! THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1911 .VI It 3 . 1 "'Tfl 'i f 1; Fill 5"" 'I Is 1 'J t fl f! I i Y T t T f ? T ? ? ? t y ? T ? T Y Y f SPCM ANNOUNCEMENT 1 wish to announce to the public that I have secured tho services of Alius McNu mara, formerly with Hum ham, of Chicago, who is an expert Dematologist, and thoroughly understands all j lines of Beauty Culture, re- moving of superfluous liair, facial blemishes, etc. Wo invite the ladies of Asheville to call and meet v Miss MoNamara. Consulta tion s are free. MISS CRUISE. 'Manicuring, Hair Dressing. WEDDING IN DURHAM ; OF INTEREST HERE Th many friend, of T. K. Bruncr, formerly of this city, but now a resi dent 'of Blscoa will b intureatod In tha following prlul to the Charlottti (brrer from Durham. "A luprlx woddlng this evening at the First Presbyterian churrh was that of Thomas K- Bruoer of Bls coa and Miss Annie Hamilton of Ha Islfrh, who cams hers accomyunlet liy Miss Kathloeri Bernard and Ar thur Holding, wtko stood with them, They earn j on the S o'clock train and sought the resistor and the Jeweler, and Rev. tr. key burn of the Frssbyterlsn church. Smart work nrtUhed itssv riot 4n time fur the Ra Jelrh attendants to return ani break the news (heather couple taUlna tlie westbound train for Oreansboro. They will to to Bisces. where Mr. Bruner has a position la the cotton mills, lis. Is a sen of the late secretary of the department of agriculture and the brlds Is the daughter ot Mr. and Mia N h glamlltojn. They will live in wscoA'l ti, p-. - Ur,f aruuor' spent several months hers, having been employed by the Houthern Railway company, He hay a hust ot friends In Ashetllla who wit e4 somewhat surnrissd n the above account . ,. . - 1 .' ' i c,i ; i PECtJUAB txvu. M)yt Tn employment of' circular Clks of Iron, turning with great velocity, bar possessing no teeth on the edge, for sawing material. Is " common tn manj' workshops, Among other places where QCitr' saws without teeth are use are the celebrated Krupp gun works, where armor plat is some times out In this manner. The process Is. not newly dlscsvered one. As long en as 1114 Carrier and Collsdon, at Geneva, experimented with swiftly ro tatlng disks of lon. They found that whea a disk: about seven Inches In diameter turned with a per-Ipherai-veloolty of ten meters a sec ond. It could be out with a steel tool pressed, agsjast 1u but that when the velocity, was ltaereased to twenty-one meters a second the Iron was unaf ttctedj aStS thA'tel tool was dam agedr Vt'aVsloVty ot elxty meters a second the Iron disk even cut quarts kXM). UK1VI2N ICE CARRIER A "sail taf' for transporting Ice Is successfully used on a railroad track In Florida, says the July unm ber ot Popular Mechanic! maRaslne. The car holds 70 cakes of Ice .each weighing 100 lbs., or a total of 14, 000. bs. There la usually enough wind blowing at any time to puah the car, which, with an ordinary wind, makes the trip In throe min tV . Ths pursuit of happiness suggeste the tseof a power tire pump. Girls Dresses At a Discount E V. M00RE & CO. 11 PATTON AVE. ? Y ? Y ? ? ? t ? ? Y ? ? t ? ? t Y Y 25 Haywood Street Chiropody, Massage, etc- DUST IS THE WORKMAN'S FOE Science with her wizard iipplliim-es hae dono marvelouii tlilr.Ke for man kind In the mattnr of protection ngalnRt dlaeaae. Hho haa eearclifil out the caueo of the Hcnurgje that formerly played havoc with tho hu man race. Hmallpox, diphtheria, cholera and typhoid fevor have hern hunted down and inado t' reveal their doath-dcallitK aecrets. Wo have lcrncd to be cautious as regards the character of our drinking water. We know the danger of th malaria- carrying moaqulto. Wo upprecloti, the Insidious means of tin? common house-fly. We understand the Im portance of enforcing pure-food laws. Nevertheless, there Is one broad ave nue along whh'h disease and Utuith march arm In arm, right Into tho very heart of the citadel of Ufa. It Is the highway that leads from the Kingdom of Dust. The myriads of dust motes are the real