GIT ZEN OT3WEATKEB, 28 PACES TODAY , FAIR, V VOL: 3XpL,'Kd.' 34.4 SiittY na;, u, SUMMa. MUlflXU, OCTOBER 1, 1SU PRICE FIVE CENTS? mEwmmm-EmmR swept iMiFM mMIS$EmJMSTim OF PAPER MILL DM " ' a " 1 '- '' mmsmiMMm carried ' i v yon THmmsmfrimwic J! HhlvNSV I . VA VIA lY.. - . Jem-ia. V A. V ... :,i JSOiu. .. -!?.';; s'i -?-t. 'v. ... r - r - 1 -wJiVfCinie Death and Destraction I Before: Heavy Bafns V V " of Pfl'sf fiff WeeJU Caused'Dam to Bur?t.t. ? 'i r rt "t z TO DEATH FLOOD AT YESTERDAY ,000 BUILDINGS iDESTROYED BDNRUSH OF THE WATERS iztimate&That Nearly 1,000 Souls Perished in , 'iioil Disastrous Flood Since Johnstown nT " - iff J L rras rrpea vut. - r ' ? -J -1 r j i Details of Catastrophe ; vDamof thfe Bajrliss IJulp & Papdr company burst one mile" and a half nortn, ot town. v -Eive Jwdred' milli on gallons of , water thrown , I y Fii t allows ."bta'Stinjs-eT natural gaStJuains. - , i 4. , ' 5: -a rims'. IOhL I-Tlw v wire r dvi); K In lnipHtW t!te to IWi h p"(tt U-low hr tonight. , HeruiocM - from Contollo 4 4- Mmto. Oiily few huw U'tt ItMrvc, : . . jt , ' . , 4 Has Trices Fire ' ; ' 4USTIN, Pa cpt 30. A dangerous situation do veloped immediately after the great wall of .water had passed. Austin is piped for natural gas and the. great force of the flood tore the mains from the stfeets, Oue of them the largest pipe in the town, burst in the busi ness section. v A moment afterward the 'gas gushed but and in a twinkling it haffr taken fire.' There was no ex- RAILWAY SHOPMEN GO OH STRIKE OR Hill IDS unions Claim That Number Who Havo Quit Is Between 20.000 and 30,000 "MUCH SMALLER" SAYS JULIUS KKUTTSCHNHT plosion but-ltfii flames leaped tota height of 'seventy feet or more anjdji'hlown by a strong wind, ,ws communi cated to'tbe-nea? est house. In ten minutes a dozen other gas pijs--had'.burst and were pouring their deadly in flammuiftluid.iiito.the air.- Men who had rushed for ward WthVhop'e of. dJiuk ome good were overcome and fell; whiletforters' were ca,nght in the flames and mhhfeVl?:Tiic;reet eoame a glowing hell and there was M sarvaurm iornosc wno cnanpea 10 ne near, now mafo perisBeoat tbis'i th debris ahd I ' Scores 'of opersoiis' caught 'bene t ' slowly cremated, V Vrf V y : ';: iQwrV.OOO'DuildiWedceM, ven ' Jlf- jr"irst tinie'since-qbted.two year . .S i ." v I- . ' f JtfOoa'BUppjy,iias vvwyanvynay. .r. .Austin has (a population, of 3i!)0. ..J CdBtello. town of 450 peoplei below ;Austni, ished. also sweiit away, , ' ' A, , , t Two-thirds of citizens belieTed to nave per- , ; TOUDEXSPORT, Pa., Sept. 30.-'H'ithilroarfthat could be heard for miles the; great dam of 'the Bayliss from hun- pOiht is not known, but one esti mate.nilacesj'it at a score.. v - - ', k h . ,V:'v.t'Deathby, Fire and Water ' .f hjAti'sNii'iaittle' fire protection at best .and .with tlilV-icptUway iry. the flood and no one' left to man the little Apparatus tho;town possessed, the progress pt the 5ani' Vuniuteiwiptcd. Kapidly.Jioy-'-wept. -frcn) hmistytd:ltOuse;-leapiag streets and alleys and' fed by the cdniinnal supply of gas from bursting mains there was. no staying their progress. They licked up what the water had left.' 4 . ' , v - Many persons, crushed and helpless in the wrecks of buldings only partly destroyed by the water, werlj)i sumed in the flames. Their shrieks ?mld be hearcLbv I the helpless ones who, awaken I fromjtheir slee) and J j paralyzed by the scenes about thenjjfr endeavored to S save a life here and there here it'seTijJed possil)le. But they were driven back by the deadly fumes of the ga orjthe heat of the flames and half an hour after the flopdhad passed they stood from the hillside, pitiful, in thir inability to do anything. but bemoan the fate of their friends. Railway OfJIclafs Claim That Strike Will Not Interfere with Services ' ITALIA N WARSHIPS REPORTED TO HAVE BOMBARDED TRIPOLI Now Feared There Will be Uprising Among Arabs And Wholesale Slaughter is One of Probabilities; .Fleet Awaits Orders. ; dred ne ( Pulp & PapV eompany, at Austin, Pa., four miles fj herV&ent out at 2,:30 o'clock;this afternoon. One h -t. Ua4 VLrtkn' triinrkTTiiVfA fVz-im. tniiria vlion '1'iTtl.