THE ABBEVILLE CTTIZIvS, MONDAY, AY 29, 1611. i JVVOL MORE ARRESTS i-HIM SEIZURE LAW ; '.vmjsx black and w. . imi. tit LEV LATEST VICTIMS. it i ! Police Had Trouble In Getting In But fi ; The) Finally l anded - I ." There. V ,VV'lley P. Black and W. f. Hrsdley , wera arretted early yesterday morn- ng charsdd with violating the anarch ja(J eelrure lav and yesterday after- : jioon Ed Brown, colored, who It l yallesed la employed by Black at his j '"place at the corn'.r of South Main and .'Ea(le street was placed In the city "Jail on a charge of soiling liquor to Wade Oarmon. .f 'Black and Bradley were registered on 'the police blotter twice charged iwith the same offense. Hlack's place '.hiving been searched twice, j-, li. la an Id that at the time that Black and Bradley were arrested the "policemen experienced some diffi culty In gaining- access to It, the front '4oor having been locked and admit tance having bean' refused them. However, entrance waa ititlned 'through a. window and the search of the flleee was made with .he remit atrnjr-iljf bottlea, moat of them I pint. boUles. ,0 whiskey were seized la reported that at the time the win dow through which the policemen en- f tared the place waa ralaed, nolaea of bottlea being broken were heard and f when (he search waa ftnlahed It la said : that a number of bottlea broken In the aide which had been never un- i corked were found concealed In the place. .' ",.'' .: H'-':: The negro .waa arrested yeaterday afternoon and It 1 aald that a num-er- tf ..witness , Witt, testify against him In police eourt this morning. ' Another whlakey case which will be called tor trial today la that of 1 Blomberg who waa arrested Batnr day afternodn charged with selling whlakey to J. W, Hampton. Thla eale la alleged to have been 'made eighteen "months ago. C FIRST 5TUMBUN6 BLOCK (Continued from Page One) Oroacd I 0A, ' The warrant for the grreet of De Vllllera waa taeued by Juatlce of the Peace JR. B,, MoC-Untota, on com plaint charging "conspiracy to mur der Francteca f. Madera," filed by Oen, Vlljoen. De Vllllera waa stay Ing at a local hotel and waa arreated by Deputy Constable Brown. Brown and Vljjoen went to the hotel osten sibly to further the details of the al leged plot. , SECQDN GREAT AIR .; G0JKT STARTED ..'.' (Continued from Page One) the 'frame broken, hut he hlmaelf waa not hurt. The race waa organttad by the Paris Petit Parlaene and the prlaea aggregate more than HOO Ooo. The second stage of the Journey la from Nice to Rome, the recording stations being Genoa and Pisa, and the third stage la from Home to Turin, the official stopping places be ing Florence and Bologna. The total distance le a little more than 1,300 mllee and the competitors have until June IS to accomplish the distance. EMPEROR GETS MKIMI, ' BUDA PEST, May 28 The Inter national committee of the Olympic gamea haa conferred an Olympic me dal on the emperor. At a meeting today It waa decided that the com mittee ahold hold another conference at Stockholm In 111. l ; ; t 1 IJ 11 I i t- f. ' , ' 33 1-3 Per Cent Oft on Women's Tailored Suits New Spring Styles We haw reduced our entire stock of hand some wool suits, all new spring styles 1-3 off. This sale does not include white serge nor Pongee suits everything else goes at the re duction prices. This is a deep cut in prices so early in the season. You can save a goodly sum now. ("an you afford to miss this big reduction ? These prices -' will certainly make our suits go; if interested you can ill afford to delav. $11.50 Suits now . . .. :" $7.67 ; $15.00 Suits now $10.00 $20.00 Suits now $13.33 ,;. .