the ASHEvnxjELlcatm September ,r a, . i " i : ; 'JL: L ' ' MIe3! ! i I Society and Personals VI A' Urge camping party returned yesterday from Bat Cave and Eimer- aid after a Un days' delightful trip. Thr war encamped near Mountain - Vlt Inn and apant the greater part : of the time climbing the ragged moun tain ol the Chimney Rock section. Friday evening the members of the party assembled at the summit of Old Rumbling Bald of volcanic rep citation, in one of the popular Inns of - the vicinity, became quit, alarmed at what they imagined subterranean rumblings. The Bottomless Pools were noted, Chimney Rock and Fair Dome climbed. Among those In the party were Mrs. 0orge C. Liynclr, Miss Kdn Lynch, Dr. Oeorge B. Lynch, Miss Elmyra Payton Lynch, Miss Mary Sue ' Wray. Mr. William T, Lynch and Mr. , Buster Lynch, all of Falrvlew; Dr. and 1 Mrs. 3. M. Lynch, of Baltimore, Md.; - Miss Lillian Fletcher. Miss Maud Oudger, Miss Edyth Lawrence, Miss Myrtle Oudger, Mr. Vonno Oudger, Mr. Lucius Weer, Mr. Van Buren V Boatle, Mr. Eugene Cocks, Mr. Wal ' ttr Wray. of Ashevllle. and Miss Mary - Loving Wright, of Bowling Oreen, Ey. -. . The friends in Ashevllle of Prof. ' Harry Heck will be Interested In the following account of his wedding to Mies Anna Seeiey TutUe, which oc curred Saturday evening at the Unl . varsity of Virginia, where the former ia a member of the faculty. Prof. Keok 1 a member of e. prominent North Carolina, family, and U from ' Raislgn. Ha ha a numbar ot friends ! friends In AshevllUj -. "Mis Anna, teatoy Tuttle was mar Vied this evening to Prof. William ' Harry Hack at the home of her par. .nt, Prof, and Mrs.- Albert Henry , ' Tuttle, th Hav. Beverly . Tucker i officiating. ? "The parlor of No, I West Lawn, Cnlverslty of Virginia. n which tha tnarrlaaa was solemnised, was dco ' rated In green and white. Tha bridal party Approach th aiur during tha rendering by Mies Rosalia Thornton Af tha march from Tannhaussr, ush- ! ared by Mr. William B. Tuttl. of tun Antonio. T.. brother of tha bride, and Mr. William Ramsey, Pro baaco. her brother-in-law, followed b Mrs. Probeseo. the brid' sister, a matron of honor, and by tha brld on tha arm of her father. Tne groom wa attended ,W hit best man. Dr. James Carroll Tllppln, Of the Unlvef. i 0kf Vtrelnla. - . . t .' ' "The brid 5 waa " towned ' In1 wliU ohirrAM "einth over crepe meteor trim imed with old laea, and oarrl 111! i nt tha valley. Tha Impressive ermony was wit nessed by about awnty.fiv of tha tniimata friends of the bride and , eroom. A racaptlon and supper fol- &fter which Mr. ana wr. ' Heck loft for Now Tork, whr they 'will an&nd tha Winter, . t un. Heck waa born at Columbua, ft t has anant th moat of her Ufa at tha Unlveralty, whara her fath. ; er is the head of tha school of Mow?, ! to which ha came from tha Ohio Wat iintvrJty -a. Coltmsbus. ..Mrs. Heck ihas been for tome yaara nuacnea 'nclally to the Cnlveralty of Virginia, holding tha Important post of aaalat ant llbrartaa and making In H very high record for ability and usefnl. teas. Prof. Heck, of tha North Cam- Una family of that nam. momboj 5 of tha faculty of tha unlveralty, and n authority on 4ueatlonal gukjeota. 'He haa a yar'a la of absence which he win spend la sneclal work ant mveatleatlon In New Tork. , : ; prof.- Hack I an alumnus jf ,Wake Forest aollege and on of North Carolina' moat scholarly, and prom. Inant young tMn ", ' j '"''l',v, 'A A ' " ' Mis John left hr eottat at ula Uprings i few daya aw and want to, , Knosville to spend a little Mm with her !tr, Mr. O. O. MoCuliey. be. for folnt to th Brmsn wiea, wnere h and Miss McKlntsrv purpo enendtna- aom month. They U from Philadelphia on th steamship Merlon S-Pt Miss Johns ha been astunt principal at th Home .Industrial school for twenty year and 'in touch with many of th Interest ot th city ha a large circle of friend here, Mies MoKlnlstry has been mu .rto teacher In this achool for th past ! three year. Both ladle have leave of abeenee for a year, much of which time they wllL spend abroad. Mia -Josephine Bundy, formerly a , member of the faculty of th Horn .Indnatrtal. and recently prinoipal of the Jupiter school, take Mies Johns' i work, and Ml Aletta C. Rankin, of New Canaan, Conn., is ehoa aa mu sic teacher. Bo til these ladles are now at tha aohool, J jl . Ther will be a meeting of the board of directors of the Country club Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock In tbe offices of Mr. Alfred 8. Barnard. Jl Mrs. J. A. Perry entertains with sn Informal luncheon today in honor of Mrs. William Boykln, of Baltimore. Jl J Ther will be a meeting of the board of directors of the Toung Women's Christian Association this morning at 10. 