TUB ASHEVTLLE CTfZENV FRIDAY, .TUNE 16, 1911 SOCIE,TY ii ii Jr 4i" 1 i ImMum Katherln Cartmell observes I terday, nt In return until Septemter. I Una Katherln Cartmell observes Thursday a her "at home" iluv at "Peter Pan" cottsgeand vetirrlav aft ernoon Invited several people In meet Mr. Gllliland fillkeleather. The lat ' iet looked Unusually charming in a I lingerie rrwt and a picture hut of hit with pink roses and torn hen r ' bin, it If Kmmi Uudger. who hnit 'Just returned from Panama. was among the number of people who called during the afternoon. . The eooklng demonstration by Mr. J. M, Whltted at the Y. M. C. A. au- ' dltorlum each afternoon are the prin cipal toplca of Interest at present to womankind. The auditorium was crowded to the doora yesterday and the deeply. Interested audience 111- : elted most attentively to Mra, Whlt ted' discourse on the Virtue or the gas. ranee and Ita convenience and cleanliness, Mra. Whltted prepares a very delectable luncheon tn full view of the audience and afterward each , one prevent la nerved with a lunch eon' 'la miniature." hut the portlnna are sufficiently generous to satisfac torily attest the alilllty of Mra. Whit ted at one of the foremost demonstrs tnrajn the art of cooking in the coun try. The potato tlmbale yeaterday war delicious, and the pineapple Take, quite new, although lie fore the eummer la over It will have enjoyed a very treat popularity, Chops and mint aauee completed the menu yea terday. Today from 1 10 until C.tO Mra. Whltted will lecture and will pre pare the following menu: : , rianked Flah and Tartar Sauce, i ' Duche Potato Roaea. Tomato Aspic, Msyonatse Dressing, "WW'. Marguerite,.' Tomorrow the peraon holding the lurking number will win' the line gai range which has been donated by the Ashevllle Electric company, under' whose auspice the demonstration are being given-' Kaoh peraon on en tering 1a given a slip with a number, the dnpulcate la torn off and deposited ' In a box; If the person holding the . iitc.gy number ooe not respond when the number -'l' called tomorrow, a second number will be chosen, T' Demonstration nave been unusually successful, : and have aroused great Interest during the weeh.v M .." : 'The dinW, dance at the Country elub tomorrow' evening will be a de llghtful ending to a rather dull and i, very .oppressive week, : The heat ha - born sufficient to dltt'nurage. exertion 2 whether, at golf or tennis, but yester- (lay the cooling braeses cleared the r atmosphere, The first dinner dance of the reason prowisee to be, a . very V pleasant and suoceasful affair. -The table will usual be placed on the n veranda, which wilt be Illuminated by lanterns. Flowers wilt make the ta blea more attractive, and quite a ...number of the latter have been re . served. , The reservation list closed yesterday according t the uaual cua v torn. The- danr- will follow and many people who have other engage ments and dinner arrangements will coma out late for that, Spear' or chestra will play all during the even , lnr, which Is also very- pleasant to an. . tlolpate. r The special car will return tot town at ll.lt and will convey the - jrgeats to any part of the city. Miss Eleanor Morrison gave a small ' and Informal bridge party yesterday afternoon at her home on Pearaon drive, ,n . J J Mis May Klmbarly-and Mr. T, A. Coxe, Jr. of the high school faculty, who chaperoned a party of young : people on a camping trip to Rattle ( snake lodge, returned with the latter yesterday after a very enjoyable out- Mrs. K. jf .arr entertained at luncheon ,tVdiielay In honor of her ieata.tr. Charles Shaver and Mr. Eugene Fuller, of Salisbury. The1 . fleooratlons were a combination of .daisies and rhododendron and ferns. Ptinh waa served bx Mlaa Georgia Donnan and Miss Annie Cobb, of : Morgantpn. A musical program was 5 given lata In tha afternoon. Mrs. Csrr'g neat were Mrs. Bhaver.' Mrs. Puller, Mrs. James Hunter, of Sails . bury; Mlaa Peterson and Mlaa Ella Peteraon. of South CartJna! Mrs. : AY 3. Clsrke, Mr. JT. H. Payne. Mra i. Smith, Mire Otha Smith. Mlaa Lydu, Mir Kate Hanley, Mlaa Babbctt. Mra Horace Cliff, Mrs. Wagner, Mlaa Ella. ; sbetb Anderson. Mrs O. W. Donnan, Mr. J. H. Barker and Mrs. Oiarle ilalone. Many of tee atudenta of St. Oene :; vleve's departed for their home yes Taffeta Petticoats Specially Priced Blue, green, red, changeable and Persian ef fects in light and dark shades': white and black. Some sold under guarantee, all are excellent quality taffeta. Kegular $3.