; t.ni(.,5, TTfE ASHEVrTXE CITIZEX, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1911 ' 8 t h i hi V 1 - e. - , , i" " i f St , j sogie,ty ' nh ii rr1 : Mn. Whlttcd'a rooking detnonstra- tions and use of the Ran range, at tho T. M. I'. A. auditorium have heen of unusual Interim o women and each aftvrnoort there arc few vacant Beat In the auditorium. The oppressive heat experienced recently hs been Somewhtit discouraging to huusckeep-t rr, and therefore much Interest hus been taken In the gas range, the uhc. Of which eliminates much of the dis comfort from heat and dirt, that can hot he overcome when the old fash ioned coal or wood rH-7ge la In use. Mr- Whltted shows deftly howj, va rious dllhni may ho prepared. 1 and that cooking la not such a 'bugbear" when una thorough!)- underatanda thaf art. Lessons are free and any one may tKO each afternoon of the week from three thirty until five thirty, and r pleasantly hear Just how to conk n man.1 and be Instructed in the usge of the gas range, It oven, hrollera, el. Electric fana cool the auditorium ' . each afternoon. Saturday afternoon gas ranee will be given to the holder of tha lucky numlier and those attending- the demonstrations from day to day are aaket to preaerve the 111- tie all Da glvsn out. Today's menu la ai follows: Broiled Ham, Apple Baucc. French Apple Tie, Cheese, Straws. Jt J The Pen and Plate club hold their monthly meeting at the Manor Thurs day evening. Dr. R. II. Bwope wjll ; ' read an essay, the subject of which Will be "Mental Therapeutics." Pr. P. H. Ringer will be the reaponflent. A la re, number of the Ashevllle 1 achool student leave today for their homea In spsflai para, not to return I4titll the autumn, The commencement exercises whh'h have laated through a week are 'concluded and thla eve Ulna; the annual banquet of the aenlor clam at the Manor will be the final tnt of the year. There win be forty guest at th banquet, and the aehool color, blue and white, will be repre sented by white sweet peaa and blue bachelora buttona," with lengtba of blue and whtta ribbon enlertwlned. r Th Tennla' chib waa entertained yesterday afternoon by the Mlaaea Chapman at their realdence 1n Char lotte street.' Only the elub membera were 'present.,.,.'"-' : Lieut, aha lira. R. O. patteraon an nounce the' engagement and p proachlng marriage of their sister. ' Mlaa Francer' Marian McCanless to Mr. Andy C. Bnloe. The wedding will 'take place June Hat. ) Mr. Fnk Loughran leavea today - for Belmont, J. c t attend the commencement exerclaea of Bt. Mary'a ) . college, ef-which hla ajOH Qeorg , a atudent. air. Loughran will go through the country tn hla touring car. The party wll. return via. Baltebury, and t WTH .'there, be Joined by Mr. Uughr Isran'at ote eon, Xawrence.. who la ,a f t atude)nt at Waahlnfton and Lee' t'rri- Veraliy, 'of Lexington, Va. : The regular ; monthly meeting of the. Flower Mlaalon and Aeeorlated Charltlea waa held yeaterday after noon at the central ; off Icea In Pack f nquare. ra f 1 leave of anai 1 .linn July wh Square. Mra Wild, the general aecre- her home and requtet ahaence for twoaveeka dur which waa granted bv (h Vtioard. Mlaa Olive Ouffln haa been ae- cured to take Mr a. Wlld'a place at the , Office during her ahaence. The aaaocla . tlon la doing the moat comprehenalve and effective work In Ita hlatory and financeakgre needed at the present time to keep pace with th great ' work forrthe ilck and poor which haa been planned." i The eeport of the month of May waa of intereat and ahnw the ln ereaae In the vlalta and work. In the urg leaf department there were IS - caaea, and a total of & vlalta, In the ttibertuloata department, caaea and it vlalta. In the medical department, there were 10 vlalta, end outside Vlalta. The dental caaea were not given ; although