v - . .. . :.i:n ,. 1 1 THE ASKEVTLLE- CITIZEN, WEUNESff AY, NOVEMBER 1, 1911 as.. Society and Personals 1 Mr Horace Hunt' H!lw barn ,, iuiot, given last evenly at Kenil- - worth I bit barn, In hnir of her sla ter. Mist Lillian Ad,m, ai one of th prettiest parties of 'h autumn. ' The, floor of th carrjaije room was in food oowlltlon nd the walls of the room wars covered with brilliant 'Twad autumn branchM. Jack o'l.nn terrig of pumpkin. Japanese lanterns - of various color ana any number of Other lantern Illuminated tho room. ' A mall harness room was turned Into anpper room, and effectively deco rated. The long table wus covered with pumpkin colored rrep paper, and all aorta of little Halloween souveslr "l added to lt festive aspect. A large pumpkin In the center held a number of candles. Cider In a keg took the place of the usual punch. The guests arrived In sheets and pillow cases which ware worn until quite lute In the tvsntng sucoaasfully concealing tho Identity at the wearers. At twelve O'OtOck tho entire company Journeyed Up to tbo old Kenllworth ruins, whlc' wra luridly plctureaqu In th reflec. tlon of a hug bonfire. Each guest was raked t relate a ghost story as thoy Fathered around the honflre. Various Halloween games wera played Ih the ' barn and at th ruins. Chestnut ronst Inc anfled the evening. A colored or chestra played unusually well and the .dance we fc yeir dollfhtful affair Mrs. Hunt's guest were: Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Swop, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Aflams, Mr. and Mrs. Rufo Fimpat rtk. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Claverle, Miss Lillian Adama, Mlso Francos Bang, Miss Margaret Fennl rnaa, Miss BmUy Campbell, Miss - Mattd Hamilton, Miss Helen Cofalu, Mis Thares and Mis Helen Chap man. Miss Janle Carr. Miss Ida Ham ilton. Mr. Robert fe. Blmmona. Mr. lockwood Parry, Mr. Klngslanfl Van Winkle, Mr, Roger Lamson, Jr.. Capt. CWrvland Norton, Capt. McDonald, Capt Glasgow, Capt Hayes, Mr. Paul Oearheart. Mr. Tt. D, Mcuonaio. Mr. Clem eattherthwalte. Ji J Tha Halloween party last avenlng At tha" Manor waa a vary onjoyable affair and attended by a larga number of ruaat. Thera wars attraetiv qaoo- ratien and aaveral Halloween aaaaS 'tO tne gaiety 01 in "". Oanaing lasted until a lata hour. At tha last meeting of tho B. Q. U. , E. V, Literary toclety of Bleevllle tha following officers wera elected for tha ensuing quarter: Miaa Bessla Clark, president: Mlaa Kthal Roberta, vlea prosldsntl.Mr. Hllllard Shop, secre tary Mr. D. C. Clarke, chaplain! Mr. T. I Panland, censor, and Mr. Bran den Jonea, critic. Tha literary society ha about forty marabers. Tha following account of Georgia Society Uken from a New Tork paper will be of Interest t aouthemers aa ' tha its aontajna tha namaa of oeveral wall knowa people of tha South. f outhamera in tha otty wara traatad torn pleasant evening on Monday whan the' Georgia Society In Naw Tork . opansd lt aeatoa with vaudeville, dance, reception, and supper In tho Plata. It was a tribute from tha mem ' bars to th vomea who have halped build up tha aoclaty. John Slaton, prestdsnt .of . tha Oeorgla leflslatur : was th principal guest. There war between 00 and SOD present, and th wera looked after, made ac- -flualnted with each other, arid ao on, by r, Wyatt Alkan, W. R. Kvana, J. H. Ores, and Oaorga B. Wllllanw. Those who received with tha pral dant, Jamea P. Allan, ware Mrs. M. A. Battle, Mrs Corbln. Mra. T. K. Elliott, Mrs. Julian Hartrtdga, Mra. W, R. O. Fagan, Mra, J. H, Graves, Mra. J, H, Or, Mra. W. I, Evans. Mrs. Wil liam 0, MoAdoo, Mra. Robert Adam ton, Mra. D. E. Malcolm, Mra. P. C. ; Matlnus, Mra. Royal C. Peabody, Mrs. 'Bedell Parker, Mr. James Parker, . Mra. B, K. Raymond, Mra. Lagar - Walkr, and Mra. 0. B, Wlllama. i . .'