S 0 THE WEATHEB: FAIR THE AiiHEmEE CITIZEN. CITIZEN WANT AD3 BEING BESULTS- VOL. XXVIL, NO. 255 SHEVILLE, N. C., MONDAY -MORNING, JULY 3, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS s FATHER RECORD mi BROKEN o WASHINGTON, D, C. Official .Thermometers Show d 95 In Shade Yesterday With Much Humidity ALSOjyERY HOT IN ; OTHER LOCALITIES July Ushered In as June Was With Previous Records Shat - tered Everywhere WASHINGTON, July 2. Witl, down town thermometers registering 10T degrees, th weather record for the . suffering wag increased by the The official temperature, waa $1 and the ww suffering Increased by the humidity. No Immediate relief It wn aid la In sight. - The weather bureau promises that the -coming week will be one of mod erate temperature In the South, At lanta and gulf state and generally over the region weat of the Missis sippi liver, . High temperatures will prevail the first part of the week In the northern and middle states east of the Mississippi, followed by a change to lower temperature in these districts about Wednesday. ' A baro . metric depression that now covers the Rocky mountain region, according to the bureau, will drift slowly eastward, preceded and attended' by local show- erg and thunder storms and will cross the Mississippi valley Tuesday or Wednesday and the Atlantic states Thursday or Friday. It will be fol lowed . by cooler weather over the plains - states, the . Mississippi valley and tho region east thereof, . 1 BAl 8TAIIT FOR JULY PIITSBURa, Pa., July 2. With record breaking temperature during the month of Juno, July opened here with' indications for still higher tem peratures for art extended period. To day, according to the weather bureau. was pie . hottest day In ten years, reaching !tS degrees on the top of a sky aoraper, while a. nam her of pri vate thermometers, registered lot and ENS PALESTINE TO REFUGE OF J . IF PMBIES Federation of American Zion ists to Buy 100.000 Acres There Annually RESIDENTIAL SUBURB ALREADY ESTABLISHED MANY TUNES IS TQSPDNQMOBE "Duke ofpucesterM Dies In Belfaslfeland. Accord ing Telegram 'Liberty Embodied In Amerl can Constitution Gives Scope for Activity" BOSTON.' July J The heat was i turned on in New England again to Vlay and as a result there wsa a gen eral exodus from the towns and cit ies to- the seashore and country. The who remained sweltered In a , (Oon tinned on I'agw Two) TANNERS VILLUS, N. Y July 2. To buy one hundred thousand 'acres of land annually In Palestine In order to establish colonies of Jews was the principal proposition of a practical nature placed before the fourteenth annual convention of the Federation of American Zionists at Its session today. This proposition was made by the national fund oommlseion. ' The commission reported that In addition to the" 18 agricultural colonies estab lished In Palestine through the efforts of Zionists a residential suburb of artisans had been established at the port , of Jaffa. Jt was recognised in the debate today that the policy of the Toung Turka" party, aiming . to ward the nationalisation of the en tire Turkish empire and In 'opposition to the autonomy of the various na tionalities within , the empire, was bound to delay the realisation -of the Zionists' purpose to secure a home for the Jews in Palestine, and : that the movement would have a better' Im mediate prospect, for regaining the Jewish national soil If the opposition should triumph. A resolution was adopted calling upon the Internation al Zionist congress to maintain an at titude of strict neutrality toward the Turkish political, parties. In his report to the convention Prof. Israel Friedlander, chairman of the executive committee, made ' this statement: "Those who are In a' position fo compare Jewish- conditions In other lands are convinced that 'America of fers exceptional opportunities for thetj development of Zionism. In no other country are there so many JeWs whtch combine' the frenuln customs and the intense Jov of Zlon so characteristic of the Jaws of the .East with the freedom of aotlon and the economic prosperity which are found among the Jews of the West Not only does the liberty embodied in the Ameri can constitution guarantee full and unrestricted scope for our activities (Continued on Page Two) AI.WAYSiBERAL WITH HIS MONEY Accustord to Making Loans of S I 000 Without Mak- inftemorandum . PUILA dPHIA Pa.. July z. Wix J. Unpson, familiarly Known the ' of Gloucester,- wno owned - ttfQloucester race , tracx when ra j was permitted In South Jersey, aiivho was the most-innu entlal Capratic politician in that section Belfast blegram Thompaol Thompsui 4he state, died today In land, according to ca Ived by his son, John Ha was ! years of. age. who made . and spent many foPa, was recently compell ed 'te ifto bankruptcy,- Ha was 1 owner of , rvasmngton oartt. simueemsnt resort on' the Delawarpver, a . tew - roues oeiow this cIMh Gloucester ferry com patty tho Washington , rars Transaction company. Ha wag al so ' intefed in many inausinai plant. I . : , , ... :.