.'ft. ft ' if '.'.-? 1, THE 'SHEVffiLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS VOL, XXVII. NO. 222. ASHEVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MA V 31, 1911. TRICE FIVE CENTS 0 O BBYAN UIII IIITO LIMELlGHTMAKIflG AHAGKS Oil PARTY LIFE SACRIFICED FOR FILTHY LUCRE IN SPEEDWAY RACE Makes Strenuous Objections to the Course of Democrats In tho House MAIN OBJECTION IS STAND ON TARIFF f Necessary to Consult Voters Before Coming Out for Pro .". tectlori Plank" WASHINGTON. May 30. William Jennings Bryan today took exception to the program of his . party In the house and criticised sharply the ma jority of the democrat who have greed to aupport the reviaed tariff schedule on wool and woolen goods. The " criticism . wai made public through .Representative Harrison of New -York. Chairman Underwood of the ways and meana committee, con tented himself with the declaration that despite Mr. BVyan'a atand the re vised ta.!f would go through the democratic caucus with a two thirds majority. ;' "The democratic voters," said Mr. Bryan, "know that all needed revenue ean be raised In less oppressive ways and they .know the argument that the tariff on wool la proposed aa a revenue tariff Is merely a subterfuge employed because those who employ It are ashamed to say that they fa vor " protection.'" ; The Nebraskan warned against the drift of democrats toward a protective policy which he said la most marked in those democrats who have "among their constituents Influential benefi ciaries of the system. The republicans Want protection pn wool because they believe, in the principle of protec tion," he declared. "Let no democra tic advocate for a revenue on wool masquerade behind the pretense that hejla voting for a' revenue tariff; let him not add hypocrisy to the sin "Rhich he commits against his party. This critlclm. apparently directed t the party leaders In the house. ohed no comment except the sug gestion that the, votes In the caucus Avould disclose that - Mr. Bryan has nljr-f.-third- -of'the- democrats In the house behind him. Ray Harroun, in Mormon Car, Vic tor Over Thirty-Nine Competitors Besides Death of Mechanician, Several Are Injured in Mishaps Killed hy Its Friends MOTOR 8PEEDWAT. Indianap olis, Ind.. May 10. On life waa sac rificed and several men were, in jured today In the 'first 000 mil motor race on a speedway. The great test of skill and endurance was won by Ray flarround driving a Marmon car in :1.0, Ralph Mul ford, wir.i a Losleri finished second and David Bruca-Brown drove a Flat to third p;ac. Many thousand of spectators wit nessed the race which started at 10 o'clock this morning with forty pi lot In the contest. In the most se rious accident of the day, 8. P. Dick son of Chicago, mechanism for Ar thur Grelner, ' driving an Amplex, lost his life by an upaet on th back stretch. The Amplex wa In Its thirtieth mile when the rim of one of the front wheel flew off. Th ear twisted and hopped about On th track, h tiring Grelner and Dickson from their seats. Dickson waa thrown against a fence JO feet from the car and terribly mangled. He was killed Instantly. Grelner was knocked unconscious. but after he had been revival at the field hospital It waa found that hi only Injury wa . a fractured arm. Then idlowed a series of acci dents that thrilled the Immense crowd. .Men Injured in the mishaps were: Dave Lewis, mechanician for Ted dy TeUlaff (Losler); right leg broken near hip. Harry Knight .driver of Westcott breast bruised and possibly internal injuries. John T. Glover. Knight's mechani cian, body bruised. Bob Evans, mechanician, fpr Jack Tower (Jackson); body bruised when leaped from car. John Wood, mechanician for Joe Jagersburger (Case) run over and bruised a r leaping from car. Th crowd was to big to be con troled by the company of militia and th hundreds of special policemen posted about the ground The spec tator swarmed across the infield when -Die son 'was kitted and pressed close about his body and that of the unconscious Grelner. Soldiers had to Mr. Brvad Insisted. "If protection " was t be accepted as a democratic , club their guns to clear a space for doctrine It be accepted openly and j the Biirgei.iis when the amouiarce applied to everything and to all sec-1 arrived. tlons.' Me said there Is no reason j The throng was wtld with excite? for favoritism to a few sheep raisers j ment after the first accident an. . .