THE ASHEVILLK CITIZEN", FRIDAY, .TUNT 30, 3911 1 " On thi SquareBoth in location and in policy i SOCIETY NOTES The following account of tho wed ding of Mln Ethel Boley and Mr. ' Charles M. Wrightson, taken from the Philadelphia Press, will be of in terest to tile friends of the latter In I hti city: "One of the most attractive and In terestlng of the early summer wed ging In Philadelphia waa I tint uf Miss Ethel Henrietta Kolcy, the Jiughtor of Mrs.- Madeline M. floley, ft 1109 North Seventeenth street, and Mr. Charles M, Wrightson, assistant ecretary and treasurer of tlw In Juftrlal Trust, Title A Savings rum 9any of this city, nnd ' son of Mr. Charles T. WrlKhtaon, of Easton, Md. The wedding and reception took place Wednesday evening, June 21, at the Aldlno, the ceremony being per formed by Rev, Martin Muderlo, rec tor of Ika Pplecopol church of tho :. Advocate, 'The bride,, was attended liy Mlaa Velllo WrlKhtaon, of Ashevllle, mnld 'it honor, and toy Mrs. Robert A. Comegy and MY. Henry Anthony Bb lellac as . bride's matrons. Mr. tVrighiion aelectod Mr. William U. Jhnofthnn, of F.nston, for his beat man while Mr. William . Steen. Mr. Fhomaa Vaughh Btnpler, of Pittsburg, ind Mr, Hall Wrlghtaon, of Aoheville, acted an ushers. The bride waa at tired 1n an exmitslta gown- of white duchess aatln made en train and tlaboratelf adorned with rare old lace. The long veil wn arranged with jrnnge, blossom,. BhA. carried u ehow ir oocjt)et k rf 'fttfrdenlaa and valley Hlllea, The mold of honor wore a ttrf becoming gown -of pink aatln reded fth ahell pink chiffon, and carried a colonial nosegay of pink totfebudi ' and ' lilies of the valley, rhe bride's- rrtatron wore beautiful fowna of whit aatltt' veiled In pal pink and blue chiffon cloth, and car ried bounueta of pink anap dragons edited with old forget-ma-not. Aft er th reception' the bridal pair left on a weddlnr trip to the Bermudas," Mr. WrlKhtaon la the aon of Mr, and Mra. Charlea Wihtaon, of Aaheville, and a brother of Mle Nell WrlKht aon 'and Mr, .Hall wrtghtaon? au of whom wera at the wedding. Mr. and Mra. WrlKhUon. carae to Aaheville everal "year ago' from Easton, Md and they are vialtlnf there before re turning la the city. , . The fairy play, ("Tha Rescue of the Wlnsoma Prlnceaa," which wa pat V on hy Mist Elisabeth ftamary for the , benefit of the, Balfour orphanage, waa i not only an arttatio but also a flnan--rlut auooeas, and, the orphanage prof ited to the amount of $48, which, con sidering the admission waa only a r fluarter, waa" a handsome aunt. It la regretted lhat: tha Jlttla 4'ay will not , be repeated, but many of , tba chlN drea are going out. of town for the summer. ' Mletr Ilamy tiaa asauhged , the dleapojntment, however, by prom ising another fairy play later In the . fear if all la propltloua, K "t, 1.- r -, t , . ' i Mra, Jamet M. flha w ehtertalna this . afternoon at her home on Merrlmon avenue In honor of her sister, Mra. . Mary'C. Rtftlnairt, who leavea next week for an plegoi-rCal., for an In- Seflnlte errry, Mrs. KOblnspn nlll visit Mra. B. ; llurnette In San Diego for the greater part of the aummer and wit! visit also number of other friends vla.Mllforfll.' Mra. Roblnson'a daughter, Mlaa Arney Rob inson, will succeed her mother aa so ciety editor of The Oatette-Newa, ' The marriage of Mra, M. C. Itlaanar and MrHoben Le Weldon, of Ashe- . fills, occurred at Hickory Tuesday evening, th ceremony being per formed by Rev, Mr, Hart, of theFlrst "Baptist churchi at the homo of Mrs. W. F, Brunt, , alster of the bride. Only a few Intimate frtenda and rela tives were present, v - This evening at LIS a concert will be given st the T. M. C. A, auditorium on Haywood street under the auspices of the Christian church for the benefit Of the organ fund. The program, which has teen printed, I an excel lent one, and contains the names of quite a number of alngera and musk-hum well known to the Aaheville public. Tho Chorus I large and well drilled and the numbers assigned It on the program will be the features of the evening. Ths tickets will be on sale at the entrance. The concert Will be one of ths moat Interesting of recent data, , i Ladies9 Linen Handkerchiefs At Prices Ranging from 10c to $2.50 Pure linen Initial Handkerchiefs,, plain nnd .... embroidered . . . . . . . . 