(K) quality at $2.98. Another lot of particularly soft taffeta, 'close fitting, especially adapted to present skirt styles, pleated ruffle, and eambric dust Truffle. In bluer green, purple, gray,-rose and -dejicate-changeabre effefrSr-irrght aiid dainty. . . Specially priced at $2.98 ill. V. M00RE & CO. WOMEX'8 rrRXISHINGS. . 11 PATTOX AVE. terday, nt to return until September. Thre M ill he uult a number of Klrln i remaining at the concent durltlK um- I rher. and the will fnrrma happy o- terie until w hool uauin opena. Many of the girl are taking iantrtiagrs and j music, anil private len In these liranclirs uill lie given during the ! mmer. Italiona have hen laaued to the relelwallon ,f the third anniversary of the breaking orf ground for the building of the Kiiat Carolina Teach ers' Training achool, which oroura Friday. June 30. at J 0 30 a. m. The summer term of the school will he In session and appropriate artdreaaea will be delivered by (iov. IKtchln and other distinguished speaker. The training school la at flrcnvllle, N. :. Jl The Corpus Chriatl proi eaaion Jt Ht. (ienevleve's college Hunday after noon at 6.30 will he a religious cere mony aeldom wltnesaed In this coun try and one of special Interest not only to Catholics but also to Protest ants. The public la Invited to wltneen tha prnceaalon on the grounda of Ht. Uenevleve's Sunday afternoon. The various church processions abroad are magnificent pageants and occasionally the feet a occupy slmoat an entire day, and are witnessed by thouaunda of people. In Florence and Naples and Rome they are unuaiially beauti ful, the gorgeous vestments of the priest and the acolytes, the canopies. the Jewels of the churefc and gold and Silver challcea, Incenae burners and candlesticks are very valuable. Sun day afternoon the prleats and altar boys will -wear veatmonta, and the blessed sacrament .will he borne aloft under a canopy. The men and boy In the procession will carry lighted candles and many little girl will strew the ground with flower. , Two altar will be erected on the grounds, at which benediction will be said, and the ceremonies will afterward be con cluded tn the chapel. Tha rnualc will consist of hymn sung by the chil dren, all of whom will be clad in white and wearing white veils. "Pltklna In the Pie" last evening at the Ashevllle high school auditorium proved a Very amusing and clever farce comedy whlih added - further laurel to those already won by Mr. Mary C. Bobtnion for authorship of many successful comedies and. plays. The farce. ,haf been well cast and rehearsed and the youthful actors displayed real talent, The situation were screamingly funny and the audi ence applauded Immoderately. " The raat was very long, too long In fact to give individual notice. The prin cipal character were very well taken. Mis Katherln Omanney, Ucne Vleva Rand, wa very pretty, and made tha character Interesting. Mia Eula May Owen, a Buaan. the atage- trued maid, wa excellent, and a. large (hare of the comedy fell to her lot. Mis Gladys Mndsey, Mis Flor ence Freedlfnder, Miss Viola Own by, Mis Elisabeth Horton, Miss Brma Par ham and Mies Clemmle McCand leas were all wetl'cast, and by their clever portrsyala rounded out an un usually good amateur performance. Mr. Carl Messier came out with hon or thick about hi brow, for not only did, ha make a very likeable lover that every one envied Genevieve, but Incidentally he was stage manager, manager, property man and "Good Man Friday" and a large share of the succeaa of the piny waa due to hla un tiring efforts. Mr. Hugh Tarpley played Pitkin with 'a rare vein of comedy and appreciation. Mr. Has com Barnard was very successful as were also Messrs, Edgar Wilson I,e- roy Owens, Jack Brewer. The final curtain fell amid a perfect storm of pplauae and on on of the most suc cessful amateur plays given In the city In several years. It la hoped that "Pltklna" will appear again, and he no doubt will, a clever farces are few and far between. The high achool or chestra, under the direction of Mlaa May Klmberly, added much to the pleasure of the evening by several well rendered selections. The stage settings were unusually good, and the carnival scone waa perhaps the beat. The proceeds of the evening's per formance will be used by the June graduatos for a gift to the achool, which baa not yet been derided upon. Miss Margaret O'Connor, of Knox vllle. Tcnn., la visiting Miss Grace Kelly tit her nome on Bartlett street. Mr. Alfred Hopkln. of New York, is the guest of Hr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Carroll. r AFRAID TO STAY ALONE Mrs. Moore, of Cherry Val ley, Was in Fear all the Time Till She Took Cardui, the Wo man's Tonic Cherry Valley, Ark. "I ueed to have blind, dlzxy apclls " save-Mrs. Carrie, Moore, of this place, "and was In fear all the time that aomethlng was going to happen. "I bad headaches nearly nil the time, my heart would palpitate, my vitality waa very low. When I woujd lie down at night. I would have no hope of living jinlll day. "I we afraUl to atay by myself, and when 1 started out from the houne I would not be sum of get ting back. 1 had cold feet and hand, and my feet and lega would swell up, every month. "At laat I begun using Cardui, and I had Hi ken 4 bottle before I could fnl It waa helping me. 1 continued to take It until I had used about 12 hollies and now 1 can aay that 1 feel better than I have for 6 years, and am able to wash and cook for 5 In (he family. 1 cannot praise Cardu enough, for what it did for me." For you, lady reader, Cardui wll do as much, as for the writer of thla letter, If you will only give It a fair trial. Cardui ia a tonic. It helpa ateady the nerves and. builds up new strength. Are you a woman? Do you need a tonic Try t aruul, the woman s tonic. Your druggist sell It. Mr. Frank Oudger baa accepted position with the Bell Telephone company at Charlotte, and has gone lo that city. Mr. and Mrs. Davis McDowell, who were recently married in Cincinnati, O., are spending their honeymoon In Ashevllle. Miss Charlotte Klndall Hull, of Philadelphia,' I the gueat of Mlaa Browning Addickes for several months. ; Mis Hull la a violinist, and ha Just Completed a concert tour In the East. , Miss Adelaide I.oughrsn. who has been visiting friend In New York for a number of' weeks, returned to town. yesterday. Mrs. Hexektah Oudger and Mlaa Kmms Oudger have returned from Panama. 'Judge Oudger will Join thsm later In Ashevllle to spend a part of the stinmer. ' Mr. and Mrs: irenry westair are expected shortly from Birmingham and after a short stsy in the city will spend two week at the summer home of Mr. ' Westell' parent, Mr, and Mrs. weatherly, at Black Moun tain, Mr. end Mrs. Weatherly are at present At Black Mountain. Mr. Fred Oates returns tomorrow from Washington virtd, fljsj HvrUveralty. Mrs. W. H. .Griffin, and small daughter, Grace, of New York, ar rived yesterday, and with Miss Drum mond will occupy "Pine Logs" on Magnolia street during the summer. Miss Alma Bostlc I visiting her In Qaatonla. aunt, Mr. H. R. Moore, Mrs. M. -W, Sorrell has leaaed the Morris Meyers' home on South Main street. 1 Mrs, Aldlne Howell, of Waynesvllle. was In town yesterday visiting friends. Mrs. Frederick If. Shuford aitl children, Master Francla and Mlaa Margaret, of Sallahury, are visiting relntlvea at 149 Bartlett street. Mr. Perry D, Cobb, formerly book keeper for the Scott Lumber com pany, haa accepted a position with the Ashevllle Paint ft Glass company, and will be at their South Main street offices. , Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, the Misses Pratt and Mr. Fuller and sister, of Ohio, are visiting In Ashevllle. Mrs. Mary Brownell and daughter. Mil's Evelyn, who have apent aome weeks In the city, have returned to their home In Norfolk, Va. Miss Ellrsbeth McKee. of Frank fort, Ky., la visiting friends In the city for several weeks. Mrs. -James W. Anthony, of Dela ware. Is viitltlng Mrs. J. A. Sinclair on Chestnut street. Mr. Marry Oonnlff, of Montgom ery. Ala.. I visiting her mother, Mrs. f. 1!. Hcheuasler. 