HE-;-ASHE. B CITIZEN. THE WEATHER I. FAIR Circulation Q AAA Daily Over 093UU ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY 'MOTINp.SEPTEMBER 11, 1911 vol; xxvn,, xo. 325 PRICE FIVE 0ENT8 ? J J JU. .',.4. ,I?,,JjLh a SUPBEMEGODHTTO THROWMQRELIGHT upofisHEimriLi O Several Anti-Trust Cases on Docket May Better Inter pretThis Measurer KNOTTY PROBLEMS TO BE UNRAVELED Cotton Corner" "Turpentine" and "StXouls Bridge" Cases F Will be Decided WASHINGTON, Sept. 10.--Mor light on th application of the Sher man anti-trust law to ! th twsiness of tiie day Is expected from the decl slon of the Supreme court - the United State shortly after the begin ning of Us sessions next month. Sev eral '.anti-trust cases, advanced for early consideration by that tribunal, re beint ; relied . upon .-to - lve the court greater- bppcrrtunlty than that afforded in ' the recent Standard OH and Tobacco decisions to, interpret .the hw and. to Impress upon the coun ty how the court proposes, the law should be enforced. ' It Is planned by the -court in the first month .of Its least on to hear ar guments In the so-called Hard Coal case, the "Cotton Corner" case and the "St Louis Bridge" case. Possibly later In the session, the court may consider, the so-ofed "Turpentine trust" ease, each Involves knotty pro blems growing out of the attempts of the government to punli alleged violations of the Sherman anti-trust law. With the exception of, the so called "Turpentine" case, the govern ment has been defeated- In the lower court and has appealed to the Su preme court to uphold Its Interpreta tion of the law. The "Hard Coal" case constitutes government attack on the principal anthracite coal carrying rsliroads and coal owning companies in Pennsyl vana. It is cValn that since 199$ th gnmpanies have been parties to combination and conspiracy with the general object of ending competition-among themselves in the trans portation' and le" of anthracite eoal and of preventing the sale of the in dependent output In competition, with fhe own, designing thereby to secure to themselves a virtual monopoly. Be sides this general conspiracy alleged, a nutwberof little conspiracies, not only forming a part of the general conspiracy, but occupying aa Indepen- (Continued on Page Five) " SAYS PRESIDENT TAFT IS SERIOUSLY MISTAKEN ON IFOHIiCE LAWS "Evidently Not Aware That Uniform Divorce Law Has Been Adopted" BENEFICIAL EFFECT CHICAOO, 111., Sept. 10. John, C. Rlchberg, president of the Illinois commission on uniform state laws, declared today that President Taft Is seriously mistaken on the subject of uniform divorce. Mr. RIchbergs statement waa brought out by the an nouncement that Mr. Taft will discuss the divorce question freely while on a 10,000 mile tour beginning next Fri day and will urge the necessity of a unlTornt law. More than (0 per cent of the states, according to Mr. Rlcbberg, already have uniformity of constitution on the "crux of the dlvoree question namely, the causes for divorce." "What the president is mistaken about," said Mr. Richiberg, "Is that he is evidently not aware that a uni form divorce law was prepared-and ado-ptedtby congress on divorce com posed of delegates of the respective states who were approached for that special purpose In ltOf and who for- ulated a uniform divorce code which was subsequently adopted by the con ference of commissioners on uniform state laws. These commissioners are officially appointed from all the states and territories In the United States ex cept Nevada. , '' "This divorce code contains all the feeturesjo which the president has made TeTdirence and has a provision that no divorce shall be absolute un til after a year has expired from the , entering of the decree, thus absolutely 'prohibiting marriage wlthfn that pe riod in any state. The code has also ,mot excellent features against what are known aa mliratory divorces, as t It requires a residence of two years (before proceedings can be in Insti tuted." i, 'i . ; - Regarding the crux of the divorce question, namely, causes for divorce. ;the commissioner named six and they fwere legally n force In SO per cent of the state: adultery, bigamy, felony, 'cruelty, desertion and 1 druakennes. ' "The president will undoubtedly be doing a good work by sailing. p