THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, OCTOBER 15, 1911. Society and Personals t " The Woman'! club w ill meet toroor "row afternoon at the residence of Mm. Charles A. Webb, 138 Chestnut .treat, at hlilt put three o'clock. J J The American Womn'i league will meet tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock tn the ball room of the Hattery Park ; hotel. ' jr. ; ji The Woman's Foreign Missionary society and the Anna Anton society of Centra) Methodist church, will hold a Jubilee service at the church on Sun ; day .vanlnic at elicht o'clock. The following interesting program will be given and all lut-retea in mission are akefl to attend: Pevotlonal services Uuv. C. W. v Byrd, D. D. "Why We Celebrate This Jubilee' Mr. M. B. Chllde. "What Our Mother Hove Told W Mrs. W. II. Harris. Vocal soloMrs. J. E. Mnarea. "Ladles Last" Mrs. W. W. Mat- Bjtlsirtonarios at Work" --Mis. V. L. t Stone. ' Vocal solo Mra. Nora Bunii. "New Women of the Orlf nf'-Slx girts In costume. The portrait aallery" Mra. W. J. Cocke. Closing aong. " tittle Mine Julia ICeslcy Se.hoepf It birthday party at her home on Majmolla avenue yeiteroay aneniuttn which proved a vry happy occasion for 4 number of hT amall friends, Rnl iimn played, Mlsa Ada- ivn Harm -winning the flint price and MM Anna Bull Whiting, the seo nd. Refreshments wrre served late Jn the afternoon and the following children were present: Miasm Mar garet Allen. Dorothy Binder. Aaelyn Harris. Anna.BMl and Carolyn Whit ing, JCIeanore Brown. Carolyn Virown, : Elisabeth and EJcanora Collins, Win nie Fell Tavls, Annie Wears and Sel v den Cooper. JM . The Bingham dance, which waa postponed last week, takes place to- "morrow afternoon at the Manor, and quite number of the younger girls have beeft lnvlte and Willi attend. The Monday dances are as popular as ever and very pleasantly relieve the monotony of an unusually dull u- -tumn. v i- J - Mrs, William J. MeCandless enter ' tatns Informally Wednesday evening at her home on Montford avenue in honor of the girls who wilt be at "tendants of her sister. Miss Lily Per !ry, at the wedding of the latter to Mr. W. O. Lipscomb, which takes place shortly at All Souls ehurch. Miss perry will he the gueet of honor at several Informal parties given by friends urin the week. . t There' will he al trtimber of parties gtveft shortly honor t the two brldel of the latte prt of the month. Miss Adelaide ,Joughraa and Miss Agnes Carter,; - the eKact dates have nrheen announced hut jt is under, stood that several of their girl friends will give teas in their honor., ' ' if,, .. 'JJ , The Children of the Confederacy will meet Monday afternoon at 4 (o'clock at the residence of Mrs. E. Miss Lillian Adajns gave a small ( nd. Informal haflng dish party at l her home in Blltmore Baturday eve lr)lng't which were the following nests; Miss Ellen Smathers, Miss Margaret Ptntilman, Mies Maurto ,'WaddelI. Mr. Lock wood Perry. Mr. t Robert Simmons, Mr. Green of Ten- Tinsee, and Mr. Kings land Van "Winkle. ; ' j j t Mr. and Mr. Oeorge Smathers and MISS Ellen Smathers who have spent the summer tn Ashevllle. leave within eoverar Ylars for Montgomery, Ala., j where thrv wtll vtelt their daughtee, Mrs. Bertlett, Mrs. Bertlett and j Miss Smatherg recently returned from j?u)jrtl)le, Ky. Miss Smathers will ! make her forma! debut In society ' early next month, st a party given in her honor by her sister, Mrs. jBartlett, at the home of tha latter' I In Montgomery. , ' J J ',Mr. and Mrs. Alfred O. Rarnsrd ;wen the mixed foursome golf toum jment handicap yesterday afternoon at jthe Country club from Mr. and JTr. Clarence Hobart, t up and 1 to plBy. There were two prison prempnted, Mr. (Barnard being awarded Miss Kle.inor Morrison's prjse, a hnnflnome thermog hottla, and Sirs, rtnrnnrd won Mr. i Edwru-d I. frost's prlae, a silver cup. I Mrs. Thompson Frasor was the hos- M. V.M00RE & CO. Specialist . in Women' Pdeody-tn.Wear Garments. Careful Attention given u Mali Order9 Ask for a fall Catalogue. tK of the afternoon and rved tea to a large number of mmber. PERSONAL MirS'TKJ.V Miss Nettle Perklnson left yester day for a visit to friends In