HE Mffi51LEE CITIZEN. 4 i f FACES ' 11 TODAY THE WEATHER: FAIR ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1911 PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXVII., NO. 275 s-.. A CITIZEN OFFERS $5640 GREATEST POPULARITY CONTEST YET CONDUCTED BY Beginning With First Prhe of a 1912 Chalmm Touring Car Costing $1870, And Ending With Famous Eastman Kodaks The Prize List Offered Eclipses Anything Previously Offered by The Citizen CONTEST IS OPEN TO ALL NO OBSTACLES IN THE WAY Three Automobiles, Two Player Pianos, Tpo Milton Pianos, Diamond Rings, Gold Watches And Kodaks WithinThe Reach ofAUWho Enter The Contest Fall Information In : Four Page Section of This Issue The Asheville Cttisen inaugurates today a subscription promotion cam paign of unparalleled liberality to ob tain the active co-operation of every person In this section In Increasing Ms rapidly growing circulation. Today's Issue ot The Cltlxen con- tains a four,page section Of the paper giving complete details of the great subscription contest "the conditions, the prises, and full Information as to the method to use to get your name In the list of candidates and how to win one of the fwenty-dne prises that are to be given away ' 6n' Sep tember I: ' Never before have the people ot this section had the opportunity Jo win . one of the twenty-one prises given for pleasant and easy work. Prises suoh as The Ashevllle Clti en Is offering are big Inducements. In order that everyone may have an equal chance the territory has been k divided into two districts, with an Chalmers mil Touring Car to be awarded to th candidate who poll tb Iht, ' number of vote hi the entire contest followed by twenty district prises, ten prises being given to each -district while the district that wins the $1,870 Chalmers will .be awarded eleven prises. THE PRIZES AUK OPEN' TO EV ERYOXE. ; ' Any lady or gentleman, girl or boy residing In Western North Carolina Is eligible to enter the contest. While there wilt be some competition to overcome to win the grand capital AUTOMOBILE BLOWN INTO RIVER, AIRSHIP WRECKED BY STORM ON Storm Played Havoc With Trees and Shrubbery Through Washington TBEES UPROOTED WASHINGTON, July 21. An au tomobile was blown into the Poto mac river and Harry N. Atwood's aeroplane was wrecked by the wind during a severe wind, rain and hall storm which swept the city tonight The aeroplane was in Potomac Park where it has retd srnc Atwood's race record breaking flight rom New York here. A party of antomoblllats motored to the park Just before the storm broke to see the aeroplane. The wind threw the aeroplane against a bandatand totally demolishing It, turning the automobile o-ver and whirling It into the river. No one was hurt. The storm played havoc with the trees and shrubbery throughout the olty. In several parks and thor oughfares many large trees were up rooted. GERMAU'B TNTEJmON LOB ANGELES, CaL. July 21- Oscar Sohwlmcner, a young German consulting engineer, is perfecting what he calls a "troth telling" ma chine. The oontrlvano Is operated -by storage battery and is intended to register human emotions. Schwlm inr claim! Be wH have his machine perfected In a short time sa that a novice can operate it He will then introduce It to the public generally and the police departments particu larly. juwkijER held tjp bt BAJTDrra. KANSAS CITY, July Jl. Twa men entered the shop of the Frank In Jewelry company. In the heart of the city, today, held np B. J. Frank lin at the point of a revolver, took a tray of (diamonds and ran down an alley. When pursued by Franklin they fired at him dangerously wound- 1- prise, the $1,870 Chalmers 1(12 Touring Car, any one with ambition can win a district prise. Two Maxwell Runabouts. Two $860 Maxwell runabouts head the list of prises for the districts. The well known reputation of the Max well makes It a very attractive prise. As a Maxwell runabout will be giv en to each district any ambitious per son can now get Into the automobile class. After the three automobiles have been awarded, the candidates have the following fine prizes to win. Two $600 Story ft Clark's player pianos; two $300 Milton pianos, two $100 dia mond rings, eight gold watches and two kodaks. As a result of the many prises, ev eryone may enter with splendid chances of winning a valuable prise, no matter how. much r how little time there Is devoted to the contest. It is strictly a competitive proposi tion. In which there is no. element Of luck or chance, and the prises .won will t9-tt'fiMff of each contestant," r.