1 Sirs. .1 Ci. Klniald and Utile riauah j tere and Mls Rosa Watklna left ves-"' terdoy for lllllshoro. N. K.. where thev will visit Mrs. J. C. Watklns. j Mrs. liice Miner an.' Minn Hannrh I Krwln have taken the tint In the I Woman's Kschange hnlldlng 'or the i summer. Mrs. Miner's son. Mr. John Miner, who has recently completed hla sophomore year at the I'nlverslty of j Michigan, arrlvea next week, and will j spend the summer -with hie mother. Miss Katberlne Pea dins, who bas I . been at school nt ?eoruiovn, Ky., : during the winter, is expected to le- I i turn today to spend the summer with ! her family. i Mrs. r. E. Rita, of Houston. Tex.; j ia viaitlng at the home of her brother, ! Mr. C. S. rav!a, on Fllntetreet. MT-. fntsAn Hunter and son. Master I Joseph, who have been visiting friends I and relative in the city for several ' weeks, leave jnhoritv. for their home in 1 Raleigh. N. C . I - MisJiSK: JJoere. who has been .via- It In Miss Mar.lorle and Miss l.nry I eo.tt st Hlue Ridge Inn. Henderson- v II Ip. has returned to the city. , Miss Elisabeth. Porter la visiting : Mrs. J. A. Woodcock on Haywood I street, and will shortly be joined by ber mother, Mrs, R. R. Porter. Mrs. I Porter will visit Mra. Julia Lee On i Flint street. Mlsa Porter haa spent the winter with her aider, Mr.Hat wole, in Harrleburg, Va, '- . v A rtu',,( saeney. Money." ataefaruw known aa tin: dough, e usb, gelt, rock, etc. Tbt corpuscle of national circo! Hon which Indicate tha strength of oar constitution., v , It la often'. called a curse. Soma rear by It, other swear for It, a ad till otbera (wear at It- ' It often cnnie a specie of mental derangement of delirium called money mania. Many are willing to be tbus Inoculated. " It 1 the feature of social distinction. It t the mtasure of intelligence those who have It re wise, those wbo bsve It not are foolish. Possession of It entitle one' to tue use of a moner gram. Though a medium of exchange, it has no connection with aoula or astral bodies. It la i he religion of today, often called moneybelsm. Prenchera pray for It; laymen Id t for it. ' It .Is the be ali and the end all. Chil dren cry for It. women sigh for It. mm die for It, and all lie for It Smart Set. Wrecks' ay s Knife Blade. A ship .waa once wrecked on the Irish coast. Xbe captain waa a care ful one. Nor had the weather been of so severe a kind ns to explain tbe wide durance 'which tbe vessel bid swerved from ber nroer course. The blp went down, bur so much Interest attached to the disaster that a diving bell waa sunk. Among other portion of tbe vessel f but were examined was the compass that was swung on the deck, and Inside the compass box wn detected n bit of steel, which appeared to be the email point of ' pocket knife blade. It was learned tbat.tbe day before tbe wreck a tailor wbo bad been et cleaning tbe compass bad used ht pocket knife tn tu proc ess and bad unceremoniously broken off the point and left It remaining in tbe box. Trat bIMif knife blade ex erted ll influence on tbe compass and to a degree tbnt deflected tbe needle from Ita proper bent end vitiated It aa an Index of tbe ship' direction. That bit of knife blade wrecked tbe veaael. Soeteh Student. Many a malt who never bad any "schooling" get an education, and often a aurprisfngly good one. A traveler ip. Scotland once, met a farmer whose ground rent was about I'.tt a year and who wrote poetry In Gaelic that waa of a blgb order. Tbla same traveler met a youth In Scotland wbo' rode from home on horseback to the seaport and then across Scotland to Aberdeen, where be sold bis bone to enter the university. ' It Is related of another Scotchman tbat be was overheard repeating a line of Tennyson, whereupon aome one ask ed blm wbnt poet be liked beet "Homer." be replied. "Whose traitsattlon do yon readT "1 rarely read a translation," be aald. wiping the flab scale from big apron. "I ilk best to rejid Homer in tbe original tlree'k."