3 ) TIIE ASIIEVILLE CITIZ US, FUIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1911 " "" "" mi mm mum i.. i i -mm i i " in n i- i , ! mi i hi. . nfc i ' , . IF Society and Personals 1 n The Woman't club wtii hold thn Bret meeting uf the whiter Monday afternoon at the rbsldenoe of Mrs Carroll on Kllllcnu atre. Tlit Jr.. grtun of the ycur'H work, thn subjrct of Which la ' .Moial r,"' will lihortly be Issued Tho vttu. r wrk Is preparatory u tlir course of lec ture which will be h-llvird In April hy Dr. Bdwurd O'Ikb". who nmdc a tnoat agrficnble imprcwilon last ymr. The first meeting- will he held under the leadership uf the pniKruni m Trtlttto, Mm 'nrrc.ll, assisted 1 Mra. Mitchell, Mra. Iearulty. Mra. C. It. Craig tnd Mra. K. S. Motion. The club will meet ultiirnuto Monduys during the winter. Miss Christine .Meinmlmn i dinner last tvenltiK at 1 Kiiullocrc." Victoria, whloh wim followed by a host party at the Auditorium to "Th.i aVho." Pink carnations and aspara gus farn formed an effective table docoratlon. Mlaa MemmliiKer a guests were Miss Mary Louisa Hwope, Mlfs Ewlly Campbell. c:apt. CUvelanU Norton. Mr. Lockwood Perry and Mr. All Morrison. , Mrs, iionry B. King gives u. cos turns dance this evening at her resi dence on Morrlmon avenue, which V win be an inturietmg social event of ths sason. Quite a number of Invi tations have been Issued for the uftalr. J . 'Mrs. J. W. Ifaucctla enioriatns ? with a bridge, party this afternoon ut her rtetdenc on Collide street In hon or ot MUs Fruncus Dufour. . ' J The wedding of Miss Gertrude Cu ton to Mr, John JC. Sampson, of Har lan, Ky., occurred Wednesday even ing at tue fteldence ot Mre. &. A. :.';.;elgler-n-Wlitolde ret, the cere mony liemg performed by Rev. Eck 'ard. ot Philadelphia, assisted by Kev. Michel, of Harlan, , Ky, Alias Caton to the daught.r of the lata lu Catoo vnd Mrs. Caton. of Mltodl phla. Mr, Bampeon is tha "l ' Judge J. R. Sampson, of Mlddlesboro, ' Ky. There were a'nurnber of gueste present. AfUr the oereroony Mr, and Mr. Bampson left for LoulsvtUs. Kj -. , j Xh Swad Buncombe chapter, V. A, K., weeta. thla afternoon at the residence ot t" twnl. Mrs. Theo dore 8. Morrison t-IM0 O'clock Tae subject of the aiterooon will be i UU torto Homes of North Carolina.' with ' t a paper by MreT. J. VVooldrldge. A full attendance la, requested a dele Kates will be elected to the slate con- - ,Th mined foursome handicap golf tournament waa i finished rt4w afteriiooiv at the Country club after two eclUn matches that resulted in a tie. Mra. Vance ! Brown and Mr. Edward I Frost won the taaraament " with. e, score- of U up M1" Kleanor Morrison and Mr. II. F. mour.. Tha laT ' T ' prtty, two gold -and enameled plna. and the raaa'a prlae waa a both presented .by the tournament ..'COTOmttUVH:.,Vfc!' J, ; Mr. F, Kennatt-laft yesterday, tor tea flaya' tttB V) polrrt..t VjTBjnla, Mr Roger Lamaon. Jr.. takes pos faesaton of the amall oottag. on the enaeroft property today- Wv 'Lamson purchaaed Bavettsoroft some months ago. whion i " "n teratlone. and will b opened later In 'theautumn under the management of Mrs. . Rtdgley,Bnlman. i Mlaa Caroline Jonel. who haa been vtatUng friends In the city, has re .tttrned to, her home In Montgomery, jMIsa May Bernard returns to town next week after spending the summer at BKyiana. 