if .VEATHEE:'-" . CITIZEN WANT AD3 ' BRING RESULTS fVIL, NO; 252: HIF TMS THREE DAYS ' iIOT YET THRDUgf: jvnr PrlftHrts Tif Rftclnro- . ,-: city Optomlstlc and Hope to Rush BTTirough vozw Speeches A if- Y) PROSPECT Sr'TBIAf it t iich Se? longer'- t., -J nTCleal y and I in tin uring 4 a. Wit) tli 't.ffeeeai t hVhowt .'toe pr Ut the i ihy tti s ir in Jot ha '''bt 8,0 ( by tha r ; i adjourned f- r ur.-i .. o.-ntl-recipi 1 ' c ' " Senator i ,i ro waa anxjur ! . mat . t'i- i would fbe mi- f :ort ; t . ',irUIioa; r Jin. ' thatiirtln husi. 'namcil t wit be no ce'-'is.'. j I final rnntent, " how." i r tliiU ' . poatpfkMd. Ti ; I be a Jn i .-. nioi rff loth Tuvtr out oniyior tne inrpiis f tint? the, t onstttutionajl in hi . .ni'Mnst either bcxlv ailjouro .xsltW' tnore-.tn.-rtvthree daj-s nt n m witljotif ih tiUjera. consent. Th H'a 'j.Vilt fcontlnw pntll : f iOy n, 'rthrtciprj)Hy dlapoBed M. r it U "t baHtili-iiiitl'tli session IjrHi be rprtrty ;-prrt(MiJre!? .The tandrpat -IittRlifSP vtfcl;', disposed to V-focf ;vot ptf tH Wool and th'. house -Mfen1tr W. St de1r tq ts fin. ;.;n;;.ja' order to iryl re-flatoiv. . vfi ' .t Aemocr'atlp senators rgVie aii4 a" the .beittnnlnK that thewula M wt a rolltcaa.8.fhe. bnia and there a inuu f 3?J!they mitt ,ief is Jfo f illMMrt nrtteh' flebnte .Wi 'view joti'bllla and of the. tact , that snjr-event the real battle must fought out at the reffular sesaln f December. ' )4 pemooratte protests against an 'lm ." Idlate ' more on th,e, Ciimrirtns (Continued on Fag Five) INil DRIEST State in united states FROM LE6AL STANDPOINT L New Near-Beer Law Effec ! tlvely "Puts oa Lid and ' il NaUs it Down" SOCIAL CLUBS HITt CHABIrr35-W,; Jun 10. To-. orrow North.' Carol legally, will the driest state if the union. At light tho amend J t to the state- prohibition lal putting out tf tuea tha "near-h saloons, and Vtitinr t olspt ilng of beer by effect and to- aocil lubs went in Porm th. thirsty loin find no law ."l Vns'of satisrilng their want V lneaos of aifcctor'a prescript .t drugi tore. State-wide Y went Tnio -. effect over 1o i.o-. h.ititk. -tatut con- , I'fiToop-iioleito the .shape of- priced cennei ooajnio JTa ve l?rlhed, in very I tofct ad hajweu mostof them 1 -.in. the-jeal'artlcl aad. many Ii a Mind tlKebuMneJh law effeTBly tne it i dla flow.. . , Vy- f JsWIay w JLawlsbaVV f 'T3UTX. : June' J.1-. rea-f A royt'ID -'X'lircbln' ,n iatIK JrttrtJB f ,.,fc vvnnlltM Of U-iricticai,'rTariiTi . from the! Cl4ndrft ron'tbe oe, was? L.-iaUeW-'T"-' ?-'JKeprt,jBiav" ta i"- r :'. - . . Jl tine 1 " tirtntauves . VeK.4 PolK, apunty; the Hthor m ST rnntlo, d H-.w ff the state '!'" rimaW ib tile operr en of tne, it ufin-a fez riRin nm Jlepartment ' -i m.rtA .Bn7i 1W lIirIll"''-" " -.ir After the a-ion .f the r . ...a lwfra ha WlU.be nus ana - U i Vr "''m fW whr he Will . ' lea ' UOYeniW 0M a.. - w- V,;.- informal I reception. GoV- -i. aA lIMTUllv . . noiu - i . - Uwln tb. inaufcraon eerony, mm mo to M old borne at Marietta, wherw the ctttoonal of Cobb and ad- ,irA jlanaed oa jor i- v.- DcJZEN MASKED MEN HOLD UP FAST MAIL TRAIN ON M ajJ Clerk Shot in Pying . , Condition--Engineer Saw ,. Obstruction Too Late and Crash" ed Into Tics Across Track EWf!, fa., Junr'9iAt aat ramtt and ni8(iHpor train- pa lb Pbliadel1 1 1 :ri railroad wa feld p to mlloa fractals .oityibyi '.Kefi4.alM4 men -The v . rar-re rifled, and . I. . C." H, Block, of , and M IXj Kooaay, -. wore injured.' C in the rm. pictf was side and was t&lien a u. dyinn- ooadjtion. :-i ionS'ttiJurle whea i "me-thrown by'on train -vraa due In "';14. A tew.'inln- . vhnn the trala . tho . :n .ictnm- aheadC We Uh all" jioeslbla i- 1 crashed Into i . n plained acrosa trnm hit tha ob ::"Vfd by th pas nail bad a 'collision i. hid. the taext moment, s a:rak . of "revolvers ao. i ii wl'h (h raf cause of i wiiff, A the trala come .1 epversi of. Mierpaasen : 1 i ascertals; the trouble!! (Iww the-.ftra of - the ... '1 nien and, there fra 'i r-ntxrUe) oarl.u i .. lwKsenfrer, who braver i i i ru nSht h(jtd of oae'cf i . s plosiod'up bodily and ! : i-mw .i jOf .f4et embankment. i . 