- i i , : SOCIETY II TT Hii" hl Vw . ha .. .ufui m . ,... the green room at Battery Park next Monday evening, but Mn. Jackon I not well enough to stand a public reception. Ashevllle people .regret ex-cet-diiiKly not being able to show her Oils courtesy. .The ''Kleptomaniac." a comedy In f resting and no doubt Du re will bo ono act by Margaret Cameron, will " l"rt"' audience, fb. played tomorrow evening in the. M,Hg , ltrlMUI?ju?c, wlu ,.MU.rt)1n ballroom of the Jiattery Park hotel I Monday afternoon utid ovenng In 'by the student of tho Boston School I honor of Minn Mnry Louise Manning, of .Durham, who is at prosent visit ing her. Miss Jonea him auk nil a number of tho girls and men of the younger act to meet Minn Manning. J J The young woninn who make tluir home at the Y. V, C. A., will pruaiMfSt a little farce, "liniKiy I'olnt " on Tucudsy ovenlng of this week. Thn cnteriiilf mi nt will b given In tit" .it- ; tractive pnrlora of the .moi imloti where sgnny arnaleur drrmatli.' cn- 1 t crtu I n r ri 1 8 liavo been held In the ; days wlon, tho "Henrietta" w.m u prl- j vato reHldence. Thirteen of the young ladles will take part In the In the play- nnd the others wtll.uot an : hostasees. The character are, m fol low: C'tiariKti-ra. Aunt Dehby Dexter .. ; Ktlka Kll Elinor Pearl Kv fauney Ashranl Orunt Mlllan Taylor Mr. lIordHcratch Ida Rumple Httrdscrateh Twin Lllla. . pll.lrid , ...Lillian lieattle, Kdna Brown Mehltlble Doollttle . ..Meta I'ott Dernlce 'ernon Annie Pope Ijhutk. Ixflgh Arabel Atken Edith Norton !"rn Oentry Clarice Fenlelgh. iluttle Miller Famine, French Maid Minnie Walllii Old flem, the glpy l-lnii Lowe Act I Sitting-room at flreezy Point. Aot II A Camp In the Wood Six week later. ; Act III Bitting-room nt BBreeiy Point. Four week later. The proceed .will ha ued for th purchase of porch furniture, f the Expression of tha Aahevllli summer term. Mr, a. 8. Curry, 1 president of the school and ha thor- oughly trained the young people In - fhelr respectlAi role. Tho play 1 put in for the benefit of the Hector's Aid Society of Trinity church, and the proceed will be added to tho bulld- . 'Ilif fund of the church. The curtain i .Jrtlt'rlse at 8:10 o'clock and soma S may be purchased at the door. The J. cast of character 1 a follow: Mr. JoHrt Burton ("Peggy") r Ml Kathleet Harper J4r. Valeria Chaen Anneley ; . . . . Ml Elizabeth Itamsey MM, Charle Dover (Mabel). Ml May llradford Mr. Fretor Ahley (Bertha) , ' . . .. .. .. Miss WU1 Mlddleton Jflag Fred Dixon Miss I.nl Hive . Mhej Bvelyri Evan. Ml Rhea Bryan Katie, Mr. Burton' Maid . Ml Eddie Xtanfloy Soene. Mr.' Hurton' Boudoir, New vYorlc city. .- An lmpersonlflcatlon will follow a tittle .'n aot play called "Kitty Olivet by Vrankrort Moore. The ., naradier are Kitty Clive and actrea f Drury.Lane theatre. Jack 'Bate, a provincial actor, and the Landlord . of tha ,' Head Inn. Bcene King' ifead ;-Iin parlor; Ml Florence, . Email Luti will Impersonate all of tlw character in the little play. - ., J J ip conteaerate i:noir win give a , concert at the Battery Park hotel (n the ball, room Wednesday evening at .halt pat eight o'clock. The member navar arnga a , very beautiful pro. brant of old music and will appear In . old fnahloned costume. The program la a follow: "Old Kentucky Home" Ml Corcoran and Choir "Mcnaatery Bell" (lmtrumental) ., .i . .Miss Jenkins Ule Chamher. Ijoftaln Corcoran . and Vance. ' "La with the Iellcate Air" ....... .., J . , , ... JdlM Ruth Wiley Irlh DlftmondnntrumenUl) Ml EUxabeth Btevont "Comln'Thro the. Rye," selected " .,. Mlsa Mabel Wolfe x Rachel and Reuben -, Mia