Uo attention to necessity of the dif ferent stafte Mopttof she uniform dl- FINDING OF MYRTLE HAWKINS' BODY MAY REVEAL FOUL PLAY Popular Girl Left Her Home : RetumBody Lake Oceola. HENDERSONVILLE, ' Sept. 10. The mystery of the sudden disappear ance test Thursday of Miss Myrtle Hawkins, of" this city, aged twenty and remarkably pretty, was apparently deepened this morning when her dead body was found floating in the waters of Lake Oceola, three .mile " from here. The dleoovery : was made 'by three small boys who' were Ashing In the lake. ' Deep bruises on the head and face gave rise to suspicions of foul play, which, however, did not materialise at the coroner's Inquest this afternoon when v ver'dlct of "death by means unknown" waa ren dered. ; ' '','' 't . , Miss Hawkins,: daughter of W. H. Hawkins, a jeweler, of this' city, left her home last Thursday to do some shopping. She never returned. De spite the most rigid Search no trace of her waa obtained until this morn ing when the body was found, lo a badly decomposed condition. It Is stated that certain evidence indicates that the girl . was dead before her body reached the lake. Reports to night are to the. effect that later developments . may prove the death of the young girl to be one of the most sensational tragedies in the his tory of the state. Lake Osceola fronts Lakeview inn, and Its banks are traversed dally by hundreds of carriages and motor, cars. . No Light on Tragedy 'The body of Miss Hawkins when found was floating near the steps which lead to Lakeview inn. The most minute Inspection of the banks and steps failed to reveal anything which might throw light on the dark se cret which the placid waters of Osce ola had brought to the surface. It Is not believed that the girl com mitted suicide as ehe waa always of a Lbrlght and sunny JieposittorE ta tactH when She left her home Thursday, morning , she spoke of several pur chases she intended to make and in dicated the time at "which she ex pected to return. . When the boys dlsoovered the body they Immediately . gave the alarm, summoning Mr. B. 8. Freeman, of Greensboro, a guest of Lakeview inn. Mr. Freeman called' the authorities TKERNRY.I OF CARS MEETS WITH AN UNUSUAL FATALACCIOENT Jumped Out of Way of On" Train Right Into Anothe. Train's Path SKULL IS CRUSHED SPENCER. N. C, Sept. 10. Edwin Winn, .aged twenty-three,1 a car In spector on the Southern railway yards In Spencer met instant death under a train here tonight In a ' most ' tragic manner. While walking In front of southbound train No. 4 S, running at a rapid rate, he was struck by the lo comotive and knocked off the track. He fell on the mala line northbound track and No. 18, the fast mall train, then approaching st fuH speed, ran over his body severing one hand and one foot. It is believed, however, that his received the death blow by the southbound train, his skull being crushed by the Ira pact. - The engineer of, thta train saw him and gave the signal, but too late to save his life. The tracks are double' and the man waa. knocked off by- one train only to fall under th wheels of another fast train. The two trains meeting Just at the time of the acci dent which was most peculiar in this reepect v The unfortunate man at tempted to get out of the way of the southbound train but did not have time after learning of his peril,. The body was taken charge of by. a Salis bury undertaker. Mr. Winn , was ft nephew of Mr. and- Mr J.-A.- Mor ton, the former being night yardmas ter at Spencer. His . home was tn Oloster, Miss... where his parents re side and to which place the remains will be. sent. vorce code as a whole, action Which has already been taken by the state of New Jersey, . Delaware and Wl consln. I trust that the president will see especially that the code Is adopted la the District of Columbia, This would have a most marked and effective Influence' In the. different states of the union and bring about what the president-advocates,,-parti-oularly as such a law 'would be en acted by the national house and sen ate, representing as nearly aa possi ble, the average sentiment Of the whole American people." -"' - of Hendersonville Thursday Never to Found Floating in and the lnques( was set for 1:10 yes terday afternoon. The Jury was com posed