there were an unuaual num ber. Mr. F". W. Cone, who has done euch excellent work aa chairman of the finance committee, reatgned, Mr. J. A. Nlchola being elected to fill the vacancy. J J The Chllreh'g Pay exorctace at the Montmorencl church at Candler, were held Hijhday, jby the children of the Eabbath achool. There waa a very large attendance and the program ' Constat tng of recitations, aonca and musical numoera by the children was , Well executed. An interesting rmturn ' lof the program waa a aong aung by ione of the oldest residents in the corn- June Sale of Ladies' Tailored and Lingerie Waists This season's waists, fresh, crisp and dain ty. Tailored models in several different stylos, some in tucked and pleated effects oth ers in plain shirt style with pocket on left side. "Lingerie models in sherr muslin and batiste, .trimmed with lace and insertion, Jong and short sleeves high and low neck. .$1.00 waists at $..79 $2.50 waists at $1.79 150 waists, at 1.19 3.00 waists at 2.19 2.00 waists at 1.49 4.00 waists at 2.79' ; 1 . AT HALF PRICE One lot of last season's styles, lingerie and laee waists : ' Prices were $2.50 to $22.50 at $1.25 to $11.25 t ; $ V.:M00RE & CO. INDIES'; FCTtjriSHrNGS. W It PATTO.V AVE. t rnunlty, anil w ho l film I) ia r! v know n ; A""t I'enhtnd. She nan How l lrm ,i I'oiindatlon," not In the I modern style of tlie cultured singer, I but the old camp mcctlriK style. pni i olar In her girlhood. A larKe portion 1 of .the audience was moved to tears by I the ulnKlnK of this beautiful old hymn I and lis simple and apiif-ntlng rendl- tlon. M The commencement exercises of 1st tlenevieve's eolei and Hillside i Convent will take place this afternoon ' at Hi, (iennvleve'a In Victoria at half j past three o'clock. The Invitations were sent nut some time oko for the .commencement, exercises, although it Is regretted that some of the large number were lost in the malls. In the evening there will be a lawn fete and the grounds beautifully Illuminated with colored lanterns. The convent has been successful beyond the antic ipation of those Interested, and the transformation of the old grounds of Victoria Inn to the beautiful park and Hardens of the convent will bo sur prising to those who have not been out during the winter. A full account of the exercises will be given In lo morrow'a Issue. iJf Alumnae Society of the- slie vlllJtfJIgh school will hold Ha annual reuiflori Friday evening nt the home offilra. Samuel Wolfe. "The OKI Ken tucky Home" in Hprucc :tlreet. The reunion will bo less formal than the banquet which has been given horo tnfore, and waa chosen tn preference to the latter this year. The toasts will be a feature of the evening, and Mr. T. J. Harklna will he the toi.stmaster, and Mr. Marcus Krwln win rcspnmie both. being former graduates of th high achool. There will be a number of apaechee and a very pleasing mu sical program, the latter will be Im promptu. Quite a number of the membera of the enclety are well known In mualcal circles of Ashevllle. and have appeared frequently In pub lic, so that the program Friday ee nlng will be one of unuaual interest. The house wtll be decorated with the achool colors and everything will be done to make the reunion one of the moat pleaaant of the annual entertaln menta given by the Alumnae Society. J Tha Baraca-Phllathea classes of the First Baptist church were pleasantly entertained last night by Miss Grace Campbell at her home on Haywood atreet. A good program of vor iind Inatrumental mualc wga carried out, after which refreahments were aerved. Those preaent were: Mlaaea Nettle Perklnaon, Wallace Tucker, Mamie Whlttlnghton, Sadie McBrayer, Pau line Blvlngs. Ethel Mathts, Pendleton Leona Young, Irene Padgett and Fay Drennat. .Maira.u fle.ubenMgBrayer, Powell