TITE SUNDAY CITIZEN. JTXE 25, 1911 f kSOCILTY Mr. Roger Lemaon cave an Informal "Upper ! evening at the Candy kitchen to celebrate lit 28th birthday. The restaurant half of the Candy kitchen was reeerved for the affair, and was decorated with a quantity of ta.H Yucca, lilies. The guests were tented at a long table, the principal decoration of which waa a huge birth day cake, which waa later Illuminated by twenty-eight candlea. An am lin ing feature of the dinner was the telling ot stories by the ladles, for wttlc.h two prise were given, a sliver picture frame and the second a silver and glana tea caddy. Karh man wiih allowed to v.e Kir what in hi opin ion waa the beet story. The wlnnera ot the prlaoa were, flrat, MIm Ida Hamilton; eWio, Mrs, Unto U. Flts-patrk-k, The booby went to Mine Mlmmaugh, The Congro trto, a col ored aggregation, played and wing during the evening. Mr. Umion la from New York, and will maTio hi hum lit Ashevllle, where lie will later be Jfllnod by lire. Lamson. who la at present motoring with her mother and father, Mr. and. Mrs, Stuart U, Nel son,; in. New England. Mr, Lamnorj leave in July for a month' hunting and fishing trip in the Colorado Rook ie with Mr. T. C, Gulbreath, tho well hnown novelist, and will bo joined by Mr. Lamson In Aahevllle Kept. 1. Mr. Lamson' gueit were Mr, and Mr. Alexander flotlln, of Columbia, 8, C.i Mr, and Mr n. M. Flupatrlck, Mr. and) Mrs, Henry Wood, Mr. and Mr. It. L, Jenkins, MIM Lola Jenklna, Mr. C. S. Kimball, of Chicago; Dr. and Mr. Jer Cocke, Or. and Mr. Thomp son Fraaer,, Mrt. Craddock. the Missel Ethel and Mia May Mlm matigh, Columbia, 8. C.I Mlaa Margar et Pennlman, Mia May Bernard, Mia Blanch Acheson, Mlaa Virginia Orlf Hth Millar, Ml Agnes Craddock, Ml Knickerbocker, Mine Lucille Hopklna, Mlaa Ida, Hamilton, Mlaa Bertha I Downs, 'of , New -Haven, Conn.; Mr. bCCkwood Perry, Mr, Edward I. Front. Mr. Paul Qearhesrt, Mr, Thomas Olg- eilllat, Mr. "Bud" McDonald, Mr, Prank Sailer. Mr. J. ft. Smith, Mr. Klngaland Van Winkle. Jl Jt Friday evening at the Y. M. C. A. auditorium there will be a concert give lor the benefit of the organ fund of the Christian church. Tho program la of apeclai Intereit and oulte a num ber of well known lingers and mu sician will tak part. Tho program so far as tho who wttl contribute Is concerned is complete, but the titles of the song, etc., have.net vet been announced, and will b later. Th program) Bridal. Chora i Cowan, .. Christian Church chorus. . Violin otor. selected, Mis Brown ing Addlckes. Soprano' olo,"leetd, Mr. Von To tel. AlLs ( . "Wher Ar Tog Coin. My Pretty Maid?" Caldleott, Christian church choru. , (i , . , i , Quartette,' selected, Mr. Joseph E, ; Meares, Mr. Willis Collins, Mr, Stlkeleather and Mr. Willie Collins. Heading, selected, Allan Kllzubeth Ramsey. "The Song of the Viking," Fan ning, Christian church chorus. Soprano elo, selected, Miss Kulh Wiley, Flano aoln, selected. Miss Carrie Whlllork. Quartette, selected, Mrs. Meares, Mr, end Mr. Collins, Mr. gtihclealher. Meditation, Ohamlnado, Miss Ida Hamilton, "A Dream of Paradise," !ray, Christian church choir. J J The Saturday Music club gave a most delightful recital yesterday aft ernoon at the T. M. C. A. auditorium complimentary to the several literary clubs of the city. Tho auditorium was crowded and each number was enthusiastically applauded. The uro gram waa one of the bust heard in Ashevllle In some time nnd was thor oughly enjoyed by thoee present. Miss Carrie Whttlock and Mis May Klm berly opened the program with a. piano duct, Hiimnerdlrik's "Konlgs klndcr," which was beautifully played. Mrs. A. K. Von Tobel catno next, singing "Daffodils Are mowing." by