THE ASTIEVTLLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1911. V . 11 Society and Personals .MIt lit-ttliu Williams ha ntuniod r rum u. visit of st-veral day I" friends 111 tho eimlfrn part of tins Stuto. Mr. Thomas Hot tie leaves today for charlotte, .'. ('., uud will return later to Xrw York. i loaves tu- Mlsa Laura ttiul Mini) Kxuni . riMiil deaths of her two Ulster, the Meare have Issued Invitations l- ' '1IUK UI tc ery quiet, and wlt flv hundred partv. win. thty w UlC "'' only by the Immediate fam ' giVO " Wtdocsuuy afternoon at their ; lly imi most Ultimata frlendB. residence on Ad kins street in honor ! - - of Miss Kurln and Mlra IniiHrt' Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Kihk are Baillcy. of Wilmington. N. ' '""" "r Mr 81,11 Mr" iU.;rl.l!t jt j at I'lVKah Indue for ecvf ral days. Tho Anna Anton .M iBHl.mary eoeieiy Of Central Methodist cliunh will hold a social molting 01 tho home of A'.vs. J.- T. Bledaco on Merninoii av.mie this afternoon at 4 ovloek. All la itor In the eoiigieKUtloii are InWled to bo present. The Younic Woman's auxiliary of thd Firm Baptist elnireh have ar ranged an IiiHtcmIIhk program on Uita mission, wlileh will ha tsiv'. this evening In the lecture loom of Vile Church at 8 o'eloclt. . . An Intureetlji rumor Is alloat con cerning a marriage which It : ex tracted will take place very .iu. uy during the present week. The prin cipals are well known, and Tor some Mm the friend" of mch have ntl. I patd a matrimonial conclusion to the courtship. Toa vn hint, lit tho Iden tity or the lady concerned would he to give the secret away, lu: the man Is a prominent lawyer of tho city, J J Mr. Rlahard Lee Oroonio and h?r mother. Mr. J. P. Ilowutt, have ( to New York, where they will spend the winter. Mm, Oroomo Is stopping In Oreensooro, N. C. for a few day to be matron of honor at th wjddlng Of Mi Kllaabeth Orlssom, which will be a church affair. The arrange 1 mente are on rather a lavish scale, end the wedding will be an event of the Wook. aa Ml" Orlssom la quite prominent aoclally. J J "' Mr. Jennie C. Dreeson, of Savan nah, la In tho city for the purpose of organising a Pythian lodge on the ' ordef of the Eastern Star of the Ma sons, ! Mrs. Hreeaon Is the official or ganiser of the state, and has had much experience 1n the work since organising ths flrat temple In Savan nah. Oa six rears ago. Mrs. C. C. Meyers, of this city, la assisting Mrs. treeeon and the charter has been signed by a number of ladles. A catted meeting will be hld In the Plnrah lodgs this afternoon at o'clock to which all ladlwi Interested ' In the work are invited. Members of the Pythian lodge may become hon orary members of ' new looge, and "tiave signified their intention of doing so. '- The' two upper Disuses of the fltin. Any school f tho Jewish temple gave Mr. Morris Itsaron a surprise party Faturday owning at the resldnnoe of bis cousins, the Misses Rmanuel, there wore about sixteen children Who hsd the evening before taken part In the flower oervlce at the tem ple, and who, armed with supper end Httlo gift, appeared st tne home of tho Misers' ISniahuel, and proceeded ; to give vay:v' Each child gave toaet whl'e gathered around the ta ble to svhlch Mr. Lnaaron responded, a-fter which their gift, a handsome fountain pen, was presented. The re mainder of. the evening was spent In playing games, and Mr. tasaron sang for i tho children, Mr. I-aiaron ro . turns to Cincinnati Thursday much to -the regret of the congregation and of itls many friends In Aehtvllle. J J Prof, Oeorge T. aldwell, of the high school , faculty, . and six of the studts have returned from Dr. Am bler' ."Fettle Snake lodge," where they spent the week-end, those In the party being Messrs. Carl Messier, Herbert Jarvls, Milton Brown, David Balrd, Wallace Wright and teroy .Owen. M riJ-Vf.-j .jg " Mi and Mrs, William Cater Tom pleton have Issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Margaret Elliott, to Mr. JanSos Clifton Williams, which takes place Wednesday, fct. 11, at t:0 o'clock at th home of the bride's parents. 86 South French 1 Broad avenue. Mr and Mrs, Williams will, return to their future home In Lynchburg, Va., after Nov. IB. sT f ' . The" Ashevlllo chapter, Daughters of tho Confederacy, wijl mt Thurs day ait 4 m. at tho rldcnoa of Mrs, Thoma W, Patton, 88 -Charlotte 'street. 