Lof tain and Mlsa Corcoran "Lorbna" ,,' f .Chorus Vocal Solo. Selected , .Ml Owenby , ' 'Tl the Midnight Hour" ii..!.,. .Mis Lucy Vance Johnny Band ....... Mis Vance JuanlU" . , ... .Chorus , Mini Vance gad Confederate Choir ' "Uncle fced" $ v.. ,, ; l.i...Mls Blanche Loftaln and Choir "Largo" ................. Beethoven "Battle of Manassa".,... Blind Tom Mr. John Btarne,, Mr. Chartty Rusk Craig ha lap sued card to an at home which she will glre Thuraday afternoon ut hof residence on Montfnrd avenua In' honor of her daughter. Mr. A. C. Bell, of Milwaukee. Mr. Bell I spending the summer with Mr. Crglg. J Jl '. Mr. Victor Stern will give a recep tlon Tuesday night to the Mle. Finn of Birmingham,- Ala. at her. real dence on Montford avenue. The opening ball f the Battery Park hotel take place Friday evo- ,nlng and will be on of the Impor tant events of the aummer. The Uuul data of this ball la July 12th. the on- nlveraary of the opening of the Hotel, J are gucat at the Battery Park, hotel. nut owing to a eeriee vi riinvpiuiuin i The many friend of Mis Dorothy Zimmerman will be grieved to learn 1 that she 1 deeperately 111 at the Ml i Mori hospital. j William Coleman, VV. U. Taylor and Janice Taylor left thla morning for (Jraybeard. ,Mr. William Claude Walker, of Albany, Oa., who la now viBltIng In Atlanta, I eeted to arrive In Ahfvlll the first part of tho week, where ahe will be the gueet of Mr. A. Abbott, at 21 Haywood street Mrs. Allan A. Comb, of Chatta nooKii. and Mrs. VV. C. Campbell, ao companled by her two son, of WayneHville. are visiting at the home of their parent, Mr. and Mr. Wiley I !. jirown, ut rcmrna. Mr. and Mr. P. H. Moore of 32R West Haywood utreet, have a their gni'Kta Mr. and Mr. Charle C. Rocky Moiinl. N. C and Mis Hester Evans, of Atlanta. Mr. Denton wa former ly Mis Mary Powell, of Winston-Salem. Mrs T. J. Perklnon and family leavj Tuesday for Bluemont. where they will occupy the Hurst cottage for tho remainder of the summer. C. J. Baker end family, of Newport News. V'a , have been visiting Mr. Ilalier'g father and mother, on Pa nola street and alo Mr. Baker' father and mother at Jiniaon, N. C, for tho past three week. Mr. Baker In In the shipbuilding buslnes at Newport New and Just laid keel of battleship Texas and reports that ship Is well under Way. After an 'extended visit to Long Island city, Now York. Mr. M. J. Uellly will arrive In Ashevllle Sunday, July 23d. Mrs. J. F. Oraves, who ha been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. J. T. Hill, leave for Atlanta, Qa., thl morning, which city will be her 'fu ture home. She ha many friend whose beet wlshe follow her. Dr. D. L. Petre of Oreenboro, wllj arrive thl morning and will bo the gueat of Mr. and Mr. R. J. flher- rlll. The Mlsse Edith and Estelle Pa tree, daughter of Dr. Petree, have been the guosta of Sir. Sherrlll for veral week and will return with their father to Greensboro Monday. Mr, 1. 8. Anderson, jf Henderson vllle, spent yesterday In town on bus iness. Mr, and Mr. D. C. WaddIl, Jr.. leave Tuesday and will go abroad for some month. Mr. and Sir, C'. Btovall and child, of Atlanta, ore In the city and nm iLe thine fall Suits at the Annex i'r . ;vivx.':'rt.TCSRs.'.,i.? g.-.s.v-si r' a. u .r-.:A-r;.j.-.-'i:g m -:i.-j.::-:Ky::.'.M i-:r. :vfcs.