'S C'l... i hfiid, fai- (chi 1 . n. is sprious. The man s nd 'body; wefe taHy".cat init torn"Ir6m.bla fcack. mi to' hospital la an on- 'onsrl,i.i3 i nndiUun. TJi spot selected hy the roliliers vraa . ideal . for - their vor. On j one- sfde- of - the railroad. Is ajlarge'Yajvine andthe othetalde is a1 dens wa6da.iTn ftH bad S -hidden oJrtoflg' tb tp. tif ws i from thjs (Mfffst fat air of thiro made thlap-. jiar&ce bTi' f h- trin came 'to a t4"-: '' rjAimosx oerore ma train naa reaca ed. ihobsiructMin, tha masked-band badf taVen' -uP their position .at prae- ttcally" every entrance to . .... ... .... the t ear. U ' 1 cries from thf men tr ket back into the cars. Wen a numoer of th ex cited 'passenger failed to take this advice, the -bandit opened firev Thoy . Thoy i, leveT ctivjij' e pas- waa shot along the tides of the cars, I WUh the windows and this effect!' put an and to the curiosity of the ae tigers, witnin the cars there WAR SEGRETABY STIMSON flECfliENDSTULLAHOMI GROUND FOR MANEUVERS Need 35,000 Acres Which ; 0ari beilad' for Only : s.ro :r Acre ft v BEPORT TO. CONGRESS it: V WAMfltfdTok'! June i.PraL. jioiw. i sept, to eomgross toaay uie eport .of, tb,oomuiiHeion autbortaed last February ta Investigate the feaai bllity of asUbUshlng a peraaanent-ma)- nenver and; praetlfe camp, for ;i,'tha regular army awLtba mtlltle, near thaj cnicKamauga-cnattdnoofta - Viiutary patk. in Tennessee.' " . -' Tho report1 AfcomlwnledW the. Jrecommendatlpn ot.eeratary at War Btimpson that' , tract 0f t.000 We near TullahoAa, ' Ten.K vof ferd by tbe cltlsen. of jh(U eomm-nltybe V cetd, toatb. m4. And thaf 4, government s,,, O0O X. ao-gana for io artWeVji pfa.V W 'i . e ii a. rtf. ; -?.Tj 1M ... i be 4 mi! i fc x d son nnaf (fDirtoiert mi bt-i' ;d iaJU.'.tflqer fi.ri-' "Htflt ei- OIStUJ 11 " ""tln f -- P . t.-i'--. a n nil i ii, , A2fcji Tber are r 'believe cacjf of P ef' hi thi. there) arere tha Baptist hours ago morning tor. special .5 Pay for rata. tht.fterBOon a clock the town aaimiroruding c visited' by onlof the heav in several mis- The dr wsa caused extstml dajoaga to. lit kindaJ 1 af 'p.-' H 1. iK.. tie I a. t Oil I ASUEVILLE,N.O.;SATURAY MOHXINO, ERIE ROAD Right Jide and in pejilCi A- number of women, fainted, while the screams of others caused much, confusion. The train- arrived In this city about midnight. The paaaensera were dased from fright nd eould not alve a eon rnd story of what had taken place. Many of the women war hysterical and required attention. ""A, Wta number of those aboard war from Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Intermedin- points. & The train was jnde ue' ef - four . day coaches and two, Pullmans. It meets the through Philadelphia ' and Buffalo train at 'Emiporlum, Pa.. It is beUevad . the bandits were foreigners- - m in few. mlautes after word of Ihe bold. up 'waa received bare every officer.' 