- THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1911. 1 i 4 ij t el CM HE 010 NOT (ContlniMMl from Vg One). I ' an giving titter proof of abne 'v gatlon and (fnvotlon to my rountr' by abandoning the reins of govern met and transmitting them to oth ere, with the political aituatlon by no. mean desperate: with the army. While, not numerous, unconquered knd with the .treasury despite heavy campaign expenses In the last six months, atill holding 02,000 000 pesos. "That alone aufflrea to show the loyalty'of ray "conduct during the re cent crisis. I aubmltted myself to . - the wUI exprased by a portion of my country, although I believed It ' waa mislead and all I aak for my declining years la to upend them In tranquility la the boaom of my fam ily and ardently hoping for the prosperity, of my country to which I have consecrated 63 yeara of ef- fectlve aervlre, placing it In a good t position among- civilized nations. "I have broken all the bonds which ' hold me to Mexico, and even If I were asked I would not return to , take part In the politics of the reun :. try. . Only some international dlffl , tttlty necessitating a supreme effort - on the part of. all Mexicans In a rloae union could make me alter my de- - olslon but If such an eventuality arose nothing could atop me from going to the end or my life, a In the first year's of my manhood . fine In hand.". The general aald he now awaited any charges that could or would be , orougnt against nym to refute or " ignore as he deemed fit. General Diss had a splendid re teptlon at Bantander. Captain den era) Marquis Folavleja, president of the Spanish , mission to the Mexican - centennial celebration last year. 1 greeted' him Ih behalf of King At- r (tm " XII the elvll and military authorities, the Mexican minister at Madrid' and many others paid their respect. Many brought boquet. -fhe general waa irraatly touched and m.sald It wae a great pleasure that the nrst ina m Europe his eyes should behold we to which ha was bound by tie of blood, language and be' llefs, . From. Plymouth General Diss will proceed te Havre.- MILLION PEOPLE SEE . TMEIC DEATHS f (Continued from Pan One) t YIDART WSAWIV" . t LIEOB, Belgium, June It At the , closing -of the reKlatera tonight aeven of th avlnton whs atate4 from Vlncennea on the first stage of the European lneultire had arrived here, a dlMance ef 110 . kilometres . (Ill mllesw. ,Tky were recorded In the following order: . Vldart, I houra ,11 minutes; Vedrine, hours II mln Vtet; Weycnann-I ura SI minutes: Beamont, houra I minutes; Duval, i hour'llhTfini'tV,,hd Oarrda, nours minutes, ' : ' 'All the men who arrived declared that the: flight fMn Rftefm Wftir'fhe Worst In their exprtMV.! They Were beeet with " f arioutt ddys anfennttng almost to whlrlwtnda; which forced them to mount- fr Hbove the clouds nd grttpa their way by compaaa. Vldart wm completely exhausted. In addltloa to the difficulties h encountered- In -keeping,, his machine tevel he suffered frem air slckn,es. Many time he thought his laat hour had come, and vthat he would fall. Barra also told of the, dangers from the wind. Once, an extremely se vere tuat tor oft, his gogglea but he caught them with hta teeth aa they were dropping and almost cp vised hla, machine in doing so. -A CAVALIER or VIRGINIA" ' "A.; CvaJlr of i Virginia." one of Theodore 'Robert's best novels,, pub lished by I C, Page and company of Boston, haa met with a warm recep tion from l the reading public, and promisee to reach a flattering record in the matter of sales. It la a novel . which holds the reader's attention from start to finish, dull pages being the aceptlon. The action la awlft and, thrilling,,, carrying the reader from 4h. rose-scented halls of Vir ginia across the tlantlt! to England, and thence to the Spanish main. A couple of hot see, fights precede the falling of the hero Iro the hands of a Spanish Don. A romantic love atory Is not lost sight of In the oilck succession of events and all ends hap pily. I C. Page and company. 