- 9T '. 1- THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, JUNE 4, 1011 t vr'v 1 1 r S3 u " "I - t f ! I I a. 4. ! 2 I ' . I I rr t i V I . 1 ' : parly of young people from th I lomford rUon have gon on a I ramping: party to Greybeard, where I r they will remain for the week-ejid. Thar ara several parties scheduled for tha -wcta-Wdk Thar ara several i j parties scheduled for the near future for P lagan and t'raggy. Mountain uvMivvi ,nn oa yruvm popular elnc U opening and parties of young peopla have driven and ridden out during tha week, returning to town after tea. ... . I Tha concert laat evening at the Aehevllle high school or the Mendels sohn Olee rlnb waa a pleasant event of (ha week.' Tha action) auditorium we packed to tha doors with tha rel atlvea and , f rlend of the student. wh generously applauded the well ftlven. selection, The outitHla, "The I,dy of flhallotl.- by Miss May Cor eoran and chorus, ws one of the fea ture t the progrsm and well given, ilr, Baacomb Jamea read "Psul He vera . Rids" with the mualcal setting by Lynes, with dramatic force and . eloquent- . ila Oartruda drlswold received much applaua for her num l "What tha Chlmny gang." The ehorulv, VDe Coppah Moon" and j "Tbe Oypalos." ware beautifully dons, na greatly approeiated by tha aaaem blagsv. Alls AIy . Kltobsrly con- 'ducte,' " -..,, ... , Gen. and Mrs. J. M, Ray will esls- brgte" ihe'i,ftltK tOPivgrtary of their wtMUlf ; today .CW.Toti,.' noma in wpoisey. n ooeaainij which will bs sltared with them by numbers Of tjhelr. friends, 1 Qn. e,ttd Mrs, Hay are amonf th oldest residents of Aahevllle, and are he!dv In th affac tinngt esteem of hosts of friend not enlyHn :lAhevlll hut in the county ana state- Today will he devoted (o them by all of their friends who art living in Aahevllle and ran fall to nay theff r1)cu and offer their congTst itleitlnns. Th4 Confederate veterans hav signified their Intention of call ing a w1 s Trtuny of th older raal? dentg ef tha ctty. Th Plrat Heglment hand will serenade 3en. and Mr. Ray n the Wtrry' afternoon from 1.30 until .'',elH.i"'"Th member of ' ths rnned"fate ehblr-wHr itlso to'1 out In the old songs which both Oen. and Wrg,' Har iri tafrtlllai with during th..Uysnof ,'il:wtr, (Thaf eholr Is asked 4hrMi tha boosittyth the old ganstrwifV Ikatki. ATMe' hbura In th morning .for , the-reoeatlon. r from 1 to 11 o'elork end In' the afternoon from 110 until; 1.1 o'clock. Mm. Ray hes not been well for some time, and this la on of the few opportuni ties', he friend hava had ef showing not only their reaped and interest but their appreciation of her unfailing kindness ln"' th: year that have d. r- ' "The finanne rommlttee of the Mia Ion hospital oarntvel, held the latter part f the week, will it make their report - until the neat meeting, -held a bent-Wednesday." at -"which tlma the exact amount of the-reoelpta will h madit public. 8o far all of th mon ey from th various booths have not been turned In; th receipt far i coed th amount expected by those In tereated In th carnival, and the -financial result haa been most irmtlfylnf. A if PR yH be,-mfd later In tha week. -AyQfdL r?itii ! - Dr. and Mra, Edward P. Child gave a reception laat evening at their realdenc In Victoria te the members of tftjVtTau(lhg ast.ef th Hormal and Collegiate Inetltut and the alumnf. ..jOfie ot the Interesting, event of commencement week at th Institute .fee, been the- alas reunions, and quite a number of th old grad uate