10c to 60c Irish Shamrock Lawn Handkerchiefs, sheer and dainty, plain initial . 15c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs with edge and initial daintily embroidered in colors. ...35c Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, best quality sheer linen with embroidered edge or hemstitched, with embroidery inside tlie TemI? . , , . . . . ... ' .. , . . . 5Qc to $1.50 " , Dainty Hand-made Handkerchiefs with hemstitched hem and Armenian laco edge. .50c An unusually beautiful Handkerchief is of fine quality linen, handsomely trimmed with V Dutchess lace v,., ....... . .. . .,$1.50 to $2.50. V. M00RE Sett I , " 1 U PATTOX ATE. Tho .Nurses' club held a soclul and business meeting yesterday after noon at the Young Women's (.Christian UHsoclatlon on South Main street, lit j which there waa 11 fair attendance. ; The constitution of the club was reml for th benefit of the new members ' of the club. Yesterdny wss the third meeting held since Its organization, and the board of officers was elided i The club has already twenty members and quite a number of others expect to Join. Following tho social hour, ! during which tea and sandwiches I Mrs. .1. (. Whltehurst. of Norfolk, were aurved, the election of officers n rid Mlsa Hadle Kltchln, of Keotlnnd look pluco with the following result: ! Neck, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J, p. Miss M. E. Hulllvan, president; Mrs. j Kltchln at Hlltmore. Martin 1,. Htevens, vlco president;! -: Miss Ida Wilson, secretary, and Mrs. j Miss Alice McKenzle nnd Miss Ma Frederick W. Cheatham, treasurer ; mle (Iregg. of Salisbury, spent the day The club will hold semi-monthly ! In town yesterday, the guests of Miss meetings, a business and a social ; Sadie MISr.iyer. on their way to Hen nieetlng, the next of which will be so- i dersotivllle. They will return In clul, will be held the second Wednes- about two weeks, and will later visit day of July. J Tho Friday Informal dunce at the llattery Park hotel this evening will enliven the fag end of the week, which has been a vei-v nul.-t on,. In- deed. The broad verandas adjoining the palm room of the hotel have baii (Hied with guests each evening who have enjoyed tho cooling breezes nnd the strains of the orchestra, which penetrated the verandas and Immedi ate grounds of tho hotel. The palm room Is very cool, all of the French windows being opened, which makes dancing a pleasant occupation. The dance will begin at ,30 o'clock, js j& The wedding of Miss Susun Rrsklrve and Mr. Carroll Pickens Rogers oc curred Wednesday at Tryon, and yes terday Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. Rev. and Mrs. Newell, of Ashevllle, and sev eral friends had a luncheon at the Candy kitchen, after which Mr, and Mra. Rogers left for Umg Island, where their honeymoon will be spent. The wedding was one of (thn most elaborate which has taken place re cently In the vicinity, and was largely attended. There were a number of attendants and the decorations were handsome, Mrs. Newell la related to the bride, and Rev. Mr. Newell, of the Haywood atreet Methodist church, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mra, Rogers, on their return, will re aide at the new home almost com pleted which the former has Jtad built at Highland Lake, Mlaa Rrakine is ft daughter of the late Ir. Charles K. Krsklne, who gave the beautiful little Church to Tryon In which his daugh ter and Mr, Rogera were . married Wednesday. - Among those present at the wed ding were William Croaby, of Racine, Wis, the' guardian of the bride; Al fred Erskine, the eldest brother of the bride; Julian Rogers, of Florence, A, C... the jtroonj'Ji .eldest brothers Mra. Allen Nowelli :of Ashevllle: Andrew Fhlland, of Now York City, a 'Class mate of Malcolm Krsklne. Harold and Malcolm Ersklhe haye hastened, horns from their Journey around the1 world to be present at their sister's wedding. , The socially Inclined, especially' those fond