1 - Tro? M. C. 8. Noble, professor of pedagogy ot me uuwi- Carolina, Is attending the superlntena ents and. principal' convention. f. ! iMlaa Flora Meyers has returned to Raltgh Mter a short visit to relatives ; in the olty. Mr. Wilbur Davidson, of Beaumont, Tex. accompanied by his niece, left Wednesday evening for New Orleans, where the latter will ontnr Rophle Newoomb college. Mis Helolse Carroll leaves Tupx "day tor Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, I where she will entrr the preparatory school. . Mlaa Jennie Siddall, who has been Smart Coats for Auto and Street Wear - t v 1 Reversible Coats of double faocd materials, ithe very newest thing in women's coats, with hood or plain re vers. All the fashionable eol- ors $12.50 and up An excellent shownng of black, blue, shep herd and fancy plaids in cheviots, broadcloths, 'etc. l-We especially call attention to the style ; and 'tailoring of these coats, which is first class in every particular. V jj , k V. M00RE & CO. v fipeclalieta tn WOinon' a Rdyjto-Wear Gonnonta. II PATSttX AVE. Careful Attention glrrn to Mall Orders Ask for a Fall Catalogue j tho Kutat of Mra. itobcrt S. Carroll I for in vir.il veeiis. hue returned to her homo Iti (Vilvirt, Tex. ! Mlaa Rmma IjiivIs, who haa been , visiting frtenils In tho eastern part of j the slate, hurt returned to the city. 1 .Master lionald Carroll, the eon of ;lr and Mrs. It. H. Carroll, haa eu j If n ,1 ihi Ashcvlllis Behool. i .Mr. (iord4n Uarltnuton, of Ilender- hotuille, was lu the city yesterday on j huslnesa. j Mi as liesale Orimt, wlio hua been i vIslllriK Miss 1'iflla Kehoepf In Knox vlllo. has relusrixl to the rlty. i Mr. A. ('. Aviry. of Morganton, ' Is In Ashevllle for a brief stay on t bunlnesK. ,MIg Kleanor Mat hews, who, with her mother, has spent ,the summer at Toirawny, Ealuda otid Anhevlllr, passed through the city yrsterriay on her way to her h'jnio In lilrmlliRham, Ala. Mr. Earl Norman, of tha Haywood White Sulphur flprlnirs hotel, was In the olty yesterday from Wuynesville. i Mr, W. W. Meane line returned from ! it brief trip to the KnoxvlUo expo- f ltlon. Prof. W. B. Bchltle. of Hendrrson j vllle was in the city yesterday at- tenang the suirintendents' and principals' convention. Miss Josephine Trlmhle, of Lexing ton, Ky has srrivM and will spend the summer In the rlty. Mr. and Mrs, Thomoa Chensult, of Louisville, Ky have returned to their home after a brief stay in the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hand, left yes terday for New York, and from there will go to their home In Hamilton, Bermuda, after a visit of some weeks to the mother of Mrs. Hand, Mrs. A. L, Bcott. 'Mrs. E. R. Randall will leav for Richmond next week, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Ford, of Chattanooga, Tenn. I, - Miss Pearl Ooesett leaves today for a short visit to friends In Atlanta, Oa. Mr. D. R. Millard has returned from a bualnesa trip, Mr. Avery Cates, of Henderson vllle, motored to Ashevllle yesterday with a party of friends. Miss Ellen Bmathers returns today from Eagle'e Nrst, where she has been for a short stay. Mis Irwin Caton leaves today for New York to continue hmr Mimi.. school, Mr. liobort Moran. nf Wishiniinn of the government forestry depart ht.ttl in tflwn for several days, and is a guest at Klbemar. Mr. John A. Patton, of fjoloraflo City, Is in the city visiting hi niece, Mrs. a. A. Lovell. at 63 East Street. Mrs, E. R. Randall will luw m the latter part of next week for Rich mond, Va.. and will be accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Ford, of Chattanooga. Miss Lilly niittenrmm, who Is prin cipal of the Cowre High school, Ma con county. Is at home for a few days attending the superintendents' and principals' convention. Mr., and Mrs. Herbert Thome and children, of New Haven, Conn., are In the olty for a stay or several months. 