-.M 'mit(frdf9 t Curds t:.ar$t -f, Priced at 28c general Clearinglfp Sale at $6th QtM T "Lat Rcsft ot Bummer" .Ml Pearl Bhope . t,ltl-H AiAie - ; Ml Bhope and .Confederate Choir, - - jl jl The 'play r'Endyinlon" will be prt sented.by the 'student of the sum mer School of Expression of Boton, on the Mano ground. Thuraday eva plng,. July1 irth, :I0 o'clock The proceed will be given entirely to the Maxwell Horn and Institution ,n . which many AahevlU people are In terested!, Mr. , Reuben Robertson I president of tha society and Mrs. P. H. Branch, aeoretary and treasurer. Ticket may be purchased from the member of the Society or at Burton and Holt. Tha plrty will' be very ln- tt had to be postponed. On thl ac count also the scheme of decoration had to ba altered. It waa Intended to repeat the rhododendron ball of. two season ago, but Jhe rbqdodondron I now out of bloom.. The decoration will be artlitlo and on n extcnetve scale, however, and the ball will be quite up to those given In former year. There will be no special Invi tation the card for the eaon re cently Issued, will be requested at the door. The card are also to be pre sentsd at each of the Informal dances during (he aummer, Jl Jl Thl afternoon at All Souls Church, Blltmorei Mrs. Elmer WestalV will tng. Waton' "Babylou." Roberts "Seek Te the liord," will be una- by the choir, with Mr. J. Q. Btlkeloather a .soloist. Mr. Marker will give an organ recital after the service. Jl J The Ashevllle chapter Daughter of the Confederacy, had planned to give Mr. Stonewall Jackson .a reception In Mr. A. J. Wllllford of Raleigh la Spending evcrfl iys with Mrs. Wll llford and children, who are spending th season at the "Battery Park-hotel. .'. '-.-. ' ,, MI Florence Wltherspoon and Mis Claire Hendricks, accompanied by an aunt of the former, Mre. D. F. (trmtitiee, of Hartford, Conn., are (pending the season In Ashevllle. Mis Sarah Kellog, who has been visiting friend In the city, has re turned to her home In Charlotte. Mrs. Frank Sumner and daughter Mis F. A. Sumner, have returned from a aeveraj week' atay at their Plantation near Spartanburg, Mr. W. Scott Rudeker, who ha been to Parkeraburg, W. Va., on bus iness, ha returned to the city. Mr. and Mra. R. M. Fltapatrlck left today for Lake Toxaway, where they will spend aeveral week. Special Prices on New Lingerie and Silk Dresses Wktt6 lingerie dresses, embroidery and lace trimmed. Cut in new, high waist, one-piece style, some have colored-embroidery and are finished with girdle of Bilk cord, to match embroidery, Regular $15.00 to $22.50 dresses at $6.95, $8.50 and $9.95 White marquisette dresses, beautifully embroidered in blue, pink, black and white. Dutch neck and elbow sleeves. Kegularlv $15..00 to $22.50 at , $6.95, $8.50, $9.50 and $10.00 An especially pretty little frock ia of white marquisette with bands of silk applique in Helen pink. The flat Dutch collar is of real lrish Crochet. Special ly priced at $7 50 The new silk dresses are in a variety of dainty and serviceable designs. Only a very few of each style. Tha bargain is to the early shopper. Blue Foulards, blue ground with white figure, trimmed with appled bands v of contrasting silks. iieguiany if u.ixi, now , , v . . . . $9 95 Business has been unusually good at our stores during, the last twer months. There was no slackening on account of summer as we uve pre viously experienced. v: jFhis strenuous buying has naturally left many remnants odd Iot'setc We are going to close them out this week. How? By sellinof th'ein'fat? prices .so far under real value, that economical women are bound to: take Jl We do not believe in half way measures when , we desire to close 6ufi certain articles. The price is put down to the very bottom. We kqow tromj)ast events tnat this jiethod is appreciated by many people. . ; " Read below and you can tell exactly what we mean when we say; loWj prices reign supreme this