. . . ..,..nf ij f. ipiini.wB.yi.; a'....,, ii " i '"g; TIHTASITEVILLE CTTIZ.EN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 16,1911 5' I ECUMENICAL CONfEBBNCE , j . t i . Sir: Robert Perkes, of Lon don, Says Only the Church Can Control Things MUST SEEK TO UNITE f "TORONTO, One, Oct. J 5.- The feu :. a of tH Sunday services of the -. -etnvllcal JlothodWt conference was : ;!) addrew tonight by Hkr ttl-t $Prks, of tiondon. Kngland, on "Mesn tedtst Brotherhood." Referring Iq tho 'appointment nf an International iMethetffst committee eancloued by jth eonferene last week, Sir Robert iealdV 'I consider t!i' the most !in rti and' far reaching lep Jworld good token by Methodism since Jtha- day of Wesley.' Thin committee lof ou hundred should bo tho centra) f r MWe.fl of tho most militant a:ul , Tro"re1v ohurch in , the world. Vhimigh1 it sysmmatlxed plan tho g.iTeat Methodist churches henceforth ?houM wrkia unison." !; Whit lb international Methodist -larotharhood should attempt to do 'from the--in JdotlioJlet -brother-"Jiood should attempt to do from tho fttm, sir Robert uid. Tv. Methodist brotherhood," ha ntlau4Vinit wk to unit in one ,vst, religious tr masonry, .for mu tual !, th opia of Methodism 'lt vrj( ;ty,, town.jtnd hamlet yf the jworld.;,-f .... j-.vv;iivi r'. 'i A to be urgent need " of, . the brotherhood's worH, Sir Robert felt that thero ahould ba no doubt. Thtf , -mut be mobUUatlpn of the churches to solve the haw social and economic problem. Throughout tha. world .-here ta Indue trial discontent, 'Social . revolution I ibolaiy .preaohed. In some land the guardian 6f the law appear ; panic stricken. .There l an Increa In worship of brute force. Only the church can control thing. It muat preach the simple; undiluted "gospel of ChrlaL , .-,',' J "Hut also it muat S recognise that man la the unit of, society. It muit study and aid tho Individual, ehange oftentimes hi , outlook and Ideal, better hi eurroundln,.Uve -what is reached end overthrpw the tyranny of materialism and. force by the hotr eat, feairleas livti) or the CORpdl." , -' .A ayowlng , matorJaMam. ' demand fur recreation ,nd an wnsettUng of fivlth were ascribed (it a large mass mealing of the conference thls afuw noon a eqma of the auea of de plorable deaeoratipn of the Sabbath. .JTia apoak-i wn Rv. W. J, Young of Danville, Va,rnd Rev. K. I. Coul taa, of Fall River. Maas,, the thn being, "Obeorvance of the Lord's Pay, Past and Freaent." f . i i I, ' JI" iinijr.-Nil M" leN-VSPW .White. TlloV M JPurrle, at Battery Tark Oreen Hoi'e -or JUyeor'f Drug Store. ' ;. ; ; out sveu a iiaro mfk . Cincinnati.. Oct i. :n.-Eugene Zimmerman, fathor of . the Duvheae o Mafcohester, and mllllooalre, die T. cued at the Buelneet Alen'e club the hftrd 41f of millionaire. , . ."Nobody lovei a millionaire any more." ) said.,.. "Onoe mllUonalrea i wore ( popular-hQtoea of the na I- tlpn the brilliant pvemplare set -up i for youth to follow., But now every- body is throwlBg bricks 'or making '"law, to fhwl at the rich. The mil . Ilonalre. following the Instinct of BeU protection, has taken a back seat, j It's a.wful. The millionaire daren't jCjow this head in government affaire - 5 any more, for - somebody Is around " ready to throw Something. All we oaa d these dvye it vote, Is millionaire rent to the - sebatet Well, right- off ;-omeboUy euouns: hlni of buying hla "I ho given mblnet position? 