Herman, - and "Hoses After Hnln." Mrs. Von Tobel's voice 1 unuetinly fin and has not been heard to better advantage than yesterday. Miss Kisle Atkins received very warm applause for her rendition of Urnhm's "Huher so,' which she played excellently. The members of the Saturday Music club sang two choruses, 'Lift Thine Eye," by Mendelssohn, and "Daffo dils," by King Hall, which was one of the best number on the program. Th voice blended well and the shad ing was effective. Mrs. Julia Burdlck read a very Interesting paper on In dian music, a subject little known to the general public, and which, there fore, held the close attention of the audience. Mrs. T. E. Linn sang Mey er Helmund's "Magic Bong," followed by "Margherlta." Mrs. Linn seldom sing In public. nd her appearance yestftftlay was an unexpected treat. Mlsn Carrie Whltlock played with power and excellent technique Rach maninoff "Prelude," and w forced to respond to an encore. Mr. O, C. Hamilton wa In good voice and sang delightfully Llst's "Loreley" and Cloug-Lelghter' "Norwegian Love Bong," "Th Land o the Leal." one of the most beautiful of songs, was well sung a a trio by Mrs. E. E. Klmberly, Mr. Julia Burdlck and Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. Bllvlo von Ruck sang Ardlttl' "Parla," the famous wait song, which dlplayd her One vole and training to perfection, Mr, von Ruck' vole I of unusual range, and in both her ong her high tone war beautiful. Ml May Klmberly played OUnkftBalakrw' "L'Alou In hor beat tyl and received a large portfon of th applause of the afternoon, Th pro! m closed with the club choru, in tn -vintagers, was splendidly sung. The program was thoroughly delightful and It is hoped th Saturday Music club will make an annual event of the concert. At tho Country club yesterday there was a very large crowd, and the verandas and cool intorlor of the club house were very popular Indeed. The afternoon was unusually sultry which probably accounted for the large number of people who were out. There were a few golf and tennis mutches, but the tea table at D o'clock was the center of attraction. Mrs. Merrick, the hostess of the afternoon, was Indisposed, and Mis Dorothy Mat hews, of Cincinnati who Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Reuben Robertson, served in her stead. The tennis tour naments will shortly be announced. J Mies Kltenbetli Ramsey has been reheorslng for some weeks "The Res cue of the Princess Winsome," which sounds very winsome Indeed, In which quite a number of young people and children are taking part. The play will be seen Tuesday at 5 o'clock on the lawn of the residence of Mr. J. F. Kumeey on Cumberland avenue. The proceeds of the performance will be given to jjie Balfour orphanage. The public is-Invited and a small admis sion will he charged. The following Is the program,: The King Miss Mildred Courtney. The Queen Mis Louise Jackson. Prince Hero Mlaa Margaret Linn. The Princess Winsome Mis Louise Arbogast. Blr Feal, the Faithful Miss Paul ine Moore. The Ogre Miss Sarah Olvons. The Witch Mis Eleanor McLeod. The Fairy Godmother Miss Dor othy Reed, Frog-Ey Fearsome Mis auarvna Moore. Tltanla Mis Edith Moore. The Bewitched Prince Jack, a trained dog. The Flower Messengers Morning Olorv. Mis Elisabeth Collins; Pansy, Miss Katherlne Carr; Rose, Miss Car rie Lee Weaver; Forget-Me-Not, Miss Minnie Rell Davis; Daisy, Miss Mar garet Jackson, Fairies Miss Eleanor Collins, Miss Ethel Holmes Graham; Alfred Arbo gast, Miss Adeline Harris, Miss Mar garet Cobb. Page Miss Margaret Jnrkson. Oberon, King of the Furies Miss Adeline Weaver. . I A large party of Ashevlllb people go up to Toxaway Wednesday for a week's stay at the Inn. The party will be Joined by othera from time to time, more especially the week-end. Those leaving Wednesday are Mr. and Mrs Frank Chapman. Mrs. is. en. Wataon, Mr. Pitt, Miss MarJorle Pearson, the Misses Chapman, Miss Eleanor Morrison, Mr. Allen Morrison, nr. P. H. Ringer. Mr. Roy Watson, Mr, K. I, Frost ana Mr. n. c. Ho nour go up to Toxaway with several others later m the week. Miss Alice M. Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mr. J M, Powell will be married at the home of the bride's parent, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Powell. 41 Woodfln street, thla afternoon at 2 o'clock to Mr. Herbert C Rritman. The wedding will be" A'-very 'quiet one and will b witnessed by few inti mate friends and relatives of the In terested parties. immediately after the ceremony, which will be perform -.a hv nev. J. S. Williams, Mr., and Mr. Bramsji will leave for Chstta trip, after which they will reside at 41 Atkins street. One of the Interesting events of the summer will be the mammoth min strel show which will be given for the benefit of the H, P. O. E. of Ashe vllle. The minstrel show will be put on early In August by a professional especially engaged, who will provide the costumes, wig, etc. The rehear sals begin the latter part of July. There will be In the liret part quite a number of soloists, and an Innovation will be the orchestration of all music sung instead of the usual piano ac companiment. An orchestra will also be brought to the city for the show. In the first part also thero will be a chorus and eolo by about fifteen young ladles who will be dressed In colonial costumes with powdered hair. 'Several of the best known sing ers of the city have given their con sent to take part In this part of the program. The benatlt will be one of the largest In several years, and will oIko be one of the most Interesting. Jt . The Wranglers hold their June meeting Monday evening at the Ma nor. Mr. Allen Morrison will read an csswy on "Capital Punishment," to which Dr; Paul Ringer will respond. J M The regular meeting of the Ameri can Woman' club will be held tomor row afternoon at the church on North French Broad avenue at 4.30 o'clock. It la requested that there will be a good attendance, as the meeting will bo of Importance. J Jt The marriage of Mrs. E. M. Bing ham and Mr. Hllllard Booth occurred recently In New York and will bo of Interest to the friends of both in Aahevllle. Mr. Bingham and her daughter. Mis Kathleen Bingham, the latter recently a student at St. Gen evieve's convent, have spent several years In Ashevllle, occupying a cot tage at the Manor and later residing at Hwannanou. Mrs. Bingham has written several books nnd spent much of her time during her residence in this city writing. .Mr. Booth has spent considerable time in Ashevllle and at Mountain Meadows, nnd has ft number of friends in the city. He has been quite successful us a playwright, a drama, "The Blunder," being pro duced In London recently. Miss Virginia Griffith Miller gave two pretty bridge parties yesterday afternoon and evening In honor of Miss Mary Agnes Slayden and Miss Emma Gudger. The house was deco rated with sweet peae, the colors be ing lavender and white. There were about twenty guests lost evening and thlrty-flve yeBterday afternoon. u DURING. THIS WEEK ONLY; We Will Make GREAT CONCESSIONS in Dining Room Furniture We have too many tables of the better grade, which we can not afford to carry in stock any longer. , We have decided, there fore, to offer ood .discounts on dining room furniture during this week and we believe that the stock will move easily. All persons who contemplate purchasing furniture for the dining