THE ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8t 19ia 5, ..'...'.' . , STOCK-MARKET - - IS UNSETTLED NEW YORK, .Aug;. .T.Tht the stock market should have shown fur ther unsettlemenO today was- hardly surprising to those who have watched the recent "trend of event. Waek-ena development wail net altog ether dia ouraglng. were hardly helpful to the constructive ride of the attuatton em- bracing a they did somber of ad vre crop, reperfk; tome more-unfa v. arable railroad earning. Including Bt Paul with a deficit tor the ducal year Of 33,300,000 after payment of fixed charges and dividend and finally af fairs political and industrial at home The attitude ef the .Stanley invest!- fating committee at' Jaat' Saturday' session In this'' city -Was the subject of no little discussion. In the financial districts Where the opinion seemed to prevail that the United States- Steel corporations may nave to aiverce it self from Its transportation compan ief If It Is to keep within the bounds oi tne anti trust laws. 'rOn the whole, the support accorded thi steel ahe-rea tndav was less effec tive than that given to other stocks lb the same class. The stock was again sold principally by a coterie of broken whose recent activities on the short side have given unusual prom inence to their operations. The bear account was quite impartial however. Its attack upon Union Pa cific. Lehlrh and St. Paul as well as many issues of lesser Importance put ting the bull faction on the defensive throughout the session.. .The strength of- the Hill stocks, the coppers and some of the specialties Was noteworthy, but this may be ex plained on the ground that their price lvela before the recent decline ran dered them less vulnerable to as sault. The dullness of the market fallowing each successive rally sug getd the inability or lack of desire ot the bull account to carry Its tem porary advantage to any considerable length. .4 Trading - languished . during the afternoon, until well toward the close, when a buying movement of torn proportions sent the list to its top level.. The recovery met- with some resistance, and prices shaded from the best here and there but final quotations resulted In many substan tial gains. - ' The bend market was irregular. with total aales par value of 41.448, 000. United States government bonds ware unchanged on call. Total sales stocks for the day 629,000 share. It STOCKS Allls Chalmers pfd ., . ...... 13 Amal -Copper ' 4H Ahier Agri . .. 66 4 Amer Beet Sujar V 61H iner can Atner Car and Found . . . . . . Amer Cotton Oil Atner Hide and Leather pfd Atner Ice Securities . . Amer Unseed . . Amer Locomotive , Amer 8 melt and Refng . . . Amer Smelt and Refng pfd . , Atner Steel Found 10 H. , . 10 " SI 117' ti 31 IT ' Hf - 103 1274 104 78 343 . 17 tt 33 37 Vt 20 21 41 148 124t if i tl 141 .13 m 37 66 33 88 61 'A 434 154S4 12V 53 T 138 1! it hi 1174 1 11 38 H 184 82 47 104 141 35 137 34 454 133 B84 31H 104 49 l4Ts 71.1a 125 30 V 132 34 20 34 3 k ti 43 113 fStt Tli. 27 1 46 182 3 70 II 5j M n ' 7 7 175 Amer Sugar Refng Atner Tel and Tel mer Tobacco pfd . . .. . . mer Woolen haconda Mining Co, .V - .v . . 44oiueo4i-rv .- . . Atohison pfd . , ACL 8 and O Btthlehem Steel Brook Rapid Trans . , , . , . Can Pao . . . , f , ; . a , , . Can Leather . . , . Sen Leather pfd en ot N J , C and O .. Ohio and Alton , Ohio Great West Ohio Great West pfd Chic and North West ., . , Chlo Mil and Bt P ., .. , , 0 C C and St L .. ., Col Fuel and Iron . , . , , , . , Col and Sou , . , , , don Gas Corn Products , . . , , Dela and Hud .. .. .. .. .. Den and Rio Grands . . , , , , Den and Rio Grande pfd . . . . Distillers Securities Brie . . . . , , . Brie 1st pfd ' , Brie 2nd pfd ' , , den Elec , , , , , Great North pfd Great North Or ctfs in Can . . Inter borough" Met Interborough Met pfd , . . . Inter Harvester . . . , , . . . . , Inter