$25.00 Suits now $16.17 $30.00 Suits now $20.00 V. ' $40.00 Suits now $26.67 i $50.00 Suits now $33.33 $55.00 Suits now $36.67 All in-between prices reduced at same ratio ' 33 1-3 per cent. , V M. V. MOORE & CO. V. VoMEJTS APPAREL. t PATTON AVE. ui is Hi gossip; FROM CAPITAL OF OLD NORTH STATE Governor Kitchin Receiving Much Encouragement for Race for the Senate' MATAMUSKET ROAD MAY C' ANGE OWNERS Trying to Straighten Tangle I of Bank Whose Cashier i Recently Suiuded It AI.KIHII, N. C, May 27. There were fourteen graduates for the com mencement exercises of the IrlKb school department of the Hali'Mth public schools today and there wer a number of notalde achnUrshlpa and medal awards. The St. Mary's schol arship went to Mlsa Alice Lacy, dsughtr of state Troiieurrr It. R. I4cy. Frank Hrown captured the Trinity college scholarship, and Ed. Dahln the Wake Forest scholarship. C J. Hunter, Jr.. received the Cttas. U. Harris gold medal for the best debater; Frank Hrown won the Daughters of the Revolution medal for the best historical paper, this theme having been "The Lost Col ony." Then there were the Junior Order of American' Mechanics medal for the'' best paper on United States history, this being won by Miss Grace Crews. The address for the com mencement exercises was by Fresl dent Oeorge W. I .ay of HI. Mary's achool. He made a forcible speech on "Cltlxenshlp." Returning from hla trip to the western part of the state today Gov ernor Kitchin found a great accumu lation of personal mull awaiting him and took occasion to declare to In quiring friends that for the past ten daya lettera have been coming In In greatly Increased numbers from cltl aena In every section of the state as suring him of their support In his aspiration for the United States sena torahlp to succeed Senator Slmmona. The- Governor la In high spirits and evidently thlnka that the campaign la opening up most auspiciously for him. Prealdent Joe Tayloe and O. J. Sruddert, a director In the Matta muskeet railroad, Hyde and Beaufort countlea, were here today In confer ence with the governor and the coun cil of state relative to the proposed sale of the road to northern capl tallsta with a view to Its speedy com pletion and operation. While It Is admitted that a satisfactory agree ment waa reached by the conference there la no atatement as yet for the, preaa. The Indications are under stood to he that the road will be Bold with the stipulation that It be completed and operated forthwith. State Hank Examiner J. K. Dough ton haa gone to Columbia to take a hand In the adjustment of the tan gle In the affairs of the Merchant's and Farmer's hand, the cashier or which. H. M. Sprulll, took his own life Tuesday when a special auditor procured by the directors went Into the bank to make an examination. It waa only a few weeks ago that Ex aminer Doughton was there and went thoroughly Into the books and papers and made demands upon the bank management for changes in the way of Improvement of many securities and more up-to-date condition of the books. The corporation commission has had no further word from the bank since the announcement from the president that the cashier has suicided and that a special auditor was adjusting the bonks. One of the most serious conditions that the bank examiner found Is understood to have been unsecured notes for considerable amounts lo parties whose signatures ! have no cnmmerlcal rating. Also the j books were found to lie for daa and In some Instances for weeks. A form er prealdent of the hank was found to Distressing Brealhlessness Mrs. Rentz, of Adel, Has An Interesting Story To Tell j About How Her Hus i band Cured Her With Cardui. A .1.-1, Hh. "For 3 years i aullered , 'with fmnle troubles," writes Mrs. C h Itcnlz. Whin 1 would lie down I "could hardly breathe. I had a dls- ' tresslng feeling In my hreaat, and I could not do any work at all. without ; being exhausted. My husband heard I of t'ardiil and we decided to try It. j I look it according to directions and j In 3 days I could tell It was helping I me I can njw do all of my work, and j do not suffer at all I give f'ardul the praise for It. and recommend It to all." We have thouHiiuds of such letters, and more are uniting every day. For over "'I years, I'urdol has been reliev ing women's sufferings, and building weak women up lo health and strength. If you are a woman, give It a fair trial. It will help you. for It has helped a million others. Its Ingredi ents are purely vegetable, and harm less. ' yet c uratlvely restoring In their a Hon on thn womanly organs. Your druggist sells Cardui because there Is a demand for It. The demand proves It to he a good medicine. Try It. N. !.: Write to