TIIE SUNDAY CITIZEN, SEPTEMBER 17, 1911 Society and Personals family, ha returned to pend the au tumn in Ashevllle, Jdlu Elisabeth Jon, of Raleigh, X. C, in spendln several weki at Mountain Meadows Inn. ' MIIIM HmmiMHMmHMMIM i OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT With Krtday evening of next week i wag In the city Friday on business. & Jewish New Yr begin. Thl ., r the. Maaon of the year 1 known as the holy days and cxipnd through the ley of Atonement, a period of ten days. The religious ervl marking this occasion are interesting. The Jewish ritual, which Is a gradual de velopment from the second century of the pre-'hrlbtlan era, Ib deeply ex- I preaalve of the lilealu. hopes and lonn- lings of the Jewish people. A v. Interesting feature of these serv: t will be the Hinging of the tradltim, jntuslc. The oppression lo which this people have been subjected, their firm i faith In the ultimate victory of truth. jail la reflected In this ancient music. I A special choir, composed of the beat talent that Ashevllle affords, will rfn der t.hts music at the services, together With Mr. Morris T-aasron. Theiie serv ice will be of interest to the stenerat public, giving aa they do a true in t'grht Into the Jewish aplrlt and rellgl- us life, thing which too often are either mlajudgnd or unknown. The aanicM will bo heVl nt tha Temple on Sprue afreet on Friday evening next at 8 o'clock and on Saturday morning at JO. 80 o'clock, ' Jl . JThe ::lxed fourec'ii handicap olf jteturnament remjlfofl !n ft lie yester day Afternoon at tha Country club, !ll Jlnal being played between Mies jVkr.co Br'iwn and Mr. K. I. 1'roit, find M!a Eleanor Morrison and Mr. V- Savmour. The final will bo played off iltirlmc tha Weak, an tha return of Mr. Seymour from Ove land. Mra, Char; X.:. Minor serveil ,te and thera were, a number o." peo ipta out Includlrigr .'vera: guests from eat of town. ,' :, , 1 . . . -"J "The Young Woman's auxiliary of the Firatf Baptist church will meet In .the lecture nxtm of tha church Mon day evening at t "clock. .All mtrn bere and any friends they may care to invite are moat cordially welcome, . M J . Mr. and Mra. William H. O'Keefe (have issued Invitations to the wed - dftier f their daughter. Edith Ingles, to Mm David Fields Susong, which .will take place Thursday evening, Jfiepi it at coon at Ft-. James' church, ;Orenevtlie, Tenn, Mr, iiisong le a 'cousin or Mrs, J. K. Chambers of thla city, and has been a frequent guest at .the home of the latter. Mr. Busong ,h a number of friend In the city iwho will be interested to learn of hi rbproaehlnf marriage. , . The faculty of the Btltmore high school waa entertained Friday even ,1 by Mr, and Mrs, F. A. Walton at their home, 18 Summit street, Bllt fmore. Prof. Btlmson and Mlsa Orace 'Walton contributed to the evening's .entertainment several vocal and In strumental number,, whlnh proved very enjoyable. The guest wert Prof, If. W Hipp. Mlaa Weaver, Mis jBams, Miss Burllson, Mis Jessie Wal ton, Mies Brevard, Mias Orace Wal ' ton. Prof.- Stlmson and Mr, and Mr. Dudley Lipe, ' Mrs. H. E. Mlmms nnd two daugh ters, of Btaumont, Tex , are visiting tanburg. Mr. Ml mm' mother. Mrs. C. M. Mills, on Blames avenue. Miss Ellen Martin has returned to her home In Bouth Carolina after a i vlalt of several weeks to friends In the city. Mr. E. 8. West has returned from a j buslns trip to Columbia and Bpar- ,;' Mr. 3. V. Tyerly and her mother, .Mrs. M. R. Thomas, left yesterday for jAugusta, Oa., where the former wilt spend the winter. ' tip. w Mr. J. U Lyerly, who reoently ac cepted a positon with Morri As Co., Mrs M. A. Harnhtll, of Atlanta, Ci,, who lias been spe-mllng the sum mer at Hickory Nut 'lap, waa In the city yesterday en route for Hickory, N. C, where she will visit her iluuh tf r, Mis Kathleen lurrihlll, at Clai mant college. Mrs. Harnhlll will re turn to Atlunla from that place. Mrs. A. f. Morris, of iJurhnm, In visiting friends In Ashevllle, her for mer home, after an extended visit to her daughter, .Mrs. Ou F. liensley, of Burnsvttle, and her son', Mr. Habe Morris, of Weavervllle. Mrs. Morris leves soon for Green vllle. 