Tucker,, tarbott, Hettn; Per klnaon and O. W. Mathis, Mr. Charlea W. Drown. o the Bron-Mlller flhoe company, hei aold hie handeome realdence In drove Park to Mr. Charlea A. Woolsorv of Ver mont, who will, make thla his home if: moving here In the autumn Mlaa Oertrude Waltott. who h been visiting frlenda In Augusta, Q haa returned to the city. , Mlaa Krneatlne Hill,- who haa been visiting friends and relatives In (he city, haa returned to her home In. Ala bama. :!ii;Sfl!.iif Miss Lillian Weaver, who haa been visiting frlenda In the city, haa re turned to her homo In Atlanta. Ca. Mr, and Mra. O. T. McCarthy", who have spent the winter in Ashevllle, leave shortly for their home In Cin cinnati, o;. and will return to Ashe vllle In tho autumn. Mr. J. J. MeCloskey has returned from a weck'a atay at Mountain Mead froril uwa Inn. Mr. Ben Bernard has returned the est after an absence of a year or more and will spend several days with his family. Mr. Bernard will re turn later In the summer for a sev eral weeka' stay. Mtse Lois Maxwell, of Jacksonville, Fla., la visiting her nunt, Mrs. Theo dore F. Malloy. of Mcrrlmon avenue. Mrs. C. E. Orove and two small children, of Blltmore, left yeeterday for Waynesvlllo to visit Mrs. Oroves brother, Mr. F, C. Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Gilllland Ftlkelcather arrived yesterday and are at the resl- GOING FROM PLACE TO PLACE Did Net Help Mrs. Warren, of J-ZcComb City, to Get Rid of Her Troubles, But Cardui Did Mii'umli t'ltv. Miss "I feel it my duty to tell you,'' ams Mrs. Mamie K Wtj!ofjjl-hls city, "how much good ' 'aTKjn7rha.H done for rne, "Klght 18) years ago. I had typhoid fevor, and my health hna been bad ever since. ' I tried all kinds of medlclnea and even went from pn e to place, but could find no relief. "I had nervgns spells and weak spells. I was 'not able to even look after my house, and I suffered such terrible pains In my stomach and hou els. "I read about Cardui, the woman's tonic, and bought a bottle. It did me so much good that I kept on taking It and am better now than I have been, since I hud typhoid fever, am able to look after my house and foel like a new woman." Those who have tried Cardui know the most about it. If you need a tonic, won't you take advantage of the experience gained by others, and se If it will not do the same for you? Your druggist sella and recommends i It. .fee him about It, today. .V. I). Write to: Ladles' Advisory I Oept.. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.. for Special In I strtictions, nd 84-pnife book, "Home I Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper, on request j deni f of Mr. ejid Mrs. Fergus fitllte Icathcr, In Church street. Itev. H. Field Haumcnlg has leaaed cottage on VVutaugii street and will mijve from his present home In rlmon avenue early In July. Pr- Mrs. Clorlnda H. Chiinn. who has been the guest of Major and Mrs. H. T. Clayton, in Washington, f. C, for the post three months, will accom pany them to West Point, N. T where the former haa been atatloncd. While In Waahlngton Mrs. Chunn re ceived much social attention. Mrs. A. N". Moore leaves today for Toronto, Canada. Mr. and Mra. Albert Johnaon, who have been residing In Lexington, Ky,, are visiting for several daya Mr, and Mra. rteuben Urahnm and will later go to Durham, N. C, to visit. Mrs. Emily C. Sherrlll left yester day for a trip to Cincinnati, O. Mr. Louis Howell, of Tryon, waa In town yesterday on business. Mr. and Mra. Ouatave Liehtenfela will be the guests of Mr. and Mra. M. D. Ixmg In Park avenue, for aeveral weeke before moving Into their home on French Broad avenue. Mr, and Mra. Frank Kyeelka, of Cherokee, are guests at the Swanna non. Brekeley. Mr. Kyeelka la super intendent of the Indian schools at rokee. Mr. Hubbard W. Hhawhun, Jr.. who