- Alwajllberal with his money, It was tpd t the recent bankruptcy bearlnnihst Thompson was accua tomod I make loans of $100,000 withoutj making any memoranda wnatevf vrneo ne ubumiw tsn than ti Weeks ago for Ireland, he declsTtfthat the pnly money of his own hvaa taking with him was 15 cents, same amount which ha pos sessed (hen he first cam to this oountd Frlendji, ho Said, 'were pay ing tip!"! ... ."f. DISEASED WHEN ASSURED OF PAY IttIBZ. Met.. July t Former in. surri soldiers, numbering" about 00 io threatened lo, take forcible poseon or. tne cunoms nouse un less iPPhed with money 'by aea. Blanl to purchase supplies for them- selvsand their horses, tonight dls- Mrsi when assured by Mianco tnat thosfould be paid on Monday. Tho mjailerstandlng arose , when the prafe of paying the men out of cussis receipts was aiKviuiua Insertions from Mexico City. FIVE PERSONS KILLED DP Victims Jn Horse I Drawn ANOTHER MAY DIE NIW . t ORK, July sons wore killed and two rlvo per- lnjured in a grade crossing accident near Ozone park, in the suburbs lata today. The victims were' In a horse-drawn vent cle which waa struck by' k Long Is land railroad train. The crossing . where the accident occurred. Is at the bottom of a slight declivity and flanked by obstructions which' prevent a olear view. In either direction. In the wagon was a party of five residents of the seat side who were out picnicking, and; a driver. Of tho four women and two men. in the vehicle, only one a woman is allvo tonight and she probably win die. The other Injured person is Rlohard Creed, conductor of the lectrtc train which stru UK-Is. The bodies of two of. in victims mw , gTound Under " tls liiiliT TWd other , bodies same hulling through tho opea front door of the first car and struck. Creed sa fe stood In the aisle. The impact knocked him gainst the car seats with terrific force and one of his arm was so badly crushed that it had to be am putated. The body of the! fifth vic tim 'was thrown soma distance, ark the ve ins viotimi E SHIPPING MEN R.CRDAD DETECTIVES Tension Still Strained Outlook for Settlemei Is Hopeful tut VESSELS TIED UP f - NO THEORIZING PEfiPETMTED HDL0;P issert That Arrests Will I Soon Be Made of Band of Desperadoes LONDON, July I. Shipping are awaiting anxiously the outc tomorrow's conference at H tween the seamen, the ship and the representative of the b trade. Although the tension strained and the strike' has n tended to Queenstown, there is era! tendency to regard a compfmlse as . probable. , All. parties appf desire to end tho dispute,-tho cations of wmoh -are affecting le en tire country, At Liverpool. New Castle, Ht) other ports ' the price of presetons risen tnong dependent upon Imports hava sherply. causing great distress the poor. A battalion of Infantry at I.fhfleid has been ordered to hold inlf io rtsadlnen to: proceed to Hull a erpool if required. ently kmlfl- and iUv- KAK8A8 POKT-LAWYKH DEAXJ. COLORADO SPRINOa. cjL, July J. Capt Kuirone T. Ware, a Kaossfs poet and lawyer, known also as "IronqutU," TO years old. died last night of heart disease -at Cascade, a mosntaln re--treat He waa federal pensioncone mlssioner under President Roosevelt Ife served through tho d1l wsjr with Iowa cavalry companlss jMrJ War was bora la Hartford, Com, 1141, and removed to Iowa when a bey. Ba was aaarrisd to Jsannettal P.l Hunt ington, of Rochester.; N. -if.,' li ltu. He was a member of the IyslJ Legion and too Society of Mayflower do eendanU, . - r-i I f . Amons; his writings ;af a J several works on American frontier history and translations from (French and Latja writers, la addition -to -' his poems, "Rhymes of Ironquill." " ... STBIKEIaT MANCTTEBTl. MANCHESTER, July 2. Mo- than I.QOO men employed on the shll canal and tha steamers lying theri have gone on strike. Seventy vesals are tied up in the canaL V TOO WARM FOR TAfT TO MAKE A SPEECH .ALBANJ, N, T July i.