-I, . . -i- - - -. - - i .-. l-j-i. rushed back and forth ove- Sea SJeia (Continued on Page 81 J) when othr aceldqg ro rcpofjeg from on point or another around th I t-t mil track. . At th 100th mil mark Bruce Brcwn set a new record .regardless of classification. Hla Urn waa l:tt:ll a against Dawaen'a old mark ef 1:01:01. Harroun took th lead in th 100th mil, and the rise took form from what had appeared to be a pa rad of machine. Then car began to cast tires, burned out by th flerc grind over the brick pavement Steer ing geat began to give way. in front of th grand atand Jo Jagera burger's car got away from him and am Itched back and forth across the track. Wood, the mechanician, leap ed out and fell. Th car passed over him. Other cara were rushing oft him, but all swerved safely by as h rot and staggered from th track, except Harry Knight' Westcott, This car plunged to the Inner fence, threw out Knight and Glover and careened against Herbert Lytle, Apperson turning It over. When th race waa half over. Louis Disbrew' Pope Hartford threw a tire at th en trance of the horn stetch and swerv ed In front of Tetslaff Losler. In th collision th rar w;.l of Dls- brow'i var were torn orr. ana tn Losler turned turtle. Tetslaff median lelan wa caught under th car and his leg broken. Hysterical screams of women started a small stamped In th grand stand w.ien Burman's Bens cast a tire into the air and ever the retain tng wall. Harroun kept In front, earning shout of encouragement When he swept into th horn stretch on hla laat lap ana starter Wagner gave him the finishing flag, th speed way In- closure' i .ng with applause at the end of the first 100 milks, Bruce- Brown led, Mulford second and Tata- laff thir. At 100 mile Harroun took second place. From 100 . mile Harroun ield the lead to the-end. Brae-Brow and Mulford fluctuated In the aarond and third place from the too nrlle mark and eeeaawlng btwen O'nnd 010 mil mat rn the tT certain rrrfl th Ut lap, Who wsuld take eoond place. Bruce-Brown, and Mulford were at all stagea of the race contendere for , the Had, and a delay of more than tire changing time by Harroun would have meant certain loss of the con- Toward the end of th race, the -i.i .!',' : - - ' ' ' ii.ii . i US EM OF 11 RATHER THABASA FRIENDJF PEACE President Taft Addressed Thousands of Veterans at . , Arlington Cemetery ' t (Continued on Page Six ) ROOSEVELT CIS FALSE APOSTLES Of PEACE it our Stands for Peace Only the "Handmaiden of Justice" vaccination Mir be RECOMMENDED FOR BHD C1SES 0FJYI1ID FEVER Maj. Russell Points Out Awful Toll in Army from Disease MEMORIAL ADDRESS NEW TOHK, May 30. Theodore Roosevelt stood beside General Dan iel W. Scikles, the only surviving di vision commander of the civil war at Grant's tomb this afternoon and aroused a memorial ' day throng to i long applause by denunciation as X 1 h FICACY SHOWN Citlsen Bureau, Congress Hall, By ili E. C. Bryant WASHINGTON. May iO. MsJ. F. Russell, of the United Btatea army, II WILL OBSERVE MANDATE OF U.S. SUPREME COURT Readjustment in. Good Faith Says Its Chief Counsel "RULE OF REASON" TO GUIDE-SUPREME COURT IN SPITE OF VIGOROUS DISSENTS - . ' " . V-::-.' Tobacco Decision Indicates That Sherman Antt-TruatLaw'Will Not be Amend ed According to Friend of the Administration-Chief Justice White Gives Warning Against Procrastination WORK OUT PLANS NEW YORK, May JO. The Ameri can Tobacco company will undertake in all good faith a readjustment of It affairs aa directed by the United .s made some ODeervauons on oiaiea supreme caun according 10 an control of typhoid in the army by vac-j official statement carefully prepared rinntinn. i by officers of the company and given of ' "To those familiar with military out this afternoon by W. W. Fuller, "false prophets or peace. He stirred 'history, it will hardly be necessary to .the corporation's chler counsel. the gathering to tumultuous cheers Point out the necessity for some 'The Supreme court In this case," ' ineinOQ UI prCVCUUHl ijmuiu . leans ill, .miciiiciiii "an wniu mwfc "jdltlon to what we have had up to a i the Sherman antl-trust law should be woodrow Wilson of New Jersey Is to j French aviator, Is now leading In the have splendid entertainment accord- , great Paris to Turin sir races. He with the declaration that unrighteous peace was a greater evil than war 1 "I ibellcve in national and interna tional Deace." he said, "but I stand --.... .v.