has been with the flitter Lumber company (Hiring the year, la spending some weeks with his parents on Mont ford aveTlue. Mr. ft. C. Goldstein, of the Aaheville High school faculty, leavea toduy for Trinity College, Durham, and will spend the greater part of the summer at tip University of North Carolina. Mr. C. Brewster Chapman has pur chased 'the residence of Mrs. W. p. Milliard at the corner of Cumber land avenue, and Magonllla street. Mr. Chapman will not reside In the house, but made tho purchase merely as an Inveatment. Mr. C. W. Brown haa sold hla real- Ulcnce In Orove Park, Mlsa Nancy Clarke, of Breve ard, and Miss Sarah Graves, of Detroit., who is visiting hor, were In town yesterday returning In tho afternoon to Bre vard. Miss Flora Nell, formerly of Ashe vllle, recently wofi the Holly memo rial prlae for excellency In water color painting. a Sophie Newcomb lle In New Orleans. Miss Nell will shortly vlalt Mlse Elisabeth Wil liamson on Pearson's Drive. Mlas Lucy Minor leaves today for Philadelphia to attend the com mencement exerclaea at la Fayette college,, Dr. and Mra. Minor and their children will spend the summer In j Canada, leaving In July. Mrs. E. W. Olllls and Miss Dell Gll lls returned last evening from a week's stay at Haywood White Sul phur Sprlncs hotel. NEW TELEPHONE LINE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED j A stock company for the building I of a telephone lino from Candler to j I Ashevllle has been "organised and the ! stockholders given permission by the ! ; county commissioners to erect poles, j ! Work will begin on the construction 1 : of the line wthln a short while. W. j ! H. Pearson waa awarded the contract j for getting out the poles. About !00 people will be required to build ' the line, which will accomodate the ! residents of the north and south Horn- i hiy valley, Beaverdam and Pole . I creek valley, where aeveral telephones ! are now tn operation. It Is thought that a swithebboard wtll be Installed either at Candler or Hominy. i liKFT FOR CTIARIjOTri Dr. U B. McBrayer. president of the board of medical examiners of the stae of North CaYollna, left yea terday tar Charlotte to attend the an. cuai ajegafoa of the board. " Mountain City Steam Laundry CXKAJT AND SAX IT ART Our buainaaa ia te pleaee. (Jive us trial. 30 North Lexington Arcnue Telephone aa MAMCOUXO, KHAMKJOING, FA-! 1Al, AND HCAI.P MASSAGE. ' Chlropady woik done for ladles and gentlemen. We make up your comblnga to or- : ' MISS CRUISE'S SHOP S3 Haywood St. BEE3 MAKING HONEY Is part of S57, If your dealer don't have It. V. W. HAItMOX & CO., Phone 857, Pack square. PltETTy rOUTKAITS OF WOMEN j We make a apecialiy of dainty pho- tographa of women Years of study; and experience has taught ua hov toj catch your prettiest pose and beat I expression. j RAY'S STl'DIO, j 3t Iattoii Ave. ' WEATHKK ft IMPORT United States department of agri culture, weather bureau. Wlllla L. Moore, chief. Temperature S p.m. Max. Atlanta 80 84 Augusta 8 Boaton fiti Birmingham H2 90 88 ft 4 , 84 , Buffalo til 8'i 78 60 8 88 Charleeton . Charlotte . . Chicago . . . Oalveeton . . 98 1 , j 94 Montgomery Mobile 86 New Orleans 90 i New York 64 72 84 86 82 94 82 88 June Norfolk 70 80 82 86 70 Raleigh . . St. UjuIr . Savannah . Waahlngton Wilmington 80 Local temperature data for 1.1. Pe8p hrdlu mbbbbx bzbz bzb At 8 a. m. 68, 10 a. m. 69, 12 n. 70, 2 p. m. 71, 4 p. m. 70, 6 p. m. 69, 8 p. tn. 6 7. Normal 68. Highest 78, one year ago 75. Lowest 67, one year ago 60. Absolute maximum 82 In 1905. Absolute mlnimumC In 1903. Iocal precipitation for this month. ' Normal 4.35. Greatest amount 7.74 In 1909. I -east amount 0.91 In 1908. For laat 24 hours ending at 8 p. m. 0. State of weather at 8 p. m. clear. . Otto Llcht anticipates an European yield thla season of 7,500.000 