o. THE WEATHER: FAIR VOL. XXVIL, NO. 269 GBEAT"ATTACK"ON CITY OF NEW YORK Seventeen Battleships And Auxiliaries Will Open Attack via "Back Door" LAND DEFENCE WILL NOT PARTICIPATE Blue Fleet" Under Rear-Ad miral Osterhaus. -Reds" Under Com. Eberle NEW YORK, July 16. With the embarkation of approximately S.000 landsmen-tars, comprising the naval mllltls of nine states and the IMs trlct of Columbia, and the departure f a fleet of seventeen battleships and auxiliaries to a point 200 miles off Sandy Hook, preparatons for the great naval attack on the city of New York by way of Long Island sound, New York's "'back door,' were completed today. The defend Ing force, consisting; of a flotilla of the navy's fleetest torpedo boats and most modern submarines. Is In read iness to repulse the Invaders. The battle will be fought In the vicinity of Gurdlnera bay at the eastern extremity of Long Island, sometime between midnight July 18 and midnight July 20. It has been the contention of many naval ex perts that It Is possible for a pow erful fleet to reach New York by way of the eastern end of Long Island, and the "battle of Gardiner's Bay" will therefore be watched with great Interest. Conditions of actual naval .warfare will be closely simu lated. The enemy officially ' designated as the "blue fleet." Is in command of Rear Admiral Hugo Osterhaus, the new commander-in-chief of the At lantic fleet. Defending the city will be the "Red fleet," under command of Commander EJ. E. Eberle. The land defense will not participate. The war game will last two days and two nights. The battleship Connec ticut will be,, Admiral Osterhaus' flagship and the cruiser Pixie, Com mander Ebere's. . ;- naVM -mfl ltf iartfc!pVtmg ' In the maneuvers are from New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Con necticut, New Jersy,. Maryland, South Carolina, Pennsylvania and the Dis trict of Columbia. After the maneuvers the naval reBerve will participate In the usual drills. There is much competlon; (Continued on Page Five) SENATOIM CONTEST One Man Says He Will Give Away Whole Stock if Vardaman Wins THREE CORNERED JACKSON. Miss.. July 18. With the ushering in of the current week, Mississippi's memorable political cam paign, the bltterst aid most spirited In Che history of the state, reaches the beginning of the end. The dem ocratic state executive committee will assemble in the senate chamlber at noon Monday to prepare the form of the olflclal ballot, and to declare as nominees of the party all candidates for state offices who have'no opposi tion. No changes have been made In the estimates Issued from headquart ers of the three senatorial candi dates. Former Governor Vardman's managers declare he will win In the first primary by a decisive majority Mr. Yardman is confident that he wfll get 80,000 votes. C. H. Alexander's managers assert that he la certain to get 45,000 votes in, the first primary. Senator Periy's managers publish a statement today In which they say that after having made a careful can-' vass of sixty per cent of the voting precincts of the entire state, the re- perts show that Senator Percy wT receive a large vote In these pre cincts. A striking Illustration of the en thuslc partisanship being shown la a report from Durant where the, head of a mercantllejtnhllsjixiient a Vardman suppoTfeTT?u?s"po!(Teir a notice saying that In the event of Vardman election he will give away his stock, of groceries. CAPTAIN RILLED BY FA Mi PHILADELPHIA, July 18.- Capt. Wm. Woodhull, a retired pay direc tor of the t'nlted States navy, who had seen service In all parts of the wrld, fell 60 feet down ten air haft in an apartment house in West Philadelphia and was Instantly killed. He had ; been suffering with heart disease for several months. ., Captain Woodhull, who was 71 years old. entered the navy In ISCi. Ha wa retired la 1191. . BEGINS DN JULY 18 THE NEWYQRKINMIDST OF A THREATENED Health Officers of Port New York Regard Situa tion as Quite Serious VESSELS FROM ITALY MAY BRING VICTIMS Judge Bulger Propounds Ber tinent Question as to Alleged Neglect of Duly NEW YORK, July 1 Although the cholera situation at quarantine is at present regarded by .Dr. Alvah H Doty, health officer of the port of New York, as belall In hand to night. Dr. Doty J Ji. conceal his apprehension that Tfew York is "In tho very midst of a threatened in vasion of cholera." Further, Dr. Doty declared "the quarantine de partment of every port in this coun try Is facing a very serious and oner ous task during the coming sum mer. It is not Improbable that many vessels arriving from Italy within the next few weeks will bring one or more cases of the disease. ' Today's official report of the situ ation shows that there are fifteen cases of the scourge at Swinburne is. land hospital and four cases