- U.-A . I OUt. Of Hr n uiuy n " -":. ,.,.. ,! nor cent WASHINGTON, May 10. That th government mean to formulate It antl-trust policies In accord with th "rule of reason" a laid down by the Supreme court in th Standard Oil and Tobaeeo; trust decisions notwith standing th vigorous; dissent of As sociate Jostle Harlan and the large number of bill Introduced in the sen ate to amend th Sherman anti-trust law, was) ma die evident today. Administration officials aftdr a day's consideration and atvdy of th To bacco decision and a thorough com parison with the Standard Oil deci sion, were agreed that th rule of reason." Is no new feature of the 8u prm court' Intarpsetaatoq of law, nd ,one memher . ow h ttabhwt. whoe view have alwvylabeen regard ed a reflecting thos of th adminis tration made a eomprehensi t state ment to that effect! A resolution calling upon tho attor ney general to Inform the house whether he hag undertaken criminal prosecution ofhe American Ttfcacco company and- its officers was Intro duced today by .Representatives Byrns, of Tennessee. If such prosecution has not been Instituted, the attorney general Is requested to explain his reasons. In the opinion of friends of the ad ministration the Tobacoo decision in dicates that there will be no attempt for the present to amend the Sherman antl-trust law or to pre for the en actment of other trust legislation. The next movement for further antl-trust legislation probably will he made, If at all, at the regular session com mencing In December. The statement above referred to was attributed to "an official close to the administra tion." It follows In part: 'Justice Harlan In hi dissenting opinion In the Tobacco case object vigorously to the application In th construotlon of th act of congress of th 'irul of reason" to. which atten tion was called by th chief Justice In hi opinion in th Standard Oil. case and again In th Tobacco case. "Justice Harlan declare that to In sert by construction 'unreasonable' or 'undue' In th Sherman act i Judicial legislation. Congress1, h says, has In language so clear and simple that there Is no room whatever for convic tion signified Its purpose to forbid very restraint of trad in whatever form, to whatever extent, whereas the court,' under th chief JJustlce's opin ion. Insert ,ln th law wordr which make congress" say-that it means onl to proniou unau restraint or vreae. This he object to a amounting ta g reading Into the act by Judicial legis lation of an exception not placed there by th law-making branch of the gov ernment, andi this, he contends th court cannot and ought not to do. "But Justice Harlan has not always regarded the. Judicial function as ex eluding the right to Interpret statutes In the light of reason and to refuse literal application to the words of th act where where that would involvo a manifest wrong. In the case of Church of the Holy Trinity against th United Btate. the court had under consideration the' act of congress lmpwn as the alien Immigration act, passed Feb. 26, 1SSS. ' "The Church of the Holy Trinity Wi New York has made a contract with Rev. E. Walpole Warren, an alien re siding In England, to remove to New York and enter Into 'It services as Its rector and pastor for a compensation to be paid to him; and because of that contract an action was brought against the church by the United State to recover th penalty procrlV ed for violation of this act. Jus tic Brewer wrote th opinion vf th court.' In which all th other Justloet, Including Justlc Harlan, concurred II promised by concsdlng that th act f th corporation I within th letter of this section for th relation ef rector to hla church la on of serv ice and impllt labor on th on M. with compensation on th other, hf further, noted that certain specific exception md Id, th act In which Clergymen " wr pot excluded strengthened the idea that vry oth er kind f labor an rvh was In tended to be reached by th tatut. Yet notwithstanding ll of that It was i saju . tnai tn court oeuia not