Greens boro and Wlnston-Baltm. Mr. and Mrs; J. C. Roper have re turned to their home In Augusta, Oa after a stay of three months with their niece Mrs. A. E. Milton, at St Ashlnnd avenue. Miws Jfrinle Thompson was In the city ynnierday from Saluda, to attend the fair. Mrs. Jofeph Israel of llenderson vllle, wu 111 Ashevllle yenterday at tending lh8 fair. Mm. Duff Merrick, and hT small Hon. Duff Merrick, Jr., and maid leave today for Mew York, and will be with Mrs. Merrick's aunt, at the Waldorf for several weeks before going to Baltimore and Washlnwton. Mr. V. It. McDonald and Mr. Roger I.amiion will rnurn from a several days' trip to Toxaway and High lands Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Simmons, sr.. returns tn her home in Charleston, S. C, Tuesday, after a stay of some weeks at Elbemar. Judge Jeter C. Prltchard returns from Richmond. Ve,.. where he iss been holding oourt during the week. Prof, and Mrs. Oeorge B. Webb of Shelby, who were recently married are In Ashevllle for a brief stay. Colonel and Mrs. Rober Bingham have retumud fvom a severs! days' visit to Mr. and Mre. Vandorbllt at Buck Spring Lodge, Pifcgah. Miss Bertha Tllson of Weaver vllle, is visiting Miss Lillian Weaver for several days. Mrs. R. T. Orlnnsn leaves with in several days for Louisville.' Ky.. where she will visit Mrs. Robert Bingham. Mrs. S. Frlodlander has gone to Durham to visit her daughter. MIhs Florence Frtedlander. who la stu dent at Trinity college. Miss Delia Jones has returned from a visit to friends In Durham and Raleigh. Miss Grace Mitchell has' returned to her home in Charlotte after a visit of several weeks to relatives In the city, C. Chambers on Ashland avenue. A full attendance le requested as a re port ifor the U. D. C. state conven tion will be made. Dr. Bruce Fontaine Moore of Phil adelphia is expeqted this week and will be In town for a fortnight, visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Allport re turned yesterday from their honey moon spent In New York and Wash-S lngton, D. C, and are at their home on Charlotte street. Mr. and Mrs. George Prltchard have returned to Marshall after a vis It to relatives In the city. Mr. Hallldoy Smith and Mr. James Smith of New York and Washington are spending the winter in Ashevllle. The latter le connected with the Ag ricultural department and Interested In the experimental farming being carried on In this district, Miss Cgrrla Fitch who has bean visiting relfttlves in Wat Ashevllle has returned to her home in Raleigh, N. C. Mrs. B. F. 'McDermott and children who have been visiting friends In the city during the fair, have returnd to their home In Spartanburg. A meeting of the Woman's CHJ wJII be held with Mrs. C. A. Webb 18S Chestnut street, on Mondiy, Oc tobor 18, 3:30 p. m. PERSONAL MlfS Juliet M. Day. of Pittsburg, visiting Mm. J. J. Brown. Mrs. Jere Cocke Jeeves for New Every Express brings us some tiling new for the women's department. Among the latest arrivals are some particu larly handsome suits in velvet, cor duroys, serges, and mixtures. The nobbv Norfolk .Jacket is very popular, although many ladies prefer a conservative semi-fitted coat in either str ictly tailored or semi-dressy style. An especially attractive Nor folk Suit is in blue and brown vclvetine of handsome quality. V. still have a numj-r of last season's suite good values nl .t :e'n:i! prices, i.'. OO to U.O fcO reduced, to close to $10.00 and 115.00. these offer a jaro opprtunlty to the econom cal shopper, ( When the Stomach Stops Working Properly, Because There is Wind in it? Use Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to Set it Going Again A Trial Pm-kao Free The doctors call it flatulency, but unprofessional folks know it as "wind on tho stomach," and a most distress ing sta,to of things It Is. " It Is a se rious condition of this great motor oTtfa.n. Always anno'ylrur and painful In tho extreme, at times often lend ing to bud and fatal rentilts. The ntornoch embarrassed and hampered with wind canntit take rare cf Its food properly and Indigestion follows, and this has a train ton sppalllng to enumerate. Tho entire system Is lm" plicated