1 Mrs. T. 3. WooMrldge and Mls Mary Mooro Wooldrldgn have re turned from a several weeks' stay ot Swltserland Inn In McDowell county HKECH NOTTS. Tho Crairiry Mountain Literary so ciety met Inst Wednesday nlirht. A lare crowd whs present. The i"e tlon for discussion was, "Resolved, that tho Indians have b'en more cruelly treated than tho negroes." roth Hides wore ably defended. The judtrea rendered their decision In fn vor of tho affirmative. The affirma tive was represented by Miss Jane Edwards and Mr. Carl Sawyer. The It is the duty of every expectant mother to prepare her eyiitem for the coruing of liur little one; to avoid aa far as possible the suffering of Buch occasions, and emlcivor- to pass through the crisis with her hctfith ami strength unimpaired. This she may tlo turouh the use of Motber'3 Fraud, a remedy that has been so long in tise, cud accomplished eo much feood, that it i3 iu no sense un experhneiit, but a preparation which always pnx!urcii the best resulUi. It is for exemal application and so prn ctfatintj in ita nature as to thoroughly lu!ricatc every muscle, nerve and ten don involved during the period lefore bahy comes. It aids nature by ex panding the fikin and tissues, relieves teuderne.'is and norencss, and perfectly prepares the system for natural and safe motherhood. Mother's Friend h:is been uacd and endorsed by thou sands of mothers, and its use will prove a comfort and a benefit to any woman in need of such a remedy. Mother's Friend expectant motf FltlEKD ctB, which con tains much valuable Information. HkADFilO REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. ' negative by Mr. II. l'J. Kawyer anil Mr. K i-Isle Khcu. Mlaa Ida liuikner, who has lieen vlsltln; filemlH and relallvts at Devon, hna rturncfl to Ashevllle. There will be a box auiiper at bench on Friday nlht, Oct. C, fur the purpose of buying a bell and chairs for the school. The CruKRT Mountain Literary so ciety will dtlvo a public fiehfite on the 18th of October. The program villi be arranged later. . IUCKVIIJiK BT1IOOU The advanced department of the school was closed two weeks ago by order of the committee on account of the abundance of farm work 1,0 bo done at this season. Work will bo resumed Monday, Oct. 2. Both pri mary and advanced departments are doing excelltnt work. SHOVEL WIELDED WITH QUITE SERIOUS RESULT Galo Henderson Gets Mock Eye nt Handa of Ruanell Boiiboii Uoth Fined Police Court, In police court ytsterday it was In evidence that Oale Henderson carried a badly bruised eye given him by Russell Benson, colored,, with p. shov el. A little, trouble gross buttveen the two in the depot section Wednesday. Borne strong epithets were recklessly used. Qale possessed hlmsolC with a stick and Russell was using tho ehor el In his regular work. Russell wield ed the shovel over dales' head with most effective rtsults. The oppon ents were lined ?5 and tho ousts each. The arm of the law fell upon tho prosecuting witness In the assault cuae against Charles Walker, colored, in which J. C. Clark, colored, w.is the complainant, being taxed with the costs of the cuee by Jmlif. Adorns. It was in evidence thit Walker was va cating a house whU'n Cork waa r parlng to occupy. Walker wan not moving his goods to Clark's satisfac tion, therefore Clark temporarily took charge tit tho homo and lenan rder Ing things around. Me claimed that Walker drew a lcnlfj on him and threatened to cut him up and euld that 0110 of the two wonhi s;iend the night. In a much warmer abide than this earth affoids, H was ihen that the proserntln wltni"n wended lit! way to police hond.U.irt.r and swore out a warrnnt for the orrest of Walk er. The defendant '.extlfled that he was cnttlnn picture 'rames from the wall and had the knife In his hand when Clark bemin to boss the Job and was jrolng to show him "what 0 man Is." The defendant was acquitted uml the prosocutlnit witness was tnxod with the costs. A lance number of vagranry crises was railed In court. The defendants, ploml irtillty and the lnmitcn of the underworld were lined $5 ond tho 1 oe-etH. those conducting such places j being fined twice this amount. SOUTH MAIN ST. FIRM MAKES ASSIGNMENT Fletcher Company, Wholesale Fruits and Candle, Assigns Its tim.lb to . C. Iluwk, Trustee. The