ininw rrhot Wotr -rnteied Titnnutice with penalties ft transaction Ilk th employment of ft Christian mlniter, " 'It. 1 "a familiar - ml,' aald Jus tice Hrewsr 'that a thin ha within the letter of th statute and yet not Within tht statute bacaus not within I spirit; nor within the intention .of lis maker. This has been often as serted and . th report ar full t f rase Illustrating Its application. This I not th substitution of th will of th judg for that of the legislator, for frequently word, of. general meaning ar used In a statute, word broad enough to Include an act In question and yet a consideration of the whole leglslstlon or of the rlr cumatsnces surrounding Its eaaotment, or ot th. absurd result which follow from giving vtch broad meaning to th words, mikes It unreasonable to believe that the legislator Intended to include th particular act ' "The whole of this) opinion consu mes In effect an argunvmt that ft lit eral construction should not he Given "i sgi'n.ri mm, (Continued on Page Six.) R01 RECEPTION FOR guished. Mian. RALEIGH, N C. Ma 80. GARROS, FRENCH AVIATOR LEADS iMIC RACE Raleigh People Plan Fine i Closest Competitor Had Entertainment foivDistin-t" Mishap Being Stalled Be tween Nice and Genoa SOUTHERN RAILWAY HAS NEW SM PROBLEM Brotherhopd of Locomotive Engineers Are Making ' Demands of Company Gov, GENOA, May 30 Garros, the comparatively recent period "In the Spanish war we had no less than J0.738 cases, with 1.580 desths. total strength of 107,071 justice. Do not be mislead by the ap ceals of men who want peace. You ! of the entire mortality of that war. At Its conclusion. Walter Reed. Vic- .. , . .-, i r ir..,.hn anA ITilwaM r RhakM. may recall tnat in tne oays oi oi i ii . . . . I pea re were constituted a board of ef there were cries for peace, but there ,nVMtlftt, th. c.use, of lh. was no peace. There was a man who Mlenglve prevalence of typhoid fevr said that war was the greatest of all , tn, varolus military camp within K... T KaUa.a that iinH-ht.filll I ..... - . . c..c ... 'the limit or tne Lnitea ntatea. in peace le a greater evil. You are not be led by the false apostles of peace, you who defied the lie told in 01 when that lie waa told In the name of peace. "I stand for aocial and Industrial peace when it Is right, but' not when men riot-and use dynamite. Those men who pursue riotous methods snd use dynamite In their efforts to win their Industrial struggles are not to be tolerated, and they should be mede to obey the law. ,"I want peace with every nation and do not aee any reason of any sort why we should not have It for 100 they eubmltted the moet com plete atudy of the epidemology of ty phoid that has ever been published. "The board states Its belief, 'that with typhlod fever as prevalent as It Is In this country, the chancea are that If a regiment' of 1200 men should be assembled In any section, and kept In a camp, the sanitary conditions of which were perfect, one or causes would develop. "This disease prevailed generally aa a series of company epidemics, each one of which had Its lndlvidaul character. ' One of th most Impor tant findings wss that a 'regiment of given an application more extensive than hn been given In any other case. It ha a said that the American Tobacco company Is embraced within Its terms. My clients, of course, will oftey the law a now Interpreted and will, In good faith, undertake the re adjustment of their affairs under th direction of th Clrcut Court of th southern district of New York, to which court the Supreme court ha remitted the matter for direction." Said DeLancy Nlcoll. who assisted In presenting th case to th Supram court for the company: "It Is probable that a general plan will be agreed upon for the conduct- ' lng of the business as directed by tho I court W shall prepare a plan which j w shall consider undeniably agree- i able to th court. j "Thla will require.,' long planning j more and attention to detail and will be j long before th full proposition will hav been worked out" WASHINGTON, May 00. A new wage demand Is to be made upon th Southern railway. With that of tha ed him here tomorrow. He reacnei reached Pisa this evening and will r-, two thousand or mor firemen yet be. here from the l niversuy or or... j maln hs Carolina at 1 o clock In the after- .... noon and will be met at Union-station Rome ' "een.t r'val tn the flr.t by a large committee of state officers stage of the contest, Andre Beaumont, and prominent eltlxena snd escorted who beat him to Vice, met with a ee- to th home of Democratic .