Marine pfd ., Inter Paper , later Pump , , , lawa Cen , . , , . , . Han City Sou , , , , , Kan City Sou pfd , Leveled Oas . . , , , , , , , , ti a4 VJ , . ., ,, Ulna and Bt L , , , . . . . , , . Jtflna St P and Sault Ste M Me Kaa ad Tex . . . , . . . , Me Kan aod Tex pfd . . . . . , M-e Pao ,, Nat Biscuit ,, ,, .. ., , , 4at Lead . .. .. Nat fiya of Mex 2nd pfd .. N Y Can f.f Qat and Wast mi V .., ... ,, Mertfa Asaer , , , , . r t it it a )aa ,.. Aa . . . . '. '. Q 7nd'St L' "... , ii ur . . . . , . . . . . ppriif yt y. y. i ct n :r SteeJ 'pfd' : . Iiau4 Co . . . . . , . Ua4 Co ptfl .. and $n Fran ind' pfd "6'weai .. . -. . P'vemt pfd . . . '. . I jSheatleld Steel' and Iron . . arid Weal and Wast jpTd h . .. .. i pti '.. i; .'. ' asthghnUa ttleo ' ateth Uovian'". . .'.' teeiCng iad UUL XriA' 'a.VTley . . .. .. . ; JRcrmadA 1 smtar ilahlng ArasBcvp l&te. nf abotU flve aao ,anff na4l hj'cc&fctojga ami ofr.coacxata MtttoB Jti aifilr.ariior rODeimg wucn .mutes jianzngwo. 1taand' with the ocean, and fixing a ijcaen rr-'nt ie exit ti Ch. z Sao . .' mi a -.Wiabaal ,Wt COtTON MARKET v VERY NERVOUS new. york; Aug. , t.-t"P o10" market was very aervous and unset' tied (dday but Whole fluctuation were somewhat Irregular with, the bulls ev idently 'meeting a food deal of scat teting opposition. New crop deliveries sold well above the closing fliurea of lat week, and while the close was barely steady In tone. . with Augusj two point. lower, later. position wer from 34 to 35 points net higher. The market opened steady at an ad. vance ot 7 612 points on bull support and covering. There seemed nothing fresh in the news to inspire buying, and after showing a net advance of from ') 30 to 24 point, the market eased. oJT several points from the best unden realising by early traders and a renewal of bear pressure. This carried prices off to -within' 7ll' points of Saturdays finals,, but folt lowing report of high .temperatures in; tne southwest there was a renewal ot aggressive bull support and an other covering movement which sent new crop positions above 11 cents and -to a net -gain of 'from 30932 uolnt. , Offering became more active and. more general around thl levej ana iaai price were a lew point on from the best In consequence. October eontractg-aojd at 11.17 compared with 11.10, the low point of Saturday; lt.74 the high point of Friday and 10.81 the low record ot last week; closing at 11.4, bid. Broker supposed to be working for the new, bull clique whose operations have been regard ed as responsible for the. sensational upturn of last week," were credited with buying a very large amount of cotton during the day, the purchases oeing estimated at over 100,000 bales. the selling was scattered and 'un doubtedly included a good many or ders from .the south, while local traders, in many cases seemed to be against the market and disposed to sell freely whenever bull support was withdrawn. Owln-r to the bolt' day there were no cables from Liv erpool. Beyond the talk: of high tem perature in the : southwest, weather advices seemed to afford little ground for complaint ana there was no change in the average of reports from the dry goods trade. Receipts today 8,835 bales against 1,992 last week, and 500 last year. Today's receipts at, New Orleans 557, against 810 jast year and at Hous ton 778. Cotton, spot "closed quiet; middling uplands 13.76; do gulf 13.00; sales 4 Dale; cotton futures opened steady and closed barely ateady. Open High Low ... 13.80 13.80 13.43 Close 13.44 , 11.48 11.4 11.48 11.51 11.43 Aug. 8ept. Oct Nov. Deo. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July . .. ."... 11.32 .. 11.33 11.57 11.88 ... 11.34 11.67 , . 