-i "?. c . A Square Deal to AU. The records of the contest will be kept with strict Impartiality nd fair ness, and every contestant may be sure of a fair and' square deal. The history of the Cltlsen contest three years ago. Is a guarantee that all can didates will be- treated alike. In this great subscription contest. (Oontlnaed on Page TOght) T IS DOOMED TO CO WAY OF OF To Giro Way to New Revo lutionary Government, is Washington Report "REBELS" VICTORS WASHINGTON, July It Presi dent Simon of Haytl appears doomed to follow President Dial of Mexico and to give way to a new revolution ary government, according to ad vice reaching Washington. In the opinion of Captain Dlsmukes ot the gunboat Petrel, which it at Port au Prtnoe, after watching the operations of the revolutionist at Oonalves, the revolutionists already practically are victorious and all of the towns of Importance except the capital are In cheir posseslson. President Simon has been obliged to abandons his campaign in the north and to withdraw Ma army hastily to tho capital, where ho arrived a very Ick man and Is now confined to his bed. Captain Dismukes reported to day that the revolutionary troops are now marching toward the capital from fit Marc, which they captured. without much resistance. Captain Dismukes reports that the Interests of Americans at Qonalves are not endangered by the revolution ary oooupatlon of the city, where the population appeared to be In full smypathy with the movement CHANGE OF LOCATION KNOXVILUd, Tean., July ,11 ' President Brown Ayres of the Uni versity of Tennessee announoe'd to. night that tho medloal department of the university would b located In Memphis, beginning with the fall term, Tho university trustees have taken oharge of tho college of physi cians gnd surgeons of Memphis, as suming all liabilities of that sohsol and retaining its present faeaUy, The denial department of tho university located at kTaghrilla, will In all prop- IN PRIZES: THIS PAPER VIRGINIA BRIDE IS UNDERARHEST Charged With Foul Murder of His Wife on Country - Road Tuesday Night COUSIN CONFESSES HE BOUGHT SHOTGUN Coroner's Hearing TaKes Sen sational Turn Placing Hus band In Serious Position RICHMOND, V.. July ll.-The missing link In the chain of evidence which the detectives have been forg ing in the case of the murder of .Mrs, Henry Clay Beattle, Jr.. who was slain Tnoadav nia-ht. five miles south of Rlobmond. on the Midlothian turn pike while automobllng with her hus band, was supplied this afternoon, when Paul Beattle; a cousin of Henry Beattle, made formaj . confession to the police that he bought for Henry and delivered to him last Tuesday the gun with which Mrs. Beatti was km d. 'Thereupon both Henry and Paul Seattle were arrested and the former is brought to the Richmond city jail where ha la In confinement ta- being told he, waa under arrest and later writhed In convulsions. He was so violent that he had to be hand cuffed and thus manacled, he was taken to the city home for medical treatment. He remained there tonight and Is reported much better after the first shock of his- Col la pee. The Inquest proceeded today as per adjournment, at the home of Coroner (ConUisnfrd on Page Fight) NINES' TESTIMONY SETS SUBSTANTIA TION PARTLY Bringing Joy to Followers of Lorimer and Hines in Investigation BINES A PATRIOT" WASHINGTON. July Jl. Senator Penrose, of Pennsylvania, today brought Joy to the Lo rimer-Hlnn fol lowers when he told the senate Lorimer committee of tho part he took in tho election of Senator Lori mer. They claimed that he substan tiated tho testlmbny given by Edward Hlnee as to Senator Penrose's desire to have Mr. Hines exert his Influence for Lorlmer's election. Besides his story tho day's testlmoay brought out that the office of the secretory of state of New Tork asked $1,000 for a certified copy of the contributors to the republican national campaign fund in 1008. The list was desired to show whether Cyrus McCormlck was among the contributors Mr Hines laid before th committee what he said was a telegram ho rerelved In regard to the matter, dated July II, 1111, and reeding: "Will