: THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, JULY 30, 1911 amnaVyWiiinsiiiryV n, ,ff ,i.VjV si msV lsaViw(W3 , 7 ' Society and Personals 7 W i1 -si fc vf I Hit! M i .'i i! ' ! ! -V J;! si 'i i The Intermediate pupils of the . Ashevllle school of musli will give a I recital at the Auditorium studio Tuea- I day morn Inn at 11 o'clock The (ol- I loving la thj program: "Christmas Secrets..'' Dutton. Helen ; Hawthorne. j "Rippling Waters,'" Anthony. Hilda Ray. I "Return of the Oondoller." Bchmoll. ! Prances Woody. "Dance In the Vineyard." Tourhis, ; Mr. C. M. Justice. 1 The Muale Box," Heine, Alma Hawthorne. Selected, Iorothy Cotton. Minuet In (, Becehoven. I.oulsi Westall. "Myrtles," Wachs. Mls will Klve Wcdiif sly and aftiTiionn ul hor resilience hec street. oiif ul Ok; features of the. eiiMiilnj ; j week will I iv the Kinma I'lil Kwsllon I I fraternity dunce w h. Ii takes pluce Thursday lit the Hwaniimma- Berkeley j hotel and l given In honor of Mis Alary I.oiiIh,. Manning, of Iurham, ' v.'.ui Is vlRltlnK MIhh HoriiTiae Jones. ' Mine Manning lias l.rm one of the moHt popular vlKlturs of the season, I and a numoer of purlles have oeen i given in her honor during her stay. I The dunce Thursday evening will be i one or tm miwt ncuutliul of the stim lleutrlc n""r- The frute-rnlty colors crimson c If 11 YAWM lovlne. "Album Leaf," Para Orr. Masurka, Bchuloff, Elisabeth Kim berly. ) "Conaolstlen," Mendelssohn; (b) Allegretto, Schneeker, Marie Itlch, Duet. "In Bprlng," i-oewe, Clara Roth and Helen Phillips. jt . The Hotel Gates In Hendersonvlllt haa announced the sixth annual ball to take place Friday evening, Aug. i. The ball will b an Important event of the au nmer In Hendersonvlllt. and the decorations wll) bo unusuAlly at tractive, All arrangements have Iwen made (or the opening- which will be on an elaborate scale. There will be . spec la.) rat) on all railroad. It la fur ther announced, and the ball as usual will b Attended by many Ashevtll people. Jl J Mr. and Mr. J. W. Dlvelblss twsr talned lit honor ol their elster, Mrs. E, W, Olda, of Tyler, Ten., with a houee party at their heme In Arden. The guest war Mre. T. p. Clement, Mlea lnnle. Mr, Call, Mr. and Mr. W, r. Ptvelblaa and Mr. R. E. plvl. bjae.aU ef Aehevllle. .1 The charity basaar which will be held Wedneoday afternoon on the Rattery Park hill will be Interesting, Th booth are numerou and will be attaetlvely decorated. All manner thing 111 be offered for aale, orna. mental, useful nd edibie. There will be en nhihitton of paintings alao. one of Blltmore house, which It atd la unusually fine, and another of Solo- moa' temple, a deaerlptlon of the lat tr to be given by the artist. The be- taer will last from e'elook In the morning until it o'clock tn the even Ing. Tboae in eharg ef th vartou booths are Mrs. Karl yon Ruck, Mrs. Theedor r, Davidson. Mr. Teneh Co. Mr. 1. P. Raver 1, Mr. Alfred X Barnard, Mr, A. t . iyman, Mr. Outav Utntl Mia Laura Car ter, Mia Amelia. Wolfnrth. Mia Helen Murphy and her coueln. Ml Brown, of Motile, Ala, , .. . . , There will bo epeclal music at AU floul' church. Blltmore. thl after noon. Mr. J. O. Btlkeleather will sing the lo put tn the anthmn. "Cane tuin,' from Oounod'i reeell Mass, oadsbya ntftmm.V'r 'VM ? M Down t ; po jmti' am : V vu After th fternoo rvlo MP.' T. r, Harker Will give an organ, recital with the following program! "In th .Twilight!. , . i,f Harbor ' Fantacla la 9 major fi . . , i- .Beat Meditation -..i.i... J, .Coltant Caprice , ..., ...j .!. .Bun. Weeterhout Organ concerto In O minor. No, I ,.,.. ,., i ......... . vamiuge Movements- Adagio, Allegro, An