11.20. Local agents,, Brown Book company. Will upon they . Ho iiiee the requirements of this season's styles, and there, is a model for everv figure, r' They come in batiste, coutil and" brocade. K Prices from $2.00 to $10.00 VS itt V.MOORE & CO. CUKBK.g APPAREU II PATTON AVE. Y.M.G.A. CAMP HAS j BEEN GALLED OFF The V. .1. '. A rump uliP ii .f a plunned to hold at Arri t . i .i .vci-l will nut, mi in i niint of the lack it I campers, In- lulil. I'hyslcal Director Pill had perfected HrraiiKcmentu f..t a camp uml hud made rru 1 1 k f n . ' : i I ' with the ftpartanburg V. M r. A. In admit a number of the nieinlieri'. nl the umorlutlon of that eiiy tn 'of Ashevllli- rump. However. It I'fini that ltitereei in rump life In Ahelllc la not very strong Just now and triune wno nan anucipnien koiiik uii mi- M. ('. A. (amp were unable to get a sufficient number to accompany them to miiUe the trip worth while this summer It will be learned with rcwiet by those who had hoped to be members of the camp Va-lloo pr.rty this sum mer that the camp will not be held. However, it may he that later In Ihe season an effort will be made to get up a camping party. BANK BOBBERS NOT YET APPREHENDED RKMIDjr, Minn., June 1 Un successful efforts to capture the bank robber who was wounded when de tectives who had laid a trap for him and his confederate when they broke Irto the postofflre at Pupoaky early ;esterday and the discovery of dy namite Jn the safe of Dr. I). T. Du man, Mayor of Cass Ike. said by detectives tn be at the hea; pf an organized band of criminals, were the. two leading featurea of the rase H aay. The Dumas afe was to have heen opened hy an expert from Ht. Paul but at the last moment Dr. Dumas, who Is at liberty on ball, gave the officers the command. Hlx sticks of dynamite and four dynamite caps were found. BOB PITZSIMMONS IN AUTO ACCIDENT BATAVIA, N. T., June 11. Robert FltBslmmons, former champion of the prise ring, was Injured In an auto mdblle accident near here today, re ceiving aevere brulaee and cuts. Fltxslmmons, hla wife and a chauf feur were en route from Cleveland to New York In the former fighter's 0 horse power machine. While at high speed the machine swung off the road tnd turned over. Mrs. Fltsalmmona and the chauffeur were thrown clear but Fitaalmmone waa pinned under the rear seats. He was brought here for medical attention. RAYMOND MAY QVIT. ST. LOUIS, June I. Arthur Bugs" Raymond, the New York National's pitcher, who was fined 1200 snd suspended Indefinitely Sat urday by Msnager McOrsw for break ing training did not accompany hla team matea when they departed to night for Boaton. Furthermore, according to the ru mors here, he does not intend to re join the team, but will go to Chicago and enter semi-professional base! a II. EIGHT-HOUR MW FIGURES. WASHINGTON, June !. The ap plication of the eight hour labor law to vessels constructed tn prlvaje ship yards will be reflected In bids to be opened at the navy department next Tuesday, The proposals will be for two fleet colliers under the eight hour law and two other fleet colliers and two tfw sea going tugs without the labor limitation. WORLD'S RECORD. NEW YORK, June 1 Piatt Adams, of New York Athletic Club, Ing high Jumps today by clearing 1 OS a new world's record for nine stand ing high Dumps today by clearing 103 feet 7 inches. KX-(i)V. KNOTT DFAD. LEBANON, Ky., June IS James Proctor Knott, former governor of Kentucky and prominent for many years In congress died here today aged 81 years. That It Is more easily cleaned Is the claim of the English inventor of a fork with tinea diamond shaped In section Instead of flat. Yeast, diluted wit hbolled. luke warm water, la declared by a Paris doctor to be a remarkably effective remedy for burns. IADIKrFRFJ3 THKATO AIRDOMK TONIGHT. 8PKCIAL PROGRAM. The Beauty of Your New Costume depend vow largely its correct hues, and in turn are determined by the eorset over hieh it is worn. An all-tittiiifr cor set or one that is not prop erly proportioned for the the figure, will ruin the ef fect of the handsomest gown. The new style C ! K Cor sets are csneeiallv dosio-nprl THE CRACK OF THE WHIP i;w sadie oi corr Copyright ly American Cre Aj-o- clnti..n ISM ' il Wnll.iT tnirt in-en courting me ..'He mi, ', imi no proposal come, il iy tic mill me where tlio bitch Aiulalilllly." he wild. "Is Indispen wiblo In n w ife. How con I kuow De fore iiinrrtnKp; thnt yon are amiable?" "You abuw n great deal of good ene." I replied. "There la a great V. ideal In wtut jou sny. Come ana taae up your qunncra wiin ua lor a uiuuiu. ; There you will si-e me every day and often when I am off my guard. 