mado on active or passive factor In thJs trouble and life soon becomes a questionable boon. All this Is explained In doctor books; how undigested food cauiic gunes by fermentation and fomenta tion In which process some escntl:i) fluids are destroyed burnt up wasted by chemical action, follows by defective nutrition and the distri bution through the alimentary tract of chemically wrong eloments and as a consequence the stomach and entln system is starved. Plenty of foodJJhe work is almost as Indispensable, you see, but epollt in preparation and worse than worthless. A deranged stomach Is the epitome of evil; nothing too bad to emanate from it, but the gas it generates Is prmlnbly Its worst primary offect and tho only way to do away with this la to remove the cause. Stuart's Dyi popsla Tablets go to the root of this trouble. They attack the gas-taking foods and render them harmless. Fla tulency or wind on tho stomach elm ply cannot exist where these power ful and wonderworking little tablets are In evidence. They were made for this very pur pose to attack gas-making foods and convert them Into proper nutriment. This Is their province and office. A whole book could be written about them and then not all told that mtjht be told with .-profit to sufferers from this painful disease, dyspepsia. It would mention the years of patient and expensive experiment In effort to arrive tit this result of failures In numerable and at last success. It would make mention of the different stomach correotlvos that enter into this tablet and make it faithfully rep resent all. Stuart'e Dyspepsia Tablets are not alone Intended for th sick, but well folke as well; for the person who oravea hearty foods and wants to eat heartily and run no risk of bad effects, they act like 'a charm and make eat ing and digestion a delight and pleas ure. They keep the stomach active and energetic and able and willing to do extra, .work without perlal lahof or effort. Don't forget this. Well peo ple are often neglected, ibut the Stuart Dyspepsia Tablets have them In mind. A free trial package will be sent any one who wants to know Just what they are, how they look and taste, be fore beginning treatment With them. After this go to the drug store for them; everywhere, here or at home, they are 80 cento a box and by getting them at home you will save time and poataije. Your doctor will prescribe them; they say there are 40,000 doc tors using them, but when you know what Is the matter with yourself, why go to the expense of a prescription? For free trial package, address F. A. Stuart cempany, 160 Stuart building, Marshall. Mich. York this week to be matron of honor at the wedding of her oousin, Mlsa Settler Shoemaker. Mrs. F. M. Roberts, who has spent the summer with her daughter, Mrs. C. M. Piatt, Is visiting her son, Mr. Harry Roberts, at Fletchers, and be fore returning to Athene, Tenn., will visit relatives in Ashevllle. MATTERS OF RECORD The following deeds have been filed in the office of the register of deeds: Haywood Parker, trustee, to S. A. Lynch, three lots,one on East street and two on Fulton street; consider ation (750. C. B. Cooper to B. M. Wolfe, land on Beaverdum road; consideration 126. Albert M. Ftillbrlght to E. F. C'athey, land In l7pper Hominy town ship; consideration 14 25. Kobvrt M. Davidson to Oakley S. I-anler, land In Swannanoa township: consideration $ ;t 0 0 . Alliort Lytic to John M. Tatlllo, land on Mill Cove branch; consid eration $52.60. J. C. itranlon to S, J. Schulhofer, land on Smith's Mill creek; 'consid eration $100. W. t. Sales to S. T. Seles, land on Gash's creek; consideration $100. It. M. Kitr-patrlck to Jesse Stelle, let on Livingston street: consideration $000. It. Dawson to E. W. Grove, land :'t Junction of Mountain road and Van Gilder rond; consideration $5t)t). t'ora A. Andrews to Mary A. Mess mor. Inm1 on Brevard r"nd: consid eration $10 an.i o'hor conslJ-rations. J. A. Sut'le to John Patlllo. land adjoining that of John Patillo; con sideration $65. Marriage l icenses. Arthur Hayes and Arxonla Burll son. Harrison Massey and Annie May r.obrrts. r. Nlmson Powman and Helen M. Kelghard. Tliere sn