THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, SEPTEMBER 24 1911 Society and Personals Mr. and Mrs. William C Tfmulf ton announce the engagement of tin Ir daughter, Margaret ICIIiott, to' Mr. Clifford Williams, of Lynchburg, Va. The wedding Invitations will be leaned during the (k, anil the marriage. It Is nude ramod, taken place In October at the borne of the bride's parents on South French Broad avenue, am! M'lll lip attended only hy the clos. friend and relative of the Interested parties. Ml Templcton in a. charm ing rrprcsirtlntlvr of the Calhoun and Templcton families, two of the ntdiwt Hiid most dihtliiKulshcd families of South Carolina, and Ocorirla. Mr. ViliJnnin la prominently connected also, and In a descendant of President Mtidlnon. Mr. Williams holds nn im portant pout In the government serv Ice. Several hundred Invitations will be Jssued, principally to out-of-town relatives and friend, . The Edward Buncombe chapter, I. A. K., will meet Friday afternoon. ' Sept. 2ft, at 3.30 o'clock at the home of the regent, Mrs. Theodore Morrison, on Pearson' drive. A full attendance In rrourated a dolegates will be elect ed to the state congress. The subject of the afternoon will be "Historic Horn's In North Carolina," with a pa per by Mrs, Thomn Wooldrldga. jt Mr, Charles Folnom li entertaining a email week-end house party at his bungalow at Marshall, which Is being chaperoned by Mra. pate, of that city.- Several Asheville guest went to Marshall yesterday and will return: j to town tomorrow, and wore Mlsa Lit. I llan Fletcher, Miss Maud Oudger, Mis ) Mary Stlkeleather, Mies t.llllan Wear I er, Mr. Willis Q. Borne, Mr. Vonno Oudger nd several others. . -V Jl J , The Danville, Va., Register' of re cent date contained an annnunee I ment fit the engagement of Mksa NeM Vase, of that city, to Mr. Thomn r-.. rn.kl.fa 1,4 j MVJVlMt UV .rtBW I0fl)( wiutq TVllt .of special )nterst In this city, where f the) former, through frequent Visit, la well known and has a great many friend: ': ... , - , , "An interesting event In society yes terday was th beautifully appointed announcement ' luncheon given by Mrs. Wllriam Toung Noell at Her handsome home on Main street, at 1: o'clock, complimentary to her friend. Mis Nellie Penrose Vase, whose engagement was announced to ; M. Thoma M. Myers, of New Tors, i Several Intimate friends of the bride j to-b had been invited by the hosteea to a- luncheon And these did not -' poet the pleasant surprise, which wm .to bo announced to thorn later In a Imoft unique manner. . ' "The lovely Noell home was deeo- rated with quantities of fragrant au ; tumn blossom and ferns which made ' a lovely background for tho coterie of .handsomely gowned young women (present"- Ma -Noell received th ! guAtg , )n , the front drawing room, . which was banked with roses of a jrtiost delicate a4! arte of pink, while the '.llltht from pink shaded electrolier rust a soft glow about the room, r' . "Th. dining room was in green and -,whlte and the prevailing tone was lmot effectively' carried out. Besting on n exquisite piece of Cluny lace iwa a. tastefully arranged .center iple of Tuoca and fern outlined jwlth apruys of feathery clematis, dainty sprays of this same trailing 'Vina festoons d th chandelier, The .oft light from green candles added charm to the lovely aeene. The place j cards were very attractive pen and jink sketches of Cuplda with toasts jsparkllng wtth wit and humor writ Iten on the reverse side. The bon ibon were In miniature 'gold eets .with two dovfs perched on either side holding in their bills a message of i love, each plate was a mlnluture , trunk,1 perched on top of which was a little Cupid holding the wedding irlng anil also a small dove hearing the scroll confining these words: "(Miss Nellie Penrose Vase. Mr. Tjhomas T. Myers. November, 1911. 1 "Soma of the attractive feature of the lunchfon were the Individual ices 'to green and white, each of whloh was .garnished with a tiny white taper. (After this followed the toasts to the 1rld-to-be which caused much mnrrt- jment uunng Ml- Vasrs response nil what were present clasped hands, making a circle of friendship and love.. A cablegram from Mr. Myers added much interest to the occasion. -neaieo around the table were Mra. William T. Noell. Miss Nellie Vase. Mlas Bessie Wntson, Miss Mads-e Vase, Mlsa Sue Sohoollleld. Miss Wtlliwee Wiseman: Miss Fannie Bouldln. Mum Helen Waddlll. Mlsa Bonnie Carter, Mlas Kathryn Itiaon. Miss Irma Allnn and Mlwi Mary !