-1 THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21, 1911 h -7 has returned home. He la quite -ill and has been confined to hla room several days. l&T. Halyburton McCoy, who has been a student at Trinity college at DOWNWARD COURSE siisststettl COKE USED a I , "tt I V. It ' a. I a 3 i 3 M m t i 3 I r 3 I - OCILTY r-; ;T m rr l WiMfc VmiIs 1Immi4iw arav a brMn party lest evening t her home on iff t ton avenue In honor of Iter sister. Miss Frelda Seydel of New York, who la - her guest for sevsral weeks. The" house wss attractively decorat ad with daises and the Ices wers yel- ' lew and whit. The prises were unus vally pretty. The ladlea' prlxa waa a j, ; dainty hand, painted fan, and the gen- ; tiemea'e a -clock tn a Rhlneatone tram. Those Invited were. Mr. and ' Mrs. Lichtenfels, Mr, Morrla Llpin- sky, tha Misses Emanuel, Mlaa Clara Llplnsky, Mlaa Carrie Whltlock, Mlaa Hilda Stern. Mlaa Forchelmer, Mlai Dorothy Long. Mr. F. W. Con, Mr. t Julius- Lsiwsnbeln, Mr. Rogera, Mr. , wnniHii air. lunula LiDinssT. Mr. Welnbaek and Mr. Better. Jl . Dr. Paul . Pequln leavaa today for Hale Springs, Tann., where ha will de liver an address on Tuberculoela," at tha dedication ceremonies of the Na tional printer and Pressmen's Home , . Tha Country club will announce an interesting- series of golf tournament! which., will begin aarly In July last ,V lng well through tha month and 'Into v ..August. Tha ladlea atnglea tannla tournament will be announced short- ly -also, for tha eup put up by Mn. Robert Johnston, Although the sub ject. may be tabooed It la being whis pared about that the . dinner-dance will alao begin tn earneat In July and that there may be a routrh of July Inauguration. Thla however, le pot of ficial, merely club goaalp. There are periodical tappers at tha club whloh help color tha season, that eo far la tutklng. It la rumored that there will be a few small private dancea at tha club within the next few weeka. ' Mlag Beth Arbogaet haa laeued invt tatlona to a dance which wilt be given : thla evening at her reeldenee on Mont ford avenue In honor of Mlaa Mary , T eager, of West Virginia, Tha guests, there will be about thirty present, will., dance on the veranda and In the drawing room, an o reheat ra being sta tioned te,4fc bU. ; ' , Tha Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority will i ,1, hold- Ita annual meeting thla year at f Tosaway Inn June It. SI and 1 1. There .; g fa) a- large membership la North and f ' , South Carolina, amoes the farmer be " - log Mlag Arney. .Robinson, of Ashe. i viiiej Miss Nancy Clark, of Brevard; Mm. Spencer Macfle, of Brevard; Mlai Nannie D. tree, ef Raleigh; Mlaa Mary Shuford, of Raleigh,; Thursday night the banquet is given and will be fol lowed by a launch party, on the lake. Mlaa Virginia Orifftth Millar will eg. tertainlnformally Saturday afternoon t hnr. residence n Montford avenue. Mra.i dustavs Llchtenfela entarutn ad the Tueaday Sewing irolyetr day aftarnoonv S)t,homf . avenue'. -i.--u vw,., -n iw. , .... , Mrs. Theodore Morrlaon. Jr., haa In vited a few friends Informally to meet Mlaa Mary Ague ' Olerden Thursday evening at her home on Pearson's . Priva. ! . , i . P--j.Kyy:rj ji iHwl, Tha many friends and relatives will ba pleasantly surprised by the an. nouncement of the marriage of Miss Mewelyn Weaver, daughter o Mr. Albert aiftiWaaven and Mr. Wren Chambara,' both ot Wearervllle. The marriage occurred Monday afternoon , at a 'romantic, spot n the banks of Reema reek, the ceremony being per formed by JBerJ. C. Saunders. , The only witnesses were the sister of the bride. Miss Emma Weaver, and Mr. E. V. Merrill. Mr. Chsmbers Is a successful and popular young busi ness men. of Weavervllle, which will be