executioners of mankind, especially In thone oc cupation where the formation of dust Is a necessary concomitant. An average man breathes ahnut Zl ou. ft. of air per hour. Under ,the very best conditions possible, the air he breathes Is , never entirely free from dust Under ordinary condi tions tho average business man In his comparatively sanitary office breathes in thousands of dust parti cles every hour. The workman, who earns his livelihood In shop, factory, or mine, has his proportion of motes enormously Increased, owing to the ature of' his work; unfortunately, also, the character of these particles Is too often changed from the In nocuous 'kind to ths deathxtealtng splinters due to certain occupations. An artisan working with knee edged tools must exercise extreme care In order to prevent harm to himself. If he is surrounded by circular saws revolving at lightning speed, or with vats of corrosive acid, or furnaces of molton steel, these perils are at leata In open view, and may be guarded against. It is dif ferent, however, with the dangers lurking In dtmt. They are Invisible, but none the less deadly. In a steel grinding factory, the air Is charged with flying. Jagged splintere of steel. Infinitely sharper and more dangerous than the raitor-eilgod tools t which he Is accustomed. Every broath senda bits of metal, keener than the far famed Damascene blades, right Into the midst of his dnMcute lung tissue. From "The Kingdom of Dust," by J, Gordon Ogilcn In the July Popular Mechanics Mugo- Inc. JOHNSON GCTS A FIGHT DON'IMW. July 18. Articles have been signed for a fight It Dnndon he fore September 10 between Jack Johnson and Bombardier Wolls for the championship of the world and 140.000. Most Englishmen consider that Wells will have small chance against the heavyweight champion. Some of the most advanced Ideas live In a pour neighborhood. Girls' Dresses of gingham, percale, lawn, muslin and sheer lingerie mate rials. Made in one piece style and --attractively trimmed. Sizes 4 to 14 years. $1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 G.00 7.00 8.50 Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses Dresses .$ .89 . 1.19 . 1.49 . 1.79 . 2.39 . 2.89 . J3.49 . 4.29 .5.29 . 6.29 MIDST of i iiusiuimpipss (Continued troiu fae One) tr.c- men, who ham hoeti in 'lul,y i 'nifK-t with person suffering fro lit r cnolera, lo room to mi .., i ,i .i ..,, ,.-hn . :n rhs hjiiii' (loihf'H ihev w ore v.ncn i holera victims and touch h. vprvt.ojy tuo m.M-t?" 'llntWH Hit iiiulod by JudKf ; Hulgur in Hi Int.-Tvicw. Dr. Dotys statement i-iiiitiiiiics; : discomfort caused by the strain on "Tin. facts ar.j th;: , the ligaments, makes pliant and elas- "Tiie five mtn re-erred to were ' tic those fibres and muscles which .-.iili .j an nitniisaea by the people in ( nature is expanding, prevents numb charit of th- In valuation and were nM3 0f ljmbft, and soothes the inflara PKrinittuU by me to i.o abaeot from ; mati0n of breast glands. The system duty at Hoffman Island for this pur-, tUu8 prepared by Mother's pos... Cholera- Is not transmitted ' I Pri.n(i dispels the fear that the crisis clothing or 1.5- ii... ir b..t by imay Bot safely met. Mother's contact through , Friend assures a apy and complete cliurK from tlie Intestinal tract of . ' ' , ,r . the - holer,, vlrtlm. There I. there- roverV the "Other, and she 13 foro. no danger whate-er from ,,-; le-t a healthy woman to enjoy the tn, t with a t.ersffn who im iieen iii:rearin2' oi ner tho orexrnco of tho disease." I In tho presence or the disease, Dr. i Duechklnd alio calls attention to the development of u number of rases of ( cholera at iu:irantine as he alleges ; ' several dus af. r the period of Incu- ! hallon had expired.1 situation as "alnrmlnx" and rnllinir for the necessity of bringing It to tho governor's attention. SlTl'ATIOJJ WATCH KI WAHUINOTOX, July l.