10 o'clock. Some very Important mattere are to be consld red and It is necessary that there Will be a full attendance. J Jl The marriage of Miss Beasle Steph inson and Mr. Robert C. Arrowood occurred at Asalea" Saturday evening. Mis Stephenson le the daughter of Mr. William Stephenson, of Montreat. and since the death of her mother ha resided at the home Mr. T. J. In gle. Mr. Arrowood is conected with the McEwen Lumber company, and he and Mrs. Arrowood will contlnus to make their horn at Asalea. , Cleanses the System effectually; Dispels colds and Headaches due to constipation. Best for men women and children: young and old To got its Beneficial effects, always note the name of the Company, plainly printed on the front of every package of the Oeiuine JJis prus Goods Xt partmmt Ss facetting a Qrtat Many Wool fabrlts In Bst Pat Miss Kelly and Mlae Mabel Kelly, who have epent a number of month at the Battery Park hotel, leave to morrow for' their home In Rochester, N. T. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Naedham, Mis Majrle Needham and Mr. Richard Needham, jr., who have oocupled tha Joint Brease cottage, Battery Park, during the season, have returned; to their home In Columbus, Oa. , Dr. O. R, Little returned to Waynes vlll yesterday after a visit to friends In th city. i Mr, N. Buekner, of th hoard of trad, Is spending a few day la Charlotte, bavins left yesterday after- noon to attend the meeting of th n thusleat of th ''back homo" move- ment . ' - Mr. Jam E. Rector 1 attending court at MarehalL ; ; Mr. R. a MoCall spent yestsrday at Marlon, " v , axptcted to return from th latter part of the month their horn In Blltmore after the summer In New Tork Reea. Beautiful fall Silks Ifnder f$ priced Satin finished silks are given the -preference for Fall. In this line you will find many of the very newest displayed. The narrow pin stripe in dark tones isanother rood one. The fact is you can hardly 4hink of a novelty for fall that is not in cluded here . The' widths are 24, 26 and 27 inches. They are ' for today and tomorrow at .. .. .. 75c yard; i, aa mm -. . Xong ktnrsiblCiats Joe tftlssts ' and Audits for S3 0.00 at fhs'jlnnsxi , r- New Tork I worth $1 ; 00 and $1 . 25 th to open r spending 1 m : t with Mr. & .- ,,; . I - : jsr Mr. . Wrtrbtman D. . Robert, of Johnson City, passed through th city yesterday n rout to th meeting of those interested in the "back horn1 movement, which I to be held In Charlotte. ' Mr. Robert I secretary of th Back Horn eseootatlou and I assistant Industrial agent of th C-. C, ft O. railroad. : It Mis Bllleen Bracken, of Miami, ria., Is visiting at II Church street for a fw wka : Mr. J. A. Cobura and daughter, Leolla, of Canton. O.. an th guests of Mr. C. P. Amblsr at Htusnake lodg. Mr. Oaaton Mearea, Mi Laura, Exum and Hln Mearee and Mis Brrd Hsnderson returned ytrday from a ten days' trip to Atlaatla City and Nw Tork.' - ,,"VM' ' Mr. Prank McDonald, of Norfolk. Va., 1 la town for vr4 day on business. - .. ; Mr. W. R. McDonald, leave today for Dtlleboro, N. C, afwr a brief Way In town, where h wil b th rueet of Mr. Robert Harrt for sevsral Mr. w. Scott Radeker he gon to Atlanta and KnoavlU oa business. Hon. Richmond Pearson la th gut of Mr. Conaliy at Black Mountain for several day. ' Miss Janl Jones returned vaster- day from Black Mountain, where ah ha been visiting Mr. J. H. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mathews and small son, who have boon spending several weeks with friend and reia tlves, hav returned to their horn In Birmingham, Ala. Mr. Roger Lam son, jr., who wt expected today from New Tork to join Mr. Lameon, hae been detained by th lUneas f her mother, who re cently underwent an operation at her horn on Long Island. Mr, Tench Fraaol Coxe. Mr. Ells worth Lyman and Mr. Julian Nile are the guest ot Mrs. Conaliy Cox at Black Mountain, and from there will go oa a trip to Mt. Mitchell. Mr. and Mr. J. J. Cerr and family, who have resided In Blltmore for a number of year, have leased a house on Chestnut street, occupied by Mrs. DevenlsH, and will move into Ashevllle to make their home. Mr, and Mr. Frank Murphy and on, of rort Worth, Tex., are spend ing several months In the city. Mr. Harald Reea and children are Ladies' Sweaters and Waistcoats blue, i v weavei f 1 V-necl lii u Ladies' Sweaters in , red, white, black and in fancy and plain leaves. Uoat stvle -neck and pockets. Prices $3.00 to $8 Ascot Waistcoats ladies. A sleeveless sweater, reaching only to the waistline, and opening at throat in V-shape, , iacea with silJc and fin ished W!th pearl buttons . In f?rey, blue, red and 'brown. , Price $3.00 , . . Sole asrents f or th na,iahvA ta.. wMtwB, yi wmcu we nave a complete line colors, black and white. ift V. MOORE & CO. . SpoclaUM ta Wooaca'e Rdy4o.War Garwtenta. U PATrOX AVE. Careful attention given to' Hail-Orders with .00 for Charlotte Younc. of Charlotte. N. C I vlltlng her sister, Miss Leona Young, on Haywood street. Miss Toung Will leave soon for Denver, N. C where she Is principal of the high school established there three years ago through a state law providing for schools under state supervision. Mr. and Mr. J. O. Rice and small daughter, Helen, of Washington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Rice in OrOva park. Mr, Rice haa had charge of tha work of draining the Ever glade of Florida, and on which has been very successful. . Mr, 0. M. RounsaVllle, who haa ar ranged th octal program of the sea ion at the Battery Park hotel, leaves thi evening for Atlanta, Oa., to visit her sister, Mrs. Oeorge Brown, and will later go to Nw Tork. Mr. Rounsavllle ha made many friends during her stay, and under her su pervision th Varlou, balls and dances, to., at the Battery Park hotel have never been more attractive nor enjoy able. . Dr. W. P. Herbert has returned from a vialt to Warrentoh, Va after an abaenc of a fortnight. Mis Helen Murphy and her broth er Mr. Lee Murphy, leave Thursday for Canada, where they will spend vral week motoring. - Mr. and Mr. Vance Brow and Mr. Herbert Brown leave ehorUy for th Rod and Oun eluav at Black Mountain, where they will pad several days i fishing. . ' Mr. Claranc Murphy, of New Or leans, who haa been In town for sev eral day, returned to hi horn last vntng. Mr. Oeorge Haywood, of Arden, returned yeaterday from a visit to rel atlve t Orand Rapid, Mich. Dr. and Mra. Charlee S. Jordan, who have spent the summsr on th Mas sachusetts shorei, ar expected to re turn to Ashevllle th first of Novem ber. Mis H. M. Strwper, of Pennyl vanla, who haa been residing in Hen dersonvills for some time, ha accept ed th post of matron of the Chil dren' horn In Woolsey, and ha as sumed her duties. Junior Suits for the young qirls Every express increases our.line of tailored suits. Those received yesterday are for the younger jgtrli between the ages of 12 and 17, They are tailored like their older sisters' suits, only, the, skirts are shorter. Noriolk A very good model is the blue serge Jacket at $20 . 00 . All sizes . i . V it Other Junior Suits for ......... $10. 