twenty-four evansellcol Christians anionsc the forty-two mem bers of the labor party In the British hovso of commons. One of these is a lay preacher, three are Baptist dea cons and three arx actively engaged in tho brotherhood movement. Rec ord of Cbirlstian Work. The Chltvese have prepared an ln- the translation of forelcn languages easy and rapid. DICTIONARY DAY TOMOHROW Books Are Going Fast and One Should Come Early Before the Rush The Initial Shipment is Lim ited and Will Soon Be Exhausted Tomorrow will be Dictionary Day. Come early and avoid the rush of the wlita ones who will seek to take advantage of The CitUen's offer of a Webster's New. Standard Dictionary, illustrated, for six coupons clipped from consecutive issues "f the paper and a small expense bonus. Early tomorrow the dictionary dis tribution will start, and, Judging from tho crowds that have been examin ing the volumes during the past few days, they are going to go like the proverbial hot-cakev. So far, the flell)le black leather binding ijf-No. 1 style has made that type of bobkvthe favorite. "It looks like a Bible" Is what they all say, The comment Is Justified, as tho book is made up nf the best print on the best Bible paper. In fact, as the Dictionary should be placed be side the Bible on every shelf, no mat tor whether it be five feet or fifty feet In length. In appearance It le a fit companion volume of the best Bible ever printed. A dictionary of such common-sense slxe and compiled In such a compre hensive manner Is Jusf as indispensa ble to the business man as the tele phono book or the city directory. Knowledge Yon t'se Is What Counts. It Is not how much knowledge you have but how much knowledge you use that counts In your work, and It Is the same with books. You might have the largest dictionary or encyclopedia tn the world, but it would not do you s much good, as the dictionary which The Citlren offers Its readers. The vol ume Is small enough to keep constant ly at your elbow and you will use It ten times to the once you will cross the room to consult the big Webster's on the stand or table, and that you will use It a hundred times more than you will use a library or encyclopedia. A well .known business man ex plained yesterday why he waa clip ping the dictionary coupons, A visitor noticed that he was preparing to se cure a dictionary from The Citlxen and expressed his surprise, as he had a big volume of Wehster'a in Ms office: "X want that flexible leather fllc- tlorapr," he said. It's the handiest hook of the kind I've ever seen and the most complete. Do you knew most people don't realize how many more words are i Ineed in our lan guage every year. This book fs up to date and I need it In my business. It's dollars to doughnuts that I'll use It ten times as much ns I ever use that cumbersome on. This Cltlsen book is a Carnegie library ot your elbow." If you have not started clipping al ready, start now. Tou can get any one of the throe styles of books by mall by sending the six consecutive coupons, the expense bonus and twenty-two cents postage. From all Indications tomorrow will be the big day and from all reports several hundred dictionaries will be distributed. Many people have already availed themselves of The Cltlsen's great offer and have shown the dic tionary to their friends. Those who did not start clipping the coupons at first have now collected the six coupons and will get their copy of this useful work the first thing tomorrow morn ing. The Initial shipment is limited and the first 000 copies will soon be exhausted and It will take some time to get another lot to Ashevllle. For this reason It will he well for those who are In a hurry to get the dic tionary to call st Th Cltlsen office early In the week. Don't be among those who may he disappointed by having to wait for the second ship ment to arrive. Mail orders will be flllexl as fast os they are received. Tasmania has a hundred thousand. population of two 2BBBBDB3 Popular Prices For Heating Stoves 11 Fire Pot . . . Jo I1 li t I Ol $ I .OU 17 Fire Pot .