symp tomatlc of the disease. Within the past 24 h stirs oae more victim h died. The steamer Pergula is still detained and the medical staff Is pre paring to make bacteriological exam lmUlons In the rase of each of 248 persons from the steamer Moltka who are now under observation. It is possible that Governor Dix will be called upon to take charge at quar antine. Chales Dushklnd, attorney for the Immigrants whose charges against Dr. Doty are being Investi gated by a commission made public tonight a letter he wrote Judge Bul ger of the committee, suggesting that Judge Bulger call upon Governor Dix to take charge' of the health officers department. In a statement Issued tonight In reply to an Interview attri buted by a morning newspaper to Judge Bulger, Dr. Doty reviews the attaatlofl- an90lnta 'to the 'element of danger.' The ' statement attri buted to Judge Bulger, Dr. Doty says are se calculated to alarm the pub lic In the very midst of a threatened Invasion of cholera that I feel jus tified In making a reply. What can Dr. Doty, health officer of the port mean, when he allows (Con tinned from Page Two) BEFORE EYES OF SCORES OF SOCIETY PEOPLE MAN IS Victim J. B. Johnson Re cently Appointed Solici tor of Navy Dept. WAS PLAYING GOLF WASHINGTON. July 18. Iiefore the eyes of scores of society women and men well known In official life, and almost within a stone's throw of the Chevy Chase club house. J. B. Johnson, of New York, recently ap pointed solicitor of the navy depart ment, was struck by lightning today and instantly kllledX Johnson had been playing golf with a companion an 1 was In the open when the bolt struck His companion and the eady, a dozen yards away, were knocked down, but were uninjured. John son's body was badly burned. The club Is one of the best known country clubs south of New York. President Taft, Vice President Sher man, most of the members of cabi net and members of the dlplomatl corps, are members. RIOTING CONTINUES THROUGH COUNTRY LISBON, via the Frontier, July . It Is reported that 2,000 men from the Island of Maderla, where all are ardent monarchists, have Joined the Portuguese royajlsta In Spa I a and are now awaiting a -large consignment of arms and ammunition from Belgium to replace those seised recently. The Dlaro Pc-polar says that the re ligious question continues to be the cause of rioting and disorders throughout the country. Yesterday at Povoa .de Llanhoso, a religious Po-I cession ended in violent collisions ber tween Catholics and republicans. Some priests joined In the fray, deal ing lusty blows right and left. Troops finally interviewed and restored or der.' The priests throughout the whole of northern Portugal 'have refused the plans offered by the government GATES STUilj IMPROVES PARIS, July 18. John W. Gates, the American financier, whoa con dition was ftlarmtig a day or two ago, passed a good night , d appear to bs cajnlaav . CHOLERA ASHEm-LE CITIZEN." ASHEVILLE, N. FETES HONORING IB Felicitations Exchanged by Representatives of IWo Powerful Nations TOAST DRUNK TO TWO PRESIDENTS Celebration Closes With Fine Aviation Exhibition at the Aerodrome ST. DIK. France. Jujy 1. The Franco-American fetes In honor of the naming of America continued to day. The American ambassador, Robert Bacon, and M. LeBrun. the French minister of colonies, after an automolblle trip through the pictur esque outskirts of the town, pro ceeded to the city hall where the municipality gave a banquet in honor of the distinguished guests. M. LeBrun proposed the health of the American ambassador. He spoke -in English, saying that the French government wafc glad to take part in the fetes because it afforded Rrance an opportunity of respond Ing to the expressions of sympathy with France In America which were especially numerous this year and of deducing from these a certain guar antee that no material difficulty could affect the bonds of confidence and friendship which united the two countries. Ambassador Bacon said in reply that his presence at the fetes as the representative of his government proved that the United States bad forgotten neither her baptism nor the sword which France threw Into the scale for Independence. "The Image of St. Die where American received her name,'' said the ambassador. 