11.39 11.52 11.44 11.82 11.83 11.83 11.38 11.38 11.80 11.87 11.55 11.49 11.37 11.45 11.81 v NEW tfORK 5?ROmJCEl NEW YORK, Aug, 7. Flour was firmly - held - with a fair trade. Ry flour quiet. Corn meal steady. Rye nominal, oariey. nominal. .. ; i Wheat atraai -No. 2 ire new- t elevator and 97 f, o. b. afloat Op tions closed Arm with renewel buying at 1 net advance, sept 8; Deo. 1.02. , Corn easy: No. 2 corn 70 elevator. lomestlc basis to arrive and export No. S, 70 f. o. b. afloat. Options norm- inal, net lower to 2o higher. Bept 69; Dec. TO. Oats easy; tanlard white 4 I No. 2. 47; No. 3. 46; No. 4. 45; closel nominal. . w Lard fiAn. Petroleum steady. Wool, rosin, turpentine quiet Rice steady. Molasses stealy. Raw sugar firm; re fined ateady. Coffee futures closed steady, net un changed to I points higher; spot oof fee quiet; Rio No. 7, 13; Santos No. 4, 184; mild coffee quiet; Cor dova 14 016, nominal. Butter steady' to firm. Cheese Arm, Eggs steady. Potatoes weak; white No. 1, 2.76 3.25; No. 2, 1.26 2.00; Southern sweets barrel 2.60 04.00; Jersey bas ket 2.6002.60. Cabbages easy, 1.6008.66 per 100. CHICAGO CATTLE , CHICAGO, Aug. 7. Cattle: receipts 24,000; generally strong; beeves 6.00 07.50; Texas steers 4.6006.15; west ern steers 4.1904.20; stockers and feeder I cow and heifers 2.160 6.00; calves 6.6007.76. Hogsv receipts 35,660; market strong; light 6.3507.60; mixed 6.86 07.60;" neavy 6.6607:60: rough 6:66 06.85; good to Choice heavy 6.65 0 8.60; pig 5.8607.46; bulk of sates 7.1007.45,, Sheep: receipts 25,066; market steady: native 2.26 0 8.26; western 2.6008.86; yearlings 3.7604.80; lambs, native 8.76 06,46; westerns 4.2606.90. CALL MONTE?. MBW iork, Aug. 7. Money onj can arewir, miriii per oeni, rul ing rat 144 closing, bid 3 ; offered at 2r Vims loan firm; 60 day 3 0 8 per cent; 90 day 303; six month 6 4 0 4 per cent Prime mer cantile paper 4 to 4 per cent Ster ling exchange steady with actual bus iness )n bankers' bills at 483.90 for 60 6 ay pill and at 466.66 for demand. Commercial bill 4.63. Bar stive 62. Mexican dollars 46. ROOMS Jfp RENT. LARGS erlgU nicely furnished rooms with board, close in, near it. Main car fine. 34 Woodin St 1371-28-30 FURNISHBQ ROOMS for light house keeping, cheap. Sick people taken. 64 North French Broad, Phone 1670. 724-7-3 FOR RENT Rooms to ladle or man and wife, hath and modern convent' lence. Apply 30 Starnes Av. P1617-8-1 FOR RENT A desirable front room, newly fufaiahed, good location with or without board. 83 Montford Ave 15--8-7 WANTED Permanent well people to " occupy comfortable ,room with modern convenience. Mr. Alice Tance, 147 Haywood St P1600-4-3 FOB RENT Suite f three roons In -Citizen building. Apply at UualntV jpftlea. - c I ti TOR eysT-Furnlhd , ornnfirrn r 'lahel irobm. Desirabla loeatkm, 211 Pattoti Ave. Phone 731. TiO-7-1 - if ' - - .- One 6 -room teaemeat, All modern improvw tenia. Arnlr 317 uanrood 8t . ... J92-J-tt NEW; ORLEANS COTTON. ''''SlW'oKC-lfcNV Aug. r'-Cotton futures opened steady at an advance ot to IS .points. The rln.f was well upplled wtvh baying orders on and for'eome time after the first call and prices responded quickly to the de mand. The Weather over Sunday was favorable enri rmn nrovtunta fooaxlah. . Private crop reporting bu reaus) came out with reports showing a moderate Improvement In crop con dition. The movement of new cotton was . hoary and Mississippi sent Its flrsf bale jf the new rrop to this msr ket. The cloee-was steady at a net ad vance cf 15 t2 points With the August delivery 20 point up and the more active new crop month 16 to 18 point up, short sell teg increased in. volume and prices fell oft under fhe pressure until the fall months were nnchanged to one point down compared with Saturday's close. The minute Ecnlptng shorts tried to tak" profits however, they fqund the market ready to respond to their ,uj . Much of the selling was based On the receipt hire ot sot bales of new ct-Hj.ana the inmcr that much WW (Siitwn wculij be trr.deved against August calls. Late In th.t morning ses sion short show J nn great confidence and . little bujtng for Ion account put pricoa up In the afternoon session the mar ket was very steady. Spot cotton stea dy unchanged. Middling 12. Sales on the spot 106; to arrive none. Re ceptta 557; stock 25.153. The market tfoeed steady. August -closed 12.18; September tl. 48: October li:S6: t. t'cember 11.33; January. 