- , ' - - t V EE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER FAIR Circulation O nftf. Daily Over OjU UU .yox. xxvtl no 336 ASIIEVILLE, N. O, SATURDAY 3XORNINO, SEPTEMBER 23, 1911 PRICE FIVE CENTS ANTI-RECIPROCITY If, OF ITALY IS FOODSTUFFS GO UP AFTER DEFEAT OF RECIPROCITY PICT Tradors In Supply Centers Lose no Tim in Taking Advantage of it EADYINCASE y 0VERC0f4 Q U EST BY GEHERAL REYES He Declares he Will Not Run Fdr President if Election Is Not Postponed OF AN EMERGENCY ' ' ,(-: lPBBt , i-i IfTurKey Refuses to Give Con sent to Italian Protector ate of Tripoli arbons and Large.' Slgnifl Vf cant Headlines Appear In Nearly All of Them LE V iii m ft w ANOTHER UPRISING NAVY PAPERS GLOAT G FEARED IN MEXICO fJOl'JR J A TAFTS NAME HEARD " ALL OVER COUNTRY Borden Regime Will be Inaug urated With Realization : of Complete power MONTREAL, Que.. Sept, tl. That popular post-elottlon puxxle, "how did It happen?" ha' fascinated all Can. mAA f riHn u ' 'Rclnrrwlf v . ! . rAbiidl- eted," state an evening paper In t three-incb type, beneath which; In a cartoon headed 'The Arch-angel Chain the Destroyer," ? a figure ; of "Anti-reciprocity f oroea" .with drsrwn aword of '"loyalty" enchalna the pros- trate .'reciprocity" with a chain o votes 'Testerday'a victory 'was not a triumph of any political party," an . editorial declare. "It waa won by patriotic coalition of conservative and liberate determined that the dream of a great Imperishable Canada should ' not be dispelled.", -,: Another paper, displaying the sev red heads of the eight defeated Lau tier minister insists that the time had come for a change in government, ' lest the controlling party . become, even against Its wilt, entrenched in 'graft '.." : " . -. : :v .. Fear of annexation, disagreement with 'the government's naval and transportation 'policies and no anx iety lest the principle of national de velopment was other assigned cauaea for the change which give the Bor den conservatives a majority of at i least forty-eight In the new house of common. - . .The Borden regime will be inau gurated with even mora comploteneas of power than I Indicated by the .mere statement of majority. Of the ,Hi conservative seats but one 1 held hy national tat Tatt's Xante Heard TJi nam of the victorious leader mnA ItiA riefAAtA "nna hip ft... h.nn on the. popular tongue today CWilan has that of President Taft What .'llf mr7ffeet"1the result would- 'have &-? hla political career or on that of ?WWa ,jarty, waa much discussed. That " ' his own often quoted words, to, which ! ' Iwere assigned meanings he has said Continued on page three) RATED AS A MILLIONAIRE DEATH brother of Man Accused of Smuggling Falls From Fourth Story MAY BE A SUICIDE CHICAGO, Sept. 22. Chas. W. Al tytn, wealthy Kenosha, Wla, manufac turer and brother of Nathan Allen. wm killed here late today when he fell from a fourth story window at the rear of a downtown hotel. Allen's body was found In a small court I The alleged beating was admin Jxd. The police declared that Allen's letered In the street but the young aatn was accidental, but Dr. P. M. I GUI, house physician at the hotel, said he believed Allen lumped from the aX Soon after the discovery of the btxlfct waa reported that the dead dud was Nathan, who was recently I .idle ted on a charge of aiding in amuggilng $300,000 worth, of dia monds into the United Stales and wose name was linked with 'hat of Wis. Helen . . Jenkins. Unsuccessful attempts were made by the police to find Nathan Allen . in Chicago to night to notify him of his brother's death. At the hotel, where he usually tops, It was said that he was In New Tork. POPCfcAR IJf HOME TOWS. KENOSHA, Wis., Sept. . Chas. it , Allen, found dead In Chicago late I Jkr, wa well known and popular TSere. He was 0 year old. With Nathan Allen he owned large manu facturing properties and waa rated a millionaire. He la survived by widow and three children who reside WRIGHT IS CHAMPION, AT-jANTIC. CiTT, JT. J.. Sept. 2!!. Ttmat S., Wright, the New Tork state champion, won possession of tb At partof the company to reaeh an At lantic City cup. the principal prise itodAy