'takes a place In our hearts beside Versa! Ilea where America contract ed with Frastce an Indissoluble all! ance." Toasts were drunk to President Fallleres and President Tart. The celebration closed with an aviation exhibition at the aerodotne. Twenty thousand persons saw brilliant flights DIE AFTER CBLEBRATION NEW YORK. July !. Following a birthday celebration, Mrs. Julia Call and her two daughters, Angelina aged thirteen, and Anna, aged seventeen, were found asphyxiated In their home In Brooklyn today. A loose gas Jet caused the triple fatal'ty. AT LOSS TO IT IS CAUSE OF PECULIJRJJEMOBY LAPSE No Doubt That Young Man Found in Chattanooga is Norfolk Railroad Man NO INJURY FOUND CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., July 18 It Is now certain that a young man found here yesterday who had 'for gotten his own identity and all mat ters pertaining to his xast is Jock King, of Jrfolk, Va., assistant pay master of the Virginian railway, H. H. Rogers' line. Telegrams have been re ceived from relatives in Norfolk and Wyoming, a suburb of Cincinnati, di recting that specialists be employed In an effort to restore King to his right mind. Being shown telegrams from relatives King failed to recog nise the na,me and could remember nothing of any one claiming to be related to him. The stricken man Is being held In a local hospital with physicians in constant attendance. Thev .. H cover no Injury and state that King Is In perfect physical condition. They are at a loss to know what caused the condition of the man's mind. WATSON WONT 00 AFTER CHAIRMANSHIP FAIRMONT, W. Vs.. July 1. Senator Watson has no Intention of seeking the chairmanship of the democratic national committee which was suggested by United Utates Sen ators Joh'nston. Overman and Taylor at the dinner given In. their honor at Senator Watson's home on Sat urday night. " Before leavtng hie home tonight . for Washington he satd: "Under no circumstances could I consider that I be selected for chair man of the democratic national com mittee. Of course I consider it a great honor to have this company, all good democrats, express) their preference for me for so responsible a position but the thing I out' of the question. My business affairs woold not permit of my giving the time and attention to party affair which the chairmanship would ne cessitate and I cannot permit my self to be considered for : tha . place. I appreciate the kind word of those who suggested mo for U lc,V FRANCE AMERICA UN nicn C, MONDAY MORNING, 'l They're After The Doctors Goat ' ' iVi ' .ii " I DESPIfE CUMMINS' THREAT OF TARIFF REVISION, PROGRAM WON'T BE REVISED Only Six Days Until Fate of Senate Leaders That it Will Have Many More Votes Than Tiw- ' Thirds-Several Pro-reciprocity Speeches Expected WASHINGTON) July U.AU leg islative paths now lead to adjourn ment of congress quickly after, the vota on tha AVna-",w Jlcl statehood bill U, taken In the senate a.. iH tMlalatlvk idav ' of August 7. The senate wiH b ready then In all probability, desplt the general tar iff revision threat "ef Senator Cum mins fit Iswa.' and' other insurgent, and tha housa will not interpose any fresh legislation W disturb tn sen ate' program tor winding up tha - Otilv mix dyi remain bCor the float v U.Jtm& npon Oh. rB,nn4ta rtlntWtt tklTI ill th t-UV V-sjtsasBU " I vote Of tna satiate iiOuneniiy jhv- dlcted by senate leader who have seen many amendment voted down In tha last few day by majorities larger than they had ventured to hone for. A number of Important speeches In support of the bill are expected with a view to maniac cieer the position of the democrats and re nnhilcans who have refused to en tertain any amendment to the bill and who have supported President Taft's desire for early ratification of DESPERATE ENGQUNTEH Results in Death of Both, Convict Escaped From Prison in March MINNEA P 'I, IB. Minn.. July 18. In a desperate i ncounter early today Jerry MrCerthr. a convict who scaled the walls of the Minnesota peniten tiary last Mnn li, was shot four times and killed by 1'nirolmao Olllnger, who died iHter of f'ir bullet wounds In flicted by McCarthy. Orilnger tuw McCarthy go to the rear entrance or a drug store, no went In the fmnt door himself and told the proprietor a burglar was try ing to enter th- rear door. "Hinder went nut the rear door anil elKtu shots rang out in quick succession. IMSSKM.KR IJSJl'RKO BRADKORI'. P- 3ny 16 The Rochester ami nturburg flyer on the Buffalo. Rochester and Plttsftur rail road went int.. s ditch near Farm ersvllle, N. Y.. this afternoon while running on a ntn.lght' away -track anrf seven of the neventeen passengers were Injured, 'ifflciala of the roofl are unable to explain the caune of the wreck. TO OPKN SKW HOAIJ D ALTON. On . July 1. The ft rut steo takeln towrd bettering the ro1 "between here and Ringgold was the request made t.y several prominent clrlfsns of Catoosa county for per mission to open a new road from Ringgold to the Whitfield county line. The commissioners hav not yet tak en any action. WASHINGTON. July I Forecast: North Carolina: Generally - fair, . ex cept probably local thunder showers Monday and Tuesday; Ugh t variable wind. ... ' --. P0LICEM1P CONVICT 1 1 - j- " JULY 17, 1911 of Reciprocity Bill is DecidedConftdent Prediction the agreement a it stand. Senators Stone of Missouri, Shtvely