have returned for the exerctae, bout thirty In all. Dr. , and Mr. Child were aaatated in received by MlaSyMoNsll. Th realdenc waa t trctiVLv decorated and refrNThment wr served. ' t Special Prices on Women's Silk Dresses 1-3 0ft on Wool Tailored Suits v , 'Our entire stock of spring nnd summer tailored wool suits are now re duced 33 1-3 per cent. We do not include pongee or white serge suits. ' V"'1'' ; The.jdays of great values bargains are at hand. You can now make a goodly V- ,a.yng on a suit which you will wear all summer long. rf"Too, we arc offering all silk dresses at big discounts. These are all the - latest styles, newest weaves anr patterns. You that are interested should hasten to attend this sale for at these big discounts Moore's dresses are sure to go and go fast. Tailored Suits. $12.50 Suits ...'.$ 8.33 $15.00 Suits $10.00 $20.00 Suits .$13.33 .$16.67 .$20.00 t $25.00. Suits $30.00 Suits ifiame reductions 1-3 off on suits on up to $55 V 'V-'i..-v . ll . V. M00RE & CO., 11 This afternoon t All Konls' i liur-'li Hlltrnori-, "Peace I I,-.ivi- The." will he anna, Mr. J. i. Hi Ikcleathrr hMng (he fololat The orKnn n-clt.,1 have been discontinued hy .Mr. Ilarktr dur ing the month of June. Jl" . The minim! hlsh ftrhnoi ronrert taken plaee Wedneeday evenlriK ' 'he Aahevllle Auilllorliim. and will lie one of the Intereatlng eventa of the week. There will he a hundred and fifty (rlrta Ml hoy of Ihe high mhool In tliM i hnriia, and there will he an oreheatra iii'i'oinpanlment for the laller. There fire four wilutala. Mra. Krunrea riem enger. aoprano: Mlaa Klhel Thompson, eontrnllo; Mr. Jamea K. Htlkeleiilher, tenor, and a harltone Rololat, who will tie announred Inter. The flrat part of of the program eonalata of mlacel laneoua numhera. aoloa and rhoruaea, and a mtiali'al re-adlng hy Mlaa F.llra belh ttamaey. The laat part la a nmi lalo. "The llullillng of tha Hhlp." hy Ijihee, with aololata, i horun and or eheatra. The concert will h a mual ral treat, and one that the pulillc will he Intereated In. a It ahowa the work (lone In Ihe high aohool and the ne- ealtv of niualcnl training for the school children. Mlaa KImbewty, the Instructor of mualc In the city schools, direct, The annual concert I always on of the moat Interesting events of the spring, and urumlaes this vear lo he one of the beat ever given by the studants. Ji Jl Invitations have been received In th city to the marriage of Miss Elis abeth llnnl;a Haskell to Mr. William Thaddeus Huffey at Tarhoro, N. t' Wednesday, June Jl. Miss Uaakeil la sister of Mrs. Mnrlnn Ouorrard und ha visited In Aahevllle on several oc casions. Hh la an exceedingly popu lar young woman here, and a host of frlenils will he nteretd to learn that h ll to be married this month. . . Th Woman's Forelrrn Miaslonsry society of th Central Methodist church will hold Its regular monthly business meeting tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at the homo of Mrs. M. K, Child on Pearson's drive. All mem bers "of the soclnty are urged to at tend this meeting as a number of matter ar to com before It. 4 w Mr. Will H. Oliver and children, ef Andrews, are vldtlng Mr. H. R. Thompson at her hoite on Ashland avenue. Mr, M. C, Needham, who baa been In California for the past year, haa returned to Aahevllle. Mis Bessie Hurleaon has returned home from Raleigh, where she haa been attending Meredith college, Mrs. Charles Oatynor Turner, of At lanta, Is th guest of Miss Ousel Smith. Mrs. Mary