60 to $2530Q the residence of Miss Sue Cobb near the auditorium, yhlle Mr. E. F. Mum ford ha pucchaaed the horn now oc cupied by Mr. Splllman. Mr, J. E. Hudaon, operator for th Southern her for eeveral year, wtll leav lp a few days for Connelly Springs, where he will be stationed in th future. , , tf MEDICAL COLLEGE Of the Stat of Bo. Carolina, ClmrlosMn, S. C. MEDICIXE A$p PHARMACY Session open Oct. ta, 1111, Ends , 'Juntiad, 1XI. Unsurpassed cllnloaJ advantages of fered by tha New Boper HosplUl. one of the la:-et and beet equipped hos pital In th South. Extensive outdoor and dispensary service under control of the Faculty.' ' ' Nine appointment each year for graduate In - medicine for hospital and dispensary service. Medical and Pharmaceutical Labor atorlea recently , ,Jnlarged and fully equipped. -r- b'i, , Deparemat ot PhyiloJogy and Em. bryology in affiliation with th Charleston Muaeum. - 1 Practical work for medical and pharmaceutical ' students a special feature. ir Vnr ctlou. addreaa ROBERT M 10LSOX, PR., M. Desia Cor. Queen , an4 . Franklin Street. Charleston. A'C. " BURTON & DOLT ; , . Tunil8hingi ... ' South' HXain 6L ' W request a4I persons In thfey city and surrounding country who have heretofore had laundry troubles, to bring or send their linen to u. Oil plant, recently enlarged with' a nam ber of new modern machine added, to our already splendid equipment; en able u to give perfect satisfaction to those who desire real good laundry service,, Drop u a card, or talephon your address and our wagon will oaW. All work entrusted to earoful attention. u receive MOUNTAIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 428 North Lexington Aye BLCKMONT NOTES. BLUBMONT. N. "c. Sept. 11. Several new houses are in course ef erection lust now. smeng them that of Mra. Cora L. Priest, of Lakeland, Fla., who la building near W. J. Wyatta; Rsv. J. D. Moore, of Colum bia, 8. C nenr Dr. Bells', and that of Mia Anna Pearc. Newborn, N. C, near Mr. H. B. Craven's. The summer service nn the South ern railway known a the "Bluemont Special,' and operated between Blue mont (Terrell) and Lake Toxewsv, 111 soon be discontinued. This train Is much used and appreciated bv summer visitors In this -section and Stop worrying about something W eat.1 Call 977 and get some of our spring lamb, veal,r pork, or nice steaks. V. V. HAYNIE, The 0rocw Cor. K. Main iM Kast Ma, Phona T7 O tilu.j WINTER COAL PUT IN NOW A great many people ' ar having us put In their supply ot X winter coal how. Thar insist on x Clergy and Religious Press M. & W. INDIAN WAlM 1.1 Because It is so high In fuel T value, clean, free from clinker. X and bum to o little ash Carolina Cosl&Icei : Compaiiy S) Patton Ave. Drnhmor BMg. Z tMHIIMMMlllMHIIII Fall Opening Vh t of Imported Models and Tailored Hats Thursday, September Uth ' i Af. WEBB CO. Club Bldg., Haywood S(. .Khoi Hats I IIHMIIMIMIIIIIH II Mil I M I Ilia? ' "FOR SALE Three of the best resi dence properties on Mont- ford avenue. A rare oppor tunity to get an elegant home. Terms. CAN AD AY REALTY CO, Phona tTA. - 10 If. Pack Square. endorse for some time has carried four ears Rev. R. L. McNalr, Pastor Preeby- MILAM the most reliable Reconstructive tonic and blood renovator .We. the onderalawd. hereby certify that we have taken Milam wtth very beneficial results.. ReUerina It to be a valuaMe remedy, we aathorta the publlration of our endoraement. Rev. J. Cleveland HalL Rector of Church of the Epiphany. Danville, Va. Intead of the usual number three On Tuesdays ,when th speclsl rates to Ashevllle ana iake Toawav are in effect It has carried very Urge num- hr one time high as eleven hun dred psssengers were handled on th Koine and returnln trln. The service furnished by th Poiithern hss been above the averae this summer as all trains have run more nearly on time than heretofore, except when i delayed by wrecks, etc. The larger part of the summer visi tors have returned home, although quite a large number still remain aa September and October are the finest months of the year; the weather Is usually dry. the foliage moet gorgeous, while chestnuts, chlnquaptaa and wild grapea attract one to the woods. Mr. and Mra. E. T. Mumford and famllv are visiting relatives In Ay den, jr. c. MaJ. H. L. Orant. of Raleigh. Is spending several day on the ground. Mr. Jacob F. Parrott, of Klnston. and niece, Miss Rachaet Bright ar at Sunset cottage for a few weeks. Mrs. W, K. Baxter and Mlsse Anna Pcarce. Anna Hanff and Lissete Hanff, nf Nswbern, have gon to Connelly Springs for a few week before re turning horn. Mr. H. B. Craves and family have gene to Trinity. N. C, where they will vurlt relative. . " , Mr. B. W. Splllaiaa ha ptrrchaeed terian Church. Charlotte C. H.. Va. Rev J. C. Holland, Factor Keeen SKreet Baptist Church, Danville, Va Rev. H. D. OueTrant. Methodist Minister, Danville, Va. Rev. Nathan Maynard. Roanoke, V. Rev. L. c. Douthlt. Walhalla. 