Idlcw' Atlvlaory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattan'Mwn, Term., for HptNial In structions, ami 64-pge book, "Home Treatment for Women," ecnt In plain wrapper, on roqucat. be aeveral thousand dollars over drawn. The Citizens' National bank of thla city announces It purpose to erect at once a ten story office building and banking house at the corner of Fay ettevllle and Martin streets. It Is to be lire proof. The plans are now being prepared and the bank has leased aa temporary quarters the Lewis pool room In the Woodward bulldlnj two doors from the present bunking house. Col. Joseph O. Brown Ispresldent of the bank and Col. A. B. Andrews la vice president. The secretary of state charters the Pannecea Springs company of Little ton, with 1 1211. 000 capital authorised and 110,000 subscribed by M. C. HrnsWol and others. And the Eagle Printing company, Spray, N, C, capi tal $125,000 authorised and 110 000 subscribed by C P. Wall and others for newspaper and Job printing. Mlas Muriel M, Victor, of Arlington N. J., who has been instructor In Kngllsh and elocution at St, Mary's suhoul the past year, waa united in marriage to Dr. Frank Castleberry, of this city, yesterday right after the graduating exercises of the St. Mary's commencement. The wedding waa In the home of Mr. and Mra. U D. Castleberry on Hlllsboro street, the marriage service being by Dr. O'Kelly of the First aBptlsl church. For the federal Memorial day ob servance here May 30, the address Is to be by Rev. A. D. Wilcox, pastor of Central Methodist church, Raleigh. The third regiment band and com pany II, third regiment, North Caro lina National guard are to participate. MAMMOTH PEACE MEE1GJT ATLANTA (Continued from Page One) so bold as to declare that ho Is the state.. That era of disturbance cama to an end with Napoleon and Water loo. "One thing more that tends toward the iiImiIHIoii of warfare la the fact that the burden of taxation Is becom trv almost unbearable It is a mat ter of record that two thirds of the expendlturea of the national govern ment are for the maintenance of the nrmv mid na.v .ind the payment of pel. along vlilch a" but the legacy of vnr while only one third of the expenditures a.-e fo- agricultural and other luinerl'i'is activities of peace. 'I ln i'v'f n lil'ina Inst year of nil iMili.os for- the maintenance of. armies ai d nnOes was about two hll llon dollars What would have been the result If stupendous sum had been turned to the nplirtlng and ben elltlng of Die human race?" Senator Hurton expressed the belief that the arbitration treaty prepared between the Cnlted States and Fng land and France will bp signed during the Taft administration and 'will give glory and distinction to his adminis tration which has not been surpassed by any of hla predecessors." Senator Hurton returned to Wash ington tonight. POLICE BLOTTERS DAILY RECORD The following cases will be called . In city police court thla morning In addition to those which were given In the police blotter's dally record In Sunday's Cltlien: L Hlombefcg. retailing. ' Mattte Smith, colored, drunk and disorderly. Araemus Hensley. drunk and refus- : lng to pay hack fare. Paddy Bradley. violating search ; and seizure law. W. T. Black, violating search and geliure law. ' Ed. Wllkle, drunk. 1 W. S. Bradley, violating search and : aelsure law. W. P. Black, violating search and ' acliure law. j Ed. Brown, colored, retailing. DONE THE NICHOLS WAY Your tijiirts and Col lars work will stand this hot weather nil I'itfht, in a way that will (trove highly jVtdafiing to all who wc&rthcin. Phone D5. G 3 Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr EVER TRY COKE IN THE KITCHEN RANGE? J It's fine. Light, dust ! less, smokeless. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & lee Company Ten Thousand Druggists Inltod In Their Opinion llcgardlng a Certain Medicine. Druggists should know better than any one else the value of every medi cine. Therefore, when over ten thousand recommend Vinol. the cod liver and Iron tonic, without oil. over their own algnatures aa the greatest tonic recon structor and strength creator and of fer to return the purchase money In every case where It fails to give sat isfaction, It must Indicate that Vlnol Is a pretty reliable medicine. We could publish columns of such testimony aa the following: C. A. Potterfleld, the leading drug gist of Charleston, W. Va.. says he used Vlnol for every member of his family and haa never been disap pointed with the results. Mr. J. F. Bradley, druggist, of New Brunswick, N. J., Bays, 'Vlnol la cer tainly a wonderful medlcln He has Droved it from ttaraonal BKPrlnee." The manv veara that .Vlnol has been on the market haa served to strengthen its popularity, and proved by continued testa that It will do all that la claimed for it. Try a bottle of Vlnol with the un derstanding that your money will be returned If it does not build up your strength ahd give you an added In terest In life. Bmlth'a Drug Stftore. Aahevllle, N. C. WENT TO CHARLOTTE FOR THEJOT OF GOLD KOl'R ASHKVII.LE BOYS KKTl'KM SADDKIl HIT WIBEK. They Say Tliey. Are More Than Sat lt1cl to Stay at Homo Hereafter. It Is not likely that four Asheville boys, Gus Kiln. Owen Mitchell, Jack Reed und Crawford Lautar, who, ac cording to The Charlotte Observer, went to the capital of Mecklenburg In search of the "pot of gold" will ever go back to that city to chase the painted rainbow. The boys were ar rested tit 'harlott.e on Information received from a Statesvllle farmer who found I hem. asleep In his barn. The charlotte observer tells about i the boys' adventure as follows: "ilus Ella. Owen Mitchell. Jack Held and Crawford Lauter, a quartet of young hoys from Asheville fell into the hanSKhtf Jhe police yester day morning The information which led to the arrest of the boys came In the form of a telephone message from a prominent farmer on the statesvllle road stating that he had discovered them aaleep in his barn, and upon being elected they had continued down the road, evidently headed to this crtjr. The patrol was dispatched to meet the pedestrians, and In short while returned to headquarters with them. Cpon being questioned by Chief Chrlstenhtiry. the young men told of their departure from' the mountain city several daya ago their subse quent tramp to within a few miles of Charlotte, and a general outline of their family history generally. Jack Held Is a son of an ex-sherlff of Buncombe, county, the father of Crawford I.nuter Is a contractor In Asheville nwen Mitchell haa a sis ter in this city and Otis Ella's father is an Invalid Mitchell's sister was communicated with at once, and the erring brother waa turned over to her care. The remainder of the boys spent the day In a cell and re turned to their homes yesterday af ternoon t the expenae of the city "No more prospecting for me." de clared one, as he bearded the Ashe ville train. "I'll never put that many miles between me and three square meals again. I don't believe that there Is enough grub in Asheville to put me right again;" J ANNOUNCEMENT ! Until Further notice Dr. J. II. Williams will reside ! at the Swannanoa Hotel. ! Of lice with Dr. Chas. Jor ' dan in Medical Building, No. 40 Government St. DELICIOUS Strawberry Ice Cream, Absolutely Pure McKay's Pharmacy Prescription specialist, 0.p. P. O. $250 will buy a Hartzell Piano as good as new. Reguljar price $350. 5 " Onlly $8 pei month. Piano fully guaranteed. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE 21 S. MAIN STREET. ICE BOXES REFRIGERATORS PORCH GOODS HAMM0CK3 J. L. Smathers & Sons 15 N. Main St. Wedding Flowers Any Kind Let us send you our booklet telling all about them. J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO. GREENSBORO, N. O. School Girls and Boys f We are making an unusually low rate for our special summer session which begins June 15th. By entering before that date you can take advan tage of our exceptional offer. Phone 178S and we will give you full par ticulars. Knianuel School of Shorthand. Phone 964 to have your clothes pressed. Latest Improved steam Preaalng Machine. QUICK SERVICE PRESUIN'Q CLUB Strawberry Short Cakes Made Fresh Daily Only 25c Asheville Steam Bakery, bono Oil or SSI. Bum our coal and save the difference. ASHKVII.I.K DRAY. FUEL & CON. STKUCTION CO. Phone 2'jn. THE HONEY HABIT Not n riding hnblt but a flying hnblt. w hlch means you are n flying If you use Harmon's Honey. We keep a cow, also a Hee. and a 2-year-old boy that weighs ninety-three. See If we act the drone. Harmon & Co., m 1 ryiAtw.