tha home of tha young people In future. - i , ; , Jl Jl V t Urn, C. S. Davis la entertaining a house part at Mr summer home st Bluemoat, eompoeed ef the following young people, wfep left the city yester day: Miss Pearl and Miss Iovs Shope, Miss Annie and Miss Carrie Davis. Mrs. C. X. Rits, Mr. snd Mrs. Ernest Davis. Mr. Emmett Davis, Mr. Charlea Rtddlck, Mr, Joseph White. Mr. Harold rilmore and Mr. Royal White. J Mr. R. C. Daniels has returned from Richmond, Va. Judge and Mrs. Jeter C. Prltchard, who have been In Richmond, Va., Exceptional Values in Women's House and Street Dresses Some unusually attractive House and Street Dresses in lawn, madras, gingham, etc. Made In the popular one-piece style. Ginghams in stripes and plaiids trimmed bands and pip ings of solid color. Lingerie materials dainti ly trimmed with lace and embroidery. Col ors: pink, blue, tan, lavender and black and white. Prices from $1.00 to $12.00 A particularly pretty little dress just receiv ed is in sheer striped madras. Made in one piece syle, with Dutch collar of heavy .lace. Skirt is self-trimm-ed in over-skirt effect A v little; touch of -black in the bodice trimming f gives, ft quite a French air. Colors are deli cate and cool, green and lavender predominat , ing. Special priced at 4$5.00 V ; Jl V. M00RE & CO. WOME-TS DRESSES. ' ' 11 PATTON AVE. where the former has been holdlnK court, return to the city today. Judge and Mrs. PrlUhard attended the sil ver wedding anniversary of the Pres ident and Mrs. William II. Taft at the white house Monday. Miss Arney Knhlnann has returned from South Carolina, where she has been vtsltlng srhool friends since (he closing of the Woman's college at Co lumMn. Mrs. I,. B. MoBrayer and her chil dren will leave for Bluemont the first of July to spend the summer at their summer cottage there. Miss Hart I e and Mr. Ileuben McBrayer will entertain a house party shortly st Blurmont. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Duke, of Gads den, Ala., are gueats at the Battery Park hotel. - Mrs. Robert II. Resd and Mlaa Si mons, of Cleveland, .. are visiting Mrs, A. A, Kestherstone. Mrs. Robert 8. Carroll entertains with a bridge party this afternoon at her home on Zllllcoa street. Postmaster George W. Stepp, of Black Mountain, spent yesterday In the city. Dr. J. W. Faucette and small son, William, have returned from' a visit to relatives in Colorado Springs. Col. Mrs. Faucette will remain In Colorado Springs a short while longer. Mr. T. J, Owenby, of Black Moun tain, was In town yesterday on busi ness. Mr. Ed B. Brown sttended the Southern students' conference at'Mon treat yesterday. Mrs. J. H. Williams snd Miss An nls Wllllame, who recently left for Los Angeles, Csl decided st St. Iouls. Mo., to return to Ashevllle on account of the heat encountered, and are at St. Genevieve's convent for an indefi nite stay. i m"' " i Miss Elisabeth Murphy goes to Greenville, f. O, today to attend a house party glysn by Miss Ellen Wil son, at Converse college. , Dr. A. W. Calloway waa called to Ciiwlnnatl Monday by th Mints f his brother, ejMs Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Wagner have gone to Oreenaboro, N. C, to visit the parents of Mrs. Wagner. Mrs. Thomas J, Noblltt and daugh ters Isft Sunday for a" ',tw weeks' visit to Mrs Koslltt's sister, ' Mr c,!flH!fhf f fi Mrs.' tv Clark, of Cnd'tr under went a serious operation at the Meri wether hospital the latter part of tha weakf.jMrsv Clarks Is recuperating rapidly, and It la expected that she will shortly be als to return to her home.' ( , Mr. Thomes S. Rollins has rsturm d from Richmond. Vs., where be has been on professional business. ' Dr. Bruce Moors, of Philadelphia, who has bsen visiting