THE ABHEVXLLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1911 ' - : MOAUE. CHILES & REDWOOD KKAD estate a INSURANCE , !7 Patton Avenae. ' v. , , . ' ' $1.50 BOOK SPECIAL 75 CENTS "SB Cylinder Courtship," "Sapphire Bracelet and Cupid's Under study "" by Edwin Salisbury Field; " Evangeline and the Courtship of Miles Blandish," 4f Longfellow, In Individual boxes, handsomely bound, fine paper. ROGERS BOOK STORE SS PATTOX AVE. Fang Wang Tea IS THE COMING- BRAND 14 lb. tins 25c, - 1-2 lb: tins 50c. Either Blended or Ceylon-India. Get a tin and be convinced.. Clarence M fATTOW m Six Reasons Why I Bought a o axwell Recently one of our salesmen asked a cus t tomer our usual question, "Why he bought a MAX- WELL car! While the customer had a great many general reasons, borne of personal investigation, he stated six main reasons, that influenced his pur- chase: ' Fourth. Becsuwe Maxwell uniform conetrocUon la first class, I simple, accessible, durable and easy to care for. - : Watch For the Fifth Reason STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. A ww s&ufvtfm ' 5-T FATTOi: AVB, WHEN IT REP AIRING Watches and Jewelry and the resetting of dia monds you can rely on us to give you service that is absolutely satisfactory in every respect. CHAS. E. HENDERSON. Jeweler 62 FATTCWS AVENUE STREET CAR SCHEDULE ZILLICOA AND RETURN RIVERSIDE PARK YPTWYT VTA ROUTHSIDE rrl OV ?L VENUE topfrr VTA FR'ENCill KUAJJ AVJJiJN Wlli ffANOR CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS PATTON AVENUE EAST STREET GRACE VIA MERR1MON 8 AVENUE BILTMORE DEPOT & WEST ASHE- VILLE via Southside Ave. Sunday schedule differs In the fol Cars leave for Depot, Southside ave a. m. Car leaves for Depot, French B 7:45 and 8:15 a. m. Next regular car Southside and French Broad avenues. First car leaves square for Chartott First car leaves ths square for Rive First car for West Aahevllle leaves With the above exceptions Sunday continues same as week days On evenings when entertainments a 11:00 o'clock ears due to leave Squar modatlon of pajsjengers, await closin switch, Car leaves square to meet No. 15, ule of announced arrival. Citizen Want Ads BringResuIls COVERED BV IHBCBAKCB or' total loss? Which do you prefer When, on reads of the great de struction by fire of houses, atorea and i property In general.' we feel tarry for jthi owners untl . we' read that the loa 1 covered by insurance. Then we feci the wisdom of those who covered their property an that It Is fully Insured, Insure at once if ' you have not done so already. Phone rM PHONE XB4 Sawyer MX PIXOHES KO. MO 99 OILS PHONE $4 COMES TO IN EFFECT OCT. 1, 1911. 6:00, :1B. -.S0 a. m. 6:30 and every 16 minutes until 8:00 p. m.; then every hour until 11:00 p. m. Cars to Ban tee street, this line, every IS minutes, 8:00 to 11:00 p. m. 5:46 and 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 1:15 p. m.; tl.on every 7 1 i'mlnutes until SMS p. m. Then every IB minutes till 11:00 p. m.. 8:00 and every 15 mlnuus u ntil 10:00 utes till 11:00 6:00 a. m., then every 15 minutes till 11:00 p. m., except no car in to Square at 10:19 p. m. 7:00 a. m., then every 15 minutes till 8:00 p. m, 10:00 and 11:00 o'clock cars run through to Oolf Club, ; C:00 a. m. and every 1-6 minutes till 11:00 p. m. 6:00 a. m., and every 15 minutes till 11:00 p. m. 00 a. m. Then every IS minutes till i 8:30 p. m. Then every 30 minutes un- j till 31:00 p. m. 6:15 a. m. and then every 15 minutes I untfrl :00 p. m. Then every 30 min- utes until 11:00. last car. ! and 6:00 a. m., and every 30 mlnutes unU1 10:30' lagt cr- lowing particulars: nue, 6:19, 6:80, 7:00, 7:80, 8 00, road avenue, 6:15, 6:30, 6:45, for Depot leaves square 8:45, 8:30 7:15, both e street at 8:45. rslde 8:30, next 8:45. Square 8:30. schedule commences at a. m. and t Auditorium are prolonged beyond a at that hour will, for the accom g of performance at Auditorium