at the Weety Hogen " shoot. Wright tied with U O. Richards, of anoke, Va., and A. L. Ivans, of fed Bank, N. J.,' with a break of V M, U L.. RHUVI Vll UC fj kroke 2S straight,. Richard finished eeond. '. ' . E. U Uom, Richmond. Va and C. O. Weatbott Ieesburu;. Fla. each broke 144. E. I Uoaa waa high ama teur la the "doubles with a break of 0 in .tea est et doubles. -.. FOLLOWERS URGED ; NOT TO CAST VOTES Madero Says That Reyes Ac tion Is Confession of Fail ure to Organize MEXICO CITY, Sept 21 Foreshad. owing action of the Mexican congress defeating proposition to postpone the national " election later than October i. General Bernardo Key, candidate for the presidency practically with drew' from the race "today. In an In terview he satd elections held Oc tober 1 would be Illegal because the country wa not at peace and urged his followers not to vote. ; Tonight both branches of congress received adverse report from com mittee In fcharge of petitions looking to the postponement of the elections. All committees stated that grounds for postponement were largely teehnl cat and the result of i postponement now might be another civil war- In Mexico. t ' "Petition fon deferring the elections were presented 'to the upper branch by the Reylstas and to the Idws braneh by .the revolutionists and the permanent .committee of the legt ture of Aguas Calient, Reyee wa particularly anxious for postpone, ment In an Interview accorded- EI Heraldo ffexlcano : today General Keyes said that If he wished to re port to arms It would be an easy matter to overturn the existing orf er of things, but he gave assurance that he had no Intention- of endangering the country. : Madero, to' whom the decision of Reyes wb conveyed at Comptxacoallco by telegraph, brand ed his action as a confession of fail ure of his efforts to organise a polltl-M eal following. At the same time he did Aot believe Reyes Intend to sub mit, tamely to being counted out. MAire ADVANCES JJf.JPOOP.a -NEW TORK, sept. "2. There was another advance In the coffee market today, the trade known as RIo No. 7 being quoted 14 1-1 cents In the street establishing a new high rec ord. -, 1 ; HANDSOME YOUNG LADY BEATEN WITH CANE BY Woman Claimed to be His Wife, Wouldn't Pres3 , Charge Against Him OF WEALTHY FAMILY NEW TORK, .Sept. 22. -A man of powerful physique, who said he was Edgar Smith, of Dei Moines, Iowa, was arrested today on a charge of beating with his cane a handsome young woman who said she was his woman, who was also locked ud re fused to press a charge against him and they left the court together. Fif teen feet from the door the man at tacked a photographer aiming his cameJB at the pair. The camera was broken and the photographer was bruised and bleeding when his as sailant fled. After a chase of a half block the six-footer was re-arrested and held in default of 1500 ball for examination in the court of special sessions. The young woman escaped. The initial "O. H. B." found on t prisoner's hat causrU several persons to declare that the -man's name wa not Smith. It wa said he came from a wealthy western family. PAKMAIJCK T. THY FOR PRIZE KNOXVILE, Tenn., Sept tl. Phll Parmalee, the aviator, announced that he had decided to try a coast-to-roaat flight and that two new macmnea had already been shipped to Los Angeles, LaL. in charge of his mechanician. Since the machines were started west, however, he ha. decided that It would be the wisest policy to start from New Tork and fly wst, fearing mat cold weather may overtake him If he trie the west-to-eaat trip. He ex pect to tart on hlg Journey eurtng the first week of October and retrieves that he can complete the " trip rn twenty-six day He outlined hi route aa New Tork, Albany, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, El Paso and Lo Angeles. , ' PERSON AL IXVECTIGATIOX , OKLAHOMA CITT, Okla., Sept J2. Governor Lee Crux late this after rron directed Adjutant General Can ton to make a personal Investigation' of the controversy between the official of Kiowa and Commanche counties. WILL SEND 20.000 SOLDIERS TO COAST Every, Effort Being Made to Induce Turkey to Come s to an Agreement PARIS, Sept. IS. Advice from Rome lay that the Italian naval force Is "ready In case of emergency for a conflict , with Turkey If the Ottoman government refuses to give It consent to an Italian protectorate ever Trip oli.