11.38-; March 11.48; iMay 11.68,-. u (THIOAOO GRAIN . CHICAGO. Aug. 7. Flurried by worse and worse report about black rust In Manitoba, the wheat market today made a violent, upward Jump, Closing prices were at" nearly, the top figures reached, 1 to 1 1 high er than 48 hours before. Corn .fin ished a shade to & up; oats off .to and provisions at an ad- PHONE 80 Wants FOK SALE FOR 8A1JJ 38 aores of land In fin , state of cultivation; six room hbpse, i barn. Very fine orohard, 239' bear mg fruit trees. Four mil from " Aahevllle, " ' mils front macadam road. Fine view, Party leaving state. Will sacrifice it for 14,760.00. Varnon Realty A Insurance Co., ov er Kress' store, ,28 Patton Ave. FOR SAij5rwo-ihjbator-ahdtwb brooders, near, at a 'bargain. Room 9, Revall Bldg. F. P. Ingle. FOR SALE OR RENT Oood new waterproof canvas tents at reason able - price, Ashevllla Harness Co, 43 Paiton ave. FpR BALE Cottage, having six -room with 4arg cloaeta, bath, tor 'room and butler' pantry, fitted .with steam' heat open- fireplaces, ht and cold water, electrlo bells; separate kitohen, laundry and two bed rooms; large stable and car riage house, two claries) cow barn, granarv. tool house and sheds, wood shed, steam boiler engine, pump, and circular saw complete; it acres of land with lawns, flower and vegetable gardens, orohard and Vineyard, Situated In Brevard, N, C. For terms and information apply to P. Q. Morris, Lendrum, S, C. . P1468-4-89 , FOR SALE Handsome Stieff piano for 3160; used a few years, but good a new. Addrea H, O., car Cltisen. P1381-31-30 FOR SALE Freah crab meat re ceived daily. Aihevllle Flh Co., Phones 23-289, City Market 762-11-7 FOR SALE! A 7-reom, modern house, large lot on Merrimon Ave. Price 3,260 if taken at onca. Own er leaving city; must aell. Donaho A Bledsoe, 1616-8-1 FOR BALE Car load of choice ve hicle and harness, bought in the . north from families who have given up driving for automobiles; new and second-hand vehicles of every description always on hand. Patton ?; Htlkeleather Storage Warehouse, 61 Patton ave. FOR SALE Chestnut on hundred fifty acres, three and hsrtf miles from Penrose, Transylvanian, Co. Chaa. F. Baldwin, Blantyre, N. C. P1444-3-7 FOR BALE-Crlmson Clover at 17 per bushel after August 12. Should be sown In August. Grant's phar macy. 1612-8-81 FOR SALE 200 bushels crimson clover seed for Aug. 20 to Sept 1st delivery. 37.00 per bushel. L K. Btrlcker ft Co., 116 Patton Ave. Phone 261. 1498-4-4 WANTED To sell scholarship. Th holder of a scholarship In the Ashe vllle Business College cannot us ame thl year and would therefore dispose of It at a very low price. Address E. P. C, care of Th Clti sen. P1490-6-5 A COMPLETE BUSINESS EDUCA tion la found in the double (a-b) scholarship at th Aahevllle Busl cea College. Buy now and enter later, you get the summer rate. 6-3 SALESMEN WANTED HUSTLINO worker to handle mag-Waant.-aew cenaua .mapa. - Quick seller; big profit; money making cnance vi iu jews, imuiiuq wi. Atlanta, C. P14A3- -39-17 K. Y. DRY GOODS. X1Bt? 1"6RJC, Aoc. 2. Th eetton jropd market were quiet nd stead ied 'jlvarc&ot,'H" cent a yard ar annouzjea y1 graces i .wiwvuva rauaUna. " Dresa goods are' In light demand. Raw ellk la ateady. Tarns are quiet wltn an easing tendency. C vance of 3i0 17M Cash grain; wheel: No. 1 red 30; Nc-.,3 rtd.60; Nti. 3 hard 1 094; No.- 3 hard 0t; No. 1 north ern old 1.1001,12: No. l northern new 1.05 01.071 No. ! northern old 1.0601.10; No. ' 3 northern new M 01.04; No. 3 northern old 1.0001.04; No. 8 spring new 88; No. 3 spring 90 098; other grades negiected. Corn: No. t. 40: No. 2 white 67r; No. 1 yllov 4404; no. t 640 ; No. 8 white 6667; No. 8 yellow 640.; No. 4. 