'in the . city waa called Into action. - Many of .them boarded a Special , train - tor the . scene, while ethers were taken there in, automobiles- and . other conveyances. Xte tonight the surrounding country was dotted with men and lantera. search ing far the men and contents of mail bags and valuable . nagkges ta&en form the train. ' Th, hold up occurred at one of ihe moat-deserted places. ... Dispatch ers ..at, the division - of flea bare ,;re oetved report ' at tea o'clock that the train bad passed Belle Valley, the last telegraph station before this clfy. The train then' waa on time and due ' here ten minutes later, fifteen minutes' passed and then thirty without the train arriving and railroad of flcTals here grew anxious. At 11' o'clock' a weak -voice called by telephone and said:. - , "vvve beeatwobbed we'vs been robbed majt be . lota are shot." It waa the report Conductor Rooney to the official' and their first Inti mation of the robbery. Albert Carey, engineer,, by making a quick atop of the' train probably prevented. a se rious disaster. ' Railroad men say had the 'heavy train struck the obstruc tion with much force tt would have thjrown the 'entire train . from the Itfacfc- and down aver the embank nnt: "Whea the train- atobned JCnvftiver o invesUiata. . .Tainr wr immedl. ateiy seised by w asked men, who with revolvers mad the 4wo march back into the cab. Tw of the rob ber thenc climbed aboard end kept bers t: flruarjl i By, i mmM (i over tnem. .;. -thia time passengera were be- tesBhSi (oontmncd on Pago Five) FOUB BODIES LIEtMDEB TONS DF TWISTED- STEEL FOUR OTHERS IDENTIFIED Collapse of One of Main '- Buildings of New Buf : falo Waterworks TO PLACE BLAME BUFFALO, N. T., June Jfl-Eight lives' wera lost in the collapse of one of the main buildings b( the new (400,00 waterworks at Proctor avenue and the water front today, four of tb dead have been Identi fied and four ar still buried be Beath tons df twisted steel and masses of concrete where it 1 im possible that one of them could have survived. Four, other were injured. " All the dead . and missing were tinsmiths of this city. Mayor Fuhr men and District Attorney Budley Ve started an Investigation to place Responsibility for the accident. WITHDBAWAL OF v BORDER TROOPS IT A. - r--ii 1 j M&msaTOtt. June 8. Leav : !nr 1 the Mexican border a force ad (j terror any emergency that might ""lie? President Taft today autHor- "'; tha withdrawal from the maneu ; 41v1soa of fonf wlment of in- ranwf Ninth .cavalry and the f ', field artillerjv The infantry I rejCIttlABla In V wKIiiImwn kavm fife beim selected. r .... . . i ne-aioemeni win oe gradual and! Hf .'cdseama probably thirty day,; rae withdrawn troops will return to "rjpm awiow : - REAIi POCIjJTOT EXHIBIT Arr.Aw m x , W 1 next were the dates selected to. day by- the Southern International Poultry association for it first real poultry exhibit. ' The show . writ be held in the Aodltorlnm-Armorr In .this alty and Jt was stated that be tween sva ana. ooo entries wsre ex pected. , Henry B Jennings, - of KnoxvUle, Tenn, ha foea 'appointed superintendent of the chow. Three thousand dollar la cash prises will be distributed to the winners in the various clssss - ' ' . - v. , ; '.' r I I M GIC )AiMC U. S. MED AT Accor ling ta Conclusions berf Knox Smith Tangible ivoperty Juess a nan naifVT iapnai- , izatinn Later Revdrts of Independents 1 ' . WAS NOTONfJ June 80.-llestrlc- tion of ompetitltit 1 declared to have bi the prii object of the or- ganlse; of the t'lltd Btate Steel corpor: ion which capitalised at fl.- 401.000 00, had I tangible property worth ly im,00,00; the corpora- tion, hi .vlng tronoentrated its effort to eeu ether properties, how own TI per Which' based ent -of the lake ore upon e present steel Industry Is ese are softie of tbe conclu- siona re. hed in the long expected re- port of mlssloner df Corporations Herbert X tea Smith on the steel ln- dustry? mttted-t,l t one, of , which was sub- preslVat "today. r.. ' .t'-.ltl .tt!