- w. fr MmtH: ft? .7i:i-X(isif; t,r ; I n a ID Ho Meets, Pillow Cases and Joweh Joday featured t Folks about to go to housekeeping, as well ast Hotels and Boarding Houses, should give these val- v ues careful consideration. Goe Sheets, 72 by 90 in., 59c. 70c Sheets, 81 by 90 in, same quality as above, for 63c. 85c first-class quality, 81 by 90, for 75c. 90c extra large sheets, 90 by94 1-2 in., for 75c. A 36 by 40 in. pillow case for 9c. ( 15c linen finished pillow cases, 45 by 36 in., for 121-2c, $1.20 Cotton Towels are priced at 88c dozen. Sizes 18x36 in. ' 15c Cotton Towel, good grade, for 11c each. 15c bleached Turkish bath towels, 20x40 in.,, for -12c each.' 25c bleached Turkish bath towels, very large, 22x42 in., for 21c each. UU. 11 Li V UaUl IV " X DO YOU DRINK COFFEE? If So Why not drink the best WHITE HOUSE 1-pound air-tight tin. . . 38c 3-pound air-tight tin $1.10 STRADLEY & LUTHER. Bella White House Coffee and Tea, the world' beat. S last Pack 84. Phonea 64 and SSL BREAD IS THE Why not have it good? Washington Bread is good. I have it. BTJTTKB NUT BREAD, VIENNA ROLLS, VIENNA BREAD, PAN ROLLS. . I visited the largest and beat bakeries in Washington and Bal timore and have a line of Bread that cannot be excelled. 1VI . HYAMS CORNER NORTH MAIN AND MERRIMON AVE. Fancy Groceries Meats and Vegetables. NOW IS THE TIME to have your diamonds looked after let me put new platinum tlpa on In hard platinum; they are wear-proof, makes the stone look larger and. whiter. Give me a trial CHAS. E. Mfg. Jeweler, 33 THE ORUNER SANITARIUM Aahevllle. K. C. SI Haywood St Phone CSS Devoted to the thorough and aclentltto treatment for select cases at Nervousness. Paralyals. Asthma, Habit. Stomach, Rheumatlam. Diseases ot women and other chronic disease The Bath and Massage Cabinet Bets-Hot-Air. Electric-Light. Tub, Sits, Foot. Shower and Needle Baths. Galvanic and Farradlo Treatment. Electric Vibrating and Bweedlsh Massage anf Movement Thur. Brandt Massage for Diseases of Women, Douches Lsuvaga. ' PSYCHlCi 4$SJ Know vour fate and guide There is no hope so rona, or men aicai, accomplish for you. I have success where other Clairvoyants fail. LOW FEE. 50c: FUIjIj HMUiau si.uu, Hours to 9. EVERYTHING IN FRESH MEATS Sirloin Tenderloin and Porterhouse Steaks. 20c lb. Nice round stead. 15c lb. Both .native and Western meats. Pork Chops and Lamb Chops 2Co lb. iJimb Roast 18c and 20c lb. Just received fresh lot of garden Peas and String Beans. V. V. HAYNIE, The Grocer PHONE MT. COR. N. MAIN AND EAST STS. FOR SALE 5 ROOM HOUSE, Weaverville. One and a half acres of ground. Has bearing fruit trees House new Very desirable -in every respect. Price $1,500. Good terms. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. I Millinery Importers 1M. WEBB UU. Club Building. TTatrwnnrl St., tSIIHIMMMIf Dew Drop Candy Parlor SS Patton Ave. Fresh Candy every day. Cocoa nut flavored ayrup and peanut butter. E. M. Adair & C. P. Baker Proprietor. New York Tailoring Co. g North Pack Square Upstairs. We have opened a pressing club de. partment. Membership ticket one dol lar per month. Three months. $2.50. PHONE S9S. W. W. Young's Barber Shop Now at 14 N. Pack Square formerly at Hotel Berkeley Hair Cute 25c good seamless kind, for .11., 1V71 wv lui m .... , u STAFF OF LIFE HENDERSON, Patton Avenue. PSYCHIC yourself axcof Jfrgly. that I can't S CI.AYTON ST. SPECIAL SALE of a new line of Switches, Puffs and Curls at a great reduction. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP 25 Haywood St. Mountain City Steam Lanndry CLEAN AND SANITARY Our business is te pleas. Give us a trial. SO North Lexington Area as Telephone 431 MISS OLGA TASr4c HUFF EXPERT CORSETIERE ROOMS 27 and 28 American National Bank BaUdlnf BORROW A S.OOAK Free use of Kodaks where we da the finishing. We are film experts and set better results from your films. Every detail haa careful tentlon. RAY'S STCDIU. 7 Patton Atw A in h ... S