. It is very light, dust less and smokeless. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & ke Company : eeeeeee.... $250 7 will buy a Hartell Piano as good as new. Regullar price $350. Onlly $8 per month. Piano fully guaranteed. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE 21 S. MAIN 8TRKET. TAyi, K.amt . HUFF EXPERT COttSETTEUE ' . aOcetDeHeV. ai and American KatlonsJ Bank Building School Girls and Boys We are making- an unuually low rate for our special summer sexton which befln June 16th. By entering before that date you can take advan tage our our exceptional offer. Phone 1 7 J 8 and we will give you full par. tlculara. Emanuel School of Shorthand. . BORROW A KODAK Free use of Xodaka where we do ttoe flnlahlng. W are film expert nl get Defter reattlta from your films. Every detail haa careful at tention. RAY'S fmiDIO, S Fatton Are. DO YOU DRINK COFFEE? If So Why net drink the best WHITE HOUSE 1-pound air-tight tin .. ... 3-pound air-tight tin . . .. .. ,. . . . STRADLEY & LUTHER. Bell Whit House Coffe and Tea, the world's beat. I East Pack Sq. Phone 64 arid SL ...,38c $1,10 I I HUM : Millinery Importers :: M. WEBB CO. : Club Building, Haywood St. :: 'MHIMMim M m Dew Drop Candy Parlor SS Patron Ave. Fresh Candy every day. Cocoa nut flavored syrup and peanut butter. E. M. Adair & C. P. Baker Proprietor. ANNOUNCEMENT Until Further .notice Dr. J. II. Williams will reside at the Swannanoa Hotel. Office with Dr. Clias. Jor dan in Medical Building, No. SPECIAL SALE of a new lino of Switches, Puffs and Curls at a great reduction. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP IS Haywood fit. lljanlain City Steam Laandry CIEAN A YD 8AMTAKT Our buslnesa ta t plea. Qlv u a trial. 80 Worth Xxlngtoa Ireni Telephone) 4 BREAD IS THE STAFF OF LIFE Why not have it good? Washington Bread is good. I have it. ' ' -: BCTTKR Nt'T BIIEAI, VIENNA ROLLS, VIENNA BREAD, PAX ROLLS. I visited the largest and beet bakerle In Washington, and' Bal tlmore and have a line of Bread that carinoj be excelled. M. HVA1VIS CORNER NORTH MAIN AND MERRIMON" AVE. Fancy Groceries) Meats and Vegetables. ' ONE HALF TON Vermont Maple Sugar, absolutely pure, simply dellclou. Try the Ice cream that Is made of cream, straw berries, hones-, maple sugar, egg. "and nothing else, say It's the best they ever ate. Honer on ice cream. Get the habit, and peep In our Money shop. Harmon & Co., Bee Cranks Our patrons ssaasjsj ', American Beauty ROSES Long, Stiff Stems. Good Blooms. Fine for Commencement. . . $6-$8 per dos. J. VAN UNDLEY NURSERY CO. GREENSBORO. Jf. C NOW IS THE TIME to have your diamonds looked after let me. put new platinum tip on in hard platinum; they are wear-proof, makes the atone Ipok larper and whiter. Give me a trial. CHAS. E: HENDERSON. Mfg. Jeweler, S3 Patton Avenue. THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Asheville, N. C SI Haywood St Phone CM Devoted. to the thorough and scientific, treatment for select case of Nervousness, Paralysis, Asthma, Habit, Stomach, Rhaumatlam, Disease of women and other, chronic diseases. - - The Bath and Ma&Sage department" ot the Sanitarium I ope g to th public. Turkish, Russian. Cabinet, OetsHot-Alr, Electric-Ligh t. Tub, Sits, Foot, Shower and Needle Bath. Galvanic and Farradlo Treatment, Electrlo Vibrating and Sweedlan Massage ant Movements, Thur Brandt Massage for Pise sees of Women, Douche Lairag. - FOR SALE 5-ROOM HOUSE, Weave rville. One and a half, acres of ground. Has bearing fr uit trees. House new. Very desirable m every respect, lrice $1,500. Good terms" . l m a TII1 -Tl s T1 flit ff M ( T il h' PSYCHIC PSYCH0METRIS PSYCHIC Know your fate end guide yourself accordingly. ' There Is no hope so fond, or wish so great, that 1 1 can't accomplish for you. I have success where other Clairvoyant fail. LOW FEE. 60cr Fl'LL tl.OO. Hoar to . 5 CLATTOW BT. EVERYTHING IN FRESH MEATS Sirloin, Tenderloin end Porterhouse Steaks. 20c lb. Nice Tpund stead, ISc lb. Both native and Western mea ta. Pork Chop and Lamb Chop IC lb. Lamb Roast 18c and 20c lb. -v ., ' i, Just received fresh lot of garden Peas and String Beans. ' : - . V, V. HAYNIE, The Grocer V 6 s 40 Government St. PHOXE COR. M.V1N AND EAST fcrS.

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