8. C Rev. W. W. Rore.ll. Norfolk, Va. "The Methodist" endorie Milam There hss been introduced in Dan ville recently a medicine that. It the testimony of aom ot our best citisens can be accredited, haa real merit, it ta known as The Milam Cftire. The effect of ' this medicine upon some of those who have been induc ed to try it has been marvelous aa i restorer ot health. Th company who manufacturee thi remedy that has auch a tremendous aale ia composed of gentlemen highest social and moral standing in Danville We reel mat in placing tn aaverusement of this medicine before our readers we are render-In' a service that will be blestlnr tn suffering humanity. T.iia commendation is written wirn- out fee or reward upon the testimony of thoee who have been benefited by the use of the MILAM remedy. 'The Baptist" Endorses Milam la the ham Of A great me- dlclne now being - manufactured In Danville, and 'rem the testimonials of some of our best citisens we oan safely to our friends wno are suffering with any or tne diseases It prdpeses to euro. Th men at tne head of th company manufac turing this medicine can be relied on. Rev. J. E. Hloka la the Baptist fnlon. i Borrow ft Kodak No charge for use of Kodak when we do th finishing. Best remits guaranteed by flint expert. " RAY'S STUDIO Pattoa Ave. "Norma Martinei" Smokers - Sunny Smoke Shop D. H. VATEA. Pro. . . Opp P. U 1 Hayweod fit. Phcsse & Ask your draggle . or write for Bookie The Milan Medicine Co., Inc. OAXVJLLB. VA." CTLKB RATED CAKPT ON ICS AT n.T1Te w' Movmami . Oppo. Post Office. eeeeeeseeeeeeeeee HAIR GOODS Th latest style in all hair goods. W mak up all special order In two days'-notice. ' ' Manlcurtbg, halHresslng. facial and ocalp massage. A " Chiropody for ladle and gentlemen. We remove auperfluou hair and all facial blemtthe without path by ax pert operator. V" MISS CRUISE'S SHOP M Haywood St. IC SOXES REFRIGERATORS PORCH GOODS HAMMOCKS J. L. Snuthers St Sons' 15 N. Main St ;.-, fawcot all ordr In th designing . of ;1a)'4,pier?4,wiW t ' that you may desire made" according to your own 'idea; 'W'.j nus m specialty oi uiis ci n oi wora, -aiao tne aettins ol wa mend and other preclou atone. A visit to our store ptu prove to your ad vantage. If you .con template placing an order' of thi ' nature. Batlafactton assured, 'workmanship the bast, charge mod . rat. CHAS. E. HENDERSON, Jeweler ' S's'l- IS PATTTON AVENUE. ' ir oeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aXT. CHAS. epapXK.-, ' CT, CHASt- COFFEE. J ST. CHARLES COFFEE la a blend of th best, moat deljclous coffee obtainable and I roasted in New Orleans the most i.oted . coff center In th world. PackOd tn air tight package. , x OXK-POCND PACKAGE .. .. .. SC .' VfJ THi-afi-POUND PACKAGE ..1.00 " Hold by ' .-J M. HYAMS CCOVERNORTH MAIN AND HERRTMOX AVE. ' ST. CHAS. COFFEE. ST. CHAa'OPVKB BREAD FOR STRENGTH Should have all the nourishing qualities of the , gram. r- , BUTTER-CRUST BREAD 4 tt. I mad from selected wheat, large grata that contains th hUrheet quantity of nutriment. It la evenly baked to .a beautiful, brown - and X keep mewture longer than any, other. Ask. your grocer, or phone ASHEV1LLE STEAM BAKERY, MIIMtleliOMMMeifMltlOII TURKISH BATg f the Grim Sanitariui 31 Haywood Street For, Ladies :and , Gentlemen FOR RENT T room nfurnlshd bouse, Mont ford section. Very deaimel. 11.I0. room furtrlehed. house. Victor la' Road. - Splendid-' view. naee Beat, servant quarters, etc. f o.0. . , -1 ' THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 aiton; Ave Modern., throughout. Bath, fuT- HAMMOCKS AND PORCH : . . FURNITURE .. - Harris Furniture Company ' "Hoene FaraJahera," St . Mala. Pbooa 1515 MEN'S v ; "SUMMER SUITS' . . i PRICE. The Gem Clothing Store PAXTOK AVKSVm V : MISS' ycaKs&TJ' , HUFF. EXT ERT CORSET1ERE ROOMS 17 and American National Bank BoUoinf v . ,., ,;v- .. r, ...: . Burn our cpaJ( 'ana save the dnlerencei i ' 4 K V; ' ASaKTUXE DRAt. tVEt OOSel to