THE ASITEVTLLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUG XJST 23, 1911 Society and Personals on :7 Thre will be n Informal dance to night at Cherokee Inn. Dunn or chestra v7.1l furnish the music, and as these dance always prove very popu lar, there will no doubt be a number of people attending this one. Last night. In her, home In West Aaheville. Miss Besl Klklna gave a fsllghtful birthday party. Mush; and games were enjoyed until a late hour, when delicious refreshments were served. Among Miss Elkln s guests were Mine Bertha Ford, Miss '"ore Ford, Miss Mary Swain, Miss Caralee Pertller, Miss Led ford, Miss Karl, Miss Cora Duckett. Miss Fannie Ford, Mr. Roy Robert. Clyde Hawkins, Heath Braslll, Arthur Whltnru, Al bert Peterson, Will Howard. Ben Ford, Arthur Liverett, Earl Hannltk, Herbert Bikini. J J Monday night Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Oreen entertained at their home on Btarne avenue, with a dinner In hon or of Mrs. Glenn L. Ray of Toledo, O.. and Mr. Jaa. R. Lee of Idaho. J J The Thursday bridge club meets this week with Mrs. D. Hoffman, st her home on Orchard street. Jl M The Baraca class of Haywood street Methodist church will give the Pnllstnta olasa a watermelon feast to night In the Baraca, class room of the church JM Jit The Friday bridge club meets this waek at the home of Mrs. M. L. Btev ana on Wst Chestnut street. Mlas Corona, Ryne, who has spent the sumnvr with Mrs. F. W. Clee, 5 Elarnes avenue, left yesterday for her home In Indianapolis. wood street, left last night for Al On. Mrs. Nosh, of Earl, friends In the i-lty. Ark., la vlaltlng Lr. Is In visit. J. A. Selgler, of Jacksonville, the city fur a several weeks' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Malone left for Atlantic City yesterday. Mr. end Mrs. 1. H. McNeill, of New Decatur, Mis, are umong the guests at Battery Park. Every woman's heart responds to the charm and sweetness of a baby's voice, because nature interred her for motherhood. Iitit even the loving j nature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a time is regard ed as a period of suflerinq' and danecr. j Women who use Mother's Friend arc I saved much discomfort and suffering. I Mrs. ('. A. Walker, who has been ana lucir systems, being thoroughly visiting Mrs F. A. Abbott at 21 Hay- 1 prepared by this trreat remedy, are in a healthy condition to meet the time with the least possible stiflerin:; nnd danger. Mother's Friend ja recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers ; it is in no sense a remedy for various ills, but its many years of success, and the thousands of endorsements re ceived from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from its use. This remedy 1 does not accomplish wonders but sim- j ply assists nature to perfect its work. I Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre ... - - ! vents caking oi the breasts, and contributes to vlEVf SVtHsff strong, healthy 11 ItfJLili motherhood. Mother's Friend is sold at draff stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. BRADHELD REGULATOR CO., Atlmf, C lir. and Mrs, Frank Rogers, of At lanta, are gueata In the city. Mr. and Mr. D. H. Jenklne and children, of Caroleen, N. C. are guest in the city. Mr. nod Mrs. William Jones, of Tarborov ar guest In the city for ttm days. Mr. and Mrs. Low, and child, of At luta. ftr spending several days In . tha city at Cherokee Inn. . -t Mr. Chepherd Ramaaur, of Atlanta, la In tha city for. several days. Mr. K L. Hurrell. of Darlington, st'C, 1 tha guest of friends In the city. Mitt Lorena Bright, of Dickson, Tsnn., and Miss Jessie