C Robinson ha returned from Columbia, . C whar ah went to attend the commencement exercise of the College for Women. Her daughter, Mlsa Arney Robinson, wss a member of the class and graduated with th degree of R. A, Mr. Jamea B. Rector will leave to day for Marshall, where he will at tend the meeting of the promoters of the central hlrhwny. Mr. Walter K. Chambers, of the Morgan Hill section, waa In town yesterday en route to Sylvm on a business trip. Mr. O. It, Bchoenfleld, of New "r len la In town On bualnea. Mr. Pchoenfleld Is the owner of the Sul phur Springs property and former president of the Southern Athletic club. Miss Klna Hndges leaves Thursday with Miss Kathleen War for Kanaaa I City to attend the narsra-Phtlathen I Silk Dresses. $12.50 Dresses ..$ 9.95 $15 to $16.50. . Dresses $10.95 $20.00 Dresses . .$12.95 $25.00 Dresses $:10.00 Dresses $35.00 Dresses $40.00 Dresses $45 to $50 Dresses f: . . . .$15.95 .$18.95 .$22.95 .$25.95 .$31.95 convention. .Mr. 11. wu In thi ncss. Meyer, of Hendersnnvlll, rlty yesterday on busl- Col. nd Mrt riinxham. who have ln-i-n vlalllng at t'hapel Hill and flpar tiinh'irg during the past week, return to Hlnrham llrigrit to'leiy. Mr A, A. liRiihnr Iravea today for Toledo, ii., to vlall hla parenta and I other relative Mr lieuhner'a daiiKh- ), tera, Mlea l.ijellla anil Madeline. : will reiuni wllh him to apend the aoinnier lit Aehevllle. Mr VV T Mivaon left yeatirihiv f'or Itallltnnre. w here he waa ailed hy Ihu 1 IMneaa of hla daughter. Mia Katherlne Maaon. Mra. Maaon and Mlaa Maaon I left several weeka ago for the Knat to remain away aom lima. Mra. Al- j l.-it Hull, Mlaa Maaon' aiater, alao left yeait rdny for Baltimore. Mr. ttufiia Woodroek returned yea- j lenley from a hualnnae trip and will l'i In town fur a few daya Mra, H. A. Weaton and Mlaa K. K. Weeton leave tomorrow for New York for ii eeveral week' alay. Mr. Hunhrlght fllven haa gradu ated from the llllimnre school of for eatr, anil liaa returned from Plagah, where the Fi'hool la encamped. Mr. Jinnle Mitchell haa none to I.olllllVlll' Ky., to visit relatives and frlenilw. Mlaa Kulhlei-n Clnik. of llarnard la vlallliiK Mlaa Kate Mi-hola. I ": Nearly every man or woman who Mlaa Rhtihel. who succeeded Mlaa ,,a, ,)e,.n trouD,,d wh ,,,ip,.rnua Mary Union aa superlntendsnt of the or llndel,,ra,bie halrB hH, had experl iTlsalon horpltnl, haa resigned. Mlaa . ... h , rd,, .-,,. ,hinh """ ,' month of June until a superintendent i.ord laklnK her uiii e uurio ine h h''n "ccured. Mlaa Hhubel la vi- Hltig Mra. Arthur Wheeler. Mr. and "Mr. Herbert Mayer, who have spent several day In the city, have returned to their home In San dusky. .(.. Mr. and Mr. Richard Needham and daughter, Mlaa Marie, of Georgia, who have spent several seaaons In Aahevllle, are expected shortly, and will be here during th aummer. Mr. Ottla Green has removed to 84 Church street from Huxton place. Mrs. II. T. Ethrldge and children, of Spokane. Wash., ar apen.Mng the summer In Aahevllle. Mr. Frederick, who is one of the agricultural student at the A. & M. college, haa returned to his home at Swannanna for his summer vacation Mls-El lea be th Davidson, of Swan natma, la violating friends Ip the city. Miss Marlon Cunningham, who has been visiting relatives In Macon, C.a., has returned to the city. Mr. and Mra. B. Lewi, of Aladsga, Ala., and Mlsa I-ewls sr visiting Mrs. S. Novlch on Central avenue. Miss Msry de Hardeleben la visit ing Mlsa Kate Hackney, who hss