8. C, to visit her on, Mr. A. C. Morris, of that place. . f. W. lowe left yesterday for a six weeks' visit with his son, Herbert L. Lowe, In Idaho. Defore returning he will vlalt several points of Interest In the west. Mr. and Mr. C. M. Dill have just fe'urneil from a week' vlit of friends at Dlllsboro, N. C and will leave today for a week's vlalt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Huff, Knoxvllle, Tenn. PEflHONAf. Mr. Carn ;mlieion has gone to lot Bprlnga for ft week's visit to Ml Miller. ,' Mr. Morton t'alne and Ml Paine, of Charleston, 8. C are expected Wednesday, and will be the, guests of Mis Cora le Drummond at Pine togs. Mr. and Mr. te Currey, of Har rodsburg, Ky., are guests at Moun tain Meadows Inn tor several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wright, who have been visiting relatives of the letter In Ashevllle and Charlotte dur ing the summer, have returned to their home in Cleveland, O. Mr. H. F. Seymour left yesterday for Cleveland, O., and wilt be out of towjn for several day. Mrs. K. M. Watson haa leased "Brookwood"" bungalow, wtifch she has occupied during the summer, for the winter eeaeon until the completion of her bungalow overlooking the Country elub links. Miss Minnie Chester, and her lter, Mr. Raeburn, of letttav111 Ky.; Who have spent the vaeon In Aehevllle, have returned to their hemje; ! Mr, Roland 8. Morrl end chUdren, who hare been vtstunc Capt and Mrs. W.. W; West;, for a number of week, leave today r for Piaalphi4, nd from there will go to Atlantic City with Mr. Morris for a short stay. Mr, Oeorte Pritehard, of Marshall, waa In town yesterday. v Mr. William Camp, of Florida, who occupied Wltchwood last year with hi Mrs. Joseph E. Meares and children are spending the month at lula Springs. I The Public is Cordially Invited to Call t and Inspect the 1 Hand-Embroidered Waists Mr. William Thomas., who has boon ! the guest, of Mrs. George Hmlth at the apartments of the latt'r In the Ade- ' laldf- building for several weeks, has returned to his home in Charleston, i 8, C. i Mr anil Mrs. Itoy P. Brown are vis- j ItlriK Mrs. Ilrown's parents, at Tuscu- , lum, Tenn. j Mr. and Mr. O. E. Randall and I daughter, NflUe, leaveTuesday morn- tng for Knoxvllle, where they will at:. tend the Appalachian exposition. They I will be Joined by Mrs. W. S Kennedy and Mrs. MoClammey, ot wumingion, and the son and daughter ot the for mer, who will also attend the exposi tion. Mias He Ktta Merrlek who has been tha gueat of her sister, Mrs. Alfred H. Barnard for several weeks, rc turna to New York Wednesday. Mrs. Tonally t'oxe has returned from Black Mountain to open Fernl hurst. Victoria, for the season. Mr. Conally returns shortly from Black Mountain. Mr, rt. P. L1UW and children of Fort Worth, Tex., are spending sev eral month n Asjiovllla. Mr. A. J. Flncher ot Canton was In the city yesterday w buslnose. Mr. Frank Holland of Orlando, Fla., was ins the city yesterday. If , iJu ' Mr David Vronlt; hi been vis iting hi daughter, 'iflf- Clarenc Cone, who ha occupied the Martin reeldenoe on Liberty street during the summer, leave Monday for hi home In Baltimore. Capt. and Mre. Ormotid B. Strang, of Savannah, a a., are gueat at the Manor, Mr. Morrt Lasaron ha returned from BtateevUle, where he spent tha week with friends camping on Grand father mountain, IJnnvlU Falls snd at Blowing Boek. Mrs. A. Whltlock leave for Btatea vllle to visit her daughter, Mr. Wil liam Wallace. Tueday and from there will o to New York to attend the marriage of her son which occurs shortly. I mi.. 'Laura Haskell has returned to her home in ttalelgh after a, visit of several days to friends in the city and liendersonvllle. OPEXINO and Hand-Made Sweaters now for inspection at F v The Berlin . American National Bank Builning. Room $ "The Waist that Makes a Suit With Any SklrtM From the Manufacturer to the Wearer r4 rrrfjHttl'H'IUIIH tMMantiMTfe At HOOD'S MIMilXKRY 6 Haywool Kt. ana save Burn our coal the diHefeiice. ABIiKVILLK DR.1Y, FX'KL A CO?!. STRCCTIGN iXK Phoae 2 MISS TTTTVP "TAp a y'Jivm ' EXTKRT CORS BIT ERE nOOMS IT and fS American National Bank Building The annua; opening of the mill nery firm of M. Webb and Co., tn the Aehevllle club building, on Hay wood street, wa feateured by a full line of Imported modal