Moody, of Waynetviiie, a m th city for a few -weeks, Mr. W. T. Bryan and Miss Marie Bryan art In tha city for several day. , Mrs. "1. X. Chambers, Mines Corn and Mamie Chambers are among tha umber who left yesterday for At lantlo Ctty. i Mr. O. Ellt Gardner, of BurnsvtUa. ; is tn th city. . , . , Tr- Walter E. Moor, Esq., of Webater, arrived In tha city yesterday. . Mr. Jt. E. Coburn, of Bryson City, la I ia tbs city. , t-V- -t I Mrs, J. B. Canon and children and Mtss Ophelia Patterson, of Teas, are among the summer visitors in tha ctty. Mr. and Mr. N. M. Proput, of Con cord. ar guests at Cherokee inn. Mr. W. Harrsll and Mr. W. P. Corbett, of Valdoeta, Oa.. are in th city for several day. Mr. and Mr. James Kurkland and family, from Dallas, Tea-., are spend ing several weeks In Ashevllle. Mr. Waldo Martin, who haa been vlaltlng hi sister t her home, "Woodstock," leaves today for hi horn near Martin, Fla, Mr. and Mr. R. 8. Olbbs, of Mars Hill, passed through Ashevllle yeeter day en routs to Baltimore and New Tork on a business trip. Mrs. W. F. Chenault of Cleveland. 1. C, Is vlaltlng her sister. Mrs. Jnn. W. Clin on South French Broad. Mr. Julia LlttleJohn, of Memphis Tann.. and Mra 0. E. Rogers and two children, of Crawfordavllle, Ark., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Hyder. at Emms, Mr. Cleveland LlttleJohn, of Mem phis. Tenn.. Is expected today as the guest of friend nd relatives In West Ashevllle and Emma. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Swift of Green wood, Miss., are visiting In the city. Mr. J. 8. Wilson and daughter, of Lancaster, 8. C, are In the city for several adys. , Mlas Amanda McDIrmtd. of Syla cango, Ala., Is a guost at Battery Park. Mr. and Mra. Jack Robinson, of Augusta, are visiting friends In Ashe vllle. Mr. Avery Gates, of Hendersonvllle, was in the city yestsrday. Miss Myrtle Rollins Is spending a few daya at Lake Toxaway. Mr. and Mrs. John Leche and daughter, of Talllcu. La., are the gueata of Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Robl chaux, 812 Montford avenue. " - l kv-m, av V Mothers. THE MOUNTAIN CITY LAUNDRY Will have its formal opening of the now plant Wednesday, All will De wfleorw-d on that datp to see what a splendid plant avc have. Mountain City Laundry Phone 426. ..;4'.v.:' ..v'-Xv.viVtV.;1 Mr. A. D. Sproat left yesterday for New Tork. where she will spend some tlma on business. Mrs. R. A. Brower, of Concord, nd Mr. N. McN. Smith, of Laurlnburg. who are spending some time at Black Mountain, were Ashevllle visitors yes terday. Mr. Richard Loughran, who has been spending a few day In Green ville, ha returned to Ashevllle. Mr. R. H. Luther and family and Mra W. C. Rtradley are spending the week at Chimney Rock on a camping trip. Mrs. A. R. Ommanney and Miss Katharine Ommanney, who have pent the past year In Ashevllle, re turn this week to their home in Den ver, Colo. Mrs. Ommanney and her daughter hav made many friends during their stay In th city, who will karn with considerable regret of their Impending departure. Mlas Msuda Elder, of Barneavllla, Oa., la the guest f her sister, Mra John H. Burbage. at the home of the latter on Spear avenue. Dr. John H. Tappan, of El Paso, Tex.,, is spending a day or two In Asrefvllle on his return from Balsom, where ha haa been visiting his mother for some weeks. Arthur Wiley, of Charlotte, Is visit ing his parents at their home on Pat ton avenue. ooga, are Dickinson, the guesta of Mrs. C. on South Grove street. D. Miss Dorothy Blomberg and Miss Sallle Zasler have gone to Atlantic City, New Tork, and Baltimore for a fifteen days' trip. Mrs. Diamond and Mlas Annie Dia mond leave today for Atlantlo City and New Tork for eeveral weeks' visit. Mr. A. 8. Wlckert, of New Tork. Is the guest of Dr. J. Wohlfarth at his home on Pearson drive. Mrs. L. R. Whitlow and two little daughters, who have been visiting Mrs. Whitlow' mother, Mr. O. A. Miller, leave tomorrow for their home In Anderson, 8. C. Mrs. A. H. Waring Is the a-uest of Col. and Mrs. C. 8. Qadsen. of Charles ton, 8. C, at their home In Hender sftnvllle. Mr. Perclval Smith, of Sumter. 