THE iAS E CI THE WEATHER: SHOWERS CITIZEN WANT AOS BRING RESULTS . ASHEVILLB, N 0, TUESDAt MOt&i:XG, AUGUST 1, 1911. VOL. XXVII., NO. 281 IWCE FIVE CENTS T.!2?tjiT Q ORIGINAL TATTLER ILLINOIS BUY GOES UPON STAND Representative White Making CfTort to Put Himself In a Better Ught HE TELLS OF SOME BOOKS HE HAS READ Said He fold His Supporters He Would Expose Corrup Hon at Springfield WASHINGTON, July SI. Chas. At While, who after running the gamut from' street 'car. conductor to mem bf ot th IlllUOto legislature, C0n teased, to receiving money to vote for William Lorlmer for the United Btat senate, today began to retell his story before the senate trlmer commit tee. White, who Is not more than HO r of are, brought to the witness stand a large bundle of papera by which he hoped to place himelf be fore, the 'country In a bettar light than that under which he hae reeted atnee the Lo rimer investigation start ed. ' He produced many testimonials of good character and ability from echoola he had attended In hi youth and from I former employe. He deoribsd Malawi-vices at Spring field In J80 a the legislative agent of street car men and his election to the Illinois house of representatives while he was working as a conduc tor. Explaining that he Wished to show the source frond which White obtained his food for thought, Attorney J. H. Marble, for the committee, asked the witness what he was reading at the time he was elected to the legislature. Whtte mentioned these: Lawson's High Finance Kxposnr magitslne ar ticles which Wthte characterised as "a i pretty nice piece of work." The Jungle, by JXpton Sinclair, ex posing stock yards "Splendid piece of work f Tour volumes of Roman history "abouK-lhe, Carthagehians, the' By--flans, and that class ejt eurt.", Jngeraolr complete wprtf,. Aryan's mmoner, Taylor's "Lafe Pictures," "Appeal to Reaaor, oclallt publi cation. . . . vtktmif teAo 'a&gmii&nih' the ' daily newspaper of St. IjouIs. The , witness said that before he was elect ed to the legislature he heard of sev " eral men who had taken bribes and then exposed the bribers. He said he told his supporters during the cam paign that If he was elected he would expose the corruption at Springfield but he denied saying he would take the bribe In so doing. CITIZEN IS WILL CONTEST Announcement of Big Vote Offer Causes Interest Names of Candidates Appear Again Wednesday Tie CItlren's great prize contest Is getting fairly started now, and a most lemoouragtng degree of Interest is shown by the many who are sending In queries and nominations, and the prospect is for widely extended activ ity. Twenty-one energetic people of this vicinity are going to win $5,940 worth of prises within the next few weeks, There i no reason whatever why you , should not be among them If you are willing to spend a little energy In or der to gaifl a splendid reward. There are a few people whose relation K The Cltisen excluded them from this competition, mainly employes who'llve " 'tfrfhe city. of Ashevllle. but If you are not In this claes you should not think of allowtng yourself to waste such an opportunity. Of course, we do not mean that everybody should be a candidate, but we do mean that every public-spirited citlsen should take an active part in the coming campaign on his own aocount or that of a friend. Tou can be Just as busy canvassing . f.iHil fni. vmtr. elf, and you can take as much pride In their achievement at the close, for you wilt have had so much to do wltn it that It will seem a victory of your own. If you do not busy yourself with It ons way or another you will feet distinctly "out of It." i Do Xot Hesitate. There are lots of people who never get anything because they nave start anything. They ate inactive and nev er alert. They want sstnuch as oth ers do, but they heeitate and (hen find It Is too late. Break the habit of hesitating, enter The CItlxen contest today and take the first steps that wilt lesd you to winning the touring car or a runabout. listen to This. If a man should come to you and offer a 1,7S0 Chalmers pouring car as' a free gift you would very likely think htm erasy, or suspect something queer In the proposition, but If the am man war to explain . tu you that In exchange tor this great gift you were to give , him something which would cost ' you nothing, and would yet be of. Immense value to htm, yea would 94 that he wag making CAROLINA COTTON MILLS SHUT DOWN MANY OUT OF WORK Water in Catawba so Low That 152 Mills Close Down Temporarily, Throwing 70,000 Operatives Out of Employment CHARLOTTE, N. ,C, July II. As a ollmax to the unprecedented drought this section Is experlencelng, one hun dred and fifty-two cotton mills In North and South Carolina shut down today beoau , the .water In Catawba river la so low the Southern