3f: No. 4 white 650; No. 4 llow 630 64. Oats: No, . whit 40041: No 3 white 4V4l NOsA white 400 ; . j - a.l, All Ir Open High Low Close 2 .93 .06 .97i 1.02 1.03- 6 .64 .61 .61 .63 .44 41 .43 .44 .44 .46' .47 Wheat: Sept. .93 . Dec. , .97 May 1.0! .83 .? 1.63 A ,65 .62 .64 , . ",44 Corn Sept. Dec. May tiats: Sept Dec. 444 .63 .34 .43 .44 May .47 W7 Mess pork pfri bbl.: Sept 17.36 f0 Jan. 16.60 3.70 Lard per ,100. lbs : Sept. 9.00 M5 17.85 16.60 17.85 16.65 9.10 9 15 K.00 8.10 Dec. 8.10 Short fibs per-100 ls.; Sept. Oct. Jan. 0.40 9.52 v.37 9.45 9.33 8.47 9.36 8.48 9.35 MO 8 27 8.4S Every Vcman isMiaMa en smum " limit tbt wQMferNI i MARVEL WIhHmsj Ssrsy nw vagmai aywrise. MOM 6MHlTJW0Jslt H cliiam lasanrly. Ask! If ha MARVEL, accept ae s m mA mmu for lUaMnua book mM. IttTMfullMrtlai Ur ud UneUm larahubto to bolts SlUlia C6., 446MI2M 6trM. I caaset susilr aMV r. i5 ltizenmant Ms Bring Results Wants M1kMJkVki CLAIRVOYANT RENEWAL OFFER Being foroed through presgnre ot . business to ask' many who called to ae me, ilast week : on my special offer, to call again'f renew my apeotal rat far: today and tomorrow only-thl ad with 60 tents entitle you to one of my $6.00 tranoa reading. Come, And out who the "special one" Is. Don't make a fatal mis take, one that' will jnaka you mli- L erable fhr,J!fK lj. takjn. leap to rth dark, roti can teirin a very few minute whether or not I can truthfully and intelligently foretell the future for you. And it la car talnly worth 60 cents and a few momenta time to you. I have help ed others.. Have cleared-the dark Clouds of susplHon and caused th sunlight 'of happiness to shed its radiance on lives that had hereto fore -hefts ' nethtng but dark, days of misery. Have pointed out to de spairing men -the road to wealth and success. And remember, 1 am no floater. I 'm permanently lo cated here. This Offer is made again so those .who oalled last week will not be disappointed, Prof. Saavee, 108-110 Haywood St. Pi 64.4-7-8 FASTED WANTED For cash, l or even room, wel built house, Modem con veniences, large lot, good locality. Must b cheap, . Slat location and price. Address, I, A, C, care C'ltlj sen. P1488-3-7 WANTED Drass making to do at 88 Haywood Hi. Guaranteed fitting and satisfaction. Opposite Audi torium. P1440-3-7 WANTED To buy a farm of 10 to 16 acres with 5 or 6 room house, Jrithin three nules Of Pack square M. Messier, American National Bank building. 8t HOUSIB CU' NLVU TliltW a0 all kiuds l! house sieanieg, rug and carpet. Lis Vacuum cleaner which enable u , te do meaning at your bnaa ' or w loan bring aam to our, cleaning depart- Pent Aai-vl"e v.arpi House, hon 2ii6. WANTED Ever, feature of the cleaning and dyeing business h received careful study for year. That accounts for th great throng pf patrons that will take no other service. Expert workers who are as careful Jn handling your gar ments aa you are yourself. Quick service. Phone 369,, , ), C. Wilbar, pn th Squar. . WANTED To buy I irl good sec ond hand bicycles; must ba In good condition. Address P, O. Box 194. P1401-39-1 WANTED By lady .of refinement, to call at our home and remove ob jectionable hair from face, neck and arm, liox 226, City. 1445-3-7 WANTED Seven -room modern houi pn car line, just out side city 11m its. Salesman, car Citlsen. P1488-6-3 WANTED To make estlmat of cost of plumbing to be don in that nw hoas you're going to bund. We do sanitary plumolng. ana guarantee it J . L. men riuniDing Co - Phone, 364 NEW YORK OATTLE NEW YORK, Aug. 7. Beeves: re ceipts 3,613; steers .6947.00 coVs 1.75 94.85. -i . Calves: receipts 1 127.' reals' 6.5047 9.50; grasser end buttermilka 3 00 04.60; a few feeders at 1.00; west ern 4.754J7.26. - - Sheep and lamb: receipt 14,161; beep 2.8004 00; cull 1.604J1.76; lamb 4.76 7.3S; one, car .7.40; cull 3.60 tj 4.60. f, Hogs; receipt 6.743) market strong st T.466J7.73. 