deliver to you original Sheldon statement filed in this of fice November tl, not, for 11,000." This was signed "James J. Neville, secretary of state office." A letter Attention ed several days ago as having been sent by Wm. Bur gess of Duhita to H. H. Kohlsaat of Chisago regarding th Lorfmer mat tar wag road. Among other things Burgees said he understood there was a man who woji in Hrnes' office when Hines received a telegram from Presi dent Tart asking him to "have the matter hushed up as quickly as pos sible." Neither Burgess nor Kohl saat spoke about the Incident when on the stand. Senator Penrose told Of meeting Hines in connection with the lumber schedule in the Payne Aldrlcq tariff bill. "I became Impressed early that he was a blight active man, generally familiar with conditions throughout the countryy," tho sernaotax ee.Bs HUSBAND OFYOUNG K. The Citizen's Popularit ON DAY PRECEDING PASSAGE OF BILL UFOLLETTE ATTACKS ALL FA VORING IT Foregone Conclusion That of Senate Several More Amendments Direction WASHINGTON. July 21. The most bitter fight for legislation Waged by ai administration In many years will me to a close tomorrow when the "fenadlan reciprocity bill, an issue bolero two sessions of coo gross. Will be passed by the senate by a decisive) vote. .That at least 10 senators out of fa total membership of tl, will vote in favor of th "measure, was predicted tonight by senators of both political parties. Thla vot will include all but four, or, fv; of the democrats, and will Include also, a great proportion of tho so-called "stalwart" republicans.- Opposed to the bill will be a majority of th republican Insurgents, Who com 'from northwestern, states, KTWM ubllea,Mglrat,n4 a handful,ioTdemocrata. ' For ,a . time the senate ' leaders hoped they might get the bill to tho preldent .before he leaves for Beverly tomorrow but a visit by ' Senators Penrose and Crane to Speaker Clark of the house soon dispelled this ex pectation as the speaker explained It would b Impossible 1 to hold the CENTER OF PRODUCTION Of COTTDKJS IN MISS And Has Been Ever Since Becord Started, but Has Veered Slightly WASHINGTON. July Jl. Th center of poductlon f th cotton growing area of ih United Stat In 1110 was located thre mile south of Valden, Carroll county, Mississippi, acoordlng to th "nu bureau's sta tlstos Just Issued. This cotton produolng area la about 1,600 miles long and (00 miles wide. Th total area of th eountle In whloh cotton was ginned In 110 V approximately etc, 000 'square miles, or about 400,000,000 aero. Of thla, only about one unne In every thirteen was devoted to cotton, Th center of production ha been In Mississippi all year for which rec ord baa been made. In 1SB0 It was approximately thirteen mile south oast of Macon, Miss.; In 1870, eleven mtles south of Columbus: In 1M9 thirteen miles e"uthat of Lexing ton; In 1I0, flvn miles northeast of Marersvllle, and In 1101, four mile west of Lexington. RATTLES X AHA EC. "CBS TUB." BtrOOMINOTON'. Ind., July Jl. In tangled undi rhruh on tho farm of Wm. L. Mosler. night mile northeast of tho city, the nact center of pop ulation of the (Tnlt State wa p cated late today but th only Inhabit ant of tho immediat neighborhood found wa a large rattle nake, which slid out of the bushe and wa killed by on of the party; of Prof. W. A. Oogthall, of Indian,' woo discovered the spot It will he marked by a tub let. Prof. Cogshall located ?t hub of tho country" by finding tae longitude by observstlop nt th stars hurt night and th latitude by th sun today. FAIR WASHINGTON, July 11 Torecast; Kmb Carolina; loeaj shower Satur- day and Sunday; adrt ut ut How Popular Are ,V Contest is Aiuiountwd Reciprocity Measure Will As Preceding OnesIn Origndt Form house In session long enough to re ceive the measure. As the house will adjourn from to morrow until . next Wednesday the bill cannot be received until the 'lat ter date.. .".' No Change. , The measure has not been and un doubtedly will not be changed in any respect by tho senate and when it is signed by the speaker and the vice president It will be dispatched to the president. - Senator Lafollett featured In the peechmaklng today with a vigorous arraignment of President Taft and th bill. H attacked th democrat of th aenftte on the ground that thsy wr dellberatclyrylng jto; carry thai wrm . ueura vtvt to n next cam paign for political : purpoaess, and pointed put that th democrat had consistently voted down amendments proposing general, tariff reduction. Their excuse, he said, had been that the president would not sign the re ciprocity bill if It was . encumbered with any general ' tariff amendments. F ICTIM OF E Killed at Aerodrome at Etampes When Biplane Was Caught by Wind ETAMPES, Franc, July 11. Mme. Demise More I th flrst woman, vic tim of aviation. Bh wa killed at the aerodrome here tonight. Mm, More had already mad several One aacsnta and wa about to make a high flight When. about 150 feet In the Ir her biplane was caught by a gust of wind and capsUsed. It fell straight to the earth and th woman wa crushed beneath it Mme. More was a Frenchwoman, although she had an English nam. Sh wa about 21 years of age. She had hoped to ob tain a pilot' llons next week. nrM.s op HEAivrn. . NEW TORK, July II. On hun dred and eighteen first cabin passen gers on th ateamnr Prlnolp dl PI monte, after remaining several day In quarantine, were glvsn clesn bills of health this afternoon and landed In Jersey City. Steerage passengers and crew, however, will be detained until there is no possibility of their being curriers of Asiatic cholera. Hoffman Island, where are detained several hundred Immigrants, also dis charged 48 of the passenger and crew of th steam ar Moitke, There ha been little within the last twenty-four hour to change Dr. Doty' optimism regarding th out look. His bulletin Issued tonight says that at Hoffman Island conditions ar pregrrssing favorably and at Swin burne Island hospital no death hav been reported sine yesterdsy. BlKlff MAIN CACHES FAMINE VENICE, July Jl. The bursting of a water main oausnd a water famine hr-Venice and Murane. The govern ment Is sending naval tank ships from Ancons and elsewhere with sup plies of water. The situation is cri tical. COLOMBIA WOULD ARBITKATU BOOOTA, Celomliia, July 21 Pres ident Restreppo In his message to congress today said that there has boon no adjustment f th difficulty with th Ualted StaUs, growing out Uf tho aaseaslon f Panama, and that i la tave- a kmllUqg th mat- You? Today. Have Support of Two-Thirds Travel in Same Several amendments to th reoip roclty bill wer defeated Including those by Mr. Brlstow to reduc dutle on lead bullion, and lead paints and similar lead product and by Mr. Townsend for an alllanc with Can ada to enlarge th fit Lawrenc water way. There are IS amendment to th messur to bo acted upon be for th final vot on th passage of th WU. Many of these propose fd affix gen eral tariff changes to th agree msnt President Taft ha insisud that any change of this characur threaten th defeat of th ntir re ciprocity agreement with Canada. Party line hav. disappeared during th cbnsldsratlou of th bill. Tariff affiliation to outward appearance hav bn completely changed. Pre ident Tsft has had th general sub port of th democrat, and of th re publican regulars; and in thla union of forces h has had nugh support so that th bill ha nvr been in danger of defeat, or serlou amend ment sine th session began. II TO PROBE EXPRESS CD. r . ... Statement of Value of Com pany's Property in South Carolina Requested COLUMBIA. S. C, July . Th South Carolina, stats railway commis sion announced today that it would Inaugurate ji Investigation ft th Southern Express company' opera tlon in thla stat. To Oil nd th commission Issued an order to C X Loop, of Chattanooga, vlu prldnt of th company, celling upon him for statement of th ralu of th com pany's property In Bosth Carolina, th receipt from it business and the actual expanses of carrying on Intra state business In South Carolina w as a oopy or th last ri . t to tn stockholders. Th Investigation, whloh la to de termine whether express rata are exceaatv, will b thorough according to memoer of th commission. rtEvoir AOAiNfrr dix t a ALBANT, N. Y., July II Th atat legislator early today marked then- revolt against Oovraor Dig by p Intr h Frri-Btnvslt direct noml- imiobs Mil whloh th governor de clared unsatisfactory In a special ag ofc Tuesday of thla week. The assembly, whloh passed th maasur over m governor's orltiolm by oanot of to II. Bpakr Frlsbl carang th deciding vote, also defeat ed evwry on of th spectflo amend ment utgtd by the governor. 