-1kI ' Tht Lirldi'-lo hi- In the dauxhtcr of Mr. and Mra. Henry Fltzhugh Vans, of Danville, and la loved and admired by a large circle of frlMidn. Her charming personality has won for her an enviable position In society and her friends will regret giving her up, Mr, Myers In u prominent young buxl- Urdu man of New Turk. The wedding will be oho of the leading events In soc-lcty of th,. late autumn, the wed dliiK to take place somo time In No V mhi-r." The M. I. C.'s libld their reorganlsa lion meeting on Thursday night, Bept. 21. An Informal banquet was foi lowed by a (HcuhhIom of possible Hub Jecla for the winter's work. Oreek nivtholoKv was unanimously chosen, and on Thursday evfnlng, Hfpt. 2, the first rea-ular meeting will ho held st the homst of the of the mcmbrs The M. I. C.'s meet every second Thursday from October to Juno, and the members derive much pleasure as well as benefit from their study. The members am enthuslaetlc over th subject for the year's work. jg J The music for the Sunday morning service at Chestnut street Methodist church will be as follows: Anthem bv Scheneeker, "Jou, Savior, Ever.' Miss Klanch Loftaln will be the solo ist. Mlea Viola Owenby 1 the organ-1st. Miss Cora Lee Drummond will issue invitations within several days for a tea which ahe will give at her bunga low, "Pine Logs." on Magnolia ave nue, In honor of Mlas Frances Dufour whose marriage to Mr. Hobart All- tmrt takes nlaoe early In Octobtr. Tho tea will be given Saturday afternoon Mr. W. U Scott will be the soloist at Central Methodist church til morning. 1 Mr. Oarenco N. Maiwell ha re tufnd from Toxaway Inn, Lake Tox- away.' Mr. and Mrs, J. John Worley have gone to Canton to spend the week end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Woodcock. Mr. C. Herman Hollowed left yes terday tor Proctor. Mr. Vaster C. Bradley, of Mar Hill, was In Ashevtlle yesterday. Judge W. W. liyama. of Tulsa, Okla.. Is visiting hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Hyems, on South French Broad avenue. Mr. Robert Mock, of Mar Hill, pent yesterday in Ashevtlle. United States Marshal W. E. Lo gan returned to his home in West Ashevtlle yesterday from Greensboro. Mra. J. B. Phinney and her son. Mr. Jack Phinney, of Boston, who usu ally spend the winter 'season at th Battery Park hotel, have arrived. Miss Bertha Tllsnn, of WeaTerville, I In town with friend for everal day. Mies Kather Wilson has returned to her home In Charlotte after a visit of .several days to Miss Nettle Brown. Miss Lola Jenkins Is In town from the Durham conservatory of musto for a brief visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. U Jenkins. Mr. J. A. Portfr, of Biltmore. has returned from a several days' stay at tho Knoxville exposition. Mrs. Malette, of Mobile, who has been at Busbee Hall, la In town for a, short stay, and la a guest at Margo Herraee. Mlas Lois Davis ha returned from a vlult of several weeks to friends In the eastern part of the state. Mr. Proaton Lunnford has returned to Nashville, Tenn., after a several days' visit to Mr. Tim Cooke. Mrs. Duff! old Hllllard has gone to Norfolk, Va., for a several weeks' stay aftor which she will return to Ashevllle. Mr. and Mr. 8. R. Montgomery have returned from New York. F. A. Hull. Thfy have spent the summer In I) rider orn lite, and will the first October return to their home In Virginia. t T Mr. and Mrs. John Bell Stroud and Miss Anna M. Brandt, of Pass Christian, Miss., are aponding several days with their nephew. Mr. Joseph B. Brandt, at the Knickerbocker. Mlns Sadie Orlffth has returned to her home In Greensboro after a short visit to fri'nds In the city. Col. S. A. Jones, of VVaynesvllle. was In the yesterday. - Mrs. Clyde Norman and cWflren, who have spent the mrmmer vAK xhe parents of the former In ' thlsuilty, have returned to thlr home In Oklahoma. hooivh opi;mxg. Ifodd's millinery opening ytsterday was th event of the morning, very little ttlse being done until th import lint matter of choosing the winter "bonnet!" wao dlKposd of. The hats sre startling In color and style this season, and are not for the timid and rt tiring maid. Never have the picture hats been so immense, tholr slfek sat iny brims are furred or fringed on the under side, and trimmed with huge feather ' pompom, or a mam moth bunch of the new feather that might tie termed "near pnradlso." Fur; velvet and heavy dull Rnlrt em broideries are combined In beautiful color effects. The coronation purple is used In many of the most beautiful hats, and has a quiet distinction es elally pleasing in contrast to the vivid green that demand so much of one. Th quaint little poke bonnets with an arrangement of velvet at the back, suggestive of .the