- Presl "deh'T Taft- en route to Marl i and Indianapolis, Irtd., passed thro it Al bany at .1 o'clock tonight , Th presi dent left the new summer white house at Beverly, Mass., ghori r af ter noon and Boston at two clock. At Worcester, Plttwfleld and pring Hold. Masa. where hundreds f per sons Vera waiting, tho prosidal Went t N tha roar platform of Ms car. but said that It was too hot toispeek, adding that he did not beltve In mailing speeches on Sunday skyhow. Atthowgh the day , wag orisually warm, tho president spent mhch of the time en tho way to Albaiy pre paring the speeebes, he will jdellver In Indianapolis tpmorew and Tues-' -. ... , ERIE Pa.. July S Tho railroad detectives working on the train hold up of Friday night declared today that they knew for. whom they were searching and that there la an end to all theorising as to the Identity of the desperadoes. Chief Verne, of tho Pennsylvania detestyve force, who Is In charge of the men at work on the case, says that tho bandits are not far away from tho scene of their crime and, that. last night they slip ped through tha hands of tho offi cers. It Is said tho hold-up men ars the same that shot and killed Po liceman. Abbey at Northeast this county, last November. Tho - detec tives assert they Know- whero one of the bandits slept last .night and ar rests are expected soon. Waking for the Verdict '91 MOST OF LEADERS EXPECT AND HOPE FOR ADJOURNMENT BY AUGUST 1 - f Although Much Remains to he Done and Many Long Speeches to he MadeLaFoU lette WiW Doubtless Offer Several Amendments-Simmons, of North " ''', .V Carolina Among Those Who Are Yet to U Heard " . WABHINOTON, July JJndlca. tions are growing, that congress may conclude Its extra session earlier than has been generally expected. ' Many senators, togeUief f with jKeprasenta tlva Underwood and other democrat! readers are ngurUm.on the. first week of Augnsv as a nMibir kdJoutnrnpSt time.' The situation -however, U not sufficiently clear to 'warrant a posi tive predlotlort. Ne understanding has yet been reached fof a Vote on any of the trio of star measures before tho senate, tha Canadian reciprocity bllL whoso advocate . express com plete confidence In Its passage, and th wool tariff and .free list bills! Senator Penrose, chairman of the fi nance commute proposes, however, to press for unanimous ' consent to fix date In quick succession for votes on all three measures, To hasten action, . Mr. Penrose and other sena tors are planning longer sessions Im mediately and perhaps will insist on night meetings, Mr.LajrQllett, of Wisconsin, Is to offer amendments when ha makes h long speech on re ciprocity, Mr. , Brtstow, of Kansas, will ' pnt forward Insurgent conten tions and others who will figure In debet include ; Senator Oronna, of Kortn Dakota, and - Thornton, of Louisiana, who will speak this week; Burton, of Ohio: Stone, 'of Missouri, and Clapp of Minnesota: Bailey, of Texas, and Simmons' of North Caro lina, . , Neither th senate nor the house will too la session unlit next Wednes day.' The senate: - special committee t .investigate' the election of Hntm. t6r"Lorlmeh', llt resume"fiearingi( ri ere juiy ja, ana tne nous 'sugar trust" Investigating commute July 10, The bouse "stettl trust" Investi gating commute will oontinue It hearings very soon. A revision of the cotton schedule of th tariff law will be- undertaken by tho boose commute on ways and nw.'Sii. proba6ly Hie latter part of this week, and Chairman. Underwood expects to report It to the ' house shortly thereafter. House leader do not expect It to be pressed id the senate. That and a host of other matters are scheduled to go over to the re gular session in December, provided expeditious, action b securod In the senate on th reciprocity, woel and free list bills. In the senat act Wednesday, Mr, Owen, of Oklahoma, will deliver hi deferred speech on ths commission form of governmsnt and Mr. Newlands. of Nevada, on fed eral commission regulation of Indus, trial v Interstate business, Senator Work, of California, will speak on the federal public health service. Tit commute at th Stat depart ment, expenditures sxpect to present the house positively this week It re port recommending th dismissal '( Consul Upfteral W, 11. Michael l Csii nil awl (Htiu4 sing '-"uMt vll)sm as Morrison, of the state aepartinant because of their connection with" the Justio Day voucher and th 11,100 unaccounted for therewith. Mr. Ml ahasl was formerly chief olrk of th department . Representative Dent of Alabama who had charge of th pre paration of th committee's report, will explain, th commute' aotlon. Th Honduran and Nlcaraguan loan guarantee treaty, th . formr al ready before th aenat and th latter still in committee and trsnuouaty sought ty President Dla of Nice urged , upon the senat for , ratlfl in . hi country, already bar n urfgad upon th sonata . for - ratifi cation In a message - by' Presidsct Taft -; .. .. .. 