-. Im Discuss! ui averted almost ovjl "t.V "n" J" mation of the rinlht Jf ,0: comblhaUona, uk cmb lnt0 ' diary icompanle. ; cok ln JSB ahti- 4cent Bf th crud a"""' "v " preducUonf th cquJl,Jnlea "e saya. fUntliUm the bolk l.th! TT"? ties was distributed moi tn0 bu"' coneldersbltf . finmbev 5 of I " very Tk... ! ..i4. .i jsncerns. frequent pools of greater or Titled by ,edu .?VPe ration and effectiveness. Then an era of great combination, the re port continues, with capitalisation ranging from 130,000,000 to 1100. 000,00". mergers of many smaller oempanles which; Instead ef eliminat ing competition threatened to '-bring price cutting on a larger scale than ever ; before. - In ' 18S9-H00 there were three great companies the Car negie company, Federal Steel and National Bteet- dominating the pro duction of crude and aemi-flnlahed product, and i A; six 'concern a-the American Steel and Wire. American Tin - Plate, American Steel Hoop. American' Sheet, National Tube and American ' Bridge controlling the lighter rtptshed products. This wa the period when the A OF TI P. D. Winston, of Windsor, . av . . . ' President Committee I Gets Resolutions MKB TOXAWAT, N. C. June 30. The - thirteenth annual seseion of the North Carolina Bar association cam to a close tbt morning with a business session; A large numbe of resolution were offered, but In every Instance) referred, to committee. Franfclln D. v,Wlnton, of Wlndor, was elected president, and T. W. Da- Vts-, 'iff '"wnmlnirton'r re-elected secre tary ' and treasurer. - The next moot ing of tbe association will be In the eastern part of tha state, but the place pt meeting is left with the exe cutive committee. BIUBEGBOOM SI; BRIDE 7 j ALBlTBUERQtlE. K M June 10 The Kev. Thomas H. Harwood, na tional chaplain of the O. A. B.. yes terday announced his engagement to Mrs, Mary Clark, of Albuquerque. H i (1 and . the brldo-to-be ' 7S. - iHINOTON, ; June 10 North Una generally fair', Saturday and light north, to t wind. ASSOCIATION ) .. ,m mi, JULY 1,1911 Will it Explode? STEEL CORPORATION RESTRICTING COMPETITION Reached in Report of Commissioner of Corporations Her" struggle o "6lant" w Impand- Ins and when the formation ot tn U. 8. Steel corporation waa conceived and brought about. '. All nine of th companies ' named wero combined. and later tha Union Steel oompany, the Clulrton Steel Oompany and, In HOT,- the Tennesae CoaW Iron and Katiroad company were taken over. The promoting ndlisle putting the deal through ; netted . a,uw,i ig cash. ' During lb ten year of Ita opera tion, .the report says. -the ajeal trust ha paid average annual prqpl of II per sent on th money Invested. In Oil connection, attention I call ed , to ,th fact ' that a .considerable part prUoluTtftKmjul in -undat ed or un worked properties, howmg that dividend from baying propertle must be much higher than tn vr would indicate. Insisting u port com puting profits upon a tangible property value basis, j th r ports says that the tel corporation In defending Its book " uatlon undoubtedly would tsla' there whs a "merger thl. the commlsslolier yrae tha vroper oy l. poratli Kether v Ifanizal companj v0 a val" . lng con ef the ' wuh as ate entitles. Integration Tho ro-ordlnatlo made possible b. com iiitiiiii(iii or ucn properties o. a single control undoubtedly tsnit, reduce routs either through econom . or throiiKh removing the necessity of paying profits to other. "Further In so far as tho concen inn of th unlos) mnder th con trol of a nrle concern give to it a monopolistic power over price and production thl may result in n In crease In It earning power and eon gequently In an Increase in its value AGAINST FRUIT Cip Judge Says Efforts of Unit ed Fruit Company Were for Restraining of Trade New ORLEANS. June 