8. P.. Is visiting his family, who for the summer are occupying Miss Ppann's bungalow In Iola place. Henry Hood haa returned from a European trip, having been soma time in Paris, buying fall millinery- Mr. O. W. Donnahoe, of Earle, Ark., Is the guest of his brother, Mr. P. A. Donnahoe, on Merrlnum avenue. Mr. E. P. Child. In Victoria, haa as her guests her niece end nephew, Miss Dorothy Atwell and Donald At well. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln P. Miller, of Lancaster, Pa., are the guests of Mrs. i Sinclair Knight In West Ashevllle. j Mr. and Mrs. MrKale and daugh ter, Marie, of Mobile, Ala., are the guests of Mr. E. V. Mitchell on Chestnut, street. Mrs. M. A. LaBarhe and Mlas Ger trude have returned to the city after having spent several week at Wrlghta- vllle. ;.ft!f; Miss Frances Jones, of Black Moun tain, Is the guest of Miss Bessie Gramt. Mrs. B. J. Smith and Clarke Smith arrived In the city yesterday from Chsrlotte. Mr. W. E. Loire n and daughter left yesterday for Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 8. Rollins and Mrs. Haywood Parker leave Fri day for Norfolk, and from there will go by steamer to Boston for several day' visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Flourney, Em mett Flourney and Mis Alberta Gray, of Macon, Oa.. are visiting; In the city. Mr. L. B. MrBrayer. Mis Sadie MeBreyer and Lewis McBrayer, who have been spending some time at their summer home st Blu Mont, have re turned to the city. NORTH EAST WEST SOUTH The NEWS of th day in Ashevllle is the perfect quality of laundry work done the Nichols Way. First class plant and first class nelp make a first class laundry servivce. Phone 95. Ashevllle Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr Great Convenience And saves bother to have your bag gage checked from your house to destination. Ashevllle Transfer & Storage Company Phone 210. Today la the vote offer! last day of the big DAIRY OPERATIONS WILL BE EXTENDED Mrs. F. B. Dickinson. Chandler and D. M. Doty. Mr. M P. of Chattan- Special Values In m- broidered Marquisette Waists m- the This special waist sale offers an unusual opportunity to the woman economically clined. The waists were bought late in season at a considerable discount from mau facturers price, hence our ability to sell them at such a low figure. Attractive designs in cotton Voile, hand somely embroidered in pink, blue, black or white, made with Dutch neck and elbow sleeves and finished with tucks and lace, v. $4.00 Waists at ...$1.49 M. V. MOORE & CO , Specialists Id Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments. 