- I The Italian plan, according to these advices, embrace a bombardment of Tripoli and almultneously- milltry ex pedition of 20,000 .soldier to block the Turkish cost along the Adriatic e and to operate In Macedonia, Sy ria 'and Arabia, with view to protect ing the numerou Italian living In those countrle. This latter move, however, will only be made a "aa extreme measure. , While Italy U per fectlng her military plan every t fort I being made to Induce Tur key to com to an amicable j agree ment " " i- , " " The Italian navy, on the other hand are rendezvoused at Taranto, ana un der order to be ready to start at a moment's notice. It I bellved the belligerent attitude of Turkey 1 only a bluff to save her military honor, the advice from Rome ay. : r SSASSIN 6fcJTrt:NCEU TO DIE. . KIEV, Russia, Sept Bogroff. the aasaastn 21 Demttry . of -Piemler iBUypIn wa tried today by court mar tlal and sentenced to death by hang ing. Bogroff ihot M. etolypin a week gdast Thursday BlghtHUrtnr a gU performance at the opera and the premier succumbed to the wound last Monday night He beard the sen tence of death pronounced without even a tremor. OE T DF STEEL4 E Demoralization and Depre ciation of Values Upsets all Precedents EFFECT OF ELECTION NEW YORK, Sept. 22.The stock market was overwhelmed today by o wild outburst of selling which for time resulted In demoralization and wlft depreciation In market 'values. Alarm at the reports of approaching dissolution of the United State Steel corporation resulted In an enormous volume of selling by holder of the corporation's stock In ail part of the country and In Europe. The defeat of reciprocity in the Canada election contributed to the unaettlement of the market. Not since the panic which grew out of Northern Pacific corner ten year ago, has such a convulsion of the stock market occurred. Wall street was in utter confusion. Offi cials of the steel corporation main tained their silence and the Situation remained virtually unchanged. The only fact which stood out from the confused rumors and operations wa a definite statement from Attorney General Wlckersham thst-no arrange ment for the dissolution of the cor poration had beeff made and that no such action had been proposed to the department of justice. This put an end to the report that the corpora tion had proposed a plan of dissolu tion to the department of justice with the Idea of averting of a dissolution suit Persona in close touch with the , situation said that the corporation' officials had formed no definite plan of procedure. : At the conclusion of ; the day of aires, and turmoil. Waif street was as completely In the dark a at Its beginning. - , . , , The scene npon the floor of the stock, exchange during the height ef the excitement wa almost unprecedented.- --- - 1 ' . , EARTHQUAKE FELT SEATTLE, Wah 8ept St. A, treng earthquake shock waa felt la the Prince William Sound colony of Alaska last ryjht but its extent can not be leaned becc the earth quake severed the cable connecting Sitka and Valdex I to mile south of the latter pktee. i TAFT IN SERIOUS MOOD BECA USE OF .j. , : 1 -- i I , CANADA'S DEFEAT OF Speech Yesterday Moet Significant of Trip Declared '.. to he President, 1 : Made PEORIA, IlL;,; Sept If. President Taft had aheart'to heart talk here today with the leaders of the different republican factions, in Illinois to find hla ststus asfto progre(vn. pleaded guilty ft ? being a very - poor politician, acknowledged again that hi ambition had lain In the direction of tht office of, Chief justice rather than the presidency: admitted that he undoubtedly hads made many mis take but asserted that s president he had tried what .he thought to be ngnt. - - ' i i What the future, held for him he did not know: he would go ahead do ing the beet he could, Mr. Taft declared he we not al lied with the extremist of hla party either conservatives or progressive