of J. B, Blythe, A. F. Drake Charles Tatum, Otis Powers, Q. W. Brooks and A. C, Justice. Beyond the evidence touclng the girl's dlsap pear a no and the finding of the body, -there was little, however, to act up on, and a verdict waa rendered to the effect that "the accused came to her death by means unknown to the Jury.", The machinery . of the law, however, dots not propose to stop here, but will move on relentlessly until the mystery of Myrtle Hawkins' death Is solved. " May Hnvo Been Foul Ptajr Accepting the theory of foul play, It Is believed that the girl was bru tally murdered and her body thrown into the lake to conceal a crime of a grave nature. Bome.however,, advance the theory that Miss Hawkins com mitted suicide. ' The tragedy has cast a great gloom over the city of Hendersonville where the girl and her family stood well, 'enjoying a , large acquaintance, and the deepest sympathy Is expressed on 11 sides. Throughout the afternoon and evening little knots of citizens gathered on the streets and discussed the girl's death with bated breath. Many, theories have been advanced, 1 but all are mere conjecture. As stated, the deceased was very popular In the younger set and is not known to have possessed a single enemy. She had, a sister In Ashevllle , Mrs. J. W, Thomas, foreman, in the plant department .of the Ashevllle Tele phone A Telegraph company. , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were married In Hendersonville several year ago and moved to Ashevlll about one vear ago. The news of her ester's tragic death was a great shock to Mrs. Thomas, One of the boys who ., found the boAz. testified t the Inquest that'' It was floating ' on the surface of the water, fac,e downward He was very tnuimWightened and- called to hie companions who ran with him, to Mr. Freeman. The latter summoned the authorities after drawing the body to the bank. From Its condtlon it Is reasonable to assume that the body had been In the 'Water several day. It was fully dressed. ' Later examine tlon revealed no , bruises . beyond those on fh head and faca previous ly mentioned SENDING OUT TROOPS TO SUPPRESS DISTURBANCE Thought That Province Forces Mayte Insuffi cient or Prove Disloyal FLOOD REPORT SOON PK.KINCS, Sept. 10. The Chinese government is concentrating . . troop on the borders for the purpose of sup pressing the alarming disturbances In the province of Sse -Chuen If the province 'forces prove insufficient in number of prove disloyal. Sixty Can dian Methodist missionaries are among the Cheng Tu refugees. These in . all number 100, of (hom SO are Americans and nothing has been heard from them for the past four days, it is Believed that they are being escorted by Chinese troons in the direction of the Tangue-Klan. ; The government has promised to submit to the American legation a comprehensive statement on the flood as soon as the facts are available.' EXTENT OF FLOOD SHANGHAI Sept. 10. The Vang ste liver is 45 miles wide at places. The great floods stretch over a terri tory 700 miles In extent. Seventy thousand survivors surround Nanking where three hundred are dying daily. Similarly ; distressing details are be lli; received from many cities. It is feared that she waters win not sub side before the middle of October. The floods this year were unusually early and caught the crops before they had , matured. - OX ECTIOFEAN TRIP NEW TORK, Sept 10. Miss Fla LeXollette. daughter of Senator Rob ert M.: LaFollette of Wisconsin, - and Misses Smith, daughters of Governor Hoke Smith of Georgia, were among the passengers broujrht to this port todsyhy: the steamship Columbia. Governor 8mltih was at the pier to meet his daughters. : The young women were part of a party of forty-fire girla, mostly from the south who left New York on June It on the Adriatic for a tour ef Eu rope. They were chaperoned by Mrs. R. 7, Ligon. of Atlanta. Oa. ! ,4 UNSPARINGLY GOV. HARMON ATTACKS ! -PRESIDENT FOR HIS TARIFF VETOES Says That Taft Wat Influenced by "Wrong Advhtrs" and That Vetoes Must Have Been Adopted Off$pring'Tariff Commissions Before But None of v ; Them Have Ever Accomplished Anything But Delay . "' BOSTON,1 SepU . 