'H''O-''': '" U PATIOS AVE. Bex IT. Brown, nroprletor of Brown' Creamery, and H. L. Nettles aro planning to open a 60-acro dairy fnrm between Buena Vista and 8ky- nd In September and arrangements have been made for morty Jersey cows to be placed on the farm on tn first of the month. It Is tho Inten tion of the promoters to place 150 cattle on the farm about the first of next year. - Mr, Brown stated to a Citizen re presentative yesterday that he was negotiating for a l.DQO-acre tract of land near Hot Springs on which he will place about 00 cattle and a large number of sheep, provided the deal goes through. It Is proposed to run a dairy farm also at this place. y7 Tim 7? y COjRSTS were the first franflaoed corsets la America. They have Improved with every new model and In every sea ion, until It would eem that per fection could be no nearer attained. MISS HUFF, CORSET1ERE Rooms 37 and 18. American National Bank BnOdlng. Borrow a Kodak No charge for use of Kodaks when we do the finishing. Best results guaranteed by dim expert. RAY'S STUDIO 20 ration Atn. Qon Marche Removal Me Mow On Yesterday we were very busy. But considering ev erything the crowd was handled very well. Of course, everybody could not get waited upon the first day. We expect to be better able to take care of the customers today. The sales-stock will be replenished. Fresher and better bargains than ever will be the result of putting the newer goods on sale. Extra specials for today are listed below. Come in and see the others. Hemmed Napkins, goodquality, quantities limited to 2 dozen, $1.00 dozen. Towels, medium size, for 45c dozen. 7 l-2c Black Calico is priced at 5c yard. These are extra Specials for today and will be on the second floor. Harmon's Honey, A Sunshine Food Tha only pre- disested food In the world. The 'Right Food"'4 means health and long life; beautiful to look at, a pleas ure to eat, an en joyment to think of. Give It a trial; ask your dealer. Phone 867. 0. .W. Harmon & Co. TRIMMED HATS at Hall Price v M. WEBB & CO. HAIR GOODS reduced prices on all y y y y y y y y y Thla week we aro offering special hair goods. $7.00 to $10.00 chignons reduced to $5.00 and $6.00. Full line of switches $300 to $7.00. Rhinestone hat pins and all Jewelry novelties one-half off. We make up all special orders of hair goods on two days' notice. Call and let us do your shampooing, manicuring, hair dressing, chiropody, and facial massage. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP Phono 10. 35 Haywood 8t. wEATinat BF.PortT United States department of agri culture, weather bureau. Wills L. Mooro, chief. Tnmperature 8 p.m. Max. Atlanta 76 82 Augusta SO 86 Bo.Mnn 70 SO Birmingham 78 86 Buffnlo 76 78 Charleston , .. 78 82 Charlotte 78 86 t'hliso 64 70 Oalvestnn , 84 38 Jacksonville 76 84 Montgomery 82 86 Mobile 76 86 New Orleans 76 80 New York 68 "6 Norfolk 74 78 Raleigh 78 84 St. Loula 76 7S Washington 76 88 Washington .. 76 86 Wllmlnntnn . 76 84 Local temperature data for Aug. 22, 1911. At 8 a. m. 63. 10 a m 70. 12 n. 74. t p. m. "S, 4 p. m. 76, 6 p. m. 75. $ p. m. 72. Noma; 70. Ma!mum 78. one rea,r ago 78. Mirlmum 67. one year ago S7. Abrolute maximum 86 in 104. Absolute minimum 57 In 1809. -LkkiiI precipitation for thi month. Notmal 4.7. Grtatest amount 13 In 1110. amount 2.84 In 1(07. Foi last 24 hours ending at ( p. m. 0. Sta of weather at 8 p. m. clear. CELEBRATED CANDY OX ICES AT McKay's Pharmacy Oppo. Post Office. BURTON & HOLT Furniture and House Furnishing Corner Pack Square aiid South Main St But Ave large American cities Chicago, New York. Baltimore. Phil adelphia and Louisville require old wnll paper to he removed from tene ment houses before new la affixed. Today the last day of the big rota eiterl To Be Supreme and on Top In any department of human effort, one must produce something better than has been produced before. This explain the supremacy of "The Old Reliable STIEFF PIANO" Quality and purity of tone have niacin it the king of all pianos. This coupled with tho fact that It Is sold direct from the maker to the individual home, makes It Imperative that you