7 ... . : ,; . EXCHANGE CVOVEO S . '' IONDON. Aug. 1. Today ta a bank holiday and all London and Liverpool exchange ar. closed. -tv...; NOTICE. , By jrjrtua o the Powr fit sale t-plj, tained In a certain deed of trust made to A. F. Felthaus and wife en No'. 4, 1908, to secure the payment ot a note for 8600. bearing Interest from date, recorded on book 7. page i. reference to which I hereby made for full particular and description, said lot lying and being In the city of Aahevllle, N. C, on the south atde ot Clayton atreet beginning on a stake In the southern margin of Clayton street, comer of lot No. 11 of a plat herein after referred to and runa south 3 degrees, west 165 teet to a stake. Barnett'a Una, thence south 87 de grees east 65 feet to a stake In said line, corner ot lot No. 9. theivre north I degrees east 16.3 (eet to a stake In the southern' margin of Clayton street, corner of lot No. 9; thence north 87 degree west with said margin ot said street, 66 feet to the beginning. Uelng lot No. 10 of a plat of lots recorded in book No, 189 on page 63; also the same lot conveyed to Anton F. Fel thaus by Z. C. Fiaher, . widower, by deed dated Nov.; 10th, v 1906, which deed I recorded In th office of reg ister of deeds of Buncombe County, North Carolina, In book No. 146, page 348, to which reference la hereby made for further purposes by descrip tion. Default having been made In the terms and conditions of said deed of trust and the Indebtedness secured thereby having been requested by the holder, ot said power of sale by rea son of such default, I will sell at puhT lie ourtlon for cash, to the highest bidder, at the court houae door. In the City of Ashevlllo, on the 6th of Sept., 1911, at 13 o'clock, the above described property. EDWIN L. RAT. Trustee.. 1318-1-3-15-31 In th German textile Industry the tendency la to use female in place u male labor. HELP WANTED WANTED Ona aeoond cook, two kit , chen men. on, combination pastry cook and baker, all colored. Apply to John O. Haydock, Hwannanoa Hotel, between nine And. eleven' thirty , m., and two and four p. tn. today . P16K-I-1 r WANTED Two whit waitresses, on colored pastry cook, ona laundry woman, two colored dish .washer. . illghlejidJUka- Club, jFlsAaRook. P16U-6-9 WANTED Color.d maid. Woodfin 8t Apply 104 1307-7-J TOU ARB WANTED for govrn"int poMtlon. 686.00 month. Hand postal for list ef positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept 398 H.. Rochester, N. T, P1846-36-8m WANTED Three maids to, go to Mountain Meadows Inn. Must be ready to leave Ashe vl lie at 5 p. m Saturday, Call at I Aston place. ' s 1449-f-tf WANTED Whit boy "wltlTwheel at Montford Drug Store. 1437-6-tf WANTED At onca, whit dining room girl at Imperial Hotl, Can ton, N. .a . 1494.4-8 MEN Our Illustrated catalogue ex- filalna hew w tsaeh . barber trade n few weeks, mailed free. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Qa. P1468-6-6 WANTED For Hotel Balaam, Bal aam, N. C, a few experienced white waitresses, Oood wages and goor fare. Also two colored dish washers. Olv experience and last place employed In first letter. Ad dress i. O. Haydock, Mgr., Hotel Balsam, Balsam, IS. C. PI 444-6-3 WANTED Physician registered In N. Carolina, immediately. Addrea Dr. Brantley, 63 American Bank Bldg 1477-6-tf MISCELLANEOUS AUTIMOBILO FOR HIRE Chaim er touring car. 13.60 an hour. Cay or night Call No. 1310. W. a Plommong. P666-34-90 AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE New Hudson, i-passengr touring oar; call at Sawyer's Oarage or phone 1110. C. L. Taylor. 1333-34-80 OLD CARPETS. NEW BUGS Sand carpets to us, w make th rugs, any slxe, write for catalogue. Ori ental Rug Oo., 1161 Cathedral St.. Baltimore, Md. 19-39 ! CAROLINA COMMERCIAL SCHOOL I Peart Holman, prtn., O. U Hall, latent prln, See Mia Holman or Mr. Hall for special price. Phone 117. 