'WeU. '-no preoldbnt dare do such a SjthHhB if he valuoti hie political life... jji,..VA millionaire has no' chances any moro. Intitnad i f sending successful "itwa of affairs to Washington and to ;our sVotte legislatures to make our rilaw we are s'ndlng men wio could Knot run a peanut stand political In oompetente who cau get the votes. SjTh corporatiohs are being hampered jjjby too much legislation." ll Austria, where the production j sot kerosene is a Kreat Industry. I jftlarg government refinery Is under ; silence I over henrd," remarked Jus contemplation. I fmlty tire Hnrluiv M V. MOOKE & CO. Specialists In Women' Ready-to-Wear Garments. Careful Attention given to Mull Orders Ask for a fall Catalogue. OTIS JONES AGAIN , OUT ON WARPATH Will Tell MftKiMrato This' ltTiing All About ll Ialiail He Whipped; Woiniiu Arording to Tcports, Ottla Jonoi, a yiuiift whit'? man well known In llci- circles, n the warpath early ycHterday mornln find eoviwal of thn( -!w r.r.vsm ) t. croi hi nut', ..... I to ha- rec-.lvi.-il the ef- ! rji-t of hla fK'htitis mood. J.mn. wtlt Mieinx to ham a rnnWii. for whlpplnif women of tho underworld. In i-liarKed with naultliie Ida I'wl und Maud Brown, two realdenla of Mountnln Htreel. ulid iiccopdlni to the atorlua they related to officers, Jujies wai In good ecrnppln trim. It l aald that he loomed tip largely ne tha white man hope In one of tho plnoee on thai street and a yottne man wnf( declared that he wa visitor In the city, In aald to have como in for a share of Jones' well-aimed blows, hav ing been knocked across a stove, ac cording to the 'story he told to an officer, and received .a, massage with x pan of grease whjcl) Wiis on the stole. Jones, it is said, after dlrectlpg his alleged plan of buttle, wont to one of the magistrates of the city and put up bond for his appearance today, when hla ease will he called for trial. The women, It la said, will appear against him, although wne of .them declared that Jones had warned her not to tes tify against htm. ATTEMPT At BURGLARY CHARGE AGAINST NEGRO Charged Hist He ... Tried to Open Window of House on Eagle Ter ra oe yesterday Wlokefaham Sender", colored., wtw arrested . early yesteTday . morning charged with an attempt to commit burglary, 1 said that he was seen trying to pry open on of the window on the, ground floor of one of the houses on, Kaflle tewaoa. The ooou pante of the house, hearing the noise, called a policemen ad as the iatrol man' Pproaohed the- window, . It is rnpertod, W negro took to his heels. However, the olucooat wasenoro net of loot and landed his man, -taking him t the Ky Jail. The window was ibartred, it is reported, aud it l charged that Banders wa trying to remove the bur, The case will be called in olty po lio court this morning. K0 MESSENGER BOYS ARRESTED LAST NIGHT Ilohurt Paytoo and Ous filler, two young Western Union messenger boy, were arrested last night, charged wfth "ecrappihg" in front of the telegraph office on Tatton avenue, although neither of, the youngster. It Is sajd. wa hurt seriously in the alleged ftght, A bicycl lantern, which wa across the alleged waf path, was shat temed and the encounter attracted ome attention from "passers-by. The ease of the yourigatef will be called in city pollc court thl morn ing. '; MM TRIBUTE TO ftVintinued from f age Une) ing tobacco for many Weeks. Hlsi favorite exercise was golf. One hole I in- i h. rhflw rRjiA links la known as the Harlan hole because the Jus tice made the hole one day In one stroke. He often plyc4 wltih- Dr. J. Molirlde Bterritt. a rirtlre-d clergy man. One day Stcrrttt proposed to teo off but missed the ball entirely. Ho looked t the sphere for a mo ment in distrust without a word. "Doctor, that Is tho mast profane Coats Everything for Women, Misses and Children Our stock of coats is now prac tically complete and includes coats of all sizes and for every purpose. There are Heavy Eng lish Tweeds, Cheviots, Home spuns, Mixtures and the new double-faced reversible cloth, which is so extremely popular in a num ber of combinations for women, misses and juniors. In women's sizes we show some beautiful models in black cloth, semi-fitted and loose styles, suitable for af ternoon wear. POSITIVELY BELIEVES WOULjTHAVE DIED Fortunate Experience of Lady Who Obtained