$10.00! These are low priced. early in the season. Brown, North &Co. 33 Patton Avenue P J M.rct'Min Tailor, laurel lliiig. a e Pnok K.junif. Phoue 707. e I LOGAN ! TURKISH BATHS The Gruner &L XlayWOOCt otTeet ' Ashcvillc School ol Musical Art Languages Phone 844 Auditorium Bld$J ASUEVILLE SCHOOL OF MUSICAL AilT AM) LAN Gl' AG Kb . Teachers Vocal Mra. E. M. Harker Mrs. O. P. West&U Mra. J. G. Stlkeleathex Piano Mlaa Minnie Weetall Miss Kate Lax ton Mr. F. Fluxihgton 'Harker Mr. John W. Starnes Organ and Theory Mr. F. Flaxinaton Harker 7" Languages Mr. A. J. Lyman Phono 344 Auditorium Blitff. Stoves, Ranges ana Heaters Tho Celebrated Garland and Laurel Makes. J. L. Smathers & Sons Mammoth Furniture Store, 15-17 N. Main St. Wrightsman's MILLINERY 10 Church Rtreft CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Bread for the Hungry And good bread,' too,' Is our BUT TER CRDST BREAD, which leads all others In point of goodness from ev ery standpoint It la made of flour from selected wheat, retains mois ture longer, and more bread to the loaf It ounces. Aak your grocer or phone 423.'. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY imm iniir BETTER BE SAFE" And get our prices be fore placing your order ; or fall rugs and car pets. We have just re ceived a large shipment of fall goods, and are offering entire stock at bargain prices. You will find our prices worth the ask ing. Asheville Carpet House Tho Home of Pretty Carpets No. IS-SO Church St. Phone 228 mii'i"i"""""mmini"""""",ntfji MISS CKUISIVS SHOP as Haywood Si. Phone IS Hair Goods of all stvlesi! made up to order. We make up combings also. 'S MTLLIXEHY 5 Harnood St, MISS HUFF, --rAeylc Frf EXfEHT CC.RSETTEHB ROOMS 3T d S American National Rartk Building A MODERN LAUNDRY Modern Methods Mtxleni Equipment Skilled Help tIrompt Service Good Work PHONE 70 A Trial Is All We Ask. Swannanoa Laundry We Treat Your Iuudry Whit Sanitarium For Ladies and Gentlemen HOOD MttMJt Just Received Fresh Shipment of. Sectl-Shipjed Oysters lVf. FRESH MEATS Phone 40-243. MOALE, CHILES & REDWOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 37 Patton Avenue. ' - WATCH RAY-CAMPBEIJj COMPANY'S Window. No. 1 Haywood MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S Suits, Pants, and Overcoats Can be had during this sale of the stoA of a bankrupt factory at . 1 ' 25 Per Cent Less Than Wholesale Prices We leave it to you come and see for yourself r-U3ve your owti judgment. GEM CLOTHING STORE 6 Patton Avenue . THE BERLIN A full line of ladles' and gents' and children's ready-to-wear clothes. 1 KAST PACK SQUARE. Adjoining Fire Department Building. M& W , Indian Coal Is a Prize Winner Phone 130 Carolina Coal & Ice : Company : 50 Patton Ave. Drultrtor Bldg. M. Webb Co. MILLINERY IMPORTERS Club Bldg. Haywood St. Water best conveys Heat Hence the wonderful effi ciency and economy of the Not Water System of bouse warming. nealtfcfol. Cleanly Cooveirient Safe IDEAL BoiKrt sntf AHERKW" R Mutton V'nion Plumbing Company. 13 N. Main Street. fed r m ............................ HYAMS GROCERIES S. Main St MerrUuon Ave, Cor, THINK IT OVER! ' Do youwant a house? Furnished or unfurnished? Dt you wish to rent, buy-or sellTH Come to see us. We have stores, fac' tories. warehouses and residences for; sale and lease. Also choice building! lots .factory sites and many otheH paying properties. J' , Phone 061 Comparing the quality of Pianos sold at a certain Erice, Falk's Music House as always given higher quality than any of his competitors. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE 26 South Main St. SEWING MACHINES VARIOUS MAKES Sold, Exchanged, Rented aad Repaired v CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE CO. Legal Bids; Pack Square. Phone 1501 50J i CELEBRATED CANDY OS ICK AT McKay's Pharmacy Oppo. Post Office. eeesseeei mm FOR SALL Three of the best resi dence properties on Mont ford avenue . A rare oppor tunity to get an elegant home. Terms. CANADAY REALTY CO., Ptiove 10 X. Pack Kqnaro. CHICHESTER S PILLS Tilt ItlAJMIXn UBAKBl C If mr.n& ruxa.M Hi u i a ! sji iii fmf u i is sim. myi mi www """ 11 1 "ii j 1 II . Hl.SV.U UMAKIH Ml til ... T'J , J . . . J i tit tvt., rit mk SJ-. UA.tTX e :9

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