4 - A treaty for th safeguarding of seal In Alaskan watsrs. In which th united States, Russla Japan and oth ar nation are Interested. I abo-vt ready for submission t th senate. The administration to lo counting upon rattfleatlon of th Brlttah Amsrloan general arbitration treaty not yet quit oonoluJUd, during th present sees! on af oongreee. DIPLOMATISTS DO NOTKNQWWHATTQ TIK OF ACTION Germany's Sending Warship, to Southern Morocco Causes ' Profound Surprlso UNOFFICIAL REPLY TO BE MADE TUESDAY Method Chosen by Imperial Government May; Seem . . Strange to France" CHRISTIAN ENDEJIV0RER5 MEET ON 51.000,000 PIER Among Speakers Will Be President Taft, Champ Clark and Fairbanks i;E DIES IT IW HOME Formerly Commander-in Chief of United Confed erate Veterans TEOOPSSENTTO PUT DOWN STRIKE TORREON. Mex., July J. Two companies of federal troop were sent from this city , today to Maplml, a mining town 45 miles to the north west, where a strike of miner and mill operativesIs In progress. The walk-owt la said to be the great est that haa ever occurred In Mexico affecting more than 1.0 00, A special train was also sent to. take away wom en and children In rase of disorders. No overt acts had been reported but the mine owner asked for troops to reinforce the local garrison as a pre cautionary measure. Four thousand men demanded increased wage of II to 100 per cent..; . 7 ORCHESTRA. UtADEJR DEAD MUXICH, Gsrmany, July I. Felix MotU. director or th Koyal Opera at Munich, died today from artortoacier- Fells MotU -was born la IIS. He was -noted as- an orchestral conduc tor and was at on time conductor ot th : Xw . Tork Philharmont; so ciety prabtstra, -. .;. " ATLANTIC CITT. N. J., July President Taft, 8pakr'Champ Clark, former Vice president Falrbank and many men prominent In religious work are expected to.be among the peaker who will address the thou sands of delegates at, the twenty fifth Internationa! Christian Endeav or convention which, opens on ths million, dollar pier hero-next Thurs day. Th convention WtH hold flatty sessions for a week and tha convention theme w!U be JTrsinlng for Service," Th feature of the great gathering of Christian Eodeavorors will be the visit of President Taft who is ex pected to speak twice on Friday night when other addresses will be made on traning cltin President Taft will come to Atlantic City on the yacht Mayflower smT arrangement are'"blng made to give hi ma warm welcome as the trim craft steams In to, Absecon Inlet, UIUL ;.-i-.-r v WASHINGTON. July t. Forecast: North Carolina: Oenaratly fair Mon day and Tuday: - light rrarlablo ATt.ANTA, July 2. After lingering at death's door for nearly a month Qeneral Clement A. E)van, former ly commander-in-chief of th United Confederate Veterans, died at hi homo In this city this afternoon at i: ifr o'clock of Bright disease! . His death was not unexpected and several of hi children were at hi bedside when the end csme. Arrange menu for the funeral will not be an nounced until tomorrow, r -. old, has been confined to his home since the first of last prll,but be has-been In 111 hearth for" aevorai years. Oen. Evans, since his early man hood, had been prominent in the af fairs of Georgia, military, business; civil and In ths work of the Metho dist church, of which he was a mln leter for twenty-five years. He wss born In Stewart county In 1114, and was educated In the com mon schools of Lumkln and afterward at Judge William. Tracy Oould's law college at Augusta. He waa admitted to the bar before h Was If year of axe and was elected Judge of the county court at the age of II. - Par ing his practice of th law h wa s orlaUd with some of ths most prom inent mn In the legal profession of th stste. among them being Seaborn Jones, Alfred Iverson, Hloe Holt and Judge Wellborn. He was esnt to th stat senate when h waa f . When be heard of the first election of Abraham Lincoln he Immediately organised a military company and prepared for th conflict which he thought wa Inevitable. II served tinder Jsckson. Early end Gordon, at' BOY PLAYS AT SUICIDE REALLY KILLS HIMSELF Picked Up Oun and Told Companion to Watch Him Kill Himself OREENVILLB, 8. C, July -Ro7 Roach, th 17-year-o(d son of W, I Roach, of Jefferson City, Tsnn., wa killed at a farm house , eighteen