..l A J On of . th moat nJoyaba of tha numerous Hallowe'en parties was that J given by tha students at th Ashevltle T School for Olrla. It waa attended by .4 abaut forty of tha students, who an . gagtd la suitable pastimes for th oc oaston and tha refreshments wera In keeping In Una with tha commemora tion of Hallowe'en. The dances were , particularly enjoyable. w Jl Tha wadding of Mr. Victor E. Whit Jock and Mia Lucy Waahlngton Marx, 1 which occurred recently In New York, f will be of Interest to the numbers of frland of tha former In Aahevllle. Mr. Whitlock la the ton of Mra. A. Whlt lock, who with Mis Carrie Whlt'oek DRESSES For Every Occasion Afternoon and Evening Costumes Street Dresses We are showm g a most beautiful collection of erening gowns, white, soft evening shades and black. ' Some exquisite, combinations of .black with white or gold are included. What ' ever your idea for an evening gown we can hardly fail to please you. Afternoon and calling costumes from the best makers, selected with the greatest care and possessing. an individuality and charm not easily obtainable. Street and morning dresses simple styles in many cases plainly tailored but of such good lines and materials that they at once ap peal to the woman of discriminating taste. " M. V. MQORE & CO. flpedaiiate lu Women's Ready-to-Wee r Uanncnta Careful Attention Glvrn to Mall Or dor ,j " Ask for a Fall Catalogue "" I wtint to New Tork somo lime ago to ! attend the wedding. ThtNioMowIn ae ( rotint Is taken from the Nw York I Times of Sunday: "Miss Lucy Washington Marx was i one of the brides of the weak. Hhe was ' married to Victor E Whltlock on I Wednesday at :80 at th Bt. Regis. The bride la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Marx of 110 East Seventy ninth street. Her gown was of Duoheie satin and old point, with a court train. The matron of honor, Mrs. Kurt Meyer, wore embroidered whit satin. The maid of honor waa Misa Carrie Whltlock. Her costume was of rose nmbroldered pink chiffon. The best man was Bernard Whltlock. The ush ers were Kurt Meyer, Carl Roaenfeld, Charles Pretafeld, and Howard Cohen. There waa a dinner for eighty guests after the wedding." Mr. and Mrs. Whltlock are spending fhelr honeymoon In Bermuda. J J The bowling tournaments at tho Manor begin Friday evening with sn Impromptu tournament, at the Albe marle Club house. After Friday the roKulnr tournaments for the seaeon bestn and those who usualy bowl and wish to enter are Invited to the first totirnnment Friday evening. Jt M There will be no meeting of the Father Chapter N. 1 2 C. V. 8. thlt evs nlng on account of the new hall not being ready for occupancy. J J Mlaa Lorena Johnson gave a Hal loween party at her home on Coll",re alreat, Monday evening. Tha rsldnr was decors ted with autumn leaves and the light were shaded with rod. Miss Johnson's guest war Mis Mildred Tomlln. Miss Marlorle Foster. Mies .Margaret Tomlln. Mis Ruby Heist or, Miss Mabel Morris, Mia Alice Etlsr, Miss Florida Kench, Miss Dorothy Foster, Mis Mary Polndexter. Mini Mary Pegram, Miss Martha Davis, Mr Robert Francis, Mlaa Perry Tomlln, Mr. Lang Ashton, Mr. Earl Filer, Mr. Prank Davl, Mr. Frad Johnaton and Mr. Qladaton Swlcegood. On account of the fact that today Is "All Saint Day," tho altar aoclety Of St, Ijawrenr Catholic church will not hold It regular meeting this af ternoon. . It 'has been postponed un til "Wednesday, November !, when It will ba held at St. Oanerleve'a col lege. , PERSON At MTOfTlOX Mr. Reuben McBraysr and Mr. Dudley Chlplay laft yesterday for a three wk' stay at Ocala, Fla. Mr. John W. Oudger, of BaWs villo, la In th city for a visit to friend. Mr. and Mra, J, C. Saunders, Jr., and Miss Lain Gantry, of Hot Springs hava returned, after a ahort stay in th. city. Mis Martha Quinn, who haa been visiting Mra, Oaorga Rogers, ha re turned to her homa In Blmjlnnrham, Ala. Mr. A. P. Gilbert, of Durham, li In Ashevlle en a brief buatnesl trip. t Mr. and Mr. Duncan Fraso!-, of Frankfort, Ky who hav bean In Ashevltle for a ten days' tay, hav re turned to their horn. Mlaa Orac McFarlane, who has been th guest of Mis Emma Htllmau for several days, ha returned to Spar tanburg. Mr. Harry L. Allan leave within several days for a several weak' visit to his horn In Virginia. Mis Helen Martin haa teturned to Chattanooga, Tenn,, after a visit to friend In the city. Mrs. Mary Bhowalter and daughters, Misses Kathertn and Elisabeth, who hav been spending several weeks In Asheville, hav returned to their home in Chicago. ' Mis Sadie Roaoh, of Naahvlle, who has been vlaltlng relatives In th city, ha returned to her horn. - t Dr. Charles I.. Minor haa returned from New York. Dr. J. Mitchell Mann left yesterday on the Carolina Special for a week's vlalt In Columhla, fl. C. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. McDonald and $25.00 Pattered Suits for $15.00 This is a special lot just received. See window Knit Ifnderuear Specially Priced The cold day8 of November will call for warm underclothing. Many people are holding off until the last moment to pur chase their supplies. Are you one of them? If yol are, you are making a mistake. Buv now and be prepared. We are offering a special lot oi warm winter underwear, worth 25c, 3.V and 50c a garment, for 19c small son, who have bi,u hsI.,hk friends and relatives In tl.e city, hae returned to their home In Auuusta. Oa. - 'V Mr. Thomas 8. Rollins has returned from a business trip to Washington, V. L. Mr. Charles Worley la vltlnc his psrents In West Asheville, having re turned from Frultland Institute, where he haa been attending school. Mr. George Thompson Ford, of Philadelphia, who Is employed In the business office of the Itecord of that city, la spending hi vacation In the city and 1a a guest at the noeelawn. PAINFULLY INJURED RESULTOFMNAWAY Mra. Bflrlrman tnrlllard Thrown from Busty on Victoria Rood Yoetcrday Afternoon. Mr. Beekman Lorlllard was the victim of a rather erlou runiwy Which occurred on the Vlrtorl-v load yesterday afternoon, when the horse which ah was driving became fright -nd at a paaalng automobile and ran away, throwing her from the runa bout, a a result of which h receiv ed several bruises and suffered from th shook. She waa uot Injure Inter nally. Frank Forter, olored, the coachman, wag also thrown from tha buggy and received a verv painful brulae across his shoulder. The horse, which wa tha property of Mrs, Thomaa W. Raoul, had It leg broken and waa shot within. a short distance of the acene of th runaway. It wa a very valuable animal. Mra. Lorlllard was rushed to her home In an automobile and was given medical attention. The horse became frightened near the homa of Dick Weaver and ran for quite a distance before Mrs. Lorlllard, who was driving, waa thrown from tha runabout. The animal, it Is pre sumed, cauarht IU foot while kicking as a result of which Its leg was broken. PAINT GO. STARTS WHOLESALE STORE Th Asheville Paint ft Olass com- panr, which has bee conducting a j wholesale and retail bualness on South Main street, has opened a wholesale ! department on Depot street, near the passenger depot. ' Sometime ago the capital stock of I the company was Increased and In view of the amount of bualness done by tha company It wa declined to open another house. The attention of the down-town tora, it Is understood, will be directed mostly to wholesale bualness. Two car loads of paint haa Just ar rived to b placed In th new build ing, which haa Just been completed. The up-town place of business will he conducted along tha lines heretofore followed. DAILY GRIND OF THE POLICE COURT The following case was disposed of In police court yesterday: A. J. Jones, drunk, guilty; fined (3 and coat. MATTERS OF RECORD he following deeds were filed Ln the offlc of the reicleter of deeds: R. H. Bryant, administrator and commissioner, to Cells Unson, lot on Short aireet. O. M FVlmet to J. R. Cauble, land In Leicester township; consideration, 11.000. Jloberta M. Carter and husband, John H. Carter, to W. P. Dorough, lot on Montford avenue; consideration, IIS, 000. Marriag License. J. U Eller and Ada Fox. George Qalther and Bartha J. Hal lyburton. Sulfa Instituted. K. S. Retd vs. Kate M. Rold. Lonnle Drayton, by his next friend. Waxy Williams, vs. F. Stlkeleather and Oilllland Btlkelcnther. Eugene Way va. Minor Lytic and James Ls-tle. N. Buckner vs. F. Stlkeleather and Mrs. C. O. Asto- of Suits we've' XD MO display. Cut "Tonight's Sleep is To morrow's Energy" "Quality of Sleep Counts as much as Quantity." There is a differencf betwee n Chalk and Cheese. There is just as great a difference between Lint Cotton and 1 ..inters. Ked Cross Mattresses are made of Lint Cotton. Many other so-called "high-grade" mattresses are made of Linters. Ask the merchant and then tell him you would like "to be shown." If you want Oualitv of Sleep buv a Red Cross. The dividends in the way of comfort will be more satisfactory than from any investment you have