10. That the United Fruit company attempted to regain control of th Bluefleld Steamship company for th purpose of restraining trade In direct, violation of the antt-trust law l tha opinion of Judge Rufu B. Foster, of the United State Circuit eowrt, handed down tor day In the case of Frederick. M. Steel affalnst the United Fruit company. Th court' written decre today con firmed the oral opinion glvn a few- day ago In setting aside the recent election of directors of th Bluefleld Steamship company, now Jn the hand of a receiver. The master In chancery found that the Bluefleld Steamship company waa controlled and managed in tha Interest of the .United FruM company prior to tha receivership. In ordering an elec tion for a board of director of tb Uluefields concern. Judge Foster en joined the United Fruit company and wetnnerger Brothers, to whom th United Fruit company bud transferred their Uluefields stock, from , voting any part of their stork. Just prior to the election tha. Weinberger trans ferred to other part' , block of the stoch, Theee new purchaser wer di rectly or Indirectly connected with th United Fruit company. At the election held under the court' order they held a majority of eight share and a board which tbe court' found had bwm pre viously approved by officials of ,. th United Frulf Company rn cko"-. 1 4 I-'T- 1 I .in 1 a a going concern. . "Thl involve, however, th reduc tion of actual or potential competi tion. To allow a lngl company, which baa aeoured the bulk of a given industry, credit for such merger val ue si a basis on which to. earn pro fit raise, therefore, a question of far reaching public policy. . To regard a valuation o arrived at a Justlfytug such p'roflt under the . con dltlna,'; would b 'reasoning in a '- ' circle, - because th real question Is whether tb profit themselves, used to ' determine th capitalisation, Were reasonable." - Sine tha corporation ha been di recting It effort particularly toward utrntHii: ; and ' i(uiidlng;'r' iomplet control over oris propertloai It per eentag of production ha decreased. A against" 00 per rent of alt crud and finished production n 1101, ay the report, tha corporation now has not much over 60 per oooiMKrt r consluslvely 1 th joontlnuou of strong andcrelng in- productlofl" , .nowvr, 'onr flr that eompetl- r concerned d by a policy of augurated . at the iut which o muoh vfor th congre .vesUgatlpg oommitte. . valuation of the com .iglhle property t placed at WftO.000 a against It, 461,000, outstanding securities, an n eiae of about $417,000,000 In pro perty whiia only about li.0,099 has Been added to capitalisation. Be viewing th combine present posi tion in tha industry, th report says, that from th beginning th corpora tion ha overshadowed It principal rivals, even exceeding It competitor combined, and while In th ten year (Comintwwl on Pw Rli) SPENCER rOUNG MAN DIES FROM INJURIES Of TRAIN Both Legs Out Off When He Fell Under Wheels While Coupling Cars , SPENCER, N. C,, Jun 10. Follow ing injuries sustained by being run vr by hi own train at Norwood yesterday afternoon Rudolph Melton. or Hpencer, died at a sanatorium In Salisbury lat night, . - Motn legs were out off by the wheels of a car under which he fell while making a coupling. He leaves a young wife and two small children. FBKSIDENT DEAVKS CAPTTAfc WASHINOTON. Jun 10. Presl debt Taft left Washington tonight for his new cottars at Beverly, Mass., Mr. Taft. Charlie Taft, Mia Delia TorrenV the president's aunt of Mil- bury, Mas., and MaJ. A. W, Butt ac companying him. Mr. Taft will re main there until Sunday afternoon. Sareetary Utiles will rejoin' the ores! dent at Albany, ;tt. T.. Sunday night on the way to Indianapolis,, Ind. At Indianapolis ha will be tha gust of former vie president Fairbanks over the fourth ' of July. Independence day th president will rrlw a his torical parade. He will lunch with Mr. Fairbanks and in th afternoon will wHnes a prearranged head on collision by. two locomotive at th statq fair grounds. -i.r-...v...v.r..'