Re lief From Serious Trou ble by Taking a Woman's Tonic WISDOM A It, Cal M 1 1 1h, of thin place: Hayn Mrs. "I had a V. 8. mis- i hup, hlch was followed by lnflam- I matlon, and I suffered with Intense' i pain for. more than a week. j I "I positively believo 1 would have ' (lied had It not heen for Cardul. the I worniin s tonic. "1 don't think anyone can .recom mend a medicine more hl;hly than I can Cardul. I nevnr saw- a remedy which strengthens one so rapidly. "When 1 hiKan to take ('ardul I could not stand on my feet. After taking two Ion I wah cured, and now I weigh. 1G pounds. J am glad to recommend a medicine with sn much merit." If womanly troubles have worn you out, made you feel weak, sick and miserable, and aildo to see only tha dairk sldo of things, brlghten-up by getting back your health. Take Cardul, the woman's tonic. This well known woman's modlclne has brought health and hap-plne to many thousand of weak and ailing' women. Why not to you? Oct a bottle totiay at the drug tore. Not?. The Cardul Home Treatment for Women, consists of Cardul J1), Thedford'e Black-Draught 25c. or Velvo (50c), for tho Itvor, and Cardui Anttsaptlo (HOc). These remedies may .be .taken singly, by themselves, If dealired, or three together, as a complete treatment for women's' Ills. Write to Ladles' Advisory department, Chattanooga Medicine company, Chattanooga, Tena., for Bpeclal In struetlons, and -Pge book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent In plain wrapper, on request. TDISISTBE DAY THEY GO The Citizen Today Contin ues Distribution of Those Fine Dictionaries Today WU1 he the pig Dictionary Day.. ' Come early and avoid the rush of the wise one who. will seek to . take advantage of The Cltlsen's offer of a Weibster's Uew Standard Dictionary Illuabrated for six . coupons clipped from consecutive Issue of the paper and a small oxpens bonus. Early today the dictionary dlstri button will start, and. Judging rom tha ort vds that .have ben sxamla- Ing the "volume durlar the past .few dajre, they are going to go like the proverbial hot eakes. ' So far. the fletftbla black leather binding of No. 1 stylo has made that type of book-the favorite. -It looks like a Bible," Is what "they all say. The-comment Is Jnstl fled, as the took Is made up of the best prtnt on the best Bible paper. In fact, fcs.the work 1 almost as in dlspenslible, the Dictionary should be placed Ibealde the Bible on every book shelf, no matter whether It be five feet or fifty feet in length. In ap nealranc it t a fit companion volumo of the beet Bible ever printed, A dlcttonairy of such common-sense lie and compiled in such a compre hensive ma -tier Is just a indispensa ble to the business man as the tele phone book or the city directory. KNOWLEDGE YOU USE IS WKvVT COUNTS Jt I noUhow much knowledge you have but how much knowledge you use that counts In your 'work, and It is the same with books. You might have the largest dictionary or ency clopedia In the wol-ld, but It would not do you as much good as tho dlc- tlonary which The CltUen offers Its readers. Tho Volume is small enough to keep constantly at your elbow and you will use It ten times to tho once you will cross the room to consult the big Webster's on the aland or ta ble; and that you will use It a hnu dred times more than you will uso a library or encyclopedia. A well-known business man ex plained yestdrday why ha was cllp-v ping the dictionary coupons. A vis itor noticed that ho was preparing to I secure a dictionary rrom Tho citlson ! and expressed his surprise, as he had ' a big volume of Webster's In his of- : rlco: "I want that flexible leather dlc ', tUuiHry." he snld. "It's the handiest book of the kind I've over seen nnil the most complete. Do you realize how many new words are placed In iwir language every year. This book Is up to date end 1 need It In my i business. It's dollars to doujrhnuts ; that I'll use It ten times as much ns I ever use that cumbersome one. This . t'lti7.en hook Is a Carnegie library at your elbow." " If you have not started dipping; al ready, stiurt now. 1 You can get any one of the throe styles of iNioks by mail by sending ! the nix conweeullvo coupons, the ex pense bonus and 2- cents postage. On Saturday a great ninny diction aries vei distributed and a Iutko number of p.