week.. tfaifr Price Sale of Remnants begins Juesday We have gathered to$ ether short lengths from ev ery department and will put them on our center sales tables Tuesday at Half Price. ThisTale will continue Wednesday and Thurs day. ' The goods will be marked at regular prices and one-half will be taken therefrom. This gives you a guarantee, of the correct reduction. There will be remnant's of lawns, white and col ored; of percales, galateas, marquisettes, cotton voiles, Poulard silks, me ssalines, taffetas, curtain scrims,nets, ribbons, laces, embroideries, waistings. and other materials. The lengths vary from'l'to 5 yards. ' . w'1. DonlC miss this chance of getting a nice waist, child's dress. lace or trimminrfor dtesses, ; etc:, &? fraction, of their, real . .wjtii. . ; . K , i ."v Remnants beginning Juesday My 25th at .'"One jfalf price to v Jhe Annex Offers the Cjteai est gargams of the Season 'Mi?. . There is no getting around the fact that we, ;J are doing the largest Read dy-to-Wear business in oti history. But it is up to us to clear out this big, siock Deiore we move, eaie Begins monaay. A glance below and you can gather how we intend to do it. ""'! ,'.. $4 and $5 silk underskirts in black and colors, for'1 4 .; .;:$2.6&; Marquisette shirt waists, this season's. styles, and, goods at Half Price. . . , ' $2.50, to $5.00 waists are priced at $1.25 to $2,50 , AVhite lingerie waists, low and high neck at half v $2.50 and $350 waists, are; priced. at ' . 'ICj - . ...... . . . . ....it !. . , . .$1.25 and $L75 J 1 Our entire line of white', and white- with j, trimming niarquisette dresses' aw;ricVd:;fi&M h a 4ssk 'a at ' ' ' . . - . . . . . . t64 ,Cl tJTu r "TBe greatest value of thetn all: WashlV "d5esl,ti this year's test models, One-Half Off. .wa..iaj. waJMTC W W $2.50"to $10 wash dresses "tVfe pficed'at $.25 toM. IFV $8 Peter Thompson .dresses, blue, tan and JltyW 1 f lineriifor .. .. i. J;3$'i.w5i - jRsv MISS CRUISE t ? ? V f r ? y y T 4 Call attention to her new and up-to-date line of Hair Goods, Combs, Barrett and HaJr Ornaments; Manicuring, Hair DreeMnjr, Chiropody, Facial and Scalp Massage. Expert Dermatonaglst who give treatment for super fluous hair and all facial blemishes. consultation free t MISS CRUISE'S, ' Miss Cmise's Hair Dressing Parlors Phone 16 25 Haywood St t T T X t T 3 ET. CHAS,. COI &f, CHAS. CXJFFEE. f 6T. CHARLES COFFEE l a blend of the best, root5 'delloKMv coffees obtainable and Is roaated In New Orleana the moat noted coffee center tn the world. Packed in air tight packages. ""! ONE-POUJTD PACKAGE ..: THltEE-POUND PACKAGE Sold bj . 4 j . . 850 .. r.1.00 M. HYAMS CORXKR NORTH MAIN AND MERIUMON AVE ' ST. CHAS. COFFEE. ST. CHAS. COFFEE . JonKees in natui-al shade with colored embroidery, $25.00 value for $15.00 - Black and white silks in stripes and cheeks. Extremely' attractive little one-piece dresses with large sailor collar in red, green, blue, tan and eoral pink. ;. Specially priced at.. , ....$12.00 - iJlaclcJap SilKmounuiig dresstrtriinnied with lace or fagotting. High or " ",Dutch neck and long or elbow sleeves. One-piece styles; some close in the back, others close in front and have large sailor collar, Skirts are Ixith plain and pleated. $20.00 to $25.00 values at ' l II ll' Tf It I t'l l t .