Alsatlon bow. are charming In - black and. gold be ing especially seductive. A small theater hat of black heaver, almost obscured by a smart pink bow and a cluster of shell pink plumes attracted much attention. Some of the large and small hat had beautiful little wreath or sprays of small satin flow ers of many colors running under tne brim or peeping out from beneath a picturesque bow. The hats are en tirely new In shape and few of them are alike, which will insure one this season of tho combort of being 01 tlngulshablefmm the cook, who usu ally eherlshea millinery ambitions. CELEBRATED CANDY OH ICE AT McKay's Pharmacy Oppo. Post Office. S2352' 53 Manicuring, Hair Dress ing, Facial lind Electric Scalp Massage. All super fluous hair and facial blem ishes removed with the elec trjc needle by expert opera tors. We niake up combings to order. :. MISS CEUISE'S SHOP SS Haywood St. JULIUS C. MARTIN, A FALLS JROM A TREE tmlte Painful But Not Serious Acci dent, . No Bones Having Been Broken, Julius C. Martin, Jr., th thjrtoen- year-old son of Mr and Mrs. J. C. Martin, wn the victim of a very pain ful aocldent yeeterdajf afternoon when he fell about thirty -five feft from a tree, on Creeoent street. "The boy, with a numb of - playmates, was playing near the tree and gathering chestnuts whon, luiiu climbed the tree to hk aome dbvtvwlthaho result that' a limb on which he was Standing broke ahd he was thrown to the ground. Ho guttered a bruised hip, shoulder and side and sprained a wrist, although no bonea wera brok en. The little follow was unoonsclou for a while, but oon regained con sciousness, and it la believed that he Will be able to be up again within a short time. KNOX HUTS M. Webb Co. Club Bldg. Haywood St. FOB SALE Three of the best . resi dence properties on Mont ford avenue. A rare oppor tunity to get an eiegant home. Terms. CANADAY REALTY. CO., Phone. PT4. ' 10 X. Pack Hrtnare, HOOD'S MHX1NERT 6 Haywood St THE BERLIN Hand embroidered waists and, hand made sweaters at American National Bank Building, Room 43. &he first of a Jkries of trticles on the Sow Marches New Store ? The first week in October the Bon Marche will open in-its new . quarters; Nos. 19, 21 and 23 Patton Ave. During this week, prior to the moving; there will appear in the daily papers a number of ady ertiscments ap pertaining to, the new store. Those interest ed 'should read and thereby become familiar with Ashe villi's most progressive retail establishment. . " ; ' Asheville is just emerging from its infancy. Prospects aro very bright indeed. The Head of this firm has been in business here for thirty-two years, coming when -Asheville was a village of twenty-five hundred. He has seen the village grow into a town, the town into a modern city. ..At no time in the past has the future been so promising. Four large Hotels are N contem plated, for the near future; two Suburban Car Lines have been built . during the past year, others are promised; residences are being erected in every part of the City; the past summer was the greatest in every way the town has yet seen. The outlook is most pleasing. When we move into the new store, we intend to have every thing that a woman can desire. Even now hundreds of cases of all kinds of merchandise are hurrying to the new store. In these articles we will endeavor to' show how it will pay you to be. a customer of the BON MARCHE, not only financially, but in ev ery other manner., W'e will sell only goods that come up to the BON MARCHE 'S standard. This does not mean expensive goods, but rather mer chandise to be relied irpon. In this we merely maintain the poli cy of the past. It has taken much time, trouble and money to make this store the Show Place of Asheville. We were determined to give Asheville-the best we could afford nothing has been spared. In the nea future you can come and see for yourself ow true these .q sentences are. gV.a-!.1'rJ-y-aTrVHi,SW''. HAMMOCKS AND PORCH FURNITURE Harris Furniture Company '' - . ." . "Homo Furnishers," ! tk Mala. PboaA 1515 Stop worrying about something to eat . Call 977 and get some of our spring lamb, veal, pork, or nice steaks. V. V. HAYNIE, TL' Groc Cor. N. Hatn and Efcat Kta. Phone 877 Borrow a Kodak '.3 ' No charge for use of Kodaks wbeO w do tho finlehlng. Best guaranteed by film expert RAY'S STUDIO X9 Palton Ave, Mrs. K. F. Alexander and daugh ter, Mlsa Ruth, are the guests of Mrs. SUIT FOR DAMAGES OF $8,000 INSTITUTED Hemiovod from Superior Court of McDowell County to I'Bitod States Circuit Court. M. V. MOORE & CO 11 PATTON AVE. Women's Department, StJCOND FLOOR Plain Tailored Suits in sorgo, cheviot, mix-V turcs, plain and fanov broadcloths and cordu roy . $25.00 to $50.00 Dressy Suits, suitablo for calling and after noon wear, imported -cheviot serge, broadcloths, , corduroys and velvet $55.00 to $95.00 Street Dresses, serge, broadcloth, and two 1 toned mixtures, strictly tailored drosses in one- piece styles. All the popular shades for autumn .wear .. .