friends In Ashe vllle, haa returned to his home. Mrs. N. M. Watson and her son, Mr. Roy Wstson, who hsve leased the Smith bungalow In Orove park, have arrived. Mr, Watson baa to-n at Princeton university during the winter, and haa brought hla touring car to Ashevllle. . Miss Mamie Sherrod, who haa been visiting friends In the city for several uaya, naa returned to her homo In Memphle. Tvnn. Mlaa Agnes Rockwell, of this city, who has been a student st Wellesley college, salla from New York tonight for Charleston. She will visit rela tives In South Carolina before re turning to Ashevllle, where she will spend the summer St the home of her mother, Mrs. J-oula A. Rockwell, on Montford avepue. rt Mrs. E. Reld Russell Is spending s few days with relatives in Virginia. She will return to Aahevilio tha latter part of the week. Mr. Paul A. Rockwell, who has been out of the city for some time, Durham for the past nine months, re , returned to Ashevllje yesterdsy. Aft-' er leaving college he went to New ! York and returned here by way of ! Atlantic City. Mrs. W. T. Mason. Miss Katherlne -Mason and Mrs. Allien Hall returned yestrrday from Baltimore, Md. Mr. J. n. "a tea and Miss Frances Oates left yesterdsy for Shelby. K. C.,; where they were called by the death of a brother-in-law of the former, Mr. Rlrhard Eskrldce. Mr. Rskrldga has been III for some time, snd he died Monday evening. Mrs. Eskrldge Is a sister of Mrs. Oates. ,' Revenue Agent R. B. flams Is at tending court in North Wllkesboro, N( C . Mrs. Lottie Blarkstork, of Mars Hill, Is visiting friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shorter end" children, of Hamilton. O., are spend ing the summer tn Ashevllle. I' Miss Vers Patey and her slater, Mrs. Packard, of Sioux Falls, la., who spend last summer In Ashevllle, are expected to return shortly. Mr. W. S. Rsdeker has returned I from a short business -trip to Knox vllle. i Mr. Clarence Cone snd family, Mr. Frank and Mlaa Frank, of Baltimore, have arrived and have taken the Martin residence on ' Liberty street for the summer. Mrs. Greer, of. Nashville, Tenn., is In Ashevllle for a stay snd Is st Mrs. Baker'a on Haywood street. M. F. W, Cone returned yesterday from a trip to Baltimore. Md. f M Mr. Edward Kohlman, of New Or leans, is spending a month at tha Reed farm. Mra. Strauss, of Sumter, 8. C, has leased the Reynolds cottage on Wa tauga street for the summer, ' Mrs. Margaret . Logan sod daugh ters, Mrs. Lottie Blackstock and Mrs, Thomas 0. Hollowed, are spending a few days In Ashevllle, where Mrs. Lo-i gan will undergo sn. operation at the' Mission hospital tomorrow. Doctor's Prescription Failed The Great Kidney lemedy Proves Its Merit. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root la one of the patent medicines that la better than many of the prescriptions pre scribed by doctors, st lesst It has done more good for backache and kianey trouble than any other tnedl cine i know of and I always recom meti it'lo ny friends as I knaw it oan'Metee TL T i I had a severs, backache sometime hv wun:i cuuurnoi oe enrea uy ine doctors' medicine, t sm' glad to' ssy, however, that Swamp-Root cured me In a few weeka' time. So certain am I that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is a medicine of merit that I send you this testimonial which you can use any time, v Yours very truly, ' ' JACOB DORNACHBH, Edwardsvllle, III. ' Subscribed and aworn to before ma this 14th day of July, A. IX. 10. Samuel W. McKlt trick. Notary Public, Letter to Dr. Kilmer Co., BliwrliBWPtpn,.N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will do For You Send to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blng hamptoB, N. V.. for a sample bottle. It win convince v anyone. You will alao receive a booklet of valuable Information, telling all about the kid neys and bladder. Whan writing, be sure and mention The Ashevllle mi en. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar sle bottles for sale at all' drug stores. RARNARDSVILLE TfOTKS After spending the sum of $5,000 Bsrnardsvllle hss Succeeded In get ting a water supply from Frosty mountain. The ,Rev. J. A. Wood of Tennwsee Is homing a protracted meeting at Dillingham. He delivered a special sermon last night before a large con gregation. Miss Ethel Dllllnghsm hss return ed sfter sn extended visit to Morgan ton. Mr. Kmmet Robert will spend the summer at Big Ivy. His many friends wilt ba glad to hear that hla health haa greatly Improved. Mr. Innle Brlgman waa the guest of Mlaa B. N. Abernethy yesterdsy, Mrs. T. D. Oreen left for Indiana yesterday to visit her sister who Is seriously HI. The little son of Mr. snd Mrs. Hsr rls Dillingham la very 111. XOTK8 FROM EMMA Mr. William Edwards of Canton la vletlng hla mother, near Emma. Mr. Edwards haa been with the Cham, plon Fibre company for several years. Building still continues at Emma. Mr. Shook haa Just completed a $1. 400 home which he Will occupy shortly. Mr. Frlcka has also erected a fine mill. . Miss Margaret la vtsltlng her Harklns. Gaston of Hominy grandmother, Mra. Mrs. C. D. Mallone of Hominy wss a visitor yesterday. door for coxveniewcb; Carpenters' are at work cutting a doorway between tha offices of. Mayor Rankin and City Clerk Haly burton in ' the city hall. Thla ar rangement will serve to make ft much more convenient for both officers to transact tha business which they will 1 have to attend to together. ' , - ..'..:.'''' "V '" ' Rralrwd by AshevlMe yropie. A little baoache at first. Dally Increasing till the bsck la lame and weak. Urinary disorders quickly follow;, Dropsy snd finally Bright's disease. This Is the downward course of kidney Ills. Don't take this course. Follow the advti.e of an Ashevllle citizen. Mrs. M. C, Bell, 160 Grove street, Ashevllle, N, JC aaya: "Dosn's jtld ney Pills benefitted me so much thst I feel justified In. recommending them to other kidney sufferers. My kidneys did not do their work, prop erly for many years and I ofjen be came tired and languid. I also suf fered Intensely from backache and the kidney secretions were a source of annoyance. Doan'a Kidney Pills relieved these difficulties in a short lime." '". V ' For sale by all dealers. Price fO cents. Poster-Mil burn Co.. Bjuftalo. New York, sole agents for the' Unit ed States. '.('5-A Hemember' the name Doan'a snd take nd other. ' POB SALE OK TIMDH ' 20-acre Improved land with two story store room, and nice flat abovs, also good general stock of merchan dise, 1-7,000 for all, only four; miles from clty.'Jiowner leaving state. Stock and buildings one year old. Sew CAJtADAY REALTY CO., No. 10 N. Pck Se Phone 974. In the sexiosnpn" of yonr own homr let mo select fit and show you how to wear a Spirella Corset Tlio Kpirella (orset Is hygienic, comfortable, modish. To know su preme comfort and tasty,' correct drees wear one. Phone or sond poat card. MRS. HABVEY,OOIt8E,riERE Phono SOS. SI South Main St. " Automobile and Picnic : Parties will find in LATJB&L PARK Hesdersonville, : : : N. C. not only "the most beautiful natural park in America," but an Ideal spot for a daa outing. WALTER B. SMITH, Manager, lAurrt Park, Hcndersonvllle, N. C. OIIIIIIMtWI OIRQE ADE When la AshevlIU several years ago, acquired what he termed the "Whefct.Heert habit." He got la the hatyt t of eating Wheat-Hearts and X after that no other cereal sat- I -Isfied him. Thousands of oth- era have formed thle habit They uae other cereals occa