-ople stated their intcn J lion of lilppliK the coupons ami se- curing a copy. We look for a big sale today and In a short time the nrst shipment will be exninist'rd. OLDEST WOMAN IN SOI Til DEAD Al'lHTSTA, On.. Oct. 15. Mrs. Nancy Williamson, mild to have been the oldest woman In the south, ag?d a little more than 110 years, died at her home In Aiuusta this afternoon, she is survlvod by nineteen grand children; thirty-three great grand children and seventeen great-greut-i?nindohlldren. Though feeble and all but helpless, she recently has spent much time sewing ac tides of clothing for her youngest -descendants. CIMPilGS ill 5TJP.T IT FOB SENATOR T IB. L'fBLlETTE Aggressive Jovement on Foot to Make Him the Nominee for President WISCONSIN MEETING CHICAGO, Oct. ' 15. Friends of Senator LaFollette became .active to day with the arrival in this city of delegates from many states to attend tho conference of the National Re- publican Progresive league, whu-h op. comlort it atlords before, and the help ens tomorrow. Thv averted that : ful restoration to health and strength im y would begin an agreslve move ment at the opening of the confer ence to bring about his nomination for prmldent. "No anutrotilsm. they said had developed as yet to his nom Inavlon and if any of l.ie delegates have como to Chicago Intending to oppose LtiPollette's friends., they have not announced holr Intention. The conference will be opened with 1 out a set program. Senator Moses U. flapp, who heads the Minnesota dclpKutlon which tonight staried fof Chicago Is to be' the ohlef speaker' at this session. Senator Clapp 1st I Known to De in favor of the annonoe- ment of ItFolleitte' candidacy with out any delay and Is expected to op en the campaign in hla flist adress. He Is to be followed by Representa tive I. U Lenroot, of Wisconsin. Congressman John M. Nelson and A. H. Db4, both of the Wisconsin delegation arrived 'here during the day. Senator Crawford of South Da kota, arrtved her btris morning with other delegate frm ;the western states. During the day numerous ln fomi&l conferences took place. nans were discussed' by some of the delegates, to introduce a resolu tion into tflie conference calling on the state whr presidential prl marie are not -held to arrange vol untary prlmarie. Tho theory ,of th originators of the resolution I that (the majority of the people favor La Folletteo and that such primaries will strengthen hi ohanoe. - Twenty-five! states are to be represented In the conference. It was stated late tonight that senator LaFoUette does not ex pect to attend. , THEATRE MANAGER AND BAND LEADER ARRESTED charged trrra VIOLATING SAB. BATH ORDINANCE ' .... fin- ..' j, r a. SBBsBBiasaf . -a Arrosto Result 4N;Moel Coiwert Given at the Audltottum Last Nlglit George W. Bailey aad Creators were served with warrants this morn ing charging them with 'wiolating the state law whlWh prohlbits'the follow ing ef a trade on the Sabbath, and the penalty' ifor wihich fls 1. The warrants "were Issued shortly after midnight by' Juhre Jnhlus G. Ad ama upon the complaint of ' Rev. W. A. Newell, pasitor of the Haywood St. Methodist church Rev.'