1 slid 1 1 be compelled to show my liato- rut disposition " "And as soon as the month la over we will enter iipoo that other month' called the honeymoon." be cried eotbu slnxtlcaily. and. throwing bis arms around my neck, be covered taj facet Willi kisses. Now. we women have a way of do ing things by strategy. I didn't feel soy more fear of betraying a disagree able nature with Neil In the bouse than when be came to call oo me. I knew well enoueb that matrimony U different from courtship and that when two people settle down to Work In dou ble harness there la going to be a good deal of friction, for awhile, at any rate. I thought It a On ennnca to letjKetl tea before marriage that these frk'tlons are not atl the wife's fault. I waa especially eulpied to do this, for my little brother Jack was at home, snd I well knew that If Nell could stand Jack's antics without los ing his temper he would be quit able to stagger under my most glaring faults. Nell came and settled himself for the trial my trial. Be hadn't aald anything about being tried himself, and 1 dldo tell blra that he waa to be nudcr observation. Nell want to business In the morning, returning about 6 lu tbs afternoon. Jack took him Id charge aa soon aa ha arrived. Nell tried to get rid of blm, bat Jack tuck like a leech. Nell would be read ing poetry to ma Id the garden. Jack wonld come op behind htm and with a stick and a horse's hair and a tiny ball of paper would make him think that a bumblebee waa lighting on hla nose. Jack sneaked Into Nell's room and filled hla underclothing (on the Inside) with burs. Neil got the clothing on. then bad to take It off again and was bait an boor picking ont the burs. He waa late to business that day and came home In a very bad humor. Bf such Innocent Juvenile expres sions of a child's nature did Jack In gratiate himself Into Nell'a disfavor. Nell remarked that the boy had been very badly brought up. whereupon 1 simply aald that It waa evident he didn't like children. Te me these little pranks wero delightful. Mall aald that, the boy belug my brother, I waa doubt less used to blm. Jack during this preparation tor a honeymoon found a boy be would rather play with than annoy NslL go I waa obliged to bribe my brother with candy every day snd the promise of a football at the end of the season to keep blm at home during this test of my disposition. Besides, I waa obliged to conjure op methods for baraselng my lover and suggesting them, to the dear boy. When Ncfl waa enooslng Jack poured sand In hla ear. Then Jack would steal up behind Nell and slip a small piece ot tee down hla back under his clothing. And one day when Nell and I were walking over the lawn together Jack, who waa watering the grass with the hose, turned It on my companion and drenched blm. This waa the climax of a long term of annoyances, nnd Nell could not have kept bis equanimity any longer unless be had been descended from the angels. Ue broke louse In a profusion of Bible quotations In wblch the word "damontloo" occurred oftenest Then he ran after Jack, vowing that he would knock every bit ot spirit out of bis villainous little body. "Mr. Walker," I exclaimed severely, "how can you apeak so ot the dear child!" Culld!" be cried. "Hellion, rather!" Mr. Walker,'" I continued Id a dig- jjlfled tone, "1 am disappointed. 1 sup posed that your disposition waa aa gentle as a lamb's. 1 Ond that you are easily angered and when angered not only fierce, but vindictive. Uow fortu nate that I should have discovered the true acerbity ot your mokoupt Our engagement ts at an end. Had I mar ried a man wltb such a temper 1 should have looked forward to the rest of my life wltb horror." These iat words were the aame as he bad used to me, but he didn't re member them. "And had I married von" he re I toned, forgetting himself In a ww burst ot auger, "one In wboae velna flows the blood of tbnt Uttle viper, I would"- 1 walked straight Into the bouse and shut the door sfter mo. Where be stayed that night I dldnt know, but the next morning he came to me and on bended kuee begged me to forgive h'lra. I asked blm If be wished to lest my disposition any further, and be aald be was quite eattsried with It Then I forgnve him. I do think men are the stupidest creatures In the world. And yet they think themselves superior to women. Tbcy .bttve-au many theories about them for our guidance. They bluster aud nrrocntc to themselves, but they all know tl cruck of a woman's whip. That Aw Till Change. Connie .Mack, manager of the Ath letics, was discussing in Philadelphia a pitcher who had gone back. "You'd never believe he was the same man," he said. "It'a like the lost memory cane. "'Ain't It strange ? said a. Con shohocken women to her husband, as she looked up from the Bulletin. 