--Tho public health and marine hospital (ictvlce Is watching elosely the up pen ram e of cholera in New York and Is co-operating In everv way with the hetilth authorities of that state. One of the experts of tho service will leave tomorrow to lend further as- HlHtuiicu to tho state offkiuls and In structlons have been sent to snonls abroad at all suspected ports to ex ert Increased vigilance and to call for further assistance If the situa tion warrants. Government officials hero scout the lda that there i any danger of anything approaching an epidemic of cholera. CANADA'S RAPID DEVELOPMENT Our neighbor on tho north Is rapidly nttructtng the wistful eyes of over populated Hurnpe, to whTm free homesteads and chuap farms offer possibilities Impossible In the home land. While the volume of Immi grants coming Into Canada Is much less than lliat coiiiIivt to this country, It Is vory much larger In proportion to the resident population of the two countrlea During the past two years the Canadian government save away land to homesteaders in site equal to tho state of Illinois, and the pres ent year SOO.000 homesteads are are available, equivalent to the state of Ohio. Canada expocU to receive half a million Additional population, this year, of whom 150,000 will enter from the United States. This, with the con struction of 1.S00 mljra r railroad into new counuy wit make busy tlmea across the border. Until the past few years Immigra tion to Canada was comparatively small and the country, notwithstand ing Its vast area and natural re sources, has been handicapped and held back for lack of population. This construction of her lines to the Pacific, and the Inducements afforded settlers, with the nxeeljent facilities and Inviting opportunities, have di rected attention to the Canudlan northwest, and the tide now Mowing Is hut tho vnnsruard of millions yet to come. H. H. Windsor In the July Popular Mechanics magazine. MANY RTX HARPS, "Nowhere In all the world today can he found as many confirmed drunkardg as thero were anion the Thraclans, the Iberians, the Celts or the Scythians," says a writer. "The mun who didn't net drunk every day or two was regarded as queer. The Greeks were moderate drinkers until they hoKan to copy tho luxury of the Persian feasts. Tho Romans imitated the lireeks. Then tho whole world went on a mad drunk. It was a satur nulla. Callgola oweu his niche In the hall of fume to the drunken banquets with which he made even Home mar vel. The excesses made fashionable by such potentates as l.usulius. Nero, Verrea. Tiberius, Caligula, Vitellus and Domltlun really began In tho days of Pompel, and they mark the begin ning of the end of the republic." AIIOVT SHIRTS. A few weeks ago attention was called to the probability of the pass ing of the stereotyped expression "she wore skirts to her ankles," be cause of the general use nowadays of the short skirt without regard to age. Nowhere Is another expression that probably will become obsolete becaiiae of the progress of fashion. It In "ho belongs to the silk stock ing ehiss." That used to uioun. taken literally, that the person so referred to was wealthy enough to buy silk stockings. All that Is changed now. The silk footwear Is no longer only within the reach of the rich. It nitty be obtained now for from 75 cents a pair upwards. Now York Tribune. tillF.WSOME riCTTHE Tho China correspondent of The Lancet gives a greweome picture of ! the disposal of the victims of the' plague In north China. The greatest j difficult, It seems, has been experl- j emed In this matter. About one: hundred and fifty grave dlmrers took j five days to dig a pit large enough , to hold ono hundred rofllm, the '. ground being froaen deeply. Thai dead, coffined and uncofdiuul, aeou-1 mulated In hugs stacks, but the local I officials absolutely refused to ere- J mate as advised by the foreign doc tors. It was not until permission. had at last been obtained from the throne that the dead could be burned The solution of a problem Is a very Interesting pastime, but that the owner ot an automobile is In poor bualneas trying to amuse himself In thle way. It is a fight of fancy that