Power company cannot supply the plants with power. TO.OOQ Out of Work. It is estimated that seventy thou sand operatives are thrown out of employment. It 1 two '.weeks rtnoe rain of : any consequence hat fallen and local weather bureau reports show a deficiency of 50 per. cent In pre clpttatlon for this section. Creeks Which have hot gone dry Id forty-five years are mud holes, and distress among the rural population dependent for water on Wells la great Mountain streams to the west upon which nay of the flouring mtlls, tanneries and cotton mills are dependent tor power have dwindled to mere brooks In some Instances and many of the manufac turing enterprises have been forced to shut down. Crops in. this immediate section are burning up in the fields. Many farmers In this and the adjoin ing counties despairing of a eorn crop, have chopped down the young corn and are using It for feed; while the hot winds are playing havoc with cot ton. Other Towns Face Ordeal. Cities and towns to the north and west of Charlotte are facing the ordeal of a water famine that this etty is now "experiencing. At Greensboro. Salisbury. Concord, Spencer, Monroe,1 Wadesboro and other places the water suDDly problem has reached a stag and measure of economy are being rigidly enforced. The situation in Charlotts ha not improved materially though the authorities are working night and day on the problem Feel ing that the distress ot the people is not being relieved as promptly as was hoped by means of tank trains frero the river at Mt. Holly, the offers or water from Qastonla. Shelby, aod Lincoln- ton (were today accepted and tank trains brought, tn tonight- fifty thousand- gallons trow afc1t-JJtace."Thia is being pumped into the city mam ai red by means of fire engines, and an additional steamer borrowed frdrrt Co lumbia, 8. C, will augment the Hocal fire apparatus Irt this work tomorrow. It is hoped by Wednesday to resume an economic service through the mains. It has been cut off aince early Sunday. Bpeolal prayer services for rain -were held in churches through COVER WIDE FIELD you a sensible and attractive propo sition f Now this Is just wfeat The Cltisen Is doing. The most valuable thing In the world Is CIRCULATION. It Is the life of the newspaper. Ws hav already a wonderful circulation, but we want our paper to go into every home and be read by both young and old. We want you to help us to get It, and In exchange for your aid we are glad to give you automobiles, pianos, diamond rings and other valu able prices. The more you help us the greater your reward; Isn't that a plain busi ness deal? What to Bay. Tell your friends with enthusiasm that you have set your heart on a prlKe, and you are persuaded thst with their aid you can win It. Tel innm inai il win on m. pmiunire to as sociate them with the pride you wilt take In winning. Point out to them that the longer the term of subscrip tion they give the larger your profit in votes, snd then, too, they are saved the constant annoyance of th collec tor's visits. , How to Enter. Bend In your nomination. Tou will find the nomination blank on another paan, which counts for 1,000 votes. Only the first nomination blank Can te ned by candidate. , Tou get vote and subscriptions anywhere from e'lher district. Votes will be given on all paid sub scriptions. Call or send to the Contest depart ment of The Citlsen for a r?i1pt book. The Contest mnnarr will he t glad to explain anything you do ot understand. Telephone or write to him. if you cannot call, and a repre sentative win lve you fni! details. Don't forget thst children fJn So most effective work In collecting cou pons, as well as eeenring many paid-in-" dance subscription Should your father, mother, broth ers, sisters or frWnds belong to any organisation, get them to secure the votes and assistance of that organisa tion. -j.: Do not let a day pass without coring some subscriptions nd vote. The steady, persistent workwr Is what OPEN .Continued on Ptg Fonf.) out the auction yesterday. There was a fcrlef shower this afternoon and rain Is falllnar lightly tonight with atmos phertc conditions that promise relief ' Anhevllle Bends Wafer, 1 Buffering Charlottean will drink Ashevllle.. water for a few hours to day, a a result of. ft special train competed of Sold cars of the Cham pion Fibre company and a" Southern engine. Which took approximately 80, 09 gallons of water to the "Queen City" aa a gift from the metropolis of "the land of the sky" yesterday, i Charlotte's water famine has reach ed 'the acuta stage andi when It be came learned her yesterday that the situation was growlhg more se rioua, .the arrangements were made whereby Charlotte wilt receive enough Ashevllle water to last her for at least a part: or today. Charlotte Peoaje Here. Doubtless