miles from Greenville county court boose Saturday aftrnon In a playful attempt to sulotde. He and a II -year- old lad war la , a room together d resin preparatory to going swim ming IB a pond they coDstrnctsd tbat dir. Roach prbked up a shotgun and told hi companloa to watch him shoot himself. rcety had - the younger boy uttered word of precau Woo when the gun - was - discharged and Roach fell to th floor dead. . SAUTES KXCRAXCED KILE, July 2 Tho' American prac tice equadroa, comprising the bat tle shlpv Iowa, Indiana and Massa chusetts, with th naval -cadet aboard, arrived her this afternoon. Halutea re exchanged . with the German fleet and th crowd tbat lin ed th qoay cheered . th American ships. The emperor on board th Im perial yacht Hohrisollm, ' m expect ed to reach here tomorrow- morning from Travemund ; to reoelve Com mander Coonts and hi fncr.' ACTOS CZiASH iCoBUuned on Po FmuI TROT. JC. T, July J-Tw, anto- moblle going at Urrlfle rata f peed collided bead on, u,tk atato road near here today, a a , result, Le Lasch, 14 year old, I dead, and hi mother, Mrs. Leopold W. Lawn, and Mr. Peter Schumacher, of- Albany, ar . lying in critical condition at a hospital her. Beth machines wrl '"""7"" ' . - PARIS, , July I. Th sensation oaussd by Germany aotlon In nd ins warship to Agadir showed no sign of abatement today gnd dlplo matlo circle ar satd to b In ttat of profound, ferment ' , . t At in president' garden party,' th Mrrocn situation wa th sol toplo of dlsuusslon and Premier Call taus vr4 with most ot th dip lomat present, i particularly : Daron von , Schoen, th Osrrosa mbassa 4ora this ubject. , Th eremler and. MV t Selves, minister of foreign affuirs, had a long eonfooe together tonight at th foreign ' offlc and later It wa an neunctd that th " forsljn minister, would pot c(iompny President Val liar on hi o.V''lI visit to Molland tomorrow a originally planned, r1t I stated that an unoffhiiet reply will be mad to Germany' communl catlen befor Tuesday. Th cahinot will mst and decide th terms of (he reply and th government w b1i,- to have In It possession beforehsn l th views of th cabinet of Englan l and Russia. - Public opinion, s s vlnwcd l y th t French, newspaper doe pot ,": -to h alsrmlxts. "Th reply of Fore VI " - r ; , SofVMtn to Ambes-Hirt -r ii,rt-1 I" v !i ; aiiy tuuiuuwl i., lively 1 th sentlmsnts f lue 1-f on, .. public. , , . ) According io th Tamps. M. D 81 v declared that h could not con coal th curprls sad regret which th action of Germany had caused him. Without exaggerating tho grav. Uy of affair, h pointed out that th manner chosen by the imperial gov. rnmnt to manifest It anxiety for German Interests In Morroeoo wss likely to am Strang to French opin ion. , ... Th Tmp do not bsilevo that Morroeoo will vr again serve as a fir brand for European discord, and I f th plnlo that th whol af fair will a nded by negouation. ' WAMTS HKR SHARE BERLW. July .-Oermany fit ending tho gnnboat Panther to Agadlr and Making a claim In South ern Morocco In antlcipatlos of th posslkls partition of th country, ac- -cording to th general Interpretation Of th Oarmao pres will take It shar In tha province of Sua with It rich ooppor and mineral deposits, it great agricultural possibilities and It oauabl allraalo (a which white ran live and work unUs Franc and Spain will withdraw from th present adventur and rlly rpct th In tegrity of .Morocco. Thl la confirmed by th eml-ofn (Conrlnd on Pag Four) WIDER RUCHiriBEFFEGT . THUR EVEN COHTEMFUTEQ United Cigar Company Pre vented from Startinj Two Extra Stores 1 OPENUSTGr ABAITDOZTLD CLEVELAND, O., July J,-By ,D- peallng to th department of Justice. Clifton M. Rawlins, druggist, ha suc ceeded in having th recent decision of th United States Supreme court in th tobaeoo case brought to bear on tho United Cigar Store company and the opening ef -two new stores by that concern her ha been - aban doned. Thl 1 said to be the first time th decision ba been put Into street. ';, 'j,--;j-x , : Tho United company was fitting un a store near Mr, Rawlins' drug store. He pointed out to Attorney Genrr i WIcltM-sham that th decision stair 1 that th American Tobacco com par v r It subsidiaries ware not to enlut , , their aastaess. Mr. Wlckarsham nc . 8d th United company that the et cudoa woald a violated la the eve- ! ths Mora wa opened, nd Its replied that It would abide rv , clslon and not open ner Wlckersham commun' matlon to United F man here. About tlvltle hi the r soother w ' '

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