of music and dancing, will receive with much pleasure thenn nouncement that the first of the reg ular dances at the Manor hotel will be held tomorrow night. The regular summer dances nfter this will he held on Wednesday nnn rsmurdny even ings. The music will be furnished by Stewart's orchestra. Mrs, Jlohert R. Reynolds and hahy left yesterday for Toxaway, where they will spend a month. Mr. Rey nolds will go up for the week-ends during Mrs. Reynolds' stay. Rev. Harvey Pnrke, who. has hecn the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Lyman during the missionary convention, re turned to Waynesvllle yesterday. Miss Ixiulse Muller, who hns been visiting Miss Snttrrthwolte at Eagle's Xest, has returned to town, Mr. Rnnsnll Rhodes, who has spent the winter at Forest Hill, has returned to his home In tho city. Mr. and Mrs. T. I,. Moore, of T.nur ens. fi, C, are In the city for a short stay, and are guests nt the flattery Tark hotel. frof. R. V. Kennedy left for Knox vllle. yesterday to Join his family, I who are spending the summer In that I city. Dr. and Mrs. II. M. K. Adums. of ' Atlunta, who came up fur the lrak A(lam wedding nnrl have been guests ' at the llattery 1'nrk hotel, return j shortly to their home. Minn Hadle McDonnell, who has been : visiting friends In the city, has re- , lurnid to her home In OrcHnsboro. Mlaa Mcllrayer at her summer home at niuemont. 1 ; I MrR- fi'"'h and Miss Knte Leo I "'"'Ch, of Hpnrtnnburg, are guests of I " Tennent on Montford avenue. Miss Oooch recently graduated from the Durham Conservatory of Music, and is an accomplished musician. Mr. James P. Cook and Miss Miriam Dunvlllo, of Concord, X. ('., are guests at the Knickerbocker. Mrs. K. Held Russell end children have returned from a week's visit to relatives In Hrlstol. Tenn. Mr. Donald Glllia, Mr. Owen Oudger nnd Mr. Oene Cocke leave today for the Toxaway country, where they will spend five dins fishing. Miss Badle Mcllrayer leaves for Btatesvtlle today, where sho will' ho the guest of Miss Flora Lewis, who Is giving a large house party. Miss Cornelia Dowd, who has been the guest of Miss Minnie Iielle Itld dlck, returns today to her home In Charloits, N..CV-. - Mr. and Mrs. John Do Paussaure and small, daughter, Elizabeth, of Atlanta, have taken a cottage at Ba luda for the season and have as their guests Misses Maria, Nell and Viola Parka and Miss Antolette Blackburn, of Atlunta. Miss Mary Hugh Is giving a large houre party at Black Mountain nt which there are about fifteen guests. Miss Katherine Qunn, of Richmond, Vs., is among the guests. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Croner return to Atlanta today after a visit of several days to Mr. and Mrs. James Coleman at Weavervllle and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Mail, of this city. WTCATHEIt REPORT. '(' C, 8. Department of Agriculture., weather bureau,! Mils I,. Moore, chief. Tomperature 9 p. in. Max. Atlanta KO Augusta 8 2 Huston (18 lllrmlngham "8 Ilnffalo 6 8 92 94 SO 88 70 90 92 72 86 90 90 8 St! 78 80 90 92 1)6 82 Charleston 78 Charlotte 88 Chicago . . i "0 Oalvrstun . . . ; . . .... . . 82 Jacksonville 78 Montgomery 78 Mohlle . .80 New Orleans , .. ..S4 New York 7 4 Norfolk 7(1 Raleigh Sil 81. l,ouls '.90 nH'yn,inah 80 Washington 70 Wilmington . . - 7 8 laical temperature fur June 1U: W"At S a. m., 67; 10 a. m.. 79: l: 90 i, m., 12; 2 p. in., 8B; 4 p. in., St; 6 p. in., 83; 8 p. in., 79. Normal. 71. lllKhesl, 85; ono year ai?o, 73. lovest, 62, one year ;ij", A't'Boluts maximum, Sti In 1906. Absolute minimum. 54 In 1903. Loral precipitation for this month: Normal, 4.35. . Uritest amount, 7:74 In 1909. Least amount. 0.91 In 1908. For lust 24 hours ending at 8 p. m., 0. State of weather at 8 p. m., clear. MISSION STUDY TO FEATURE MEETINGS The ninth annual mission of the Southern' 'conference under the direc tion of tjie Young People's Mission ary movement will convene In tho chapel at the Normal and Collegiate Institute this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Addresses will be delivered by HO ward R Cook, of Nashville, Tenn.. and Rarry 8. Myers, of New York city. These meetings are open to tho mtltllt' tn.