consult Chas. M. BtlenT before buying a piano. SOUTHERN WARBROOM, 6 VT. Trada Street, Charlotte, N. C C H. WILMOTH, Manatees-. Sherlock Holmes, : Jr. : Knows good coal when J he sees l,t, which ac- S counts for his talking J so much about M. & V. I INDIAN COAL. ; Phone 130 for a ton j and you'll recognize a good thing like Sher- lock did. 2 Carolina Coal & Ice : Company : r- naA A m-A TtensBBBYiJ-kS nitr W M nilt'U .KT. liuiim'i a"uS) ' We Are Prepared ,,to execute all orders In the designing of any pleco of Jewelry that you may desire made according to your'' own " ideas. We make a specialty of this class of work, also the setting of dia monds and other precious stones. A visit to our store will prove to your advantage If you contemplate placing an order of this nature Satisfaction assured, workmanship the beat, charges mod erate. CHAS. E. HENDERSON, Jeweler 52 PATTTON AVENITE. B-f. CHAS. COFFEE. KT. CHAS. COFFEE. ST. CHARLES COFFEE Is a blend of the best, most delioloua coffees obtainable and Is roasted In New Orleans the most noted coffee center In the world. Packed In air tight packages. ONE-POCND PACKAGE . . TUltEE-POUND PACKAGE Sold by .. 35c .1.00 M. HYAMS CORNER NORTH MAIN AND LERKLMON AVE. ST. CHAS. COFFEE. ST. CHAS. COFiTEB All kinds of fresh meats, chickens, eggs and butter. Fresh vegetables received daily. Prompt delivery. V. V. HAYNIE, The Cor. N. Main ana East Sts. Phone 77 Cleaning & Pressing THAT GIVH ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION THE RELIABLE 14 Church St. PLone 445. FURNITURE STOVES & RANGES Deal & Golightly - . . - . . . . .,,. CI, ...A Mil (,,, .nil m. ... m a . i-i-m A UV Virai,n niUKU'tUJilwii- - i, 1u.lllB For selected cases of Nervousness, Paralysis. Hayfever, Malaria, Asthma, Stomach, Rheumatism, Diseases of Women and other chroma diseases. TVia "RATHS & MASSAGE Department of the BaBttarium Is THE GRUNER SANITARIUM No. 20-31 11 aywood Street. Phone 684 . i.fc I.AIllhK nnd GENTLEMEN lenunuiB ivi " Open from 8 a. m. to p. m. Sa turday till 12 p. m. FOR SALE TWO NEW 6-room houses, within block of car line. Have good sized lots, well b uilt with large basement. Very good price and long te rms on these places. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO.. 48 Patton Avfc S" N. Main St. Phone S54 THE EMANUEL SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND will give three free scholarships, with small salaries. In exchange for light work. For particular call Saturday morning at 1S2 W. Chestnut Street. PHONE 1TSS. 3 Ashevillc Creamery Co. Producrs and distributors of Dairy Products. SWEET CREAM AND SWEET MILK PURE ICE CREAM A SPECIALTY Quick delivery. Special prices to Hotels and Boarding Houses. Give us a trial. We guarantee to please you. Ashevillc Creamery Co. Phone 1581. No. 45 East College Street FOR REAL CORSET COMFORT a Splrella Corset fitted to your form. Splrella Boning of open con struction admits of free ventilation a sanitary, comfortable, hot weather garment Retains Its shape permanently. Send post card or phone for appointment. MRS. HARVEY, coi. SI 8. Main St. Ptiooa M. Phone 964 to have your clothes pressed. Latest improved steam Pressing Machine. quick sEamcic p recking cum Andrew Fisher, prime minister of Austria, haa declined to receive a degree from Oxford on th ground that ha la an uneducated msa. and th) honor Is not suited ts him. Automobile and Picnic Parties will find in LAUREL PARE Hendersonville, : : : N. C. not only "th most beevtlrnl natural park in America," but an Ideal spot for s day's outing. WALTER B. SMITH, Kuuger, Lnorel Park, Uen4ersonTlIle, N. CL r t y y y y y,