Fletcher company, which has been couirnTVUnr a wholesale fruit and candy business at SI South Main strnet, made an asBtsnimcnt yeaterdny of Its goods to W. C. Hawk, who was duly appointed trustee. The document filed in the office of register of deeds stated that the Fletcher company was indebted to various parties for merchandise, bor rowod money and other considera tions, and is unable to meet the de mands mode upnn the company for . payments, therefore It is deslroiiB of an equitable distribution of Its prop erty among Its creditors as provided by law. Included in the assignment are all goods, warbs. merchandise. i books, orders, three horses, two wag ons and harness, together with ny and all personal property of whatever nature, also one lot In Keota, Okla., valued at 1100. Mr. Hawk has been appointed to collect all notes, etc. and sell tho' property at public or private sale as may seem beet to the Interest of the creditors, A. five per cent commis sion and all necessary expenses are to be deducted from tha proceeds of the Jhe "forest tttW Knit Underwear Js Hand finished Priced 50c on Up Economical is) omen is) ill JZike flies friday Specials The .Stock Clcducing Sale is now going on with incrraseri frcc. Where real, seasonable bargains are offered the sale grows more successful as time goes on and more people become familiar with the values. $1.50 'ind $1.75 wool Dress Goods are priced at 98c yard. $1 and $1.25 wool Dress Goods are priced at 69c yard. 75e wool Dress Goods are priced at 49c yard. 50c and 65c union wool Dress Goods are priced at 33c yard. Remember the above prices and all other prices in the Stock-Reducing Sale ends positively tomorrow night. There's a best (I U . .1 . N r in everymmg A scuttle of col a day. is a ton in a month. You save much coaF, cozily warm your home and do away with asii-uirt and drudgery by using HOT WAT E R SYSTEM Cbrtrfttlly , . ... riimuhnl. ' Tdsal Boilers sad Amsxican Kadistors Union rlumbtag Phdne 4 BURTONlJi BOLT Furniture tind House Furnishings Corner Pack Square aM South JJLain St. sale, the remainder to be distributed pro rat unions each and every cred itor of tho Fletcher company. SHIuIUFF'S SON WORSE. Victor Williams, of Weaverville, son of Sheriff C. F. Wllliama, la reported as being worse for the last day or two. Sheriff Williams waa called home yes terday by telephone on account of the Illness of his son. SinZl RK AND ARRKST. Revenue Agent R. B. Bams is in re ceipt of the report of the seisure of an Illicit distillery In Burke county by Special Employe Kanlpe. aa a re sult of which Noah Brlttaln was ar nted on the charge of operating the plant Use TIZ- Smaller Fed Sore Feet, Tender Feet and Swollen Feet Cured Every Time. TI7. Makes Sore Feet Vell N'o Slatter What .tils Them. 4 Ktcryone who In troubled with sore, sweaty, or tender feet swollen feet smelly feet, corns, callouses or bunions can quickly make their feet well now. Here is Instant relief and a lasting, permanent remedy It's called TIZ. TIZ makes sore feet well and swollen feet are quickly re duced to their natural else. Thou sands of ladies have been able to wear a full alio smaller with perfect comfort. , It's the only foot remedy ever made which acts oa the principal of drawing out all . the poisonous exu dations which cause sore feet. Pow ders and 'other remedies merely clog up the pores. TIZ,fians them out and keeps them clean. It works right off. You will feel better the very first time it's used. Use It a week and you can forget you aver had core feet. There is nothing on earth that can compare with It. TIZ Is for sale at all druggists 25 cents per box or direct tf you wish from Walter Luther Dodge ft Co, Chicago, 111. HOOD'S 5 Haywood St. FOR BALL Three of the best resi dence properties on Mont ford avenue . A rare oppor