$10 and $15 M. V. M00RE M CO. 11 PATT0N AVENUE- Pr. Alice JohnSdn leave tomorrow for Philadelphia and New York and will later In the week sail for Paris. After a stop in Genoa. Italy Dr. Johnson will go to Tanta, Egypt, and will be away from" ABhevllle for two years. Mis Patterson, who haa been with a party to the Pacific coast, was In the city yesterday on her way to her home In Chester, S. C Mr. J. R. Smith, of the Whlttns Lumber company, of Judeon la in town for a several daya' atay, Mr. Jake Chile left for Atlanta, (a., yesterday. . Mr. Eurlo (iodbey and Mr. J. U. Law, of the Gazette-News, left yes terday for Murehead City. Miss Lillian Dougherty and Mia Alma Campbell, Who, have been .vuttt lng Mrs. King, In Lumberton, N. C . have gone to Wrlghtsvllle Beach for a several weeks' stay. Mrs. C, M. Holme, of Chattanooga. Is spending a few week with her Ma ter, Mrs. M T. RhinehaM, on Mont ford avenue. ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henry of At- i lanta, arrived yesterday and will spend two v,i ek with Mrs. C,,. H. , Henry the mother of the former. Mr. Ieo Fresh,' Atlanta, Oa., h accepted a position with tha I. X. L. Department store and will travel and apend a pan of the time In the store. Mr. II. H Davlac and family 4eft yesterday for Baltimore. Md. Miss Simmons, who haa been visit ing Mrs. A. U. FFeathenjtona, left yesterdaj- for her homo in Cleveland, O. j Mr. E. W. Grove left yesterday for ! Atlanta Oa.. on busineas. j The Misnc Newman who have teen spending so til week at tha Manor, left yesteday 'for Cincinnati. Founded 1841. Stieff Pianos "Sing their own praise." One of the greatest charac teristic of the past and pres ent day 1 INDIVIDUAL.ITT. The Individuality of the STIEIB" PIANO la It chief charm. There la no other piano Just like the STIEFF". Others try to imitate, but aomehow they fail to reach that "everything" that "in dividuality" charaeteristlo of the Stieff Plaao, The STIEFF PIANO enjoy atlll another "individuality" foreign to any other .great, I mane, 11 is aoiu uireci to hi. user. This "Individuality" - cure an ideal piano, one that Will meat every demand of tha greatest pianist or moat ex acting musician at a moderate cost. Write tot catalogue, prices, etc. i Ml kinds of Fresh Meats, both native anil western; Chickens, Eggs and Butter; Fresh Vegetable's received daily. 'Prompt delivery. :f.r - , , ' . V. V. HAYNIE, the Grocer Prompt Delivery. Phono "17. Cor. North Main & aaVrSt& THE OEUN EE SANITARIUJI ; i; AshevUle, N. O, No. 29-sl Haywood Street. Phone 694 HXOKOTHERMO-MlLfcXTCTlO and MECIIANO-T11KHAPY, UIKTIC8 For selected cases of Nervouaneaa, Paralysis. Hayfever. Malaria, Asthma, Stomach, Rheumatism. Diseases of Women and other chronlo disease. PViA BATTTS & MASSAOl! Cepartment of the Sanitarium la ine HAirxa JMLAoaAUJi open t6 tK''iruibiib.5 sriiirui n tend ants for both IiADIEfi and GENTLEMKN. Open from I a- m. to t p. m Sa turday till 12 p. m. FOB SALE -r Eight-room house, Mcrrimon ave. all on ontefloorj size of lot, 84x300; all assess ments paid. M od e r p throughout. Price, $4,000. Easy terms. THE H. F. GRANT EEALTY CO., 43 Patton r&fc Cbas. M. Stieff 5 West Trade St. . Charlotte, N. 0. . .". O H. WILMOTH, y Manager, TRIMMED HATS REDUCED M. WEBB & CO. REMOVAL.. H. M. Frost : JcwJer and. Optician from . 60 Patton Ave. to 3 Haywood . '1M! CITIZEN WAHT-Apa . SRItfU RESULTS j INDIAN COAL ; Better than ever in our X NEW HOME t X ,60 Patton Aye, 5 Phone 130 Carolina Coal & Icc : ; Company MISS- HTAjylmlf.Qirma- HUFF' , ROOM 7,nfl !" ' ' American Notional' Bank; 'fttJIdJhi ' - "' ' i. .. - ' ... Private or claaa, lnstrcoUoaan Biso ograpby .nd TyewritUjg. - tj j School ol Shortiiand' ; . msd" tubia 'letiJti(o':Br Phona 1T83. , ' 1JS Wirtiesfflui tf))tllA Uonntaio City Sleam lannilry ' CU&Alf AND tVJUTART ' Our buatneaa ia te plm.Gij jtf trial, ;.'Ht it kj-j i

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