-National i rlfiiiB mlafnMiin- tluw mn t .1 1 1 ..I Committeeman Josephus Daniels. ' t A ,.,, m(dwajr t,,,,,,.,., fore the systems official and their ac tion In doubt, commute of twenty, representing the Brotherhood of loomotlv Engineers, arrived here tonight to puah a claim of the engine drivers on the Southern for IBcraase of approximately It per cent PROGRESSED AWAY , ;.n- FROM FORMER IDEAS That only by Blood Could an Insult by One Man to An-' '., other be Wiped Out ; WASHINGTON. t May M VnM th shaded arche of th Arlington National cemetery, President " Tatt spoke today, not to mueh 4 th friend of pac but as th enemy tf war. Thousand of veterans tramped th hot asphalt of th capital street, crossed th Potomac and trudged th duaty road t Arlington to hear th president,, speak. Thousand of other cam In automobile and by street tar, and when Mr. Tatt with, Secretary of War Stlmaon earn whlxslng up to th vln-covered amphitheater ther wer fully ten thousand peopl In th seat and crowded, about i th speaker' stand. r It wa probably th most Im. preativa and most $ largely attended Memorial day celebration Washington ha seen. ,r ' "Par b It from m," etd th pres ident, "to minimis In any war hjr the suggestion th debt w at to th men burled her, who carried en th successful struggt that resulted In th abolition of th eiwr of sla very, and which seemed Ineradicable rave by such an awful slaughter of th brightest, bravest and best of th nation' youth and manhood. "1 shall not atop to discuss whether it might, hav been possible to ac complish ' th same great reform by milder method. Whether that be true or not, th supreme sacrifice of thes men who lie about u in th eaus of advancing humanity can never l lessened or obscured by ouch ft sug gestion. But th thought at which t would but hint thl morning i thtt vn in th hallowed presence f thes dead, who ideal ot patriotism love of their eonntrymen At neederj ft war to make varlaattn(ty evident, should ftbat no effort snd should train every nerve snd avail ourselves of every honorable poesibl devlc to .avoid .war tn th future f i "I am not blind to th I4 In cre ating sturdy manhood that th mili tary discipline w see In th standing rmle of Europe and in tha regular army of thl country furnishes, nor do I deny th incidental benefit that f may grow out of th exigencies and sequels of war. But when the booka ar balanced th awful horrors of either ' Internecine , or International trlf far outweigh th beneflt that may be traced to It, , . "Let u leftv this beautiful dry of th national dead, therefore, 'with the deepest gratitude to th men who valorous deed w ealebrgte and who memories w chsrlsh, with th tenderest appreciation ot th value of the example they set. but with ft de termination In every wny poaslbl conistnt with honesty i and manly and national self -restraint to avoid supreme self-sacrlflc that w com- (Contlnnai on !( Sis) "irS TOO FAB OFF TO TALK ABOUT" SAYS GOV. In Commencement Address Says He Is Two Kinds , , of Democrat. . AN IMMENSE CROWD ATI AXIUXiXiflDJb lwlTRHAM. N. C. Mi int no' Woodrow Wilson. ,t i wss th commncm C May 10. Oor Wilson, of Nw Jry . commencement orator . t where tta will be tendered a luncneon Vi... xr -. over their d resent sir. I with the stte officer, and others representative, got as for as Genoa, i 8ome ma.go a slight Increase J"" n'a mJ!l;"lvr Invited guests. reaching there shortly after 0 p. m., In the sfternoon at t o'clock there trom N(ce to 0,noi Gsrros was ,'.' b"v that was Inadequate. waa allowed the engineers, they now Nnrth '"n'oMrta Clod it; en will be an open air meeting In Capitol squar when Mr. Wilson will make an address. Then at nlaht from to 10 o'clock an Indefinite period aa long a other, TOOfm ata not its infection by aatlona behave themselves and act in such a manner as not to rob us of our self-respect. I don't want to ask stronger nations to foe good to ua because I fear being hurt by them, hut I do ask that big nations be good to ua for fear w may hurt them. "I