but had tried to,tttkji C middle-ground between the two.; v.::. "But w Mddle-ol-the-rqad people believe wears the real progressives," aid the president "because you do not make progress In great strides you make It step by step." . In Serloo Mood. The president was In a serious mood. He declared that while it might not be so for a time, the people In the end would distinguish between "fact and fustian' and would recogntxe the difference between substance in progress and platform declarations written for. campaign purpose only. The speech made by the president was the most significant and inter esting of hi trip thus far. He still waa downcast by the defeat of the reciprocity agreement In Canada but his only reference to that subject was made earlier In the day, when he addressed the worklngmen In a local manufacturing establishment where farming Implements are made. "I was sorry that In Canada they do not care to have closer commercial re lation with us," he said, "If reciproc ity had been adopted we could have gotten our agricultural implements: v. ' ' MOTIVE FOR KILLING' OE Mrs. McCrea Absolutely Re fuses to Say More Than She Has Already - OPELOUBAB. Ij . Sept. . My tery tll surrounds the motive which led to the killing of Allan T. Garland by Un, J. P. Mcf'rea, a young o clety woman, in a room of her horn yesterday morning, other than to say that ahe killed young Oakland to pro tect her honor, Mrs McCrea' s Hps are sealed, and neither she nor her nua band will discuss any phase of the case. The district attorney said tooay he would fight any application tor ball. The defense had not yet outlined any definite course of action, but It Is strongly Intimated that the "unwrit ten law" may play an Important part Th body of Oariand wa found be side an upturned chnlr and It 1 ld that th prosecution will contend tn&i Garland wa shot rrom behind as he sat In the chair. FAIR WASHINGTON, 6pt i J I. r ore- North- Carolina Probably fair Saturday; Sunday unsettled; moderate northeast wind .. ' ..Jp r'' ",- ' I ?' hut Chief Justice of United States Supreme Court. Heart-to-Heatit Talks With into Canada at a substantial decrease but rguH we can get along," vn The president' political speech fol lowed luncheon given In hi hoftor by the republican state central com mittee, attended by state party lead era, - Including Senator Cullom " and Lieutenant Governor' Ogleaby. Gov. ernor Deneeit was unable to be pres ent becauseof hi broken leg.' The leader prr'scnt Vied with each other In. Rledglpg Ifiolr support to th pre I ei t immI p 'ctlng that he would be renominated id re-epeoted. Chan. )l. Wlliamom of yulncy.'a prominent mom her of the state central commit tee, said He had taken a poll on a train a few day ago en rout from Keokuk to Quinny and that of voter interviewed . It had declared for Taft- three for Colonel ftnnaeVAlt and one l"rr Bertator LaPVilletlb.' lie added -that h believed his poll ac curately represented the view of (1 llnola republican. Senator Cullom gave a more or less Intimate talk or his association with and love for President Taft. He said that with the Chicago convention not six ' weeks away In 10 Mr. Taft had told him that if Chief Justice Fuller could be Induced to resign he would prefer that honor to all other. Mr. Taft then pleaded guilty to the Indictment often laid agit him that he knew nothing of pontics and wa a very poor politician- ' But," said the pre Ident, ' mv dear friend, Senator Ctrlhmi, nya'mr ambition -lay-ra--a entirely different direction ; and was not gratified. Never "Ran Away." "I am not giving you to understand that I ran away from the nomination for thep residency, but the fact Is that It was not In the line which I had marked out but, being nominated and getting into the light did the best I could, and, being elected, I took up the dlseharge of thep rest- : flency with certain tendencies "that I had gathered from Judicial expe .11 ENGINE, lo ABE DEAD Several Passengers Slightly Injured, Enginemen Are Ones Killed ATLANTA, Oa., Sept. 11,-Two enginemen were killed and several pansengers slightly Injured when Southern Hallway passenger train No. 11 struck a switch engine on the Peachtree Creek bridge on the out skirts of Atlanta tonight The switch engine was knocked off the bridge to the Seaboard Air Line tracks, block ing tralffc. on both line several hour. The dead: J. A. Farrtsh, engineer, crushed on- d?" e(?lrtP. ':;.