tunity to get an elegant home. Terms. CANADAY REALTY 00 , phone tT. 10 N. Fack Square, CELEBRATED CANDT ON ICE AT a McKay's Pharmacy I" Oppo. Poet Office. REMOVAL NOTICE . The J. J. McCloekey Realty com pany has moved to Rooms 61 and 82, American National Bank building. I . tf i THE BERLIN Has moved to No. 1 East Paok Square from American Nat'l Bank Bldg. Call and seo the pretty hand embroidered waists and hand-mado sweaters. Stoves, Ranges and Heaters The Celebrated Garland and Laurel Makes. J. L. Smathers & Sons Mammoth Furniture Store, 15-17 N. Main St. SEWING MACHINES VARIOUS MAKES Sold, Exchanged, Rented aad Repaired . CASH OR EAST PATMEXT9 ASHEVTLLE SEWING MACHINE CO. Legal Bldg Faok Square. Phone. ISM M. Webb Co. MILLINERY IMPORTERS Club Bldg. Haywood St. Manicuring, Hair Dress ing, Facial and Electric Scalp Massage. All super fluous hair and facial blem ishes removed with the elec tric needle by expert opera tors. We mate up combings to order. MISS CRUI3ES SHOP S Haywood St. filfjffiflf miss ycojusAjir HUFF. EXrEW COR8KTTF.RK ROOMS IT and SB American National Bank BaiMtnf Crowded for Jpace in the Suit Section Confidently expecting to be in our new store this week, we rushed in the balance of our big or ders. As a result, the Annex is filled to overflow ing with the newest models just from Fifth Ave nue. There was not room for them in our many cabinets, but extra raqks have been pressed into service and you will be able to view the selection any time you wish. Suits for Stout figures, in odd sizees, for$20 to .$30. ' Suits for Misses and Ladies, including the fa mous Wooltex garments, for $15 to $45. ' - ' ? V.. Suits for young girls $10.50 up to $25. We Are Prepared'. to execute ail orders In the designing of any piece of Jewelry that you may desire made according to ybur own Ideas ' "We -mao a specialty of this cla as of work, also the setflUg of die- lnonds and other precious stones. A visit to our store win ' prove c to your advantage If you contemplate placing an order ' , of thV nature. Satisfaction assured, workmanship the best, changes mod." erate. CHAS. E. HENDERSON. Jeweler ta PATTTON AVENTE. , FOR Farm, B0 acres, good 6-room ho use. Good apple orchard, most of-tree . in bearing. Prloe 11,500. Good terms. ' , " ' ' i V " Farm, 127 acres, situated In tber mal belt. No buildings. TOO fruit-traea , : on place. Price II, BOO. fi v. It THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Avii eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-a New Cfop of Prunes-''': JUST IN 20c IV!. : FRESH MEATS Phone 48-43, BETTER HEALTH. The right kind of bread builds body, muscle, brain, insist on BUTTER CRUST BREAD Full 16 ounces to each loaf. Ask your gyocer, or phone 622. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY New Shipment of Mahogany Library Tables and Ladies' Writing Desks just received Call and sec the very latest-models J. L SMATBERS & SONS Mammoth Furniture Store and Annex . rj. 15-11 North Main street 1? 1 RjforiKa Aflrtcaa '4 PTie tfext Jlrtlcle "on the tfeyt Store Appears in J'unoay's Paper in the junior sizes, for,j ' ' ' ' ' SALE Pound GROCERIES'. Cor. N. Main Menimon Are. - - makes for good health 2 HAYMAKER'S BEST . J' B - Send us $3.60 aad we will ship you 2 fujyrallonrQf tUa ; Ml tumdanl proof North Carrot CT-tK; iWnW HAYMAKER'S B EST must th .afirfrfioirTos te tb , MsA-wid if ttdonpfeaseyoe.acnd it tycfc . ond we will said Jpqnr n.7 tr firet mail. Isthat faUTMAYiSAKCS is bwt Brand tV , TEBXltas mora durlicat onion (liaa anr otUwr WhUkojr adesrtisad. . j WHOLESALE PRICES glass Ins for $23 bans PrsesM ta sot leoUws I y 2 Class iug forj 3.60 erAoasttsasiCoalaslv. 4 24 Full Pints tar . . . 6.73 KaHord Bint H, C. SPBMLE, PnatcrJ e 9 X ! i A I 1 1 & t? L ' AJsF -T'

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