sionally, but Wheat-Hearts alone satisfies. All Grocers Ti ASHEVILLE IS NEVER SATISFIED With anything but the best. Beat roads, best paved streets, best car system, best phone system, and - BEST LAUNDRY WORK - t i That done the "Nichols Way." Phone 95. " Ashevllle Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr Be a Great Pianist Yourself Even if You Don't Know One Note From Another Educate yourself, your fami ly and friends to the beautiful In music. Self Player Piano 1400 to $ 0. Convenient terms if deeirecu CHAS. $&. STIEFF, Manufartorer of the Piano w ith the) 8 wees Tone. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Street, -Charlotte. - - X. C. . C HV WltMOTH, Msaager. The United States army la trying out a nsw machine gun thst fires mora than 19 bullets, a minute yet weighs less than 10 pounda and can ba operated by tw saea. Fast Belnf KITCHEN RANGE Is conducive to summer com- f fort. Coke is vty light, and you get mors in qusuntitf. It is a also dust less and burns without smoke. It Ignites mors readily when slightly dampened. Phone 110. i : Cmlina Coal & Ice : loropany ; a a a HARMON'S HONEY; Nature's g 1 f f from the flowers, a predlgested food that has no enial, Health and long life If used free ly.. Get the best. That's ours,- AH grocers. C. W. H IRMOX Jfc. CO. Phone SST; , ., BURTON & HOLT Furnituro and House Furnishings Corner Pack Square aitd South Main St, PRETTY PORTRAITS OP WOMEN We make a specialty of dainty pho tographs of women. Years ' of study snd experience has tsugnr hov to catch your, prettiest pose ., and beat expresaioa. - ' . ' , i'bhlt g petto ..AvfeW JHM Phone 4 to have your clothes pressed. Iateat improved steals (Pressing MacklBsv'- -, ' !-. QUICK. SERVICE PRJEHHISfQ CLCB B TTmCR-CIrtTST BREAD. Our new brand, only So per lost It's Delicious. Fresh Dally. Ashevllle Steam Bakery, . noaa M or . Ml. ICEBOXES REFRIGERATORS PORCH GOODS HAMMOCKS J. L. Smathers & Sons 15 N. Main St. 9 EK.VilyfHlaTua ff s i si m iffi'iu". 1 M&GKJMt. SMHTUnr. PUAKMAcr. .Sl saw Si tila Wet a aw. htoMMcr US tttalMl hMIMM, J. SEWING MACHINES VARIOC8 MAKES Sold, Exrhanged, Rented and Repaired CASH OR EAST PAYMENTS ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE CO. Legal Bldg Pack Square. Phona UOi LADIES DON'T FORGET TO 8AVH TOUR COMBINGS AND LET US MAKE THEM UP rOR TOU. , MISS CRUISE Phone It. Hair Shop SV Haywood MISS , Arm nA.flW HUFF , bxpert coasMmnwB ; ( f ROOaU t and- Atnertaaut Katloaal Ba Bnfldtng TRIMMED DATS REDUCED iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiinniiiiiiimiiiiu WE SELL THE BEST MEATS . AND POULTRY The senior member of this firm haa been in business , In . Ashevllle for 18 year and is still selling meat food, to peo ple who patronised him when he first engaged , ln business. This' bespeaks prompt,1 tout , teous fcnd satisfactory service.. " HILL & YOUNG Phones 4 and SB,. City Market usi - - r " noimi aTMeuui M Jajaa- ee iimiiiiiimTuiniiiiiiiiiimimumiHtfri HOLIiAND DAIRT LUNCH ROOM a N.' 'Pav Ssjuarc, Nar Ftra Dept. formerly National Dairy Lunch. Changed handa Jun 1. Everything clean and first -class. ; Datrh Cookmg. All kinds of Salads. - Try out Datch Paaoakaa, Soda Water and lea Cream. Beat Cigars In town. . -'' ' -v , : O, VAN EROOXEXBrRGtt, ' S 11911 W-wrMJiMtlMJJ MM Jomorrow Never , have you had "mi.!. Hi. ii iDis sale passes au previous ones in pom oi vaiue. Folks came the first day to be skeptical, but -beforfe they , left they fojind, values just8 we had. adver : tised thenv, Especially waS'this trtie!fjfthe $1.C and, $1.25 Silks to be sold at 59c yard. Suppose you come in today before they are taken off sale and profit by the ..unusual "price cpnees ''sionai' ; , v : $i W,: $1.00 and$1.25 lot of Silks, all colors,::ffom 19 to 27-inches wideff or 59jC yard. , -'1? . !