a .Ktv. . ,kpUsi;:4 , -T . . .. ..." THE ASHEVILLE CfipZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1911 fgWtyWn Wa.qVsa nisW ; 1 . : P2 vSociety and Personals The murriage 'if UIm Esther Ballley i Dowi ll. Mpn. Phom C.oMi arid Kofo Hoblnson. daughter of Mn. Robinson en Uarrett, and the lnlf Mr. Edward ftoblnaon. of Baltimore, to Mr. Harold Hwope, will be fine f the autumn ew nts In the lattfr lty. The wedding to k place in November. The cngnc:emt.-nt Of Mine lli.hlrnson and Mr. Hwope ns ennousired nbout a year ago. Mr Bwope the ton of Ir. and Mrs. Rod ney Rush Hwope. of Blltmnre, and after hla marriage will roxlilf; In ' hl tago, where he la engaged In runl iesa. A musitale waa given Monday even ing at the residence of Miss liiirrls on Church street by Mrs. Armstrong, of Marlon, Ala. assisted hy Mm. . Smith. Mr. l-'lsrier and Mr. Donald, of Ashevllle. The program waa com posed entirely of old time souks, which rarrlid the listeners buck to ante-bellum days. The mimical na thoroughly enjoyed by those present fhe program was a follows: "In the Gloaming." ' "I Cannot Bins; the Old Hongs." "Juanlta," Mrs. 'Armstrong, Mrs. Smith, Mr. fisher, Mr. Donald. "Greetings." 1 t,lve and l.ve Thoe," Mrs. Arm Strong and Mr. Donald. My Old Kentucky Home." "Old Folks at Home." ., "The Quilting Party," Mrs. Arm strong. Mrs. Bmlth, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Donald, "Then Tou'11 Remember Me." "'Lat Rasa of Bummer," Mrs. Arm- strong. c r The Children of the Confederacy will glva. a lawn fata at tha home of Mrs. E. C. Chambers on Ashland ave nue Friday afternoon from until I - o'clock. Tha grounds will ba deco ratsd with red and whits bunting and will ba Illuminated by Japanese lanterns. J : Tha woman's board ot city mls slooa will meet this afternoon at Cen tral Methodist church at i o'clock. A good attendance Is requested as busi ness of importance will be brought be fore the board. .. ' Mr. Morris Laaaron gives the last recital of very Interesting series this evening at the temple on pruce strset at 1. 10 o'clock. The first pro gram was devoted to the poems and Short stories of Kipling, witn several poem which have been set to music. Tha miscellaneous program wmcn 101 lowed was a vary tacellent or, and thla evening perhaps will bs the most Interesting of all, "and will be the "Folk Bonis of Many Lends." The heart of the people Is heard in the ualnt folk song, plaintive and appeal ing, and through their simple songs tha color and atmosphere of the eoun tr la fait. Mr. Lasaron's gift Of e , prsasion and musical voice will invest' the Quaint songs witn an aqaeo. charm, , ... ',. . , Tha JJealth and Honor, league will hold an rmportaat meeting this after noon at 4.10 o'clock at the Henrietta on South Main street. It is requested that there wilt be a full attendance. Following the business meeting there will be a tennle match on the court adjoining tha Henrietta. r r Mrs. Frederick Rutledge gives an Informal dance this evening at her residence on Cumberland avenue In honor of the Tennis club. Si;."--.. J J The eglnnlng of the fall golf tour nament of the Aehevllle Country club starta en Baturday, Sept. 2, with n mens singles handicap. The qualify ing round la handicap IS-hole medal play. The first two eights will qual ify, CUPS will h presented by Mr. Frost and Mr. Brown. Jt . The descendants of Mrs M K. Obh , ton h 1'J .'i family reunion Monday at the old homestead at Ciantun, at which fifty people represented four genera i Hons, children, grandchildren and Krc.it. Krrinib hlldren. Mr It. J. -tun mm family, of llomlny, Mryariil Mrs Malonr and fumlly. of I'ppi r llomlny; Mr. T. 1' Oaston and family ami Mr V. E. J'i U h r and family, nf ((iiaton. Mrs. Da.riea Ingram and daughter, of Krariklin; Mr. K. L. Oas I tun and Mrs. Howie unri son, of Ashe i villg, and Mrs. Wayne Alexander, . uf Little Hook. Ark, were prteent. A (dinner was nerved on the lawn anil I the occasion was a very happy one to the large family circle. Jt J Miss Clara Roth entertained Infor mally Monday afternoon at her resi dence on Merrlmon avenue In honor of Miss Annie Fatton and Miss Mary Louise Pntton, of Greenville, 8. C. Miss Knth's guests were Miss Sarah Rogers, Miss Helen Phillips, MIks Georgia Donnan. Miss Sarah Nixon, Miss Mary Carter, Miss Helen Moore, Miss Elizabeth Moore, Miss Eleanor Van Hook, Miss Julian Alexander and the guests of honor, the Misses Pat-ton. J J The annual meeting of the Llndley training home will be held at the home In West Ashevllle this after noon. Carriage will start from the square at i.tO o'clock. M . A party of young people who have been on a camping trip for several days returned yesterday after a very pleasant trip. Mr. and Mra O. K. Northing-ton, Miss Mildred Joyner and Mr. H. J. Olive chaperoned the fol lowing young people: Miss Kathleen Olive, Miss Marguerite Olive, Miss Betty Tarpley, Miss Katherlne Mo- Mr. J. 8. Dill, of Claffney, 8. C, In spending a few days with Miss Pearl Holman, 128 Woodfln street. Mrs. Dill Is the wire of Dr. J. 8. Dill, pan tor nf the First Baptist church at rOaffney and formerly of Rowling Green. Ky. Mr. W, Y. Bwicegood hns returned from sn extended Southern trip, dur ing which he visited Atlanta, Jack sonvllle, Fla., and other points. Mrs. O. W. Clsyton and Miss Ade laide Clayton, who have been the cuesta nf Mrs. W. E. Johnson on 8t Dunstsn's mad, have rturned to, their home In Atlanta, Ca. r- Mrs. Thomas A. Jonea and Miss Janle Jones are tha guests of Mrs. J. j IT. Martin ft Oombroon for the week. Miss Helen Durham Is visiting Mist Julia Brown InWest Ashevllle. Miss Flora Pa vis hns returned to her home In Birmingham after a visit to friends and relatives In the cty. : i Mr. John H, Carter Is in town for s short stay. Mr. and Mra P. V, Carmlchael, of Rowland, N. C, are guests at the Bat tery Park hotel. Mrs. Lloyd Podamead, of Hlglv Point, I expected shortly to visit her later, Mre. aJmes M. Oudger, Jr., on French Broad avenue. Mr. Jake Chiles and Mr. W. Seott Radeker have returned from a busi-. ness trip to KnoxvUle. and are In town for a brief stay. Mr. Phelan BealA, who haa been visiting hla mother.' Mrs. Beale, and his slater, Mrs. McQueen, at Bushes Hall, returned to New York yesterday. Miss Louise Mitchell, who haa been visiting frtenda In the city, haa re turned to her home in Dayton, O. Mr. and Mrs. Oreoge Fretwell and children have returned to their home In Mississippi after spending; the sum mer in Ashevllle. Tbe highest point of woman's hap piness is reached only through moth erhood, in the clasping of her child within her arms. Vet the mother-to be is often fearful of nature's ordeal and shrinks from the suffering inri lent to its consummation. But for nature's ills and discomforts nature provides remedies, and iu Mother's l-"tiend i to he fotind a medicine of i threat value to every expectant mother. It is an oily emulsion f'ir external ; application, composed of ingredients j which art with beneficial mid sooth- ; ing effect on thise portions of the j system Involved. It is intended to i prepare the system for the crisis, and ; thus relieve, in gre-at part, the suffer- ing through which the. mother usually passes. I li regular use of Mother's Friend will repay any mother in the comfort it affords lefore, and the help ful restoration to health and strength it brings about after baby comes. Mother's Friend is for sale at drug stores. Writ for our free book for expectant moth ers which contain much valuable information, and many suggestions I a helpful nature. BKADFIF1D REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Co. Sale ls)M Con tinue' Jhrough Saturday fight Sasi Pay of the Removal Sale Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Rollins and Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Parker have Joined Cel. W. H. Lyles, of Co lumbia. 