1443-8-30 WRITE TODAY Graduate nun will care for few itck patient who need rest and quiet home for the winter. Ideal climate. Coma to the Valley and enjoy home cook ing, nice large rooms, large 90 foot porch, swings, horse and carriage to take you driving and every atten tion given your comfort. Address Box 127, Morgan ton, N. C. PUJ2-6-6 OUR DOUBLE (a-b) scholarship has made two thousand young people independent It's the very best for fall and winter study. Ashevllle Business College. 6-3 WANTED Board In private fxjnlly, wife and t-'year-old child. If can get right place, will be permanent, or a year at least Bute price and full particulars. Traveling Sales man, Lock Box 839. City. P1603-7-2 BUT A DOUBLE SCHOLARSHIP now . t th AsneTIll Business College, you get the, summer rate. 6-8 STOLEN. BXOLAN Several week age, push cart, iron Wheel. Reward If re Wants turned ta Cltlsea office. 636-31-tf '. '-v.. .. ; BATTERY PARK BANK Capital $100,000. Surplus and; Profita. $130,000 4 PER CENT PAJD ON CERTIFI CATES PF DEPOSIT. BUSINESS SOLICITED, ' i JAMFA P. SAWl'EK, Pre. TKNCH C. COXR. Vice Pre). , C. RANKIN, ACTO AND CAM COLLIDE NEW BEDrMRD. Maa., Aug. 7. A girl was killed and nine other per sons were hurt, ome of them erl ouly, when an automobile containing tlx children and two men crashed Into an elect rlu car on th Fejrhaven bridge tonight. ' , The dwud girl 1 Alice Wright aged 15 year. The automobile waa going over the bridge behind a Falrhaven car. It It laid that the automobile shot out from behind the electrlo car directly In the path of another trolley car going In the oppolte direction. The automobile, which owned and driven by Oeorge A. Shott. wa wrecked and all Ita occupants were thrflwn out Alice Wright sustained a fracture ot the skull. Sha'dled In short time. Moantaln City Steam Laundry CLEAN AND SANITARY Our business la te plea. Qlv at trial SO Nortli Lexington Ateaat) Teiephooa aia Wants HEAL ESTATE Von MALB DESIRABLE Hendaraonvlll property , ror ai. Mine-room : mouse, ser ve ntg' 'cottage, barn, la Flat Rook drive just ouulde corporation lim it. In good condition, absolutely the on bargain offered here. Oood . reason for selling, Addres "Own. r," Box 816. Hendrsonvill. N. a .: . - ..,:.. P1476-I-7 .1." -n .iM,i ii. .mi.ii ii.iii FOR SALE 120-scr farm . eight mile from Ashevllle. Well watered . and timbered,' Good buildings, Z. V. Oreen, Rout I, Blltmore, N. C, , 1601-7-3 FOR BALE The most desirable reel dene In Ashevtll. about 18 aore of garden, lawns and green nouses, stablea.. servanla' quarters, . ato, - near car Una; magnlfloent view; owing to th owner leaving town . this place can he bought at a great bargain. J. J. MoCloskey, Real to- .tata Broker, 78 Patton Av. . FOR sale An eight room house on a largo lot on Marrimon avenu $4,000. Good term. Lot of other bargains. F, M, Meaeler, American National Bank building. Phon 683. . : - 6t FOR BALE 85 acr. good build lug ' Strong branch. Dsatrabla for poultry and 'dairy, Station half mil, 11,600. Chaa. F. Baldwin, Bluntyr, Transylvania Co., N, O P11I4-18-30 FOR HBMT FOR R1CNT Seven-room, furnished house near Proximity Park. Owner moving from oity, A bargain. Ad dress C. B. Q., care Citlsen. P1608-8-7 FOR RENT On car line, near square, new house. 41 Oak St P1613-8-3 FOR RENT Ten room cottage. AU convenience. 46 North- French Broad. September first. D, S. Wat son FOR RENT. ' NEW CAD1LLAO touring oar for rent at Western Carolina Auto Co., Phone 390. 