of Indi ana, and other democrats wlM advo cate the bill thl weak, while Sena tor Bailey of Texae and Lafolletta of Wisconsin will oppose It, The, other bill upon which date for vote hav been set will be debated S soon a reciprocity Is out of the way. A conference on (ha resolution for a constitutional amendment for di rect election of l&ilted B tales senator probably will beheld Monday by the senate 'and house conferee to adjust difference over the snat' 4mend hnwnt of. tha qum resolution looking Hnusa leaders agree that there wlU be no opposition tb the adjourn ment plans of th senate- Tha house committee pn ways and mean Is working on a revision of the cotton tariff which will be taken up In the house next week, but the bill will not be pressed on the senate so as to cause any delay and If necessary, will be put ahesd as a rider on the wool or free lists when the senate vote inirm them. Cotton revision, how ever, In case such a program la not REUNION BLUE AND GREY To Clasp Hands as Token of Peace Before President ant Governor Mann MANASSAS, Va July 10. A week's reunion of federal and Confederate veterans was begun here tonight when the Dev. II. N. Condon, chaplain of the house of representatives, preached a peace Jubilee sermon before more than 10.000. The reunion marks the fiftieth anniversary of the battle of Dull Run. The special feature of (he celebration Is to take place PYlday when, In the presence of I'reesldent ' Tuft and Governor Mann, of Virginia, the Confederate and union veterans will march across the historic ground and daap hands In token of evcrlast- InK peace. The town Is a flutter to night with Inlerwlned Confederate and I nlted States flags. SEARCHERS FOR BODY GIVE UP IN DISGUST MAOARA KALI.fi. N. Y., July if,. After an elghteen-hour sesreh of the hundred-acre woods on the Bunt farm near here, for the body of a supposed murder victim. Coroner Kmes, police officers and deputy sheriffs today gave up In disgust. They were unable to,, find anything, altho Mrs. Thomas Went, of Buffalo, claims to have seen the feet of a man protruding from a (hallow grave In the woods on Jtilv 3. Mrs. West had promised to come her to lead the searchers to the mys terious grave In the woods yesterday, but later flatly refused to come. (1,UtK CYCLE CIMMHIOX NEW YORK, July 1, Jackie Clark, the Australian cyclist gained tboay the national cyclist champion ship. He won the 6 mile event at the Velodome. Alfred Goullat was second and Kramer who delayed his final spurt too long, came In third. By winning the event, Clark shortens Kramer' lead for the season to seven points. The champion ha It an 4 Clark ha II tallies iuoluding the Ave point to the winner of today's races. adopted will be pressed at the regular session, convening In December. The Investigating committees : will b active during tha rest of tha attra session. Tha senate committee which I probing Into the election Of Sen ator Lorlmer of Illinois, will resume tomorrow,! with probably several wit nease who are expected to testify regarding the allegsd IVD.OOO Lorl mer election fund. House committees probing Into tha Controller Bay Alaska land claim. In volving alleged activity of the Gug genheim interests looking to monopo ly of Alwkai coal; Into the attorney general recommendation for tho t ,A04faiyOjt. .-, Ilarey . Wiley chief of the governments chemistry bu reaui Into tho charged failure of at torney General WlckeMham to prs seouta alleged fraud by the "Alaska syndicate," and Into the charges of travel pay Irregularities ana favor Ittsnt of Major B, B. Ray, an army paymaster. Tha housa "sugar trust" Investigating committee will meat In New York Tuesday for several day. The house "at I el trust" Investigat ing committee will resume work here this week, ' ,.,.., INTCDH VOTE AS TO SALOONS' BETORN Local Optionists Claim to be Confident of Victory by Big Majority MONTGOMERY, Ala., July It. After the quietest campaign that ever was held In this county. Montgomery will vote tomorrow on the return f saloons. The local optionlst hav thoroughly organised their force and are confident of victory by 1,660 ma Jorllf. In Russell county an election will he held Monday on the same ques tion. Sentiment Is said to be all one way there. Olrard and Scale will be the two towns that will probably get the open saloons. This will be the third local option election held In Alabama under the Parks law and In dications point to general revision of prohibition sentiment throughout Ala bama. WIMi IXVlWrKJATK KILLIVtft PUEBLA. Mes.. July ie. "To In vestigate the killing of four Germans at the Covadonga factory last week durln? the fight between Maderistas and rurales. Admiral Paul von Hlnise the German minister arrived here to day. with th German coasul he called on uovernor t ai.ete and was visited by