takes a man with money Into a place where they sell Junk accessories,. Women who bar children gad re , main healthy If those who prepare ; their system in advance of baby's ' otuiof-. Unlets the mother aids I nature in it Tire-natal umrt the crisis finds her system unequal to the de- inanus mauc upon 11, ana sue id uncu , ... , - . ... , Ic-Xt with weakened health or chronic . ' , . , : "-'" '""fJ 11 , . v. ,help to nature as Mother's Friend, ana no ex pec tan i moiner bdouiu iau to use it. it. relieves tne pain anu ier I-IOTHERS child. Mother1 Friend is Bold drutf Stores HOEND Write for or ffre V,U fnr trct- mnt mnthfT which conUinS much valuable information, and many sug- iiAtis at Viski ninl slftirr C ' isi ' "WTiil 'V'ssian V Ws j PAPIEH MACHK CRKATIOX ! The giant skull In the V. 8. army j modlcul rnuHcum Is not the remains of noma coIoshu! prehistoric being. suys the July .Popular aiecnames Maguzlno, but an accurate paplor mache creation. Phone 964 to have your clothe! pressed Latest improved Steam Pressing Machine. QUICK SKItVICH PRESIil.VO CIXTI ilia MEDICINE. D&NTItTRY. PHARMACY. Mi-terSi Ms Worn Sipt. it. ttl. iUb! lbmtrr fcnd aUieeftl fifltUt:M. SUaara n.rttet Us 'L'tlW oVrtMfteOMOwM J. - r 163a ion Barn our coal and save the difference. ASUEVIXAJG PRAT, FCEL A CON, iw: avrawnbit co, I MM01 GEORGE ADE When la Asheville several years ago, acquired what he termed the ."Whceu-Heart habit' lie got tn tho habit of eating Wheat-Hearts and after that no other eereal sat isfied him. Thousands of oth ers have forme ; this habit. They use other -cereals occa sionally, but -Wheat-Hearts alone satieties. All Grocers t.0)4 BURTON & HOLT Furniture and House Furnishings Comer Pack Square and South Main St. ICEBOXES REFRIGERATORS PORCH GOODS HAMMOCKS J. L. Smathers & Sons 15 N. Main St A Few Makers oi Diflh Grade Pianos put great stress on the qual ity of their product yet these same planon compared, elds by side with the great' STEIFF sound like thirty cents. You can't realise there can be such a vast difference ana In beauty of case deetgn there's no comparison. . CHAS. M. STIEFF, Manufacturer of tbe PhUM with the f-'weet Too. Southern Wareroom J 5 West Triil Street, Charlotte, - . . i . JJ. C. c. ii. wiijitmi, Maiinger. Y. W. C. A, ST Corsjea o Stark ct MANUFACTURERS' Open until AuguM 1st, I s m. to p. m. Lvnch Served Dally II t I, 25 cents. Ice cream and cake tor sale. Mo, Mlrroeeop ''' Pictiirss, Specialties, DemonstratJvR, ete. Vlatt EAT HARMON'S HONEY The product of flowers, the sweet of sunshine, deli cate in looks and almost too good to eat, never in "cold storage," keeps fresh inde finitely. Ask your dealer, or Phone 857. 0. W. HARMON & CO. Busy as Bees. SOUTHERN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Special Facilities for Teachers Training Thorough Quickest Least Courses, Method, Cost All up-to-date Methods in ONE System. Full Musical Degrees Con ferred. W. II. OVERTON, Secretary. G. W. BRYANT, Director. 13th Year WHITE FLANNEL SUITS And White Suits of every kind of material are laundered best when sent to the Asheville Laundry to be done the NICHOLS WAY Phone 95. Asheville Laundry J. A! Nichols, Mgr J e.e.ee..o.ej Fil. & W. INDIAN COAL Better than ever in our NEW HOME 50 Patton Are. Phone 130 Carolina Coal & Ice Company REMOVAL! H. M. Frost Jeweler and Optician from 50 Patton Ave. to S Haywood St. KELLAR ft SONS' PIANOS are the greatest value for the investment. At least lOO satisfied customers in this section of the country. Sold by FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE 21 S. Main St. Automobile and Picnic Parties will find in LAUREL PARK Hendersonville, : : : N. C, not only "the most beatlM natural park in America.' but aa Ideal spot for a day'a outing. WALT Eli a SMITH, MCWgsW,' tenure! Park, HendenonvlII. If. C, Asheville Business College ' Bummer Term. Three scholarahtpg (a) bookkeep tng, buslneas practice; (b) shorthand. typewriting; (e) telegraphy. HENRT S. SHOCKIoET, Principal. ORE nd LUNCH acid Coilrge StrreSa. DISPLAY SALE a and UeS Wtsss YSss WSM, -i Colored JZams jSfra priced Reasonably There are a great many pretty, desirable patterns to choose from among the colored lawns which go on sale Monday. Especially is this true of the floral, dimity effects at 11c yard. We plunged a little on this class of goods and as a result you get a rare bargain In the 10c line are included the Holly Batiste, which have proven unusually popular this summer. All of these goods are in good widths and will cut to advantage. 