-MlnneapoU Trib nne. Alt Abeut a Cruiser, "What sort of a boat ta tbUr in- Sulred the taqolsltive man at the ocka. " A A " ' "A cruiser," replied a smart UtL MAnd where U she going r "A ernlee, Ir." "What make it got" "Ifa acrew. air." "Wbo are on board V "Ife crew, air." "It look pretty amart" "We bare to keen it clean, or rob- bleb and dust would a'ceroe, air." "Ob. yon're too etnartl Where do yott corse from?" "From Crewe, air." - London Tit- Bits. HOW TO CURE KncUaiiiii.M It la la Iateraal Disease And jalres Aa Iateraal Reatedy. The cause of rheumatism and kindred diseases 1 an sxeess cf uric acid In tbe blood. To cure this rribl disease thla acid must be expelled and the system so regulated that ' no more acid will be formed In excessive quantities. Rheuma tism Is an Internal disease and require an Internal remedy. RUBBING with Oil and Liniment WILL NOT CURB, affords only temporary relief at best, cauaes you to delay ths proper treat ment, and allow the malady to get a firmer hold on you. IJnlments may ease the pain, but they will no more cure Rheumatism than paint will change the fiber of rotten wood. Science has at last discovered a per. feet and complete eure, which Is called Rheumsclde. Tested In hundreds of csssa. It baa effected the moat marvelous eurea; we believe It will eure you. Rheumaclde geta at the Jointa from the Inside, sweep the potaons out Of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates the liver snd kidneys and makes- you well all over. Rhsumaolda strikes the root of the dls eai and rsmovaa It cause. Thla splen did remedy Is sold by druggist and dealer generally at (0c. and tl a bottle. In Tablet form at 2Se. and 60c. a package. Write to Bobbltt Chemical Co., Balti more, Md. Booklet free. Tablet sunt iy malL I-'or sale by W, C. Carmichae), druggist. Ashevllle, K C. The Piano With the Sweet Tone Tha Southern riano for . Southern' homes. All , true Southerners prefer to buy anJ un Southern productions pro vided they equal those of other sertions. In a measure this may account for the triumphant success of the Stleff Piano .niule ia the South, and tha mont popular- piano In Dixie. Equal to any -superior to very . many. Sold -dlrert frow nkf to home, on easy terms. Write for Price List. CHASM.TSTIEFFr?. Southern : Wareroom. West Trade Street. Charlotte, - . X. C. HV WILMOTH, J ' Manager, '.Xt 'li. ' -.j-.t -r,r- "2: e -! j e i e e ?cM i ' M'' ' $ i: e f e M. & W. INDIAN COAL PHONE 130 .1 e ft I ft : Carolina Coal & leg : Company Uountaia City Steam Laundry CLEAN AND ANttAKxT Our business U te please. Give us m trial. S North tIntOA Vrenue Telephone Ma PRETTY PORTRAITS OF WOMEN We make a, apeclalty of dainty pho tograph of-women. Year of atudy and experience has taught u how to catch your prettiest pose and best expression. RAY'S STUDIO, Patton Ave. MISS OLOA "TApM A-w HUFF EXPERT CORSEOTERK , ROOM.4 ii and 2 American National Rank Building TRIMMED DATS REDUCED M. WEBB & CO. A WE SELL THE BEST MEATS AND POULTRY The senior member of - thla firm ha been In business in Ashevllle for 25 year and 1 still telling meat food to peo ple who patronized him when he first tfigaged In business. This bespeaks prompt, -cow-teous and satisfactory, service. HILL & YOUNG Phones 4 and 861 City Market "Home Rendered Lard" iittllHBHIIintllimMffi ANEW LOT OF FIRST CLASS PIANOS - v are expected to arrive in a few days. Meanwhile I will continue to sell the few re- maimng in mock a& -greatry reduced prices. ' 0. FALK 23 S. Main St.' Burn our , coal . and save the difference. ASHEVILLE DRAY. FUEL A sTRienoN co. Phone SIS. CON Prescriptions Our prescription depart ment is growing daily. Are you taking advantage of our exceptionally, low pri cesf Ask your doctor about uo and give us a try. SeaweiTs Drna Store BO. MAIN. PHONK Ml Hotel SEWING MACHINES VARIOUS MAKE) Bold, Exchanged, Rented and Repaired CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE CO. Legal BIdg Pack Square. Phone 1S0 THE QUEEN BEE can be step it Xi y "T N. Pack Square ' I f" today, also a., full atsas" colony at work. " Water inerohs on We. ahy amount HARMON. Tbe Bee Crank Phone 857. - LADIES DON'T FORGET TO SAVE TOfJR COMBINGS "AND LET . US MAKE THEM UP FOR YOU. . MISS CRUISE A Phone 1. - Hair Shop Haywood f" 50c Jfecfo Values hare readied the selling of the last Eveiy few days we eal women-take advantage of. Our idea is to sell down on. certain lines before, moving.. ,. We Are working them off slowly,- because; , we dislike