tons of beet sugar, almost the same aa the 1910-1! output. HELPFUL WORDS From an Ashevllle Citizen. Is your back lame and painful? Doce It ache especially after exer tion? la there a soreness In the kidney reglrfn ? These symptoms indicate weak kid neys: There ia danger In delay. Weak kidneys fast get weaker. Give your trouble prompt attention. Doan's Kidney Pills act quickly. They strengthen weak kidneys. Read this Ashevllle testimonial. Airs. J. S. Lee, landscape artist, SO Ashland nve , Ashevllle, N. C, says: "The beneficial results derived from the use of Doan'a Kidney Pills which were procured afaatmlth'a Drug Store, led mo to publicly endorse this rem edy. Doan'a Kidney Pills act promptly and leave no room for doubt of their merits." , F$jr sale by all dealers. Price 50 celwi. FoBter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Niw York, sole agents for the L'nlted States. Remember the name Doan'a and take no other. . BURTON & HOLT Furniture and House Furnishings Corner Pack Square and South Main St. The Piano With the Sweet Tone The Southern Piano for Southern homes. All true Southerners prefer to buy and use Southern productions pro vided they equal those of other sections. In a measure this may account for the triumphant success of the -Stleff Flaoo made in the Southland tha most popular piano In Dixie. Kqual to any superior to very many. Bold direct from maker to home, on easy terms. Write for Price List. CHAS. M. STIEFF, Southern Wareroom 5 Went Trade Street, Charlotte, - - - - - . X. O. H. WHMOTH, -;;Manager. C. our . v - nusinese. Deiung --ek v; the best pure hon- y , ey In the world Is ,m, 1 j another part th-H P ' we look closely f j after. and can f. , j give you bett.cr : honey than any JJt jjTjB I nnn else. Phone s BaHV I S57, If your dealer V (Main Store) 50c Sedo Silk. Special for 39c yard Sedo Silk is a lustrous corded ma terial, which makes very handsome evening gowns. --It is not only noted for its beauty, but also for durability. The color 1 ist includes the following: Pink, old rose, light blue, new blue, navy, brown, tan, pongee, green, red, lavender, yellow, cream and white and black. 50c Sedo Silk, 18 inches wide, for . . ....39c yard OUR WEDDING BOOKLET OF FLOWERS ' Will tell you all about the kind of Powers to use. It's yours for the asking. J. VAN LINDLEY NURSERY CO. GREENSBORO, If. C. ICE BOXES REFRIGERATORS PORCH GOODS HAMMOCKS J. L. Smathers & Sons 15 N. Main St. TRIMMED DATS REDUCED M. WEBB & CO. WE SELL THE BEST MEATS AND POULTRY T,he senior member of this firm haa been In bualnesa In Ashevllle for 25 years and Is still selling meat food to peo ple who patronized him when he first ctigaged In business. This bespeaks prompt, cour teous and satisfactory service. HILL & YOUNG Phones 4 and 35. City Market "Home Rendered tarri" itnmmmiwmtfflfflmttmag A NEW LOT OF FIRST CLASS PIANOS are expected to arrive in a few days. Meanwhile I will continue to sell the few7 re maining in stock at greatly reduced prices. C. FALK 23 S. Main St. Burn our coal and save the difference, ASHEVLLLE DRAY, FTKL A CON 6TRCCTION CO. Phous 22. Prescriptions Our prescription depart ment is growing daily. Are you taking advantage of our exceptionally low pri ces! Ask your doctor about us and give us a try. Seawell's Drug Store 45 BO. MAIN. phonm mi Hotel I SEWING MACHINES VARIOCS MAKES Sold, Exchanged, Rented and Repaired CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS ASHEVLLLE SEWING MACHINE CO. Legal Bide Pack Square. Fhona ISO mm mm - Silt? Waists. WHITE HOUSE COFFEE The finest brand of pure, high grade Coffee in this country. A blend that Is Detect and suits everyone. Packed In . scaled tin cans. pr 1-pound air-tight tin 39o , 3-pound sir-tight tin .':$lM I SfTR&DLEY & LUTHER 3 Eas5 Pack Square. Phones 64 and 