Francisco I. Madero. The local authorities profess to be doing all thai Is necessary to find the guilty persons, some slight dlstiirban.ee oc curred today at Han Martin Its Im portance is minimized at Madero headquarters. It was. sufficient, how ever, to warrajit the sending of a small force of Maderistas there to re- More order. TTf KXTY-oitK PAfE DteATII. NEW York, July 1$. Twenty-one persons narrowly escaped death early today In a fire? which ; destroyed the amusement structure at Coney Island, bousing the 'Tunnel of Love" and which for a time threatened to cause repetition of the recent Dreamland disaster. Firemen and policemen fi nally rescued the Imprisoned Inmates who occupied apartment on th sec ond floor of th building. Many of thm were women, several at whom fee fainted from freight. ;Tha origin of the fire Is unknown. ; . J CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS PRICE FIVE CENTS III i Explosion Slight But Deadly Afterdamp Responsible for Most of Dc&iis ALL BODIES HAVE BEEN RECOVERED Mine Inspector Have Been Unable to Learn Cause as There Are no Survivors DUBOIS, r.. JulirH.-Twenty-ona miner wer killed In an sploalon la the shaft of th Casead Coal and Cok company mln at Blkesvllle, nlh mile rrom, here last, night! The s plosion occurred at i;IO but It way fter midnight before tha extent o tha disaster waa known. All ol tho dead but three are foreigners. Th x. plosion was alight as evidenced by th small damage dona in th mine, but tha deadly afterdamp Is reapon lb! tor moat of th deaths, i: Three set of brother and a father and son are numbered among tho dead. George and John Hook and Nick' Pavaliok and hi U-year-old ton wer foond by th reecusrt locked In ach other arm a though they embraced Men other In their, dying momenta. Nona of tho bodies were mutilated. Eleven of th men In one heading had ftppartntly mad ready to scp for they carried their dinner pall and wr headed for th opening. 1 Th flrt Inymatloo Of the sxplo Ion, at th surface, was when th afsty door on th fan blew out th machinery began to run wild. It wa urmiaed thr wa trouble below but it waa almost midnight when res. cuarg could enter th mine. It toolt aom time to get to th seen of th accident a mU and halt from th opening because th rescuers . wera obliged to carry cxvn with hm All but four of th bodies wer brought to tho foot of the abaft eariv today but wro kept there until all war recovered, four " bodies v-1 burled beneath a rave-tn in n i nd'-Wer nofrecovsnii ui. sl iu.a ij. day,s.v":'.,i,'-":i t"."'.', f '.4..;- t -. Th state nolle from Punxauta w. Bey were sailed to police the vicin ity of the shaft end when the bodies were brought out there wa llttl dis tress r esoltement. Neither mine of ficials nor mine IniMMtn.1 .t.i. to aaelgn a eauee for th explosion out it is tne general belief that Some of the men drilled Into a pocket ct gag, The shaft la known uinmi.ni. our on, end Fire Bos John Brown. report he, was through the heading Where the explosion occurred hut an hour before and found no trace of gas. Bix men working In another head ing oi tne mine at the time f the oldent knew nothing of the extiinsinn until tho compressed Mr etopped their onus ana one man , was knocked from hie rock drill, f 1 ir " ' n,),iM, iWfs.;,-,;- II CHICAGO. 60ST0;j Hi ST. LOUIS OFFICES AS POSTAL SAVINS UK First of the First-Class Of fices of Country to En joy Distinction OVER 1,000 NOW WASHINGTON, July 1. Post master General Hitchcock today des ignated the main postofflcee In tha eltle of New TeVk, Chicago, Boston asid fit. Louis as poifai savings d positartes. They will begin on An gdst 1. -.i Having Installed successfully mora then I.ono postal savings banks in second -class postof flees. Mr.' Hitch, cork decided to extend It to Some of the first-class office Immediately. The four ojtles were named because' of their great population and Com mercial prominence and because In each one Is located a Cnlted State sub-treasury which will facilitate th heavy banking business that Is likely to result from posts 1 savings trans actions. , BARIt TO MAJORS. NEW ORLEANS. Ju ly 1 Man ager Frank, of the New Orleans team, tonight announced the sale of Out fielder Hyder Barr-1 the Cleveland club. Barr will not report to Cleve land until the end of the season, th local manager also " gar Ptfcrher "Chick" Fraser, . th former major league player his unoondltlonal re lease today. MA IIS TIX ItEtXJVFJl ) f.riio. Pa., July H-J. C, (Bud) Mara, ; who was hurt when '. he fell with hi aeroplane here last Friday I rapidly recovering at the Hamot hos. pltal here. Today he sat up for e-. eral hour, was able to eat v 1, n is 1 hn Is now out of 1 jpected will be Mn to ! MINE FXPLOSIDfJ DUBOIS EI KILLS TWENTY 0 pltal in nr. i- v

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