re turned from Nashville, where she la a member of the faculty of the Meth odist Training school, Mrs. Frank Logan and Miss Iola I.ogap, of Jam town, N. Y.. ar spending the summer In Aahevllle. Mr. TVthulon Curtl leave tomorrow for Durham, where he will make an address at th alumni dinner at Trin ity college. MUs Ororgln Hall and Miss Mabel Dixon, who have heen visiting friend In Aahevllle for eeveral days, leave the first of tho week fur their home In Oreeneboro, N. C. Mr. Charles HUliard has returned from Stetson university at PeLand, Fla., and la the gueat of his. aunt, Mra. V. A. Hull. Mr. Hllllard leave tomorrow- fur Kentucky, where he will apend sevarsl weeks. Mr and Mrs. Kdaom. of P. It., have gone to Mnnvllle. N. C after a short stay at tho Manor. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker, of Cho- Wool and Silk Skirts not new styles, are ir dueed as follows: $5.00 Skirts $1.45 $G.50 to $8.50 .... Skirts $2.95 $10 to $12 Skirts .$3.95 $15 to $35 Skirts .$7.95 PATTON AVE PHONE TS ! eOLDSBGRO-JISKEVlLLE I TRAIN TO WAYIifESVILLE ! June 12 Line Will Be Ex tended Without ing Schedule Damag j HAI.KiHH, N. , .lun. 3.--A h re anlt of a apeilnl t r i j h" Corporation Commlsloner VV. T. le to Washing ton lo confer with the P.-nithern rail way authorities about the matter, Ihe Southern snnoumes that will, begln nlnf June 12. extend the run of Ita (ioldsboro-Aahevllle train to Waynea vlljU without matenni i h'tnges on the prent schedule eeept the train will rutr one hour Inter on the eaathound trip. This will malnliiln the conneo tlons with WllmlMKton-iioldsboro trains as at preaent. Marvel For Any Superfluous Hair f I Wonderful Action of Klee-tro-lu, Ibc j llalr-ftemovcr. Will Kiirprlitc I Vou. I merely burn off thi j d(jn tn il4 jntrfi merely burn off the surfut e hair, red- all lo kill the hair roots. I Klec-tro-la la the remarkable new I hair remover which dues more than I merely hill the surface hair. It goes to the halt feuti, wnroj( mem ab olutely and forever. Besides this, Eec-tro-la, Instead of burning or reddening tho skin as otber hftir-femovers do, leaves the skin frosh and soft, so nobody can ever tell you have been using any thing. Uleo-tro-la contain no bari um nor any element not found In pure, wholesome mineral water. Whether the auperfluou hair la of light or heavy growth, Electro-la will destroy It Immediately and perma nently. - Kven light fust make a woman look roam. Meavy growth 1 hu miliating, ..d I C'-jpld'a wont ene my. Make your faca, arm, hand, boulder, neck end bust look clean and exquisite by using Elec-tro-la. The regular price Is 11.00 a bottle. Your money refunded If you are tint satisfied. Just send coupon below, with name and address, together with 2c stamp to- psy for postage, for a free trtel paciffcsre of Elec-tro-la to prove -vhat It will do. FIIKK TRKATMENT. Fill In your name and addre on dotted line below and send It to Ko-ltec-TIv Co., 6106 State St., Chicago, enclosing a two-cent stamp to help to cover mailing, and we will send at oncn a fcee trial bottle that will show nhat F.lec-tro-la will do for you. F 7i 1 4. "' cago. III., have returned home after several month tay at the Manor. Among those who have arrived at the Manor within the past few days are: Dr. F. A. Stone, of Jackaon, Mich.; Mr. A. E. Metxger, of Indlan apolla, Ind ; Mr. J. F. Roach, of New Kork City; Mrs. U New-elt. of Atlanta, ria.: Mr. and Mrs. 