dante. Minuet. ja. jt- Mra. Charlee & Uryant ha Issued Invitation tn bridge pre which the and purple, will he conspicuous In the decoration, and each of the twelve wlndoHH of thn largo hall rocim will represent different colleges and tleco rated In ihe i olicge colors. The Invi tations, about a hundred and tirty In number, wen. lastied lunl week. Mrs. .Iet'-r '. f'rllchard gave one of the most beautiful lirldae parties of the seaaon yesterday afternoon at her residence on Chestnut street in honor of Miss Mary and Miss Harah lyle. of Columbia, B. ('., who are visiting Mrs Thomas Kotllns The color scheme was pink and masses of coral phlox decorated the verandas and the Inte rior of the realdence. Miss Lola Jen kins added to the pleasure of the aft ernoon by singing several ong. which showed to advantage her un usually beautiful and highly ctiltl Vated voice. Mlaa Jenklmr songs were Pellba'a "Maid of Cadi," "Delight by f-uckstone, and "Benora," by Mathan. Ml Ues Holt, of Clio, 8, (. who la visiting Miss Jenkins, played Iter accompaniments charm ingly. The first prise, a clolsnione pin, wa won by Miss Palsy Wurten, of Athens. Ala., and the consolation prize waa cut by Mra. Charlee Halrd, and was a silver cut glass Inkstand. The souvenir prize presented to the guest of honor were sliver and crystal arent bottles. Miss Mlllan Weaver, Miss Nora and Mia Alice Devenlsh assisted In serving the refreshments. There were about sixty guests present. , Mrs. Rogers Orant entertains with an Informal bridge party Tuesday aft ernoon at her homo on Montfor avenue. Jt J Miss iaura and Mia En urn M earns gave a pretty party yesterday after noon In honor of Mis Mary Ieulse Manning, of Durham, The houee was decorated with fern. Five hundred was played and the lint prise was Won by Mlaa Margaret Mtlleader. The ouvenlr prise, presented to Miss Manning, was a pair of enameled beauty pins. After the game refresh ments were served. The gueets we Ml Manning. Ml Hortense Jones, Mis Byrd Henderson, Mia Oladys Redwood, Miss Bmlly Campbell, Miss Margaret MUlender, Mis Martha Wooldridg. Mies Mabel Stone, Mia Margaret Cewan. Miss France Oatea, Mis Mary Hamilton. Ml KHaabeUi Wlltiamaon. Mia Jante Jones, Mia Katharine Stadia. Mis Jessie Wheel- r. miss Myrtle quflger, miss leather- Jne Falrplay, Miss HUaabeth Battle, Mia Xartcy Merrlmon, Ml Franoo Carter, Mlea Mildred Carter, Mla Hel en Taylor,. Mlaa Bllaabeth Murphy, Ellen Wilson, Miss Maud Btew. Jl jl At the Country club yesterday after noon Mr. H. B. King, of Augusta, sorved tea tp a large number of mem ber who went out for. the 'afternoon and for the golf tournament. Mr. itiash fabrics Radically Lfnderpriced lio Marche prices' have been low all 'summer, but at no time have we offered greater savings than these of the coming week. A clearnnre of all colored wahh fabrics is the schedule for this week. The low prices quoted herein are directly due to the fact that we intend to move down on Patton Ave. during the coming month and summer materials must be sold. 25c flowered organdie, one of the most beautiful of the season's thin fabrics, 27 inches wide, white background with dainty flowered effects, is priced at 15c yard 19c colored flaxon, 32 inches wide, linen finished lawn, is priced for this week at - 15c yard 12 l-2c and 15c colored lawns, 27 inches wide, several hundred patterns to select from arc priced at Dcyard Special Sale of Reasonable tfeckmar We are going to put out on our sales tables two allotments of this- summer's neckwear at great reductions. They will go rather fast at the prices mentioned below, so we advise those desirous of taking advantage of the saving to cojhe' early. 