'V;, - The' wedding of Miss Eleanor Urn bertson and Mr.'Olenn Crowell tnkos place this evtnlng In Greenovlllc. Tenn. ' Quite a number of Invitation j .have beesr issued and many part Ion were to have been given In honor of .Mia Lambertson, but owing to the The New Toaster A Most Perfect Device See It and Sample of Its Work Mlsm l'.rowriliiK k li.y for Hweet Urinr, Tenn. Ml.n Ha rah F'helan Is ut the nattsry Park hotel on her way to her home In Montgomery, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wrownoll. of Greenwood, Tex., are spending the winter In Ashovllle. Mr. Ralph Kngel has gone to Chsr lottn fr several dayo on business. Mrs. Foy O. Rrown and small daimlr.ter, of Knoxvllle, Tenn., ore vlHitlng Mrs. Jamea M. English at 20(1 Chnstnut street. Mr. and Mrs. James Mortimer, Jr., and their small son returned yester day to their home In Darlington, B. C. Mrs. Mortimer has tnt tne umrner with her parents, Dr. end Mrs, IT. B. Weaver, on Chestnut street. Miss Helen Tolsom has returned to her home In Memphis, Tenn., after visiting her aunt, Mr. George Mur ray. Miss Mary Thompnon has returned from sn extended visit to relatives In Charlotte and Columbia, 8. C. Miss Madge and Miss Peanne Ro man arrive today from Columbia, 8. C and will be the guests of Mrs. Elloe Dufour on South Trench Broad avenue. Miss Anna Howell left yesterday for Boston sfter spending the summer at Iltubf e Hall. Miss Bertha Downs, who has gone to her home In New Haven and to Nw York for a several weeks' visit, after which eh will return to Elbe mar for th wtnter. Mrs,' V. t, McDonald and children have returned to their horn In At lanta, Oa after a visit of tn days to relative In th city. Miss Solnrn Parker has returned from a several weeks' visit to friends in Wilmington, N. C, Miss Mettle and Miss Lucy Davis have returned from Brevard, where they spent the week-end with frlen.l. Mr. D. D. Littlejohn. of Statesvllle, is In the city for a brief stay on busi ness. Mr. Joseph E. Sllversteln was In town from Roaman, N. C, yeiterday. Mr. and Mrs. Bllversteln spent last wViter In Ashevllle, but have re turned to their former bom st Ron man, where the former ha a large tannery. Mr. Lf Kuhn, of Louisville! Ky., is in th city for a short stay on business. Mr. W, M. McNalry, of Greensboro, Is visiting Mr. O. X. Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wagner have re turned from a several weeks' stay at Qreensboro, N. C. Mlas Bessie Hill, who has spent the summer at Weavervtllo, has returned to her home In the eastern part of the state. Miss Josephine Ouffln has gone to Cooleemce to take up mlslsonary work. Mlsg Ouffln was city mlslonary for the Methodist churches of the city for six yearn. HOOD'S MILLINERY S Haywood St. FOR SALL Three of the best resi dence properties on Mont ford avenue . A rare oppor tunity to get an elegant home . Terms . CANADAY REALTY CO , riioue 974. 10 N. Pack Square eJ. M. L A. W 35 Ftton Avenue !er, Mm. Jlirnen M. KneJInh, Chestnut atreet. Mr. C, Is stay. Clyde Holt, of Ore enshoro, N In town for a snvi ral days' Mrs. Krank C. Mlteholl, of Mobile, Ala., la visiting her mother, Mrs, R. O. Mitchell on Chestnut Btieet. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Norton and small daughter, who have heen vlxlt Ing the parents of Mrs. Norton, have liKht. t, right, warm, , '.inrmlnfr, half of artifice and fancy, half of humor and feeling, of cemedletta and of mu- ' i'.".- 1- M.I ... , alwaya and spirited to tho end. CELEBRATED CANDV OX ICE AT f McKay's Pharmacy flekets are clothing store. selling at Whitlock's "Tile OonibliTS." Kvery 'city In the land knows that there aro bankers who do tamper with the funds entrusted to thm. Charles Klein's play, "The Gamblers, " I true to this life. The gamblers gone to Hendcrsonvllle to visit frienos control a chain of banks. They have before returning to Montgomery, Ala. their home In Miss Elulo King, who him been vis iting friends in the city, has returned to her homo In Charlotte. Miss Ina Edwards, of Mars Hill, spent last night with the family of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Logan In West Ashevllle n route to Lumberton. whfre she will teach school for sever al months. Mr. James E. Rector leaves this morning for Hot Springs to attend tho bedsldo of his mother, who Is very feeble. Mr. Klngsland. Van yesterday In Brevard. Winkle spent Mies Edith Alexander Is visiting at the home of her brother In Pittsburg. Mr. Frank Edwards, of Mars Hill, spent yesterday in Ashevllle. obtained much power, but in their de sire to expand they resort to viola tions "technical violations" of the honking laws. They are first citizens to whom this sort of thing Is busi ness. The bank borrows beyond its capita) and these officers are about tc be proctited SUFFERED