and tailored hat, all of the late style being view ed by many hundred of women dur ing the day. The line 1 exclusive. Rummage Sale of Entire Summer Stock We have gone through our entire stock of summer dresses, suits, waists, etc., arranging them in lots and working in rummage" figures. That is the prices that obtain at a "rummage" sale, where one naturally expects to get even-thing at about half its actual value. If you don't need the articles listed below now,, it will be good business to buy these and put them away for next season. The stylo? will still bp good, and the prices represent art immense saving. PONGEE SUITS ' $35 to $45 value $15.95 SERGE SUITS. Plain white and with hairline stripe, $25 to $50 voluo $15.95 LINEN SUITS. The remnants of an unusually good stock of linen suits, strictly tailored, white, natural end colored . Priees were $7.00 to $25.00. To close $3 . 05, $6 . 95 a nd $10 . 95 LINGERIE WAISTS. Many of these are priced at 1-2 their original value. Home more. Prices are 75c, $1 . 15, $1 . 50, $2 . 00, $3 00, $5.00 and $7.00. GIRLS' SCHOOL DRESSES You Represent a great savins: . can't make them as cheaply. Prices were $1.25 to $8.50 Now 89c to $6.29 MJ EXCHANGKS. PONGEE DRESSES. $25 to $60 value .$6.95 to $15.95 SILK DRESSES. One-piece dresses in black and colors, former price $15 . 00 for $6 . 95 LAWN AND LINGERIE DRESSES These were exceptional values at first price. Many of these were bought at manufacturer's job fig ures and priced accordingly. Prices were $5.00 to $35.00; to close $2.95, $3.95, $6.95t SILK AND NET WAISTS . Iiong and short sleeves, tailored ul fancy, $1.95, $3, $4, $5 and $7 GIRLS' SCHOOL COATS One lot of serge and cloth coats, broken tizes. Values $5.00 to $8.00 Special price .. ..$2.95 and $3.95 NO Al'TKRATIOXS FAIR AT BILTMORE ESTATE SUCCESSFUL ,. i Most of the Exhibits Would Compare Favorably With. Some of the State Fairs, FOR SALE Three of the best res! dence properties on .' Mont ford avenue . A rare oppor tunity to get an elegant home. Terms. CANADAY REALTY CO , Phone 74- 10 N. Pack Square- A Lot of Very Tastily Decorated Choice Thin China Tea Cups and Saucers! The regular price of the above is Threej Dollars per doz. There are 37 doz en in the lot and two styles of decoration. J. H. LAW 35 Palfon Avenue i I 4 Borrow a Kodak No charge for use of Kodak when we do the flntehlnie. Bsst results guaranteed Dy mm expert RAY'S STUDIO , SO Patton Avn. Borne o "Norma Martinea" Smokers Sunny Smoke Shop D. IL WATER, Pron. Opjj P. a S Haywood 81 Phone 1V. The annual, agricultural and in dustrial fair heftNm the Btltmore es tate Friday afternoon w one of toe finest yet held by "tha tenant of the estate. Mr. and Mra Vanderbllt were present and the former Judged the various exhibit Awarding the rib bons. The estate comprise 140,000 acres of land and fsjtmere and tenants from! every section of it were repre stened. It said that a finer show ing has not been seen at state fairs. A number of cattle and various live stock were ehowny the poultry exhi bit was especially commendable and will be among the exhibits at the Western North Carolina fair early next month, with various other en tries from the agricultural and Itfdua trla departments of the estate. The potatoes were given epeclal award and were grown near the lodge on Plsgah, some Ave thousand feet above sea level. The weaving, wood oarvlng and embroideries were a fea ture of the fair and formed one of the most beautiful exhibits. MATTERS OF RECORD The followlngfeed have been filed: J. T. Krwln' and 'wife to 8. A. Scott, lot In West Ashevllle; consideration 1200. Frank A. Sumner and wife to A C. Erandl and I M. Theodbold. lot on North Main street; consideration 70. J. J. Coombs to Henry B. Stevens, land on Hominy creek; consideration 10,000. I Q. E. Maney to Charles N. Carson, j land In Ivy township; consideration I $100 and other valuable oonaldera I Hons. v, i Prank A. Sumner and wife to Seton ; A. Barbeo, lot on Flint street; con- alderatlon S50. i Harrison Mountain Air Banltorlum j company to the Felowshlp Assocla- tlon of the Royal tieague, land In ! Blaok Mountain; consideration ! $1,809.60. KMm HttW M. Webb Co. Club Bldg. Haywood St. We Are Prepared to execute all orders in the designing of any piece of , Jetpelrjr that you may desire made according to your own Ideas. We make a specialty of thl cla ss of work, also the settles of 11a monds and other precious stones. A visit to our store wllr prove to your advantage if you oon template placing an order opjJM nature. Satisfaction assured, workmanship, the best, charges p$ srata. CHAS. E. HENDERSON. Jewelw -.