776-12-tf FOR RENT Two houses tn depot section, one 810.60 and other 316 month, Marsteller A Co., 20 Hay wood St FOR RENT 3 store rooms in th lilomberg building on Went College St, suitable for any business. Will rent reasonable, Apply to L, Blom berg. 17 Patton Ave. v BALDWIN'S Headache Remedy th bast of all. 26 rents everywhere. TWO OR THREE freahly furnished rooms for housekeeping uaa range, electric lights, bath. Apply 29 Flint Bt. P1480-3-7 LOST LOST Plaited bracelet with thre diamonds on top. Liberal reward offered finder. Please return to B. M. W 46 Sprue St P3-8 LOST A fountain pan either at poat- prric or between postotno and Battery Park, Wednesday morning. Finder suitably rewarded. James p. Sawyer. 1469-4-24 LOST Coming down Overlook moun tain, laaya a,igin nunung case watch. Initial "E" on one aide Reward for return to Citizen office. . 1619-3-1 LOST Dinner ring, about twenty mall diamond set in platinum; sappblr In center. Liberal reward return to Manot. P1476-6-8 Southern iaid A. 225 and 226 Legal RuUdiny KltWLN SLCDER, Vice) ve 47. B. RANKIN Cashier, Assistant Cashier, .. ."; niiiiiitiiiiiiiiii-iiiniir.niiimuiut; I. m 'i - w. r' 'Wk 'fr SPECIAL PRICES On all Rugs and Mat ting and also an extra 57 discount for cask We have a large stock of New Ruga and these prices should ap peal to you. ' Asheville Carpel House , . . .. ruoiae ate 1 -: Hog. M Cbawtti Mi ' A rJVa a 'a.ww "THO LA WRENCB" Large, - pleB ,ant, nicely furnlhd room and ex cellent board; two block from square; desirable neighborhood; no Ick peopl. 16 Nona Main Street jr-none . -36-tf Ju ROCK LIC DOE 46 Haywood, aoross from Auditorium, half block from i Battery Park, furnace beat Mr p, J. Cocoran, Prop, . 83-l-tf " .ii " mt fit i ..." .j ." WANTED Boarder- la trlotly Kosh, ' er boarding house. Apply 83 Clay ton Bt i--. ., ..1495-6-3 BOARDERS WANTED AT 13 Hay. wood; clos In; larg airy rooms; good table. Mat 66.06 per -week. Hick peopl not taken ' .' 1271-30-8 COUNTRY BOARD II and 37 par week.'. Mineral spring.' No' eon- samptlv. Good taol. ! B. F,!' -, Smith, Ahvlll,N, CV R. F, D No,- I. ' !, " ' " " P1488-6.7 IF YOU'RE In Asnevlll to recupsr.. ate, stop at Claytod Height.' bie.p. , out If you Ilk. Rata 36 to 97 per wk. ihon 746. - P787-I-IO ANY ONE LOOKING - for a nlc ' pleasant place for ', thv summer Would do well t sail on 141s Bella -Burtiette, 1(7 ... lattoft avenue, Phon 347. . tt4-13'2m WANTED A few select boarder at Lak Vtv eottag. ; kiverythlng ' pleasant and homenlke. Addres d, L. Lotapeluh, Wavrvllle, N. C. " v , 111.14-21 V PAOEBHOOK 163 Chestnut street, Nlc sunny room and excellent tabl. Near ear. Una. rbone .833. . THE BELVIDERE 67 Spruce, Bt,, eieganuy lumunea; large airy rooms; tabl unsurpassed. Phon a 464. 1464-31.36 POSITION WANTED WANTU-Foaiuoa in . AbviHa by young lady stenographer . ef .xp-1 rienc by August 20th; best fUt'l encea furnished on request. Apply! to Box 62, Greensboro, N. C. , , WANTED Position s. Position - or . eomaeoint . wnHe gin waiirvsei vr to no .ugns raltl house work Addres H . . ear 3 Citlsen P1444-4-4 ? 1""" -- WANTED Position saleslady erf cashier. Experienced an can fur-J nlah best reference Address, p. 0. 4 Box 326, Aahavtll.. . ,. P1473-6-3 W A NTBI Position a . ateaograpber r by younj lady with two year x. ; perlence. Now employed, but d- ' sire, to make change now or by? Sept. 1. Reference furnished. Ad dress L, R. Smith, Box 31. Spar.', tanburg, B. C. P1414-4-4 , WANTED By a lady of xpeiience ' . a kindergarten olaa or children to f entertain for a few hour each day )' at a summer resort . Can give t4 X refereneea Address, "T," Bex 133. Hampton, "ft C -in414-6-X ' , I I III Mi II i l l. II II .,, WANTED position"'! juhtrtll by t. , youn man , tenographar of xpe-:' , lienc by August- 20th; beet refer.)? encee furnished on request. Apply to Box 62, Greensboro, N. C, . P1467.4-T': i v i' .fn ,. i ,i i) j ii. u 11.JI i "i if'ir i. if i ri.Li ' ' . FOE RENT i J Large Residence, well lo-lj cated on 3Iontfo'rct lavenue. -OANADAY REALTY CO., Pboaa M4,' Iff Fnc -Bqnara. uctlori Compzn " . Azt-M:i It. C Wants

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