25c lot of summer neckwear, including jabots, tabs, Dutch col lars, etc., are priced at .. t 15c 50c lot of summer neckwear; the above articles as well as others are numbered in this assortment at . , , 35c Jhe JYew Cjirdle Cords Are on Display Worn with all kinds of siimmer dresses are these girdle cords. Right now they are ejtremely popular. White and colored girdle cords in silk are priced at . . , . . . . .. 4 , . , . , , 50o White merciied girdle cords with silk tassels are pneea ai xoq -- - Prices lessened on inen Suits at the jTnnex Xhere has never been a sale of linen coat suits the equal of thii1 one nere before. Worth, former selling price and cost are all for gotten. Only the fact that we are beginning to feel crowded on ac ' count of fall goods arriving and that we must make room is re membered. Don't let the smallness of price keep you aw"ay, for the garments are good, seasonable and stylish. The colors, tan cream, lavendar, gry and blue, are the best that the summer has known. $5 to $15. Q0 linen suitsr not this year's styles are to be sold at a price, and the price is $1.50 $7.50 to $17.50 linen suits; this season's best models, are priced at ' $5e00 Colored Wash presses Priced at Jfalf and Jless Plenty of warm days ahead to wear these dainty little wash dresses, They are brand new, most of them having arrived during the past month. Some have the wanted sailor collar, others are plain but then there are from fifty to a hundred different models . so you'll have to come and see for yourself. $6 wash dresses, a sample line, see window display, for . -$2-75- w, Other wash dresses are priced at just one-half. $2.50; to $10.00! Avtaaaa 'fnw'l . '41 OK t ; OtoSS piowqiiisette dressea are priced, at :. . ...... ? wo to jpif colored Jttarqmsette Jresaea are priced at, , ';.''.: ,i,.i:iC$3 !M r ef MStitii& a m ar.: R. '-'FRJ -Mi a "-jt .-I m JZam and lingerie Waists for Monday's Jelling at 75c a4,.. jtVi Beckman Lorlllard preenteQ the la dles' prise 1ft .this tournament, whloh was out glass and silver flower vas,. and the mah's prise was presented , by ,Mf, rt.'ll, Reynold, and wa a llver knife, 'Th tournament, a, ll-hol handicap medal play mloil foursome, restilted In a tie for first place aha will b played oft this. week. . Th; store was s follows: Mrs. Vano Brown and Dr. Joseph Green. (9, handicap IV- net I. Mrs, Heuben Hohortson and Mr, Knight, scratch, net 68. Wednesday a mixed doubles handicap tennis tournament will b played. Th wishing to enter are requested tj notify Mr. J. C. Todd a soon a posslhle. Special Muslin Underwear Sale Monday and Tuesday XJNDERWEARI SETS Lace, and embroidery trimmed, consisting gown,', long skirt and combination corset cover and drawers. of $ 7.00 values $5.00 12.50 values 8.00 Corset Covers. 25c value 15c 75c, 50o and 39c values 25c Drawers i 29c and 25c values 15c 39c value 25c 75c and 50c values 35c $1.25 and $1.00 values . .65c $2.50 and $1.50 values . .95c Chemise $1.00 value 75c' $1.25 value 95c $1.50 value $1.15 $2.00 value $1.55 $18.50 values $12.00 35.00 values 25.00 Petticoats $1.00 and $1.25 values,. 75c $1.50 value $2.00 valuo .$3,00 value $5.00 value $7.50 value $U5 .$1.25 $2.50 i . i $3.25 $3.75 Gowns. $1.00 value 65c $1.50 and $1.75 values . ,75c $2.00 value $1.50 $3.50 value $1.75 $5.00 value $3.50 $6.00 value $3.75 French Underwear ' l $2, ' $3. " -'$3, $4. v $6. $9. Crowns. ,75 value .$2.00 50 value $2.25 75 value $3.00 50 value $3.50 00 value 00 valuo .$5.00 .$7.00 $1.50 $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 $G.OO $7.00 Chemise value . . value . . value . . value . . value. . . value . . Combinations .