room will do well to see, our stock of furniture during this week as the prices which we offer below will last only until next Saturday night and we are of the opinion that the early buyer this week will be rewarded. Highly polished dining tables in golden oak and mission which have sold regularly for $35 will be sold during this week for $30. Tables in all finishes which have gone well at $30 will be reduced to $25 during this week. $20 buys a table which has been sold -for -$25 regularly and which has been a bargain at that price. $20 tables for $15. .-M Other reductions which are worth while. Our large stock of buffets has been marked down and consists of some excellent values. Harris Furniture Company home: furnishers 10 South 1VI oln. Phone ISIS -ti me ciuo cnoru, in mm iiw"i ...... . .hnrt from ''King Reno's Daughter," wtlch nooga and other points for a short June Clearance Sale of Suits ana Dresses .EVaw ftnif tn fit a at.nrA nnd nil street and house Dresses are included in ' V4 V f rKm V v -------- , t -I . a a. i XT! ftttH a at a a ft vm h m c auu sjtuouiv this, June sale. No reservation except evening gowns. goods at prices that speak for themselves. TAILORED WOOL SUITS. : Serge, cheviot, men's wear wor steds, homespuns, mohair, pongee, etc. Some of our best models are shown, and all are goods, at prices that will close them out. $11.50 Suits at $ 7.45 $16.50 Suits at $10.45 $20.00 Suits at $13.45 $2250 Suits at $13.45 $25.00 Suits at $16.45 $30.00 Suits at : $16.45 $32.50 Suits at . .. .. .... $19,45 $35.00 Suits at .. $19.45 $37.50 Suits at ..... . $22.45 $40.00 Suits at .. .. $22.45 $45.00 Suits at $25.45 $47.50 Suits at . . . ... . . ... $25.45 $30.00 Suits at . . .... $30.45 $55.00 Suits at . . $30.45 LINGERIE DRESSES. Of cotton voile, marquisette and sheer lingerie materials, handsomely trimmed with self and colored em broidery, lace and fancy braids. Spe cially priced: $ 4.00 Dresses at $ 2.75 $ 5.00 Dresses at $ 3.75 $ 6,50 Dresses at $ 8.00 Dresses at $10,00 Dresses at $12,50 Dresses at $15.00 Dresses at $18.00 Dresses at $20.00 Dresses at $22.50 Dresses at $23,00 Dresses at $30,00 Dresses at $35.00 Dresses at $40.00 Dresses at $ 4.75 $ 5.75 .$ 6.75 $ 7.75 $ 9.75 $12.75 $13.75 $15.75 $15.75 $18.75 $21.75 $25.75 ALL TAILORED LINEN SUITS ATTRACTIVELY PRICED. Linen and Crash Suits in white, natural and colors, this season's mod els, no reservations. whatever, take j our choice of our entire stock. $ 7.00 and $ 750 Suits at $ 5.00 $ 9.00 and $10.00 Suits at $ 7.00 $12.00 and $12.56 Suits at .. .. j.. $ 9.00 $15.00 and $16.50 Suits at . . . .: . . . . $12.00 $1&00 and $20.00 Suits at $15.00 $22.50 to $27.50 Suits at .... . $18.00 -s A fw last season's Suits still good style and including some handsome things, are marked at about one-fourth of their original price. Suits that were $25.00 to $45.00 are now $2.48 to $15.95. M. V. M00RE & CO. TVOMEVS tt'IUISIIXNUS. . No exchanges. No approvals. No alterations.." Mr. Glnnerlap, president of the Cul ver Military academy of Indiana, has Joined his family, who are spending some time at Elbemar, in Victoria. Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Bollln, of Co lumbia, 8. C, are also guests at El bemar. Mr. and Mr. Roy Wagner have re turned from- Greensboro and are guests for the present of Mr. and Mrs. James h. Wagner on Chestnut street. Misses Kathrlne and Brantley Mc Ororay. who attended the house party chaperoned bji Mrs,, J. C. Carter and Mis Mobley , wljl b guests of their aunt, Mrs. Kate.Mobley, several weeks, and will thetl Join their mother In Atlanta the last of July. j . t Mrs. H. F. Seymour leaves for a visit to Cleveland, O., Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Young, of Milwaukee, Wis., arrived yesterday, and are visiting the parents of the former, Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Young, 87 Starnes avenue. Revenue Agent H. .B, Sams has re turned from Wllkesboro, where he has been attending court. Mr Walter Hoy Chambers, of Mor gan Hill eoctlnn, passed through Ashe vllle yesterday en route to Judson. Messers. Cedrlc Robinson and Wil liam llolman leave today for a camp ing trip in the Craggies and Mt. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, Philip S. Henry will close Ze:ilnndla house for the sum mer and go abroad. Thoy leave today for New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Webb will go to Toxaway to menu uio .umii t'arollim bur meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Duff Merrick and fam ily leave tomorrow for Toxaway for a stay of a fortnight or longer. HOLLAND DAIRY. LCNOH ROOM 5 N. E. rack Square, Near Fire Dept. formerly National 7 vpaity Lunch. Changed hands Jun'l.- bverythlng clean and first-class. :; Dutch. Cooking. All kinds of Salads. " Try oui Dasch Pancake, Soda Water and Ice Cream. Best Cigars In town. - 1 " " O. VAN KROONENBURQH. TRIMMED OATS REDUCED M. WEBB & CO. BUTTER-tit TJSr BREAD. Our new brand, only Co per loaf. It' Delicious, rresh Dallyi Ashevllle jBteam Bakery, Pbont M or Ml. BUCKH0RN WATEE a Plira P.l.eaht. Wat. T. w WHITE HOUSE COFFEE The finest brand of pur, high A blend that 1 perfect and ault tin cans. 1-pound air-tight tin . 3-pound sir-tight tin . grade Coffe in th! country.' veryone. Packed In eJd " ,. .... .... .. ....$1.10 STRADLEY & LUTHER r 3 East Pack Square. , Phones 64 and 651 . Is contains more LITHIA' than any other. It is analyzed by the state chemist every month and Is marketed in sterilized bottles. McKay's Pharmacy Icadlng Drugglnts, Oppo. P. O. Phone 68. Miss Viola Withers, visiting frisnds tn the her hottio in iJostou. who has been city, leaves for Mass., shortly. Mrs. P. K. Grove and children have returned to their home in BHtmore after a visit to Mrs. Grove's brother, Mr. K. C: Welch, in Waynesvllle. Mrs. W. F. Maynon and son, of Pine Bluff, Ark., Is visiting Mrs. J. W.'Mc Sherry at her home""on Bartlett street. Col. and Mrs. Bingham will leave in a few days to be absent from Ashe vlUc for several' Weeks. They expect to return to Bingham Heights by tho middle of August. Miss Sarah Davis and Miss Minnie t;lawley. who have spent the week with friends In the city, have re turned to their home In Wilmington, N. C. Mrs. G, I.. Thompson and children, of Knoxvillc. Tenn., are spending the summer In Ashevllle and will later be Joined by Mr. Thompson. Mrs. Krank Craig and son, Homer, of Baton Rouge, La., are spending the summer in Ashevllle. Masters Joseph and William Sevier, who have been for a visit nt Mon- trealla, have returned to the city, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Patterson and family of Roanoke. N. C. have leased Shamrock cottage, Albemarle Tark. for the season. Mr. E. F. Elwell, of Spartanburg, is a visitor In th cfly for several days. WE SELL THE BEST MEATS AND POULTRY The senior member , of this Arm has been in business In Asheviile for 26 years and is still selling meat food to peo ple who patronized him when he first engaged in business. This bespeaks prompt, cour teous and satisfactory service. HILL & YOUNG Phones 1 nnd 85. City Market "Home Rendered Ird" tottmmmmMHunnmtmmmf6 ICE COLD WATERMELONS Fine Cantaloupes, Berries, etc;-! lln of fruit and vegetable, also 'jShjQ Tou can purchase here everything ' tot tha i We carry a full lln of fruit and vegetable. meat and poultry, family table or banquet board. M. HYAMS