-- eAtlus-:Cveiungai?4,if'is estimated that fully 91K) Htted;WyoaTe Denevea 10 ijg aeaa. ji o '.nigni'jeaeatli lisA had reached 850 and may ' V liM130W JWg and 49'fect high, b keld back more than 1$ ter.' For the few times since its Uonwyrs a!go, the .water was running over iL : iuOflthe draWoday and many perkons went out r f iw vvbstinV a mile ani a?half awa);, to oe the unusual ;ft;VneyVera':pmic.itrifeken when a 'section aboit 20 t feet Mide gave way on the west side A prhocVvoluine of watet poured through the hole aud the was iuick- ly scftnided. People ran foj their lives, to the hillsfnear- by, but many were caught in- thejflood aiu whirledjdown KwvaIIp-v A moment biter another br k 'occurred. f ibis time on the east side.: It was much gi stcv thin the t first and riennitted the hulk ,of th-! m r.,-,, J it to rush in a mighty volu'me4o,ward tlic 1 ! screaming immanity with it., j t ,, 4 t Operator Spreads Alan. , ' Harry Davis, a locomotive engine phone and notified the operator at iu., ta Tying d)i tele 'i"sce. She iiitf was ; ,lr J carrying t vnmen e caught iyrore they d' before . 7 . ... - -4 i' 1 I ciUJed as many personals possiwc ou Mshort. I 5 The radne flood tore down thSV , death "on its debris-covered creitf'r j and children, the men were awaya "lnflioiT hnmps nri drowned or. rrt tLi -. knew what had happened. Houses v-t " xne migmy jcrusn ot water, auu v. utw ,oent Bira j : broken, released their dangerous floods iierethe wter ( ( had passed on its terrible course: throui the town, a Y ? dozen fires were burning in .as "many pe and the j' '; erje -of injured and imprisoned persptf? '''jollied in (the, .. ten'iflc thunder of the flood. ' -,'5.- ; " 1 - Women and Children, '' "Women and children there were among the wound- ed.ahd djTing, but among the scores of men who might ! at ! Other times have braved death to save the lives of the unfortunate there was. none to dare. Down at the shops of the Buffalo & Susquehanna railroad history was in the, making. The buildings were located below the business section on the banks of Freeman' run and were more substantial than most of the houses which had been swept away by the flood. Whentthe great mass of crushed aud " broken timbers, representing the homes of a few minutes before, came crashing down they lodged against the, shops. The im pact was so great that the buildings shivered and the walls were crushed in. But the framework stood and formed a barrier aeainst which flotsam and ictsam of the flood found lodgement. '.':?: : ; V- h Caught at M Caught at Machines IIere,(as elsewhere, the natural gas pipes burst and asf tlie shops -wfeije in operation fire was quickly com municated to the heterogeneous mass. Men were cauglit before, heycould leave their machines. Some of them we're crji&hod'to 'death without a warning, but otheifc favored of 'fontunej. were pinned down and met hor ribUuleatbs in thcrapidly kindling flames. "-jNegrbv u jixvthe p'ant of the Standard Lumber com P''iJi'yJt liad 'oujhand. aJarge stock of stove wood re'ijy;t -icut. Vheir the pipes buret there the burning 'as brokq through the building and it was soon C -r0Vf d.' Ilcf.' too5dphri liad niled hiirh and the ljii,Usvoiiofi who had'bcbn swept down stream met dcvthjs point, .r.!; lnjnrs the machine shons and the lumber nlant burned. And 'the odor of burning flefh was so strong asil drive many persons from the scene. How manv 3! uriLi w.'rii - '.. i i ' ."- . . ., uiiwrptTP Miii never ne Known, out counting: tne em . C.