651 Best Shipment of Huckleberries, Goose berries. Canteloupes & Watermelons B OTTER NOT BREAD, VIENNA ROLLS, VIENNA BREAD, PAN ROLLS. I visited tha largest and best bakeries in Washington and Bal timore and have a line of Bread that cannot be axeelled. JVf. HYAMS CORNER NORTH MAIN AND MERRIMQN 'AVE. Fancy Groceries Meats and Vegetables. THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Ashevllle, N. C. No. 20-31 Haywood Street. Phone 684 Hydro-Thermo-Electro and Mei.aano-Therapy. Dietlcs. Devoted to tha thorough and scientific treatment for selected cases of Nervousness, Paral ysis, Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma, Habit. Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women, and other chronic Dlseaaess. The BathS and Massage Department of the Sanitarium is open for Ladles and Gentlemen. Skillful attendants for both Ladles and Gentlemen will administer Turkish, Russian, Cabinet, Betx-Hot-Air, Klectric-Llght, Tub, Sltz, Votitft Shower and Needle Baths, Galvanic and Farradic Treatments. Electrldt Vibrating, Swedish Massage and Movements. Thure Brandt Massage for diseases of Women. Douche, Lavage. Open from 8 a. m. o 8 p. m. .Sat 12 p. m. Just received a nice lot of watermelons. I can give you these ice cold. Everything in fresh meats and vegetables, chicken s, eggs and butter. V. V. HAYNIE, the Grocer PHONE 77, COR. N. MAIN AND EAST STS. FOR SALE. Eleven-room house with large lot on Chestnut St. Entirely modern, first-class in every respect. .Attractive grounds. On account of owner leav ing city will make bargain price If taken within next few davs. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO.. 48 Patton Ave. OPAL CREAM An exquiilt and delightful Toilot Preparation for Hands and Face. Invaluable to ladies who do their own house work keeping the hands whito and soft. Delightful to use after shav ing Price 25 Cents. McKay's Pharmacy Prescription Specialist, opp. r. o. Y. W.C.A. Delegates And other visitors in 'Asheville will find the "Nichols Way" Laun dry work unexcelled in point of goodness and high quality. Phone 95. And our wagon will call promptly. Rush orders a specialty. Ashevllle Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr BrTTER-CKCST BREAD. Our new brand, only 5o per loaf. It's Delicious. Preen Dally. Ashevllle Steam Bakery, Pboaw ! or SSI. MISS OLOA 'Tilf Jyt' HUFF EXPERT CORSETIERE ROOJLJ 3? and M ' AmerkAa National Bank BalMlng Gdssard Welcome Pokies (Annex) One ot of Silk Waists Cjreatly Underpriced ' We are cleaning up our stock of . ' There are .a number': es gathered together that we intend to sell very reasonably. Xo chances are taken in getting them out. Waists worth $5 to $6.50 in chiffon and silk, black and colors, for $1.95 each. ' f Kitchen Comfort : i" On hot" summer days I is assured if vou. ! USE COKE Light, dustless, smokeless. Phone J30. Carolina Coal & Ice : Company : Phone 964 to have your clothe pressed. Latest Improved steam Pressing Machine. QOCK SERVICE FRESHING CLCB School Girls and Boys We are making an unusually loir rate for our epeclal summer session which begins June ISth. By entering I before that date you can take advasA tage of oar exceptional offer. Phona 1731 and we will give you full par. tlculars. tunianuel Scbool of Shorthand. Asheville Business College) y Is Offering Splendid Summer Courses. SCROLARSHIP (a) Book-keeping, Penmanship, Spell . ing, Business Letter Writing, Bus Innsa Practice. SCHOLARSHIP (b) j Shorthand, Typewriting (touch method). Spelling, Penihanshhtp. Office. Dictation and Experience. Punctuation and Filing. SPECIAL HOURS: Penmanship, Spelling, Typewriting; and Arithmetic; - ' Have your boy and girl spend tha summer with us. .College Opr PO. HENRY 8. BHOCKLEY. Principal.

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