night train, 26 minutes before sched- ' " L Climate Warrants it, There Being Beautiful Foliage Entire Year SAN DlEOO. Cat, Oct 13 U has been said by weather experts that the tllm&te of San" Diego, Cat., la the finest in the world.' Whether it Is or not, those who have enjoyed it at all see eons know that it Is good enough to -warrant-keeping the Panama-Call fornla International Exposition open the full- year, instead of for six months as has been the invariable custom for such exposition. Strang ers who visit San Diego appreciate better than the people of that city do themselves what an Invaluable as- setrsuch a climate Is. It will, -in fact, j be one of the best exhibits to be seen at 'the exposition! but there will be , plenty of others, ahd many which have never been seen at any other exposition that was ever held. The San Diego exposition will be marked by a profusion of flowers and foliage. At this moment, millions of rilnnt. jtrA haln fnr USA ?- ,ne "111 on the grounds surrounding the position city. One. can hardly lmagln the sDlendnr of the setting which will be produced by acres of blossoming ing nli nt. nf nlant. with trntilra.1 acres of plants with tropical fix hu iterance of fnllaae. thousands of palms and ferns and herbage of un - . , I herbage of un- management is of the wonderful i Dlants to arow usual forms. The making the best use climate which allows plants to grow out of doors all the year around, and the opening of the exposition will see a -splendid, display of botanical wonders and beauties. 'S The various states of the west and southwest, the Individual counties of California, and especially of the southern part of the state, will co operate In making the bis; (Mm Diego exposition a success In 1415. The counties will have extensive exhibits. When if is remembered tbet some of these counties are as big as some states and as rtch as empires. It will b seen that they can do much to enhance ths success of ths whole show. 1 1 .1 I BUILDING ACTIVITY . SHOWN BY PERMITS ' '" Two Local Business Concerns Plan ning to Make Extensive Improve ments at Once Plans are under way for a large addition to the Swannanoa ldundry, on Church street, and when the car centers have finished their ork on ths building this laundry will 'it one of the larrest in the stste. i ' The Waritof i allJrne ,JA rffclght granted s, permit fofthe 'addition of two rooms to the building, at a oost of ta.soo. Within the hear future, the front of the store of M. V.' Moore 4 Oo. will be torn out, and a new and more modern one will be' erected, at a oost of approximately $2,000. Large win dcrws will be erected and steel hans win be placed In the front of ths building. When completed, the store will pre. sent one of the handsomest appear the city. CALIFORNIA PRINCE REMARKABLE HORSE No attraction at the fair has cre ated more Interest and genuine as tonishment at its intelligence than 'California Prince," tha trained horse. This horse Is undoubtedly one of the best trained hoTses before the public. Some of Its feaW are wonderful. Its memory, If not Its Intelligence. Is developed to a htTh degree. "Prince" can count and pick out various pendants' as called for by bis trainer. He can even point out members In his audience from descriptions given him. Part of the same show 1$ a moose, which Is a rare animal. SAIXXIX MEN SAY NOT GCIIjTY MAY'S LANDING, X. J Oct. 13. Wealthy saloon and hoUil proprietors appeared in the county cour here to day and pleaded not guilty to indict ments charging them with selling li quor on Sundays In Atlantic. City. The greatest ocean depth recorded is at .Nero Deep, In the north Pacific 5.269 fathoms. NATURES YARNING AshcvlHe People Hunt KocoKnswi and Heed It Kidney ills come mysteriously. Hut nature always warns you. Notice the kidney secretions. See if the color Is unhealthy. If there are settlings and sediment. PaKeages frequent, scanty, painful. It's time to use Doan's Kidney Pills. To ward off serious diseases. Doan's have done great work In Aahevllle. W. M. Barnee, retire minister, 2J Central avenue. Asheville, N. C., says: "For at least Hwer years I eaffered from kidney and bladder troubles. My back ached and .the secretions from my kidneys bothered me by passing irregularly. 