. Mr. Newell based -his eomplalnt on the aanred concert Which Was given' at the Audi torium last night to wjiioh an ad mlsSion fee was cuarged 'and the pro gram Of which Included such selec tion 'a Meyerbeee "prophet," Ha endel'a "Halleujati" and Gounod's "Benedlctus." ! Manager Bailey Vnnsulted City At torney J. FrasleT GletSn Saturday nlgljt In regard to living the concert and was 'Informed (hat here was no city ordmew pi-ohlblflns; a sscred concert on Sunday which necessitated that the prticht r resort to the state law to carry out tus intention, riev. Mr. Neweii opiied for warrant for ench member of the band, but the local policemen were unaote 10 learn their name or iSrthtlty and the re quest that the entire body of must-, clans be arrested was net urged. The fact that the "action which caused the Issuance of warrants wag taken will be learned with Interest, Mr. Dalley was summoned to appear In police court this morning and Creature posted a bond of $3 for hi appearance. An amusing feature of the Incident was the effort of one of the local po licemen to "get next to" the names of the musicians, nil of whom re sponded to his enquiries: "Me play at opera house." TWO llll.TMOKE ARRESTS Policeman Sharpe, of Wltmore, re ports two arrests yesterday: John Alby, coolred. drunk, and a woman wtioso name could not be learned, charged with drunkenness and dis orderly conduct EXPEM.ED FROM ORDER WASHINGTON, c t. 15. Dr. E. I., Schnrf. at on.- time a member of the faculty the Catholic University, It was announced . fflcially tonight, has been expelled from the Knights of Columbus on the charge that ho had contracted to deliver Catholic vof s to conuressm.in and politicians. Dr. Schitrf irt attfiekcd In eonrfress In the pant session by Representative Ren Johns -n i f Kentucky, a Catholic and a Knight of ("otumbus. Acting on Mr. Johnson's testimony the general officers of the Knight of Columbus took tlnal action. TURKISH BATHS The Gruncr Sanitarium 31 Haywood Street For Ladies and Gentlemen The highest point of woman's hao. plness is ronched only through moth erhood, in the clasping of her child within her arms, yet the mother-to-be is often fearful of nature's ordeal and shrinks front the suffering inci dent to its consummation. But for nature's ills and discomforts nature provides remedies, and in Mother's Friend is to be found a medicine of great value to every expectant mother. It is an oily emulsion for external application,' composed of ingredients which act with beneficial and sooth ing effect on those portions of ' the system Involved, It is intended to prepare the system for the crisis, and thus relieve, in great part, the suffer ing through which the mothernsually passes. The regular use of Mother's Friend will repay-any mother in the it brings about Mother's Friend after baby conies, is for sale at drag stores. Write for our free book for expectant moth ers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions of a helpful nature. I BRAnFTF'n vcrjflATCn m.. Atlamtm. Cs. ARRESTED ON CHARGE OF RECKLESS DRIVING AHeged That Young; Mao Wha In toxloated and toing at Breakneck Speed I L. S. Pugh Wtui arrested yester day afternoon charged with being drunk and disorderly and driving one of the horses of Brltt & Perry's sta ble recklessly. It Is alleged that the man was thoroughly Intoxicated and drove the animal through Sunset drive and on a number of the city streets In a very "Cruel manner. Ac cording to the report of some of those who saw the vehicle pass their homes, the driver was going at a breakneck speed and was urging the horse forward. The police department was notified of the alleged reckless driving of Pugh and two policemen drove after him. However, they did not catch him until he had: reached the stable although they followed within ten minute of him, It le said, and on sev eral occasions wore a very short dis tance behind him. The horse 'showed the effects of hard -driving, according to reports, al though there wereho wounds "on It to Indicate that It had been beaten. FOOTBALL PLAYER MAY DIE ATHENS. Oa