10. President Taft's attitude toward tariff reform was attacked by Gov, Judson Harmon, of Ohio, last night In a speech before th gathering ' of ' democratic clubs. Gov. Harmon said ttint the presM""" course la vetoing the tariff bUl passed by the special aersion of congress in dicated that he" had been reached by "wrong . adviser."; Speaking of the president' objection to those bills he said: "These and other marks of pa ternity suggest the question whether the veto may. not have been adopted offspring, like the dfen of Bellin ger," r t. , ' , -r, HeHedtra'lto ooinihissloner," said the speaker,'; "when he promised a general reduction, before his suction, nor whru he clld the special ses sion to keep the promise; nor when he signed the but that ' broke the promise, 'nor, when he confessed that the woolen and cotton ' good duties were to high,, nor when he made the agreement with Canada. His position la simply that those who, by the trick ery of tariff, making, have secured a license to impose exorbitant prices on, the Amrrfoan pnoDle shall go oa doing It in spite of the action of both houses of congress until five men, who sre not responsible 'to the people, not even experts, shall advise him how much these favor taxes ought to be reduced and how to do it scientifically. He admits they or too high on. thee absolute and universal necessities of life, but he fears these bills may have cut them-Jo much. - All the man, women and children In the land must NINE ARE KILLED WHEN I Reyeistas and Madertetas Meet, Fight Begins End ing in Death and Injury MEXICO CITY, Sept 10. Nine persons were killed and more than, twice that num her wounded when Reyelstas and Maderistas clashed yesterday in Turla Chloo, a village tn the state of Chi pan. nesr the southern . boundary of Mexico, according to re ports received at h president's office. Partisans of ' Reyes began a parade in his honor, expecting to close the manifestation with an open air mass meeting. Hurriedly the Mader istas of the community mustered their forces and began to Interfere with the Reyistas program. In the little town there are no tr"ps and few peace officers. In a few minutes partisans of both Madero ur.d the general were fighting with stones, knives and clubs. The battle ended only With the routing of the Reyistas. who left th1r dead and wounded n-hlrh outnumbered those of the Maderistas. MT. ETVA .filX ACTIVE. CATANIA. Plcfl Etna Is showing evival of activity. evt ve ,900 feet above th sea level. WASHINGTON, Sept , 10. Fore cast: North Caroline Generally fair except probably! local showers Men day and Tuesday; light, variable winds. ' Here it Comes! continue to suffer an admitted wrong which affects health and comfort rather than run any- risk of causing too much shrinkage in profits made excessive by law.. Th people must not even have the benefit of tit doubt. t i ' - "If the present tariff charges had been fixed merely without proper knowledge and skill It could WfU be said that an 'unscientific' remedy Is good enough for an unscientific wrong, especially when those who ap ply the remedy have trr advantage of dealing wlth'ajrtual rsult while tho whs "did. the', wrong 'acted prslyon- fon Jecture, But , the Payna-Aldflrh- Stnoot Jaw hud a far worse aids than Ignorance. And-it Is a reflection on our plan of governmeat to sav that 'the flagrant Iniquities of that law hall go on defying good sense, com mon knowledge and honest purpose until a commission' without legal re sponsibility or authority shall decide how the duly chosen . law-making body may deal with them. "I believe Jn the veto power, But It Is to be employed only on the clear and positive conviction of the execu tive that the public Interest so re quires. He Is sllowed ten days to conlderand decide- . If he remains In doubt , at the end of that time action on his part Is dispensed with and' the Judgment of the legislative body be comes effective without It. For 'the president to defeat the action of eon grss, especially when It follow the plain mandate of the country, merely because he Is not certain about It GflAKDiTHER OF THREE CHILDREN AT AGE OF 30 Claimed Atlanta Woman is Youngest Grandmother on Record, is Remarkable ATLANTA, Oa Sept. 10. A grandmother of two children at th are of If and of three at 10, Is the record of Mrs. E. W. Bender, of this city. It Is claimed that Mrs. Dander is the youngest