'Here's a gent who. arter a fit of 111- j neaa, can't remember hie wife, and re j fuses to believe she's the woman he married.' "The Conshohonken man grunted. I " "A'ell, he ain't the first man." he j aald, 'that ca't realise his wife Is the i same woman ite once went crazy ! over.' " BURTON & HOLT Furniture and House Furnishings Comer Pack Square aud South Main St. Acquire the Habit cf wearing immaculately laundered linens. Let us do the work. PHONE 70 A Trial Is All We Ask Swannanoa Laundry "We Treat Your iAundrt White" IIIIIMIIIMIHIMHM OFOROE ADE When In Ashevllle several yeara ago, acquired what he termed the "Wheat-Heart habit." He got In the habit of eating Wheat-Hearts and after that no other cereal sat isfied him. Thousands of oth ers have formed this habit They use other cereala occa sionally, but Wheat-Hearts alone satisfies. All Grocers M 1 1 1 1 i I Ice Cold Watermelons Sliced and served at our place, N. Pack Bauare Whole melona on Ice at all times. Honey la our spe cialty. Phone 857. itaV C. W. HARMON CO. a ; COKE USED I sft j IN THE KITCHEN RANGE Is conducive to -summer com fort Coke Is very light and you get more In quauntlty. It la also dustless and bourns without smoke. It Ignites more readily when slightly dampened. Phone 130. : Carolina Coal &lte : j Company I ASHEVILLE IS NEVER SATISFIED With anything but the best. Beet roads, best paved streets, best cne system, best phone system, and BEST LAUNDRY WORK That done the "Nichols Way." Phone 95. Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr Be a Great Pianist Yourself Even if you Don't Know One Note From Another Kilucate yourself, your fami ly and friends to the beautiful In music. Self Player Piano 1400 to $950. Convenient terms if deslrecV CHAS. M. STIEFF, Manufacturer of the Piano with the Sweet Tone. Southern Wareroom S West Trade Street, Charlotte, . i - - . N. O. C. H. tVttiMOTH, Manager. IF YOU WANT Quick Action. on your Real Estate, it will pay you to see us. Canaday Realty Company 10 North Pack Square. Phone ?. ICEBOXES REFRIGERATORS PORCH GOODS HAMMOCKS J. L. Smathers & Sons 15 N. Main St. 'if Vf ""I'rr' M&DKUNC, DENTISTRY, PtfAAMACY. aASHiaasfc - ' a- - t. ssUa saaWJVTBBJwe MBJBIBJSJ aajpssj yopi ia is rt. SmvIUm tafMtotary aM MalMl IWfUfiM. - Wrtta sW Cs.fos J 4.0,0.. ilKV Merry Minstrel Maid 3 Performances Daily June 19th to 24th Refined Vaudeville Admission . . . .10c and 20c ANEW LOT OF FIRST CLASS PIANOS are expected to arrive in a few days. Meanwhile I will continue to sell the few re maining in stock at greatly reduced prices. 0. FALK 23 S. Main St. Prescriptions Our prescription depart ment is growing daily. Are you taking advantage of our exceptionally low prf cest Ask your doctor about us and give us a try. Seawell's Drag Store 4B SO. MAIN. Bote SEWING MACHINES VARIOUS MAKES Sold, Exchanged, , Rented and " Repaired CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE CO. Legal Bids Pack Square. Phone 1509 LADIES DON'T FORGET TO SAVE COMBINGS AND LET US THEM UP FOR TOU. TOUR MAKE MISS CRUISE Phone 1. Hair iUop SB Haywood 'Wry t'Fru' HUFF EXPERT OORSETDSRB ROOMi AT and SS American National Bank Building TRIMMED DATS REDUCED M. WEBB & CO. tiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiimi' WE SELL : THE BEST MEATS AND POULTRY The senior member of this firm haa been In business In Asheville for IS years and Is still selling meat food to peo pie -who- pat ronised . him . when he first engaged In business. This bespeaks prompt, cour teous and satisfactory service. HILL & YOUNG Phones 4 and . City Market "Home Re-nilcrrd Lard" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiir.niiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiig; HOLLAND DAIRY LUNCH ROOM 5 N. E. Park Square, Near Fire Dept. formerly National Dairy Lunch. Changed bands June 1. Everything clean and first-class. Dutch Cooking. All kinds of Salads. Try our Dutch Pancakes, Soda Water and Ire Cream. Best Cigars In town. G. TAN RROOK ENBCRGH. 