$1.15 .$2.25 .$3.00 .$125 .$5.25 .$6.25 $ 5.00 value $ 6.50 value $10.00 value $12.00 value $15.00 value $16.50 value M. V. M00RE & CO. 11 PATTON AVENUE - ....$ 3.25 ....$ 5.00 8.50 ....$10.00 $13.50 $15.00 At the First Baptist ehureh this morning Mr. II. B, Moore, of Oaa tonla, will b the soloist and will sing Dudley Buck's "Fear Not Te. O Is rael." At the evening service ths anthem by Toung, "O, Lord, Our Oovt ernor," will be sung. The offertory olo will be "Not Ashamed of Christ" and will be sung by Mlaa Jf earl Shop. jt jt : Mrs. Oeorge Mason Swift, Of Mo AllBter, 0la., wa th guest of hon or at a bridge party given Friday aft ernoon by iMrs. James J, Nlohols. Mr. Bwlft Is spending, the summer with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Nichols, at their residence on Liberty street. Miss Lucy Nlohols won the first prise and the eeoond wa Wpn by Mlaa Marguerite Wadsworth, Mr. Nichols' guests were Mrs. Bwlft. Mr. Jeter O. Prltohard, Mr J. W,vFau cette, Mrs. Frank Weaver. Mr. Tho. L Rollln. Mrs. Halpb, Carrier, Mr. QlllUand Stllicleather, Mrs. Heath rarrlar. Mrs. J. T. Sevier, Mr. Henry Penland, Mr. Hodge. 'of Denver, Col.i Mrs. John Carroll. Mr. JtW COOW. Mra, Charles P. Wofford, Mra, Wallace Davis. Mra. Mortimer, Ml Ford, Mrs. Waltej- poblnson, Mr. Mark Brown. Mr. Edwin I Brown. Ml Emma Oudger, Miss Adelaide Lnughran, Mis 8r Jonee, Miss Lillian Weaver, Mls Rebecca Bayll. Miss Sadl Rollins, Ml Minnie Wesiall, Ml Luoy Nich ols. Mis Myrtle Rollins, MH Maude Oudger and Mis Florence Barnard. Miss Elisabeth Moore, of Warsaw. N. C. and Miss Lillian Whttehurst, of Norfolk, V., are visitors in Ashevlll end r guests at th Battery Park hotel. Mr. Hugh Sclbles is in town tor brief stay. Mr. A, M. Lumpkin. f Columbia. 8. c, who is at Highlnad, Park, Kn dereonvUle, for the ummer. spent esterAay in the city with bis sister, iMrs. Eugen B. Glenn, , P. Ward. ( New in tH city for . ! Mr. and. Mrs, A, Berna, N. C re short stay. v Miss Mar' Barker, f Panama, la in the city visiting her mother, Mr. Barker, on Starnes avenuje, Mr. J. E. Shepherd, of Blroitnghsm. Is In Asheville for a short Stsy. Mr. and Mrs Henry jiughes, of Trenton. 8. C, came down from To away to attend the opening ball at the Battery Park. Mrs. Hughes waa be fore her recent marriage Mia Sophie i Tillman, a daughter of Senator Till man. h. Mr. W. O. Fortune has gone on a trip to Ralelwh and Schuyler. Va. MaJ. and Mrs. Mortimer Hancock return to India the latter part of Au gust. MaJ. Hancock1 raHnriX has 'been ordered to Delhi J during the great Durbar, which tt Is eKpected Kin? Oeor and Queen Mary will ittpnd. Mrs. Oeorge Winston, who has been visiting her son, Mr. Lewis Winston, at Proctor, hM returned to tb olty. Miss Elisabeth Keenan. who ha been visiting Mias Bmlly Campbell, baa returned tp bar- home In Colum bia, 8. O. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson, of Charleston, 8. C are In tho elty for a stay and are guests at the Battery Park hotel. Mrs. A. H. Curry and the several member of the faculty of the Boston summer school of expression, returned yeeteraay to to rtosion, arter a stay of som week in th clt. Miss Mabel Cooper and Ml Kath leen Olive have returned from a sev eral day' visit to friend In HenUer sonvlllo. Mlas Ida Hamilton will visit Mrs. H. U. Brlgga this weak at th country home of the latter in Chunn's Cove. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pasehall and Mlas Bailie Pasohall, of Richmond, Va., are gueets at the Battery Park hotel. Capt. James Stewart has returned to Louisville, Ky after a stay In Ashevtlle. Mrs, Jack Harvey leaves today for Meadville, Pa., where she will visit relatives, later going to Washington and Pittsburg before returning to th city, Mr. Ktngeland Van Winkle has re turned from a two weeks' trip to NaT-. ragansett Pier and tie East. Vise Helen Mathews, who ha been vtafUng friend in the qity, ha re turned to her horn In the eastern part of the tatc ' ' Mrs. Beekmj LortUard left yester day for Newport, R. ! where she will b the gueet of Mr. Louis N. Lortl- t t MISS CRUISE Call attention to her new and up-to-date Una of Hair Qood. Combs, Barrett and Hair Ornament; Manicuring, Hair Dressing, Chiropody, Facial and Scalp Massage. Expert Dermatonajgist who give treatment for suner fluous hair and all facial blemishes. Consultation free t jHhSS CRUISE'S, Miss Cruise's Phone 16 Hair Dressing Parlors . 25 Haywood St t t t X i Sf. CHAS. COFFEE. ET. CHAS. COFFEE. J ST. CHARLES COFFEE Is a blend of the best, most delicious e coffees obtainable and I roasted in New Orleans the most noted coffee center In the world. Packed In air tight package, ONE-POUND PACKAGE .. , .. .-,150 THKBB-POUND PACKAGE 00 Sold by 1VI. HYAMS CORNER NORTH MAIN AND MERRIMON AVE, ST. CHAS. COFFEE. ST. CHAS. COPFEO - (Continued oat page Ave.) Mr. Ernest Wither of Weyneevill, ha returned to his horns after a brbrf tay In th city. ' i Mr. Rohert Harris, of PUJsboro, la fn town for several day, .'.i' Ml Eleanor Hijdbranft'a f (rem a Western trip. Foouotvd 1841. SJIEFF PflffOS "SING THEIR OWN PR.V18E." WERE IT A CONTEST In which the purpose of making your dollar last the longest In musical satisfaction the goal, we would enter the list: but as tt Is a struggle to get your money st all haxards. offering in exchange something which sounds well today, without a ghost of a chance of llflng tunefully 'till tomorrow, wr re tire from the contest, and beckon those who want r worth to come aside while we eell them a STIEFF PIANO, which will be e, "Thing 1 of beauty, and a joy forever." Remember, we el direct from Factory, and won't burden you with an unnecessary profit. CHAS. Jl STIEFF Manufacturer of th Ptano with the Sweet Tone. Southern Wareroema, ,t Trad St tauriottv Jf. tt. I All kinds of Fresh Meats, both native and western; tJhiekens, Eggs and Butter; Fresh Vegetables received daily. Prompt delivery, V. V. HAYNIE, the Grocer Prompt Deliverj. Phone 177. Cor. North Mala A East Sts. THE ORUNER SANITARIUM ., AshoTllle, N. O. No, -il H aywood' Street. Phoao tii ' UTDRO-THERMO-ULECTRO and MECHANO-TUERAPY, DIKTIOS For Mleoted case of Nerveusneae, P aralyets. Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma, Stomaeh, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women and Other chronia diseasea The BATHS & MASSAGE TUX. tendaats for both LADIES and GEN TUBMEN. 4; Open from 1 a. m. to p. m. Sa turday till tl p. m. FOR SALE Eight-room house, Mer rimon ave. all on one floorj size of lot, 84x300 ; all asBesa ments paid, Modern "throughout. Price, $4,000. Easy te,rms. THE IL F, GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. WARNING Any one making a statement that our Honey 1 not sure, or that It la manufactured by a mechanical pro cess, will be pros ecuted to the full extent of the law. 0. W. HARMON & CO. ef ' Phono 837, CITIZEN WANT-ADS ERIW RESULTS TRIMMED DATS REDUCED M. WEBB & CO. Excursion to Niagara rail" and Canada, Friday, Aug. 11th. ; days, Including all necessary' x penses. only $4.7, , Ask . to booklt C. F. RAT, IV Pattoot AxL;. New and Secosd-Hand FURNITURE Bought Sold and Escnaaged. Cash or Easy Credit Terms to One and AJ). V'J : DEAL b GOLIGHTLY- 1 4 1 I I

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