'Louis T. Wilde, of Columbia, 8. C. ANNOUNCEMENT Until Further notice Dr. J. IT. "Williams will reside at the Swannanoa Hotel. Hotel Telephone 32 Private Telephone 46 Office No. 20 Medical Row, Battery Park Place Telephone 46. Matters oi Record The following deed have been filed In the office ef the register ol' deed: William H. Hurst t al. to Ehanesar j Hurst, land on Ml Ivy; consideration l. J. K Wilson and wife to W. T. Buckner and wife, land In Ilcester j township; consideration $200. j BattfTy Park bank. trustee, to i Tench I". t'ox. fee Tree railway prop- ; eitv purchased at public auction ! Marriage- License. C. t Young nd Altha Hoberson. I I.. TC 1'pgers and Bertha Taylor. ! The New Scale NEEDHAM A Piano for S300 Cash or Installment. PALK'S MUSIC HOUSE PILES CCTtEI) AT EOWK BY NEW AHSOHPTION MKTHOD. If you auffer frora olaedlng. Itch ing, blind or protruding piles, aaad me your add reus, and I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by tha new abaorotlon treatment: and will also send soma of this home treat ment tree for trial, with references from your own locality If requested Immediate relief and permanent cur aasured. Pend no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today te Mrs. M. Summe" Bo P - Notr i We have In slock and In trans- : lent five aModel i,n, Modol 61, Overland Automobiles, Torpedo Itunabout, and Fore-Door Touring Cars. equipped with tops. The above cars ar ne-w. have not been usod for demonstrating and o will offer them a long aa they laat at a special dis count. Here Is a chance to purchase a high grade car of the latest model at the regular agents' price. De liveries Immediately. Address Over land, care this paper. THE HONEY HABIT. Texas Comb Honey. Something dell, clous. New crop. This Honey la un usually fine. An economical neces sity. At all gro cers. Our Ice cream I delicious. Nothing like it. HAltMOX CO., I'wk Square. Palace Airdome Happy McNally & Steward Comedy Artists. De Vaux Co. Novelty Act Illustrated Songs Motion Pictures Matinees at 4:30 Till Further Notice. "GET THE PAI-ACE HABIT." IN THE GOOD ; OLD SUMMER TIME Is when coal with quality -counts more than anything else.' The right coal In the kitchen means a great degree of comfort and satisfaction in the home. M. & W. INDIAN COAL, meet all requirements for a perfect coal for the kitchen range. Phone 130. Carolina Coal &Ice Company eoeeoceoeoeooeoeeee PRETTY PORTRAITS OF WOMEN We make a specialty of dainty pho tographs of women. Years of study and experience has taught us how to catch your prettiest pose and best expression. RAY'S STt'DIO, 29 ration Ave. W. W. Young's Barber Shop Now at 14 N. Pack Square formerly at Hotel Berkeley Hair Cuts 25c Wedding Flowers Any Kind Let us send you our booklet telling all about them. J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO. GREENSBORO, X. C. n m i linn . ... i, L s i 1 M WHITE HOUSE COFFEE The finest brand of nitre, high A blend that Is perfect and suits tin tans. J -pound alr-tig-ht tin 3-pound slr-Ught tin STR&DLEY 3 East Pack Square. . BREAD IS THE Hhy not have it good? good. I have it. BUTTF.R MOT BREAD, VIENNA ROLLS, FAN ROLLS. I visited the largest and beat bakeries in Washington and Bal timore and have a line of Bread that cannot be excelled. lVf . HYA1VIS CORNER NORTH MAIN AND MERIUMON AVE. Fame Cirooerie Meat and Vegetables. NOW IS to have your diamonds looked ,on In hard platinum; tbey are larger and whiter. Give ma a trial. CHAS. E. Mfg. Jeweler, THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Aahavflle, N. C. Jl