on account of the water famine at Charlotte, Ashevllle has aa her guests just now probably more Charlottean than have been in this etty at on time for many seasons. The r1tr at the leading hotels last Bight showed that many people from Charlotte and nearby town arrived her yesterday atfd boarding house report that raanl reasrratlon have been made by people from the ctlon surrounding Charlotte for board and room for an indefinite period. It t believed that many will arrtv her today and the majority of those who are already her hat expressed their Intentions of remaining In Ashevllle until the situations at their home town ar relieved. While the town of the piedmont section ar patching the water supply for Ashevllle Is In good shape a heavy shower having, fa! Ian at th Intak yesterday afternoon. Th fcoure of upply- I naturally somewhat lower than usual on account of th dry pe riod, although no trouble la antlel letid here dna to th fact tha Ashe- tVls i perhaps he most favored city 1 1 Amerld so far a bar water tupply ri . ., irmmAJtA's niterr ham NEW ORLKAN8, July II. The first bale of , Louisiana' new crop of cotton was sold her today for IT cents a pound. The bale weighed 670 pounds and was produced at Rayne, La. This cotton arrived nine dares earlier than th first bale last season, " ' BEATTIE SAYS HE WON'T BE ELECTROCUTED, 1ULD DIE fir BIHIND FIRST Arrangements for Transfer of Beulah Binford and Paul Beattie ANOTHER WITNESS RICHMOND, July II. Henry Beattie la quoted on high authority today as having said tn -substance In the course of a statement he made: "These people who think they are going to put me In the electric chair are all wrong. They were never more wrong about anything In their Uvea I shall never be electrocuted. I'd take poison and Kill myself In order to pre vent anything like that." But there is nothing in Henry's conduct to sug gest that he has any intention of de stroying himself. Arrangements were made today for the transfer tomorrow of Beulah Bin ford and Paul Beattie, held as mate rial wltneese for th commonwealth rn the case of Henry Seattle, Jr.,' the alleged wife murderer from the Hen rico county Jail to the Richmond city Jail. Henry Beattie will remain In the Henrico Jail. It is alleged tha there has been more or less com munication between Beulah and 'Hen ry since their incarceration, and th authorities determined that this, or th possibility ef so oh a thing, must be ended. A summons was issued to day for the appearance before th grand Jury on Aug, 14 of Mrs. Chalmers W. Elliott, of 1IS1 Taylor street, who Is said to be an Intimate friend of Beulah's, and who visited Beulah at the jal! last Saturday. She 1 said to have gained admittance to the girl's cell by representing herself to be relative. She I expected to prove,. an Important witness for th Commonwealth ' corroborating cer tain statements of Beulah'. CTRL BtTRIfBD TO DEATH. R ALBION, N. C, July II. Mis Maggi Sugg, daughter of a promi nent farmer of Greene oounty, wo burned to death tart night while re turning hem In a -buggy trom church at Hull's Cross . Road in Qreeae aounty. v--r It 1a believed some one carelessly threw a lighted dgar stump is the boggy,- her clothing became Ignited and she died la a few hour aft mohjng toma, WICKERSHAMS HAVE FREQUENT BITTER TILTS BEFORE JUDICIARY ' f ;f " ' . .. Decided This Committee Houses-Developed 1 WASHINGTON. . Julv Jl Follow. Ing general charges' and denial be tween th two Wtcssrsham of th government, th attorney general and th delegate froitl Alaska, th house committee tin Jufllnlfcry decided 1st toaay tnat it nao nosiewer to aa any thing but report th evidence to th house, ti will repoa early tomorrow Delegate Wlckershi m't reaolutlon, calling on th attorn ? general to fur nish all th paper nd data bearing en th alleged frati Is- In connection With th government octal contract,! - Tha commltte will not recommend tlt the house in Vfltlgat Delegate Wlokcrsham'r ehatgeA that' Attorney General Wlckershsmi haaihtolded fend protected "A task syndicate crimi nals. " Frequctit flashes. In a hearing enlivened with fre quent and bitter clashes between th two Wlokorshams, it developed that the delegate from Alaska had offered hi legal service In HOI to the Gug genheim Interests In th Northwestern Commercial company for a salary of 111,000 ft year and th maintenance of office headquarter in Bent tie. "War you ever In the employ of the Guggenheim interests T" asked BATTLE OF BALLOTS IN IT Three Candidates for Sen ate Made Final Speeches Last Night All Confident JACKBON, Miss , July II. Missis slppt's state campaign waa brought to a close tonight and the battle of bal lots tAkes place tomorrow. The three candidates for the senatorshlp light, which has teen the bitterest In the