-H IfAQO, IIL, Bept 10. Th threatened itrlko Of th shopmen on the harrlman lftien 'to en fore rocoj. liltlon of their newly organlned Ui eutlon bucama reniny today- The number of men to ialt In the fifteen tte ailfctfd wm entlmaied at be tween 20.000 una 10,000 by the un ion men, althouuh Jullii Krultuchnltt. vloo president 'o( th HorrJman lines. in atatement ifonlght (Aid the num. br was mueh amaller.'' ; ' Reporu from moat Of the point indicate that tho mea walked out without domonatratlone and no riot ing wm reported.- : Traffic waa continued without inter. ruptlon and the rullroad ofTlclala eay the tfiopmen'a ttrlke even if extended would not Interfera wtth tranDor- Utlon. - . Oonrntl 1Uw(uiim) ' The repone 'to thjl atrlke order wai general ' throughout the middle wet and the eouthj , th Mdn hnd re. cetved nutlcee from the Internviional preMidnt of the Ave rrarte 51rtl' involved and when the hour- came they laid down their tool. At New Orleans where the etrlke already bad rxtended rrom a strike of the Illi nois Central clerks and the men had been out several days, two men re ceived Jail tentencea for violation of fodnral Injunction ' restralnins; tham from Interfering; with the company's property. , ' ; . . In the far west it was mid by the si irosde a small percentave of work, ers responded to. ths strike call, Vice President . Krutteehhltt Is sued the following statement: "At many of the Intermediate point on the Union and Suthnrn Pnciflc lines shop forces wrre laid off to reduce working time and effect reduction of expenses. At other points no men at all wont out and ut some points only one or two. Train schedules on all lines are not aftVcted and the maintenance of I reaulur achiMllltom Will In no man n.r t interrupt e4." The men involved are divided Into tho follovtlng groups, according -t tho union men! MnchlnliitM 10,009: - liollrrmoker 4.00((; blnckemlths 8,000; car men 1 1,000; clerkH 1,000; ... mlacellaneou. workers 1,000. MarkhamV Circular W. L. Morkham, vice prenldent and rfnral mannger of the Illinois Cen tral iwiucd a circular to emplnyo nf tKc roal tonight rtiaractrlslng the min1 of the adlral, re- lotlrg the history of'negotlatlon and charging that between tho men and the anlofiia tirhat len Hbr:gatel by the neoiS)ttfy' thlrtr dys notice, Concluding, he Mid'. "ft Is well known that the inter national officers of at loast some of tho crafts supported our position and opposed violatimc their contracts by "onsentlng to call a strike on the Illinois Central. The conrvst(vea seemed to be In the mlnorHy, how ever, and the result Is one of the most uncalled for waifcouts of labor In the hhxtorir of, this country. "Tho Illinois CVsntrai fine not 'ought tt ls rantrovcrsy and- nan no (UJttrrel with nrmnloil Inbnr kk turh ! bui it wllj uo a!) t rci!omcii at; Its rommo.nd to rc aln such cnr-trnl of: the mftna(mr4 a will to-' contin'u the exercise of public; tlrns for which It was creatod nnd which subsequent' events have shown It could net onlln n eterrlse h'd I the management connentod to nnterj wr and others. 7 Ttl est'aped con-i ; MALTA, Bept. 0, Jt it raportod hera that the Italian warship began the, bombardment Of 1 Tripoli at I o'clock thla afternoon. The single ca. tie (onnectien between. Malta and Tripoli i blocked with. Official mes sagia. A reliable prlvat message from Tripoli, however; says that tb Italian blockade began resterdav at sunset, ana a bombardment was de cided upon for today. There Is ap- prenension or a rising among the Arabs. Al Europeans ar safe.' ine JJritlsh fleet Is axDeoted here tomorrow and will coal Th fleet will await orders, and no shora leave will be gheru The pro tooted cruleer, J'arham. after her de. partura from her was recalled by Iroless. ' . , t " Direct news from Trlnnlf la lark. Ing, That the Italian force ihavo landed there Is unquestioned . but theie I doubt as to whether Turkey