ALL NIGHT LONG "Madame Sherry"' Tonight. "Every Little Movement Has a Meaning All Its Uwn" Is probably one of the most popular songs given to the publto in year. It was first In troduced in "Madame Sherry" and pros-lists to outlive anything the com poser have written in the last twenty-live years. It Is but one of a score of melodious and lilting melodies In this popular play. Several new- musi cal numbers have, been added for the present tour. "Madame Sherry" Is founded on the French book of M. Ordenneau, with music by Hugo Felix. The American adaptation and score are by Otto Hauebach and Karl Hoschna. The play was staged under the per- it 1 1 ::x."jk Mr. Roy Ooldberg. of Atlanta. Is in the city for a brief stay. Cla Mrs. N". B. Dawson and her sletor, Miss Blanche Herndon, returned to Durham yesterday after a visit to Mrs. Gay Orefnc. I Mr. Tenn., Homer Boamon. of Knoxvllle, spent the week-end with his Special in Tailored Saits $19.50 Worth $25.00 to $35.00 A few sample suits flean and well tailored, smart, new, up-to-date models that we secured at a discount by taking a sample line. They are just the suits wanted by women for general fall wear, and there are misses' sizes in ' eluded that will appeal to college and high school girls. The materials are serges, cheviots, mixtures, etc., in colors, black and blue. Excep tionally good values at regular prices. They won't last long at the price marked, $19.50 M. V. MOORE & CO. . Specialist lo .Women's Koady-to-Wrar Garment. , Careful Attention given to Mall Order Ask for a fall Catalogue. V 1 if e. I I i c . . Painful Experience of Mrs. Stephens. Husband Tries in Vain to Obtain Belief Pontotoc, Miss. "All night long," ays Mrs. P. O. . .Stephens, of this place, "I would suffor with my back, and I had such dragging down pains I could not stand it to walk or ride, for It would put me In bed. My health had been bad for two years. My husband got the bait doc tor that he know, but their medicine did me no good. I used Cardul, the woman' tonic. mean as wen aa I did when I was 18 years old. I used about .bottles in all, and Cardul has helped me more than any thing that I use. 4, , I took lots of other medicines, but they did bo no god, As long as I live, I won't be with out Cardul In the house." As a remedy for weak, tired, worn out women, who suffer from any of the aches and pains caused by wo manly troublea. Cardul has been proven safe and reliable. Composed of gentle-acting, herb In gredients, Its action Is mild and nat ural, and It has no bad after-effects. It Is therefore harmless for young or old. It has helped others, and should certainly help you, too. Try It. N. B. Write to Ladles' Auxiliary Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn, for Special In structions, and 4-page book, "Home Treatment for Women." sent In plain wrappeir, on request. Stoves, Ranges and Heaters The Celebrated Garland and Laurel Makes. J. L. Smathers & Sons Mammoth Furniture Store, 15-17 N. Main St. SEWING MACHINES VARIOUS MAKES Sold, Exchanged, Rented and Repaired CASH OB EAST PAYMENTS ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE CO, Legal Bldg Paok Square. Phon ISM " Mil guy your Jailored Suit Jiere Jo-day Aarge Mowing of Conservative Models at m.00 to M5.00 New Crop of Prunes JUST IN 20c Pound M. H YA1VIS J FRESH MEATS GROCERIES ptjone 4V-24S. Cor. N. Main A Merrimoa Ave. J 4 IMIIIMI i BUTTER CRUST BREAD M. Webb Co. MILLINERY IMPORTERS Club Bldg. Haywood St. Leads in nourishment, and all bread qualities and weighs full sixteen- ounces to the pound. Ask your gro- tl cer or phone biz. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY m 1 1 1 M tHtH Ml t rl'l 1 1 rtm' Manicuring, Hair Dress ing, Facial and Electric Scalp Massage. All super fluous hair aud facial blem ishes removed with tho orec tric needle by expert opera tors. We make up" combings to order. MISS CRUISE'S SHOP M Haywood St. J Stopsra Cough Quickly -Even Whooping Cough A Whol Pint of th Quickest, Surest Cough Romedy for 60o. Money Refunded If It Fall. If you have an obstlnato, deep-seated cough, which refime to be cured, gutaCO emit bottle of Pincx, mix It. with home mnde supar symp and start taking It. In side of Hi bourn you r oouith will be gone, or very nearly so. r,ven wnoo aulcklv oonaueml in this wi A Moenti iwtuo ol finex, wnen mixea plng-oough la ay With home mode sugar nrrtip, gives you a pint family tuunty of the finest oough remedy that money oonld buy, at a clear Enving o sa. Ulreotlons In Plnex soot membrnnos with remarkAble rapidity. It illdreo saving of fa. Very easy