xOct. It buffering from a;low on the head received In a football game between the scrubs and reserve yesterday, F. M. Molsse, of South Carolina, a student at tho University of Georgia Is 1n a local hospital 1n a serious condition. Molssa was rendeired unconscious by the blow and had not regained consciousness late today. Phylclans state they are unable to determine the extent of his Injury. WE APPRECIATE The patronage given us us by the city and surround ing territory since our big opening some time atro. Quite a number of new cus tomers have been secured because of the perfect clean liness, perfect ventilation and the general avpearanee of our laundry plant, and we are not only keeping them but also winning new , ,j , . - ,, i patrons through their satis taction and talk t() their neighbors. If you will send us yours we will guarantee to satisfy you. MOUNTAIN CITY LAUNDRY Phone 624 MISS CRUISE'S SHOP as Haywood St. Phone 10 Hair Goods of all styles made up to order. We make up combings also. Wrightsmaifs MILM.VERY 1ft Church Street CITIZEN WANT ADs"7 BRING RESULTS Cffind COfUSE,TS MISS HUFF, E.VI KRT CCnSETIERE ItOOMS IT and 28 American National Bank Building '!" -!,' .. .' i-l ",''i....,....... f ,.2.'j.m M A Wednesday Svenirig , fours from Seven? thirty to Pen This store will be formally opened on Wednes day evening. The Bon Marehe cordially invites you and your friends to be present at the opening of AsheviUe's greatest store. Everything is in readiness for this event. Our store .has been open fo the public for the past week, and we have been slowly arranging everything so as to be in perfect condition for this occasion. Our stocks are in fi partment shows complete Just Received Fresh Shipment of Scalshipt Oysters M. HYAMS FRESH MEATS Phone 4-34i. as M& W Indian Coal Is a ' Prize Winder Phone 130 Carolina Coal &Iee Company 50 Patton Ave. Druhmor BIdg. I ' I M. Webb Co. MILLINERY IMPORTERS Club BIdg. Hkywood St. BREAD, CAKES PIES Better than mother makes and that's going some. Phone 622 and yotu order will receive prompt and careful attention. Pur ity products. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY Asheville School oi Musical Art and languages Phone 34 1 Auditorium BIdg. ASHEVIIiLE SCHOOL OF MUSICAL ART A'D LANGUAGES Teachers Vocal Mr. E. M. Harker Mr. G. P. Westail Mrs. J. G. Stlkeleather Piano Miss Minnie Westail Miss Kate Laxton Mr. , F. Flaiington Harker Mr. John W. Stems . Organ and Theory Mr. F. Klaxtngton Harker Lianguages Mr. A. J. Lyman Phone 344 , Auditorium BIdg. Stoves, Ranges and Heaters The Celebrated "Garland and Laurel Makes. J. L. Smathers & Sons, Mammoth Furniture Store, 15-17 N. Main St. HOOD'S MTMJKERY S Haywood S- ne condition. Every de assortments! ' OR0CEBIES Cor. N. Main A Merrimon Ave. c Comparing the quality of .Pianos sold at a certain price, Falk's Music has always given quality than any House higher of his competitors. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE 26 South Main St. - MMPstPBWW'M SEWING MACHINES VARIOUS MAKES Sold, Exchanged, Rented and . - ., Repaired CAS3 OR EASY PAYMENTS ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE CO. 'Legal BIdg Pack Square. Phone 150S CELEBRATED CANDY OX ICE AT McKay's Pharmacy Oppo. Post Office. FOR SALE Three of the best resi dence properties on Mont ford avenue . A rare oppor-, tunity to- get an elegant home. Terms. CANADAY REALTY CO., Phone 9T4. 10 N. Pack Square. Water bost conveys Heat Hence the wonder'ui effi ciency and economy of Hie Hot Water System of bouse warming. Healthful, Cleanly Ctsveaient, Safe IDEAL Bollen and AMERICAN Radiators Union Plumbing Company. 23 N. Main Street. THE BERLIN A full line of ladies' and gtnts' and children's ready-to-wear clothaa. J EAST PACK SQUARE, AdJolaUng Fire Department Building.

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