grandmothrr on rec ord, and her rase one of the most re markable outside of tropical coun trie. Mrs. Bpnder, who Is II years old. was born in 10 In South Carolina. ! She was married to E. W. Moore at : Columbia. H. C, In She was only 1)1 years and I month old when i hr first child was born. This child, a dauKhter. was married in ltOf to I Edward S. Sinclair, and in January, 110, gave birth to twin, the mother , being barely II and the grandmother not yet SO. In January of this yesr Mrs. Ben de: daughter gave birth to another child, the third of Mrs. Bender's grandchildren. Mr. Moore died when Mrs. Sinclair an Infant. Iwr H widow mar ried E. W. Bender, end that union has been blessed by several ehlldren. Physicians claim It Is rare In this part Of the world that a woman becomes a ermndmother even in the early thlr tl. XO SHOOT! VG II V FLEW NORFOLK, Va Bwpt 10. So far as could be learned tonight the bat tleship fleet commanded .by Admiral OMerhau now On the southern drill grounds, did not shoot st targets to-, day. No sound of Heavy firing wws henrd sbinar the Virginia roast The batt'eshipe Kansas and Oeorgla came into Hampton Roads early this morn ing mnd the Virginia and Nafcraska which went up the bay to ; watch the Delaware shoot at the old San Mar cos, went out to sa to join th fleet himself and want to wait for Hm'i body ( to advise him, i a new and perilous departure from th wise ds sign of th constitution. Nothing but Delay. "W have had tariff commission before but none of them evsr accom plished anything but delay. And If very time Is money It certainly Is to the beneficiaries of a favor tariff, Th consumers of the country were en titled to at least partial Immediate re lief, Thta congress gave and the prt dent took away.- HI tenderness waa sJl for ths few who profit by th present, exoessiv r He harend his, heart to the multitude wh ar compelled to pay - exorbitant prices Which include them, . , "Not content with catling the ma jority in congress unsclentlfle, incom petent and ignorant," continued Gov, Harmon, "though In his vetots he did so irt parliamentary phrase, th presi dent now, In public speeches, charge them, with lnslncsrlty, employing th ruder languag ef th stump, H gay they were 'playing politics.' i , , "This give a fellow fooling for Messrs. Clark - and Underwood and their associates. For when I set about the reforms In .Ohio . which I waa elected to ecue I found myself confronted by a general assembly, republican tn both branch, which undortpok to discredit my adminis tration in every way It , could. It mot h red or defeated measures Pro posed to prevent further grafting with (OoniiniM-d n Page Two) TO Charred and Unrecognixbale Remains of Boy Pulled From Burning Debris WASHINGTON,' Sept 19 Flrmn who extinguished a bias In th eob bier shop of Tony Mulano, near th government printing office early to day found unmlstakabla evidence that the fire had been set to cover up the murdsr of a victim afterward Identi fied as" Harry Smith, 14 years old. Ths j flrmea pulled the charred and un- recognisaoie remains of the boy from the burning debria which had been snaked with eoal oil. Severe blows had been dealt the boy with ah eavy Instrument and a blood stained hsm- mr was found nearby. Th body waa identified by a scsrftpln. Mulano was arrested at the point of a revolver. Two 'witnesses told the police that they saw him fighting In his shop yesterday. One woman said she saw him strike a boy with a ham mer. ; He claimed he loaned his key to an American friend who said he wanted to steep In th shop last night, Myrtle Smith, S years' of age, sister of the murdered boy, became hysteri cal and attempted to commit suicide when she went to the morgue , with members of the family in an effort to Identify the cbsrred resins', of her brother. Screamlrig loudly ; she ran out of. (he morgu and waa about to jump off the wharf Into the Potomac river, when she wa seised by two po licemen and restrained bf main fores. DIED OF HEART FAILURE ' NORFOLK. Va.i Sept 10. Captain Oeorge B. Hutchlns, commanding conipany L. jseeond hafX'on, fourth rertment lrffSptry, Virginia voluteers, of Portsmouth, died suddenly this morning st this elty. Captain Hatch Ins was in the act of getting 'out . of bed when he was stricken with