offered any armed oposiUon. A Con. ttantlnoplo dispatch gay that h Turkish guns sunk two boat, with contingent of soldier aboard, at Tripoli, , 'Many IUport According, to advices received fcy the port, Italy has effected a land ing near Perveea In European Tur key. As a result th reserve of the vilayet or Janln are belnt moblllred An orricmi announcement also conic trvm Coitiuanttnopl thtit Urer j mobilising her army. Th Italian tMnmiit.. declares . Id. ..'determine tion to malntulq tho 'tnrrltorlni ta His. quo iq ' tho I?lnn, 1 explaining that it naval Operation! along th coast of Europehn Turkey ar mere ly a measure, of, anfety , for. Italy' own cpast towna and for th securltf of t tuly's military expedition, inn position oi ine Turkish auua. dron, which is supponed to ba on its way from Bernlt to Contssntinoplr, I unknown, though report say that it fnoiiia reach th nardanelle Hun day. An Athens dlspMch av than an itmian Mjuudron hMd several Ttir. kish warship oft Commits. . " : v. h. wmHiro ' WA8HINOTON, Pept, 30 Formal notification ti tho ITnlted State thot a of . war exists between Ilale nd Turkey was given to the tt axpartmant iat today by the lti? Ian charge 'Affair, ' Noblle Lassaro doj Marchosi Negrotto Camblnio, Ttls action pave th way for th forth comlnit proclamation of neutrality by thK p'pvernmont, ' -;. President Taft win proclaim trallty" of th trnlted Htatec pfnhbiy Mooduv,- Tho effl! cUftcarton- Bf Italy carries out the Hague cbnven tlms of 1007, etlputnttnr that neutral power must be notified of the de claration of war. RSTOOVEJI fK - ' Y ROariC. Sept. 10. Th minister r matin received th fallowing 1),. pwtoh tonight xrom Cop gium. , 'Tha destroyers Artigllert and for- l!!11 morning gunk , Turkish dottroyer and torpedo near fie.a Th Coraaiei s now on iu way t Tarnnto ecoorting a captured yucht. -9 uiruyor Aipino : captured a sttnaar munned by a Greek crew coming; from the north and at tin Momujt of anteilng th harbor oC , Prevwa. 8h had 10 Turkish Officer and 111 odtr aoojrd beKk-s a quantity of ammunition. No damug , on Italian ids." . MINISTEltS isr,TEMT. ' NEW TtOUK. Kept. 10. Why di4 Italy go to warr. ; Dl Un Olullano, Itnllan mlnisler of . fonlgn aOMra, answered th question todsy in an. 1, son woiu cao,. ,j Kara Kormy'hl coneul general herei The statement reelc in dotaii numer. ou alleged Instance of injiistiuo, truslu nd larbarlty by th Turk toward Italian subject, pak of "Justlca eternally delayed and com. plaint eternally involved1' tells of ailiig'ed piratical artevby th Wosli-m oh the high ens' against th Italian flag) rhargt bloodshed. Brutlty, mur, der and rape againat the Ottomati sunject and indl-t the Sultsn's ad. .hiliiistratlon "a government eitht without authority or lacking in abii. .Ity to Impcso obedlenc on Us .dopnd enf, against Jtaiy ond Italians bv th enlna, government wtilcn has li!led to eep its International duti," -? "Th conflict which to hav unexpectedly broken, . out bet'ween , Italy and Turkey Is only th epllogu of a long aerie yf vexatl'ons und abuses, even tnoiv real than appar authorities of' the .Ottoman amplr, ay th statement 1 ' 1 : " TTItlUHH SHIP HHKIvWl. ' ATHX;NH, Spt 10. An 'Itnllan qusdron today shelled the Turkish: warships Hmldleh Illar-Ed-Dln-Bar. heroes and Alpagut. anchored t Oo- mlnltan, to th north of Frva.l - Ortst excitement wa caused through out Inlna Jnnlna and at rrevasa by Ih new of th tngagemnt, T The young Turk at a mrtlnr I tn city ar jsntna nurrele4 b tterlrt One faction advoctes restoring th old reitlir-. An officer .wag killed during the discussion, ''''.' t AVOTIIKn ntJMOTt,' PAHIH. C?pto. Th fatln' Con ' stantlnopl corrvapondont wire that a. umnr Is in circulation at th port -that to entlr Ottoman feet except ' on cruiser has bem destroyed, Of ficials st th offlc nf th-f minister of the mnrln ar ijnsble'to confirm o' deny tho nfws. .,' ' ' ... ' ' CDAIVICIS CAPTURED If SHERIFF Overpowered Guards of Ro wan County Chaingangr Taking His Arms eAUHmRT." N.