history of the utate, delivered their final apeeches tonight. United States Senator LeRoy Percy, whose office Is being sought by formr Gov. S. K. Vardaman and C. H. Alexander, poke at Itta Bena today to aeveral thous and people, United State Senator John Sharp William also spoke, de livering a spirited address denouncing what he termed " Vardamanlsm." He appealed to the voter to return Mr. Percy to the sene. Th capital city was a divided house tonight. Par tisan feeling ran high but no dis turbances occurred. Mr. Vardaman Issued th following from hi headquarters tonight: "Thl I a contest for supremacy between the man whoa toil produces the wealth of the country and the fa vored few who reap the products of that toll. Th people of Mississippi will settle the question tomorrow as to whether or not th honest, patriotic methods of the past shall be the rule of action In M1slsslppl politics or the trick, bribery and debauchery of the secret caucus. I expect to win by the largest majority any man ever re ceived In Mississippi who had any op position at all." WASHINGTON. July It -Forecat: North Carolina Local si tsgg Tues day and Wednseday; lifht, rubl wind i Do it Today .f AM HA A 4REAT IJEA just STRUCK ME- I'LL egSSV I NOMINATE MY BEST GtRl, Jt ff&GS fc THEN PROPOSE I SH tWf And Get Solid With Her Has no Power to do Anything Except Report Evidence to That Alaskan Delegate Had to Ouggenheims Attorney General Representative Starling, of Illinois. "Never," Mid Delegate Wicker ham. t "Did they ever eek to employ you 1" Offered Position, "Yes," said th delegate. "Stephen Birch wrote to me in JtOI and Aiked If I would tak position a counsel for t(i Northwestern Commercial com pany." t' ' "What did you say?" asked Mr. Sterling. ' . " "I said t would tak a place as their un4 for an annual salary, of i6,n, ttty toMuip twice in s attls," said .Mr, Wlckersham, J "After t answered th letter nothing more was said about It and they employed other attorney. If they had paid m what 1 asksd I would have been their attorney and t think that I would hv saved them a whole lot of trou ble." "How?' asked Representative- Lit tleton, of New Tork, , "Through my advice to them to keep away from criminal practices," The Alaskan delegate renewed hi statement' that the attorney general had shielded and protected ftrsakers IN MEH KILLEO Troops Fire into Crowd Who Freed Prisoners Many Wounded EL ORO, Mexico., July II In re pelling a mob of striking miner who today freed the prisoners in th jail troop fired Into the crowd, ktfllng' nine and wounding thirty-two. Th strkers were from I Eapersnta mine which they abandoned this morning. This afternoon the men In the Mexi co mine, an adjoining property walked out. It Is expected by the men of Bl Oro mine thst a strike wHl be called there tomorrow, fearing that they might be th victims of anti-foreign flemonetratlons. many American wo men were .sent out of the camp In a special train to Mexico City. The fBr were based on circular re cently lemied by the miners in which Amer!-ans were bitterly assailed. More than , 000 men of the Mexico snd Ia Espermwa mines ar out. They demand higher ware. If thess men should be jlnd by those In El Oro the number of strikers would be 7,000. , One hundred soldier were nt from Toluca, the state capital to EI Oro this afternoon and President D la Barra has promised additional protection. It Is expected that on thousand soldiers will be here before ' morning from the capital. TroiJl began early. Tb rurales had ar-! rested a few of th Striker and the j Idle men determined to set them '. free. Arming themselves with pieces! or gold ore and stone they started ' ap the one street of the town" toward tiho Jail, throwing stone a they went! at such building a offended their tight. They, Shouted their defiances j at th rurale, -who fired numerous: show. Before the mob fled, how- i ever, It had sueceded In freeing the i prisoners. " I Shutters were closed throughout th town and foreigners redoubled i their activity to put th women out of j danger. STORM C.VI BE8 HAVOC. Il ABILENE!, Tex- July 11 .--Two per son wer killed, a score were Injured and nearly every business hous in Abilene waa damaged by a storm of wind and hall tonight, A number of residence wer also wrscksd, . , COMMITTEE Offered His Services Criticised of th laW who represented th Oug genhelm Interest In Alaska. Mem ber of th judiciary commute fr quehtly railed upon him to Drove tatmnta h mad, and in som cases cnauengea th efficiency of hi proof. Vlgorou Denial, , attorney General Wlckersham de clared that th Alaska delegates charge called (or vlgorou denial from th government Official. "It has seen fit to make charge against m which tt was bjs duty to prov befor thlg committee- if he could do o, said tn attorney general, "and t submit to th oommitte that h ha at proved hi Waflfiiitit,'w?