-V U PATTTOX AVENUE. Oysters! Oysters. fu :! Fine shipment of Fresh trade. Oysters for Friday 1VI . HYAMS FRESH MEATS Phone et-lik. GROCERIES O'1' e :: ft Cor. N. Slain A Merrtmoul JS-J;4' ieeeee...eeeeeeeeee.......e...e........e....e..eeeeW TURKISH B A Til & a Tlic Gruner Sanitarium dltHaywpod Street - - i ; t For Iiadier aw qiprM l ii i i '. ' . Hi i. I. In I ,1. 'nil I' 2. Automobile and Picnic Parties will find in LAUREL PARE HendersonvUle, : r : N. O. not only "the moat beMtml natural park in America," but an ideal spot .foe a dart outing. WALTER B. SMITH, Kcolager, fnrel lark. HeneVreonvtUe. N. C. .eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee CELEBRATED CANDY ON ICE AT McKay 's Phwrmacj Oppo. Port Offke, , Marrtab licensee. Hugh t. Brady to Ethel Loule Watt. William Burnett to Mary Kate Mur phy. Sine Boyd to Oracle Sheppard, colored. 221 NEXT TO WASHING DISHES the most despisedvdrudgery of house keeping is the jcare of the several fires and the sweetiner un of the ashes and dust they produce. Unless, of course Hi you own- a Hot-Water or Steam System only one W ; nre then neeaeo ana no dust. or asnes in the Imng "rooms. Ask for etsimate and list of satisfied cus tomers. UNION PLUMBING COMPANY ' Phone 3t. . - , Nbrtti.faln St? APPALACHIAN EXPOSITION Knpxville, Tenn. . : Offers to the public, this year, matiy ' new attrac-$ tions. Tickets on sale daily September 9th to 0ctober4s$i 1911. - Season tickets sold daily at rate of $4.10, Final Unlit to reach original starting point not later . than midnight of tenth day from, but not including, date of sale, EXCEPT that -no tickets wiDe lwite4jio.reaatf1 siartixig point, .laiei uueux iu tuiugux, vyctuuev itxi A' r Jackson County Pair, -blffgest event Ir it history. Syl, September 27- 28-29. HAIR tiOOjOS The latest styles in alt.Tiejr gooda We make up all special orders la two days' notice. V Manicuring, halrdreratng, ' facial and scalp massage. Chiropody (or ladtea and gentlemen. We remove superfluous fcalr and al( racial blemishes wtuiout pain by ex pert operator. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP s Haywood St. " COACH EXCURSION TIC KETS: Sold September 19 and 26, limited to return. sey; eil days from, but not including, date of sale. ,; : f,i'r Rate from Asheville, $2.85 Round Trip. ' c: TflF SOUTHERN RAILWAY i STATE SECRETARY Y. M. C. A. Inter-State Secretary O. C. Hunting ton, of North snd South Carolina, of the Y. M. C. A., spent yesterday In the j city. He was well pleased with the j work of the local association, and has , asked for a number of cut which will be used In the T. M. C. A. publication. ICE BOXES REFRIGERATORS PORCH GOODS HAMMOCKS J. L. Smathers is Sons 15 N. Main St M. V. M00RE & CO. tt PATTON AVE. SCHEDtXES DISTRIBITED, Stop 1 PL . ' about naslum schedules have ben printed j Something to Oat . Call UTt and are being distributed among the; j - ,e member, of the .ociaUon aa well as and 8et SOme f, 8Plg prospective membergf i lamb, veaL pork, or " nice steaks. V. V. HAYNIE, Cor. N. Main ana East fUi Pfjsie 7t Balloon ascension and ' parachute rfrop dally, Bylva. Jacksen Ceunty Fair, September IT-lt. " " Offers splendid schedules. FOUR DAILY TRAINS IN EACH DIRCTIONrl i ; ; An opportunity to see one of the most complete?!?9 eositiona -of the age. J. H.WOOD, v R. H. GRAHAM, '" District Pass. Agent. City Pass, and Ticket Agt ASHEVILLE, N. 0, -3f bsjsfliafj POUND LOAVES OF BREAD When you buy our famous BUTTER - CRUST Mi XBread you not only get the best bread in the coun- X X pry, but you also get a loaf that weighs a pound.' T " '''xYott tret nnantittr''jisti"w11' aa quality. Ask your grecer ,or phone 622, r - , It CLf nf 1 1 E rTCJii r fi ismnr i fii i 1 1 m m 1 1 1 n t i im i 1 1 1 it hum 1 1 1 ii 11118111111 1 mAU N S ... . . . ., . . -. . ...... - ' -