8. C, and Judge Wm. P. By ntim, of Greensboro, on a trip to Bos ton, Mass.. where they will attend the American Bar association meeting The Ashevllle parties left hers Friday and sailed from Norfolk. Va.. Satur day night. Miss tiuolle Betts. of Raleigh, and Mr. J. L. uonde are the gussta of Miss Frances Ooode on South French Broad avenue. Mr. Brewster Chapman and the mombers of the house party which he has been entertaining at his Sap phire bungalow returned to the city yesterday. Mr. Cliapninn's guests were Miss Lalaire Oates. Miss Emma Oud ger, Miss Mary Htlkeleather and her guest, Miss 8nrah Uossett, of Ander son, 8. C. Mr. Francis Oudger and Mr. Herman Ouilger. Mr. .V Buckner spent ystorday In Hendersonvllle on business. Mrs. J. K. Woodson snd small daughter, of Louisville. Ky., have re turned to their home after a visit to relatives In the city. FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETINGS Ahpv1lle and Wayrtesrllle Districts of M. K, Church, South, Mm at Weaver-vino. Raincoats And Capes For Women, Misses And Children Time was when a rainy day meant an ab sence of the feinine element from the streets. She must, fjerforee, stay indoors until the skies were "bright. This has all been changed and nowadays madame, clad in a neat, well fitting, becoming raincoat or cape, goes se renely on her way to business or social gath ering unmindful of showers or storms. The coat has changed quite as much as cus tom. The first "water-proof" or "Gossamer" offered for women's wear and approval was an uncomfortable, shapeless, unbecoming gar ment. In sharp contrast are the coats we are showing today. Made of English crarenette. . Gabardine and Serge, correctly designed ana carefully tailored into extremely smart gar ments. In olive, green, navy, black and tan $10.CO to $20.00 Zephyr weight rubber coats in gray and , tan T ."$4.00 and $6.00 Children 's rubberized cloth coats and capes, "Best Yette," plain colors and " stripes . . . . , $3.75 to $8.50 hi V.M00RE & CO. : Specialists inv Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments. 11 PATrON AVE, The annual meeting of the Wo man's Foregn Missionary society -of the Methodist church, South, of the Aahevllle and Waynesville districts will be held at Weavervlll tomor row and Friday. The meetings are open to the publf,' Land will doubtless be well attended by Ashevllllnns. Following Is the pratraih which will be carried out: Thursday at 10.20 a. m., conference eon, The Kings lusiness; devo tional services, eondSleted "by 'Rev. W E. Poovey, of Weavervtlle; annu report of the WaynesvOle tfistnV by Mrs. M. F. Moores, district sec retary; annual report of the Ashe vllle district, by Mrs. W. K. Harris, of the Ashevllle district: echoes of the annual meeting held at Lexing ton, by Mesdamea Harnett, West and Reagan; noontide, devotional service. conducted by Mrs Elisabeth Turnn er. The afternoon session will con vene at 2 o'clock. The program which will be carried out et this service In cludes: devotional service, conducted by Rev. Olln S. Dean; round table conducted by Mrs. E. C. Chambers; a paper on '"Plth4mr,V read by Mrs. 1). B. Coletrane. of Concord, N. C. ; the delegates hour. At S.30 p. m., tho devotional service will bo conducted by Rev 1. Atkins, after which the annual missionary sermon will be- preached by Rev. D Atkins. Wldy's session will be hold nt 10.30 a. in. The program will be carried out as follows: devotional service, conducted by Miss Marshall, reports of the young people's societies and the Light Bearers, a paper on 'Mission Study," by Miss Ethel Wil son; song, Felicia Ferreas, "The Chllderne Work," by Mrsfl O. O Harley; echoes of tlhe Kdlnboiro con ference, by Mrs. James Cannon, ot Waynesville; closing song. "Jhe Most Powerful Jelling Svent in theJtnnals of Asheville