1 tried any num ber of remedies but none of them did me any good until I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Smith's drug store. This preparation was so bene ficial that I gladly recommend it" For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn company". Buf falo, N. T., sole agents for the United States. . K:nenbefr the name Doan's and take no othev atoka. m itomeeh, BatoMaa aMl Lives ON CRUTCHES ! turrwaNQ with i RJJEU JATISltl , CURED BY SVAffSOtl'S w IMS IMS U Uf4T' of KB. B. Haaba, CwMoi, low. Mr. Bnb wrlt t "I " bu J"e Ik. UhZ.nv.uui far ttrM jmkii ni on "KjM Jj. limit turn VMM. M W"l i Sjnw"lwwoHiw.' j T jjw, jtmiau. gy. TJt KlTS3J3 tn?u?m? tt ,wt ,toT Vois- wss5M HoaUi I Kl taid mr enrtebj; w.vBt u mm ewe : "Mreet" Is ft seal rswesj es klsM mill '" ratten tor both' Internal and It Is a orenaraaen tor cotn internal m ,,rtSi wS hsV ees quick relief to ths luffW. Applied externally, stops lit aobee and pains. Taken Internally, It dissolves ths poisonous subtnce andsssiMs dissolves the poisonous substance ana sssmw ' nnM In reflto; nature In wtj""tf condition. fold r lrnlsts. r bottle, or sent prepaid fYM Dollar DSr POWie, or sen iithhw "" erprice if not obtainable in r,r iliiy. . ' vjr fOAYt a lgffi"BdT, Drops'1 naoamlf1w will fiMixsena n-.'Uuitmmll, w em smm'7 B b il posttaOd. fttwlataly rnw. - Swansoa Rhsiimatlc Cur Co. 474 Lafcs trt " "saw " , , j . (Ooatuned f o Kage One) lutlon Is started, however, his follow ers predict that Jis will support It, although he does not'sympathlis with Its methods. : . FEAR ANTI-FOREIGN MOVE 8 AN FRANCISCO, Oct, 13. Feor- 'ng that the present anti-Manchu rts inif In China may develop" into an anti-foreign movement, ths 8ul Nin Hok Sher, ths young China associa tion in ths United States, is preparing to petition Washington to instruct all American officials in China to see that missionaries and . other Americana there .maintain' absolute neutrality. Ths petition will" be forwarded simultaneously from. the. Young China associations and ths. Oes Kong Tong, the. Chinese free Mason society which is affiliated with the revolutionary party. ' It In said tWh 0 psf cent of ths Chinese An tUj country ass free Mesons. A 0OMtit!k bs t Chinese, ,ln ths. mtted States t 0,00 to aid the revolution ' was , fwded from this city hurt night to Hankow. Excitement in Chinatown Th. rising in Chip has filled tfo Chinese Quarters with great excite ment. All Chinese inpers are receiv ing bulletins by cabins from Hankow and ether points. According to advices received hers twenty miles of railway has been de stroyed in ths pro Vines of Hunan, At Hankow ths foreign residents are drUMnts dally .and preparing to de fend the concessions - Chang Piao, in command of the Im&srlal forces In Hupsh, was wound ed yesterday and has taken refuge in ths Japanese oononeadoa at Hankow. General Yin Tcbeng, minister of war, reached Dao Ting Fu, 100 miles south of Peking yesterday morning and continued his advance. He could not tsroceed far, (however, owing to the destruction of the railroad tracks and the activity of the. revolutionists. Aocompanted by hi secretary, Wu Won, Dr. Sun Yat Hon, who will be president of the new Chinese repub lic If the revolution is successful, loft early this month on a lecture tour. He Is spreading fhe gospel of repub licanism to his fellow countrymen in America and hs campaign is being conducted under the auspices of the Young China association. Speaking to ' a Chinese gathering at Rene abouf ten days ago, the Chinese exile said that he soon would return to Ohlnu despite the fact tliut a heavy price I had been placed on his head. j Bl'PfXKSS pifsI'EXDKD I HANKOW, Oct. 13. The rebels! have been unable maintain order and business has hevii completely sus- ponded here and Han Yang and Wu- ' Chang. The working classes aro I without employment and are attempt- i Ing to plunder. Kullv half a million l persons have fled to the country sides. 