Haywood St 'Devoted to th thorough and scientific treatment for (elect case ot Krrousnes, Faralrsis, Asthma. Habit, etoma.cn. Rheumatism, Disease of. woman and other chronic disease. '' The Bath and Massage department ot th Sanitarium is open to th public TolUsh. Russian, Cabinet, Bet-Hot-AJr, Electric-L,gh t. Tub, Bit,, .root. Shower and Needle Bath. Galyanlo and Farradlo Treatment; Electric Vibrating and Bweediah aUaaag ant' Movements. Thur Brandt Masaage for Dls of Woma. Douche Lav;. DON'T Worry about some or "our Chrips. We 20 cts. pound. Fresh Vegetables, V. V. HAYNIE, the Grocer PHONE til. XR. N. MAIN AND EAST STS. FOR SALE. Eleven-room house with large lo t on Chestnut 8t. Entirely modern, first-class In every respect. .Attractive grounds. On account of owner leav ing city will mak bargain price If taken within next few day. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. Removal Notice Piper & James have moved their millinery store to 43 South Main, corner South Main and Astor streets. Reduction of Trimmed hats M. WEBB CO. ASHEVTLLE'S THE FINEST TOWN ON EARTH Better situated, has better climate, better water, and "better peo ple." want of the "bet ter people" which ac counts for great mass of advertising literature being sent out. And, most of the bet ter people are wearing laundry work done the Nichols Wav. Phone 95. Vshevil'e Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr School Girls and Boys We are making; an unusually low rate for our special summer session which begins June 15th. By entering before that date you can take dvan - tag of our escepttona.1 offer. Phon .... . ,1. ...... ,.11 , - 178S and we will give you full par - tlculara. Kniannel School of Shorthand. BITTER-CRIST BREAD. Our new brand, only Be per loaf. It's Delicious. Fresh Ially. Ashaville Steam Bakery, booa or SSI. .MAXICVRIXG, SHAMPOOING. FA CIAL AND RCALP 3IASSAJE. 'Chlropady work done for ladle and gentlemen. V make up your combing to or der. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP V : IS Haywood M. . grade, Coffee In this country, everyone. Packed In sealed- Kc $1.10 & LUTHER Phones 64 and 651 STAFF OF LIFE - ! Washington iiread is ' VIENNA BREAD, THE TIME after let me put new platinum tip wear-proof, makes the stons look HENDERSON, 32 ration Avenue. PhoaUt something 'to eat. Call 77 and get fora cnops, umo cnopa or vai have some nice Legs of Lamb at Butter and Eggs. n Monntain City Steam Laundry CLEAN AND SANITARY Our business la te pleas. OIV ua k trial. SO North Lesingrtoa Avenue Telephone) 43 MISS OLGA tTipJsbfySfamt HUFF i EXPERT OORSETIEKB ' ROOMS 27 and 28 American National Bank Building; i ' ICEBOXES REFRIGERATORS PORCH GOODS HAMMOCKS J. L. Smathers & Sons 15 N. Main St. Dew Drop Candy Parlor Sa Patton Are. Fresh Candy every day. Cocoa nut flavored syrup and peanut butter. E. M. Adair & C. P. Baker Proprietors. New York Tailoring Co. 8 North Pack Square Cpstalr. i have opened a pressing club de partment. Membership ticket one dol lar per month. Three month, $2.50. PHONB 36. Burn our coal and save the difference. A&HEVILLE DR4Y, FUEL St CC" sTRrcnos oo. Phone 22. j X DELICIOUS T I StrawbeiTV Ice Cream, ; " V K knA ntnlff lUVrt a ! T McKay's Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Opp. P. O. Phoiie 964 to hare yoo clothe pressed. Latest improved steam Pressing Machine. QUICK SERVICE PREjt'.aXQ CLUB Gimm I

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