Merchandising" That was the heading to the first circular that we put out announcing this Removal Sale. The truth of this statement is being verified daily by the hundreds of earnest shoppers who come here. There may have been sales where more goods were sold the firfct day. But never has a sale kept up in volume of sales as this one has. Every day people tell us how much they like our bargains. "There has never been anything like it before in Asheville," is the consensus .of opinion among all jyho have visited here. ; .. - , : Come today, and get your share of these very unusual valuL Jhe Annex Offers New Specials Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments have been on the boom during the past week. More garments were sold last week than ever .before since the shop was opened. The garments are good, the prices low.' That's-the reason. Up to $2.50 Lingerie Waists, all sizes ,for . .'.'.'.08c Up to $6.00 Taffeta, Messaline.and Chiffon Waists, in colors, for $1.48 $25.00 New Fall Suits, in best fall shades, for.$15.00 $25.00 list Fall Buits, for .. $9.95 Many Sxtra Specials at Main Jiore Not even the inclement weather of the .past . four days could keep shoppers from coming tohis'. i . . 1 T-V it ' ' e V. - m.-i store m large numDers. uurmg me : remainder -or. the week we are going to make things fairly bum; l , 15c Long Cloth, in 3, 5 and 10-yard lengths, hone to' uo cut, iuf ........ . . . j. jrU; (Wednesday and Thursday only) 50c Cotton Crepe, plain and dotted, for . .38c yarf $1.00 and $l.i Dress (ioods, 36 to 54 -inches "wide, for .. . .69c yard Great Convenience And saves bother U have your bag gsge checked from your house to destination. - Asheville Transfer & Storage Company rhone 810. ftWANXAXO.t ITEMS Thla village Is now filled to over flowing with summer visitors. This has been one of the most prosperous seneone here. All the boarding houses have been filled and a great number have been turned away on account of no place to get rooms. The Davidson-Alexander reunion was one of tho events of the eeaeon It waa Indeed a great treat to have the many deecendants here, around the old homestead. A most delightful dance was given at Riverside farm last night for the younger set. The music was furn ished by the Swannsnoa orchestra, and it was a very pleasant evening for all. On Saturday. September 2, the An nual Bee Tree picnic will be cele brated. There will be a baeeball game and some speeches. It 1e ex pected that there will be a large crowd In attendance. Quite a number of the younger boys and girls will leeive thla week to resume their studies In the colleges. The Swan nan oe graded school op ened this week, wltTi a good atten dance. A very Interesting service waa held at the Pino Orove Presbyterian i church on last Sabbath afternoon by Rev. Clarence Reynolds of Oakland Heights church, assisted by Rev. HIV llaird of Wae county. In a way they carried out the tlwugh of the Davidson-Alexander reunion by a scriptu ral application, and tftere In the little church, established by these pioneer families, a rare treat was enjoyed "by those who were permitted to be present. All kinds of fresh meats, chickens, eggs and butter. Fresh vegetables received daily. Prompt delivery, i V. V. HAT&IE, The Grocer or. N. Main anekSau . Phone 917 Burn our coal and save the difference. VSHKVIIXE PRAY, TXPEXi OON STRVCVtOIfCU Fhtti tAa. ' SOUBWOOD HONEY We have it. We hare aa many dif ferent 1 1 a v o r e djjj Lgssaae flowers te produce it from. Doe apple cider taste like pea oh brandy? Fhone 867 0. .W. Harmon & Co. TRIMMED OATS at Half Price M. WEBB & CO. Automobile and Picnic Parties will find in LAUREL PARE Hendersonville, : : : N. 0. not only "the most baawtirul natural park In America,?" but aa Ideal spot for a day's outing. WAITTKIt B. BtrTH, Hr.nafle, rjwrel Park. IlenavtMonvlUe, N. C HERMIT BRIXO TROPHTES. TTMA, ArU.. Aug. tt. Tanned