ever made. BURTON & HOLT South Pack Square ONLY ONE CONVICTION IN THE POLICE COORT The aeaalon of police court was un usually ahort yesterday, there being only one case on docket for trial, the defendant having been arrested for drunkenness. The aentenoea against Frank Cravon, colored, who was con victed Monday of "bootlegging" In two cases and eontenoad to the chain gang for eight months In each cajfe, were changed to five months In each InNtance yesterday. On the top of tho tower of St. MlchaI's church, Exeter, England, 87 sackful of sticks hv been discov ered. The sticks had been carried there by Jackdaw for neat build ing. GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY SAVES TWO CHILD REN IN ONE FAMILY. About one yesr ago two of my chil dren auffered badly from weak kid neys and diabetes. They would have sever spells of d Hal n ess and were all run down ln health. I waa Just about discouraged. 1 triad several remed ies and finally a doctor, but they did not seem to Improve. I knew of a friend who was takin Swamp-Root for kidney trouble with good results and 1 decided to gat some for tha children. I had noticed that there waa some improvement after they had taken two largo bottle and continued to give It to thorn until they had tak en one-halt cloxem bottles and were well on th road to racovery. I think Dr. Kllmor's Swamp-Rpot has done mora for my children than any other medlclna 1 have tried and recom mendod It to anyono having children that suffer aa mine did. Very truly yours, R. W. LdSEITBY. Dothan, Ala. Personally appeared before me, this second day of July, 10, R. W. Llsen by. who subscribed to tha above state ment and made oath that the same. Is true In substance and fact. A. W. U8ENT3Y. Notary Public I Letter to I I Or. Kilmer Co., I Rlnrliamiuon, y, y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will do Tor Yon Send to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Bingham ton, X. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convlnca anyon. v You will also receive a booklet of valuable informa tion, telling all about tha kidneys and badder. When writing, be sure and mention tha AshavlUa Dally Cltlgen. Regular 60-eem and 1 alae bottle for aal at all drug; stores. rr.vi'Hifm Mm-iv- y,-w,i v v.et,j..j,,wwi'si,y4ia .'.a;j Cultyass arid Community Jiltfer Mafe We are making great headway in this department. Our values are so extraordi nary that they attract instant attention of all who see them. The large, round case in the very front of the store shows the various kinds in stock. Six teaspoons of Community Silver war are priced at $2 a set. glass bowls sell for $1.95. IACJL LAND SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained ln a dead of trust executed on the fifteenth day of March, A. D., 1911, by John Henderson and wife, Bonnie Henderson, to Charles O. Leo, trustee to secure the indebtedness therein described to tha Soott Lumber company, which said deed of trust Is recorded ln tha office of the register, of deeds of Buncombe county, In booJr .... page .... and default having been made in the payment of the principal and Interest of tha notes secured in said deed of trust, and upon applica tion and demand of tha holder of said notes, the undersigned trustee will, on Friday, the first day of De cember, 1911, at 12 o'clock m., offer for sals at the court house door ln the city of Asheville, county of Bun combe and state of North Ca.ro Una to the highest bidder, for cash, all that certain lot of land situate, lying and being on the east side of Merrlmon avenue, in the city of Asheville, coun ty and stato aforesaid, being lot 21 of tha Woodfln property old to J. B. Bostlc, to the plat of which land as recorded reference Is hereby made, and mora particularly bounded and described aa follows: Beginning at a stake on the south east margin of Merrlmon avenue, on i tha north margin of a lane and run with said margin of "said lane south 78 degree, 40 minutes east 141 2-10 fet to a stake at the intersection of said lane and alley; thence with th line of said alley north 7 degree, ID minutes east (4 1-2 feet to a atake. corner of lot No. 22; thane with tha south line of lot No. 22 north 7S de grees wast 1SS 6-10 fet to a atake on Merrlmon avenue: thence with the southeast margin of said avenue south It degree. 