-v The Alaskan dlgat repeatedly criticised th off lei la of Alaska, Mid th Guggenheim "owned th govern ment . there," and mad general charge of the officials being influ enced by them. He sought to prov that tJnited States Marshal If. X. Lot had extrtd money front hi deputy marshal, by making thm "divide th graft" ontind In th profit from boarding prisoner, Th government allow II per day for each prisoner. i- - - f"iiiiini,VlsrrAVjriji-ijrsii BE EVEN TflilHT PRESENT House Committee on Tem perance Recommends Drastic Near Beer Law ATLANTA, July ll.Instead of fol lowing in the wake of Alabama and Texas, which hav recently discarded prohibition for local option, th house committee on temparano In th Geor gia legislator today voted to recom mend a bill that I Intended to re strict the tale of "near beer." Th vote was 10 to 10. The measure was introduced by Representative Tlppens, and Is regarded aa tha most drastic bill yet proposed as an adjunct to the prohibition law. It makes it unlawful to sell or to keep on hand for the pur pose of sale any bvragss or liquid capable of being drunk as a bvrag that contain more than one-half of one per ont of alcohol, On amend ment exempting legitimate medicines used legitimately waa voted down and another barring all drinks that con tain any alcohol waa killed, A substl. tut bill authorising licensed beer sa loons and "package houses" alao was voted down. Nominate a Candidate Nomination Blank Oo od for 1,000 Votes. The Ashevllle Citizen $5,640 Subscription Contest ; Candidate ...... Address .. . . .. Telephone No. ,r Only One Nomination Blank for Each Ca: Will Count at 1,000 Votes. : . Cut out and bring or fiend to The C AFTER CAUCUSING TWICE DEMOCRATS FAVOR FREE LIST Farmers' Measure Will be Voted Upon In Senate Today After Much Hot Air MORE AMENDMENTS OF SENATOR CUMMINS UP Senator qore Would Prohibit PrAA Pnfrtf tnirtAMAii! - j T,.ww ww s)b1 : Numerous Staples I UU LjIIU V IIILtfl I jnimiiriiu U. " WASHINGTON. July- ItAft two lengthy caucuses today th dam. ocratlo senator 1st tonight decided unanimously to support th farmer' fr list bill passed by th house, and which will b votd upon tomorrow n " th senate, At the aam tim tb democrat of th hous committee on way and mean at a night meetina formally decided to rcommnd to th house tomorrow that It ask th nat ' for a eonfrnc on th woo) tariff. rviion bill, , Banon Rreohition, , ' ? Tha enat caucus adopted Volu- tlon offered by Senator Bacon plcdg. ing support to th house fre list bill and insuring concerted action by th democrat In an effort to pas th tneasur unamended, - Thl Is re garded a doubtful, and It waa agreed that In ease of defeat th bill would he reoffered. modified by an amend. ment to b submitted by Senator Kern granting th advantage of th bill only to those countries which admit fre of duty American corn, oata, hay, cotton and hog. Although th Ba con amendment was adopted 'unani mously Senator Bailey, who pro posed amendment to th bill adding .farm product to th fre list m- ur was killed by th sotlon of th caucu. withdraw with som ot hit (follower befor th vote was taken. ' Hi withdrawal wu nnt In th n Ltur of a bolt, however, and a solid democratic front I expected tomor row, Just wher th Insurgent re publican stand tonight I not to rr tnin. In th ent todlty It devel oped In th debate en the free ltit Mil that som of th proposed Insurgent republican amendment would not en ciimbim that niur- Brnaior Cum mlna, &f Iowa, IA be would offer ht amendment to ohang the meal rhe1 ui of th present tariff when th cot. ton kill come over from the hons and not a a rider to th free list bill. Senator Bristow, of Kansas, an nounced he would not offer hi sugar (ContlnnM on Pag Five,) - TO GIVE THEIR VLEDSE OF Relation of U. S. Steel Cor poration to Several In- dependent Concerns ; GARY DINNER AGAIN NEW TORK, July It. Oeorg W, Porkln. director of h I7nttd Btat Steel corporation and chairman Of th flnanc eommitte of th International Harvester company, was ubpona4 today to appr bafor th eongr. solnal eommitte of Inquiry Into th affair of th trnrtd Btat Steal cor poration. He was excused from ap pearing, however, until th com mil tee ha completed it Inquiry Into th' intrnacle of th absorption of th Tennessee Coal and Iron company by the steel corporation. Inquiry tomor row will be mad of expert Into th valuation of or properties of th Tenne Coal and Iron company and . three men hav bean summoned who ; mad estimate to th Tennessee syn dicate before they took over th pro perty. They ar C P. Ferine, Win, Given and Walter Moore. Mr. Perkln probably will not b sjtVsasaasiksaaWs! ' (Combined on fag Five) ! tote

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