1 It Is reliably reported that reliols I are proceeding north ward to meet the 1 Imperial troops and thigt a thousand ' troops In the 'province of Uenun. ad- i Joining the d!salTetfed province of i Hu-Peh, also aro prepared to resist i the imperialists. ! REPCTJMC PKOt-IAIMXCD? LONDON. Oot IS A n,iol hi. J patch received hero from Shanghai says: A republic ihns Hoen nrrtolalmn' ' at Wu Ohanun A stronsr fnrre r rebels has left Hankow with: the r,h- Ject of engaging the Imperial troops coming from the nort.h and a big bat- tie is expected within two days. It Is reported a conflmrratinn has broken out In the native riiv of Hankow and thai the government hMlldlngn and banks have been de stroyed. HISTORY OF -MOVEMENT i LONDON. Oct. 13. Tha Daily Chronicle today publishes a three col-! umn statement "which purporst to' glv the Inner .hlctory of the Chi-; nese revolutionary movmejit. It shows Ulat Dr. Sun Yat Sen, for many months has been enKaged In secret '. lournevs to Emrland and tha , States endeavoring to raise 83,500,000 to start the revolution and gives cop ies of many letters, with names and dates suppressed, which Sun Yat flenj wrote in an endeavor to secure flnan-; cial assistance. These letters partly; ' 1 r E BATIt TUBJTRUST MSE Judge Pritchard Concurs With Judge Rose, Juffge Qoff Dissenting TO SUPREME COURT BALTIMORE, Md.. Oct. IS. A (sweeping decision In favor of the government In ile dissolution suit against the Standard Sanitary com- ! Py na otnors. Known as trie "bam ' ,tlrt trust," was rendered In the L'nltd Slates circuit court here to- day by Judge Joftvn C. Ross with rdge Pritchard ooncurrtne. Judge Oorf dissented. Edwin P. Qrowvenur, special tant to United Utsttos DUUrat Ator- ney John Phillip IU1I, of BaJtimors, who oonducted the ease for the rov J crrunent, stated that the decision sua. ,tn th svernment s ooiiUhiUou - t every point brought under tl law and will b a e viiuxi was tha Shrman anti-trust be oe-rrled directly te gupT,me court of th United , states by the defendants. The ease hinged upon the right of m- wi Erward L. Wayrnan, enameled dredger js ufacture of the prod r patentee of an need In the man' , renaant companies, to sell licenses for th exclusive use of ths dredger. The court 'ft eld that way man Is as much I subject to the laws governing mo wjr vw iusa ano nm wnite ne nas ths right to exclude others from making use of his pa tents, he cannot 'sell indulgences' la violation of the anti-trust sot. Thw cat decided today in separate rrora the criminal action now pend ing at Detroit but concerns ttto sauns matter and is against Ua same prin cipals. f i,iii.M,iAMMMeneMMWMMMMAAHMMMWWWMk reveal his hopes and plans for One revolution, One aim of which Is to start In Chins a republican form of government. He claimed to possess Bi; .11 enters from s large Chinese bank and earns substantial Chlnsss mer chants. In one of the letters tun Tat Sen says the present proposition of th revolutionary movement resem bles forest of dry wood and only wants a spark to set tihs whole mass Into flames. TWs spark is the hair million pounds (13,600,600) I am asking." Apparently After many failures, h succeeded In raising a loan and sulseriuent letter - contains m sug gested proclamation of a republic K.ilch promises tr, respect all existing treaties, Joans and concessions of tha Manchu government DR J5 INT CHICAGO' CHICAGO, Oct. it Dr. Bun Tt Sen, leader 0f ; ths tsvoictlonists tn China and IK' IIna for the oresidenav