1 19111 i SGML&S THCATRK CIRCUIT .' i I ... "i .isi , . V June Me ofJ'itks jjfegins Joday : Don't delay in purchasing from this Silk Sale It will only last three days. Undoubtedly the best silk values of the season. $1.00 to $1.25 lot of Silks, including messalines. taffetas, Jplain.de crepes and poplinettes, forfU 59c yard. 59c Foulard Silk for 39c yard. 75c bordered Seco Silk, 40 inches wide, for 49c yard.' 50c Jap Silks in colors only, 27 inches wide, for 29c yard. ; f- -Cow Prices on JZadies ReadytQ-toear. Jtpparel at jtfnnex The following specials hold good for this week: $25.00 White Serge Suits, solid and with pin stripes, for $17.50. $30.00 White Serge Suits are priced at $22.50. $12.50 to $30.00 Pongee Coats are priced at" $9.38 to $22.50. One special lot of skirts, all wool, at half price., Clean-Up Jale of Children's Presses Quit sewing for the chidren. Come here thist week and buy your girls and boys' , wash clothes at less than the cost of material. '17 ; : $1.00 Dresses are priced at 75c. Others reduced proportionately. WHITE HOUSE COFFEE The finest brand of pure, high A blend that is perfect and suits tin cans. 1-pound air-tight tin .. , 3-pound sir-tight tin STR&DLEY 3 East Pack Square. Best Shipment of berries. Canteloupes & Watermelons B OTTER NOT BREAD, VIEJTNA ROLLS, VIENNA BREAD . PAN ROLLS. 5 I visited the largest and best bakeries In Washington a'ndt Bal- timore and have a Una of Bread that cannot be excelled. ' e M. HYAMS : CORNER NORTH MAIN AND MERRIMON AVE. 4 i Fancy Groceries Meats and Vegetable. 2 - ee eaeeeeeeeeee e WHY DON'T YOU BUY your groceries, fresh meats, vegetables, eggs arid butter at the slme place for less than you have been paying? Prompt delivery. V. V. HAYNIE, the Grocer PHONE 977. COR.' N. MAIN AND EAST STS. THE GRUNER Ashe i tie, N. C. No. -sl Haywood Street. Phone 6M Hydro-Thermo-Electro and Mecnano-Therapy. Dietlcs. Devoted to the thorough and scientific treatment for ysis, Hayfever. Malaria, Asthma, Habit, Women, and other chronic uiseasess. Th BathS and MaSSajre - Skillful attendants for both Ladies Turkish, Russian, Cabinet, Bets-Hot-Air, Electric-Light, Tub, Sits, Foot. Shower and Needle Baths. Galvanic and Farradlc Treatments. Electrlo Vibrating, Swedish Massage and Movements. Thure Brandt Massage for diseases of Women. Douche, Lavage. Open from 8 a. m. to I p. m. Sat Hp. m. . ' ' FOR SALE. Eleven-room house with large lo t on Chestnut St Entirely , modern, first-class In every respect. .Attractlv e grounds. On account of owner leav ing city will make bargain price If taken within next few days. . THE H. F. GRANT REAL TY CO., 48 Patton Ave. Asheville Business College Is Offering Splendid Summer Courses. SCHOLARSHIP (a) Book-keeping, Penmanship, Spell ing. Business Letter Writing, Bus Iness Practice. SCHOLARSHIP (b) Shorthand. Typewriting (touch method). Spelling, Penmanshhlp, Office. Dictation and Experience. Punctuation and Filing. SPECIAL HOURS: Penmanship, Spelling, Typewriting and Arithmetic. Have your boy and girl spend the summer with us, .College Opp. P. O. HENRY 8. SHOCKLEY. Principal. OPAL CREAM Aa exquislt and delightful Toilet Preparation for Hands and Face. IfValuable to ladles who do' th wn houae. work keeping the lianiia whlte and soft. Delightful te use after shav ing. Price S5 Cents. McKay's Pharmacy Prescript ton SBcdellate, Opp. P. O. Mountain City Steam Laundry CLEAN AND SANITARY Our bualaeaa la te please. Give na trial .; .. t urortb Lsntaursoa Aveoaa NepbeM S grade Coffee in this country, everyone. Paeked in sealed , 38e ... $1.10 .. & LUTHER Phones 64 andt .651 Huckleberries. Goose-: SANITARIUM selected cases of Nervousness. Paral Stomach; .Rheumatism, Diseases of : PaMtnent or the Sanitarium la and Gentlemen will administer Phone 964 to have your clothes pressed. Latest improved steam Pressing Machine. QUICK SERVICE PRESUINO CLUB BUTTER-CRUST BREAD. Our new brand, only Co per loaf. It'a Delicious. Fresh Daily. Asheville Steam Bakery, Photae m or SSL Private or class instructions In Sten ography and Typewriting. Emanuel School of Shorthand MISS SADIE EMANUEL. Prin. Phone 17SS. 1S1 W. Chestnut Bnrn our coal and save the difference. ASHEVILLE DRAY, FUEL A CON . SI-RUCTION CO. Phone 12. PRETTY PORTRAITS OF WOMEN We .make, a specialty of dainty pho- " tographs of women. Yeara of study and experience baa taught us how to catch your prettiest pose and best expression. '...." RAY'S STUDIO, ."-V-Xt Patton Ave. 0 A

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