to throw everything on sale at once. In the nst place we have not the room for such a sale. But if the women of Asheville will read ur; ads for the next two months t hey will save money and not be crowded while" doing so., j i: . Sedo Silk is only one we are offering. This silk is 18 inches been an excellent seller you like this week in WHITE HOUSE COFFEE: The finest brand "of pure, A blend that la perfect and tin cana. 1-pound alr-tlght' tin 1-pound air-tight' tin STR4DLEY 3 East Pack Square. : Best Shipment of Huckleberries, Cpose : berries. Cantelonpes & Watermeloinis BUTTER NOT BREAD, VIENNA' BOLLS, VIENNA BREAD, J AN ROLLS. . v e I visited the largest and best bakeries in Washington and Bal timore and have a line or Bread that cannot :. be excelled. M. HYAMS CORNER NORTH MAlN AND MERRIMON AVE. Fancy Groceries; Meat WHY DON'T your groceries, fresh meats, .ol Ii r-i -v r it n f , . -Promnt deliTerv. ; V. V. HAYNIE, the Grocer k PHONE 911. THE GRUNER SANITARIUM AaheviUe, N.;0. No, S9-31 Haywood Street. Phone 681 Hydro-Therrno-Electro and Meieano-Therapy. bletlo. Devoted to the thorough and scientific treatment for selected cases of Nervousness, Pargl. ' ysla, Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma, Habit. Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women, and other chronic Dlseasess. Thfl BathS and Massage " Skillful Attendant for both Ladles and Gentlemen Turkish, Ruaaian, Cabinet, Bete-Hot- Shower and Needle Saths, Galvanic and Farradlc . Treatments., Electro Vibrating, Swedish Massage and Movements. Thure Brandt' Massaga for dlaeaaes of Women. Douche, Lavage. Open from I a. in. to ) p, m. Sat. 12 p. m. ' .... ' FOR SALE. - 'J ...... - a Eleven-room house with large lo t on Chestnut St. Entirely modern, first-class In every respect. .Attractiv e grounds. On account of owner lead ing city will make bargain price if taken within- next few days. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. OPAL CREAM ; An exquislt and delightful Toilet Preparation for Hand e and Face. v ' J . Invaluable to ladle wrho do e their own house work keeping e the hands white and soft.- J Delightful to use after shav- Ing. . r, " :' Price J5 Cents. Z McKay's Pharmacy Preemption Speclaliata, Opp. P. o. Asheville Business College Is Offering Splendid Summer Courses. SCHOLARSHIP (ar Book-keeping, PenmanMilp, Spelf Ing, Business Letter Writing, Bus iness Practice. .- , . ' SCHOLARSHIP (b) . Shorthand, Typewriting. ...Xtouch. method). Spelling, Penn-.anshhip. Office, Dictation snd . Experience, Punctuation and Filing. SPECIAL HOURS: Penmanship, Spelling, Typewriting snd Arithmetic. Have your boy and jtlrl spend the summer with us. .College. Opp. P. O. HENRY a SHOCKLEY, Principal. BCTTER-CRUST bread. V Our new brandy only So per loaf. It's DellcIouR. Frcsl) ' Dally." Asneville Steam Bakery, sa or set. ICE-JRQXESi REFRIGERATORS PORCH GOODS HAMMOCKS J. L. Smathers & Sons :: :i5N. Ma4nSt. '-- ' ! tfteir hieigcst 'jpofnt during few weeks. r - " offer bargains that econoihiV among marly special, values - - v wide, and - has- always at 50c; buy.as.mufih.as aall colors for, 39e'Tardj high suits .. ... ... ., grade Coffee ift thla country, everyone. Packed' in sealed . v. . . & LUTHER PhoneS 64 and 651 i and VegeUbtea, YOU BUY r " vegetables, eggs and buttet ;er t- lion 1. . n ' -Lw . ' A " .... " " COR. N. MAIN AND" EAST 8TB. department or the Sanitarium 1 -open for Ladle " tnr 1 and ' Gentlemen. will administer Air, Electric-Light, Tub, 6Mtz, ,Foot. and all your personal linens laundered - the NICHOLS WAY. ffives perfect satisfac tion. "- Phone 95. 4 " -.ues lA Asheville Lancdry J. A. Nichols, Mgr Phone 964 to have your clothee pressed. Latest improved at earn . Pressing Machine.- " ;- - QUICK SERVICE PRESKTXG CLFB .. jt t .tf . v- ,r1. . School Girls and Boys We are making an unusually low rate for our special summer , session w4rich.-BglraifcaMlwBjr entering . before that date you can take advan- -tage of our exceptional otter. Phone 15 Jt ahd. we win jrixe; j.oti.fitll par tculara. . " ... " '..'"',. ' .Jmanuel School if Shortltand. CITIZEN WANT; AIW BJRING RESULTS '''"-.-.?''- I'''''.."..' ,i -'.H. Visitors Shirts i" "s ':Tc-t'i