00 TTAIJtAXS BOBBED, JANEHVXIJB, wta. July II. Throe hundred Italian laborar on th Chicago and Northwests rallwar. st South Janeavlll, wr held up and robbed of 110,000 arly today by four mn. ' The laborar war paid off on July II and bad th biggest part of their wage In their pockets. Armed posse are searching th surrounding coun try. TWO INSANE CRIKrVALS AUGUSTA, Oa, July IL-Elildlngf a pom of -II Frdrtck Reynolds and Claaenoo A. Co nan t, th tnaan orlpjlnal who - aoapd from the MsaiM Insane hoatptal en MtaK are UU a larw tdW. Tb fosittvas w lag M . iir Kit .Yt PASSING OF LORDS WRITESr.EwERADF T Constitutional Revolution Re moves Responsibility , Aenemlc Peers - - PREMIER SOUNDS KNELL OF THE PARTING DAY Breaks The News Gently To Balfour Before The Final Blow Drops . , , LONDON, July It. Th eonitlttt . tlonal revolution tonight appears I be an accomplished fact Oreat Brit tain In th future will , b governed practically by th hous ot Common . with It hsrldKsry upper hou po seaslong oitfy a veto With a tlm limit of two year. Xh Jr find their on gleam" of hop in th pr diotlon that th ' next conservatlv government will overturn Asqulth' revolution and res lor th old condi tion, but th radical lr eenMtnt that In uoh matter th hand ot th clock will nver tur - back. Tssterday th futur career ot th , veto bill wa apparent to all poUtt clan and H vntual acptanc by th public of ? ord Si ot ; doubtad. Premier Asqulth dispelled ll coludg today by communicating Informally to Mr. Balfour leader ot th opposi lion In th hous of commons, th subtanc of an announcmnt whicH h will mak 1n that house on Mon day, v HI letter, wtilcb, Mr. Bflfour eommunlcattd to th meeting t th lord thl afternoon follow! : "Dear Mr, Calfourt "I think It i oourtsou and right, befor any public dolion ar an nouced. to 1st you know how w ro. gard th present ttuatlon. When th parliament bltl in th form which It ha now assumsd rsturni to th house ot common w shall b com pelled to ask that hou to dlsaxre with th lord amendments. In th ciroumsunc. should . th noclty arts. h government will advise th king to xsrcls ht prrogativ to -cur th paasag into law ot th bill In substantially tb sam form in which It Jft th hou of commons, and hi majeatly has been plased to signify that b will oosldr It hi ; duty to wp4 fnd get o that ad. vie.', i r- v.;:..:V"j.:v.V.--... ,-. ' f Accept th IncvUabto ', This was a day of caucuses, thre meeting wr hsld to discus th sit uation; th calblnst sat fo two hour and later th conservatlv leader ot oth hous met at Mr, Balfour' resl. dnc, ' v-'V-'f.-;,.-,--' i Th lat and meat imprssatv gain, srlng Was at Landown hous, w her mor than two hundred peel listen d to th reading of th prim mln trtr lttr and protially decided that they must Meant th Inevitable. Later a tatmnt wm ivn out that tn pr rrv dolatoa as to their cours until Prmisr Asqulth' an. nouncsmat of th potior of th gor. rnmcot - oa ; Monday. - r T Former Attorney for Cor pany Tells of $10,000 Being Given ; "NO MONOPOLY" NEW TORK. July IL Th Amn. can Sugar Refining company eontrtb uua 110.000 to help Benjamin Har rison In on of hi campaign fop th presidency against Orvr Cleve land. The eontrlbuttoti wa told of today by John B. Pearsons, former attorney for tho company. in hi testimony before th congressional committee whloh 1 Investigating th affair of the so-co,Ued trust Ho oould not remember whether it was th first or th second Harrison Cam. -palgn. . : .i;..;f;..:.,,f,.ii x Mr. Parson frankly boasted that he was "th pioneer lit ' th forma : tlon of th American "trust" and is proud of It, but ooutd fh Idea that th sugar trust constituted monopoly such a th Standard Oil - or Amartcaa Tobacco companlea, BACK 15- GOTHAM NEW TORK. July Refusing to dlacuss her private aatr la any wiv. Ethel Barrymore-Colt arrived - hsr today from Chicago and a waiting automobile whisked her away to an unknown addrosa It was rumored that the young actress went to th umraer . horn of her uncle, John Drew, on. Long Islsdtt ' , MILLS ARB CLOSED LINTAAXJG. Oa... July' II Th ' MaasaohuMtts Mill In Georgia ar bow lod for- a wek to giv th 1.0001 m ploys a wk rest and va cation and to mass sora accessary This will be th aly olo. ENGLISH OR lag B. A, SitB pystand. (OoMtaVMsi a VtmQ - ttt P WW ft 7MtrHt BSiiS thhryeais .

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