to prepare full jtionii In DAckaao. Plnex soothes and heals the Inflamed Ktlmulntes the apiwtlte. Is slightlT laxa tive, anil has a pleasant tnt obj splnmlld for croup. eel Ml .Vila Mouit, Prima Donna In "Madame Sherry," Auditorium To- , nlRht. ; onal dlriTtlon of George W. Lederor, ! who for many years dlrccltd tho stag- Ing of miiElcnl comedy at tho Now ; York Casino and earnud the name of ' "the father of musical comedy." "Mudan e Sherry" i hut Muarkltnc. i tuneful and sprlghtful comedy wilt be the attrn!lon at tho Auditorium to night. Tickets aro selling at Whit lock's clothing store. "Tile Chocolate) Soldier." "Tho Chocolate Soldier," Mr. F, C. Whitney's presentation of tho opera by Oscar Straus, the book of which Is Uunod on tfeorgc Bernard Shaw's brilliant witlrf, "Arms and the Man," and which Is booked to appear at the 'Auditorium Wednesday evening, Oct. 4, has achieved a greater measure of success than anything since Gilbert and Sullivan were on tne top wave of their popularity. Everywhere In "The Chocolate Sol dier" Straus has written music that clothes the personage or that Is a part of the particular moment In the opera. It Is munlc that Is rich melo diously, rich as many an elderly Ital ian opera that stalk nowadays as a classic. It la full of rhythmic variety and distinction. To hear "The Choc olate Soldier" Is to know U a rain. take it willlmtlr. mthma, bronchitis, throat tickle, oh remedy for incipient lung troubles. Plnex is a special and highly concen trated coili pou nd of Norway White Pine extract, rich in rualacol and other healing pine elements. It ha often been Imitated, though never successfully, for nothing else will product, the same results, ritinplyraix with sujrar syrup or strained houey, In a pint bottle and It it ready for use. Anyouo' who trie Piuex will pmlokly understand why itlsnsotl In r.i are horace in the II. S. aud ( ipju'.a than any other cough iwmetiT . T l.e (jt-ti n V." i (tuuranteed to kitq absolute Hitistaotioit or money re funded. Cert iC. -.its of prnarantee is wmpiMd in eooh pn buqp. Yourdrumrlst has Vinexorwi:ir,t Itforvou. lf not, scud to Tho l'iucx Co.. Vt. Way an, Iod. Besides following always and invariably merit meth ods, FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE has always given the most value for the money. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE 26 South Main St. We Are Prepared to execute all order In th designing of any place of Jewelry" that you may desire made ao cording to your own ldsas. Wo make a specialty of this olass of work, also th setting of dia mond and other preclou stones. A visit to our store will prove to your advantage If you con template placing an order of this nature. Satisfaction assured, workmanship the beat, charge mod erate. CHAS. E. HENDERSON, Jeweler J PATTTON AVENUE. aipum.m.wi MWWS?Bsaw THE BERLIN Has moved to No. 1 East Pack Square from American Nat'f Bank Bldg. Call and see the pretty hand embroidered waist and hand-made sweaters. Gdssard MISS TTTTT'Tl EXTERT CORSETIERE ROOMS 27 and 38 American National Bank Building in everything Headaches Impair Mental Faculties and should not bo allowed to bo come chronic. Whet.hnr i beat or cold, stomach disorders or f nervousness tficks'CAPUDINE is the best remedy to taka. It's liquid effects immediate pleas ant to take. KVj, 25o and 50o at I drug siorei , Theresa best A scuttle or coal a day is a ton ina month. You save much coal, coziiy warm vour home and do away with asn-dirt and drudgery by using HOT WAT E R SYSTEM f si t hi ill - Esfimalts fumtshtd. Idkal Bailers sad Auiuucah Kadiators Cnion Plumbing Company. S N. Main Street Phon 4S8. Weaverville Line Schedule Effective Monday, October 2nd, 1911. Leave Weaverville Leave Pack Square 6:45 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 8:10a.m. 10:10 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:10 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:10 p. m. 8:00 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 6:00 p. m. :10p. m. 7:00 p.m. Schedule same on Sunday except the 5:45, :80 and 8:10 a. m. trips are omitted, and an extra car will leave Pack Square at 4 p. m. and Weaverville at 6:10 p. m. - ASUICVrXiLB A EAST TENNESSEE: It R. I North Main Street I'eiew LkSMM PaiiidSi The Drink for Home and Cafe A PRICE f $8.00 per Cask of 10 doz., FO B. Knoxville, Tenn. 25c per cioz. will be paidrfor bot ties when returned. East Tennessee Brewing Co. Knoxville, Tenno vvr-VAjk-, , nJKj0MU0aiXf,'Vr:lHtntmmmm mini K i ; i

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