12Jc Colored Lawns, 27 inches wide, are priced at 10c yard 15c Colored Lawns, 27 inches wide, are pric ed at 11c yard Idarm lOeather Presses ls)ilh prices lessened . . ; . (ANNEX) . Garments suitable for warm weather never sold for so little in season. We do not intend to wait 'till the last minute before moving to close out our large stock, instead we aro offering each week unusual values to insure us against carrying over even a small part of our stock. Half price sale of Foulard silk dresses begins on Monday. This means that you can buy one of triissiuxmier's' newest modelsvalue $15, for $7.50, or a $25 silk dress for $12.50 Marquisette dresses have been selling fine all season, but to give the sale of them an extra impetus we offer the following low prices for this week: $25 marquisette dresses, white with colored em-, broidery, are priced at $15.50 $14 marquisette dresses are priced at . . . .$10.00 $10 and $12.50 marquisette dresses are priced at $6100 frf. CHAS. COFFEE. ST. CUAIULES COFFEE Is a blend of the best, most dllcjqusv coffees obtainable and Is roasted In New Orleans the most jaotsd coffee, center In ths world. Packed In air tight packages. OXB-POCXD PACKAGE .. THKEK-POVND PACKAGE Sold by M. HYAIViS COrtXErt NORTH MA IX AND MERRIMOX AVE, ST. CHAS. COFFEE. ST. CHAS. COFFET5 ALL KINDS OF FRESH MEATS Lamb chops, pork chops, veal chops and cutlets 20c pound. All kinds of roasts and steaks 12 l-2c to 20c pound. V. V. HAYNIE, the Grocer Prompt Delivery. Phone 977. Cor. North Main & East Sts. THE GRUN Isborllte, W. C. No, 99-41 H ' HYDRO-THEBMO-EIiECTRO and For selected caeee of Nervousness, P Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of I" Via "RATHS & MASSAGE ine oainp ot mnoo tendanta for both LADIES and GENTLEMEN. Open from S a- m. to p. m. Sa turday till FOR RENT. Very attractive eight-room eottag e In most desirable part of the city. Large grounds, nice verandas, shade trees, etc. Nicely furnished. Wilt make a very reasonable rent on this place for remainder of season. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO.. 48 Patton Avt BUCKHORN WATER Is a Pwre Palatabl Water. K o contains more LITHXA : than any other. It Is analysed by the stabs chemist every month - snd Is marketed In sterilized bottle. i McKay's Pharmacy Leading Druggist, Oppo. P. O. Phone 558. OLGA 7i.Ji,(3w Hurr EXPERT CORftETLERB ROOaU 17 and IS n National Bsuak BulMltng TRIMMED DATS REDUCED M. WEBB & CO. PHOTOGRAPHS OF YOUR HOUSE. Let ma make a good distinct photo of your house Inside or outaside. I get best views of It sad my prices are rea aoaable. RAT'S bTTUHO. Poena 1744, Patton Ave. (Mm ET. CHAS. COFFEE, I . Mo .t.0 ER SANITARIUM ay wood (Street. Phone 084 MEGHANO-THERAPY, DIKTIC8 aralysis, Hayfever, Malaria, ABthma. Women and other chronic diseases. Department, of the Sanitarium Is open to the pubUc. sktiirui 12 p. m. Dr. John Hey Williams Residence, 199 Pearson Drive, corner Watauga. Telephone 1061. Office 20 Battery Park Place. , 0 . Telephone, 46. Uountalo City Steam Laundry CLEAN AND SANITAAX Our business Is to pleaso. CMv as a trial North Lexlugeni Av Private or class instructions In SSssi i ography and Typewriting. Emanuel School of Shorthand MISS SADIS IMANUEU Prta, Phottsi 17SS. 1S9 W. Chesurss Miss Cruise's Hair Shop Phono la. 16 Haywood SC Manicuring, Hair Dress ing, Shampooing and Facial Massage. HIGH CLASS WORK THAT IS GUARANTEED Cleaning, Pressing, DyeiAg, both ladles aad gentlemen's garments. 8CHOEFF, BROWN CO. Phone . 14 Cbarch St. .