--,- N. M. Robinson, fireman, caught un der engine end scalded. Among the Injured most of whom rc. ivcd 4nly bruises, was Mr. W. H. Felton. of CartersvHle, Ga., Well known In literary circle throughout the south. The cHUse of the wreck has not been fully ascertained, but It is-stated that the engine was trying to cross the trestle ahead of the passenger trs'.n when he latter crashed Into It, toppling It off the bridge. GREAT Ill KRIt.tXK t NAPLES, Sept. It. A hurricane of great violence and followed by a de lufe of rain raged throughout today over the Vetuvlan region causing a heavy loss of life and enormous dam ago to" property. It Is estimated to night that fifty person were kilted. House were raxed by th wind whl!e other were Inundated. Numerou boat In the bay of Naples are miss ing and ar supposed to have been sunk. RECIPROCITY That His Ambition Wa$ Not Leaders. - : rience. Of course 1 made great mtf lake, i snail continue during tht term -to mag them, That I hardly io o avoiaea. put there are certain thing, certain rule, that It I rather easy to follow. On 1 that when veu have made a promise It 1 your Obli gation to keep it ' In thl connection th president plained hi veto or certain measure In congress, and declared that h wa a much "under an obligation to veto them as If I had said, when I wa a the platform running for the presl dency, that I would veto just those bills, for the reon that the whoe republican party had taken the posi tion that It wa neensery to maintain the Industrie of thl country by pro taction," , ""I weuld have vetoed thllls un BWf any conslderrions, evaff If it would have coat m my llf. t say that with all the earn eat n ess posslhl be cause what I did wa th result of a convlfltlon as deep-seated a any prin ciple I ever had.';.; .;.";..-i;,)v... "Bo far a th veto of the Arlsona bill 1 concerned. I just vetoed that because I could not do anything else, I wrote tny heart. Into that veto. " "Tried to Do Blfht,". ' ' "My friend, I have tried to follow what I thought to be right In the ad ministration of my office. 'Thar ha been a division in the party; and have bee.n charged with not being pro- gressive and therefor condemned, What oh doe, tht man think 1 progressive, another man think Is retrograde. There are, however, two great schools -on which believe that th prent I aot perfect perfect, per hap, but that changes from n wooio be dangerous. They are trlotly con ervatlv , and perhaps ar known as the reactionary. Then there I an other Cla at the other end which I extreme In U view that the whole present condition la wrong and there (Continued on Page Flve CANDIDATE; FOB PUBLIC OFFICERS MARGES Fired Revolver Following Discussion ' of Politics With Bricklayer WASHINGTON, Sept. SJ. -Jame E. Clement, candidate for common w. tilth's attorney of Alexandria coun ty, who waa jailed today after h fired a revolver at A most Donaldson, a brick layer, of Cfaerrydale, Va, fol lowing a discussion of politic In a local lunch room, waa released on f00 bond tonight. The ahot went wild. Clement face two charge, as sault with a deadly weapon and car rying concealed weapon. Both Clem ent and IVialdaori tlalm that the other started the political arguments. Matters became warm when Donald son asserted that Mr. Clement' op ponent, Cranrfall Meeker, would win the election In a. "walk." Clemente claims that he did not fire until Don aldson struck htm and that he fired into the air merely to frighten hi as sailant Clement resides In Alexan der county, but maintains a law and real estate office here. - : STATEMENT MISLEADIXO. LONDON. Sept The brief an nouncement : from ': Liverpool last night regarding an amendment to the tiew system for verifying 'true hills of lading of cotton wa mislead ing. The change referred to In th circular Issued by the lading confer ence committee deal only