want to have the navy kept up. A powerful navy I no provocation for war, but la a provocation for peace. All nationa will keep peace with us if w keep a fir, da navy ftnd men who know how to handle th ahipa." changing stations; th dlseos was carried from place to place by the men, In their bodies, on their clothes bedding or tentage. In 1000 nothing was known of chronic bacillus car riers, although the board approach ed very near to their discovery In making thla laat observation. Anoth er conclusion of great importance waa to the effect that when a command Is thoroughly saturated with typhlod it t probable that from' one-fourth to (CootlBsI on Page SU) CHANGE OF MF.XICAJt GOVERNORS JUAREZ. May 10. Before another month passe It Is probable that ther will be change In th personnel of th governors of nearly every on of th twenty-seven state of Mexico. Thl was th declaration of Francisco I. Madero. jr..' tonight. He aald that th installation everywhere of pro visional governor aeon would be fol lowed by state election. Messengers to Senor Msdero from his friends In th new cabinet report perfect ac cord with President D la Barra and optimism for av successful administra tion. . , . , : ther will complimentary to Mr. Wilson by the Cspltol club, he leaves on the four a. m. train Thursday for Columbia, S. C, to deliver an address before the stat press association. luted all along the coast bv soldier ! "trtke talk Is heard from tha engl- bugles, cannon shots, and cheers from , nMr wall as from the firemen, the crowds; when he arrived here the .The committee expects to discus th wag question witn president Kinley i 7i.Hr.7. M.ntlnii enthusiasm was almost Indescribable. T .Z. Vk . be an elaborate reception , "-. i of tn, gouthem tomorrow, A mjtm. i noussnos surrounded uarros. The ; bar of th committee tonight asserted French and Italian flags and later that the failure of the Southern to flowera with which the spectators dec- Tr"nt ih,tr ""nand would mean that . hi if I I swe1 SSi WASHINGTON. May 10 Forecast: North Cartritna: generally fair Wed nesday and Thursday light variable wind. ' orated the machine were torn off a mementos. Eventually troops were obliged to protect him. MVRfKRft YOUNG WIFK, BTATF-SVILI.E, N. C, May JO. Confessing to the murder of his 10-year-old wife to whom he waa mar ried four months ago. Reuben Comb, a young farmer of Stoney Point, lr dell county, was committed to jail without ball today by a coroner's fy. Combs contended that his wife wan dered from her room while asleep and that ha found her dead body on lot. Strychnine wa found In her stomach, i the 1,400 engineer on would quit their job. th road AMERICANS THE FAVORITES. NEW YORK, May lO.Wlth th hundred and sixteenth year. An im mense crowd wa present.: Governor Wilson discussed democracy, j "Th ' nation," he said, "will no longer msk : unconditional land ' granta and fran chises and place In th hands' of a, , few th resources of thl great aa- . tion. I am two klnda of a democrat. I was born ft democrat and when I grew up I became convinced that; it wss the only thing to b." ; ! ;-' Governor Wilson declared that among republican - tandpattr th only variety republican that can b defined, the theory I that government ' contest In the struggle between mt "nut b administered lor tnoee wno Kntland and th United State for th av th moat at otak. "Td ueh ft International polo champtonwhlp ' principal, h added, Try Intelligent scheduled for tomorrow on the Mead- j man must be opposed, "the Interest owbrook Hunt club field odds pre (man. can never , originate impartial heavy on th American eldat . " Four t legislators." and even five to on are being laid against th cup leaving America this yesr; , HOLIDAY IJf RICffMOXO. RIICHMOND. Va., May 01. Me morial Day waa celebrated hero aa a state and city, holiday with a parade of eon federate veteran and'ftuxlliary order to Hollywood cemetery. Asked aa to his presidential candi dacy he aald. -"It too far off t Ulk about" ( At th conclusion of the address of Oov. Wilson at the University ef North Caroulna tonight Dean Prr Conferred th deve of LI D. upon th chief : xecutfis of New J-r-.oy. It was trie only honorary dre t ' -t by th university at this c. t menu

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