-1 u-Ht n.. .In.iK, KA ... Tho mission study classes will be- jgln Saturday morning at 8:45. It has been announced that all residents of tthe''-'Mty'wWW course may -do so by registering at the office at the institute Saturday morning at 8:30. MRS. RANDOLPH ILL. Mrs. Mary F. Randolph Is critically 111 at the home of her son. W. F. Ran- I dolph, in Grove park. Her son, George A. Randolph, oT St. Louis, Mo and daughter, Mra. Ridgely, of Washing ton, D. C. were caled to her bedside yesterday. CITIZEN WANT ADS . .BRrw.RESTjI.TS m Slo .', Colored awns Priced for Quick Jelling Friday is bargain day here. The important item for one day's selling is the special on Linonette quoted nil v t r eiow. we admit that tins price is made to get you to shop on Friday. For that reason you must come to day tomorrow will be too late. 15c linonette, 36 inches wide, in .several shades, priced today at 5c yard Limited to 10 yards to a customer. Other specials, on colored Wash Fabrics are: 15c. Lawn for 12c yard 10c Lawn for 8c yard 19c Lawn for .15c yard Feet So Sore Couldn't Walk Down Stairs- TIZ Ct'UED DEK QUICK. If you have sots feet, tire feet, sweaty feet, lame"foet. tender feet, smelly feet, corns, callouses or bun ions, read what happened to Mrs. ("rocket, of Jeftersonvlle. TIZ DID IT. Mr. I 'rocket says: "After the sec ond treatment she walked downstairs one foot at a time. Mie hail uot been aide to walk downstairs lirforc in past live yrrn, rxrpt hy slopping down on oncli atop with one foot nt a time This Is remarkable. Send live more boxes, No matter what alls your feet or what under heaven you have used without getting relief, Just use TIZ. It'a different. It acts right off. It cures sore feet to jUiy cured. It's the only foot remedy ever made which acts on the principle of drawing out all the polsnnogs exudations which causes sore feet. Iowders nnd other remedies merely clog hp the pores. TIZ cleans them out and keeps them clean, You will feel better the first time It's used. t"se It a week and vou can forget you ever had sore feet. There Is nothing en earth that can compare with It, TIZ is for sale at all diusglstH. 2 Re per box. or dlroct, if yon wish, from Walter Luther Dodge & Co., Chicago. III. Phon? 964 to have your clothee pressed. Latest improved ataam Pressing Machine. yCK'K SERVICE PRESKtXO CLUII HIGH CI.ASS WORK THAT IH .VARANTKKI Cleaning. Pressing, Dyeing, both ladles and gentlemen's garments. KCHOICFF, BROWN A CO. Phone 443. 14 Church St. Few MakcrJ Of Bigh Grade1 Pianos put great stress on the qual ity of their, product yet tiuse same pianos compared side by sldo with the great STIC IFF sound like thirty cente. You c an. rca 1 ije,t here ..aij, Jje, such n vast difference and In beauty 'of case design there's no comparison, CHAS. M. STIEPF, Manufacturer of the Piano with tlie Sweet Tone. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Street, Cliarlotte, - ' . - - X. C C. II. WTLMOTII, Manager, crt mm 1 'i. WE ARE NOW USING THE VERY BEST QUALITY of Wheat Starch for all our laundry work. Costs a great deal more than tho other kinds of starch, but gives bet ter results and will not break or crack the collars and oth er articles of wear as' will the strach made from corn prod ucts. Wheat starch laundry work will also stand the sum mer heat better than tho other kind. Try it done the NICHOLS WAY Asheville Lanndry T. A, Nichols, Mgr I? CTTER-Cn'CsCT BREAD. Our new brand, only Bo per loaf. It's Delicious. Fresh Dally. Ashevllle Steam Bakery, "hono I2S or 38J. YOU CAN DEPEND On the quality of M. & W. Indian Coal a.s well as quick service when you order it. Phone 130 Carolina Coal & Ice : Company TRIMMED HATS REDUCED M. WEBB & CO. BUCKHORN WATER Is a Pure Palatable Water, contains more It LITHIA than any other. It Is analysed by the state chemist every month and is marketed in sterilized bottles. McKay's Pharmacy X Leading Druggists, a Oppo. P. O. Phone 556. WE SELL THE BEST MEATS AND POULTRY The senior member of thia firm has been in business in Ashevllle for IS years and la still selling meat food to peo ple who