CORNER NORTH MAIN AND MERRIMON AVB. Fancy Grocer! e Meat and Vegetable. WHY DON'T YOU BUY your groceries, fresh meats, vegetables, eggs and butter at the same place for less than you have been paying! Airompt delivery. t , V. V. HAYNIE, the Grocer PHONE tU. COR, N. MAIN AND EAST ST BRAINY PEOPLE are always in de mand. So 1r Har mon's Honey. Honey Is a brain and body food, the only predigested food in the world. All wide-a-wake grocer handle it. C. W. HARMON CO. Wholesale and Retail Honey, Maple Sugar, Melon, Fruits, etc. Pack Square. Phone SST. Miss Resale Parkinson , of New Tork, arrived In the cy on a visit to her parents, and will remain for some time. Mrs. S. B. Moor, of Fonta Flora, N. C, and Mrs. Brent Rhyno, of Mor- j gantoii, are .visiting - their brother.. x&t.-J. P. Pattpti, on Hay wood street. Be a Great Pianist Yourself Even if You Don't Know One Note From Another Educate yourself, your fami ly and friends to the beautiful In music. Self Player Piano $400 to I860. Convenient terms If deslreA. CHAS. M. STIEFF, Manufacturer of the, Piano with th Sweet Tone. Southern Wareroom & West Trade Street. " Charlotte, JC. XJ. - c. h. wiLMOTn, j ... Manager. . .. THE GRUNER SANITARIUM n Ashevllle, N. C. No. 39-31 Haywood Street. . Phone 8 Hydro-Thermo-Electro and Mecwano-Therapy." DJetlca. Devoted to thf thorough and clentlfic treatment for (elected cases of Nervousneas, Paral- ysis, Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma, Habit. Stomach, Rheumatism. Disease of ' Women, and other chronic Disease. ' The BathS and MaESage Department of the Baojtarlum l . i P " open for Ladle and ;Gentlemen.j Skillful attendants for both Ladles and Gentlemen will " administer S Turkish, Russian, Cabinet, Bett-Hot-Alr, Electrc-Iiljht Tub, Site, Foot,,. Shower and Needle Baths. Galvanic and Farradle . ,irreatments. Electrio-. Vibrating, Swedish Massage and Movements. Thure prandt Massage forj diseases of Women. Douche, Lavage. Open from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Satj It p. m. PRETTY PORTRAITS OF WOMEN We make a specialty of dainty pho tographs of women. Tears of study and experience ha taught u hovr to catch your prettiest pose and best expression. RAY'S STCDIO, 29 Patton Ave. MISS OLGA tTAVr JTn' HUFF EXPERT OORSETIERB ROOMi ST and 28 American National Batik Building CITIZEN WANT-ADS v AZCi LITTL2 WINNERS Automobile -and Picnic Parties will find in LAUREL PARK Hesdersonville, : : : N. 0. not only "the most beautiful natural park in America." but an ideal spot for a days outing. WALTER B. SMITH, Manager, Ijturel Park, Hendersonrtlle. N. C, Mountain City Steam Laundry CLEAN AND SANITARY Our business is te pleas. Olv ui a trial. 80 North Lexington Aveno X Telephone SI Ja Dew Drop Candy Parlor! 2 Patton Ave. Home made candle. Peach lei? cream. Ic cream soda and nut ur5f E. M. Adair & C. P. Bake: Proprietor, J In the seclusion of your own homf let me select, fit and anew yon hot to wear a . Spirella Corset LADIES DON'T FORGET TO SAVE TOUR COMBINGS AND LET US MAKE THEM CP FOR TOU, MISS CRUISE Phone 1 Hair Shop SS Haywood Phone 964 to have your clothe pressed. Latest improved steam ' Pressing Machine. QCtCIf SKRVICE PRESSING, CLUB . 1 The spirella Ooraet Is hygieniq. comfortable, modish. To know jjit-mo vomiori ana tasty, corre areas wear one. Phone or send post caud. ? MRS. HARVEY,0011815" Phone 208. 31 South Main 8 1 Private or claas Instructions In Stei ography and Typewriting. ? - Emanncl 5 School o! Shorthand f MISS SADIE EMANUEL, Prin. I Phone 1733. 131 W. Chestnut ICEBOXES REFRIGERATORS 1 PORCH GOODS HAMMOCKS J. L. Smathers & Sons 15 N; Main St '3

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