20 minute west 48 J-10 feet to the beginning; the plat above referred' to being recorded In book 71, page 495, of the office of the register of deeds, of Buncombe county, tho said land being conveyed to John H. Henderson and Nannie Henderson, by A. F. Hensley and wife, on the seventh day of November, 1910, which deed Is recorded ln book 174, page 4 4, ln the office of the register of deeds of Buncombe county to which said deed as recorded reference is hereby made. , This the thirtieth day of October, 1911. CHAS. O. LEE. Trustee. 1653-1-8-16-22 . f rkMl!IUMlndMik SftlnRYnrt'r.r,tc.TS FVFRVWHfRf - "If a woman took Infinite pains to reveal herjelf to a husband or a lover Just aa sh really Is. he would think (he was suffering from some incurable mental disease. A few of us Indicate our. true natures In hys terical outbreaks, but this Involuntary frankness I generally discounted by ome subtle deceit." "Th Danger oua Abe," by Kartn Michaelia CHICHESTER S PJLU ? HB PlftVflB MKAJIfX A Pa-N miim I Ami r - c4t tm A fctr&v IM1U iri24 MtTilWal KMftUkV T- bniM. fMsMajal Vttfc Bhaft tihfea Y partment. Take the elevator for the - ' third floor. Beautiful Collars and fichus The neckwear department ' shows a wide range of lace collars and the newest designs in rich us. Our assortments have been so popular that we feel that every woman in town knows of them. If, though, you do not, come in and we will gladly show you the largest, as well as the prettiest line ever brought to Asbe ville. Large collars and fichus are priced at 60c on up, in white and ecrue. Jabots and side frills sell for L Sealshipt Oysters Fresh Meats Mrs. Kidd's Pin-Money Piokles These, pickles are the finest in the world. I have them in bulk. , Wer , 36c per Qt. Gherkin . va .. ..i r .. ..35c per Qt Groceries , Vegetables M . HYA1VIS FRESH MEATS GROCERIES Phono 4t2S. Oor. N. Main A Merrlmon Are. TURKISH BATHS The Gruner Sanitarium 31 Haywood Street FOE SALE.' 8-room modern house, two blocks from square one half block from car line. For quick sale, $2,750. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO.. 48 Patton Avfc For Chapped Lips and Hands USE Our Perfect Cold Cream early and often. Softening to the skin, imparting a velvety softness. Delightfully perfumed. 25c Ju. C. C. Seawell Druggist 45 S. Main St. In Swannanoa Hotel SEWING MACHINES VARIOUS MAKES Sold, Exchanged, Rented and Repaired CASH OR EASY PATMKJfTS ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE 00. Leg! Bldg Pack Square. , . Phon 1S09 M. Webb Co. MILLINERY IMPORTERS'. Club Bldg. Haywood S. Wrightsman's MILLIXERY 10 Church Street MISS TTTTT1T! KXIERT CCnSETIKKE ROOMS IT and IS American National Bank Building Miss Cruise's Manicuring and Hair Dressing Parlors. We are receiving daily all the latest things in hair goods, and all kinds of hair ornaments. li n 25 Haywood St Jrunks and Suit Cases Familia -ize yourself with this de 25c on up. For Ladies and Gentlemen 4 3 Let us rrre w ac iitlmi that Electrto Wiring. Our work gty satisfaction. W. A. WABD, IS Cfaurca ft. , Ttcca44 3 THE BERLIN We sell Tailored Gart ments uncalled for and sarrn pies in ladies', gentlemen and children's Ready r to i Wear Clothes, at your-bTta: prices. ' 8 N. Pack Square ) FOB SALE. A stock of merchandised amounting to between fom and live thousand dollars, n good location, with valuable lease n the square. Canaday Realty Co. 10 N. Pack Sq. Phone 974 Emanuel School of Shorthand Oldest school of It kind ln tbe-8oatJbJ Office Room IT Dhnusof Bldg. (Over Hold's) Mlag Sadie Emanuel, Principal Positions Secured fo all Gradoateaf THE EMPTY COAL BIN Is a terrible thought t when bitter winters weather sets in. Get it.'j filled NOW. And be sure it is filled with M & W INDIAN COAL Phone 130 Carolina Coal & Ice j Company j M Patton Ave. Drnhmor Bade ASHEVTLLE SCHOOL OF Mr5IC.il ART AND LANGUAGES Teacher Vocal Mra. E. M. Harkar lira. O. p. WestsLl! Mr. J. O. Stlkeleather Piano Mis Minnie Westall , Miss Kate Laxton . Mr. F. Flaxington Hark ' Mr. John W. Starne Organ and Theory Mr. F. Flaxington Harkar Language Mr. A. J. Lyman Phone S4 Auditorium BMff. HOOD'S MnXUTERT1 ' Hayvreod T - ... i i . 3

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