to a rich brown by his two weeks' hunt ing trip in the Sonora desert. Kermlt Roosevelt has left for the East with four Mexican sheep aa trophies. TIfB were the first front-laced eorsets In America. They have improved with every new model and In every sea son, until tt would seem that per fection could he no nearer attained TUTTOC3 TTTTXt-Ci EXPERT x I COKBETT.EHE Hoonis a? and J8. American National Bank Building. Sanitary Laundry Work Is that done the Nichols Way at the Ashevllle Bteam Laun dry. All linens are washed thoroughly In great rollers through which stejun and boiling water surges back and forth and wrinsed In many waters till absolutely clean-"-no rubbing of linens here. Ironing is done by pressure In machines heated1 with steam. Phone OS and get the best Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr PLEASURE DRIVES Around Weaverville are exceedingly pleas ant now roads smooth and fast. PHONE 38. Roberts & Reagan WKAVERVUXiK N." C. Don't take chances on impure foods keep your refrigerator and ice box welli filled with PURE' ICE. ';' Phone 72. Asheville IceCok " illllllllMIIMIIIIHIHHt mdBmtkMeans CMdW<M' And the good bread in Asheville is our "famous BUTTER-CRUST BREAD Made from flour of selected wheat, baked; evenly, with a beautiful golden brown crust; stays moist longer than other breads. Phone 622, or call on your grocer for it. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY 44i)eig 1 1 imtMl MUM Porch Groods. Refrigerators and Hammocks at 25 per cent off while they last. Beaumont Furniture Co. PHONE 1003 87 S. MAIX ST. Clearance Sale at STEIFF'S Entiro Rto-k of Piano re duced 10 per cent and per cent nridltwnal for cash Three outside Onblnet Piano Players to be given away with first three Stlelt I Man os sold. Specials at 1117.64 and 1 190.00 Many dealers call them 1350 00 pianos Our price as above. Chas. M. Stieff 80UT1IERM WAREROOM, C W Trade, 8trat. Charlotte, N. C. ' C H. miJXOTH, Manager. TRIED COKE FOR COOKING? It meets every re quirement perfectly and does away with smoke, oot and dust. Very light to handle, and much greater quan tity to ton. Slightly moisten and it will ig nite and burn readily as coal. Fine for broiling. Phone 130 Carolina Coal & Ice Company 50 Patton Ave. Drulimor Bldg. 3e$MeJeJe; Y L A D I CIS Don't order hair by mall when you can have your hair matched perfectly In quality and ' shade. We make up all special orders without extra charge, and guarantee perfect satisfaction and lowest prices. We make up your combings to order and do first class work in Manicuring, Shampooing, Hair Dressing, Facial, 8c alp and Chiropody for ladles . and gentlemen. Consult Miss McNamara, Expert Skin Specialist. Phone 10 MISS CRUISE'S SHOP Phone H. 25 Haywood St. - 5 r t. v T r: r T ICE BOXES REFRIGERATORS PORCH GOODS HAMMOCKS '. L. Smathers & Sons 15 N. Main St. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e e CEXEBRATED CAJJDY J OS ICS, AT McKay's Pharmacy I Oppe. Post Office. We Are Prepared to execute all orders in the designing of any piece of jewelry that you may desire made according to your own Ideas. We make a specialty of this class of work, also the setting of dia monds and other precious ston esv A visit to our store will prove to your advantage If you contemplate placing an order of this nature. BaOafactlon assured, workmanship the best, charges mod erate. CHAS. E. HENDERSON, Jeweler 52 PATTTON AVENCB. &f. chas. corrEE. ST. CXI AS. COFFEE. 6T. CHARLES COFFEE is a blend ot the beat, most delicious coffeee obtainable and is roasted la New Orleans the most fcoted coffee center In the world. Packed In air tight packages. OXK-POIND PACKAGE .. .. 5o THilKE-POCK D PACKAGE .11 00 Hold by , 3VI. HYAMS CORNER NORTH MAIN AND MEltRTMON AVE. ST. CHAS. COFFEE. ST. CHAS. COFiEB MMSt""ttm.sslt TURKISH BATHS The Gr'uner Sanitarium 31 Haywood Street For Ladies and Gentlemen I I, "U 1