patronized him when he first engaged In business, Tais bespeaks prompt, cour teous and satisfactory service. HILL & young : Phone i and SS, City Market "Home Rendered turd' tiiinmiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimHcaa I CITIZEN WANT-ADS BRING . RESULT?, Jhese Jwo Specials Should Make Jhings J$um fridayl, and Saturday One lot of Summer Dresses, not' this season's styles, values up to $10.' Friday and Saturday for $2.98 each One lot of Redfern Corsets, sizes 19 to 27, $3 to $5 - Saturday for A $1.49 pair WHITE HOUSE COFFEE The finest brand of pure, high grade Coffee in this country. A blend that Is perfect and suits everyone. Packed in sealed tin cans. 1-pound air-tight tin .. . '. 38o . t-pound air-tight tin $1.10 ' STRADLEY & LUTHER 3 East Pack Square. KM I ICE COLD WATERMELOM ':)? Fine Cantaloupes Berries, etc, We carry a fail line of fruits and vegetables, also ; meats and poultry. You can purchase here everything for family table or banquet board. CORNER NORTH MAIN AND MERKIMON AVE) Fancy Grocerlea Meats and Vegetables. ALL KINDS OF Lamb chops, pork chops, pound. All kinds of roasts pound. s V. V. HAYNIE, the Grocer Prompt Delivery. Fhone 077. FOR QUICK SALE. Small modern house, close to town, only fouilt short time. Price, $2,100. THE H. F. GRANT REAL TY CO., 48 . Patton Ave. THE GRUNER SANITARIUM ; Ashevllle, V. C No. 29-S1 Haywood Street. Phone 681 Hydro-Thermo-Electro and Mecnano-Therapy. Dletlcs. Devoted to the thorough and scientific treatment for selected cases of Nervousness, Parol. ygis, Ha j fever. Malaria, Asthma, Habit, Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases Women, and other chronic Dlseasess. 'f. The BathS and MaSSage Department ' sanitarium IS p for Ladies and Gentlemen, Skillful attendants for both Ladles and Gentlemen will administer Turkish, Russian, Cabinet, Betz - Hot Shower and Needle Baths, Galvanic Vibrating, Swedish Massago and Movements. Thure Brandt Massage fo diseases of Women. Douche, Lavage. Open frqm 8 u. m. to 9 p. m. Bat W p. m. Automobile and Picnic Parties will find in LAUREL PARK Hesdersonville, : : : N. C. not only "the most beautiful natural park In America," but an ideal spot for a day's outing. WALTER B. SMITH, Manager, Laurel Park, Hendersonville ST. C. PRETTY PORTRAITS WOSIEN We make a specialty of dainty pho tographs of women. Years vf btudy and experience has taught uhr r- ;o 3"st catch your prettiest pose and exoresston. RAY'S STUDIO, V 2B ratKn Ave. Hairdressing and Manicur ing by Expert Operators Special orders taken for first qual ity hair goods, made up in our own lactorv. MISS CRUISE SHOP Phone 10. Hair Shop 25 Haywood ICE BOXES REFRIGERATORS PORCH GOODS HAMMOCKS J. L. Smathers & Sons 15-N. Main St HOLLAND DAIRY XCXCII ROOM ft N. E. Pack Square, Near Fire Dept. formerly National Dairy Lunch. Changed hands June 1. Everything clean and first-class. Dutch Cooking. All kinds of Salads. Try ou Dutch Pancakes, Soda Water and Ice Cream. Best Cigara in town. ' V. VAX KROONE.NDl'RGH. Burn our coal iind save the difference; ASHEVILI.K DRAY, FUEL A CON. fiTRUCTlON CO. : . . PtMMM 2SW :, i C . values, Friday and Phones 64 and 651 osh tba FRESH MEATS . veal chops and cutlets 20c and steaks 12 l-2c to '20o Cor. North Main ft East - Air, Electric-Light, Tub, Sitz, Foot, and Farradic Treatments. Electric -I" Mountain City Steam laundry CLEAN AJfD SANITARY Our business is to pleaao. Glva'wa a trial. 30 North Ijexlngton Avena Telephone 421 Dew Drop Candy Parlor A2 Patton Ave. . - Home made candies. Peach lea cream. Ice cream soda and nut auB- das 6c. ... E. M. Adair & C. P. Baker Propriotora, &:. Private or class instructions in Stall' ography and Typewriting. v Schorl Shorthand ; EMANUEL. Prln. jit 1S3 W. Cheatnira Back Numbers of th$ Etude at 10c per copy, while thev last at vi FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE! 21 S. Main St. '.2 H: HARMON'S HONEY Is the best the world vour (Irocer, ffiW. or Phone 857. fe . Harmon's Honey Store li Pack Square. MISS ct7;. ti-r.c tojrswiiKtfw HUFF EXPERT CORSETLER8 KOOMj JT and Stt - Anaertran NaUonal Bttk : BnOiBng ' 'J -, ft' ;- 0 VS. "M