$16.50 to $37.50 .Afternoon and Calling Dresses in chiffon, broadcloth, mescaline, crepe meteor and chiffon cloth. Exact copies of models bv vthe lending . Parisian designers $30.00 to $50.00 ' Evening Wraps, Motor and Street Coats, new' styles and materials ranging in price from $12.50 to $45.00 Y "' epeelallsts In Roady-t o-Wcar Garments for women, misses 'and children, f -w Tall Cataiuguos mall d on request The tranacrlpt In the case of I. H. Green, administrator of Elam Corpen Ing, against tho Southorn Railway company, which was brought In Mc Lowell county, has been flled with Clerk W. 8. Hyams, of tho United States Circuit court, the case having been removed, on motion of the de-, fandanb company, from the Superior court of McDowell county. The plaintiff, who Is represented ny R. 8. McCall and C. C. Usenbee. ?s suing the Southern for $.0Q, alleg ing that Corpenlng waa killed while employed as brakoman on a freight train between Ashevllle and Sails- I bury. ! The Southern is represented by Manley, Henderson & Womble, W. T. Morgan and S. J. Ervln. i . -111 mnuMi . -iiiiiiiiiii in '--"insaiasui sssssnimiiMsinsiiii ar m mnm n ,f MATTERS OF RECORD The following deeds have been filed In the office of the register of deeds: Erwln Sluder. trustee, to J. W. L. Arthur, lot on Southslde avenue; con sideration Ct,0. J, J. Roegnn to T. J. Wilson land on Boaverdum creek;" consideration 27. MiuriAgp Iiit-usds. Wilbert Snap and Mamie Flack, col ored. James K. lAe and Pearl I Cannon. W. B.. Glass and I.auna Heaca. Howard A. White and Omega Hen derson. Houstern Southern and Emma Franks. mi MM RECITAL A Tecltal Is to be given at the Y. M. C. A. nest Tuesday evening, Sep tember 26. under the auspices of tho Rectors' Aid Society "of Trinity church for the church fund. A delightful program haa been ar ranged and Ashevtlle will have an op portunity of hearing Mra W.'L. Scott, who has a voice of rare beauty and tenderness, and Mr. F.- H. "Hyatt, 4 gifted reader, whoso impersonation are moat original and charming, anJ Prof. R. B. Btlmson, a well known pianist. ' These artists Will ba assisted h? lo yal talent and a delightful evening 1st promised. - . it Sole Agents frfr the Celebrated NEMO and ROYAL Worcester Corsets. rE want every lady in Asheville who likes to dress well to come in this week and look over our new! Fall Suits and Hats. We have everything you need, and the prettiest f line you ve seen anywhere. You 11 be surprised to see how well you dress and at the same time not have to spend near as much money as you thought you would for High Class Goods. Start With Our Suit Department Every style of serge suits from $12 to . $45. A beautiful line of serge :;uits at $22.50 and $25. Also, the one-piece dross at $10 to $15. Every style in coats and .wraps, from the New polo and automo bile coats at $12 and $18 to the new plush coats , at $35 and $45; Also the new combination coat' arid cape for evening or street wear. All colors at $25. and $35,1? " . m ,.,; - From There to Our Millinery Dept. 1 You'll find that the hats shown you here are the very latest styles, as also the new trimmings. The , new Turbans in goblin blue and coronation piirplo : are from $2.95 to $12. The new felt hats in all colors : $3 to $18. See the new picture shapes at $8. '-' Then to Our Hosiery and Glove Dept. Where you will find some special values. The long Bilk glove at 75c a pair is sornething you should take advantage of. A new line of kid glares, short and 16 button lengths from $1 to $3.50 a pair. We carry nnly the best makes. See the pure thread silk hose at $1, worth $1.50 or the $1 kind at 50c pair. Also the Buster Brown Guaranteed Hose at 25c pair. We have, the most complete stock of veils and veilings you'll find in any store. , Don't Forget To look through our neckwear department, A beautiful assortment of lace collars from 25c to $1.50. Every style of lace, hand-embroidered, and; colored jabots 25, 50 and 75c. ' , . ; "We carry a xmplete line of hair goods everyr: thing in barretts, back and side combs. Coronet, braid hair pins and the new shell bandeau. ASK TO SEE OUR LINE OF NEW FALL SWEATERS. " 1 II ill " " 1 ""- ' II I " HI. I ..f i :

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