-.C.. Bopt. i0.Kd Hanea and Claud Hanes. the two young white men who overpowered Ihe goard and imadl tholr escape from Rowan county ohaineang Thurs- EHORfiflDUS EXPDBTS OF. '"Hand to Mouth" State ments of Foreign Exports Very Strongly Eefuted; aff oirryinft ott fho Winchester. pprts from flavanftah today. PIt Bf th guard, wer p()r11 ,how ,)ln, tn, atyt ncvnttiitiotis with the oreiinlr.ntiun - hlch is primarily responsible for this trouble. I PO&SVMS LIKE P.U'AWS 'lfl-M ef the plants and the persons in the flood it wilir noJUrall short of two hundred.' '-4 ' "j ' r ' " '': '" ' ' V" " k,."t v - , J " ' : ' . 1 f t' jt uwio iiuviu . -j . .:... ,'fSi "- . ., ... - , -, ... ' : , : i .- IJt re is where the first organized effort at relief was wiVj "cMaddened by the sishts. about him, one ' mn, m(h tears streaming down his cheeks, cried , for voluiv ' CcmUoacl Pag six) I COU?MErfl. Ind- Sept. ,?0 Kd- ward ; Jono,,j proprietor of a arbor shop here, has two poemr'in and ho dr'lare they .wero onti'ea to fi's City by th scent of psnaws. Mr. and Mrs. ftvid 'Rorbar'taori, of this city, spent the day with James Flnfrel. east of thl city. . Finkel owns two pet 0Kc"!u!ra and thy aro both very fond of papaws. Fiatei gave the Rob-' eruons a sack of papaw. and when j thes retary d bm they 'rt . jr-j. 1 aj, supply t hr Java home.: Jcnes 1 . tt . .... . . i.tii Kf in went of trie papaw led t. opmuon to fotlpw the bit'gv to tM e'tv, H'hen he hrrd hi dog barklnnr he got out of bed to And th opoeiums oatlng th papawa, in spit of th frantic effort of th dog t drive tlaem away. , BAVAXN'AH,'Oa.. Bopt I0.--Reent statements that the foreign demand for cotton was a mora', "hand t. mouth" character, wero effectually r futd by th' enormoua fort,i .: Th re port show Dint the day export amounted to 9S,7C6 bales, ,of . whlckj ; 34,204 went to Great Britain, 1$.60A to Prance. 40.680 to tho continent and 4,172 eesstwla. .: Th other portl vict were aeen passing China Orov; showed ,34 tnles repiesentlng a C'lrt.-r rheir otripe and tarrying valuo of over 15.000.000. , , their stolen arros.,T;i herlff and' It I elivd ths( till 1 .on of jii." en were oon on their trail in an; tho largest amoants ever exporul automobile and rah on thm In the uaik.iosa, otdeieej them to throw up their hands, took he gun from them and brought them to Kitlsbury Jail to await A rial for assaulting an offl- oor,.. .... ; ' ''.'.,', ...,.' : : ':',;'" v captured at midnlgh leat night near arbru county,, by Sheriff 3. H. Mc'tnslv OS Balliibury, assisted by Dopui e Krider. : Tolbwrr. Atta-1 from any port lq on day. I.VUKNIOTft INVEVTIOX .CteRIJS, ,'pt. o,--An inventfva Oerman ha retsntly taken out a pot ..n'f for a pistol for pr.idue.'njr'appar-j ant death for a brief time. It I toad ad kith a bullet mad of chemical composition, to which la added enough powder to prope! U. ,Th bullet ex plode and -cause a thick eloud of hlch envelope ' the , victim, makes it. Imposslbl for him tat , PItF.VK.VT I.AIKJR EXPOKTATIOX ;, PA JTA MA, Sept. to. In order to prevent the exportation f canal la borer by degmlhf contractors- who: cn find ready market for their er-'l vapor, ie;m rarii .-and other South American countries, the' assembly has reader hi -breathing Wlfflcult,: an paed a law providing that any for- ho Anally fall Into a swoon- that last etgner found rewrultlng -caml', ; .la- from ten, minute to hslf hour. It bofor ahali, be ummarlly exported. la believed thot the new plutol will b Na'Jves who try "to ord ci of. fmpo'latf for 'policemen, as they employe to lfeav for other work tray b ahlo' to 'ove-'-.-i-t rmv.iioa e must pay a fin cf. f w,than $!,- even tmfi'"Rcnb'e O'lO not moo thnn tS.000. ; " ' r ti" ' e