heart failure. He was 45 years old and well known In military circles, . - mm expo AT KKOXVILLE FOR Second Presentation of An nual Event In East Tennv essee CUy Starts Today MANY NEW AND NOVEL FEATURES THIS YEAR 0 cnlngs Day Program In cludes Address by Govern- or Hooper and Parade - KNOXVJLLB, Tern.. pt, 10. The' second ,i presentation of th ' Appala chian exposition will be Inaugurated in this city at noon tomorrow and will continue for thr weeks., clos ing at midnight September 30, To morrow' program . Include th op ening of th gates at noon and (lie forn.al Introductory 'xafcl begin ning with a mammoth psgeant at I o'clock to b followed by addreeses by Oevernor B. W. Hoo.yer of Tnn- and Mayor O. H)Bkell. of Knox villa, At 'olock I tomorrow night Govern or Hooper wilt address a-mass mtlng of negroes at th ncgrn building, at th exposition enclosure. Th social feature of th opening day . wll) be th formal dedication of 'Tea Cup Inn," designed for th pleasure of young people. . Th exposition Is houssd in eight spacious-exhtblt buildings, In which are shown products of th Appala chan region, which includes portion of sight states: Tennsw. ' Oeorgla, Alabamar North and. Bouth Carolina, v Virginia, West Virginia, and Ken tucky. These hulldlnt present dis plays of manufaoturd product, mer cantile enterprises, fin arts, minerals, forestry, agriculture, liv Mock, poul try, pet stock, womon's work ami the . negro exhibit, in addition to open ing day events the program for the first week includes th horse show on the nights of Sept, It. It and U. Th llv ttock exhibit continuing through out th week; Cleveland and Bradley county dsy on Tutsdayj farmers' day rid Thursday, press duy Fridnv, Harmon ' and Qiiotiy 'on. futuni ay. Th address of Governor Judson Har mon, of Ohio, Saturday will be th feature of the program for that day. , -Notetf ttiealwni During the remaining week of th exposition Governor Woodrow Wilson, of New Jerseys Colons! W, J. Bryan. Ohsmp Clark and Senator LaFollette ar expected to be present and make addrsss by Champ Clark, speaker of greeea will hegln Sept. tl, with an address by Champ Clark, scpeaker ef the national house of representatives, Colonel Bryan will be her Sept. 1 . Dates for Ooyrnor Wilson and Sena tor LaFollette hay not yst besn an nounced. Th axpoartlon this year bid fair to surpass In every material part leu hw th exposition of 1114 and It Is expected that the attendance and p.txbllo Interest will b corresponding- -ly greater. . , . , ' iT ini POflTUGU EXPECTEO fJOVi DURING NEXT FEW CHS Whole Country Awaiting Serious Results With Anx ious Expectation PRISON CONSPIRACY LISBON, Via the Frontier, Sept 1A.I With a desire to know th exacfl strengtn of th positions and th In-j tentlons of the royalists ,tb govern-) ment recently sent LukiyAlmid, chief of th Carblnarlos. a secret political society, to the frontier to make thorough Inveattgatlon, A report frenV this, official has Just bsea received,? He cays th royalists now concentrated tn tMs neighborhood Of Orna arel preparing slowly to advance. , Thy number from 4,000 to 1,000, eora-i prtslng Infantry, cavalry and artillery.! They have about 40 pieces of artli.'. lery. for the most part oulck. fire re. f They also have two aeroplanes which! are constantly flying over the camps of the soldiers of the republic espe cially at Chaves and ib troops and; th Inhabitant ar " Inconstant 1 f ar , that they may drop bombs. ' . The delay In the attack Is due to the monarchists lack of fund, ys th Carbinara chief, but they am ex-', pecting the arrival from Brazil and ' England -within a few day of money'. to the amount ef $1,(00.00: : Duo A1-! miaa l of tn opinion that unlet something extraordinary happens th ' monarchist invasion wilt tak place wtlhln a week. i. ;The whole country Is awaiting re- suit with nxlous expectation. ' A -' rlous conspiracy hea been discovered in the Lisbon atate prison. In the) list f wda- the sentries mv no-' tlced that visitors to the 100 royalists Incarcerated' In this prison Invariably carried packages, Yesterday a seardb, ws made and, It .' was discovered that the roya't: prisoners, the chief ef Whom la s pries, Flgueiredo. wer armed -t revolvem. - H EXTTH R ECWEEKS

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