with mod ifications previously announced ; In Amorlca and drafted to meet the ob jection of American banker, to th original form . of the shtppsr'a letter to the eentral b ureas, .. ' ,:" GREATEST ADVANCE . ! OCCURS IN WHEAT Grain of Comfort in Meat Sit uation. Defeat Having no " Effect Upon it CHICAGO, III., Sept, ,v JJ. Food-' tuff, which might have been af fected b.y an influx of Canadian pro duot, had Laurier and hi .govern ment not been defeated In Canada yeaterfiay, rose sharply in price in all ' American center today. Wheat ld the advance and wa followed late in th day by flour when millers ignored their previous price list and ' ad jutted their quotations to figure more ' commensurate ' with . th ad ' vancd cost of Ut grain stapl. Oats, too, felt the effect of th Canadian vote and a result consumer may xpect soon to pay Increased price for breakfast foods, Th. consumer's toast and biscuit, wheat eake and' porridge, It Is probable, will but add to th woe of th; housekeeper. The greatert advance in wheat dur ' Ing the dav wa recorded at Duluth. There trader were paying high si eight ceDta a bushel more for th grain than they did befor reciprocity we re'ected. Minneapolis, th great. t milling center of the country, rhowrri a maximum net advance of six cent. Increase of . a lea sensational nrrter were recorded at ; Kansn City, St. Louts, Omaha and Chlrogo. , Ircrijensa stocks of grain In the eln- vator of thl city acted a a che-k to a severe avdvunre her and broker' on th board of trade bought wheat; for about three cent more a buuhel than they had paid yesterday. . Chicago Marks Lowest. . . Tha.Chteago-jnarkat was the low-' est of the Important grain centers.! It I by ho means certain that today artvnrrren in the price of wheat and allied foodstuff Indicate that th maximum has been reached, One ef th most prominent wheat trader of ! Chicago advanced : the . opinion that 1 spring wheat th grade used tWt ex tensively for fin flour, W due to In-. crease in coat twenty cent a bushel, A further blow to consumers, at least I certain clans, 'may result when I matster hav ladled the situation In the barley markets. In aome quar ter th price advanced a much a eight cents. Tht, If maintained, probably will mean Increased cost of material to. brewer al the smeller sited beer glasses may again become popular with the taloonlsta y . There Is a grain of comfort for the ' householder, however, In the meat j situation. While 'packing house pre-j duet rose in price today they did only out of sympathy with grain., j i Reciprocity, according to experts, : had no direct effect upon meat proi d iet and it defeat la not likely to j add to the cost of lard, baoon and ' ' hart. ' . ANOTHER AVIATOR WHO MEETS A TRAGIC DEATH At Height of 200 Feet Is I Burned Before Terrified Spectators ; '. , WAS CALLED COWARD DAYTON. O.. Sept. JJ. Torced in to the air by the jeer of. the thous ands who called biro. eoward, Frank H. Miller, aged twenty-three, a To ledo, O., aviator, ahot into th sky at twilight thl vnlng and ' at the height of tOO feet was burned before th eyes f th terrified speotetlr on th Miami county , fair ; gronad at Troy, north of here, i ' i - v: Miller had circled the race track and was just starting oa a spiral gild Into a neighboring cornfield when something went wrong. -.Suddenly the whirring ef the propeller caused. The craft then dropped Ilk a shot for a distance ot fifty . feet-vi A' tiny- bine flame was emitting1 from the engine and In an Instsnt the gasoline tatik exploded. ; cj-.;V--';, ''.:.;"- 1 : The machine wrecked by the impact i and debris wa hurled hundred of I feet In an direction. What remained i of the machine aad It drtvr burned 1 almost to a crisp as thay dropped ! rapidly to earth. . ; ' In a hort flight shortly after noon today Miller's machine acted unstead ily ana he did not care to go up. The croXd jeered thl afternoon when he would not make a flight and this eve ning he want into the atr. "Let her go, I'll be glad when this Is o'enr he shouted to his neohanlaUa. loi ter -used a fissobel biplaave.

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