-i ' 59c Foulard. SilkJ the neatest of patterns, " foj 39c yarcL , ' f 7 t 75c bordered Seco Silks, 40 inches wide, art priced at 49c yard. N . . 50c colored Jap Silks, 27 inches wide, are pric ed at 29c yard. . ; j J'emi-Zknnual Muslin Underwear Jab Begins WtilTE HOUSE COEfME The' finest brsnd of pure, high A blend that ia perfect and suits tin cane. .'.'.,.;"'..'"..' , , :i 1 -pound slrtight, tin .. . -pound sir-tight tin A'. STR4DLEY 3 East Pack Square. , Dest Shipment . o! Ducklebrries, Goose-: berries, Cantelonpcs & Watermelons j BUTTER NUT BREAD, VIENNA ROIXS, PAK ROLLS. I visited tha largest and best n tlmore and have a Una or Bread tnat cannot pe oxcelled. ! ' " M; HYAMS ; ' J CORXKR NORTH MAIN AND MERRTMON AVE, ,. a , Fancy arocertoa Meata and Vegetables. , ( , WHY DON'T your groceries, fresh meats, vegetables, eggs and butten at the same place for less than 3ou have been paying! Prompt delivery. . T " Vi V. HAYNIE, the Grocer , PHONE Wl. r WR. N. MAIN AND EAST BTS. THE GRUNER SANITARIUM Ashevllle, N. C. No. Haywood Street. ' " i . 'PhoWfe 684 Hydro-Thermo-Electro and Mei-nano-Therapy. Dteticst rjevoted'to tha thorough and scientific treatment for selected cases of Nervonsriess, Paral ysis, Hayfever, Malaria,, Asthma, Habit. Stomach, Rheumatism', Diseases of ' Women, and other chronic Dlseasess. , .:. 1h BathS and Massage Department of the Banltarium ia AUq Jama am """t'- . for Ladies and Gentlemen. Skillful attendants for both Ladles and Gentlemen will administer Turkish, Russian, Cabinet, Beta-Hot-Air, Electric-Light, Tub, Sits, Foot, Shower and Needle Baths, Galvanic and Farradlc Treatments. Electrlo Vibrating, Swedish Massage and Movement Thure Brandt Massage for dlseaees of Women. Douche, Lavage. Open from 8 a. m. to 9 p. th. Sat II p. n. ' S , .''.?V'',. FOR Elevea-roojji house with large lot first-class in every sespect. . Attractive irounui, ua ucgimi oi owner leav ing city will make btrgaln price it taken within next few, daya. . THE H. f. GRANT REALTY CO.; 48 Patton Ave. Private or class Instructions in Sten ography and Typewriting. . Emanuel School of Shorthand MISS SADIE EMANUEL, Prln. Phone 1TSS. . 181 W. Oieatnat Our prescription depart ment is growing daily. Are you taking advantage'! of cur exceptionally low pri cesl Ask your doctor about us and give us a try. SeaweiTs Drnstorc a SO. MAIN. FHON 11 Uoantaln Qty Steam Laundry CLEAN AND BANRARX Our business Is te please. Qlva si a trial. ! North Lejlagtoa Aveana Iesethoae) Dew Drop Candy Parlor It Pattoa Ave). - .if ;'iJU', Home ma4e candies. Peach t k cream. Ice cream soda and nut sun- IT fi. Adair 6-d pVBaker . .'; ;' . ' - : TTprBsra, . ." Prescriptions the jast pay such silk opprtunttiel. . ... ' r...:j. ' J .' rt.. i. friday I 4 grade Coffee in this country;, everyone. Packed In aealef .$1.10 & LUTHER Phones 64 and 65j a BREAD, VIENNA bakeries in Washington and Bal- YOU BUY , . BALE. . .. X on uneetnut st. Entirely modern. opal cream: : An exQuislt and delightful J Toilet Preparation for . -Hands a snd Face. . Invaluable to ladlea who do a their own house work, keeping the hands white and soft. , Delightful to use after shav ing. Prion SS Cents. " a a a a McKay's Pharmacy Prescription SpnrJailvsa, Opp. P. O. 'j i, a a a a eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeee Send Your Linens to the Laundry Q Thajt Xinis to Please --PHONE 70- A Trial Is AU W Ask ' - ' - :'A. Swannahpa Laundry "We Treat' Tour Laundry White" ' x j;. Burn our coal and save the difference. -Ashevllle drat, fuel m con STRCCTION OOl Pboasa Ut. ,." '. CITIZEN WANT-ADS . , BRING RESULTS (

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