-. DIAZ CKE8 TO VFTE8BA DEX :-r FRANK FO RT-ON-TH E-MAIN," 0r many, Jun 0, General Porfirle Diss, former , presfllent ef Mextoo, arrived hre todey. t Jfe is on his wa. go PRICE FIVE CENTS SHENB GABT FIGURES IN CASE "LadyDuke" orMHow ItHurts Sensationally .Treated in ?" Tobacco Case ; WARE WON TADMir CONTENTION MADE Says That It Was Gotten up v Three Years Before Mar, rlaoeofMBucK"DuK5 ; It ALKIOHY N. C, JTun 10. "Ldy : Duke," or "If ow it Hurts," a trad 5 cartoon ud ' by Ware-Kramer To bacco company iamst th Amerl can Tobaoco company eatna in for ; rather enaattohal treatment today la th conclusio fn othe - three - days' -cross examination ot President F, D, War of th Ware-Kramer oompany, Th cartoon wa exhibited in oourt and used by counsel for th defens to prove an insult to Mr. J, B. Duke, who was Mia Inmaa of Atlanta, . It showed a dashing sort of a, wo man r with gaudy costume cut very , low In tha front with flaming dia mond necklace and diamond in her -hair and on her . finger, a box of Whit Bolls elgarettta , was hitting her squarely In tha eye. ' Mr. Ware denied that tha cartoon had any refereno, to Mr. Duke, ssy. lng it , waa gotten out three year before the marriage of "Buck" Duk and Mia Inman,' , It did appear, however, that the picture waa used aftur th Duh marriage. A letter, from Mr. Oliver, salesman for Ware-Kramer eompnny, narrated to Mr. Ware that he had seen Duh and. hi brld go by lit an, auto and that he had thrown a box of Whit Holla cigarette into tha automobile. , There wa also a letter from lingan On., Phltadel Dhla. commenting . on the 'Xady - DnkTsecun to tha irct that Duk eugn y h -Uq JiVar' t ... Thl morning Mr. War prodif th company' pooka and howed stock entries with quotation am to Identify tha- transaction as in A form and to th benefit of th oil poration. ' ' Th court took a reoe to MondaV afternoon. or DC uniniiio un oailiii WITHOUT FOOD OR DRINK Of Wealthy Family, Men tally Unbalanced From , Being Hit by Bali; EXHAUSTIVE SEARCH COITTIT. Kim, lun . tO. Some where on the waters of Vineyard sound a young man named Kenneth Linn, of Tampa, Fla., is believed 1r be sailing or drifting tonight in ap small sailboat without food or drink) Ther la a possibility, however, thai he ha been picked up by some oassi lng vessel or ha fallen Into th, sen and lost hi Ilf." - Linn, who I understood, to be of. a wealthy family, la said to faava ' become mentally unbalanced a a re- ': suit of having been hit by a bull during a baseball gam thl spring. an He wa brought here to "recuperet in , the car f a trained nurse. ; R... I Sawyer, Last njght h escaped went to th water front '.and m- barked ln th sailboat "Watar witch." Th only traa sink found of him wa th sailboat' tender, empty and beached on the harbor shore. - Search . for th yeung man , began today and area continued to-' SAVANNAH WILL BE , PLACE FOR BIO RACE ,s , i,. - .., .t, SAVANNAH, da., Jun 10. Sano tlon waa received today ;for th running of the grand prlx automo bile race November ' 10 next : over road in' thl ounty. . It ha been . decided to run three race lnlrtg the Vanderbllt almultaneously. A t the data originally selected ha 1 - changed and , the Vanderbllt, 3 ' nah challenge rophy n.U" ex ¬ I ropl trophy race tr. tb 000 n NOVEL Fill) .1

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