there If ths uprl-eing should bs suo - cossful, will bs in Chicago tomorrow IF Our Prices Arc Very Our Qualities are Very Biflb Some poople aro apt to foin the conclusion that because our prices are so low that our qualities are not first claaq. The facts are that we soil none but strictly high class goods, we guar antee you satibfaction on everything you buy lu re. f" You Can Depend Upon Our Goods to give ou the utmost in satisfaction. No trashy goods , lure to make a poor selection possible. EVEBYTlIXNO is thoroughly dependable. s This la the Store to Put You r Faith in." We Will Save D ollars for You Visit our Millinery Department, the best showing in the city. Remember the only house in Asheville that will trim your hat free. Meet your friends at . Tine Palais RoyM'xvv New vpm. ' :: - f; SMwnsspeig JrVtV0s ' " IntheWorld No vum who Rivos oareui thongbl io tks lasting o.nUtloa efsroof irtl nte the old ttjls woodvB sbtnifle, whlal soon tots wejr u4 ainsl be repiaoe or barns up, hosts and all. Our metal lU&tftai zws'eonx la almost natrsrsal use beoausstties sMdurabiersnstsirw,fWAsd tsottMSDreo sllmiBate xepsir eosts redues lusurauos Mtsa. Ws BMBtiiaslttM bv far th pert lhts of metal Mnleg in tawildand oat Iom sxperrewis 1 shown tn tus mpertor moris ol our products - wu'vo wJe study of taetst sulnghw, gad know how to najctt-tbesa sWUt. To various patterns aud (Mdw gifs sanls nags got t sli)tldO that will tnest any Ids C style or oost. ; , , t, 0l - j 11 KE17 CFE!Tl!nY standard netsi tfi'srlo. now eovsr ..!:' T!..wrw!.rtirL. ln more thau.SM -acres of toots. ' dsalgn that har mouisos wiU aLy style of Kabitoatar. M CSSIS A m Ptora. i4sfter thenrtronst boVebste linn ofOreoian .... , 77, . ...aTalri teoturs. Ttay pcpalst with aroliitsotsaad buUdvrtwho crefar slmpltoliy design. , - "OlD tmVn THE'" jlXht I's'n al' , toctnrs. Lmbosslnir is saaarsrst bottom as wall as ai ton. gkrtna is smxwfauoa tost olosely msmblos Old liam, til. Mads In bssjnttftal Mra f Lou! XIV and CoioalsJ Mrtodg. i'irepnsof, last Ilfotra, guvs UvsurouMe, and Kddo rsralr sxpens to a Btlniscratt, llr .mats danfier troU tullog fflastsf. UiBsttoted ostoiog for ths tliUr. ti.iij. ciiiito WMrj AnCIIITCOTUfTAL IRCa WC. ' ALM KVUKTii AMD AWttlN . and will address ihia compatriot tier on behalf of ttie sffsct to overthrow ths government in ths mother coun try, it was announced tonight. Ths announosmet followed s, declaration that Ir. Hun waa in Oliloaco and that 8'Dleu, secretary, of thw Young Chi nese association tiers, had received a eablsgram hass than two days ago from" fhs doctor in flhang-haJ. At tempts were mads to conceal ths fact that ths revolutionist was in Ameri ca and to divert publicity from tils movements. Confronted by reports that Dr, Sun was known to- b lr America, ho wever, Secretary D'Sleu, finally ad mitted htis first declaration was un true, t-- J The steamer Olyphlo nine boilers. has twAty Extra Special Values For Tomorrow See our 12.50 SUITS Worth $18.00 Bee our 15.09 Worth 520.C0 Hats just received. Come and ,! .T.-:j.jf ,-f CX . -yJ' H , . I i m I1 i 3 . WHt toi Ui CsAaleg Jto. 8A, . , . GEORGIA. riU.HABV DATK Newnan, Oa,, Oot. 1 8. Chalnrmn W, C. Wligbt, of th democratlo slat executive committee, Ul call that body to meet on October at, tn ths senats chamber of tn capltol at At lanta to arrange for 1ft s special gub srnatorial primary and set dal for it, This announcement was mads by Mr, Wright at tils bonus iro today and. Ihs declared ths formal c&M would bs sent out to ths committeemen to morrow. This action was l)Hilded upon yesterday aftr Mr. WrigM had received word that Governor Smith would retire from office on Movsm nV v rW .gff.. ..(.,'". ; mil: M m NssSV UJ bar 5. , While no tentative date ,for,' ths primary tias been set, it Is 'ex-; prctsd to b held between December; S and It, sJtftwwgh not officially ds) clarsd. ' I 3 Low B see them. EM T